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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1898, p. 3

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" it“; 'ur-or on OI. IN has! Topic. ide sheeting. re now prop". PTLY. ity of Bash, l the diiraru THE WEAK}!!! ”I so that all onion ath 21mm KECHNIE Are actory. But rrmarkahto M nan-hes that no ACtentttte In.- I. use of Pgot. Otto mimic: with the n. Norwegian. 00’- n: is}. ocean-is I existing how... lure of tho so: and riantrete. This I. Original '0... n hale MI "I. "want ch33. ”has wit.“ r in Lhodowl- n'erlaylng ID _ l manner-to k of your -d G " Ues', [and " up“ of data puma. Sued» stiuns. it . large an.- i [artivulu tl vely tu4 h” It- the Netti Hy In]. Patter ot 11 mark“ IT 8 a auto t huh-V0. r Are tofu“ t I nnyo‘d " in (010' u eath" the 29" u Lefh.‘ t period "34“: GP" .. "astrrr ozethtr t'cer 0" g“ work Pr.tter+ "is. 11" 4 like mph; _ n] tha' tr in in 93, " art d 1 wit' ', fro. L., " rim!- n lb. If mi " ”in. of the at iottq much In" not I. In sun. h t hero hick- Mel- 9M9. "an , l M. uhould ti). " nu. win- er Pt is a. h Ii. tn. a 1mm” t hell; om- n varia- In ser n r" anie you wear " to ll in .5: Jt' thrcapenco weekly upon moi: of the members of trades un'onn throughout tho country in aid ot the strikers. who ghow no signs of yielding. I'NITED STATES. Tho Merchants and Trades. Btnk at Ito-Wick. G... In: closed its doom. Col. W. D. 8min on of the an!» m at ensign-m1 M. is and " Lord Salisbury has written to United States Amb-dor Hay in responss to America's latest proposals that Great Britain should enter into " agreement with the United States, Russia and "pan to stop mling. declining to on- tor into such tn agreement. At London on Satur in, the Aral?» gated Society of Engineers raid out “a. nun of £3900 to 82.0!” engineers who are on strike. The trades union “tonne. han dttidod to levy . tax Fire in Norfolk. Eng., on Monday mused 8500.000 damage. Thirteen buildings were destroyed. A number of boot and shoe mrrrhanta of Hmnilton have been summoned to gnaw-r clmrges of vio‘mting a city by- law by keeping their plume. of business won after T o'cloek in theevening dur- Inc Christmas week. John Scott of Owen Sound..ia suing a. number of citizens tor damages for ma- licious libel in burning his effigy. The defendants had been celebrating the acquittal of e bank clerk whom Mr. Scott unlucceuluuy charged with forgery Canadian Pacific [and ables for tho past year shmv an enormous increase over the preceding year. For 1897 the titrttrem are 200,000 acres. valued at 0650.000. In 1890 AM00 acres were sold for 8307.000. Judgment but been given at Hamil- ton dismissing the Canada Life's ap- peal against income asessment on its pom, "toldpra' profits; also "during the .tkieay.qtnrnt of the Street Railway and (he (‘mmonien Mr. J. P. Dona of Ottawa, employed in .w. C. Wells' lumbering establish- ment. “an frozen to death on the trail botwwn Palliaar. B.C., and thecamp. Mia faithfui dog watched the body for two days and nights. A number of models have been re- ceivrd at the Public Works Depart- eom. Ottawa, for statues to Queen 'ictoria and the late Alexander Mac- kenzio on Parliament square. John Gaynor has been given one mon-h‘s imprisonment and fined 850, at l‘arletry. Man., on 3 charge of sand- bagging and robbing himself with in- tent to defraud his craditors. Police Magistrate Jails of Hamilton bu min-n proceedings against The Her- Ild an! Mrs. John Billings for criticiz- lng his daemon in a case of cruelty to Animals TI a Imperial Government has grant- ed three on m. mmm'usions in the army for mmposlition amongst the graduates of the Royal Military College this "ar. Mr. Sidney Slocum hasinstructedhis troli"ttorn to take actiun against De- toctiee [Mani Campbell of Hamilton for $2.000 damages for alleged false guest. Muir real on the emu-go of murdering nn ImLan in a tight at Coteau du Lac. “Merl McGee, of Guelph township. who was recently released from To- nmo asylum. has again been arrested as be has been annoying the neigh- hora. Bishop DuMoulin has heen advisusdE by his physician torefrain from preach- ine for a timer, owing to the condition of his health. " H Harding, the American forget. anew-Ml at Regina. consents to be taken lack. He said he had 881, but police {wind upon him 88,000. Hm Moore. n Westminster farm- land, has been sent for trial on the charge of letting fire to a vacant building, owned by M. Nemo. The whit-d reports of the seizure of Mai Nan Island by the French antlthni i'oqmmdun of the C.P.R. steamers by] the llr'lish Admiralty are denied. I Gideon Regain tad Joseph La Londe i P?“ liven committed for trial at! . The Hamilton Acetylene Gas Mach- ine Connnriy has been incorporated. 'ith . r'apital of .45.”. John Hull. private banker of Hoi- land, new Winnipeg, has assigned. with liabilities at "2,000. .Ntrth-wesst Mounted Police will aa- "It. Li "ictrirrutimr the United State. re'ief to the Klondike miners. Funk Rosa, an Italian was sentenc- ed to mven months imprisonment for forgery at Cornwall on Wednesday. Mr James Ward .8 Saltfloet farmer. nu thrown from " waggon on Sun- day. near his farm gate and killed. It is reported at Halifax that anew comuny is about eattllishing a line of IteAnwrs between that port and Liverpool. But-slurs stole 1a000 cigtrs from Chi-he's Mountain Hotel on chnes- a” night. William Moore was round dead in his bed gt h N home in Welland on Tues- day. The C P. R.'s half yearly dividend to Iv rah] in February may reach 21-2 par cent. Htmlhon fishermen have been grant- ed the privilege of wearing fish in tho hay this winter. Cornwull'u new hospital nu formal- tr opened on Wedneadgy. Buntrord is to have I freer postal delivety in . few days. A new trans-Atlantic line to Liver- pool is talked of at Halifax. Fire in! destroyed one of the, C. P. It. Hummers on Koolenay Lake. Ther, is enough food in Dawson City to prevent starvation this winter. Wm. Logan. tscmvrhman, was up- noxt out of a carriage at Brantlurd und killed. IRE NEWS IN ll NU'ISHHL THE VERY LATEST FROM ILL THE WORLD OVER. "tore.ti" lulu About Our Own Country. Ureat PM. the Unit“ States. and Att Parts " the Old». Condensed and Asserted " Buy Reading. GREAT BRITAIN CAN ADA. I Barher--Motwht be, ; " paint] Ina' night, nah. no th-rtr"ertdea" u; the be Iol line Pal!!! DO Feet Batu the "ttet. A despatch from Rossland. aaytc-At 5 pm. on Wednesday Captain Wm. E. Ball, the well-known Superintendent of the Le Roi mine. slipped when stepping out at the head of the main shaft. of the Le Roi and fell the full length of the Ihaft. 600 feet. The body was twnibly mutilated, and crushed be- yond recognition. The captain leave. a widow and four children. Customer-Seems to me that razor " rather dull. t- p, preliminary feature of tl.e arndi- oute‘s propwal, lat that further ex- tensions of it, would prolauly be made, innuding the establishment in Lom- don. England, of a hotel which would be a resort for visitors from the vari- ous colonies of the Empire and the United States. The hotels are all to he fire-proof and, they plans have been prepared by Mr. Bruce Price, of New York, the architect of the Chateau Frontenac. ' Will fawn-rt "old- In Toronto. Slouch-3| and on." cm". A large Engiish syndicate, reyre- sented by Mr. It. D. Mt-Uihhon. of Non- treal, programs to erect hotels at Mon- treat, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa, Nia- gara Falls, and other winks in Can- ada. The capacity of the hotels, “him-h will be under one management and control, will be arranged with refer- ence to the requirements of eachplace and the class of patronage to te secur- ed. Mr, McGilrl~om states that this is The estate of. Dr. Thomas w. Evans, the American dentist, at Paris, France. amounts to four million dol- lars His brother. who gets ten tl ousund dollars, will protest the will. Four of the; deputies and others ac- cused of participating in the Panama canal intrigues have [can acquitted at Paris and tour found guilty. They have not yet Leen sentenced. The Italian Minister of Finance re- rommnnds his Government to estab- lish a. hank in New York, to protect his (-ountrymen fromJeing robbed'hy ahsconding bankers. The recent famine in India cost the Treviury 8t000,000 loans and suspen- sfoxw of taxes, many-bed 8u'0,000,000', charity contributions amounted to 'ik- 000000. ' The representatives of the powers have refused to permit the Turkish Government to replace 4,500 time- exyirod troops on the Island of Crete. Sir Henry Havelock-Allan, com- mander of the: Royal Irish Regiment in the trontiercot India, is reported missing. His horse was found stripped and shot. The steamer Gerona from Portland for London with 3. Hugo of livestock and general merchandise was wrecked on Sea] Island. The crew escaped. Ttso hrrthors of ex-Captain Dreyfus serving a life sontonre for treason, are to be tried at Paris for bribery in connection with the vase. l Under the new act of the malted [States Congress sealskins and MUN?! l, made therefrom are not allowed to ell:- iter the t'rruntry unless taken at t e g Pribyloff Islands. All the deputies and others charged with parti ipation in the i'anamacan- aI frauds have been acquitted at Paris. The third reading of the federation hill was vurried in New South Wales Lesislahlre by a vote of 3:38 to 18. The Warwiclr,hire and Lineolnshire regiments have been ordered to start from Wtuly-Halta for the frontier. Emperor Francis Jcseph ha_s order- ed the closing of the.Austrian Par- liament; The Empress of Germany. who has been suffering from influenza has had a relapse. New South Wales will raise a loan of over E.?. 000,000 at 4 per cent. to de- fray the cost of public works. . t- Port au Prince, Hayti, has been par ly destroyed by tire. Over 800 houses were burned . 4 The plagues has kroken out again In the distriet of Bombay. "The United States Government's “ms against the Armours of Chin-ago. for 81.700.030 in damages for violations ofthe dairy laws in distributing oleo mflrgurim throughout various Shims. Gustav Thetaru president of the h'to k Exchange Bank at. El Reno. Okla.. and two of the directors have been 'yr- rented oharped with receiving deposits when. the bank was insolvent. It is reported that H. M. Kasey. et cyew York, American agent of ttys White Star Lina, has resigned to j9|n 8- B'yntlix-ate of Ameri-att and British trapitalists in a Klondike scheme. It in reported at Washington that great dish-(ms exists in Cuba. and the .Atnerican Department of State is tak- In: M9118 to dietrihuté reiief as it is Bulmnbed in rim United States. Smehsns employed by an do- fewo in the Luetgert murder trial at Chicago inn gum on 'strike. That will obearles Canton. “New york. leaves "500,000 to charitable institutions and foreign missions. It is reported from Chicago that an English com: any has bought out twen- ty big cor; orations rontroiling the fish- eries of the great lakes. J. B. Haggin, Lhe New York multi- millionaire anrl turfman. aged 74, mar- ried Mina Pearl Vcorhees, aged 28. at Vertsailtea, Ky., on Thursday. At Sheboygan, Wim. a tidal wave, due to the southerly gale, swept up tha river tad caused a. terrific shaking up among the vessels tied at the docks. Prof. Alex. M. Bell. tamer of the YI.- venxur of the telephone, was marr.itd to Mrs. W. G. Shihley of Htsrrowrsmith, l‘be ceremony taking PM" " New ork. Rev. William Corby. head .of the 0m: od Holy Cross in America, is dead at South Bend. Ind. HOTEL SYNDICATE FORMED. a... mum pom CAPT. HALL KILLED. ACCUUNTED FOR GENERAL It to Then- are sit-van f'rrliamentarr va- ('ancies, an unmralleled ‘number. and the activity in ths provinces Rumble. n mall (canal “action; The wail of the Lundon storekeop- ers at the holiday business is languid loud. The complaints which are uni- vereal are attributed to the hanoful influeucew- of the jutilee festivities. The numerous ccuntry house parties also thinned the numiter of West End pun-harem. Flowon Ibo-lug on Varlou English Gardens on New Your: Day. A despatch from London trays:---), Fear closed spring-like, with bright sun. and the rapers note many in- stances in which flowers, are lylrom- ing in the gardens of the south of Eng- laid The fight against the flames was re- sumed also, with. the aid of extra help from tugs. Holes were cut in the sides of the vessel to admit more steam lips, and " the earliest moment the cotton that can he saved will be dis- charged. until tho seat of the fire is reacheds. Nearly the entire cargo was dam- aged. would have been death to the men. There was nothing to be done until port was reached. Captain Humphrey sighted thehar- Mr on Sunday morning, at a time when he and his crew ind almost iris- en up all hope. In her crippled con- dition the steamer could make lut little headway against the storm which raged, and it was feared that the worst would rnmA 1mm-.. ., 1..-: IRON DECKS WERE RED HOT. Every moment added to the danger of the situation. The heat was " most unbearable. The iron deck he- vame so hot that walking was like (tortum to the sailors. The sides of the vase! sizzled as the water dash- ed against them. Clouds of steam and smoke choked the sailors as they worked as best they could to keep the flames within hounds. Within 24 hours the heat and smoke spoiled all the provisions and left the crew scarce- lymz‘mything to eat. The cattle became frantic from the heat which assailed them between decks. Their wild lowing and bellow- ing continued night' and day, with no possible chance open to relieve their pain. When the ship listed many of the animals broke loose from their 12cm and plunged madly to and fro, some of them Ming lust overboard. The attempt to control the crazy animals would have been death to the men. There was nothing to be done until port was reached. The fire gained rapidly against the efforts of the crew, and finally reach- ed the fore compartment. Again the captain had holes: cut in the deck, and the steam and water were turnedinto the Fold. It. became necessary to flood the compartment as lefure, and the ship, listing to sturlmrd. was at. the mercy more than ever of the Latter.. ing waves. In spite of these measures the fire was not extinguished, hav- ing spread into other compartments. To flood them would have been the same as sinking the ship, owing to the heavy weather. Black clouds of smoke were curling out of the hatchways when the steam- er came into the harbor. The bellow- ing of cattle, mddened by pain and tright, came over the water as she neared her moorings. The ship had a list to starboard of nearly 20 de- grees, and showed in a dozen ways that she was in distress ot the most serious character. The paint was curling up in great blisters on her sides from the awful heat that raged within. COTTON BALES CATCH FIRE. l The Lemberts Point left Norfolk, va.,) ', on Sunday. with a cargo consigned for) lLiverpool. On Friday afternoon the‘ first sign of fire was discovered in the oompurtment amidships. which was filled with cotton holes. The rapidity with which the fire gained headwayj convinced Captain Humphreys that it: had been burning int least twenty-fourl hours. The location of the blaze andi the storm which tossed the vessel l about like a pork. made the work of fighting the uro doubly difficult. l Al any attempt to open the com-r pertinent and remove the burning cot-g ton would simply give new energy to', the blaze the captain ordered holes! cut in the celin flooring, and then; steam and water pipes were inserted; in tne openings. When it Lemme ap-i parent that steam would not smother tlm_fl:uncs a flood of water was _t(iii,:"ii,'1s'rr,-,] ed into the. compartment and the ves- sel “as headed for St. Johns, in the hope that it would be reached before too late. urea. I!" [min on In the In.” Poll! and no In -eteat Dr Ann! Gal" lags-rd Crew lands " SI. Jet-s No body of men ever hailed the sight of land with greater joy than the hag- gard-faced crew of the British steamer Laml‘ers Point, which arrived at St. Johns, N.F., on Sunday morning. For forty hours a reign of terror had prevailed on the ship, from which there was no escape until a friendly port was reached. Within the hold a rag- ing furnace threatened at every mo- ment to engulf the crew in itsflames, while a terrible storm menaced the frightened sailors with death equal- ly as certain. should they take to the boats. BAD TIME ON l Mllilhllililll, ABOUT FORTY HOURS OF THE GREATEST PERIL. SPRINGLIKE NEW YEAR'S. me; lawn luulI-n One (at the Gown-en! $1301.13. It is offirbslly Lnnounmtl that. the re- cent Indian famine cost the Indian treasury £30001”. while loans to agri- oultur'sts and suspensions of taxes mainly “rumble. absorbed unolbsr 'ttht 000, irrespective of eharitain'., con- tribution: trpproar.hinq Ei,Tlitt,t'tiir. The End Wing of the mun“ College Badly [Mm-(HI by HM. Ottawa College was vhited by adis- Nitrous fire on \Ve'lnesiay morning. The building is a large stone e"ifiee having aecommodation for 500 tstudents. When the fire hroke out. in the east wing there were only 85 students in the college, the remainder being away enjoying Christmas holidays. The fire originated in a student's wardrobe. above the chattel in the east wing. The entire roof of the e'tht wing was de- stroyed an! [an of the roof of the centre building injured. Great dam- age was done by water to the (ring-pl, and to the furniture on the lower thu. The damage is estimate! by Father C6ntrlaattinrau It $80,000. Cut that is thought to be excessive. The building nnd contents carried insurance to the; extent of mom. i A despatch from Whshimrfon says: --The arrangement. effected between Mr. Bitton in behalf of Canada and the i War Department contemplates that the _ relief expedition shall be executed 'jointly by tha United States armyand a force of the Mounted Police of Can- ada, which conniilutos the military arm of the Dominion. The United States force will proceed with the relief stores to Skagway, where they will be joined by the Canadian Mounted Police, about forty in number, and the two forces will then proxeed together-to the points where the relief is to be distributed., The determination as to Skag'way ism however. still open. The Canadian "r; fisiala concede much latitude to the‘ American tu1thoritiiss in the actual distribution. recognizing that the ex- pedition, is fitted out on this side, al- though a. cosudderable part of its work will be done on the Canadian side of the border. No duties “ill be imposed on the stores carried by the relief expedi- tion. Mr. Sifton also held a confer- en 0 with Secretary Gage, and discuss- ed the unsatisfactory condition of cus- toms regulations along the border and at coast Porta, where goods are received by om. country for tranSporlution to the other country. It was the mutual feeling that an improvement ot the system could be made. and negotiations are in progress which are hoped to ef- fort changes advantageous to both Ana-union“ For a John! Force In" Between Mr. “Hon a-d the 'lnttod Atatim. pedition in the Soudun. The Sr'otch express on the North British Railroad, hound north, mm? into collision with another train on Monday morning. One man was killed and several others injured. The atti- dent occurred near Dunbar. at the mouth of the. Firth of Forth, 2l) miles from Edinburgh. A despatch from Aldershot mysthur Major-General William For! as. Halal-re has been ordered to Egypt to assume command of the Anglo-Egyptian ex- pedition in the Soudun. The Canadian Pacific ocean steam- ers Athenian mm Tartar are nowat Southampton. being fitted out. Trey will sail on February Itrt,carrying PM? 56118813 to Vancouver at £30 per head- They "0 competent to carry 120 first- class and 600 intermediate passengers. Lady Anne Coventry. third daugh- ter 0f tho Earl ot Coventry, was mar- . med On; Tuesday afternoon at St. lPober's Church, Eaton square. to 'Prince Dhuleep Singh, son of the late 1iiii,iitti'l, of Lahore. Lady Anne is the 'riatisruartaw of Viscountess Deer- hurst, who was Miss Virginia Bonynme. formerly of California, and comes of a 1 good family. The Earl of Coventry is [ the ninth Earl and Master of the Baek- :hounds. Prime lihuleep Singh'agrand- father WM known as the "Lion of the Punjauh.” and the Prime, whose full name is Victor Albert Jay Dhuleep Singh is a little over 31 years of age. He was eduotted in England and was for a time on the staff of General Sir John Rosa, K. C. H., when the, latter was in mmmand of the nritish forres in Canada. The Prince lemme quite prominent at Halifax. The Earl of Coventry gave his daughter away. The bridesmaids were Lady Dorothy Coven- fry, sister of the bride: th, Princess Sophie Benita Dhulcep Singh Miss Brenda van de Weyer. Lady Victoria Herbert and Miss Elspeth Camp- bell, Prince Frederick l)huleep Singh was the heat man. The sarvivo was choral. After the wedding (hare was a. reception at the Coventry house on Park lane. Later the couple started for Paris. The presmits were costly. The Queen sent a bronze statu- ette of herself. lam OI Ill-0e Lh-Ieep um and hay Anne "vea"rr-q'.r.gt. Men-en A London cable 'iarr.--Mr, Mait- land Kelsey is completing very exten- sive arrangements in connection with a huge Klondyke syndicate, in which Mr. Leiter and Mr. Mackay are con- cerned. It is even said that he has Be- cured the active cooperation. of at- tachea of royalty. He is grading ten steamers up the coast via St. Michael's to carry on the regular passenger ser- vice next season. while from the end or the Teslin lake railway steamers will be provided to tow batman: down stream to Dawson. SOME LATE CABLE NEWS. TEN STEAIERS FOR THE KLONDYKE NEXT SEASON. KLONDIKE BEL! EF EXPEDlTIoN. BIG BLAZ" AT OTTAWA. FAMINES ARE COSTLY. th'ghst' 'srgdtte t Windfall for "tr. liner-mum- of MI VII-m. .nr To." liturnu-auenl. A London Chancery Lane luwyer can. tributes an nnnual int-r to the press in regard tothe windfalls of the yegr, Among the mixing heirs and human are the Modems of John. White, the first AttornerGenerttl of Upper Can- Ida In addition to the new honours " ready cabled, Mr. Jame; Dredge, com- missioner of Great Britain to the World's Fuir st cure. cats 3 C.M.G. Thirty-Illn- Caught by a [udde- “and and All oi Them Drowned. A deevaieh from (Hmnnjuta. Mexico, says that the San Puerta coal mine “as suddenly flooled with “aler from anurvderground river, and thirty-five miners were drowned. The men were all working in the lower levels of the mine. There were no suspicions that an underground river existed any- where within the vicinity of the mine. although thet portion of the level “an exceedingly damp. The rush of “BlPr came without warning. There was e sharp creek like an explosion, the “all of coal and slate give way, en l before tLe men could seek safety on an upper the rush of water followed. at“ the men were swallowed up almost before they could. drop their tools. An an [edition will he sent into the mine es soon es [mime to recover the bodies. He says he is perfectly sane. but is being tortured by devils. He per-ea his cell in bare feet until ltra drops from exhaustion. He has runnerl the hair off the top of his hand xrith the continual working of his fingers. He swears that. Satan himaslf visited his cell the other night, and that he is not at all like what he had iii-tuned him.. He thought he was blank and had horns, but this one he saw “as flaming red, and had two or three hor- rn'ble-1oolring heads, He was so work- ed up after the apparition that he had to be removed to another cell in order to allay his fears of seeing him again. Murderi- Troy May linu- ll" Reg"rtte,. Comm-It'd. A despatch from Kingston, tmi., ~uys: John F. Troy, under .sentenw of death for murder. will probably have the awn- tance commutml. Dr. Daniel Clark and Dr. I.eonurd.goalsurgeons of Toronto, have examined him an to his mental state. It is generally understood that the prisoner will be declared in, sane. Trvy has not eaten anything for; several days. - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, it any man hear my voitre and open the door 1 will come in and sup "ith him and he uith me." llis ser- mon had a marked effect on the con- gregation on this, the first Sabbath of the now year. He expounded his sub- ject very forrilily. and could not have shown forth the way of salvution more plainly had be known it was his last opporrunrty. ln the afternoon he started for Contission tstreet, tihere he was to conduct the survive at the fu- neral of Mr. William l.unn Not knowing the toun very "ell, he gm a little out of his “any. and. it is il.ouuhl, “as a little excited, fearing hr should he late. However. he got in the house in good Ctme,aad after making lnismiy through the pimple prormulvd lo run- duet the service. A Rililv wuslmnded to him, whirh he acomrtedund opHIo-d, but before announcing his Scripture lesson death claimed Lim, and he fell suddenly to the floor. Kind hands came at on“! to raise him, but found it was of no avail. I)”. Vurdnn and Thompson were twalepliortorl for,untlar- rived very shortly. They agreed that death was instantaneous, and unused by heart failure. Rev. llr. King of the United Presbyterian Church here was sent; for, and on arrival took charge of the. services. The, remains were taken to Toronto next morning. Sudden Death " Ike scrum" " III! Producer". Am and lulu-u III-lu- Ien' Fund. A despatch from Galt .Ba.FN.'-- Sun- day afternoon, at three o‘rluck. Rev. Dr. William Burns of Toronto dropped dead while offiviating at the funeral of an old resident of Gait. The de- ceased arrived here an Saturday even- ing to take rlmrge ol the. sen-ire in Knox Church next) day. He preached an eloquent sermon Sunday morn- ina, taking far his text ltvv, iii., 20, tie. Vincent It Poul Venue-cur: Motor. a. be M " linuplr or. " dun-tr!) {mm Mammal says:- The authurities of St. Vinmnt de Paul penitentiary have decided to try any do was to put a tstop to the riot- ous conduct of the convicts, and as a remit 19oene twenty of the ringleaders will but flagged indie preset: ‘e of their follows within the. next few days. A, “heady stated, the trouble has now 1been going on for some months 'tttter.. :mittontly, to the terror of the mai- denta of the village outside the walls. It began over the taking away of the allowamn of (charm). and to shox, their dissatisfaction the ennui ls howled and banged their wash basins all night long. They were allowed tu tire them- selves out, but every few days the wise would mommenee. Acting Ward- ea Foatnr has lien doing his heat to bring about truce. hut as all his ef- forts have failed. he value to the enn- elusion that nothing rilsort of corporal punishment Would ke of any me He made sneport to Mr. Mills, Minister of Justus, to that alert, and suggest- od that he be allowed to flog the ring- leaders in the presen3e of thts others. This. he believes. will have the desired effest. Mr. Mills whine lo the same (om-lusdon. and after mature mneideru» lion gave the des/trv" petmissiun. CANADIAN HEIRS WANTED. MINERS PERXSH IISERABLY. CONVICTS TO BE FLOGGED. 'I‘RAGIC OCCURRENCE SEE MANY DEVILS. Rev.. iii., 20, the door and Baldwin diod in lOl Prime Albert wu born on April tho Pth, 1815, and is the surviving - of the Count of Flanders‘ brother of King Leopold. The King bu no son ”wilt. sud his dsughborn no excluded from succession by the Bahia evaluation. Prime Ail-art's older brown. Primal no Nevin I " Isl-x a...“ o! lulu-- I. .llif I long Your The Brass]: wrmnmndout of tho London Daily Chronirie my. the neph- ew of Prim Leopold. of Belgium. Prince Albert Wold. My: hair pro- sumptivo to tho “(in throne. will nub 5 lm tour of the United sum Ind Canal. " lurk um". a...» run u..- nun-m I li‘prn. Ioupn-y. A despahh from New York. "yt':-- (‘lark Damien. jr., " night "lurk. our , ployed at Hus bran h ”Him ot th. Am- 'r, erivan Express Company on I'trartr. i day stole five 31.030 hand“ of the Con.. i sumem' Gas. Chivugo. Bram-n also took "5.000 in cash making the total of the, ’ rol hery ‘10000. The hrsw‘h "tfirm were this (oak "in? is at. 47th street. and Madison avenue. Braden had- my hm-n niglu. clerk More for 3 night; There ware 840.000 in hondn left .1 the affine on Wednesday night, “hit'h Hm but mm to have turned aver m (In. I umwngers for rstti-tat. on Thug-my '; morning. Wheat ttte mom-n3" If- l rived they found Braden und the .51!- k yvorUt of bonds and '51!” in will mi-- Imm- " the Drum- taxi-nu " Ion-er HIM-IPII 'l‘lonu “Mann. A dumb-h from London 'ui:-) largely-attended meeting of the mom- hers of the Fauplrryetrn' Fedorntion on Thursday at York unanimously m.- ed n resolution endorsing the when of its representntivm a the mint mforenve with the delogntu ot ch strxkina engineers, mummy the op- inion tl.at it is impunihic to shorten the hours of la‘nur. mintaining that the prop-sod arrangement; for the mnzmgement ot the worU in no w“, interfere with th. rroper lunch as of trades unionism. and nuknuwlodgin‘ the reompt. of th, engineem' vote The employers‘ committee Mi'l write mm. engineau' commit“. (Lu the 'trm‘. thereto" is ended." The ('oumry contains u chain nl' rivvrn and lakes making Iruvel c-nnuurulive~ ly "MY. The “diners an- full of whils- fish, lake and Inruuk lroul, pike and carp. Much fruit grows wild, crunlmr- rive being abundant, while rasplmrrieu. strawberries Ind blurklmrrins are also found in most parts at the country. The Hudson Hay Company, whieh in practically the only guvermuenl known to Hie native Indiana, has lush! scab lured all through the peninsula. Fish- ing is. of course. tue are-teat indiu- try. Summer lauds from the middle of June lo Squaw-liar, when ice begins to form on the. many rivers, lakes and ponds. The coast is frozen 1welve miles inland during tlte rummer by the arctic current, but within thin lim, there is an tslruntitttrw, of vegeial ion. The mountains vuntuiu milliuns of tuna of iron. The greater lam of the in- terior, is tliiieluml, 2,000 feet high, which declines towards [ludmn Ilny. The ('ountry contains u chain of rivers Labrador lies hetween tho fiftieth and sixty-swarm parallels north Inti- tude, and is, but a few drum-em mouth of the Klondike country, thing Hm two sections u, North Ann-rim a cli- mate pravtimlly the same. Its an. is “bout 420,000 square miles. The At- lantic Ocean hunk-rs the country on the east, Hudson "any on the went, and Hudson Strait and l‘ngavu Ila; on the north. The Gulf of tit. Laurvnve flown between Labrador and Ner1roumiiaud on the south which, they any, will inevilalvly “In. place sooner or later. Preliminary It'- rungements for thin expedition which is to start in the spring from this city. have Already Mun made If the hopesof the promoters urn real- ized, it is probable mm a new Klondike will urine in the vast “hick may eclipse the one in the. north- west. Thoao in the, terred are quietly ar- ranging an expeditiuu to the country. They propose to amend uwo or (hm months prospecting and: then to uh. up a. hum number of vlaiuns in tho most. promising m‘lionl no large ‘00qu u wan at Cust on.- tmttputod. but it is likely that their “Kl! to the country will be prmluctiv. of much mom imporeaot mulls than drrelovimt we wealth of its (aunts. The pmpertors why visited Labra- dor new that they have, good reason no Dengue it contain"; deposits of gold of grant richness. and is demined to Imam-a n mining country. New are evidamm that gold 0h ists in quantities that, an equnled only by the (learns of Klondike. In (not, H. was Inserted that the depotutn in Labrador are in ttgs same range a Lhasa an the Klondike. m, Th'-tr.rud prints the follow- ing quezl‘al deapatvh (rum Btt1irttx:--. Repmmtivu of u Nova 800th lumber cumpuno' recently visited [4- brador for the puma.» of making Br- rudiments lo em! saw mills at vari- ous points and 4HWrtety extensively in tho lumhl-r business. lt is aid that tho pmjmt will not be carried out on l IABRADUR KLDNDIKE. YEW GOLD DISCOVERIES SAID TO HAVE BEEN MADE. l Inglo- "" a be avoid RIO-alike - Boaetramt in (‘hlrauu Paper. A PRINCE To VISIT CANADA. TNK, TKUCE IS ENDED. EXPRESS ROBBERY BEFORE THE INS” same. Its are. e miles. The At- the country on

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