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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1898, p. 1

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SQ Des$ Highest » Horsqe {+8 EARING pPS. H ds, I| Jr. m ~~@ /# , f.mi"‘ E \ â€"eThe CGASH«â€"â€" c z]|. S y s t e m ty We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, a«nd we are convinced that the new system vill meris a continuance of the same. a o4 e Durham,. Aug. 9th, °96. BAAA AOQA QQ‘Q‘OQ‘Q“Q“Q“Q‘Q‘C‘QO‘ C @ $ @ sga4s80â€"â€"â€"e888%8 ¢ + AT CY : 1 ; Stoves § Our Piano and Organ trade is $ firmly established. Best makes. $ Purest tones. : Wishing dgseseâ€"â€"s8e.+e |' Do you want a Sewing Machine? T(r{y the _ New | Williams.â€"â€" Highest price paid for Wood | in exchange for goods. , VOL. XX.â€"NO 3. GCGutters UPPER TOWNPDURHAM Cho At prices that will surprice. *%4% C UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Yours for Trade. %%8% t erry :Xmas C. McKINNON‘8 all Our Customers a BEAN & CO ADOPTED BY zx J. McKechnie. AND PRUSPEROUS NEW YEAR %%% .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. CBhe fpig . McKINNON. %%44% Purham _ Review. _ Conucil met Jan. 10th. Members elect subscribed to the required declaration ard took their seats as follows:â€"P. Dickson reeve, D. Hunter 1st Dep.â€"reeve, C. Mcâ€" Innis 2nd Dep.â€"reeve, Thos. Ferguson and D. McQueen Councillors. Minutes of previouns meeting confirmed. Mcinnisâ€"Fergusonâ€"That a Byâ€"law be introducted to appoint Auditors to audit the accounts of 1897, and read a first and second time. Carried. The reeve appointed John Ross as andiâ€" tor. McTonisâ€"MeQueenâ€"That Byâ€"law No.|I 94 to appoint anditors be fillel up with |] the names of John Ross and John A.| ; Swauston and that the same be read a |" third time, signed, sealed arnd engrossed |g on Byâ€"law book and that they be paid $8 l( for their services. Carried. | / Hunterâ€"Melonisâ€"That leave be grantâ€" {, ed to mtroduce a Byâ€"law for appoimmg‘t Township Officers, Carried f Mclunisâ€"McQueenâ€"That Byâ€"law No.|, 95 be now read a first and second timeâ€" | Carried. McInnisâ€"Fergasonâ€"That Byâ€"law No. I 96 to appoint members of Board of Health be introduced and read a fir.t and second time. Carried Mcinnisâ€"Fergusonâ€"That Bvâ€"law No. 95 bo tilsdl up with the following names ; _ John Suacil, Dromore, appointed for 2 yrs (according to Health Act) Jas. Renwick, Yeovil for 2 yrs and Wwm,. Caulfiel4 for 1 yerr together with the reeve and clerk form the Boad of Health and Dr. A. L. Brown, Holstein, be Medicai Health Officer, be read a third time, signed, sealâ€" ed and engrossed on the Byâ€"law Beokâ€"â€" Carried, McInnisâ€"McQueenâ€"That the rate of interest on mortgages, No,s, 7 and 9 be reduced to the rate of five per cent per annum from the 1st. of January nntil the 1st. of Augua. t 1898. Carried. MeQueenâ€"Fergasouâ€"That J. A. Lamâ€" bert be payed the sum of $10, for printing ] Financial Statoment. Carried. Hunterâ€"MeQueenâ€"That Thos. Ferâ€" guson be appointed to enguire into the treasurer‘s sureties, and report at next | meeting of council. Carmed. i l\chnnisâ€".â€"McQueenâ€"-Th.nt leave _ be 4 granted to introduce a Byâ€"law to establish ' | rules of'ord.er for the guidance of mamber‘s | in the discharge of their business, Carried. | MeQueenâ€"â€"Hunterâ€"That Isaac Queer receive $5.50 for building a cuivert at lot 4. con. 7 and 8. Carried. A petition having thirtyâ€"one signatnres soliciting aid on bchaif of Mrs. Koposchika was presented to the council. McTonisâ€"MceQueenâ€"That we _ grant Mrs. Kopeschika the sam of $4 to assist her at the present time. Carried, Hunterâ€"Fergusonâ€"That C. Ramage be paid the sum of $8 bai. in full, of prin‘â€"| ing accounts for 1897, Curried. Mclonisâ€" MceQueenâ€"That the Treasurer communicate with present holders of our Railway Debentures to ascertain what arrangements, if any, can be made with them as to holding the sum of $8500 worth of thero for such time as may be mutually agreed upon at the rate of 4 per cent. per annumn. Carried. Resolved that the following accounts be paid H. Ham express charges 25c. Each D. R. Officer $8.50, Carried. Meclunisâ€"McQueenâ€"That we adjourn Mcluonisâ€"McQueenâ€"That we adjourn to meet at Holstein on Monday, 14th, of February to receive the Auditor‘s report, tenders printing, to appoint an Assessor and Pathmasters and other business, Asâ€" sessor‘s salary is $60. Carried, PROVINCIAL C. E. EDITOR‘S BUDGET, EXECUTIVE ME <TING. On Dec 31st, the officers of the Proâ€" vincial Union met in Toronto and did a Iot of necessary business. Mr. Wigâ€" gins reported that after paying all exâ€" penses connected with the Junior Rally at St. Thomas, $15 remained on hand. Tho Report of the Convention at St. Thomas is notyet ready, but may be TAKING PART IN THEC. E. MEETING. We are all pledged to take part in every C. E. Meeting. To do so is one of the acts that he‘p to develop our gifts, and exercise our graces. In doâ€" ing this many are timid and fearfal and reed inspiration and help. ‘And for this we have large assistance given us by the C. E. writers who provide for our needs. There is a neat little book pnbllsbed by DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1898. EGREMONT COUNCIL. D. ALLAN. Clerk. in ran NIHL. the Presbyterian Board of Publication, Phladelphia, ‘‘The Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Manual." by W. T. Ellis ot the Golden Rule once. It is an excellent and cheap Manual. Get it Then there is‘ a nicely bound volumne issued by the same house entitled ‘"Consecrated Anew," written by Miss Belle V. Chisâ€" iholm. This is an insp‘ring story. No one can read it without fseling the high privilege of being an Endeavorer, \and being permitted to do something both in meeting and out of it for the good of others. Another important help is "A Daily Thought for a daily Endeavorer" by G. A. and E. P. Sutâ€" phen, and published by The Baker & Taylor Co., New York. This is a storehouse of fine fruit. The chviccest of thoughts of many minds. No one can peruse it without having his mind enriched, and thereby being fitted to take part in meeting. We are thank ful for these most excellent helps. Th:y will aid us in brightening up what would otherwise be only a dull and uninteresting meeting. In our married list we have Mr. Alfred Fetts to Miss Crawford of Mono Road, Township of Cardwell. Many congratnlaâ€" tions. We hear of another wedding comâ€" ing off soon, Mrs. McTaggart of the 9th, con. arrived home from Toronto where she was visitâ€" ing her daughter who was i!l, Mr. Peter MceArthur is home on a yisit. Our young people spent a very pleasaut eyening at Mr. M, McTaggart‘s last week. A Dr, Mclutosh from near Owen Sound has been looking at our village with the o\ ject of settling down here. Mr. Arthur March who left here last spring has returned again and is talking of staying and starting the tailoring business. The Ladies Aid made a quilt to bestow to a pcor widow here.â€"A good act. The Presbyteriaus had seryices here on Friday the 14th and sacrament on Sunday the 16th.. Mr‘ Steen, a klind mav from Chesley, bad a Magic Lantern show on the 17th, in the Orange Hall. The Orauge Hall is engaged for a Mass meeting on Monday evening the 17th for Messrs D. MceNichol, J. J.. Haycock, and Dynes the independent party. Last week was a very busy week in our village, every evening being taken up with some entertainment. _ Monday evening the Gleaners or trio of Eyangelists with Lime Light Views in support of R. T. of T.; then on Tnesday evening we had Rev Dr. Wiiliamson‘s lecture on Hounds L 6 Loose, a sequel to Fox Hunting, in the Methodist Church which was an itellscâ€" tual trest; Wednesdiay evening . the Gleaners again gave their Lime Light Views in the Temperince H«ll, av the same time there was a Phonograph conâ€" cert in the new agricultural hall which was well. attended . considering . the weather, both entertainments getting a! share of the patronige of the people of the village Thursday evening the Gleaners‘ gaye another of their Lime Light Vie,w;,‘ also Friday night they gaye ton nights in a Barâ€"Room with choice selections ot muic and recitations, the hall was packed to the doors. There was the best of order throughout although the audience. was very uncomfortabiv seated. w £ H. Horsburgh and wile and Miss Maggie, of Mt. Forect spent the later part of last week with the relativyes in the \yilhge. ‘5 Mr. an1 Mrs. Win. Wallace aitended 'ltlxe Golden Wedading fof Mrs. Wullace's‘ | parents which took place on Tuesday of this week at Moorefield. | ' ‘ |\ _ Peterâ€"Burrows left. on â€" Tuesday for \Lumseden. N. W.T ; after spending a few weeks with Lis mother MUrs. Win. Burâ€" rows and other relatives | _ Mrs. G. R. Gilroy ot Mt Forest was tha onect of Mrs. J. H. Brown over Suabâ€" Born on the 14th inst., the wife of Rey. J. M. Miller of a son. Miss E E. Rawn of South Rend has baen engaged as teacher in the Jnnsior Department of the Holstem Pablic School for the next six months. Mrs. G. R. Gi! the guest of Mre. bath. + A very preity wedding took place at the resideuce of Mr. and Mrs Robert Mickleâ€" borough last Wednesday eveving, when châ€"ir daughter Ethel May was united in | matrimony to Alex. H, Brown son â€"f Thos. { Brown Esq., the ceremony being nerform.‘ ed by Rev, J. R. Isaac. The bride looked | cherming in a dress of cream cashmere| trimmed with silk lace and satinribbon ONTARIO ARC TORONTO HOPEVILLE. HOLSTEIN. Wednesday â€" eveving, | when r Ethel M.vy was united in ) Alex. H, Brown son â€"f Thos. the ceremony being nertormâ€" * + + pE h# Y B P . C 4 %4 WHITHAMSSHOES and carried a bobuet of hyacanths carâ€" nations smilax and asparogns ferns. After the ceremony about‘fifty guests sat down to a sumptous revast. alter which all enâ€" joyed themselses in singing, . playing gatmeée. etc.. tor a few bours when all separâ€" ated for their diffâ€"rent bhomes. The bride received many heautiful and ccsily preâ€"â€" ents one of which is worth noticing, it being 12 yolumes of Chambers Enecyeloâ€" pedia given by the bride‘s father. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Browso wish them a long nappy prosperons life. «*.*@@‘".>@0@,.>.C@@ ')lr. and Mreg. George Shaâ€"p of Dandalk spent Sabbath with friends in the village, Miss Mary Main is this week viâ€"iti) g ber aunt Mrs. Thos. Allgn of your town. _ .. Miss Jennie Doupe is spending. & Tew days with friends in KNewbridge. Boot & Shor Department 50 pr child‘s overshoes 8 to 10 u't25('pr _ old price 75¢ pr. 20 pr felt sox 4, 5, 6, at 19¢ pr. 12 pr wo‘s carpet slip‘rs 25> pr. New stock girls and misses spring heel, laced boots and oxfords in black nnd chocoâ€" late. These are nice. See them, UPPER TOWN, DUNHA AL. Driak Kolona Ceyloa Tea. m a o# # \_ % :’\ *~.40*;«,*@@¢*‘ Mâ€"â€"â€"â€" Butter makers would oblige us if they would make butier in 24 and 3 pound rolls as they sell better than any other sizeâ€" We buy all kinds of wood . oil for 80 cts. ABRMAA88888888822418.%18 * & A good thing it is always best to hold on to it. Ts is an »ld and true saying, and that why we continue to handle «d control the sale here o /hitham‘s shoes. We have .ed them all aud find them ae best value for the money. When you get Out new spring stock is ar «vinfi early and is opening u; even more satisfactory lfimn ever before. They are not the lowest priced goods, but are good goods for the money. COOD SHOES â€"â€"â€"RRBI & WPabPs»â€" s1 dW W ARE 7 ladies‘ coat 10 men‘s * 8 men‘s suits WHOLE NO. 1036

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