West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1898, p. 4

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â€"The New Year brought into exisâ€" tence (Greater New York, and the new city welcomed itselt with great enâ€" thusiasm. NOTE & GOMMENT German and Russian maneouvers On China‘@ borders. haye as usual caused a great British fleet to spring from the s#a right on the spot, Curious how it happened to be there! ! â€"Dr. Grant is receiving hot shot on his prohibition attitade and in refusing to debate the mmatter publicly in Torâ€" opto, ‘has agreed to do so in Kingston. Rev. Mr. Lucas is the challenger, â€"The â€" bumiliation . of China by Japan, has made European nations bold to step in and get slices of her territory, â€" If the carving up of China tikes. as long proportionately . as uen e ues ons ds cante TOT ~A sikes . @8 . (OU8O PCXE Tarkey has done, she eâ€"ntury yet. Great Interest â€" Tuesday _ afternoon 18 Hall was filled with a erowd of South *Grey F to take advantage of hade by an intelligent for advancement in their ant culing. . The speaker Mr. C. Zavitz 0 man well rea fluent talker, Dlance to Mr. V usterance. | He which printers thas he bas N( when he send: which must No evening Concert is more populat® with Durbam pleasut‘e seekers than that of the Farmers‘ Institaté. . As on previous occasionsâ€" the Town Fall was filled, plattorm and all to he crowding point, and. Chairman Mayor Calder, seldom faced a more Buthasiastic and expectant audience. PARSMERS® INSTITUTE, RRETETUUA A. Amorvmsmant L___lgggenA~A~ i n llnw e( ie mrewo on THE EVENING CONCERT. L ovmce tmoometiienomnintwnter vesnalitcecliteennieneitin I .â€"Large Crowds.â€"Fine Addrasses. ditved c n last the Town h a fine looking y Farmers, met ot the provision sent goyernment heir most import is Sm inmanpytpratadnctrenco0teiegrer on vrvus Mr. Zavitz of the 0. A.C., P pleasure it gave him to meet ligent people of S. Grey, as some of tlie friends he had t College. His topic was "Ag Experiment Stations and 1 were doing for the farmer course he gave an iLrISEruc:i‘ Mr. Zavitz of the 0. A.C., spoke of the pleasure it gave him to meet the intelâ€" ligent people of S. Grey, as well as some of the friends he had met in the College. His topic was «Agriccitural Experiment Stations and what they were doing for the farmer," and of course he gave an instructive outline of the work and methods of the O.A.C. Guelph. This mixed with a dash of humor made him au attractive speaker, Mr. Thompson, St. Cstherines, spoke on Citp v. Country Lite, and his conâ€" clusions pointed to the superiority of the lstter. m j Mr. (Hlibert McKechnic cailed on un expectedly, made an _ impromptU speech, showing the advantages of such meetings to the farmer, and especially ‘the value of membership in the Society und acquaintance with Agricaltural Literature. He showed how the in: telligence of French farmers were enâ€" L M onel arngst o prtrn en it n in 47 NWTDMRHiobeciad e abling them to rival the butter products. MRitcOorudiae Dr. Jamieson made a relerence to his farmiag experience during the dry years, and thought when he quit farmâ€" ing land to cultivate votes the drouth followea him. The doctor‘s speech was a very. happy one, and he was well received. But the musical features of the evenâ€" ing were the chief events, and the singers and‘ musicians seemed to be duly appreciated as almost all got exncores. f The Junes-â€"SuLhcrI;mdâ€"-Gulbmitb â€"Carson Orchestra gave some pleasing selections, and experts s1y they were at their best, E8 ‘ PCE ie ity of her fine vorce N will have to be repea .. Mr. Jas, A. Hanter apt to bring him tC ments soon, and he h to better advantage | "Bonnie Banks of Lo Old favorites We Ramage and Jas. ) showing that. martie \ed his musical pos | songs, the ever touch |;Dean" being plea: | Mr. Ramage sang. t] equally at home in A She was accompanied of the Maple" in hi effective way, kee ment in his encore ever." Xfr. Galbraith : Mr. Galbraith as a con vated the audience, arnd t applause . he received . sh marked appreciation. Mr. Wim. Isanc, Dromore first venture before a larg and gives promise with acheving some fame aSs singer. â€" His selections wei good taste. Altogether a most profit was spent, and the excelle ‘former years has beon ma God Sa ye ing. Tte Cierk has been served. with a notice pointing out that the nomination is illezal, and that this town has nt present neither Mayor nor Council ! The complainant is Mr. Wm. Gorslinc, at one time reeve of this town, and no doubt he will be able to show that it is for the best interests of the town that the matter be reâ€"considered. _ He complained that the Clerk acted illegally, that Mr. R. McFariane bullâ€" dozed the large audience, and that he nenbenbeie, nec uon t S ym The complainant is A at one time reeve of | doubt he will be able for the best interests the matter be reâ€"cons (OHJOONE OBU TA EMnE ES 10 19. oo en onl onl earal whole council ! .. Mr. McFarlane_ as is weh known is ioi of the Sull dozing kind, and his action, taken at the instance of many ratepavers there, met with the hearty approval of the audience. If their is one hour in the year that every fatepayer is King and under no eouncil, or restraint, it is the nominaâ€" tion bour, and if the blanket motion was so terrible a thing why did not l some of the many present speak out The truth is that the town was highâ€" l ly gratified at the prospect of an acclaâ€" um meurs T «idlaw.. no. doubt The truth is that the town was MRA ly gratified at the prospect of an acclaâ€" mation. â€" Mr. Laidlaw, no doubt wanted another test of the Mayoralty fight but we feel certain that Mr. Laid: law and every other good citizen of this town will protest against the stirrâ€" inz up of further trouble over a matter yhat is scttied in the best interests of thE town. The council, eycty man of them, should show this and shun a course which will cast a cloud. over the rays of hope which this town is rightly in dulging in for the fature. They can do this by fal ing into their places barâ€" mouiously, resting assured that they never, were more the choice of the town than they are now. â€" We say this because we hear some think it not safe to take their seat. â€" 7 To 194 If Mr. Gorsline‘s action as to the helâ€" mets and other matters had been as harmless as Clerk Russeil‘s slight iuâ€" formality, the town would have been deeply gratified. We hope we bave heard the last of it. y . At the reguler meeting of A.0.U,W. Lodge 140 the following officers were elected fer the year 1898 ; C. C. James NMaster Workman, M. Retley Foreman, N; membership in the Society itance with Agricaltural He showed how the in French farmers were enâ€" +o rival the Danes in their THE TOWN ELECTION UA,JAIIIAA\-‘- nE , that Mr. R. McFarlane bullâ€" e large audience, and that. he to one man nominating the ‘x most profitabie evening nd the. excellent record of ; has beon waintained. the Queen closed the mect _@â€"@ ence, and the generous received showed theil PRICEVILLE. herlandâ€"Galbraith gave some pleasing »rts say they were a comiq 1 more, â€" made his large audience, ing of A.O0.U.W. practice ol a pleasing e made with ue ca;t! wenerous iwame" 0 Cumngs McKinnon â€" Overscer, John A. McLeoa,‘ Recorder, Dr. Boyle, Financier, Josepb I Assum, Receiver. John McKinuon, Guide, | James Vanse, Outside Watchman, A.l Butters, Ioside Watchman, Jobn McDonâ€" ald, Represontative to Grand Lodge, M. Reily, Aiternate, A Butters, Trustee. The old year bas gone and the new one 128 Aamaâ€" and we. ow have to date our The old year has come and letters 1898, ‘The Presbyterian Sanday Sehool anniâ€" | yersary, Wednesday evening of last week | was a brilliant succest nowilhatandiug\ the stormy day, the church was well filled. | After doing justice to the good things pro= vided by the ladies which was servel in\ the basement the crowd went up strire. | Ths superintendent Mr. Donald Currie| occupied the chair and a leegthy and well " prepared program Was giyen, The officers of the S. School were very fortunate in gecuring the services of Miss Tuchardson of Fleâ€"herton, who is a yery popular elocutionist and was much appreciated by the entire wudience, she gave over half ha dozen recitations and as ruany of the | scholars bad never heard an clocutionist We bave had good election this year which ciated besides the knee clection day. ‘The Presbyterian Sa corsare. Wedpesday evi yersary, ‘.CCDCS was a brilliant the stormy day, After doing just chest, alway$ ways efficient, isfactiry; PCO or fever, cure sick headscho delighted music ed to L marks in bric mujle a short address on Be A ribbon drill by 14 girls re applause. The fcllowing gay Donald Gillis, Mamie McLem Arthur, Nathlic Grierx, Anc Jeoure MeArthur, Maud 1 Pamaraon..| Myertle . McArthu Mr. Hamphries CERArOT ENAE FOAARATND mm rlone geipts of the evening amounted Mr. Walter Nichol visited Mr son of Aberdeen last week. Xr. Lachlan McLean of Niag Dakota, is epending the wint parents Mr. and Mrs, Allon Mel Misses Lottie S:ubverficld of 7 triouds here. other thought tramp that w door but was & yC take bira to in markdale commence Robect Shortreid bas renuted Thos. Lawrence‘s farm, known as the Scott farm on the Durham road. yr. N. weKinuon now jrons the noon mail from Flesherton Station and xr. N. Trimble of Flesherton carries the mail to mna from Darham. re 1t 18 mer. O avousd ag MY. goupio spend yr. Th r\“z‘-t Jpnnie around again. ‘ wr. Geo. H?m'-y left for Hepworth a coupte of week‘s ago where be intends to spend the winter with his brotherâ€"ioâ€"law, Mr. Thos. Reid. yr, Thos, Daily is working for xr. Japes Muinâ€" : . T Seet t xtr. Andr spent New ) Glenelgâ€" MORKTELAY ECEA U i Cungd Rco ult ol Nevo mc raus came home last Tharsday to spend lllc‘ winter with their â€" pavents, xr. and mrs. ‘Thos. Daily, wrs. Russel Wilder, of Orchardville, is epending & few woeeks with frieeds around here at present. yr. Alex. Pollock of the South Line, gave the boys a wooâ€"bee und party last Thursday, Phose from this part. who atâ€" tended the party report baviog a splendid time, Mics Aenes Huonter and miss Mary Scotth ; of Dromore, visited friends in Normanbv last Thussday and Friday. wrs. Peter Brown, Holstein, arr, fnd art* Jus. yather. Bentinck, ard the Hunter fumily upent a Yyery enjoyable Xmas at | yr. D. Hamilton‘s: + Mi ye. Joun Al‘an relurned Lome from lt last week where he spent the sum or. We are pleased> to have Jobhn ud a numl Wm. Chisholm : of Adamsvie, was in Priceville, ~of the inmates of our stores t the other evening that it was a that was making the racket at the it on opening it they found‘ that it young lady calling for ber fellow to im to the Xmas trea. m wclunis purcebased a fine horse dale last week. ho is preparing to nee farming. needless to say 19; The choir furais! a number of prizes rembers who took ach class for the whrios addressed t Cnle innmatins tolemgseresnatiimnit, {r. RicharAson David and Peter Daily, of Algoma tand that there row and miss Agnes Iunter Yeur with the Lindeay family, MeAllister MERRITT. Mrs. Thos sleighing for the was much appreâ€" deep mud of last ery fortanate in Miss Ruchardson n yery popular uch appreciated ie gave over half as ruany of the at t ied excelien were award the highes tanding |. 4 1 filled. | «Y gS pro= | * f rvel in “ P StAIYE. 4 f Curtie‘l % , nd well | : officers ! ,f ; anate in i # hardson l ‘5{2 popular |lelg reciated | * ver lln.‘.f! i o y of the | ¢ »cl)fifll!ifi{‘ a sey were i ; excelient : TE en tne n feeratala o 0 es C % 5 o hocttatiher :QQWMOQQO ¢003808 MWQO: * What is known and Sold as § + [R EMCY t i Mesers. Jamés avd Wrank Coleridge| visited the old howestend, as did also Miss | Solina doring Xmas holhduys, the two latâ€"| tor returned to their respective schools on{ Monday, ~lig] The amiable and sociuble Miss E. Bell of Bells Luke is visiting the Issac and other families on this line. \rs A. Leslic of Mt. Forest spout New | Year at Mr. And. Leslie‘s here. The Misses Maggie and Georgie Kennedy | of Torovta are visiting in the neighborkood | with (Bamboro Hail) the hospitable resiâ€" dence of Mr. E4. Henderson as beadquart~ The holiday season came in the New Y« fatare. ers. Miss Ray Adams also of Toronto is \ enjoying a well earved visit to the home| of her youth, and sheds a "ray" of pleasâ€" | ure among relatives and numsrous friends. ; Mirs E iza Wilson left one day of this , week to attend the 0. S. Coll. Institute, _ | ) Mr. John Hastie who is epending his | holidays here before returning to College '} lectured to the C. Endeayorers last Sunâ€"; day evening, his subject being "Chambers ot Imagery." He rpoke with a readiness: and fluency that wou from bis hearers re. marks of an appreciative nature; = Mr, Joun Sucll returned last week witl {bis bride, formorly Mi«s Scott from neat Sarmia. Though not initiuted in the art, My. Sueli Jeserver pinise for the exceliaut Readyâ€"Made Clothing P es n L ant trarether Dy DROMORE. Also Fou» Dozen for $1.25, $1.50, $i.75, n is over anB« y furtof hope tor the "A LDERK 5> Ramsay & Mo: Hats that were $5 00 4 50 wemoomomomom s Guarantee Card is of every garment. dressed so that he looks a Gentâ€" s that feeling of comfort and air marks the well dressed man. â€" A««â€"sstee Card is in the pocket with it have cut the half. machinery, put together by machinery, and with the aid of starving female labor. Such a garment stamp$ the wearer on sight as dressed in slops. He not only looks n 1095 â€" n en o cpias ciges one +o it but as a consequence feels it. Men are learning that they cannot afford to be illâ€" dressed. .Slops have had their day.. Shorey‘s BEOCK, ‘ A So‘%e in connection with the inducâ€"! New | tion at 4mos Church is proposed to be, held cuithe night of the 11th of January. RJY\ Large it:ees are appomnted who will: bood‘ wake ita success, ‘ resiâ€" 1 The Mause is being put in readiness n3 | for ipaiion by a new cout of paper 0d paint, the artist is Mr. Jas. Renwick jr. to is| A slfghload of about two dozen with a rome | tande@ attached took a drive on Friday leas~ ! last tojvisit their onetime neighbor, Mr. Q“d“‘ \Wm. Eastie on the south line Proton. this ‘ â€" Mr. ind Mrs. Hugb Baird and family o n Sailors. latest styles, CC 5. take your choice now for Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Clothing carpenter work put upon the house lately bretted byhim. We nope they may lLaye in it alife fall of enjoyment and bappines©, We notise the younz m»n from Proton | finds his way to the 1€ th of this township | again. Tt does not require spring to tu‘n ! a young imst‘s mind to thoughts of love in these part, but darcsay, who can blame ‘ him? Mesirs W, J. and Abe Jones lately rcâ€" turnod from th# neighborhood of Listowe] looking bale and hearty. Mr. Teaye Aly. m Ar. bat uC this mat m not here Cash a on, spent Xmas at Ler purents,| ~"***}""~~ aopy~ M 20 Mrs. Jas, Isancs, * Eggs, per doz ... . \‘m. Seatter one of our own boys, ; Chickone, per parir ‘ of North Dakota, came homo! Potatoes, . per big asto see old frisnd« and school:! Dacks w And also we may bear of him hev.‘ ;l;“'ih‘f."& por Ib .. may on his homeward trip asit is C:lf:;i?:' cw" ] for a ma» to be aloue. Sheepskins ... .. ze meeting was held in t.0 ball: g“."- per ton «> cnehi traw, . ** t 4 Thursday by the townsbip nomâ€" Apples, per bog . .. E:t.lofi of personal matter WE Wood. 4 feet :. .. Hy some who ought to baye Wood, 22 inclues _ .. 3 50 2 50 2 00 prices eXa0+i! 1t loriock. LOWER TOWN 00 4 shapes were sold ctly in D Flour per bbl ........... Qazmea per sack ...... Bran per Cwb ... .+ Shorts per cwt ‘ Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, t# Pm' «+ Oats, ** Dr‘d Hogs, per owt Hogs, live weight ... :Lard perlb Taliow* per Ib Butter per ib, Tub ... * Roll N pCUCRHAM MARKET 25 to $4 80 to 1 00 to 00 to 75 to 00 to 50 0 00 dn MmMacFAR Drug St £4%4%2% * % ""Q‘\‘ a42%%%% a42%0%€ BARKIST E y ANC\ W CPH o 4e to tresp: .“(u'i Montpe SEE NCE NoT GU

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