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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1898, p. 8

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i# Academ y Miss ‘MOH\];! pered t ©i trat atu w bum 1€ Ups a Ha M oatsico Thos. and da )4 JoM Ali M In wl X the wh l U wWi T} sery hav f M( U U Mma i Durl en f H Miss Mari es ol Poplar (Grove, Andrew Brown of his oldest d Mr. Frank Lep einity. A V ( very w U XMAS WEDDING BELLS )llow mm merrâ€"grmns mery Parvricge pl JZZIC . to * Joem m farmemees dressed d with e blos. a m Dur Mr. Joe. Ryan from Orangeville last week with friends in this burg. Mr, and Mrs. D. McInnis left week for their new home a few â€" Miss Jessie A. Beaton returned to your town their vacation at the ol: SM the spring H n 1e wa U W W t la id W ULT ly m 1€ Cl Â¥Iâ€" is in ir. ‘~Ver lare Cnanmnever.â€" Mr, Editor wish you, and stafl, and the many ders of your valuable paper, a happy 1 prosperous New Yenpr. () s part 119 We | . Mr. Dougal McDonald of Elrawood ,! spent New Year‘s day very pleasantly at | the old homestead. | â€" Mesers Geo. and James Alexander of A1â€" lan Park, partook of New Year‘s festivities | at Mr D. MceDonald‘s. | _A fire started, the origin of which is anâ€" | krown in the siding of Mr. A. Smith‘s | honse last week, having burnt quite a hole | efore beins uobieel _ Po strowisie sBiel, price The quotation from the mat parting is such sweet ter late than never done 1t wa D ter, Mass, U, 8. A. Minniec Melntyre attended her ‘tâ€"inâ€"law funcral, Mr. Heart well ilton on the 26th ult. t, K. Heartwell of Tres Piedras 1J isilered to be authentic as any departâ€" s from our midst is genuine sorrow, 1onast the last to leave our burg was s Emma A. Mar, who has been the ist of her sister for a month back, to Queen City, where she intends to e for some time. ‘ommunion of the Lord‘s Supper was brated in the Preshyterian Church, »doy last, Rev. Mr. Little preached an + sermon to a very large congregation, he preparatory ~services on Friday o coudncted by Rev. Mr. McKenz‘p,‘ ley, on S«turday by Rev. Mr, Hunter Messrs, and Miss MecKinnon of Queen Hill Braze Coontr, w10 have been enliven â€" ing Welbeck not a little of late left for their home last S«tarday, 110 Mr. and Miss Lindsay of Granser, Dau(â€" rir Co and Mr, gnd Miss Anderson of erkley were the welcome gnests of the indsay and Riddeli fimilies part of last io your town after spending tion at the old homestead, . Ryan from Orangeville spent with friends in this burg.. His Mi in sig, sp W1 W1 m Te on a vis 1 M its part sold life more a n n I€ and Mre. Acheson, otf wewine old acanaints tl vicComb spent his Christmas Varney with his grandparents. s. Kennedy and his daughter, spent a week recently visitinag Hee evure which was given by Mi. { Darham, in the school bouse rwlay eyeuing, took very well. c being a trip to Holland. â€" A was taken up at the close of the but we did not learn what the + saciwen, c yisiting am SCOTCH TowN pping rmill is again booming. urubull of Walkerton, has it in rder and is prepared to do com now until spring,. + the readers of the Review, a prosperous New Year. * much pleasure in welcoming in the siding of Mr. A. Swith‘s list week, having burnt quite a hole being voticed. By stremmous efforts exlinguished before much barm was is at prtsent at the old r. D. Melntyre‘s, Mrs. the sympathetic fecling neighborhood in her sad in, ate turkey in Toronto while our detective dealt eavenue, and is pleas ed For this aweek, Iector MecDonald, of Walkerton; is ze a resident of Welbeck. He is omiciled with the MeArthur famâ€" 1 AT . Beaton and brother vCC uce. Edwards visited Ow onehouse, of Hamilton, + art buying caitle. Mr, Th d bim eight heal at Mr, Stonehouse is a first Fo ritton ot a ross, of Bay City, Mich., who sit to bis brogher, of this place, k for Lhis home in Uncle Sanm‘s \lk ex. Firth to our neighbor. them _a Lappy JjJourney ROB ROY. «. Acheson, ot Huron Co., old aeqnaintances around They intend to return to of the woek. had a wool bee last good snpply of wood of Mount Forest, is nong her friends in weet sorrow is now a few mile Doet Maâ€"Auly ‘\Il'c 'r}lUS. en Sound ledras, spent _ His last Jasâ€" it class & I have put hundreds of men in the way of making money: some of them are now rich. _~ I can do lots of things for you, if you are bonorable and will work hard. ~. If you are above foolish prejndice against gnnv;n ing for a good book, write and get my proposition. The information will cost nothing. ~ _ If Tou are Energetic and Strong, Those who were wondering if the . was coming off will likely know now Mr. Jas. MceDouald had a party last { week and it was a decided success. _ It is _ hoped the same crowd will meet again. Mr. Dan, McKechnie han a wood bee last week and the boys did very well. Mr, Hugh MceKeclnie of Bentinck was visiting at Mr. D, Mcintyre‘s last week,. Mrs. Don. McCormick of River Side i was also a guost at Mr. D, Mclutyre‘s last: week, } Messrs. Jas. McDonald and D. Mclutyre | returned to the woods again after their holiday lay off. The valley wishes thal boys good luck, two months. The deceased was a promigâ€" ing yoang man ard the mainsuay of his father and mother thus we are reminded that death is no respectcr of persons for be visibs all classes of the people old and young, rich and poor. The fuaneral serâ€" mon was preached by Rey. Humphreys, Alarze number followed the remains to the Priceyile cemeatery, Died on Tuesday night on the South Line Artemesia, John MceDonald, sou of James and Isabella McDonald of inflamâ€" mation of the bowels, aged 17 years and We are just in receirt of â€" lengthy hisâ€" tory on Algoms from the able pen of Mr. Jolin MeKinuon, teacher formerly of this place which we will forward to the Editor as our next budget Mr. Neil McCaunel is attending a meetâ€" ing of Presbytery at Orangeyille th‘s week. Mr. Neil McLean of B. C. is spending a wlule with frien.s ou the South line Arteâ€" We Si'), Mr. C. C. James is uarsing a sore hand for the last week or so. Messrs. Ir. Jamicson, Exâ€"Mayor Laidâ€" law aud McLachlan of Darham were in town on Friday of last week. Mr. Robert McGowan left for Oakville on Saturday last. His sale on tho 4h inst came off good. Auctioneer McCormick did his part well. preached in the Presbyterian church here on Saunday last. Rev. Mr, MceNeil is exâ€" pected next Sunday, Mr. Allan MelLean of this village is in a low state at present ske is attended to by Dr. Boyles under whose treatment â€" we hope to hear of her recovery . bad The Municipal Elections are all ovs ' for the present year and as a result some are of course defeated and that by very { small majorities. In Artemesia we find that Mr. Joun MeArthur made an extra. ordinary good run for Reeve considering the disadyantages he had to contend with, First he had had the strongest man in Artemesia as opponent ; secoud he was a resident of almost the remotest part of the municipality and yet he was only defeated with the small majority of 27 votes. Councillor MeMillan reâ€"elected by a small majority over A. Muir in Ward No. t In Glenelg we find that the Conncil are very near all at Edge Hillâ€"all good men to be sureâ€"but the Bannock was badly diyvided. 3 wards without a Representatiyeâ€"ton Miss Mary McInnis from Flesherton, was a welcome guest in this locality on New Year, Mt. John Black paid a business trip to Brantford and vicinity last week, The home of Mr.and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan, of Top Cliff, was the scene of a merry crowd on New Year‘s night, Thanks. d . 11 30 2 °NC MOTMISON was amongst the youth and beauty that attended the Berkley dance from this vicinity, Miss Sadie Black has left our town and resides at the Middaugh House at presâ€" ent. It is rumored that she is going to remain, We will all miss Sadie, ‘ 0 0p2 OO Cmm ies Miss Tena Morrison was amongst youth and beauty that attended Berkley danbés Pram 415 2. 5lb u5: Glen Archie says the trout is his fatherâ€"indaw‘s spring. brotherâ€"inâ€"law Mr. D. MeMillan companied him back, We pred they will have a jolification time this week in the latest A. 1 style. Something more will follow. Mr. Jim Beaion from Bruce is visiting his brother, Mr. John G, Beaton, of Seotchtown. i Mrs. A. McNeil from Paisley paid a brief visit to friends here on Monday of this week in the latest A. 1 style. Something mora will £m~... continue tiinhep making, Mr., Hugh McArthur bhad the misforâ€" ture of bhaying his both hands badly frozen on New Year‘s Day. Dr. Jamieâ€" son is in attendance and he is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr, Hugh Mcy tune of bhaying frozen on New YÂ¥ son is in attends Mmessrs, Dan MceInnis and T4 was among the boys and fain Ximas in cur town. Messrs, Alex. and Arch. MeM Peter MeArthur returned to continue tinber makine east of Bra; Mrs. MeInn undenakiug. Messrs, D; Smith a student from Kuox Collega BALSAM VALLEY. T. 8, LINSCOTT. rantford, We wish Alex. and Arch. MeceMillan and Arthur returned to Erin to nnis much success PRICEVILLE, rCarimnur made an extra_ un for Reeve considering es he had to contend with. ad the strongest man in ie says the trout is still in law‘s spring. w Mr. D. McMillan sr. ac lviections are all over r and as a result some ited and that by very In Artemesia we find We predict that dance alr sex on Mr. and i in their r l t 108. N('Zl * e â€"Bryanism is reported to be growâ€" ing, and the election of 1900 may be fought on the same issues as that of 1896, with the chances in Bryan‘s favor. ; REV. EDWARD A WILSON, Brocklyn NewYork. with nso :'ereluu~7~.n.fl'ectinn,uudthatdread disease Cousumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure, To those who desireit, he wi‘ll cheerfully send (free of charge) a ¢cpy of the preseripton used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Astbma, Caâ€" tarrk, RBroncbitfs,and all throatandIurg *Hal. ndies. He hopes all sufferers will try this remedy, asit‘ invaluable. Those desiringthe preseription wh‘ ‘owillostthem nothing, and may prove & ble ising, will please address ! The undersigned having beon restoredto healto by simple means, after suffering for several years TO â€" CONSITUIMPTIVES THE HA WKS NURSERY COMPANY, Rochostor, N. Y TORONTO willing to work, we can give _\iuu emâ€" ployment with GOQD PAY,. and you can work all or part iime. and at home or travelling. _‘The work is LIGHT AND EASY. WRITE AT ONCE for terms etc. to BU.TH MEN AND WOMEN. If you are MA Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit PHRENOLINE PILLS FnEPAiATIONS ON THE MARKET PLEASANT, PURE Aaro HEALTHFUL 3 s E' F“ IHD | Guaranteed to cure PHB N‘“‘ 44 | Rheumatisin, Bho matin | Sciatica, Lumbago, uflfflflwlu | Gout and 4 Neuralgia 1 a14« Specific | ASy TIhe N antod Asents CI ' 0C ‘C ;,’ wayfac (ior Sale : | i ( > L Among which are the following ; | 4 7 + | ; * | 1st & 2xp Drv. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. | & CASH STORE is Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Heury Hall and formerly known| £ as the " Parker"farm. This is a Eaoogay soay $t) s o t o o o ces ooo ,.a good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terms. Thr Scaxuax FaARM, lot 30, con. 8, ? Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Will sell or B5f \ /&}{9 rent. es es _ [ ol c t ol e Bextixorx: The Teasdale Fat m Lot 30, Con. 2, W.(G.R. Bentineck 100 acres, | ~@ 4 e I have just bought this from .\Ir.l \.,J Teasdale and will sell at a great bargain. Fa Z4 *I 4 4 Hounaxp TowxsntP, Lewis Eydf farm NAVZ YXA 100 acres in good German settiement IN . K5 â€"will sell or exchange. A good pluce. = butin. | _| OVERCOATS T‘us RoatBover Prorer«y, Durham. | TT SA m txr t ?, j M fill p. o 4 3. 5s LK E: What I cant sell I will rent. ; Lq _!_{I)j\_,?g_u‘r‘;,’ L‘.!Aé.{', 1 have $1,000,000 to lena at 5 $ * 2 A Y o t & m per cent. Choose your time to pay it Rfl.!ll.” 4 l’ti‘fi.’:}.&l ‘ back. Business pirvate, charges inodâ€" Thoese must bi erate. | h. en q: | wili do it. ywe | » H. v1. BM f LLL‘.’;R, | Served. Aiv vv w t Mpave0000000â€"2004â€"«~ For Coughs, Colds, Bronâ€" chitis, Sore throat, etc. KERRY, WATSON & c THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIAPLR PREPARATIONS ON THR AMARGHpP 1QQ G° [{. i{â€" M:’ZZer; y 3k Symup S\ of Ne e coughs SPrUCB s us GM %’hebj{'ancvar Gonveyancer, as Is the best â€" in fact thebne True Blood Purifier. Hood‘s . * sea, 1 Hood‘s Pilis binumes," & That is just the truth about Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla. We know it possesses meri% because it cures,‘not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hood‘s Barsaparilla. Ifa medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicinepossesses merit. Made , WATSON & CO., Prormicrons, Montracaiu. P H Sarsaparilla an r.- The Medicines 6 Hanover Convevancer ENOLINE _ Brights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Disease, etc., etc. A sure cure for Headache, Dizziness Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness Guraranteed to cure Rheumatisin, Sciatica, Lumlago, Gout and Neuralzia, Troperties bray‘s cure nausea, indigestion, 4XÂ¥ The only Arstâ€"class Uearse in town, |Furniture of the Best Make | ALWAYS ON HAND, | â€" PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY Undertcking and Fmbaming on ~atest, rinâ€" ciples at reasonable ~«tes. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and wiil endeavor to give all oid and ne w custom ers the same entire satisfaction. FURNITURE AMD UNEERTAKING MISS SHEWELL Money to loan promptly attended to. In stock and you can get these . cost price in order to clean out stock. Reomember the standâ€"â€"opposite Market. Durham, A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS Of all kinds, White, Blacl Grey, at prices that will eurpris Come early and get your choice. RCBES Are arriving daily and you the best and cheapes ever shown in Durham. CUTTERS OUMR FALL AND wWiNTER GoopsS â€" CALDER, V{‘\?f CC 3‘%“20’5}:5? T â€" * q GRANTS ## AD. 1 e it s . y n wl Fine Choice in Valises Gn'v. B * 1 L?gl::gtmfirgreg‘zgel.n““' on Bmm. “o. “. MISS SHEWELL _ | We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest iber the standâ€"opposite the Price PaiA 4 â€"FULL LINE oOrâ€" berved. _ An stirsctive rangr of â€"hand â€" Necktioes, nswayv a @) vic¢e, Are arriving in large stc sisting of a carload _ of Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box KJo TIrowle o%s t_;?.\;;?‘!fi'\ ® at five percent. on good secarity Marriage Licenses issued. ill surprise you ir choice. Oarpr we promise assorltment I4&D dGrocery, foots & Shoes, and 8 departments are complete. owsle t>o Ghow QGoods. *A / CBFeY <xf y« large stocks at and 22 of Fourâ€"in away down in at Workmansblp Fize Choice in Val Heavy & Light Harness line, at right prices. CALL & SEE OUR || Collars, Pads, H[arnesgs !! We Handle everything in see them and ge balance of the seas All kinds of Plows, Etc. from $10 upward Rooms fully stocked of the best makes and styles. Will sell at reduced prices and give you a good assortment to pick from. PLOW3 SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS C. LEAVE“Q! J" the best 'l\rl;d ‘:)f ‘ Stoves, Coal Stov sold and the Price First Come, Firrt .#3 LOWER Town TO SUIT You. SEE OUR ROLLER SBEarRiNG TURNIP PULPER ‘alder‘s Warerooams, 1+ 003 w 20 P season, Bites, V &c., &c. upwards, _ Come a bargain for the Insurance hbuines es, Cooking Stoves, 1@ i# "Lar thanlt past convin vrill w se tQe dassts T B url %A%% p 4* Wis Pu AT VO

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