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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1897, p. 7

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routo systom . TY bwork. bug 1% ai0n. al pointe i% United Siatet LXÂ¥ ‘nundrm,. C Ontarig, he Domin~ i# is bage4 at makey t how 4es. It atrikes hitâ€"m Nows nascted nstrong. of ur. of the ADYAXCL Pronpieto® m&n Pelir® Drak have (anada tm E.A N. rostra tior. help. "In att bottles y say this i# effectel John Dins & realdent #4 the al« en. Three & 19, Con NT Â¥U m in Fomala ath o amen ‘ottles CT. ulbw truth« vabl«e ty t& D 1CA al vgiaXA ?. Reid, Mana#est 00,00€ H agzent »% YÂ¥ ( LV SCV s n# d« a to 3 to val be co6# rromt M 10 s a woma tived m ns arine Catherine Coombs is entitled to the unique distinction of being a woman who has for fortyâ€"three years successâ€" fully masqueraded in male attire, and under the name of ‘"Charley| Wilson," worked with men in the masculine trade of a painter. Through, an acciâ€" dent her sex was discovered, and she is now in the West Ham Union, Lonâ€" Then it was that the problem of exâ€" istence _ presented _ itsolf. There were not the "openings for women" five and‘ forty years ago that there are toâ€"day, and, to put it in her own words, she saw that the choice lay beâ€" tween a man‘s clothes and labor and destitution. . She elected the former, and, but for an accident, would proâ€" bably have carried her secret to her deathbed. She succeeded in effecting an outward transformation in humble lodgings at a Birmingham _ coffee house. Her next step was to find work, and she started as a learner in the house painting trade at four shillâ€" ings a week. Her aptitude soon showâ€" ed itself, and after three weeks this modest remuneration was raised, unâ€" til in a few months she was able to earn a "living wage." In the earlier days of her career she worked a great deal in Yorkshire, and bore her part in the internal decorations of many of the finest mansions of the landed and titled people there. $ i 3 I interrupted her narrative to ask if she had never felt afraid in these times of some gesture or inadvertent speech that would betray her to her "mates," and her answer showed how well she turned the power of observaâ€" tion to account. k _â€""I knew I must never lapse into carelessness," she said, "and how) little it would take to give me away, from As she explained, she was born at Axbridge, in Somersetshire, of comfortâ€" ably circumstanced parents, who sent bher to the Cheltenham Ladies‘ College, which half a century ago, held, as it does toâ€"day, a leading place among girls‘ schools, and while there she was far better taught than were the majorâ€" Ity of girls at that time. It has teen stated that her husband was & curâ€" ite, but that is not the case. He was 1 schoolmaster and a cousin. of her own, considerably ber senior. Thinkâ€" ‘ng that her knowledge would be ol‘ issistance to him in teaching, he pressâ€" »d for a very early‘ marriage, which oroved a disastrously unbhappy one,‘ antil his efforts to live upon bher parâ€" *‘nts, and his personal violence to hor,! compelled her not only to leave him, but to take steps to prevent his ever finding her again. don, where she was recently interâ€" viewed by the London Telegraph, which prints her strange story:â€" Dressed in the simple uniform of the West Ham Union of blue linen, with white apron and cap upom her short lron gray hair, Mrs. Coombs entered briskly and alertly and would certainâ€" ly not have been set down as more than fifty years of age, though she is « very small episode. _ We had our luncheon while we were decorating a fine house, and the gardener, thinkâ€" ing to give us a treat, brought in a basket of choice apples He was in a hurry, however, and to: those at the further end of the hall he threw the over sixtyâ€"threa tall, and in her bave appeared t Her voice sound apples, and a young boy, sitting down, who, I suppose, had been in the babit of wearing an apron at his work, exâ€" tended his knees apart to make a lap in which to catch the fruit. There was on 20 10 3 h0200 stt t it d v zn â€" > rndiily ied Nt and said, ‘Yon lad‘s learnt how t‘ wenches play‘ I had played crickâ€" »t. so I knew how to catch mine, but I did not forget the lesson." " Charley Wilson" went twice to Paris on special jobs for " his" emâ€" ployers, and bhad â€" an exceedingly zooi offer on one occasion â€" to go to America. Perhaps the most remarkable fact of this woman‘s business capabilities was her employment for over thirteen yeatrs by the Peninsular and Oriental Comâ€" pany. It is with considerable â€" pride that she mentions that, with the excepâ€" tion of the last two or three ships built, there is not a vessei in that stately fleet which cannot show her handiâ€" work. She had a large share in the redecoration of the saloon of the Rome ifter the big alterations that were mnade in her hull for her improvement. fhe ornamentation of the music saloons of the Victoria, the Océana and the Arcadia, which are especially elaborate ind rich, was almost entirely carried out by her in enameliing. and this, it should be added, is rather 2 distinet branch of the painter‘s craft, for, as she says, "a ship‘s painter may paint a house, but a mere house painter can‘t paint a ship." _ During her engagement by the firm who did this work for the company, and subsequentâ€" ty when the Peninsular and Oriental Company did its own painting, she enâ€" joyed a particularly good cbharacter for her punctuality in arriving at her work in the morning. "Hut how did you bring yourself to talk as men talk when they are alone?" I asked. â€" "Well, you see," she answered, . "I never mixed with them. From the first L saw my safety would lie in maintainâ€" ine m rather proud, rathber ‘standâ€" VYCF Slixtyâ€"three.. She is by nomeans tall, and in her masculine, garb must bave appeared both short and slight. Her voice sounded unusually deep for a woman, but as she explained in subâ€" sequent conversation, she had cultiâ€" vated its NOWBAE winniuRsses sBR ia o 4 9 4 vated its lowest registers, till she had come to use them babitually; and she also expresses herself with a _ terseâ€" ness and vigor not quite characterisâ€" tically feminine. She was not disposâ€" ed at first to speak fully of her life, saying, modestly, that to some it might not seem a very edifying: one; but by degrees, and with the help, of a leadâ€" ing question or two, she unfolded her extraordinary history, and as she talkâ€" ed it became evident that she had enâ€" jJoyed considerable educational advanâ€" tages. To her possession, in fact, of these is due the unbappy beginning of ber life. ;l.l.'l old Y(;rk;l:;;g foreman close beside him, who at once laughed at (ha boy, l_niér a rather o it BB off‘ demeamnor. My work, I may say without vanity, was so good! that that was my claim to the master‘s notice. The men wondered a little who I could be that chose to keep so much to myâ€" self, and so they dubbed me ‘the genâ€" tleman painter.‘" As Mrs. Coombs talked, it was easy to see that she held strongly religious and devout opinions, though without any ostentation or tendency to ob trude them, and in thig way, too, she could save herself from; offence. "I have often," she continued, " had to speak my mind out straight when a man working under me has been jlazy or careless, but I can safely say I bave never used a blasphemous word or Working at Kingston in the sumâ€" mer, she ?ell from a scaffolding and fractured some ribs. She made a good recovery, and no suspicion even, then was raised as to her sex by the doctor who set them and attended her, any more than it had been when she fell down a ship‘s hatch and fractured her kneecap. _ On this occasion, however, the doctor had said one day, "What curiously small hands you have for a man, Wilson." Looking, too, at! them, well formed and even white, it is alâ€" most a wonder that these never did raise any inquiry. But bher savings were soon exhausted, and, for the last few weeks, work was unobtainable. For two days and two nights this braveâ€" bearted woman tramped the streets with no more than a halfpenny roll to eat, and at last she was fain to seek the shelter of the workhouse. She clung to the hope that somehow she might evade the compulsory stripping, but it was impossible, and feminine modâ€" esty revolted even to yielding up the secret she had kept so long. "But [( have hope that‘ I shall not bhave to stay here long," she piteously said. "My eyesight is not as good as it was, and I fear I shall not beable to undertake high class painting work again, but I could act as caretaker, I could keep a lodge and should hbe very thankful if I could hear of any position of trust. I am doing my best while I am here, and the matron is very kind to me, giving me only some stockings to darn and sheets to hem, instead of sending me to scrub or wash. ‘And I feel very uncomfortable in these clothes, though you would not find me wanting any halfâ€"andâ€"balf ‘bloomers‘ if I can‘t have my old coat and trousers." The Chinese show their courtesy by feeding their guests and visitors at any bhour of the day _ _ _ ite Silence and expedition are the chief characteristics of a Turkish dinner. Forks are unknown in Turkey; but a good Mussulman washes his fingers before hbe begins to eat. _ _ A WY R CR GILE Bridget O‘MHoolihanâ€"Besgorra, yer riv= erance, that‘s jist wot â€" stharted the trouble. Pat came home from his worâ€" ruk and axed wot was there for din=â€" ner. He was toired an‘ hungry â€" an‘ cross as two sthicks, so he was, an‘ I give him a soft answer. Well, what did you say? Cow!ld mush. A Japanese dinner of high pretenâ€" slons is eaten with chopsticks ,to the accompaniment of music and dancing. "Again, as you say you were sent often to the country on johs, how did you manage for lodgings?" I inâ€" quired. t ‘The Persians are great lovers of conâ€" fectionery. an expression that would be jarring on a woman‘s lips, And. as far as talk about me went, I never besitatâ€" ed to show that I disliked coarse :ind irreverent and vulgar conversaâ€" on"' "Now that I look back," she anâ€" swered, "it does seem remarkable that I never once found it inevitable to sleep in the same room with a man. I used to go to cottages, rathert than to pul» lic bhouses, for, though I hbave never been a teetotaler, the accommodation of the village inn is often very objecâ€" tionable. One time when I was on some work in South Kensington, I met a man I had known, and he said, ‘Charley, old chap, there‘s a first rate thing some of us are going down to. It‘s near West Grinsteadâ€"the whole of Sir William Burrell‘s mansion to be decorated, and there‘s a vacancy still." 1 hesitated a little, but it seemed a good thing, so I offered myâ€" self and went. We all got down there, and while they were sitting round their lunch I strolled out, saw a nice old fellow smoking over a gate, and Hva n on oo sn Ety t s e eey s d said, "Know where I could get a room? I‘m here for the painting of the lig house.‘ ‘Don‘t know as we couldn‘t do with you ourselves,‘ and he took me in and showed me a clean and comâ€" fortable room, which I immediately engaged, and, fearing lest any, of my companions would want to share it, I said I would have ‘my wife down also and my niece; and I had as healthy and comfortable a summer in the country as you could have wished." The French people, it is said, now pay more attention to eating and drinking, and less to dancing, than formerly. When there is such agood remedy as Nerviline for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia in five minutes; toothâ€" ache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few momâ€" ents; and all pain just as rapidly. Give it a trial. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseaced portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure d:1fness, and that lu-:{ consbituâ€" eJ iC C U2 _ _ PhastQnace To mam by an inâ€" Fr. Duganâ€"i am afraid Bridget, that you are as much at fault in this quarâ€" rel as Patrick. You must learn to exercise forbearance, and remember that a soft answer turneth away wrath. & , Jorevel , EBC 2RTF! Mc C tas 2a tafeamad ant Catarrh. which is nothinf but an inflamed conâ€" dition of the mucous surfaces, We willgive One Hnudrod Dollars for any TUT 203 32 L. L1 shhatk amn _ We willgive One Hnndrod Doliars TOF BUF case of Duhmmnd by catarrh) that can not be cured by a Catarrh Cure. Send fos NOTES FROM FAR LANDS. ‘ F.J. CHENEY & CO., I‘F DIDN‘T wORK Why Suffer ? are the bosk QUEEN VICTORIA‘S FAMILY NAME. You pain me deeply, Mr. Highmore,‘ K« she said. | t Then you refuse my love? l A For a moment she was silent. Then, i with great gentleness, she _ SPOK® year, F saticf again: | Madi Mr. Highmore, 1 can never marty a man who walks pigeonâ€"toed. As if struck by a heavy and unexâ€" pected blow im the face he sank back into a chair. But presently he recovered himself. Rising from the chair,; ne put on his overcoat and drew. on his gloves with great deliberation, took his hat and moved to the door. ‘Then, with hi:i; hand on‘ the knob, he turned and said: TRAGEDY OF THE HEART. Tears stood in the young woman‘s eyes. L could bear the pain of the rejecâ€" tion, Miss Glycerine McCurdy, for this is not the first time. There have been others. But this is the deepest humilâ€" iation that has ever befallen me. I shall remember this as the bitterest hour of my life. I hbave been turned down by a girl who pronounces it "progr‘m!" His head sank till his chin rested on his shirt bosom, and he opened the door and faded out of her sight forever. Is conducted by tight boots. _ Corn freaping is best conducted by Putâ€" nam‘s Painless Corn Extrastor, the only safe, sure, prompt and painless corn cure. Beware of imitations. It‘s a small thing, but when you think that most people drink it at each meal, and some people drink two or three cups each time, you can readily see it is most important that you drink pure tea. Very few know what hapâ€" pens from the time the tea leaf is picked until they buy it from their groâ€" cer, who as a rule, sells bulk tea. Few of them carry a suff:cient stock of teas to blend successfully, and large importers, knowing this, and seeing the advaniage of keeping the tea from: exâ€" posure, have introduced the package tea. _ One of the most successful of these is Ludella Ceylon Tea, which seems to be thoroughly appreciated wherever used. A few years ago one doliar a pound would not be as good a tea as 25¢. Ludella. _ To a great exâ€" tent this is accounted for by new methods of production; instead of roilâ€" ing the leaf by hand, this is now done by machinery. The question has frequently been nc asked, "What is Queen Victoria‘s surâ€" MoNnSsoon nm}e"’ A correspondent thus answers MoNSOoN the conundrum: "A friend the other monsoon day asked me if I knew Queen Vicâ€" a5 ' toria‘s family name. I thought a moâ€" The Mon I’o' ‘:-5::"‘: ment and answered, ‘Why, Guelph, of L ~~~~â€"â€"«ssx«n course,‘ ‘Oh, no,‘ answered my friend, A SU: ‘not at u.ll. While the members Of , [ want somethi Queen Victoria‘s family are Guelphs said young Mr. I by descent, her marriage with Prince ined the tailor‘s Albert would give her his surname, as â€" Did you bring i is usual in such cases. And what was the tailor. o the family name of the prince consort? | .Bring what wi I had to confess that I did not know.| The small check ‘Well,‘ said my friend, ‘you are eXCUâ€" | woaâ€"sâ€"smeszermemczm sable for not knowing, I suppose, since | only a short time ago the same quesâ€" Good MenWant tion was asked at a dinner party in | Sample $3.50. or stampc | ple 6. g, London, attended by a number of perâ€" | T. MOUNC sons of rank, some of whom were very | f near royalty, and not a soul of them S““n?“n'- it »hoer un could answer it except the propoundâ€" Relab 6goods atrgl er of the question. The name in quesâ€" & Go., Limited, Toron tion is Wettin, and the dominion Of | ~wâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"______._ Saxony came to this family in 1420. | Therefore, without hber crown _ and / kingdom, Queen Victoria would be simâ€" | ply Mrs. Wettin.‘" A Over Can Kootenay Cure Rheumatism? Infallible. 2,000 ) C] Sa Canadians It Corn Sowing W P C 899 af Rest watch on earth, $1.25; our celebrated C J 20th oznturg watch ; Amrican movement ; â€" 6 warraoted five years, Equal as timekecper <nanZNÂ¥ to any $25.00 watch; nickel case, stem (= wind, pendant set, finely finished dial P h suuk second hand ; received highest 'ol‘ / of: .] \ medal «wards at American and European 4 ! (§ Internationa! Eipos.tion ; patented the 1 [ \Â¥ world over; just a watch which sells anyâ€" [ P‘ wheref r $4 to $5; asents make big money | infl Dy ulllnf it; one agent sold 22 in a single t C duy; wiil send n;un}-le to any jaddress on ! p { VA receipt of price: 6 for $7, 12 for $12, 6 or { zyl more sent C. 0. D. if $1 is sent with order ; j â€" for $2 I will send watch and handscine 1 rolled plate chain warranted to wear five years, and all money will be returned if you are not satisfied with your bargain. Fred M. Mason, box 123, l Madison squarc, New York city. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINSS COMPANY W Eizlish sheep and Ameorican hog casings. Reli«b e goods at right prices, . Park, Blackwell & Co., Limited, Toronto. sausncn CASINGS.â€"New lmrommon-. fAnest Eixlish sheep and Amorican hog casings. The ample resources of this Com n.n; enable Its Directors to make advances on eal Es tate, without delay. at low rates of interest, and on the most favorable terms of repayment Loans frant.od on Improvet Farms and on Productive Town and City Pr_ arties. Mortâ€" ;:xudnd Municipal Deabsutures Pur. shased. Ag:;ioations will be received at the officss of the Company. J. HERBERT MASON, are a true boon to every lady who suffers in the performâ€" ance of nature‘s effort. They «t once ease the pain and restore natural and healthy action of the ovarian vesâ€" ze 8. For s-»un' and developipg womanhood they excel any remedy which san be used. They are compounded solely from the aotive principles of vegetable substo nees, and »re perfectly safe and relinble. Ask your druggist for them, and if he does not keep them in stock he can ure them for Inu. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or 6 for gs.oo. Wh'?lomle gents : The Torento Pharmasal Go., Limited, Teronte. 25. 30, 40, 50 and 60 cents per pound. The Monsoon Toa 0o., 7 Wellingtonâ€"st. W., Toronte. I want something in a small check, said young Mr. Twitters, as he examâ€" ined the tailor‘s cloths. Did you bring it with you, sir?t asked the tailor. Bring what with me? The small check. A Specific for Female Complaints The Dawson Commission Co., mited Cor. of West Market and Collarne 8t., â€" TCRONTO, Cood Men Wanted ir507‘ Subscribed Capital............ . . £5,000,000 Paidâ€"up Capital.,.... ....}0....> 2,660,009 ASUBTE .. . . . ... .. s .+ ++6+++>++: . ; 12,000,000 Hzanp Orricrâ€"TORONTO ST., TORONTO, Branch Oflicesâ€"W1nNirrG, Max., AND Â¥axcouye «. B. C. Samp!e §3.50, or rtamj ramoys VNVLANIV DUINDUV U N TAE Most widelx Attended in America, Tlustrated Catalogue (30th year), ADDRESS Apples, Poultry, Fg8S, 4« ROBINSON & JOHNSON, F.C.A., BELLEVILLE, . â€" â€" ONT. CAN KOOTENAY CURE® RHEUMATISM? ‘This is a question which has agitated the minds of thousands of Canadian citizens. ‘The answer is contained in the testimony which comes from all parts of the country, from all classes of people, and never before in the medical history of Canada has there been such a popular flood of testimony as that which has poured into the Ryckman Medicine Co,‘s offices at Hamilton during the last year. Rheumatic sufferers who have doctored for years with the best physicians, and underâ€" gone hospital treatment to no purpose, declare themselves cured by Kootenay. Limbs that have for months at a time been warped and twisted by the fetters of rheumatism are released by the action of Kootenay Cure. ‘The inew ingredient which enters into its composition reaches the old stubborn and chronic cases and leads the way to speedy recovery, causing discerning physicians who have watched its cures to admit that it is a "miracle worker.‘" Read the testimony in which the convincing ring of truth is sealed by sworn statements. It is the only true cure for rheumatism on earth. ton, County of Weniworth, do solemn! declare: ‘That last fall my little boy, -.gog fAive and & half years, was attacked with rheumatism and also mu in his back and kidneys. He was unable to stand and could not get out of bed without assistance. His suffering was terrible, and although he had medical treatment he got no better. The ml.n was so ssvere at times he would almost $.. His lpf“‘ left him and he grew wery weak. About this time we heard of wery weak,. About this time we heard of " Ryckman‘s Kooun:y Oure," and comâ€" menced giving it to him, with what results I am pleased to tell you. Bince taking the I, Mrs. Isaeeo Bumnumvax, residing at 65 Walnut Street ESouth, in the City of Hamilâ€" ton, County of Wentworth, do solemnly vOiJfiG MEXN, Learn to Cut No better trad: or profession, Write for particuiarâ€", 112 Yonge St., Toronto. DK. GOODE‘3 PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PS Toronto Cutiting School. MONSOON is Clean MONSOON fs Fragrant MONSOON is Delicious MONSOON is Economical MONSODN Indoâ€"Ceylon Tea Is THE BEST. NTARIO BUSINESS COLLECH ), or stamped envelope for particn ars. T. HOL'g'VUiELlO KYP‘!F W.. Torsate. A SUGGESTION. HAMILTON. Managing Director, Toronto Mills, Mills & Hales Barristers, e:c.,removed to Wesley Bldgs., fllch mond St. W., Toronto. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO townshp to sell our N. Eusicst sellery rmand. 9 dem Limited }. ’ Intclligent ladies and genclemen can be sup. plied with genteel and very PROFITARLE em;} A;i"ment. ‘mdusiry is the e «ertiil NEOâ€" ESSARY to sccure GOOD REMUNER Aâ€" TION. Can give ‘he address ~frenresentative who has just cleared $118 in 21 DAYS, $5 can be made right AT your own H@MK, J. L. NICHOLS & CO., . Amberng Are the pride and glory of lovely woman, Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harshâ€" ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beautiâ€" fal as in youth. wishing to make from Ten to Twonq-flve dolâ€" lars this month, write us quick, We have a brand new 25c. article that smart boys and flrll from fourteen upwards can rel! rapidly. It is instructive, interesting, edifying and Jt is instructive, interesting, edifying and fascinaing. Send 250. for complete out.‘z to J. L, NICHOLS & Go., Wesloy Building, Torente. Province of Ontario, } manu{actured by Messrs, Job Cook &nd Company, 05 **@® County of Middlesex, To Wit:) lington Street, {onlon. Cnu.%l. 7 J, H.tnry Amos Plastow, of the City of London, in the County of Middlesox, Water Works nepector : Lo oolemnl(v‘ declare that I have used the " Amberine Hair Producer," manufactured by Mesers. Job Cook and Company, of No. 58 Wallington Street, in PQ City of Lendon. Cu»‘q wince the 15th day of April, 1897, It has stopped the iwhin{ of the scalp, o\o’r‘ the hai from falling out, removed the dandruff, and has brought out a thick crop of halr where mJ head was entirely bald before 1 commenced using their ration . Awad T make this anlamn declaration conscientiously mfinl it to be trus and knowirg «ws wanr YQ( quice." t SWORN EVIDENCE: MINION OF CANADA,. IN THE MATTER of the "Amberine Hair Producer,‘ DoProvlneo of Ontario. k manu{actured by uguu.._’ob COook and Company, 38 'fid THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO., Limitea, first bottle of medicine he has not had a pain, never compleins, and is as heaithy a boy as one could wish for. He has gained flesh and plays hard all day, and in my opinion is completely cured. Young as he is the boy himself appreciates the medicine, and I heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from rheumatism or kidney trouble. I, Martix Warsox, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, do solemnly de clare that I live at 112 Cathcart Street, in the City of Ottawa. That I am thirty years of age and a tinsmith by trade. 1 was severely afflicted with rheumatism, and so bad was my case that I was confined to my bed for twomonths. In June, 1895, I began taking " Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure.""‘ 1 used two bottles and am now entirely cured and free from rheumatism. Ihave since been exposed to wet weather which has hed no bad effect on me. I consider Kootenay a great cure for rheurmatism. I have also This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with ‘!mw !! 4* X.I‘ track and battery. *RldaM..... We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. $1 oo COMPLETE. Boys . Girls gained 27 pounds in weight. It is a grand tonic and m wonderful blood purifier. I "LUDELLA" Bworn to before Notary ‘P. F. LÂ¥vartm, 25th day of August, 1896. 1I, C. B. Haw1mrox, of the City of London, County of Middlesex, do solemnly declare that lyreside at 131 Sydenham Btrect in said city and that I nad rheumatism for over seven years. I was so bad that at times I was unable to satisfactorily use my limbs. I was employed by I. D. Saunby, Black Friars Mill, as head miller, and it was while working for him that I was so severely afflicted. Iam now a well man and was cured by " Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure," which I recommend to all rheumatic sufferers In connection with this I may add that my wife gratcfully endorses my recommendrtion of Koounag Cure, as she also has good cause to sg«k ighly of it ae m toric and blood purifier. attribute my | Kootenay Cure. o e i e s o U S e d And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously bol\evln‘ it to be trus and that it is of the sime force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of T Evidence Act. 1894." Deciared before me at the City London. in the Coun*y of Middlesex, this l1th dov of Ociober, A.1). 1897, all which I certify under my notarial seal H. A. K. T. E:sERY, a Nota y Publis in and for the Province of Ontariv. Bwern to before Notary Daxizt O‘Conxon 19th day of February, 1896. Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 C. B. Hamnrox. Sworn to before Notary C. G. Jarvrs, eC O 2lll........ . CEYLON TEA Until you try it Then you will thank us. . Load packages. #5, 40, 10 & 000. Loading grocors 15th day of August, 1896. OTTAWA. PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, wE INTEND TO TALK.. GROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. LONDON. $3 Richmond West, Toronta, 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. IsaBen Svuuiva®, Martix Warsox. HAIR PRODUCER. I, Grones: Biaxrn, of the City of Toronto, County of York, do soleranly declare that I am a fur dyor, and reside at 14 Stayner Btreet in the said City. That I was aflicted with inflammatory rhenmatism in the knees for over a year and was barely able to walk the short distance from my home to my work and then only with great pain. After taking two bottles of "Ryckman‘s Kootenay Ourse" I am an all round healthy man, have a good appetite and sleep well. Ifrequently walk six to ten miles at a time and feel no fatigne whatever from this exertion. Am free from all pain and attribute my present wholesome and sound condition ofy body to * Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure." Sworn to before Notary J. W. Arymour Coruey. 10th day of July, A.D. 1896. matism, Bright‘s Discase, Kidney and sold for $1.50 per making it cheaper than a month‘s uzl’:lmdnt medicines. If not obtainable from your dealer, sent charges prepaid, by addressing S. S. Ryckm ;n Medicine Co . Timited. Hawtiton, I, Cmarixs Brmrtars, of the Town of Ingersoll}, County of Oxford, do solemnly declare that I aem fortyâ€"five years of age, and T live in said town, and was formerly employed by the Ingersoll Pork Packing Company ; that I suffered severely with rheumatism for six years. I tried several kinds of patent me!ioinn and was under the care of a physician for some time withâ€" out relief. I was so bad that I was unable to hold up my arms; in fact I could not raise myâ€"hand to my head. I have taken two boitles of " Ryckman‘s Kooternay Oure" and am now entirely free from rheumatism, and I atiribute my recovery solely to the use of " Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure," and I recommcm{ the remedy to all sufferers from rheumatism. Bworn to before Notary J. F. Moxor, 21st day of August, A.D. 1896. REFERENCBR:â€"IMPERIAL BANK If you are sick and 5SUNNS BAKING PoWDER THECOOKS BES TFRIEND LARGEST SSLE i8 Camapa This little Motor is compi with battery and chemicals, is . bey‘s dolight. The following ladies ha ve kind: ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used Amâ€" berine, they know its worth, and they recommend it high» Miss Jenniec Tibbs, Nelson St., London. Mrs. J. Manson, Young St., Ha ilton. Miss E. Patterson, _ _ Miss I, V, Ryckman, Hughson St. S$., Hamiltorm. Miss Eva Dickensen, Young St., Hamilton, â€" _ Hess St. N., Hamilton Mrs. Alfred Jordan, _ INGERSOLL. TORONTO. COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. dm:;dzykhm- Cnuartes Barrram, Grorcerx Biaxr®. # s

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