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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1898, p. 7

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)DF n ptrotler ol 6 279. and. is a for membet 6t RECICET nty: Antrim, and in mber of Parliamen ckshire. He is 4 or â€"Warwickshire, f herd Majesty‘s hou: onservatiyve amewl 11. i in 1874 ment for _ deputy use io‘d in poliâ€" D radi an soMmE CaUsks OF SUDDEN DEATH. m FOuL. . Pm e es c d ad when the spleen is thus enl: mere pat with the palm of t may determine rupture and con speedy death, which, in the ab knowledge of the experience of might readily be assumed to result of criminal violence. It is to be remembered the of the aboveâ€"named diseases m without giving rise to any S) '%mil the final moment arriv applies with special force to which havea prolonged course which, as a rule, symptoms ir of disease declare themselves a aisease is gastric ulcer. I b more than one case in which, t fatal rupture cccurred absol: symptoms were experienced, I wuch as might have been attri wimple dyspepsia; in one such 1 second ulcer was present in 1 of the stomuch in addition to that ruptured and caused de vet until perforation occurred five were femaies DCLWOCI years. sUDDEN DEATH has in instances followed sp rupture of an enlarged splee sult of tropical malarial infh inlividual immediately befor being to all intents and purj well. â€" Pellcreaux gives the thirteen cases of rupture < larged sploen; in five the ru spontaneous, and in thie ren was due to apparently i causes, such as a simple f2 street. It is to be borne in when the spleen is thus e tion whatever our daugnte man. _ Why and. sisters slaves. Mr. He w 1 R1CDF Nrs. Suburbâ€"I guess so. They rented their house for three sumâ€" mers right along, and â€" got _ the Deacon Ebonyâ€" 1 heah you hab moved, Brudder Black. Has you got inâ€" ter a select neighborhood? Brudder Blackâ€"I bab, fer a fac‘, deaâ€" gon. Nebber saw! sich a selection _ of chickens in mah life. Smartfellow, anxious to poke fun at | wn old maid,â€"Let me see. . It‘s a Iopg, Here‘s a Little Nut to Crack: time slaze we last met, is it not, Miss| â€" just a grain of corn! The principle lAntique? _ . iu.pon which Putnam‘s Painless Corn Miss ‘Antiqueâ€"A very long time. | Extractor acts iy entirely new. It reâ€" Miss mq“*.‘* very long timeâ€"‘ moves the corn) layer by layer, with How well that suit of clothes has bung out any pain whatever. It never fails torethewr, © elther. Try It. j ioney Mrs. e pa Miss Suburb t ru 35 v pat wich the palm ol the N&NC determine rupture and consequent y death, which, in the absence of ledge of the experience of others, t readily be assumed to be the t of criminal violence. is to be remembered that some e aboveâ€"named diseases may exist out giving rise to any symptoms \ the final moment arrives; this es with special force to discases h havea prolonged course, during h, as a rule, symptoms indicative isease declare themselves. Such seass is gastric ulcer. I have seen » than one case in which, until the l rupture cccurred absolutely no ptoms were experienced, not even as might have been attributed to le dyspepsia; in one such instance d whiay ue nragentin the walls UITT ETCO OO0 ble e stomuch in addition to the one ruptured and caused death, and intil perforation occurred the paâ€" â€" nover felt any adnormal sensaâ€" De Firmâ€" on‘t order than once. ROLLING 31 umi.“;x"t.)-):c:;x-avflof age, and . females between 26 and 47 NICE NEIGHBORHOOD t es ances followed spontaneous an enlarged spleen, the reâ€" ical malarial influences, the immediately before rupture | intents and purposes quite lereaux gives the history of ies of rupture of the enâ€" A TOUGH SUIT MILY LIKENESS. Firmâ€"I tremble to think of ter marrying that young hy, he orders his â€" mother s around as if they were â€"Don‘t worry, my dear y our daughter around ‘e. She takes after you G IN WEALTH â€"Ma., are the Stuckups n ive the rupture w n the remainder rrently . inadequa rne in mind that thus enlarged a alm of the hand e and consequent in the absence of evience of others, the it te POVERIT 0F THE 3L001. A TROUBLE 1t Brings in ts Train, Nervousncss, Pains n the Rack and Side, Menduches, Weart Paipitation and Results Fataily Where EMcncious Treatment is Not Ile)orled to. From the Sussex man & their al '5~, fommiie ol on 2 nc veciee P dites 1:#“;,‘ tite returned and my whole system seemed to be strengthened and renewâ€" ed, L am now as well as any member in the family and have not known what sickness was since I discontinued the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. My gratitude. towards ~this grand medicine is unbounded and I hope my statement may be the means of bringâ€" ing encouragement and health tosome other sufferer. T is nei e L ogie D RUTei T C Poreazin speedily enrich the blood rosy glow of health to the are a specific for troubles femnles, such ASs Suppres There are many U t Mn Sot Sooce Py c boxes (never in loose form by the dozâ€" en or bundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. _ .Williams‘ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. At a public convention other day one of the d ing, as he supposed, a | up to him, ami, giving slap on the back, said: | Politics continues to & sh?"* The portly man aroupd and revealed th features of the Marqui who said smiqug p.ln ter Trampâ€"Please, Sir, We me a pair of shoes? I‘v all out looking for work ener, Sir. t Dr. Williams To WELCOME A GOOD BOY. Why are ye decorating, Mrs. Murâ€" phy? Me b‘y Denny is coming Lbome the day. 1 thought he was sent up for foive years. Yes, but he got a year off for good behavior. Sure, it must be comfortin‘ for to have a good b‘y like that. JBLE THAT IS MAKING THE LLVES OF THOUSANDS MISERABLE. SI are many* ways In Which PCP prove Lenefactors of the buâ€" e. ‘There: are those who . of undance spend large sums in public buildings and beautiâ€" blic parks. Others spend their a charitable work, and in alleâ€" snn o itc i omb ie t es fortun~ APPED THE MARQUIS having kness, an which hes woORrN oUT. N. B., Record Pink Pills are sold in ig obtained __reâ€" and makes public health was regainâ€" a public benefacâ€" latter is Miss E!lâ€" y of Mr. James farmer, living near nor -â€"gtiong the sent day, and to terminate won‘t you give I‘ve worn these rk. I‘m a gardâ€" es0 MIA yes The greatest remedy for anger is deâ€" lay.â€"Seneca. There is no education like adversity. â€"Disraeli. A lawyer is the only one who is glad there are so many trials in life. Sheâ€""What do you consider his greatest fault, then." Heâ€""His claim that he hasn‘t any." When you think you ougltn‘t, LheP "God bless you,‘> is the oldâ€"!asmiUUD® summing up of «incere affection. withâ€" out the least smirk of stupid civility.â€" George Eliot. K No matter what his ramk or position may be, the lover of books is the richest and bappiestâ€"of the children of men.~â€" Langford. o ragh s When you think you OugiNn » *" you want to; when you know you can Then youve golito. . 3 )" /s . Say, mister, won‘t you pled: a few conts to buy somethin‘ My friend, I will give you need a great deal worse. I you some good advice. _ You rag bag, you walking garbag concrete suburban dump, in ible image everything that 0 senses and robs the mind oli and necessary optimism loc huge and disenchanting ug turbing _ that cheerful f2l truth of Pope‘s dictum, W is right, so indispensable to poise of the human soul, go your dirty face. _ P the a few TUNIMPEACHABLE TESTYIMONY. Do you say to this jury, sir, roared. the crossâ€"examiner, that you saW two trains approaching each other at the rate of fifty miles an hour when they were not more than a : bundred feet L Oodithat i there was no collisiont were not more than a : hunCrot apart, and that there was no coll Was there ever ranker per jury ? 0, yes, colonel. . These trains on different tracks. Charles Kenmy, dining once at the house of a friend, chanced to swallow a piece of cork with his wine, the result being a severe fit of coughing, Take care, my friend, said his next neighbor, with a rather feeble attempt at humor, that‘s not the â€"way for Cork t No, gasped the irrepressible sufferer, it‘s the way to kill Kenmy ! ies ninbu rem It‘s pretty hard for some people to stinguish between what they think iey know and what they know they Little these .1 cake. Little Browningâ€"Mamma . says | ) would be imprudent to eat more. We are obliged to be conteat. 1 Ninero uie nstanit â€".fitiiéâ€"‘éfiflfloxlâ€"[ do ns Browning, how any one ed to be cantent. ‘The maddening toothache stops when Nervilineâ€" that wonderful nerveâ€"pain cureâ€"is applied to the tooth. Nerviline ts the only: positive, neverâ€"failing remâ€" edy for toothache and all nerve pains. Be advised and try it. You wouldn‘t her money, woOu Oh, dear noâ€"*hat : get money with a gir other attraction also Sramk or On10, PRACTICAL PHII thous This is mighty good soil, said Farmer Green, see that tree t ACB. Waâ€"al, that wuz a hitchin‘â€"post when "twas set out. CGood Men Wanted 357 ¢3;‘s Bample #0.00 The Dawson Commission Co., W.Qf'utllmtwwm St., â€" TO Apples, Poultry, EG8S, . qauses CASINGS.â€"Now Importations, finost Enflich shoop and American hog casings. Reliable goods Jrlghc prices. . Park, Binckwoll .‘“fi; Yoirkc MEN or vrofessioi NoT THE WAY TO CORK SHREDS AND PATC.1ES oF COURSE HE WOULDN‘T ou wouldn‘t marry a girl solely for money, would you? h, dear noâ€"*hat is, not if I could money with a girl who had some Toronto Cutting School. or profession. ;;; ~â€" will you please give m« cents to buy a cake 0‘ soap ? A SOPHISTRY REFUTED ; Emersonâ€"It seems to me that are extremely . small pieces of Quick as Thought HOME HELE n Want@U orURN. Fastest seller or stamped en"l;?e for p articu‘ ars. . MOUNCE, 10 Kirg 6t. "W., Toronto. Cry or Touxno FERTILITY Mess d y , Learn to Cut. No better trads m. Write for particulars, 112 Yonge St., Toronto. . @2 _ 4 in every township tosell onr ANTHROPIST u pleaso & ‘;o?.'\'mderst:md. e can be obligâ€" please give mo hin‘ to eat ? you what you . I will give You animated rbage box, you in whose visâ€" at offends the olits normal looms up in ugliness, disâ€" faith in the , Whatover is s to the equiâ€" w P © 990 Goa ind wash says it , â€" TORONTGO, school who than were the MONSOON is Clean MONSOON fs Fragrant MONSOON is Delicious MONSOON is Economical M0ONSOON Indoâ€"Ceylon Tea Is THE BEST. 25, 30, 40. 50 nnd 60 couts per pounc. The Monsoon Tea Co., 7 Wellingtonâ€"st. W., Toronts. Mint widely Attended Tlustrated Catalogue Goth : FAMOUYS ROBINSON & JOHNSON BELLEVILLE, ++ O LAVW aannaaanameet o o 0e .M“}W“MQMM: PA nais Aderinchin en ind g J. N. ANDERSON, M.0., rORONTO, Ont. @ Toro~"" k $ eyve, EAR, NOSE & "I ~__aaa n‘ aro a true b SEYE. EAR, NYJY* "* speciaust $ & «sesee0s0208es8s083 A Specific for Female Complaints M CAEUUULN LA avere fady who suffers in the porform B .8 m (e â€" where for $4 to $5; agents make big monry e ‘ (fby solling it: one agent sold 22 in a single is k M day ; will send sample to uny Jaddress on oo w 0 reoeipt of sri«:(i(nr §7, 12 for $12, 6 or (@s T40 / more sent C. 0. D. if £1 is sent with order ; ty N/ tor #2 I will send witch and handsome S rolled plate chain warranted to wear five years, and all money will be returned if you ure not satisfled with your bargain. Fred M. Mason, box 123, Madison equare, New York clty. Subsc: ibed Diplul................s 5,000,000 Paldâ€"up ORDIKAL ... «cee ken 688999 2,000.008 Reaorve Fund .. 1.450,000 TOMAI ABOOB ... .cs« e e k en en +999 12,000,000 Officeâ€"Company‘s Buildings, Toronto St., Toronto. Derostrs received at curront rates of interâ€" est, paid or compounded hailfâ€"yearly. iC pRIC OF CUDRUTUIOC Pvesanae or Sterling. n en i L cvigus DencNTURES lasued in Car with intere«t coupons atlac Canadz or in England. Exo tees are nuthorized by law Debontures of this Conlpssy. â€" Monzy Apvanc®» on at current ratos and on fi to repayment . _ _ _____ Lo APcl ane Smd Mortgages and chased. c NoN Tubular Boiler UEATER se Sturtevant Fan Slightly Used, Ali Very Cheap for Cash. Wilson Publishing Co., Limited CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. Wimunt\! afeceinionnites i nrs on deotae PALSLESS PENKHROYAL PS 78 Adclaide St. W., Toronto Canadaâ€" 4. HERCERT MASON, Managing Director IncorroRAaTED 185 pR. GOODES 75 H.P. Municipal Debentures pur Mills, Barric to We« mond 8 No. 5 Collogoâ€"st. d haifâ€"vearly. in Curroncy or Sterling. attached, pay»ble in d in America, EC \ year), ADDRESSâ€"â€" ~Roal Estate security ivorable conditions &« Limited, Toroxto. Mills & Hales utors and Trus to Invest in the Tu20AT $ N, F.C.As; ONT. Bldycs. Bottle, or 6 for ge., Itich Toronto. This Miniature Eleclri;lailrmd is complete with track and battery. . We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO., Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 Old Chronic Discase KOOTENALY wiur DRIYE ETilfiiI The way that Kootenay takes hold of 0/ C cases of Rheumatism, and rids the «ystem of lurking poison upon which the discase exists, endorsation by wellâ€"known clergymen, physic and hospital executives of its cures, leads pas doubt as to its power to cure this discase. The New Ingredient, that works so ma lously in searching out stubborn and chi rheumatism, is just as effectual with most other chronic discase. Hopeless cases of Bri Diséase yield to its inflcence, Eczema, in ext forms where eruptions have existed from he foot ave in its records of cures. Pale, haggar emaciated people, whose frames are all angles curves, unrefreshed by sleep,.troubled by indige and nervousness, round up in health throug! use of Kootenay Cure. Amber Are the pride and glory of lovely woman,. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harshâ€" ness or brittleness, and makes the hair "as beautiâ€" ful as in youth. : EDNTTDUPCD eopesand Province of Ontario, : County of Middlesex, To Wit:) _ T, Henry Amos Plastow, of the Ci Inspector : Do solemnly declare that I have Messre, Job Cook and Company, of wince the 15th day of April, 1807, from falling out, removed the dand head. was ontirely bald before I cor And I muke this solemn doc.llnrac DOMINION OF CANADA m N UR es Wutlt you bry iL TV NTTTC TTRA en Bmeinen i I Inspector : Do w!-mnlé declare that I have used the * Amberine Hair Producer," manufactured by Meossre, Job k and Company. of No. 58 Wallington Street, in the City of London, Cannéa wince the 15th day of April, 1807, It has «topped the itching of the scalp, nwy&ed the hait from falling out, removed the dandruff, and has brought out & thick crop of hair where my head was ontirely bald before I commenced using their mmnfion. And I muke this solemn declaration consclentiously lieving it to be trua and knowing that it is of the sime force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of **The Canade Kvidence Act. 189%." Deciared before me at the City London. in the County of Mildlesex. this 11th day of October, A.D. 1297, wil which I certify undermy noterial seal } H. A. PLASTOW; I m ReAERY, a Nota:y Public in and for the Provin«e of Ontario. Aro@iabttn a D . lemcuntrrmmmmsmn I, Wx. H. Wauy, r North, in the City of clare that I have be for seven years, and the hospitals both in discharged from the 1 months‘ treatment, . last I was told that When leaving there I, Wx. H. Wuy, residing at 47 Hughson Street North, in the City of liamilton, do solemnly deâ€" clare that I have been «flicted with rhoumatiem for seven years, and at different times confined to the hospitals both in Hamilion and Toronto. Was discharged from the Hamilton hospital after eleven months‘ treatment, and on the 15th of January last I was told that they could do rothing for me. When leaving there I was scarcely nble to walk. I tried a number of soâ€"called cures; had my feeb covered with fly plasters under directions of a s}:y.idn.n, but got gradually worse. On the 13th y of this month, after taking two and oneâ€"half boitlesof Ryckman‘s Kootengy Cure, I threw away my stick which I had been compelled to use for support, and am now a healthy man, free from all pain, after seven yoars‘ euffering. On Tuesday last MIY ETT s 00 to» alahtaanhours steadily withâ€" (Lvy P SDIS ORA e L UOS Bsccd P Ewers o wris bottlesof Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure, T threw away my stick which I had been compelled to use for support, and am now & healthy man, free from all fn.in. after seven yoars‘ euffering. On Tuesday last was on my feet for eifihmn hours steadily withâ€" out any bad results. I am now able to attend to my work regalarly, which frequently necessitates my hands being in water for hours. I consider Kootenay the most wonderful blood medicine and Rheamatic Cure ever known. _ Wx. H. Way. If nt;t obtainable of your dealer, will be forwarded, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle, by addressing S. 8. RYOKMA® mEpImIME CO.. Limited, Hamilton. Send for Chart Book free. Declu;i l;eion Notary J. W. Nesbit. July 17, 1896. E. T. K«apay, a N REFERENOE SOFT, CLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, THECOOKSBESTFRIE! BAKING PoWDEnr B‘OB-_IWXN'I.'Y-SEVES Â¥ hok mops un e RY LaARGEST S WE INTEND TO TALK............ J W iN is Lurking in Your System, CROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. BWORX EVIDENCE: [ON OF CANADA. ) IN THE MATTER of the " Amberine Hair Producer,! nce of Ontario, } m«nu(actured h{ Mesar«. Job Cook and Company, 8 Web of Middlesex, ‘To Wit:) lington Street, London, Canada. ry Amos Plastow, of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, Water Worka r : emnly doclare that I have used the " Amberine Hair Producer," manufactured by Job Cook and Company, of No. 58 Weollinzton Street, in the City of London, Cannéa * Clirh Anv of April. 1807. It has «topped the itching of the scalp, nmyfed the hait BIPET MEETTR UAELL uon afhair where m3 William Street, Toronto, sys COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. UER" se dmms n T its records of cures. Pale, haggard and people, whose frames are 2ll angles and freshed by sleep,troubled by indigestion ness, round up in health through the If Thaore is Any Then you will thank us. . Load packages TX A. EekiLS, â€"IMPERIAL BANK BESTFRIEND \LE JIN CANADA. 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. 18 takes hold of old chronic | YEARS. HAIR PRODUCER. wishing to make from Ten to Twoa‘ta-nn do} lars this month, write u« quick. e have 1 brand mew 25¢. article that «mart boys ané fm‘ from fourteen upwards can weli rapidly t is instructive, intere«ting, edl(yh& and fascinating. Send 25¢. for complete outAt to J. L NICHOLS & Oo., Westey Bullding, Toronte Boys . Giris WE WANT Intelligont ladios and g plied with gontecl and . -mplonmcnl. Industry i ESSARY to secure G ‘TION. Cangive the add I 2000 Acms T1OR. CAPDRTT C ems is 91 D \Ys who has just cleared $113 in 21 DAYS 7 Ietmm Toh MRMC U P a be made right. A'L ‘This little Motor is com. plote w‘‘*h battery and chomrcals. It is .. boy‘s dolight. ...... . CEYLON TEA 25, 40, 50 & 600. Loading & The following ladies bave kind» l{ permitted us to refer to them. They bave used Amâ€" berine, they know its worth, landthey recommend it bighâ€" y :â€" Miss Jennic Tibbs, Nelson St., Londor Mrs. J; Manson, ' Yoeng St., Ha» ilton, Miss E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilton. Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St., London. Miss Miss LADBIES PRAISE AMBERINE $1 oo COMPLETE. TT TCO Graare 0 0 T your own HOME. NICHOLS & CO.. 33 Richmond West, Toronté L. V. Ryckman Eva Dickenson, Young St., Hamilto® : and gentiemen can be «u and very l’ROP(TLBé.! ustry i« the esential ho ire GOOD REMUNERA he address of represontatiw v 0 U QUICE. Limited, Hamilton. 9 o

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