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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1898, p. 7

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" 39* 1k 1uvo to hurdreda. e ot “Mano, " the Damm- who ts hues! D that lulu um how a". r, " unic- . which now. ll. tyne-m " “avert. tmt I." u. U CY. p.ooo.ooo 1,000.00. 500.000 DVAICI roprletou Id anada mto ?. Boid. Imago: mink ll " m od "vim on no! I)". n't lil m ttt - the he." - all.” W - - The education of European prince- ll revealed in their holiday plenum. Meet. of them ere trained tor military life. and their enumer- ere occupied with army reviewe mud mnnoeuvres. Whenever they visit one enother they no eo'PnaEned with cavelry drills end infantry notice and with shun bat- Not on. of than grout novoreigns has over been under lire in real wsrtnro. Tho Emperor of Austr'uvahntmrr took an active part In the eampaittn “that Franco. ltnly and Prumia, (tom . " distance. The King at Italy command- od . division in 1866 st tho battle of Customs, bat only to cover the retreat of the Italian army. The tut and the Emperor of Germany hue never won Prince- ere sport-men on well aeol- diere. The Emperor of Austria-Bun- gnry. when he enterteins his good all! end friend. the German Emperor. not only order: a. militnry review and . notice of banquets and fete; bat he I190 u’rnngea an oid-twshioned hunting - eureion in the forest. Be is the keen- ust sportsman in the European roynl circle. and enjoys hard riding end the genuine pleasures of the chase. The other sovereigns prefer milder} sport. The German Emperor in ngood shot, and quickly fills his be; when he is [wading a. hunting party. The Em;eror of Russia is at home in the undue. but he is not an expert with the gun. The King of Italy also is . good sportsman. Nearly all the Eng- lish primes shoot well, and have abund- ant mutt for small game on the Scot- tish moors. wit. The German Emperor and the Prince of Wales are enthusiastic ywhtsmen. m the Aegean and the Mediterranean. est in Europe. The King of the Bei- glans enjoys sea life, and tskes long summer t.ruiues on his steam yacht, off the coasts of Spain, and Norway. The Russian Emperor shares the same taste. The King of Sweden and Nor- way is rarely off his yacht during the summer. The King of Greece is also a yachtsmsn. hut he is seldom afloat in the Ais'gean and the Mediterranean. The Kine of Norway and Sweden is summer "an?! on the coast: 0 Tho Russian Em taste. The Kim way is rarely ot summer. The f The King of Norway and Bwouen Pl the only European lovereign with'; atrong artistic and bookish tastes. He is fond of reading, is something of a musician. and is an artist with consid- erable talent for sketching. Princes are trained for military cam- paigns which seldom occur, and they are also educated for court functions which newer end. They are great so- cial Lersonages. who understand all the nicelies of etiquette, and are able to swank several foreign languages: There is not a European sovereign who can- not. comers» fluently with royal visi- tors in their own tongue. A prince who was without training in modern languages would be out of place in a Euroyean court. at tho pat of it on m tient at a , winter, um thererxsn small com? I called to him throng rr ‘What are you do: .xked .. ‘I'm en-onomlzmg. no “menu--- smiled aw though there was a joke in his mind somewhere. “What do yuu meant" “Well. 1 built up ngood big fire in the house when Uncle John wna sway. and when he came back and saw how ouch c: sl 1 had burnt up he got mad and sent me out here to ammo- uuze for an boar or two. He said be guessed I'd learn how to be more care- ful of my he“ If i got a " good chill clean through! "Ot course," ouncluded the physicinn. "I put no and to that sort of econo- mizing in very short order, but I didn't do it soon enough, for the Loy w“ taken down 3 day or so later and he was sick in bed (or three weeks." EDUCATION or FENCES. A strange night was witnessed yea- terdny in the Southwestern Police Court. London. Eng. An elderly mnn, nrmlms nnd leglus “as carried into the witness box by . policeman, who held Ifrtt :4 though he were A baby, while Ito made an applicstion to the Magistrate for an extension of time under nu ejectment order from the Court. Mr. Mtrrsham and him how he came to be no aftlioted, to which the helples- mu replied that he wu born Bo. He got his living by making handed 0":an with his mouth. Bis Won-IMP snowed him . low midi- tiooat any: to find {nah Minoan- GiGi " -ui uatatts Tho ants at South Auction hue been no“ to construct n tunnel three LL\IBLESS FROM BIRTH CLOSE AND MEAN. eeonomiyinq 16m BY ANTS. br “v.1.-. .. concluded the physician. nd to that sort of econo- ery shout. order, but I soon enough, for the Loy own . day or so later and in bed tor three weeks." tg,' he shiverednnd there was a joke in Pain Past Endurance. “I“ In In" In." land or Poet and III to be led all '"eaaed--Tuo Boo. - Told III- a Care In [upon-50h, In I. Ana-d: to In Business To”. From Lbs Milbrook Reporter. r. W. COOK BOPELESSLY CRIPPLED WITH RBEUIATISX. 'Rheumatism has claimed men! vie- time and has probably causel more pain than any other ill enacting man- kind. Among those who have been its victims few have nutter-ed more than Mr. G. W. Coon, now proprietor of a flourishing bakery in Hampton. but for a number of years aresident of Pontypool. when his severe illness occurred. To a reporter who inter- viewed him Mr. Coon gave the follow- ing particulars of his great suffering and ultimate cure: "Some seven or eight years ago." said Mr. Coon, "I felt a touch of rheumatism. At first I did not pay much attention to it,but as it was steadily growing worse I began to doctor for it, but to no effect. The trouble Went from bad to worse. until three years after the first symp- toms had manifested themselves I became utterly helpless, and could do no more for myself than a young child. I could not life my hands from my side, and my wife was cling“: I began tm feel,in view or condition, that I was Bro strong,und the pain was” siding. From that out, 1 steady improvement, and: time in long. weary yen-s, trompsin and once more g my place among the world thave not now the slight; tteel better than Itelt tor previous to taking the pi God that Dr. winLama' Pin' in my way as [believe tir life, and there is no dgu the system auu new“... --_ W'" to health and strength. In cases ot paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor iataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipe- 'taa, scrofulous troubles, ete., these pills "re superior to all other treatment. , They are also a specific for the troubles Avhich make the lives of so many ‘women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and‘ aral- Inn-v rheeks. Men broken down “by I "u, up“ - l Poor nothin'! I've s. I your cetttssl I'm, ju'. Pi Klondike. and I'm lo I I ter. Are you the Tr (whipper-atumer she n the non grow u. “only“ w T'""""" - low cheeks. Men broken down by overwork. worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid, 50e. a. box, or six boxes for 82.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Sche- nectady. N.Y. 'Dl-Iware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be "just as Mr. Eonseet--aJon't you think hus- bands are terribly aggravating at times? Mrs. mrnseei--oh, very; especially when they ask whom you think you would have married if you hadn't mu- ried them. ms THEORY. First Footpad--This is L dandy match of mine. Did yer notice me many- gram I . Second Footptsd-Yea. Did you trn' the teller that used to own the watch have the same initials ' Even if he has cows on not be is . stronger, happier mm it he uses Putnam's Pt Extractor and gets rid of t . . ., __-.. n{ My poor man, Why don't yo? ly bin due, his (ma. Ditxsr--Bat why do you make preferred creditor? Tourist-Are there any dmtlnguluu- ed citizens hero? 'ztiiiiGrc--joiat.imrue1t1t,, Stunger, we’ve got the two champion checker piggy: ct Beeswax County right here rr"tiiii, town ' LOVES FOR. THE WORLD. The tWo little" that of main: and Pbmbt furnish tour fifths ot up cloves consumed by up wand: , NOT WHAT CRO\VD1NG THAT NEEDS AD Trivvet--d believe LID - -.-s- w, toms. painlessly and Fortyfour muscles are called into lay in this production of the human “A Ian's a Man for a' That." NEEDS AN EXPLANATION. _u.-1 believe in giving the devil THE HUMAN vows. WELL SUPPLIED. t HE SEEMED TO BE. n, lhave nothing for you. ow--- ft, I've got dollars to I'm, just hack from the l I'm lookin'for pr, Pt THE MOURNERS In “In...“ ‘___ _ the slim-legged little she married? , on both feet. But happier and wiser am's Painless Corn rid of the unsight- and at once. .l any distinguish- him . "he. Oscar of “"ch tn Going to Arrtea to Tr, and l'onven lent-on. M o N s O o N The average Prince is usually 3 gay NICO OOVIOB 1.03.. young blade, but Prince Oscar of Swed- M, Mt, 40.50 lid ao cent: per pound. on is . rare exception. Not only has Black antt It!“ All Grocers. he devoted the greater part of his life .--.-----, ~' -_-e--._-eV ----------P_ --_ ' " 0000!! to angelica! work. but it is now an- nounced that, accompanied by hisequal- PAI‘LESS PENI‘ Mui, PILLS ly pious with, he will invade the junz- A 8pedik for Female (kmplainta, hrs od Africa and spread' the Gospel mama‘azz’mtmxwfigzm among the knighted. heathen. ','fg'"r't",t't', "43.31% tte",', t',erc',it1t'ldgi Prince ascar, animal: the second my Alu",',"'?,')'.'; 1P(ll'.h'5l'r"tl'll')'lt1','Sn')7fa'/;a' m of the King and Queen of Sweden! fls'zm‘:grammarwmmm if not a. Prince. " gall. He .t.t:f1ii'it', 'iFietiEl!gf, '23:?710; ta?” than: kottiik £37: him title when. in 1858, he married Ls if. 'r'lltllm' " . mum“. , Ebba. Munch r.----.------------------------ _w-_ Ebb: Munch, who is of patrioian birth. was chm maid of honor to the Crown Princess and, nlmough thred - older than Oscar. their meeting wu almost . case of love at tirat sight. She was engaged to he married to Count Valdemar von Beam. tr young army oftioor. who was not altogether in sympathy with her religious views. She consequently released the Count, 9nd Prince Oscar. a blonde giant, stand- pg six feet and six inches in his stock- mg feet. began to pay her usiduous court. The King and Queen were strongly opposed to the match, and Miss Mun) left the royal homeland. pi gal. Despite all opposition. the marriage} took place. the Prime according to law, renouncing all the pomp which was bis by right of birth. Sim then Oscar and his wife have never been seen in royal circles. Within. the last year they have as- smiated themselves with the Salvation Army, and have been conducting open in; meetings in the streets of Stock- om. And, now. according to recent, cable deapatxhss, this strange pair of relig- ious enthusiasts purpose to go as mis- sionaries to Africa. “Nu”. -..___. It is mver wise to slip the bands of discipline.--? Wallace. Age is a, matter of feeling, not of years-George William Curtis. God Mona can properly bind up a bleeding heart.--Jotseph Roux. If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where he is he cannot. be a. Christian tutywhems.- Henry Ward Beecher. - Kindness out of mason destroy: an- thority.--Saadi. Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself; you will never err it you listen to your own suggestions.- Cicero. The firmst friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, 2m iron is the most strongly united by the fiercest name.--coltorr. There isa healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads con- tact and communion with others, how- ever Gmue.-washiagton Irving. ( Other blessings-may be taken away. but if we have acquired n good friend try goodness, we have a. blessing which improves in value when others fail. It is even heightened by sutterings.-- Chan'ning. Insinmrity in a man's own heart must make all his enjoyments. all that ‘concerns him unreal; so that his whole life mast seem like a merely dramatic iriaauatarion.--r"wthor" AN EXCEPI‘ION TO THE BULB. Is secured by Nerviline--the grant nerve-pain cure. The highly pene- trating properties of Nerviline make it never itriling in all runs ot rheuma- tism. neuralgia, cramps, pains in the rank and side, lumbago, etc. We heart- ily commend it, HIGHEST COST Sixteen thousand dollars is the ree- ord price paid for a cablegrarn. that‘ price having been paid for a. message sent by Mr. Henniker Keaton to Aus-' trails in behalf of the British parlia- ment. Renter's account of the mur- derer Deemiag's trial, 4,000 words, cost $8,000. An LEGO-word dispatch from London to Argentina cost $7500. The most, expensive private message so tar is that sent by the.King of Italy to the Iduke of Ahruzai at Itio Janeiro, in- forming him of the death of his father. i gt late Duke of Aosta, which cost 82,- 6 . Next time I'm going out to n ly'ts I'm, going to take a cam] with ma. What tart Last time I went I sat. down little thing that turned out to tea table. STAT! or OHIO. . _-_.- . cI-l-v! -.,, F LUCAS 0mm“. 1-" 1 FRANK J. ' In my mnkee onth that he in the l unior partner or me ttrm of F. J. run“ a Co., doing bur-luau in the City ot Toledo, County and Sula “would. and that. said firm will PW the sum of ONE HUNDRED “01,. [AIM tor etch and every case ot Cara an that cannot bo cured by the use of HALL'II CATAKRH Cl‘kl- _ FttANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and eubscr.bed in m practice. this 6th (by of December. A, D. A'l {an} A. w. GLIASON. , Notary Publlc. Hall's Cater!!! Ciro is token internal”, “a note directly on the blood as! mucous :11".ch of the system. Bend for ammonium tree. _ P. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo, o, Sold 'tMgr,",','?,?, 15c. l “are Ghiirei1r-tt"t hm. ' Promotion of General Happiness’ What did that man want? asked the druggist. A pint of whisky, aid the new clerk who was on trial tor 3 week. gm In bus . prescription! o. Well, what did you dot I m one tor_l_:im. " GBEATMT BRITISH LANDOWNBR. Tho greatest landowner In the Unit- ed Kingdom_ it..ttepttt of Buthorlnnd. a. nurse in the Queen's Hoe- GRAINS OF G OLD. HE KNEW HIS BUSINESS. SOCIAL FAUX PASS 7iiGiaFTimtamntttr en- c n or ToLlno. OF A CABLEGRAM going out to Rover- to take a ctunpertool about ona nu Wotan: Is Guaranteed In Every PM: or-- M O N s O O N m s m. been to may lady who All." in the perform: an. of nature‘s ellovt They " one on. the pan and "qtoeqs III-W and had“: “do: of the own-n 1-- ..L For yum and dchopiu womanhood any excel my remedy 'hlch an be mod. They no compound“ told! hom the active principlunl vegetable lubluncel. Ind we when; If. - reliable. Ask your druggiet tor than. and he doe, not keep them in stock he an gonna glam for _ Price 31.00 per Bonds. 0rd lot .00. Th 110le mu: the tomato III-mud I... that“. I’m “WE WANT Til u 0010K." lntemqont ladle. and gentlemen can be lup- plied. with Kennel and vary PROFITABIJL' 'g'a1'W"li minim-y L the rianthl NEO E A Y to your. GOOD BEMUNERA TTON, Can give he when of roprsq4trttatim who has Just, ole trad $113 in 21D.\YS u can tte mado rim. Anew?! 2}! B, _ any; wu- unu- u... .- - -. .- - ___ "ttriot of ttt 6 Fi " 12 for $19 ' 6 or um um l 0. D. if tl ig sent with ordu; for .2 I will "tsd Inch 5nd hundmmo rollod plum chain warranted to we" the "an. “a .11 your, win he "turned if you no not and“ with your buy-m. Ind I. luau. box 123. Mann. Now on: an. *cANAnA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS COMPANY The nmplo resources oi this Company onah1e lea Dix-ecu»: to make ndvnmtl on mm In "tistes,witttout delay. at low rates of interest, and on the moat favorable terms of repayment noun granted on Ingrovel Farms and on Productive Town and ity Proper). Mort. - And Municipal Debentures Pur- itttiiaed. Applicationl will borooelvod n the omttttg of the Company. J. HERBERT MASON. 'utr-ttred trnmtii.............uyteet Paid-up capital...... ........... 2.eoo,ooo ”an...,......................12.ooc,ooo nun orrrwnr--'rorrt?N'ro an. TORONTO. Tubular Boiler mrn 2,'2',," Sturtevant San Slightly Used. All Very Cheap for Cash. i'iiisnn hliidiq h, limited Branch oti.eetr-wsstrtrto, l. VascotrvF. B. C. " Adelaide St. W., Toronto imiiiiytli IiE.ii1.fl1tli,l)ll) "ii5UNN'tit BAKING POWDER Canada. :03 W mus§V§N YEARS- UKGEEVSVCEWN CANADA. S.", AT' vow own ttl ”as. . L. NICHOLS & co.. 3 Richmond Wat. Toronco. I." inch on earth, :13 Ink century watch: me! - inch on 1t21"tlifl'/ w can...“ Mth comm: Inch: medu- movement: var-Mei " rem; land Ill macho-per - _ " d4..- ----_ ' - wan-um --- .""-- ' _‘.__V - -____e _ to In: '23.00 Intdr lucid nun wind, pond.“ not, holy 'hath dial aunt mom! hand; received highest 'ilird It'd-I Avail. at America and Europem Intonation-l LI'OI mu; e.teetoy the world our; lust, . Inch which all. unv- whoul I tf to .5: “can Elk. big money by r./ltt It: on. “an: mid 22 in . .ingir on; ml send PPP? to my hddrcu on . _ .~_:__.n “-01 Ulla-Ila EM ONTARIG ARC TORONTO " H,P. Manning Director. Toronto l our eel-bum onuhlo " "i',,',',',']',)'")':":')""). I,,,,.!,,,,),)" Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This “Mature Electric Railroad is com let: with , l I" track and battery. 9 ‘mmm il.f-.ll- We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. ‘I oo COHPLETB. THE TORONTO' ELECTRICAL WORKS co., “II-II lhin Old Chronic Disease Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberino cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti: ful as in youth. Lurking In Your System, KOOTENAY WILL DRIVE rr OUT The my that 1roountV token hold of old chronic cues of 1theumatiam, and ridl the uyntem of the lurking poison upon which the disease exists, the adoration by well-known elergyrneu, physician- and hospital executivel of its cures. leads put all doubt " to its power to cure this disease. v ' w f SWOBN EVIDEIJCE I DOMINION OF CANADA. LN THE MATTER of the “Aubert“ Hair ProdIeeI' . Province of “Mario. manu'actured h Maseru. Job Cook and Company. " Fa. 00011:on Middlesex, To Wit: human Street. London. Canada. 1. Henry Amoe Plaatow, of the City of Landau. in the County of Middle”; Weber Wor- hepectnr t Do eolemnlg dealers thatl have used the "AmbOl'an RBir Prodm-er." manufactured by Means. Job look and Gemini". of No. (is Wallingmn Street. in the City of London. an“. [hoe the 15th day of Appl .1897. It hes attoppodtheitttttintt ot the ecup. engined 'ch In.“ from falling out, remand the dsndrarT, and hu brought out. I thick amp ot “lure I! heed wu entirely held before t commenced mun; their prevention. _ - . _.. - ' W , .,,,..-_ -A___.-_. _....n_ L-l -.:.... u “.5. or... and L-nnwlnl LAW he“ WI. enurely moo ”more I Wlulllclltuu unu- uucu p”, .n-..v... And I make this Iolomn decimation g,1'llG'ii'll1o"i'itr' i'liifi'"kgii It to be m. tad knowing thus It]: of the um. tore. and tttUttt u It made under oath sud by Virtue of 6g Tho Cum Evidence Act 1891." V Dean-ed before me a the City London. in the Coal y of Mlddlmx. um ttth day of Oomber, A.D. 1397, " which [certify under my would not! R. A. PLAIN“. . T. luau“. A Now: Publth In sad for On- Provlnco of Ontario. The [Dawson thmtnttttttitttt tht nor. of In! Handful colborno It, . ' u. l l, " 1mm. . or "rule-mun. " ITrc" '18r purlzl'uuu". 'B-lr'"'. . V mt nd ' l ,i’l,,,,_..| __ "ll? 1'met' ht . lor, ".0. -- __- ' - _ In , ltry Fgg err" e Applch on . , d Sm.” " W? IE t ard your mama-:1 a - till ‘ . _ ew',li trivesone lmlf-ruund king, I Ott ”MINI ~v,, Gl " 15k Rolleduomphru A - Th. n‘wson CommISO on " L: E-', rt,t.'.1'r'aelty,7//e','.1i': - u “1”“ ior.. \ruhh.‘ M, - an... Inn-Int and Comer“. Ct., . “ION"! 'ca".'.",',,.",',',',.",,",",,.,.',',';:':,,?,',',",',',,':', f m '2- Ill i', “Hg The New Ingredient, that works no 11ml! lously in searching out stubborn and tshevi, rheumtism. in just as effectual with mo“ ' " other chronic disease. Hopeless cases of Bright'. Disease yield to its influence, Eczenn, in extrvznu (can: where eruptions have existed from head to toot on in ita remain of cures. Pale. haggard and emailed people, whose frames on“ all angles Ind tsurves,unrefreiurd by I]e¢~.p.troubled by indigestion and nervousness. round up in balm through the use of Kootemy Cure. "iiirgs Mort widow Attended mumramd Catalogue (Sum 1 'Hur""""'" V.w...--_~ _ ROBINSON ' JOHNSON mLEVILLI. . . . O', 1, WM. 11. V‘bl, Icabuu-s a" -v ”-n~'~~- _-___"- North, in the City of Hamilton, do solemnly de. clare that I have been afflicted with rheumnt‘um for seven yearn, and st different times eonfined to the hospitals both in Hamilton and Toronto. Wu discharged from the Hamilton hoepital after eleven months' treatment, and on the 15th of Janusry lost I w" told that they could do nothing for me. When laying there I was unruly able to walk. I tried a number of oo-oalled cures; had my fret covered with fty planters under directions of a shylioinn. but got gradually worn 0n the 13th " ot this month, After tokin two and one-bolt bottletrof Byolunnn’s Knotenny sure, I threw away my stick which I had been compelled to use for mnport, and on now . healthy mun. free from " gun, one: man ,earslquftesr'uyr. On Tueuday Int was on my feet for' 'ttr, hours steadily with- out my bad results on: now ou to attend to my work regularly. which frequently necessiutol mrundrtangijirrufrfoyAoaP. Icon-ids! My the most wonderful blood modioino and Moth Cm on: known. WI. B. Wu. Dettumd More Rotor-y T. W. Habit. i my w, not. q naaaaui d. 0. “our mud, Moons” t, SOFT, GLOSSY, PLMNT SILKEN TRESSES, n trmeMr m was tf "ot,us-rrsoeuer,wttttotenTree In: M “M” orresemtcrAe?f1tu" GROWS A NEW CROP_QF HAIR. "ers-ttttmr.". " The" It Any Wm, msjgling_at 47 gully-on {Street iiiiiighili, initial: eA5.. an. Sea for Chart Book two. Mills. M linrridrr to Word; " ADELAIDE ST. W.. TORONTO. Burriwors. 6' tr..remov"y to We-loy "4de Rich mum FL. w.. Toronto. L m America. I: rear), ADDRESS- Mi“: ' Hale. rm. e; c..remnvu_d N ' Flo. A., ONT. HAIR PRODUCER. YOUNG HER. lam-n (m ui," No better trad! or proton-Ion. Write tor paflll‘lhll". Ill! You." bu. 'lornmo. in! all“ ttre' mou'c and we Mn mun y-n I m: 1.1»; II“ OMEGA]. 'ld'.' Box tra, Ccnwrm ook, can. tttttet/Jer/gre/ji/fe/il',",.": um tirr.u, h. wrtU II a "villa“! pm I 10 “'k'hlo You or II tt an "AteiOttteyyttfery4rrtt_eliyytrlttyu Ierut. A NI 1lllml TWO TAILS? w. l mans, 'rg/IL,, William St, - . - TORONTO. Ont. - ovum. Toronto? Cutting School. minnow In an” "mmmm n .gboflm .......CiEVLoN mA gaunt... uni-u The frllowing Indies have kind. Iy permitted " to refer a them. They have used Am. berine, they know its worth, gnd they recommend it high- Miss Jennie Tibbs. Neisoex St., Loerdoat. Mrs. J. Manson, Young St., Ha ' “to; “in E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Humilto. Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St., London. Misc L V. Ryekmnn. Hughsnn tit. ti., Hamil“; Miss Eva Dickenson, Young St., Hamilton. ly - - " Bo, Win: - LADIES PRAISE AMBERINE. - HAVE YOU - Ire wmclve one GjFr0uraTiiiTi, 188 30110600” plu' c A wan mood. to layout! v " will "I tdor.. lpdeatfurigblp Limp WWII.

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