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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1898, p. 1

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{HIRING H re names Pl H witty: --.. ", _ ', . V . 1--.“: ll. /-i-'f.ibr-ri'1lr'llt.e CASH - " O - O O I 0 AT We take this Opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that; the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. - "Large Bites tit,' Small Profits." -..tt.....9tt..tt8bab.tlb. 1 - T):u'hn:u. "tce.-. ‘Mh. "OG. t Our Piiiec: and Grrgian trade is t firmly established. Best makes. t Purest tones. Do you want tl Sewing Machipe? Tfy the New Williams.“ Inghest prme paid for Wood m exehonge for goods. ( c. McKmNON. Wishing all Our Customers a Gutters:, Stoves At prices that, w We beg to inform our Custom,. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or' its equivalent, and that our Motto will be J)f' erry Xmas UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. - ' AND“ iatosPERocsi" _ - C EEQKINNON’S r-NO 2. NI, Ci, fi; J., IaZcKECHNIE. ADOPTED BY H‘s - of ull kil COOK ti Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. . McKechnie. SHI‘DYIEC. - my; STCYES. HEATING STOVES, 130x STOVES " YE l The opposition is now narrowed ‘down to almost one question only, the ('iiFiii'i'iii'i,r,'/c'i)',' and that they are '.driving for all it is worth At first the i most serious charge was one of ektrav iagance, and when that position was 'found unassailable it was changed to who opposite one of pemwiommess, and ithc goverxnnent is Confronted now with Itha serious charge of selling diseased 1rotc. to the citizens ot Toronto for .lnonex'. From a circular just issued we quote: Dairying is one ofthe most importani branches at agridulture. To pr. duce at fitteat quality of cheese and butter " , prom the dairyman mast have an iniimata knowledge of all. the details at the process from the theme mint}: This will be held in London Jan.10, 20, 21, 18:98, and round trip single fares will be available by all railway s to the annual reunion of d airymcn. Brilliant practical addresses are expected from Hon. s. Fisher, Min. of Agriculture; l’nn. JNusDryden, Provincial Min. of "-ni'icul'm'e; Prof Robertson, the Ihr minion Dairy Lrotnmissioner' ; Dr. W. T. Connell, Queen's University t Prov. Road Instructor Campbell; Ballanty ne, Stratford; A. Pattullo, M P. P. Wood- stock, and many other well known names. Every butter and cheese maker should be present, and farmers who make a. speciality of cows and their product should certainly be inter- itrtsd. J “ - was made, time enough has elapsed to develop any disease, and we would like to know if anything unusual of an epidemic kind iollywed the-transac- tion. This Would be a heinous crime were it established, bat the government it seems to us are. on perfectly safe ground ; the killing. the dressing and rejection was done under government inspection, and if the expert has been criminal or negligent, his removal should at once follow. Since tlns sale Favoritism and nepotism will always prevail unless a hard and fast rule is laid down that election to office ex) eludes all relatives from public post tions, bat as long as unnecessary, oftices are not created " favorites, orl incompetent men placed in necessary! ones, the public interests will not suffer! except in the opinion of those whose] envy or ambitiun has been crossed. _ A great deal more attention has been 3 given to Provincial ttffairs by the) country than was ever given when: both houses were in session at the same: time, and we believe this attention Lil had an edueatch effect on the public! in regard to Provineirl affairs. i, This interest Mr. Hardy has courted, l and unlike some govermnents we llavel' known, the more light thrown upon, their actions, the better they will stand l in the eyes of the country. Theirznin-l ing policy has been more than j/Ill-i' fled, their timber policy has been; altered in response to changed thrill" conditions over the borders, never alt charge of extra'vuganee worth the f: name, in regard to any public work, l and though charges of favoritism can', be shown there can be no incan. ! ' petence. I l BUTTER AND CHEESE ASSOCIATION. t...i-- a“ I Inrsituvations were freely made in the l, than the f Conservative Press that the Prov. Gov.. f forward, 1 eminent had called the House together _ oughl y ed earlier than usual to bring Mr. Whit~gproducet1 hey trom the stump. We are not con-l ccrned about the truth of this, though ADDRE we think Mr. Whitney has had ample} , privilege in the House, and has used it) On 'tt too, but we do think a wise thing has i of ”.19.!“ - . ' . 7 lthnstmn been done by this change of tune. I I,......, ..t' "st i .--.The dissolution of the Legislature is expected totake place: this week, with the elections about the end of February. So there has been the regular four sessions, no tricks or sur- prises. but everyting open and above board. NOTE d COMMENT Th7: PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE. jititittij'tiii, Ahnual Convention. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUABY‘Ia. 1898. ---- 04 - {is to submit, the question only to suit ithe persons as are nttulifrod to Vote in Dominion elections The vote will he ’ln'ought on at, such a time as the cou- l,flieting interests can agree "pon, or, (failing agreement, at a date the Govern- lment will 11.12119, At pix-sent, it is ‘thought that the autumn of the year, about, the middle of October', Would he lthemost suitable time, if that is not :considered too soon. The main differ- lence of opinion is the shape in which l the question should Ro to the people. The liquor interests have intimated that they want three questions submitt- 'priasfollowl; 1. Are you in favor cf l the total prohibition of the importation manufacture and sale of intoxicating liiquors? __ . ' , I' bound us during the, past. tout i years, in social friendship and iiillKH'S of love are about to he sevetvd ‘wehowiu humble submission to.God's [ will. But we the memlmrs of the Y. P. is. C, E. of Burns church, Rocky Snow-cu, icanttot allow this bond of union to be i broken without expressing our deep re- l grct at your departure from our midst. l You have always manifested a deep in- terest. “Lt only its President, of our Society, but in the temporui Welt-tie of l the church. your aid was always ft'ccly Igiyeu. Your social connection with , this society has been of the most endear- l, iug character. We. therefore beg )otltt) accept this present as an humhle sick- I nowledgetndnt of the esteem and "ifetr. itiou with which you are held ;u our imidst-. Praying that the Divine bless- '; ing "my accompany you wherever your I lot. may he'cnst. Strung protests hnvi, been made from other quarters against the eomplication of the issue which the addition of the second and third questions involves. The advocates of prohibition want a straight, vote on that question. "nent- harmed by side issues. 2. Are you in favor of compensation to manufacturtfrs and vendors of liquors in the event, of m"qhthirion a. B. Are you in tdvor ot'direct taxation to recoup the treasury for the hss of re- venue consequent upt't0rouihstion ? InaLruK'Liuhshave been given by the Government for the prepmauizm of a hill foe taking of a yute rhrous,rh'out Canada on the question of the" pmhabi- tion of the liquur tvaflie. The intention is to submit, the question only to suit Ministry Preparing a Measure on vPlebiseite. ti On New Year's eve two sleigh loads ii of the Burns Church, Rocky Sungeen 1 Christian Endeavorers drove to the l home of Mus Millie Ector on the occa- l i sion of her leaving thePrestdency ofthe " society which she had held for Is mos. l[The company were hospilaldy received 3 and spent a very pleasant, evening: in ii the home of Lheirfriend, who has receiv- ', ed many tokens of ttppretGtion from i the friends among whom she has taught l for four years, During the evening " l presentation of a very handsome Oxford ')Feiiiiiir, Bible, and the Presbyterian ‘ i' Book of Praise was made accompanied i by the address given helow. The ad- idress was rend by Miss Jane I’mlmr Ilmngh, and presonlntion made Ly Mr. John McKechnie. Miss Ector. though " taken by surprise, replied feelingly and: {appropriately After a sumptuous 1m; ipvcvideul by the visitors. and mine littllln f in song and games the company disiu't's-i ied wirh “Bit-st he the tie that binds," i, I To MISS MILL”: Etmm, i , Dem- Friend.~;\s the ties that hm v' Rocky Saugeen, Dec, IS07, Sigma] on behalf a. haphazard way. Systemized and well directed effort is necessary in breeding, feeding, and caring tor the dairy cow to make her produee to her utmost capacity. Particular care and attention is required in preserving the milk in a pure and unadulterated con. dition for the making of batter or cheese and to convert milk into good butter and cheese no little skill isrequired. It will thus be seen that it we are to supply the British market with these finestqaa.'ity of goods, and no other than the fincst quality should be sent forward, our dairymen shoulh he then oughly educated and trained so as to produce the finest quality. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. H. Somerset has resigned the. asidency of the Mr.C.T.U. W. o. T, U. - oovi ,,_____ of the society, Mary E. Turnbull, Cor. Sec. --It is rumored that the Emperor of fterrnany's two warships now oriihe way to China are shadowed ond " Iowed by .three British Men of War. This is not sosm'e as that Russia and France would both have liked to guar- antee Chma‘s little loan SWJD dol- lars, but being unable, little Britain "will ‘haweto reach for old stocking, ism get. the funds. at the same time William far parent gprize ('iii,iii's'i'ici"iiiji'isitu oero Chow Bax. " = P l - Tr"rr.rr. I: C7T'ke'r'-"-i'""-.'rsrz"r,e'" H H ...___t.-"P..' . _a'ra..__mm.N-.-qmIo-'tq---.t-. a -rFT,rii7CrTGrGr.'T'rC"tTa""'r"',T,T Qua ,.: VN L4,i?3rhir).G'vtFtrt F r' eco- _ 7, Drugghst and Setrdaruttut 1m. J APA Mum "ne Graphite Indian Considvrablt time and money in trying to convey t the general public. the many advantages to be ga “d by dealing at we Stare, Where you can sell at BUTTER, EGGS, LAR!), TALLOW. DRIED ”PLES, WOOL, WOOD, ctc., at the Highest CaNricej vertiirerraerit,s in the local papers. We shine to furnish YOU fresh Bargains, -New Goods - New Prices, d; interesting reading matter. We de- Attention vertis 2: TEAS TEAS iy of alte Salvatién Arn: y trin Mixtu fli)yliRtlttrg, Wifaui1 fePey1ee-t-e-ks---- Y/ 010' Large Buyers Liberally dealt with. oe t.rtt=tshTl'?ta Rm IS tjarittt tro our H. PARKER ii'i'_ re YOUR 1/'C) TEE rm! Japan am] Atdian Tca. " I]. ttt for Choice Goods AT 1.711 JyAtLumt k Good. 500 per ll, awn l Eu' 110.1)- akly ad- Durham. JOICC. II -9" thy ills aw i, 0‘ d, _. tr W

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