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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1897, p. 8

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We will now close by wishing the Editor and the numerous readers of the Revriew, a Happy New Year, (for we hope they enjoyed a Merry Xmas) and we may add to our young friends‘ Gaelic version, a few lines more, In that ancient langnage.â€"Bliandnn. mbaitg ur don Fhearp heasaidheadh (agus do luchd Cubhaiah a phaiper Mhasaich sin tis a cannar a REyIEW) agus moran duibh agus mar sin bidheadh 0; slan leat an tras, Gaelic Trunslutiouâ€"Happy New Year to the Editor and to the many readers of l.he RA'VIE“' SE a Wrrere Wiek B 4 * same in D ioh tost MB imatinn $ Gaiscsnacd s We expect a grand time at on fainment in connection with th byterian Sabbath School here o nesday 20th, Look out for a ] programmg as a budget next the usual course will be followed Messrs, Henry and W Hoggarth are enjoying themselves as their father‘s, Mr. Horgarth, of this place, se es P Teachers home Tfer holidays in our village and locality :â€"Misses James, of Wellington Co,. ; D. McDonald, Allan Park ; W. Nichol, Boothville ; Miss Mcâ€" Leod, Artemesia : John A, McLeod, D. Road, Artemesia: Robt, Scott, Faip Bs Soocw . Y by bairn, Eg‘t trom the well known firm of Kinnon, of Durkam, also NC MceCanmel bas a new one fron firm. Mr. Norman Melntyre pleasure of driving a new e from tho well Emmumy 6. Tho«, Fisber, of the 'l’ownship of King. is spending a few holidays with his aged father, Jas, Fisher and other friends in Glenelg and Proton this week, Te Wt icccc c vaesaie Mr, and Mrs, Fr Nellie and Maggie M Sunnidale, were yis on the South Line, ar this w eek, Dr. Boyile is attend Tommy Campbell, of ; who is affected with Under the good Dr‘s trea to hear of his getting we Ks No preaching in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. The Rev. Mr. MeLellian was expected but did not put in an apperrance. It is time to select one now and it would put a s:top to al «lisappointmenrts in the future, Mr. James Atkinson of the Medical College Toronto, is spending his holiâ€" days at his mother‘s, Mrs3, Butters, of this place., Jimmy is always a pleasant hoy and gentl, REHEEEY it Bile mumriay bapppiga ts 1 11 _ "° rre â€"Anil many ~enjoy themselves on swift runners, etc, Now is the season for socials, We have quite a number already and more to follow. The Christmas Tree in the Methodist Church on Christmas eve was quite a success and our Methodist brethren are to be congratulated en their success in thei= undertaking* It could not fail to be otherwise with Rey, Pastor Humphries at the helim fall of vigor and .sociability together with youthful pleasantness, Good sleighing and ever| accordance makes lively ti, us and everybod y seems to tending to their yarious voe merry making snow cheers the pleasure seeker Zand : themselves on swift runners Rogmini isnnd AAbaiaintnitsint s 205 mss > * we find many a home left dreary on this Christmas worn by the removal of some dear one who brightened the old home, Twelve months ago, a large number of vur aged friends have passed away from amongst us but traces of their footprints are left behind them which may not be eas‘ly forgotten, them a y join the beyond, Mn dipraiststas ied Baisicinincttih i.: . S band it was a source of sadness to many a home for it brought some remâ€" iniscences of some loved one whom they had had the pleasure of baving with TIhrcevee as‘ aslcd .. P yicn hm @cy,. _ ; . _ nUICEHC many â€"enjoyed themselves in being privileged to have friends with them that they did not see since last Christmas, and on the other hamiÂ¥ s .. > Christmas is gone and themmselves in beéing n» future (that yeat ago but has since gone to °e great majority in regions Eyen in our own little village many a home left dreary on ‘istmas worn by the removal of ar one who brightened the old lionâ€"Happy New Year l to the many readers :md_a long list of the Francis McelLeod and e MceLeod McLeod, of yisiting their friends , and are off to Bruce vImiyre enJjoys the a new culter, bought PRICEVILLE. is of years.) ‘g and everthing else in kes liyely times amongst dy seems to be busy atâ€" _ yarious vocations. The snow cheers the heart of inson of the Medical is spending his holiâ€" er‘s, Mrs, Butters, of y is always a pleasant nly in his manner, attending to Master , of Balsam Valley” with lung trouble. s treatiment, we hope followed by wishing the readers of the Year. (for we y Xmas) and II again, at our enterâ€" h the Prosâ€" ere on Wedâ€" t a lengthy of Chrs. Mcâ€" Mr. Malcolm om the same wee our Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson Sundayed with his brother Noble. Mrs. Dugald McCannel made her husâ€" band a present of a son on Xmas day but we are sorry the baby died in a beaner 5o. . "hey have the sympathy bor Duncan Galbraith lately :i’th somebody else. * John McQuecn is batching it while his wife is on & visit to her mother near CBp se escasccss RPasâ€" ols tute cxtedats i 2. . â€" Alex. was the driver while George visit. other friends. Mr. Angus McCznnel is giving up Mrs. McKechnies farm, he intends going to the Klondike in a month or so. â€"Success George Marshall and his sister Jean visited at their brother James‘. Miss Marshal! called on Clarks in the evening U Keure Samens Hhers dn uio c ol 0o laoan s Mr. and Mrs. C. McQueen partook of a fat goose at Mr. D. McFarlane‘s, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCannel enjoyed a good time at Mr=John McDonald‘s on the 18 con. who showed their skilful training in the way they acquitted themselves, The recitations, songs, dialogues and lessons were a literary treat to the visitors and with Rev. Mr. Little as Chairman and anumber of other speakers the time passed very pleasantly and profitably. To our esteemed teacher Mr. R. B. Led: ingham and scholars we wish another bright and prosperous New Year. | James Gardner yisited his _ The Stewart homestead of this place c was enliyened by the presence of a happy and joyous crowd of visitors who look advantage of good sleighing to spend their holidays here. They were : Mr. and Miss McKinnon, Queen Hill, Mr. and Miss McNeal from Paisley, and Mr. and Miss Grier, Port Elgin ; they leave this week for their respective homes, delighted with the good cheer of this place,. Come again. On Monday the 2(th inst their was . held in Stewarts Schoel the annual exâ€" amination. _ The school was packed with interested visitors and scholars Mr. Fred Sewell lost horse one day last® we tion. Messts John, Dan, and Miss Donald spert Xmas very 5 visiting the Alexander family Park. 195 a iew days with Murdoch friends Christmas in past and there is plenty ‘of and in returning hoimme will be accowâ€" | snow and frost. panied by Mrs. White who has been Messrs Wm. and Lewis Frook are hame spending a few weeks with her mother. again. Lewis has purchased a fine driver. On Dec, the 21st the wife of Mr. Jas. | Mr. Jolhn A. Ferguson from Ventry Allan of a daughter. spenta few days yvisiting frian4s in and ~â€"â€"â€"o 4 eA w k uit around Maple Park. We are always glad WELBECK. to see Jolin, $ N Miss S. Ferguson was visiting ut Swinâ€" A happy and prosperous New Year to ton Park last week. She also took in the (Le very many readers of the REV"_EW' tea meeting and Xmas Tree held in the Mr. Wn. Cross of Bay City, Michigan MetLodist Church at Swamp College, visited his brother '.of this Placo, last Some of the boys andâ€"2irls spent a plea:â€" week after a separation of thirty years. e o o t o a en e wl Mr. R. White, Artemesia, is spendâ€" ing a few days with Murdoch friends and in returning home will be accomâ€" panied by Mrs. White who has been spending a few weeks with her mother. We are pleased to welcome Mr. Thos. Sirr of Dakota into our midst again after an absence of eight years. |, CPras MISS LOGHRIN.â€"It is with feelings of regret that we the pupils of School Section No. 2 Egremont, are compelled through force of cireumâ€" stances to sever our pleasant association as scholars and teacher and we can assnre you dear teacher we will long remember your kindness and patience to us as scholars since you have been . our teacher. We sincerely hope that wherever your lot is cast you will 1eâ€" member the scholars who attended school while you were here. We are satisfied that a largs majority of the ratepayers and scholars in our section are very sorry to lose your services as ’tea(-her. Dear teacher accept theose small prsents as a token of our esteem and respect. In bidding you goodâ€"bye we can assure you that we will always haye a place in our affections for you, as || a kind teacher and friend. Signed on behalf of the pupils of the school. M. ] Allan, B. Allan, The free entertainment in connection ’ with S.S. No. 2 came off in the evyening of the Zith inst and was in every reâ€" spect a success. As the eyening was rather a pleasant one the schoolâ€"house was crowded. The program was yaried consisting of addresses, recitations, readings, singing and instrumental music, all of which being of a very superior quality was pronounced exâ€" cellent. At the close of the entertainâ€" ment the teacher was presented with a toilet case, a photograph albno» and an ‘ ink stand along witn the following adâ€" Drar Miss Locurm BOOTHVILLE. L and lively lots of was out enjoying , and Miss Clara Mcâ€" is very pleasantly C a very valuable ek with inflamaâ€" old neighâ€" Oof Allan l Mr, W. Milner who bhas been sick for a long time passed away on Wed. last and was interred in St, Andrews cemetery on Friday. The funeral was under the ags. pices of the Foresters and was yery mâ€" pressive ‘ A. MceDougall has fengaged Wum. Lester for the â€"winter montts. Mr, McDougall is one of our cattle men and »_~_nt 1. Mr. R. Kinnell and Mies E. Nelson of Eg‘t. were united in marriage on Wed. the 22 nd, ‘The contracting parties have our Mr. and Mrs. McDougall took in public examination in school No. 14 were pleased with the order rnd proj exbibited by the pupil«. Mr. Dan McKechnie is spending Xma ia Collingwood with lis friends there. Mr, Sandy MceDonald had & woodl bed one day last week,. The boys are keeping very quiet lately 1t is thebest of their play too. Mr.Joo Campbelt intends to move into Mr. Don. MeCormick‘s house before looeg, Our new correspondent of Maple Park as they call it, now wonders if they wili hear the wedding belis ringing, but I tsar they will wait some time. Mr. James McDonald has been hewing for Mz. Malcolm McMillan for the last two weeks. James has served his timo at timbering for he has been at it for years. Mss Katie Ferguson is at Dundalk just now. We hopo Kate will soon be back, Mr. Loo Frook 1s home again. Loo has purchased a new horse. There are some of the goud foliks around here, wondering if the boys will come back any more. They needent wonder for they ‘ won‘t. That is my opinion. Mr. David Mclutyre is at home for Xmas and New Year, Daye 1a a jolly felâ€" low. Mr. Winm. and Miss M. A. Frook, ac panied by Mr, an1 Mrs<, Jos. Phiii Balsam Valley, are spending Clristm Walkerton. What we would like to know :â€" If that danco is coming off next week Who they were that felt so gay on J night driving through here, Mr. and I\Irs.]us\. Patton gaye the boys ’and girles a taffy pirty on Tuesday night last. â€"Two‘sleigh loads from Swinton Paurk were the:e and they repor‘ having a good time. e We hear Mr. Jos, Campbel‘, of Balsam Valleg, is coming to live in our midst, Welcome J oe, Mr. Thos. Fisher from Nobleton, was visitiog bis sister Mrs Dan Mc+Donald a few days last week. Miss Sarah E. Fergn«on is gone to Mra, L. P. Lawrence‘s in Flesberton, where she will stay for some time. Sarah will be greatly missed around here by young and old. Co0 0 aun mE e M mt t Some of the boys andâ€"girls spent a plea: aut time at Mr, Moore‘s one night las weoeek* On the 23rd inst , the wife of McRonald of a son. Mr. Thos. Derby jr., who has been in | S i z N. Dakota during the last summer. visited l arsapa”"a 3 bis friends on the South line last week. 1s the best â€" in fact the One True Blood Purifier, The Smith Bros., have just completed mtc <â€"* * sre the best iiiterâ€"iinieg their season‘s threshing, after a steady run Hood‘s PillS pius, aid aigestion ae of over four months, Mr, Hinman JOhiâ€" | «â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"â€"â€"mermmmmnenmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmee Johnston also laid past his machine about ® I'ZZ en the same time, having run constantly since & * C the Oth of August. The newest pisce of news we have this %Iw Jf“n'?”‘? @mWB ancer ’; week is the arrival of a cuaumber of boys in has g**x our yicinity which have come to stay, 1 0 0 Good pro ertioes On the 6th inst., the wife of Mi. Robt. ael & (Gror e. Lindsay of a son. vchich are the following : On the 15th just,, the wile of Mr. Geo,. Among wAicit are ef. gwing ; Noble jr., of a son. i1sr & 2NDkDIlV(.nL0t 19 Culn. 1] W. G, eRd On ti j ; Beptinck, acres, lately own Mc!:ona);d ib;:;l l::t’ the wife of Mr. Jas, by Henry Hall and formerly known c ns 9 9B r sricne. as the: * Parker" farm. dTlus is a #good farm and will be sold on very MAPLE PARK. reasonable terins. | 3 o THE Scanuaxr FarRM, lot 30, con. 5, Christmas in nast and thasa (to 242 _u 0. ) | 4AHE PCAN Mr. Armastrong has leased his'farm for a term of years to bis brother Ehjah. 1 Mr. Arch. McCuaig, Glenelg, was the I guest of Arch. Clark on Tuesday last. Mr. John Meyer, of Weston. spent Xmas with his sister, Mrs. W. J. Derby. Mrs. R. Montgomery from across the lines spent Xmas at home with her parents, Mr. and Mr<. Jos. Corbett. [JMrs. Wuw. Hopps, of Fleming, Man., is paying her many friends in this vicinity a fAying visit. week visiting his many friends 'on the south line recently. Herman Haw, lost a valuable colt last week, it was gored to death by a cow, another argument in favor of dehornâ€" ing. sarah E. Fergn«on is gone to Mra, iwreace‘s in Fleshe; ton, where she for some time. Sarah will be missed around bere by young and Mr. Alf. Corbett, of Oxkville, BROWNSVILLE. BALSAM VALLEY ** <ine~__._ CV was yeryâ€"~mâ€" Don‘t forget that hot water is the | most efficacious in case of inflammation gaged Woi. Lester or tiredness. Bathing for about ten Mr, McDougall is minutes wi{,tl:owat.er m; hot as youlca;: and uires bear your elbow in is almost sure relief, saun‘ tJ”‘Aboi-’io acid solution that can be obol ’ lta.ined at any drug store is also excelâ€" ent. / VICKERS. No. 14 ‘and rnd progress 6e woabeste â€"@‘ pie" â€" Frook, accomâ€" Jug. Plhilips of g Christmas in 4 °~* 2°°09+| _ Our pow neighbors Mr, and Mr ‘ston entertained a num+er of thei o move into | the other eyening. before lorg, | > We ars sorry to learn of the d {aple Park'of Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale and f they will : to the vicinity of Crawford, â€" The . but I tsar ‘ the good wishes of this commi \ their present home. * siolp o sle â€" ~Avdgcs Acatans it edomattats: Miolach t ids Wt 220000 ./ is plenty of| _ Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Wili sell of rent. k are bome | RBexormor: The Teasdale Farm Lot 30, flne driver. | ~Con. 2, W.G.R. Bentinck 100 acres, in Ventey | _ I have just bought this from Mr. 4s in and| Teasdale and will sell at a great Iways glad bargain. 3 Hormaxp TowxsnIP, Lewis Eydf farm r‘At Sai 100 acres in good German settiement FAl OM || â€"â€"will sell or exchange. _A good uok in the place. ld in the | THr Rommover ProrERTY, Durham. llege, What I cant sell I will rent. ".f’l“t"’f'“*' 1 have $1,000,000 to lena at 5 M8"S 44‘ |_perecent. ~ Choose your time to pay it back,. â€" Basiness private, charges modâ€" B the Imys erate. lay night f t nton Park H‘ ,?:,H- ,E?fi ' L,LER’ Xmas the Xma:s bee ent Xmas | f K J arm for n/ H o o s h. What we may expect. A fow 1 along this line. A number of on to begin taking dancing lessons. _ cillor in this part of the Township eiection by acclamation. Mr.James McDonald is busy hauling wood to town. James is a hastler, he had nc less than three teams bhauliug the other day. i 25â€" : â€"0> _ W AOOW â€"bhe ceause ‘of ‘big" many trips sonth ward. I Mr. Duncan McQuarrie has bntclurod' a fine beef. As Duncan has an Euglishâ€" men engaged be believes in feeding his{ men well. 7 loâ€"the pininil " P° 7 Cit"ale anit: fanrily to the vicinity of Crawford, They have the good wishes of this corcmunity in their present home. Mr. Haiury Saunders has gone visiting his many friends in Mt. Forest. We would like to koow the cause of his many trips south ward. | â€"_Mr, Galbraith, our popnlar teael spending his holidays at his hon Chatâ€"worth. His pleasant countenaj missed among the fair sex, but they sole themselves with the expectatic seeing him in a week or so. P A few of our jeople took in the Xmas tree at Mualock and pronounced it a sueâ€" cess although the weather hadl beea very unfavorable. Dear Mr. Editor, as we haye not written you for a long time and as Christmas is over land the old year nearly ended, we thonglt we would let you knuow how we are lMving, They â€"are absolutely healthful, Guaranted Rhenumatism, Bciatica, Lumbago, ‘and all forms and Liver troubles, BEwaRE or SPpuRrious IM 1 Try cur Rhsumatis Sp:cifc or Kidney and Liver Pills. TORONTO THE PHRENOLINTE REMERDIES Only by H. PARKER, Durham Take the lead every where, We are working day and night to supply the demand, Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to healch and happiness daily, internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so promptâ€" ly and efficiently relieves dyspepticsymp~ toms and cures nervous headaches, that 18 seems to have almost "a magic touch." They have no appetite; food EmM W»@p ts does not relish. They need thetoning upof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Can‘t in Still « Hand 1 MULL CORNERS. The Hanover Conveyancer ighbors Mr, and Mrs. Johnâ€" sns lt elmatiatatis: Aialach t ids Wt 222006 : 1 <â€"100 acres. _ Will sell or days at his home in pleasant countenance is Guaranteed to cure im, Sciatica, Neuralgia, and all forms of Kidney o i. shvaee ora A few weddings r of our youth: sons. A Counâ€" wuship, or an thid season. of their friends but they conâ€" expectation of the departure ImitaT:ions. it of p â€" Eat food pure and 1@P qs T 2A In stock and y?g can very | cost price in order to cleai ‘Forniture of the Best Make \_Picture FraMinc A speciaury Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Underhklnfimflusinm esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. PURKITURE AND Us>s2RTAiKHIG MISS SHEWELL Money to loan at five percent promptly attended to, Marriace T ; A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS Of all kinds, White, BHlack and Grey, at prices that will surprise you, Come e;uly and get your choice. Are arriving daily and you the best and cheapest ever shown in Durham. ROBES CUTTERS OUFRMR FALL AND wiNTER Goops C/. ig\\ \ /# â€" CALDER, s ‘ : : § @ Men‘s Ulsters, 2â€"39, 1â€"40, 3â€"42. a h !:‘â€"’ § O Men‘s Overcoats in Melton & Worsted, _ Eh » C ©83 ... in following sizes 3â€"36, 4.37, 1.38, 2â€"39. S f ;i We have also a few Pea jackets at low prices. A * ':"‘, 4 We have bargains in suits. A few * C Ladies‘ Jackets still lett at a big reâ€" | Es duction. Jâ€"" Remember we don‘t E4 \C ig price so that Â¥ ‘ put on a big price so that we can 4 13 throw off. f k: & 2 e e @4 Our Bargains are Genuine B s â€"â€" oE {': 2 ,‘; We hate a few Goat Robes, good value, + 'f to oxchange for wood. R c 1 crant BE â€"Â¥ULL LINE orâ€" Merey Christmas New Coods constantly arriving Quality & Price are right Happy New YTear Are arriving in Jlarge stocks at sisting ofa carload of the i Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves CG. M°ARTHUR .__ in followi We have also can get these at clean out stock. T2 lc C q0nF mec Marriage Licenses issued, Wishes all his customers a we promise assortment . on good security, Inumaena 22. s ~"*~ *@ARO0ICe in Valises, Gflfi. Horse » Blankets, &e., &c. We do the trade in Raw Fups, Highest Price Paig. C. LEAVEeng, 3;,. AND A Heayy & Light Harness .| PLOWS Harness ! CALL & SEE our We Handle All kinds of Plows, 4 Etc. from $10 upwards, see.them and get a bar; balance of the season, SEE our ROLLE TURNIP Puirpeso® Rooms fully stocked makes and styles. Wil} se prices and give you a goo to pick from, SEWING MACHIN ES and ORGANS 20y 0o CS CE ie eomonets s GOnp he best kind of Cooking Btoves Stoves, Coal Btoves, Ete, LOWE ro TOWN TO SUIT vyou fie everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. ‘alder‘s Warerooms L a d wR Collarg Bites, 1 &c., &o ?_ROLLER BEA RING PULPER Insurance a bargain for ‘ked of the best N sell at reduced good assortment » Pads, Gfl"z Pluwg. _ Come and $ Jro buines the ki¢ e

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