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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1898, p. 1

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€ "Ip«arhr:ari, / peoseteo dae*eâ€"â€"â€" § Wishing all Our Customers a g /fe""% Amas AND PRUSPEROUS oi n § UPPER TOWN DURKAM mmansoss"“omom“' y 1 t © Our Piano and Organ trade is firmly established. Best makis. Purest tones. s ettâ€"â€"â€"t42â€"â€"â€"S%8% VO... XX.â€"NO I. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, an%that our UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Y. BEAN t MRX + LE Alods _ exchange for goods. ADOPTED BY â€" J. McKechnie. We nds NEW YEAR The Burhim McKINNON‘S Sewing Machine? ~Try the â€" Highest prite paid for will surprise. of all }(il]dS. Cutters and Sle quality and : down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, McKINNON. â€" nd Sleighs of the best and at prices away BOX STOVES Wibiie s Wood )] &A in at e, had no itA mere ce this is yet to come. _ A protest has been lodged with Clerk Russell by exâ€" Reeye Wimn. Gorsline. and the future is looked to with some concern. _ No more at present. EerEmoxt presented the battle ground in which most interest was taken however, and the result shows that Reeve Dickson‘s hold on the townâ€" shi-p is of a tangible kind, a majority of 175 not being picked up every day. The charges against him have evi dently been looked upon as more his misfortune than his fault and after this victory, the man who faces "Pete" for the rest of the century must haye some courage. Duncan Hunter has again secured & seat at the Council Board and bcth he and ‘his opponent Mr. Philp, took a good even vote. Mr. ‘Hunter is a growing man and makes a good counâ€" cilman. Mr. McFadden made a bold attempt for the 2nd deputyship, but though well supported at home and fairly well ail over, he has to take 2nd place. Mr. Melnnis has set a pace this year that will lead him to still higher honors, and the township will profit by his presence. TORCXTO. Shaw is Mayor by over 4000 ot a majority. Mayorâ€"Wm. Calder. Reeveâ€"Geo. Sparling. North Wardâ€"L Elvidge, H Parker, A. S. Hunter. 1 Reeveâ€"P. Dickson. 1st Dep.â€"D. Hunter. 2nd Dep.â€"C Melunis. Councillorsâ€"T Queen Tavish _ West Wardâ€"R. Bull, Geo, McKechâ€" nie, D. Kinnee. c Reeveâ€"Jas. Staples. > Deputy Reeveâ€"Thos. McFadden. Councillorsâ€"Jno. Williams, J. A McMillan, J. Firth. Reeveâ€"Sheffield. Councillorsâ€"Roome, Hassard, Hend nrson, W. F. Rundle. MT. FOREST. Mayorâ€"J. A. Halstead. Reeveâ€"A. Martin. Dep. keeveâ€"J. P. Noonan. East Wardâ€"Jas. Brown, Geo. Moore Wm, Whitmore. And Tom Ferguson ! Why eyery body knew it of course but to take such a good vote cn a first attempt is a credit to him. We have perfect conâ€" fidence he will make a good ccuncilior and as Mr. McQueen is highty spoken of, the affairs of the township are in eafe hands for 1898. â€" Here is the vote: Dickson Swanston Hunter 52 Philp 39 Mcinnis 20 McFadden 96 Ferguson 108 85 100 76 16 16 401 Mc&um-u 2 23 61 67 77 96 350 Robbh 35 23 28 28 54 25 192 Rusnell 8 1 31 20 44 45 146 Snell «/ _% 23 48. 5 2 81 Normaxsy has again selected ber old reeve R. Morice, by a good majorâ€" ity. We congratulate our friend on the confidence the township places in him, and we are sure it is not misâ€" placed, for Bob is a worker and getting wel. gosted in Municipal affairs. The yote by wards is as follows : Ferguson 108 M c&uwu 2+ Robbh 35 Rusnell 8 Snell 4 Koeniz 98 132 Morice 55 61 Fotbes 66 88 Heiple 71 98 Reilly 2nd deputy, Black 58 47 Brusoo 17 76 ienss c 2L as Drier _ 121 93 Kreller 24 105 Reeveâ€"R. Morice. 1st Dep.â€"Forbes. 2nd Dep.â€"Reilly Councillorsâ€"Drier and Black. BENTINCK. Reeve â€"S. Dickson. ist Dep.â€"Jno. Brownr. , Leslic. â€" $rd Dep.â€"Devi Counciliorâ€"Adlam. ARTEMESIA Reeveâ€"Dr. Christoc. Councillorsâ€"Kells, MceMillan, Mc Directory for 1898 THE LOCAL CONTESTS. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS DURHAM. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1898. 95 NORMANBY EGREMONT GLENELC DUI.DALK DURHAM 62 33 32 53 54 42 66 62 90 Fergusor, D. Mc : n bold attempt p, but though : and fairly well ke 2nd place. pace this year to still higher ip will profit by 00 58 10 Cut it out bold attc but the d fairly 105 81 30 61 48 2nd Det Chaup 67 6 10 10 16 50 Tot»1 331 403 407 202 300 415 350 tal ;[ Why is it those came young people do not try to start a Literary Society or Som«« thing to entrrtain and also~cultivate the wind. â€" Surely it is not for want ef talent. We understand Miss Fhoobe Moody inâ€" tends l aving for Hamilton, there to finien hereducation. May ber future Isbor and study be rewarded by snccess as her past has been. * Quite a lively meeting was held at the school on Wedpesday last, _Surely no one went away offended. â€" ar, John Campbell was put in trastee. on New Ar. T H. Farr is home now. Edgehill people had a plearant reunion on Wednesnay evening of last week Miss Hattie McFat of Owen Sound spent her Christmas bolidays im Darham and xr. J. W. Firth who has been attending the 0. S. Collegiate Institute spent bis Christmas holidays at the old homestead, yr, Jas. Banks came over from Proton to eat his Christmas goose with his pare: ts he remained over until after the election. wr, W. D. Staples has been a fumniliar figure on the Avenue daring the last week or two. â€" He has been teaching in the N. W. T, for the last year. wrs, Was. Dayis of wanitoba is »pending the winter with her parents and other friends in the neighborhood of EAgebill, GrexEraâ€"The trasted and _ tried Reeve Staples and Deputy McFadden got their places by acclamation, and the old Council it was expected wou‘d be elected. â€" How near it came to this will be seen by the following figures, where one man is changed by one vote. Mr. Firth has got the seat, and will do honor to the position, yet general reâ€" gret is felt at the dropping of Mr. Lamb, aâ€"manof experience and the only representative of â€"his part of the township. But such things must be. The vote by wards is as follows : 152 ~% 4* 5 Total Firth 80 38 15 23 27 183 Lamb 63 21550 24 24« 182 McMillan â€" 59 66 34 28 57 244 Sullivan 30. 37 35b Io 47 164 §ME e or a% 98 41 53 261 [The importance of Boothyilie has sugâ€" gosted to "Hope" that another correspornâ€" dent here might be in pla~e, and the folâ€" lowing items are sent as a tentatiye effort. Glad to give them admission Hope, abd Firth Lamb McMillan Sullivan Williams l;o;)(: an occasional budget from you may alternate with our regular correspondent‘s efforts.â€"Ed, Review.] yrs. Win. Marshall Proton:Station visitâ€" ed friends here last week. waster Willierod Artbur Wilson went up tu Singhampton for Xmas. f All the Boothyille young pec ple were at xr. R. Kennel‘s party and say they had a first class time, waster Willierad Artbur Wilson went up tu Singhampton for Xmas. f The New Year bas come and ‘brouglt wilh it a little boy to the bouse ef _ar. N. Wilson, xr. Runciman moved into his new house a few days ago which we hope he and his wife avud family may live to enjoy. wies Aliee Wilson took a well earned holiday for a week with friendsin Glenelg Afr. Editor we wish you and the many readers of your yaluable paper a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Miss Annie F. Skene and Mr, R. Wait have left to reume their labors, the former to her school near Woodbridge, the lutter to Comber Keat Co. \r. aud Mrs T. O. Flinn left for their speut Quirk NMr. Lome Miss Lizzio A. Smith last week after a year an Torouto, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Years day with Mrs, 5 MeCailum of Aberdeen Quite a namber of our young people dauced the old year ont and the new year in at the residence of Mr. Quirk. Mr. T. Doggan was electca by acclameâ€" 1200 42 sha afise of Trastee for the Separ Mr. T. Duggan was elect tion to the office of Trastee ate School. C week aiter spedaiiy & in Manitobs, Mr. John Black of is visiting bis Tucle A present. & hohaedl e â€"sdn ENCOA Mr. P. McAlian C. P R. Engineer Port Arthur, is spevnding his holidays with his e Assembly h near Statford af witq Mrs, Flinu‘s BOOTHVILLE EDGE HILL 86 DORNOCH 43 in the Grange Hall as well attended and ) has been attending Institute spent bis the old homestead. Oak River Munitoba Mr. A, G, Smith at 38 41 form candidate |6*7 > family in our burgh, !‘ Mr, F. Skone of Sydenham spent Ne | Year‘s duy with his father. _ What we wonld like to know ?â€" Wt ‘i tho fellow was that posted the lettor witl | out the addross ? If Jim wall tike h | two girls to the next tes meeting 2 â€" Wis â€" D. and W. will do for a girl now that t | schsol marm is gone ? If Harry will qi ' the boys a party when the new _store | finished. eJ >AG : ;6: i# i Tou ate Energetic and Slring If you are nbovefoolish projudico az& ust oiol on ing for w good bouk, wnx «nd yet my proposition The information will noibing. he U o+ noundreds of men in the . ®ay of A00 EO 1 I h:\lu put bundreds of men in : making money: swoue oT twom are no I cen do lots of things for you, hoperable and will work hard. T. 8. LINSCOTT. Attention is called to cur wes vertisements We strive to Bargains, â€" Ne & interesting x When you kave bought any article which does not suit you haye the privilege of returning it ard having your money refunded Every customer has i certain smount of _ __ _ > _ Considerable time and morey in trying to convey to the general public, the many advantages to be gained by dealing at one Store, Where you can sell your BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, TALLOW, DRIED APPLES, WOOL, WOOPD, etc., at the Highest Cash Priz ’[‘\/ On one or more of us spectfully request each at to use their influence in © _ales the cheaper the goo UPPE R TOWN DURHA fiak Kolona Ceyloa ishing you all a Happy and Prospe INFLUENC _ YÂ¥GLFMR @‘QQQ"QQ‘Q@‘Q~5QQ‘Q‘ APVIGW. ) to furnish YOU fmesh â€"New Goods â€" New Frices, ing reading matter. We deâ€" meeting 2 Wihat rirl now that the If Harry will give YOFE Eâ€"ULNT EFR. in the local paners b ut WHOLE NO 1034. A mén;ou;oz Wustrated weekly. ca culstion of any sctentific tournal year; Tour monyas, #% 2000 on ~ o4. MUNN £ Co.:5#=~== New York dodohil 122 Anyone sending a sketch «nd doser may quickly «seertain our opinion free wm wn invention is probmbly patontable, Confi uomunequnflcemm. Handbook on went free. Oldest ncency for securing patents, Patents taken through Namn & Co. recetve pucctal notice, without cbange, in the \ handsomely TMRRCANUTOTODUCY â€" marma #3 1 ulstion of any nununwmd. Terma. $3 a car; four months, $1. by-n-mfi Scienfific American. Audbadelylâ€"bre Mpmaizetâ€"/ ington, D. C ‘Branch Offce, €% F St., Washington, D. C, 25 cts. sad 28 cotg 111€ mas <} * q uht $ o 0A 2A)

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