West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1898, p. 5

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Lint. the nuonal ok- that you can no that r child is .imply an . In the inner chun- study your 0|)in to yourselves, not to t Batt what in lul- oxiu. Liko Nobl- up tho wall what. it in child is tomb, it b hoods cultivuion; if I. my that in - Lnnnicd to the you“ ll ie the oUment of I.- pinch shoot be - .VER.. a war a [urn Io positive side of you the negative I“. ia 'fi-aa. liver Polish is best Idty,rARl.hlllE. old ‘I III r btiumlTa;E'rt7mr. t won uh). to mantra“ NBC??? '"IaT,tt A I . an" -" " June! Bt, Wat "I Imam lathe Dui- vnl Dunno- “chum, 'Zing 'ii), BANK M MARKET wt Ifii0 0WD {u Ve, Glove met.. ’ufhmern. Nail Intro-s. Needle Ltulhu. Sn r P Shells. w, mm. Smcrrnir x are Right. hi mg for o tt 0 oloto 13 to 1330 20to 05030 40to 06to "to goto 600to 000to goto 173to 100to Jao 80 60 00 30 50 00 to , CO to IO to 03 to to to " " to l 80 to on to 80 to o " u 0 so to N to 0 tht.", tr " OH l4 0 " " M " "8 60 10 a? Will be in Pr day in each tttl mercial Hotel. (luau; "II!" “a iiaiiik --' 'NALD. Montpelier. Idaho 17.8. me, .0th Tr, "IOVHIK l "I: - BI u... "9_N_'" -eeee---" - R. Tp. of Glenelg. Go. of Grey. willbe dealt with as the [91¢{imm Chatges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. Office, over Gt.eyAtistyty. Lower Town, OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder' Block. Residence flrst door west of th" Post OMee, Durham. Will be in Pvieeville the hrst Wednes dnv in each month. ofthre at the Com- AVvlltv no .-..‘_I W tresptvasiryt. cutting timber on. or re- moving the same from lots wand 408.D. - - - m B,.. n.- or (3....” "mm BARRIS TE R. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT- NOTARY PUOLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. Collections sud Agency promptly ”tended to. vilis. Deeds. M-ngnuoa, Lens I, Agreements. am. rorroetle prepared. mute. of deceased paw-us [when] after. and Executnrs‘ and Ad- tutttistratorN' Arcumts prepareJ and pulled. hurrngute Court Rminv-u. Prohtue of Willa, Lotto“ of tdututlmnstiou MM ununlinuship Ail-mined. Search“ made " Bagistry omen and Titlus reported on. Uuulpunv and private Funds to Loan on Hang”; a " low at hues of intern“. Valuations mmlo ' y ucompetent and Garvin! Valuator. 'toar'" PUJLIC. CONVIVANCER. att. oft1ee---0PPER TOWN. DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK. a-es-t Lows-r Tomas. Will bo In Pricnville first & third Wednesduyl of Mull womb. Butters Hotel. LUCAS. WRIGHT, a BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. canznmcsRs. Ac. MONEY TO LOAN-cow mm A EASY TERMS Head " days MacFARLANE'S Drug Store... Notico is hereby given that aux-one _..-..-'.- manna timber on. or re- Dr. T. C. HOLT L. D. S. --- - --- J. P. TELFO RD, DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY MCCAUL. HARRIS TER. SOLICITOR. none: Jo raisnssns T. B. LUCAS. . - W. B. Wtsttrrrr, . c. Runes. .. . . OUR s'rocx A GORDON - of N 'Ach Goons ' at J NEW GOODS AMINE OUR Stock NOW LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AKE YOUR PURCH- ASES EARLY. Chargas Madezate. LOOK AT ’-FOR- PRETTY pecial iuwifice ale DURHAM. for ELSEWHIRI Mmkdale. Owen Sound. Durban. banana. “(w A, _ m Miss McCaul has opened an office in the McIntyre block, and will be plepar- ed on take down by dictation and type- write any correspondence, documents, accounts. ac., entrusted to her. 2 Innovnn tyrocx.---Mr, C. C. McFay- den brought home last week a fine tho- roughbred hull calf from the herd of Breeder Myers of Kossuth, Ont. He is ahandsome animal both in build and color and we hope Colin’s enterprise will he appnchted. Ens Wmoo-r Banana-“I luf- fered With intiammatitm of the stomach nod indigestion. Everything late dia- tressed me I ttthet taken s few bottles ot Hood's Sal-M and it has cured me. lam now able to eat almost any- thing I wish without distress. I heart- ily recommend Hood.s tumraparilu." c. A. Amswom, 1w North Edam-d. sweet. Knlgmm Hidden. Hove: or ItrNrmi--Bruee County has voted in favor of a House of Refuge. 16 Municipalities gave a. majority in its final, 5 against. Bo that the County Council will now have warrant enough to no on and build. AccotrsTs.-Will those to whom ac counts were sent, and who have not yet responded please do so at once as we need the money and at once. Mr. Jno. Cochraue spent . week among Durham friends leaving last Monday fot Upper Canada College where he is pursu- ing studies with a view to University work. Mr. John McDonnldson, Reeve of Eldersley, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Mat. Daria, of Moosemin. Man., called on Mrs. J. A. Black on their way to visit Glenda friends, on Tuesday last- Mr. McDonald has entered on his nine- teenth year at the Council Board of Eldenley. Landlord Munshaw. banker Mitchell, butcher Wilson. ttutter-buyer Runstedt- ler and a Mr. Bell, all of Flesherton were in town on Thursday last. PROTON CoUNCtL..--For 1398 the Town- ship fathers as follows: Reeve, McKen- zie: Dep.. Dan. Wilson; Councillors, Wright, Cortet, Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitchison, formerly of Aberdeen but now of St. Helens, Ont.,weto visiting friends in Durham and Aberdeen lately. Dr. Mahan, formerly of Meuford, will take Dr. Jamieson's practice during the Umnpaign. He is n son of the Rev. Mr. Malian of Flesherton. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers' may be prevented by keeping the blood pure and the system toned up with Hood's Saysaparilla. JUST 1tEcEtvED.---A new stock of wedding an" ionery call at. the REVIEW offtce soon and have your choice. Some Very pretty lines. Luge new residence for sale. rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to R. P. LEGATE, Flesherton Station. 4 Mr. Dan. McKiunou nnd his mother Mrs Allan McKinnou, via-ted Bunessan friends at the buginning of the week. Mr. Gudfrey McTaggnrt from Pomona was in town Saturday. His looks are as hearty as his manner. Mr. Evan Mt-Mxllan of Toronto was visiting friends in Durham and Port Elgin last week, Miss Fat-mm milliner at Ramsay and Morlock, left fun tru' home in Londw. Monday morning. Fun tuLu---A few home made cutters. Catg be seen at the old Carriage Works, Upper Town, R. MacFarlane Br. Mrs. McNeil. of Paisley. formerly of the British Hotel, Durham, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Joe Burnet is home at present, enjoying himself among old friends and relatives. Call at the ofrtee of the Standard Bank of Canada. Lower Town, and get a Cal- endar 1898. Coal Oi1.--Best refined Canadian Coal Oil 5gallons for We at Parkea's Drug Store. Hood‘s Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed for ac, by C. I. Hood& Co., Lowell, Mass. The free library scheme was defeated in Owen Bound at the last Mun. elec- tion, Miss Christie of Markdale is visiting athiss Whalen. Mr. Will. Harris, of the REVIEW, was on the sick list this week. Car of Clean Land Salt in bags of 200 lbs at Parker's Drug Store. ' Miss Tory Hill of Shelburne is visiting friends at the Middaugh House. Mr. R. A. Grant. Toronto. has been a guest at the Hedges for the past week. Mr. Sin-s, from Dakota, is visiting friends in and near Murdock this week. Mr. Enlist. Ailtut Park, in visiung Hood in town. We want wood either green or dry on subscription. Durham, Thur. Jan. 13th, ’98 filit, Quanta: gwim. l . LOCAL AND GENERAL Ax OLD LAND MAnk.--Mr. Arthur I Jackson has this week begun the taking down for removal,the old Dulglish gran- aryfor over' 30 years a conspicuous object on approaching Durham from all sides. It was built in the palmy days oUthe early 60's lung before the iron horse had invaded Durham, or Roller Mills and electricllghts were thought of. At a time when mote wheat was "teamed"to Guelph in a week. than now passes over our railway in a year. How many re- member these old times? The early drive with "Buck and Brighti" the string of teams waiting their turn to gen unloaded. The hoisting of heavy bags into full bins, the leisurely drive home with the Weekly mail from "Ben- tinck P. o. " as we believe it was once called h But to the building :no building erected here now has tmeh a wealth of splendid pine lumber in it. Or namen- tation was not spared and " famous heavy cornicing was often remarked. It wins built to last and the Bland quality of its timbers shows that nothing in perfleta1 was in the mind of the peopletor. It has outlived its usefulness however, at lent on its present site, and will again rear its, head on the Grifr1n prop- erty lately purchased by Mr. Arthur Jackson lorasheep farm, e few miles ' to the north Sic transit slot-l: and}. PRESENTATION IN BALLiNArrAD.--The following, taken from the Guelph Mee. cury, shows the appreciation in which Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, now of Dromore and Knox Church, Normnnby was held in their late charge: "On New Year's Eve the usually quiet Presbyterian munse in Ballimafad was the scene of festivity and music not unmixed With an underlying current ot sadness. The numerous friends of Rev. D. L. and Mes. Campbell, despite the inclement weather had met together to pay their respects and wish them God-speed in their new field of labor. Mr. A. Fowlie, of Erin, was ohosen chairman, and an address was read by Miss M. Thompson, follow- ed by the presentation of mm handsome chairs and a valuable purse by Miss A. McClure. On behalf of himselfund Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Campbell in his usual pleasing manner briefly reviewed his so- journ in Bullinafad. and thanked his friends for their kindness, past and pres- ent. He could not hope to eve: again meet with as much fellow-feeling on the part of his adherents as he had met with in Balliuafad. BAPTIST EsTErtrArNsrExt-On Fri- day last the Baptist Sunday School here had their Annual entertainment in the Town Hall and so much interest was taken in it, that theaccommodation was limited. Mr. Jim. Brown occupied the chair and Very pleasant Was his duty as he called " a fine programme of Jia- lognes. recitations, etc.. The singing by the children was 'admired and various, other musical groups helped on the evening. Got, up to please the Young people, the collection was no object yet 811,90 was realized by a voluntary offer- mg. EXPOSURE TO DISEASE does not neces stwily mean the contrution of disease provided the system is in a, vigorous condition. with the blood pure and all the organs In healthy action. When in such a condition contagion if readily re siy,t e" and the dsiease germs can find no lodv,t,tcnt, Hood’s Yravstparilla is the bust medicine to build up the a) stem be. cause its makes pure, rich blood, and pure blood is the hams of ttood health. In cold weather it is especially necessary to keep up the health tone because the body is subject to greater exposure and more liable to disease. Hood's Suma- is the sxfegnard of health. At the regular meeting last week of the C. O. C. F., Mr. Calder was elected Chief Councillor; Mr. Campbell. Past Coun.; Miss S. Carson, Vice-Coun.; Muss Hughes, Prelale; Mr. Jones. Marshell; Mr. Allan, Treas. ; Mr. Mills, Recorder: Miss McIntyre, Warden; Mr. M. Sutherland. Guard; Mr. Aljoe and Mr. D. Kinnee. Trustees. R. Taylor. 3rd -EvaHornsby, H. Ren- wick, E. Renton. 2nd s'r--J. Renwick. Ida Leister, May Dixon. 2nd Jr-AI. Findlay, G. Geddes, W. Legate. Pt 2nd --W. Dixon. N. Renwick, A. Renwick. Pt lst-A. Wells, Bertha Renwick, W. Wells-io. Cushnie. teacher. fill the various paid municipal offices were passed, They are held by the same incumbents as last year. Report of Dromoxe P. S. for month of Dec. 1897.--5th Class-Willie Tucker, Lottie Jones. 4th---H, Dixon, C. Dixon, TOWN Covscrc--The first meeting of the new council was held on Monday evening. All but two have taken the necessary declaration. The by-laws to The tight in Centre Grey will be he- teen Lucas and Roland. Thos, Gurney. even if he desired to do no, is physically unable to stand another election, A few weeks ":0 he veetured to attend Parlia- ment but has been forced to return on a count of his health.--Duudstk Herald. Norrmr.---An those indebted to U, McArthur are respectfully requested to call at once and settle their account by cash, note or produce. We need the money and must have,it.--C. McArthur. Mr.A.H. Burnett, who for the last twenty you“ has conducted a prosper- ous blawksmithing business in Hopeville has retired in favor of his son who wilt in future cater to the farmers in the vicinity of Ilopeville in everything per mining to the blasksmith line.-Dun. dalk Herald. John Duncan is engaged with M. E. Beaton bowing square timber out near Collingwood. Mr. Thus. Townsend has returned from yisittng friends for two weeks in Clinton district. Wm. McGrutbor moved back to town. m knows when likeni- I place to live. Ob say Mr. Ed. will Mr. McMillan not feel somewhat lost from the fold which n placed at Edge Hill. Onr Municipal Election for Don-Reeve. D. Wilson got were without. run. There was . good man nominated against him but nuignod. F or Reeve. D. “exam. came out 16 votes thud of P. Slaw. Ontario Parliament election " talked of of. Dr. Jamieson drove through here to Dnndnlk tad called to use his friends 3nd do a. little pnvsle nlhng. Mr. Wm, Ritchte of Edge Hill has I large contract up here supplying lumber, stone. sand. ete., for the erection of a large barn and dwelling house to be built next summer on his brother John's farm in Holland. He is rapidly pushing the work forward. The holidays mused over without much excitement. only the little friendly ante!- uiamema. Councillor: J. Corbett ma a. Wright was rammed with J, A. Cooper bu t now am. The Munlcipal battle has again been fought. and 8. Lamb has been slain. over which some wtll rejoice and make merrv though no doubt later on will regret their actions, while the great mass in the north of the Tp. who failed to poll their rote are now bitemg their finger nails pretty close to the quick for there neglectfulness in doing their duty in the campaign. Over tsonfidenee with many had much to do with it, and therefore remained at home resting or' their ours. Mr. Lamb was single handed in the tight, hasn't a rela- tive vote in the Tp., and therefore feels his defeat keenly. Mr. Wm. Williamson has been serious- ly ill for some time and is therefore con- siderably weakened down in health. Hope he may soon recoverto his usual, Mrs. Frank Prial is also quite indisposed mth little bores of “emery. We all sympathize with Mr. P. in this his time of trouble and sickness. Miss A guest. of lately, Mr, W. Walker visited recently at Mr. G. Johnston's. Miss J. Petty has been iudlspused for a few days lately. Mr, and Mrs. W. Fee spent a few days in Murrhtou last week. Fred Lemon left last week for Owen Sound where he will take up tt (Nurse in the Cullegizue. Mi sea Pieken and Patterson were LLe guests ot'Miss Morice for a few an” re- ceutly. Mr. J. Redford commenced his duties as teacher last week in our school. He is n welcome addition to the young people's socielies in this neighborhood. Mr. M. Matthews. of Egremnut, spent It few days at Mr. T, Wallace " last week. Mr, M. Duggan and his sister Lizzie are agending a few days with their brother Jr: r, Tim Duggan. Miss Minnie Lamb of Glascolt. is spending a few days with Miss Elsie Smith. Whut we mav expect-a number of weddings In and around our burg now that John has broken the lee. Mr. Vollet. and G. Corlett have com- pleted the brick work of Mr. Hunt's new store. Miss Annie Lamont. of Queen Hill Bruce, is visiting her aunt Mes. D. A, Smilh. Mr. John Cameron of Botinean, Dn- Kota, is renewing old aqunintances In and around mu burg. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir of Port Elgin were the guests of Mr. Wm. Smith for a few days last week. Mr. John and Ned McCallum of North- cote, Minnesota, were the guests oftheir sister Mrs, D, A. Smith last, week, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grant left last week fot Pictou, Nova South. the home of Mr. Grant’s patents. Yoius faithfully, Jorm WILLIAMS. Edge Hill, Jan. 5, '33. I beg to thank the electors of Glen. elg for the very hearty and generous support accorded me in the late elect tion, and to assure them, that I shall ever esteem it my duty as well as my privilege, while entrusted with their confidence, to serve them to the best of my ability in all that concerns the wel. fare cf'the township. - - Councillor Williams. (ilenelg. Mrs. Williams and their two daughters were in town Tuesday. One cf the daughters has been 18 months in the "County Capital” the other about t, and they an: btightenimt home and hearth for about two weeks at present. Your: LAmtL.--We have this week corrected our mailing sheet up to date. If your label is not tight wezwill esteem it a. favor it you will let us know. If m lineal-s we would respectfully ask your attention to it. CARD Oli' THANKS. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. . Matthews, of Dnrrem, was the the ML-ses Wallace one day HOPEVILLE. GLASUOTT. DORNOCH. Pr". We no glad to mu Mrs. H. W. Lawn in recovering, though slowly. trom the man bum obi received . tow rub A number of our young people drove up to Mr, Funk Wiae'l on homily night last and report hlving I good titne. Mrs. A. Little " in at prmnt winning friends " Thornbury. A number of young peoplo gathered at Mr. W. Dunn's Wetlands, night last all spout I very ylomns_evoning. Mm L. tur boson arrived homo In“ week from her ' mos. Iojom in 11:30:00] and other pluses. visiting noncon- {uh- ties. And friends. Misc Hattie Eden returned on Tuesday morning to Hamilton their unending e eon- ple of weeks with friends Ind rel-Mun here. A couple of sleigh losdl of young people from Normanby spent 1 very pleasant evo- ning " Mr. Adam Little's on Monday night lust. Mr. George Grant left on Sunni: y mor- ning for Fergus where he Intends haying forts week or no. Chan. Mo, formerly of Mel-nethon and and ltsurly of the nouth Michigan wou'lo arrived back here. The Dean family are coming to our town to lms. In the thriving village oi Swinton Park, township of Proton, County at Grey, a comfortable house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room and parlor with half an acre of good land well fenced with a pump at the door. Close by Church, school and post oitiee. For further particulars apply to, JOHN MARTIN, Swinton Park or JOHN Lara, Bouthville. January 6, '98. House and lot for Sale. . . TERMS " SALE t--20 per cent Cash at time of Sale. Balance In 30 days with 6 per cent interest. For further particulars apply to J AS. CARSON A. ll. JACKSON, Auctioneer. Vendor. Auctioneer. Durham, Dec. 18, '07, afternoon: I.--That valuable Farm Property, be. ing composed of the first and second divisions, and the Southwesterl y halt ofthe third division of Lot number nine in the first Concession East of the Gnrafmxa Road in the said Township of Glenelg. containing 125 acres more or less. At the same time and plane there will be ofrcrcd for sale by Public Auction, IL-The North Easterly half of the third division of Lot number nine, and the fitst and second divisions ot Lot number ten in the first Conces sion East of the Gamfraxa Road in the Township ot Glenelg, containing 125 acres more or less. The said properties will be offered ('g, sale Separately subject to a reserve 1 ' VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES, --m THE--- Township of Glenelg Under and by virtue of powers of sale contained in certain Indenturcs ot Morrgages which will be produced at time ot sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction " the At the hour of ONE O’CLOCK In the In the TOWN of DURHAM,. in the COUNTY of GREY, on FRIDAY, JANUARY, 14th 1898 MORTGAGE SALE. Purely Vegetable Pills [WEB PMS Price l5cts a box Durham Pharmacy GUN’S British Hotel, No Pills to equal them ' . VA RNEY. --oP---. at llgtid thon, JP" Clark Div. " Land Valuation. Insurance Agents. . Commissioners. - to land. - Invest“ for Mos. ruins bought and sold. CONVEYANCIBB. Amman basins-“M Ola out door to It.“ Bank COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loan in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On titat Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates at Interest. Quick ai-tttb--. and lowest possible chums: . Apply to G. Lefroy McCaul Bummer, Upper Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd 'W. 8ttt N. Br-To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon u ta ken off. which fur Finish and 80ft- ness can't be beat. By the New Process, Our Granite and Enamel- u'are 811179118308 all others. Good second-[land ma] More for kale cheap. WU 'LA®KD Our stock of (was is something extra. A few more X cut Saws in stock. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for We still here name good when and horse blankets. Don’t forget our cheap Mitts and Gloves. You CAN GET more Silverware and a better quality for less money at our store than elsewhere. A few more strings of Mose choice sleigh bails on hand. Robe Tanning! DON 'T" FORGET Quailty. YOU CAN GET Dromme, July 5th I”. “Mow/ARE!!! Satisfaction Guaranteed. A large Amt-(men! of BELLS. BLANKE TS. W Ir I PS. SNA P8. CURRh'.COMBti, BR USERS. COLL A RS. tr" WEA F- PA 08, (1 ml HARNESS OIL. Light & Heavy Harness Induction: Ion of cum. THE LINSOO‘IT COMPANY V 2. _ TORONTO. We have reduced the price of Canadian Coal Oil, and we are selling 3 Superior Money To Lean. J A0E80lll S. Robe Tanning I Robes 81 Goats Go to Dromore FOR ALL KINDS Oh. Thos Smith. ll McMILLAN.

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