West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1898, p. 4

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ran f Opening of the .Campaign‘ The first meetings in the: Liberal interest in the riding will be held as follows : LOUISE, Monday Jau. Q4tl:. }II,.\I\\'O() D, Tues. Jan. 25th. XEUSTADT, Wed. Jan. 26th. AYTON , Tharsday Jan. 2ith. HERBST School Houss, Friâ€" MORGAN MEETINGS | day Jnanuary 28th. HAMPDEX, Sat. Jan. 28th. Meetings at 8 p. m.. They wi‘l be addressed by Mr. J. D. Morgan and his fr.ends, and opposition speakers are invited. GoD sAVE THE QUEEN. â€"(meen Vietoria recently paid a | " fine of five shilling for allowing one of * her dogs to go unmuzzled though in : sharge of an attendant. Exeraption | . was claimed for her but the Magistrate | , ruled otherwise, and she paid it : â€"‘‘Time for a change" yes, when, | say, Ross, Gibson and Davis desert the Cabinet and go into the sulks, when Haray calls them a*‘mest of traitors," ‘ when the public business is delayed to patech up ministers‘ quaarrels, when the ‘ air is rank with jobs and jobbery, then | it will be time for a change indeed. â€"Judge Jette has been appointed Lieut. Governor cf Quebec in place of Sir Adoiph Chapleau. _ Tae Premâ€" jer has again solved a difficult probiem for many friends of Langelier, a prom. inent Liberal, were pushing him tor the position and tory papers were openly exulting at what was deemed a ‘split in the Cabinet" or at least in the ranks. TIzngelier has been raised to the bench, and the sunny ways of Sir Wilired have again brought peace and harmony. NOTE & GOMMENT| â€"Bengough has a pewerful cartoon in a recent Globe dealing with the statement the Mail makes, as if there xere noq qualifying cireaigstances, that "if 18 years were so long that it was time for a change surely 25 was." In one corner is a rapacious wolf, labelled "oxtravagance and corruption" while im> other has a faithful sheep dog repâ€" | resenting "honest service," while the Mail and Empire Prof. of Logic! is saying " surety if 18 years is too long | for a wolf to prey on you, 25 must be | too long to retain the services of a | faithtul sheep dog. | «â€"Fop the first time in many years there is no sectarian issue in an Ontario clection. _ We ought not to forget that this is a splendid vindication of the policy of the Ontario Government. Every vu‘nerable point, every point supposed to te so, has been carefully yabched by its oppononis It was charged with appointing too many Catholies to public offices, it was chargâ€" ed with reglecting Catholies. It was charged with strengthening the separâ€" ate Schooi law. It was charged with ‘coustructing a part of the ceiling of the Legislative chamber in the form of a eross. â€" It was charged with mautilating the Bible in collasion with the late Archbishop Lynch. It was charged with giving tovo much money to Cathoâ€" lic Hospitals. Mr. Whitney was once among the assailants of the Goyernâ€" ment on this very ground. _ By his siâ€" leace now he simply says, *‘All these years the Liberal Government of Ontâ€" aria has been right on these questiong." â€"Globe The Legislature has completed its wirk and the 4th session of the eighth }narliament of Ontario has closed. parliament of Ontario has closed. 5 Thos. Wilsen and his cousin James R. { _ Mr. Hardy as premier has never yet visited the parental bhome laft s'm)d‘yn.x appealed to the people though he has | _ A8!®, McCanmnel with his sister Marâ€" k-pd the house f(,: tw% scss‘o:s, "1‘0 f:l garet visited Osprey frieuds last week. ho s " | Angus has bought Duncan Galbraith‘s low such a man as Sir Oliver MowAt ; farm forthe sum of #1800. He hbas a was no easy task, but Mr. Hardy has | cheaP farm. i justified the expectations of his friends | , Mrâ€" Dovald Grahsm, of Scotch Town, drove through here to transact business that, .as leader he would ha.ve the between his sister, Mrs. McKephbnie and firmness and the suavity rquired in | Noble Wilson who has leased her farm for that important position. a term of years. C n l ohege raicct ces cepnpnniy se C 0 io o nae ol it ue t The success off the Ontario Liberal administration has been very laryely aided by Mr. Hardy, who for about the whole of 25 years has been promiâ€" nent in the counsels of his province. He is suill in the prime of his politicâ€" al life, has a record unassailable. No personal b:lemish attaches to his name MR. HARDY. and his administrative record is reâ€" markably free from stain of any kind. it is this honest, capable, leader oi a capable administration that should be sustained at the polls and we hope when the day comes the Liberal Canâ€" didate here, Mr. J. D, Morgan, will be sent from South Grey as one of a large majority to prolong the blessings of a Liberal administration for this province. But it cannot and shall not be that the gentlemen are overâ€"looked. _ All night they flew under the electric lights resolved to do nothing to chill the enâ€" | thusiaem of the young hearts there. Some one said your cotem, wronged himself by writing as he did, but still he must be congratulated on the graphic descriptions in the report but, still read it over, read it over again and you will \agreo with me that it was a yery nice offence. Continued from last week‘s Chronicle,. There was Mr. Biack, did he not look charming in black with diamonds? and s;: the upâ€"town Jim, you know him, with those lavender kids and that fascinatâ€" | j ing glance. Mr. "Munn" wore lovely | S cuff buttons ; * Charlie" was there, wouldn‘t he kill you? Lower town Jim | n had his "locks" dressed in Toronto and | 0 looked very pretty ; the "Doc" wore a white vestâ€"and a pair of cashmere | £ socks. * wasn‘t he fetching 2" "Norm " f was there and the lights kept onâ€"nuff saidâ€"** Ben " looked well, so tall and 1 aristocratic, _ and â€" talked * chickens " ‘ But who was the champion ? * Sammy " ofâ€" course, although he did say next morning, "I passed a miserable night." \ But listen at midnight, strange mystic hour, who said, "kegone, no dread \ silence for me," Telt Ford we will sing â€" | Auld Lang Syneâ€"be wore black and ’ ‘ white ; Mr. Carr Hill looked handsome | in powder and smokeâ€"but !*Reddy " he had the fever, his lips did from their | color flee, as he whispered. be still my «* flopping " heart be still. â€" But " whist" £\ aia you see little " Billy" the Durham â€" | aristocrat he wore a dickey trimmed 1 | with rhine stones,. The manager wearâ€" i. | ing a sweet smile and a knowing air, p | pleased everybody. The *sheep farâ€" e | mer " was detained with a pet lamb, a | but Upper Canada Jack took his place, The girls may say this account ulterâ€" e ly, totally and meanly false but read L_O the above again and tell me is it not t | as true as what we read regarding the d | Bachelor‘s Annual Ball in a local cotem ‘ about a week ago. (Com.) «* ON LOOKER." !, A number of our young people drove ount | to the home of Mrs, Robiwon on Monday l night last and spent a pleasant evening. Mr. Wim. Eidt was favored with a surâ€" prise party Weduesday night last. Mr. D. Alian took a load of youth ard beauty of our town to Orchardville OCburch last Sonday night with his handsome voys. Lookout for the concert in the Orange Hall on the 25th ; it is going to be a good one. Miss Luls Dickson of Glen Edei spending a week with ber Aunt Mrs. Allaun. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sharpe and Renva, of Dandalk. spept a couple of dave last week visting Murdoch, fJolstein and Mt, Forest friends. Mrs. Jas, Sharpe, of South Bend, was the guest of Mrs. D. Sbarpe last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jake Cordt of the North West are at present renewing old acquaintâ€" ances. â€" Jake it=will be remembered worked for a numlir of years in the emâ€" ploy of Mr. J. Brown. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Baird sr is at present in a very low state of bealth but under toe care of Dr. Jamieson, we hope soon to Lear of her recoverv. Last week Mr. and Mrs, J. Lunny almost despaired of the life of their lhttle baby girl, who is jast arriving at an inâ€" teresting age, but under the care of Pr. Park, hopes are entertained of her recovâ€" ery. ‘A little girl arrived at the home of Mr. Alex. Allan and one at the home of Mr. Wm. Grasby recently. Both are welcome. A sleigh load off the 2nd epenta very enjoyable evening at the ome of Miss M. Orchard, of your town last Tuesday evenâ€" ing. «* ANNUAL BALL®" Miss Lizzie Wilson, of Boothville, visited friends as Dromore last week. John McQueen digposed o&:sven head of cattle to a farmer east of Cedarville for a good price. There are lots of fat cattle at this corner yet. The Aunual Meeting of the Boothville Cheese Factory will be held at the ftactory on Monday 24th. Ail are requested to atâ€" ten‘. VARNEY. MURDOCH. BOOTHVILLE. a + @6 aâ€" Jack Campbell and Herman Haw were to the Liberal meeting in Durham last Saturday to arrange matters. What we would like to know :â€" If Augus is going to Klondyke? Did D. get his overshoesyet ? Will there be some weddings soon ? Wko will break the ice? Are features peculiar to Hood‘s Pills. size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. A Hoods hir. Robt. Russell is at present visiting | his sister Mrs. A. Taylor herve. A charmiog little lady came recently to stay at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Atchison. â€"All are well. ‘ said: * You never know yOu have taken a pill till it is all over." 26. C. I. Hood & Co., nAYE’h:s-o;: All are well. Miss Davyison, of Mt. KForest, who has \ beer visiting here, returned to her home Saturday. Fair and good looking Miss Fervis from near Markdale, is at present enliyening our town with her presence. A Magic Lantero performance W8S given here Monday night by a Mr. Steer, whe is unfortunately blind. & EOPAEROWERMY AZC CCCR COCOO The only pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilit We regret to hear that Mrs, Margare! Amos, met with a severe accident by fallâ€" ing down stairs and received some Lbad bruises. ue ie e h t 13 A sleigh load of the youth and t this fair bamlet enjoyed a drive to hospivality of the home of M Hunter on Thursday last. A yery large congregation, some from | other churches turned out on Sunday to hear the Rev. D. L. Campbell‘s firet ser-\ mon, which provyed to be yery appropriate to the cecasion. Mr. Campbell passed through the ordeal of his first effort yery\ successfully. Nr. D. MeKinnon was in Tuesday week and disposed whnle i1 cre, WIRTD TIOVECT Misses Magrie and Flora McCannel and Messrs McLeod and D. McKinnon spent Thursday eyening with a pleasant e+urâ€" prise partyâ€"from Priceville and vicinityâ€" at Mr. Robert Shortreed‘s. Miss Alice Wilson spent a few aays pleagant yvisit with friends near Darham recently. Mr. Angus McLachlan was 4 visitor at the Cormners last Friday. A wedding and a parly is the exrectaâ€" tion south of here in the near iuture. We join in wishing the Editor and the mavy readers of the Rrview, a very bhappy and prosperous New Year. Grant McComb we learn has been under‘ the weather for a week lately. Mr, Jesse Edwauls has irtentions of moving to the County Town in the spring. He visited there lately and says that the Owen Sound people expect good times next summier. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb visited Varney one day last week, The home of Mr. Alex. Morton of the south lize was the scene of a pleasing eyent last Monday evening when three sleweh loads of pleasure seekers found their } way there. Two loads were taken from C _‘ uim Britton and G.. Mc:â€" A The home of Mr. Alex. MortOn Uf° â€"2"" south lize was the scene of a pleasing eyent last Monday evening when three sleweh loads of pleasure seekers found their way there. Two loads were taken from near by, Mr. Wm, Britton and G, Meâ€" Comb. Mr. Dav. McDonald brought a‘ load from Durbam. _A most enjoynble‘ time was spent in playing games, etce. Mersrs. John Gray and Wwm. Britton guyel several selections on the violin which sounded fine. Mr. and Mrs. Morton used their best efforts to entertain the comâ€" i rnny and after partaking of & refreshing uncheon the games were kept going an hour or two longer when all came to the conclusion that it was time to go hLome. well satisficd with â€"the eyening‘s amuseâ€" meut. 10. W 0n i t en > The ontertainment which w&as giV*C _""" the school last Saturday evening by Edâ€" mund Steer did not turn so good as was expected. nfr. Wm, Ryan was busy last week s s C 0t o lonck uf dry four foot wood. ME mCU â€"2 afr. Wm, Ryan was busy !aA®% """* t:auling out his stock uf dry four foot wood. He hud iwo carloads which eyen ab a low price would bring & nice little pile. Miss 1da McEwen of Mt. Forest who spent the last two weeks yvisiting qmong the McComb familios left for her home last Friday. S. T. ORrRCHA RD. i Upper Town, _ _ _ â€" LIicensed Auctioneer. Agent for .. _â€" â€"â€" FARM IMPLEMENTS and MACHINâ€" w 00â€" EERY, _â€"â€"â€" « Pianos, Orgaus and Sewing Machines, Maney to lean on farm property at lowest rates. & Convyeyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort gages, etc., drawn up on ghort notice. Horses bought and sold. Watelli)ofl'hreshers“fql‘- :;\le at wareâ€" h 4 t i4004 Antnlins tevaatiectentialiath c © 1 rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left REvIrEw UOFFICE. FAIRWELL CORNERS. DROMORE. of the youth and beant'.‘y of C L0 . Tist se innon was in Maikdale last and disposed of a fine horse ROB ROY. £ 4 * * * n spent a few days friends near Duarham Mrs, Margaret ive to, and the of Mr,. Wn. TORONTO Durham. at THs First Class . â€" â€" Farm For Sale . â€" Jag. A Good Farm to Lease . . . â€" _ The undersign« wliciations for the l’AR', lot 13, con. for a term of years, known on application to Oct. 26. 1897. If Tou are Energetic and Strong, If you are ‘“&fi?‘“fi;‘:’:’&"‘: Tok m aaltion. | _ . _ _ollnl . SHH thans good , W my pro â€"| & ‘Fgo%&nmm v‘ilu cost M“i: :h Poter i Accouxnts.â€"Will those to whom acâ€" mlak‘;:;. mg::y:h::mo of thul:.nll'o now Tich,"" o | counts were sent, and who have not yet T ean do lots of things for i, if you are respo lease honorable and will work fistd. y°"4 39 $ nded P do so at once as we T. 8, LINSCOTT. need the money and at unce, bl TWO SPEOIAL PRlBES Spot Cash Buyers Lot No 1 : & ie TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR MANTLES. reigned will receive apâ€" : the lease of the BEATON con. 4, N.D.R., Glenelg, of years. â€" FTerms inade J. 8. BLACK or MAL, CAMPBELL nd convenâ€" \ ve in my hands for sala, the (Stone tood log J,;I(-‘k‘:ou ResiXenC(’) in Durham consistâ€" with stone \ ing of the Block on which house Siive cenbnle anltah "A T; o fAAiawc cetandâ€" ‘Tenders will at Pomona We have eleven of them left and we don‘t want to carry them over, If you want a Stylish Mantle for little money, Now‘s Your Chance. Notice is herehy given that anvone trespassing, culting timber on, or reâ€" moving the same from lots Qand 40 S.D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of Grey, will be dealt with as the Iaw directs, RosErt McDoxALD, it An@moltar. Iduhno U.S. Dec. 6th ‘97. Mon‘ pelier, Idaho o P s C i eP o o nc t o 49. 040. and out buildings stand. Tenders will be received from parties wishing to purâ€" chase, stating price and terms, q 0 C200 $%a waesnar Durham, Dec. 7th 1897. Re‘n't'?o; a term of years, lot 20, con. 3, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a g.od barn, good frame house, small orchard, 70 acres cleared, balâ€" ance hard wood bush. Well watered. Apply to R. McFar._AxE, Sr. Darham. Duham, Jan. 17th, ‘97. The undersigned offers for Sale 5 only, | and plain 5 only, Black Mantles, heavy loop and plain cloths, good fitters, good lookers, good sellers, were marked $4 50 and $5.00, Thursday morning take your choice for $3 00. 6 only, Mantles (5 black and 1 brown) fine loop cloth, some with Slashsd Colâ€" lar, others fancy braided coilar and front, german make and latest styles, ware sold for $3.50 and 7.00 on ‘Thursâ€" day morning they §O0 for $4. 75â€" Farm for Sale or Rent. Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY ICE TO TRESPASSERS. For Sale. JaxEes Carsox. TORONTO. LOWER TOW N. 6. 2 * * * €.* m&; },%M *Â¥ sS 'l Peas, d Oate, * ‘l)r‘d Hogs, per ecwt | Hogs, live weight .. | Lard per lb ‘Pallow* per Ib | Butier per Ib, Tab ... | »4 Roll pURHAM MARKET. Flour per MA .sssisscsse. 8 25 10 $4 45 Oatmea por sack ...... .. 1 80 to 1 80 Bran per GCGWL ... 0 «++ 0 +** 60 o 60 Shorts per ewt se 0e 13 to io Fal| Wucai per bushe} ... 0 80 to 0 8O y c uds es 4% 222 0O 295 ie O 30 or Fall W« Barley, u.‘ h. " tsA MA cometiondiontncntniiiett yet Amel‘lv‘finmchl bulineutunsacwd we Office next door to Standard Bavk Dyrham Eggs, per doz .. . Chickens. per pair Potatoes, per bag Ducks t Turkeys, per lb .. Geese, ; er Ib y Hides, per ewb _ .. Cailskins ... .. CONVEYANCERS. JACKSONS. 50 10 04 0 15 14 0 14 80 60 8 00 Q O0 1 00 2 00 1 00 U 25 +) (8 >-MaCF AR Drug St1 LVUCAS, DpURMAM OFFIC Will be in | of each wout wOATRY PUB NC Office â€"â€"UPPER C%48%84 8 * _ BARRISTE NOTARIES, monEey TO LOAN Gollecti % ills. 1* persous 400 NO natnbstritors" Bmrogate Co Letters of A Obtained. . Se: Titles reporte Compan y Mortgag s at d macde BARRISTER. â€" SsoLciToR NOTARY PUBLI MONEY Office, ANC G. LEF BARRISTE ©H7Â¥ xt 1. B. L1 Dr. w , H . Wiarcst €, BAaTsON, â€" vPPER ToW ‘luls((' e Court of â€" Adm , Searci ported 0: pe ac al¢ ssUER 0 _ gtein, Parties al over G1 WRIG Mal t A MI Cha N

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