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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1898, p. 6

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o ..‘i » 4 e "« "A_ _ lt n o) TX *\ r.â€"wD 2¢: are,. Handâ€"made CS Te e digie In the old stand. All hand made shoesg. Also Horse Shoeing Shhth“p' ALLAN MeFARLANE ALLAN | KeFARLANp)°= Has opened out a first ‘,{fl"ig of all kindg promptly Nt e y3 _ , " o~ee s Ki s H. C# f.wl.bip of Bentinck, too acres ad Ing Town ptot Dertham, In the Town of Durham CGreoy, including valzable x Brick Dwel‘ng, and m Duilding lots, wil} be sold in bots. Also lot No. 60 can 7 iHHEI â€"â€" ULT M fibANE/ :‘ \l;}.\ | APsss j < en | + â€" tA ik)5} :’ S AÂ¥trp~ $A 2ttn * JS ’ o e t on > | « obs gf% 40 | es | a lnc .0 .909 es wes is s ;h FOR SALB The EDGE PROPRRTy SSU®R of Marringe wWOODpworx County of @rey and at reasonable ; Residenceâ€" K JAMES LOCKIE, in connection. A firstâ€"class lot of for saloicheap‘ NOTarmv PURLIC, Come MoNn®ry TJ LOAN J. P. TELFORD,â€" lisi]S?EH, SOLCITOR x SUFREME COURT ICEN®SEp OFrice PE . _ ~ ue aefanete: mmaciradt Apply to JAMES EDGE, *4 _ sdla ds i1 } & "<pâ€" “ We cal‘ the 'Poei:' altention ef p , THE FARM. (olai® fed calves knows th .”‘.Q"“d“b‘"i“"““lOfollowln :'wvvww., rever thrive when fed on Bepsit of the nowcpaperiaws ; s , DaEssing PoOULtRy :JW :i"m s e ois 6 1. I!.nyponon Ordouhi.p;p.; iecor Properiy dressed pouliry commands a h&'l e, ;md where the (ime tinued, he must pay all arreages, or the 4CB better price than those indifferâ€" | s tmgu hi o O mik publuhn-uyooumunouudn un'txlpn, eantly prepared for market. / j .er- ystem. _ Right here many -onu...do.ondeolle'cnbe whole:imoun: / & knack in dressin Hrv tie 1 LA “t.(lo calfl lays the foun whether it be takem from the office® or noi | eace will soon prove iny, /**_ "*P*"/~| imvaired digestion,. stunted There can be go 3081‘dilconti.n.;~ce 205 / i; take m prove that it pays well rough coat and weakened co paymentismade. ’iu (ve ’(i:a;:m -'0, SMp dresseq poultry | Aside from the milk let the 1 xCB NEs1)) e ; â€" t % * £ s * * h" Aay person who takes a paper trom | er gives the follow '.':"”_1'.“""1 i. Greinâ€" | bave l‘n its feed twice a we. the post office, whather directed to hirling pouitpy, ; ;. C *4V)0¢ on dressâ€"| vil meal to keep the systen Bame or another, or whether he has sub | puyp, .2 11A lt i06 all, crops. of ?L 26 soon as old enough soribed or not ill‘"ponliblo for ihe pay. !howbs .(,u be killeq for market shoul ,f;’fE ,,'“râ€" clean clover hav a T S x anlsnasag e s 4X ) Lo IG eirtirinlw alness 3 ndrtnsl . taken for Fire Insurance secured « OvE® Qkant‘s 8rom,. Lower Town. MYIYTY ww 1 20 DURHA m Â¥. BHalea attenced ruteos. 8 Iot of !;-fes .i\ to i ?gru\\ln&( fl‘lll i | sn ve € W Itil it takes if aggons ' If this has in AUCTION !:Ep Newspaper â€" nee m‘. ui", Ont " enolig Commissioner m, County of Water Powep many eligible in one op more JAcensey Darka uy ~â€"class sew up with G. Bu W her one h adjomâ€" | |~ dress yeai . for t;, to prom: , "1t receice iis warmed an! at ’w:ns‘ dropped, the qvest. ars we to hand‘e the x to have itâ€"come out in growing, ang sul'(e.-ring set from indifferent ca re ter of foet the youngep KHI \ruraicn" Gh Gohig. was dp ferent met hod ; which have out s milk. _ Much of altained during generous and in be lost durigg t) L&Awn. DOAw peciai dairy m Durine e1€., 2 "" "PeY Wite »astent <aad tained during a summer in, nerous and intelligent feedi lost durigg the winter mon * is to keep the caif thrif ow innge from â€"the date of hi it takes its Plase in the dair Liz Ni Inken Tha« ut.0 L . the dres wash he «reater May be hand the @F onme ar iling ibles """Ul‘;l”.\' he is furnished better. Ti . ther Moot ‘ng the wormn ow question is ona a the matier of s along with tha OV B., oo qy tds Fige freely. _ Now run the the brain of the bird, it and relaxing the noate ars will then cume ou going «By _ furihar, mouthed pail, weli wei Snles BC 41. L8 CARLN( beaBiith Sn Soitatbscds, 1 12 < ,':',::;;;fa knack in dressing r‘orno;. es will soon prove ‘ceunt! / to tike paits to shi ’in the best DOKxi) n s oy 0 0 m ons "Cohree utes and let steam. | Thus treate down wili come off with feathers. fat poultry will present a bettoer pearane® when dry picked. Aiip mevalk c eusesilg Ee mm .lgh Oe t ty dn Agntutbet e ... .. L. â€" * ilve hird up as in the case of seald. ig, with legs protty wel! spread apart ill with a Aha rpâ€"poin ied knife _ by riting across the roof of the mouth. \the ceut is made right jf should bleeq eely. _ Neow run the knife up into a brain o the bird, thus Paralyvzing and relaxing the MUSCIE® * blia fasen © wedill is eda in questi Consic ’ this myse[f, be remeoved Lraces of hi« To give sea pearance it ter being pi three second iug' water, ; and leave [( then hang it up or °C Sarm i ‘he o water purposos, and tight RCTOSS the with a fo be birds w or two ul N8 e rke-»pivug wing and themselves, The : aftarward be sprea, ceemed of value, 7 should be serupulou still better, brush || the advice given to thien skin them, in id suifering liflerent ca re the younger USse eyes a shriunken appe move all the feathers es drop into the ba s â€" skimâ€"mill, at reguiar hour ~Ales ma.w. â€"__~~ O COPREEE of â€"t is very easily in jured, partica a scalded birq, and when the held while picking jf this me | is often rubbed off in spobs ; though this injury does not see at first, afterward these spo dark, giving the bird an unsig] pea rance, Over-!«'ahl'ing also the cuticle, therefore wa sho ercise great care mot to kee th in hot water for too ‘0n8 @ tim scalding them, Have the Wate boiling point, yet not actuall ing. _ Take tho bird by the hea feet and immerse it lifting u down in the water three or four then hang up by the feet, The should _ never bhe immersed, turns â€"the cons roths uw s .cs Irt th ; j( 70%° Pack poultry back loubled undar, snugly so t Det shiake avout in transi be used between the differ ind also on tom Inifirmis ow r{ WRhipndiiatanaiitys nds L2X t ok io9 use new white paper; it will pay . + some cleapn., bright straw or swale in the bottom of thse bores and ls, and pack poultry back up, legs lou bled undar, snugly so that they NOL mhinkes abnsess s 2t L _ 5 _ reeaAtie and white e has a good dea! of yearly, it will be four to have a room for |] leanâ€"to to the henho be most convenient. hed with a skyligcht, It should be light, an ) ‘#ftie enffintess _* i m‘!*‘[f Adi remeved from the pot TE " C RRme o UP fowls to be killed for be enitirely empty. A m ally made by not bang while strippiog off th ‘h(nltliug it with one ha it with the other. One cy when the im is banging are at liberty, The cu parent ountside covearin. ]Kiu an d part of th â€" and now of leeding grown the , ( the Â¥iaar FOR 4 shouid Tation |¢ this tim of of blood w e sealded Persons to wo sh each bird in ce of time. Tf teu t hers may Innot be rame Or stg stove a LO@s fowls. " CImer months, the calf lhl‘ifl)' ‘ * date of hirth co in the dairy he he sim since the « qvestion now is : persopn in the w TVA bplkes driven in 1« while dressing : anot h. long the sides to hang Itty to let e001 and to moutlrs, During the the se@sop this reom " storiag feed, chicken tove will he handy fop 0es _ and other vegeâ€" oob 24 think Lh.| difficudt + lnf)\\'evm-. & in th sheiter PC wing and (aj} . The small be spread ut uffi to be killeq for marke irely empty. &A mistake . ade by mot hanging the stripping off the feath PHE CALV Es questiopn convenient. If a skylight, a1] be light. and la. [Tivient room forf ‘ Toom as well 2s t for sca lctinge Fhe flmer iata NOWw strip off is possible, little dif Om Fupuluu_\]_v nt f"(n_iing oungr<t ither the fowi‘s bll; ~© sprin [n.m no _ ‘omoved without Should one be so un â€" r the skin of a fow}, ® and white thread. ood deal of poultry will be found of adâ€" room for thaj paure the henhouse will convenient. If thig w 13 00. el PrOb@" fep | VC C2TCH 38 well as to | th for sca lctinge ur‘m * floor shou!d he th \ seantling should :-f‘ m at a convenient pet like« driven in to bane d!@s:\lng‘: a l‘lulh-‘ S k the sides is !mng’ Fid 0 let eoo! and to his, During lh('; feason this reom L ingy feed, o~hi"k(~n} J Tom no baek In the mat alf of COurse Adi k the bird an Over-s«'ahl'ing therefore w Care _ mot to for too inna 1O 'ei ve now is, how oul removed a t 1 clotted blood sh a the mouth and ‘ashed from the h pou!ltry a beiter poestble mannep e lollm\ing awdvi E: First of" a prope l‘ly s any une Net of _ ___ *CHZ a time when Have the water at q yet not actually boilâ€" bird by the bead â€" and rse it, lifting up and . ter three or four times: presen(s L ie ind f ‘ the feet, be _ immerse Pats and wi ippearance . itme r \tha eked. _ Although it dry picking is tnan when first when properly dif{crence, Hang the case of s aldâ€" work rogethe; 2 the shortes If one is slow iy become set the pring ~â€"scalding aiso refore wa sho 60 Mot to kl‘-fl th too iong a tin Have the WA t Nn 2 ' Pheir food h"m.‘: room for * | tep their erops | s well as Lfl‘ tha n nl().k"’fl.le‘,\' sea bctinge ur' to suppose thar 1 t should he than is good for tling should f human heings lv(m-.»!nuui potizing viands, | triven in to seives, and thus ing ; :mnlh~, and waste energ des i) h;nug‘ rid of the surolns coo!l and t small feathers The feet of them. seald 2o 0d â€" Vne can work rapidly | an exe banging, as botb bands :,o ‘;“: The 'uupi('le, & transâ€" e‘r“:l ye covering of the fowl, | tig ens jured, particularly of l;’ be g R a + the res G Ww 1 uul. hen. the bird is th8 wa NBE it this mem bra pe conditic off in spots and alâ€" | of the ‘Yy does no; seein much l"?ed & ard thase spOots turp ”, her y * We can, bird an unsightly ap. but wa scalding aiso loosens quarter; ‘fore wse should exâ€" “’g”t ‘“} & the crae Mot to ka.a.Lhe birds walls wi oo long a lime when or old h: [ave the water at a | be made cmot _actually boilâ€" Pt®e of : L + A t".ltheu-nde“a r(. )y 'l..)’a lead _ any admit m L lifting up and warm, it three or four times; | warm, th the feet. ‘The bhead fnl'whnt % * ;, | their app _ immersed, as it used in p als and gives the clusively pearance. . Now ra. 'r"'."- P w f 40O0TS Sla, rs, letting the small the stock barre! beneath 00 | havg then | tail feathers by Protected mall feathers may | Who advis 1 out and dried, if preakfast . l o MCE the heayy he feet of al} fowls they would sly clean ; wash or | whan they hem. I have seen | There are fald the £ | the stock & scaid the feet ':uu so they wi] | nevep practiced compelied # otted blood should Away with he mouth and all | how about ed from the head. Havy® they Itry a better apâ€" | young stoc} e "plumped ;" af.|if you are n dip for two or brush and t and nearly boilâ€" Ualll the h once cold watep ?Il“o. thinp t fifteen minutes: good tnfluer y and cool. _ ‘The| future da ir e all out and the | ara handled efore packiag. Do | when ready i old newspa pers, pPer; it will uay. barre} growth . . _<_ _ __ @Aw@ AAOIESIS(% BHitls calf lays th ising poultry, Experiâ€"| imnairad digestion, s rove that it Pays well | rough coat and “"fak? ) ship dresseq poultry | Aside from the milk le manner, _ ;. Greinâ€"| bave in its feed twic »ving advice on iressâ€"| il meal t keep the Mirigh Nt Je on s od. _ As soom 2s old . (tSt |o€" all, crops of fore if clean clover ‘d for market should Pi°k a few whole oats ; . A mistake is generâ€" | pily is short then some s y be used, such as oat hangmg the fulwl up Or torn Hhedl For ol »f f the foulhw'.\. flll' .Ln:;," is bettvr than who! ne hand and picking | eq hay, or sheaf oats, One can work rapidly | an excellent feedb Th murkhrs ds | 10 produce growth wi :‘nung.a\s botb bands ing a tendency to a‘s L be culicle, & transâ€" | __/©, t. If 6. all 4 vnd lar the eg Faw letting the i dif clean ti 1 of 11 Ves U, ad just the "qiu_ It is het. Logether, shortest year ind se do‘l The rd i1n P s ig | breakfast and or and "“"‘d' 4| the heavy fros t of all fowis they would not ‘an; wash or w han they _ we I ‘have seen | There are farn the feet and lhe stock stand es so they will not er practiced compelled to go blood should Away with seb wek ill‘s F . 1 v ind ! an ut 10@ "nn‘ -u..-ul_v 1 ited the | inous t‘s. Good | storinw ‘ve Bove: to the man. Ani so we in one bundle of neglect the Poores ciety wil} avenge tion of the highes cultivated, the rge the the yq »!@râ€"aâ€"mouth house of @ pays too much rent Landlord, sighingâ€"Yo rel was siress, j while #h W allerâ€"So with the m us fever, ; resi in the She rode Pparks of tarned } c« "~~| This metheod w iz on . ese ||48 possible. but Just why the d hbe widely grown is TA tainly is one of minâ€" # R l the | @inous planis Good | stori tE the fer(j 4Dâ€" | q monkty ecrop ¢, ’:“IE spised, as the see hy irsi | 38 beangs, erly The propet wa anK l is tofirst carry ;'l‘:' ToOst po‘es, nest i by [Givre them a dore ith. | mateb. _ff the w 684 | be put out by thr 0| Fiks out all the f. "';:‘ in ide a good _ eo C P DG Litis one a m« ’f""’ No water is thi "‘“ ‘ay place that wi (l the winter time, :" every bit is carr )"‘ away from the ho y | borry bushes. _ T. 'r to see worse than ’ the back yard by q ‘:' n o ift, it When younrs men i‘ | read experiment st ';' they â€" tako no stos ‘] farm i.n--'lilur«-s. ans ”‘ they are about to |~v mertgage, on a far _ | gave them [ree of c ‘I thing wrong in the of those mon, and n \i t*, 1.1,” 4 ° po 1. 3 Mg@â€" han @8 rave | SOWTTT S 1__MUC more cold air up and | way rm, it wi}} make in the ir times; | warm, that i:-f the id-eu..‘ ‘he "bead ful'whnt a difference it ., | their appearance, Food . as it used in producing growt} es â€" the clusively in keeping up th Now re.} body. Be careful about doors stand OPRN. We wo e small l Eus cy 1 4 C C Society has Or the wran SIR RORBRRY °CC pro« bun; ar s of fey parox yam â€" of ho finished I reks out all the f in fde a good _ c Do this ©0°e® a m No water is Lh tay place that w the winter time, every bit is car; away from the ln barry bushes., TV Oe »f Ne wrongs committed or L all its members. 3ip p bis "@ughtep 4 magnif ladit on Jrep nineteen(f attired in the embroide ote side by side with hi s of London,. SBG bat se c ava Ap:; _ " . Orince of the stategâ€" Ani 80 we apre nound together hundle 0f social life. and if we the noorest and the lowest gsoâ€" ill avenge itseif in the destrucâ€" the highest, richest and most wel . t storituy the fertility . ru monty crop thay ; spised, as the seed is as beang, The proper way Lo is tofirst carty ovapr 1OOSt po‘es, past boxes CGlive CImXEY a iliwes w# NOT NECESSAPq LÂ¥ i i¢ a8 possible, Just why the cCow widely grown is hare tainly is one of the i minous planis that SCTssofmprp Nature‘s metlyo L'rKin *6 & ‘Wimes e side by side w [ London. sShe ) home before she ‘mO8st malignani . 2and in ieny Ca the chu rechâ€"yard, very simple. 1 A gatret in one ‘®° thom a dore of toh. If the wood put out by throw io P adul sc fh iss how about th Hava they a q young stock ? if you are in brush and do ualtil the haip litt]le Fhi nizg s u) anj,,, y _ #J8 wWas lahi to e churehâ€"yard, And the seeâ€" ‘ery simple. The Poor seamâ€" * gatret in one of the slums, wirs embroidering that garmâ€" vponr a hushand shivering in gam <ouf Ln‘pps l0 ol the stock in have them Protected Ww ho» advised n aprald . uy‘ . oo# 4 HHLG i primnt vale en i Aagore 4 ugn L\urm than snow all colored atl(‘lgrk Teeple B"anf,fm-d, hung yard by thr.'n\“,g “il't_v “a(er: sleigh that slewed as it went 7 ved f | corner. . She had her leg broke sDasg men tell you they never|! | Ernest Brault. x WFranuk.pu.. Péerimant epaits * . h T I (4 Bilker rents that 2UMeRL sStation bu}] ko m stock whateve titutes, and, at the s : about to be sold o * on a farm their o m free of debt, there rong in the brain n men, ind no mistake bat +re being "cou: esn 1,. A". FRLPONU by the calves and | I_!arry ‘,‘ 18E the results ‘ara very satisfactory in prietors of the thk way of vigorous growth, thrifty !8 dead. condition. _ But the feed is but a part‘ The M.CR. ; o the necessary care it this season. itce »t Waterfo l't?('sd anid sho'I'L’er must go n;tg.eyhe:.l 1,000 cars. elther alone wi NOt prove sufficient, hi w we cannot a!] build expensive hbarng,| Chief :Tustlte but we can all _ provide comfortable / been knlghted, quarters, J)uildin.gfl that are warm, ; in Ingersol], light ang well ventilated, by covering ) St. Thomas a) the eracks and packing the inside oL the‘ s .. «4‘ t walls with foup ;. 218 1D*8 ' oL chills, and 3 hed garment and the gaziment took .\ ind conveyed the the palace of tha crops shq Ure‘s meothod of o a‘ a time, and nd seratching d method we shan that hens wi}! ROL e od for them. As in t hbeings when tempted inds, they wit] gorge thus briny on indig energy in the effori urplus. rately full. 1j i brinfiientracail sc 11 era; y2. . "Ncy to lay on fat. For seyâ€" eral years we have been adding a lit. tle ansilage to the ration and find it Lo be greedily eaterny by the calves an Cire â€" rasmnlhe =*.. ~* 1 eCs V K a poy, "oan " bver ‘hay and let it Pi°k a few whols oats ; if the milk supâ€" Ply is short then some substitute must be used, such as oat mea!. flaxâ€"seed or corn meal. For oldar calves nothâ€" inz is betier than whole oats and vlov-‘ er hay, or sheaf oats, out green, make . in excellent feed, The aim should be | Lo produce growth without establishâ€" | ing a tendency to lay on fat. For sey.. / eral years wa ‘n...". 0 _ y 3 hC *ome vigo the hairs snap, and thines win en joy fofluence on tha 42. 18 earried off ; the house, hack ho 100 . . [0 it *k stand in cold barns y will not foe} it so ke led to go out for feed with such NOnsenan I ... Sm mvted K in hot-hnum. but them carefully and tea1, We once knew dvised his boys to go . ast and rub their han CYY FPOSES "Liy ient .l PEET‘sS 1 way of av committed Hed the (lu'i;:t,ar 11 «dy for the anilker Hry eow ° greedily cé-l,.t;u by results _ are very way of vigorous ¢ FiFE _ _ shou i and well CC ds You don‘t know of as fxNts Lhat forty. ol yours, does he ? d not fee] the c Y | went into B farmers who ?ta”“l in cold ba * Fowd dirt, conting of month, Lhrown in , will color 33 N nonsense | we theâ€" brush and en 4 part in the care t Try a few apj in doutbt ANH wasy . There is (eteenth hirthIJay, embroidered gown with him in the e had srarcely pe. she was taken iN ‘ant form of tyuhâ€" t P"n_i()y it ; it e on the diennciti~ ay Lo clean . y ‘-"Pl“\'lilinc_," i" not be "sq the proper , uld nrever i ‘lled on the Sir Robert magnificent and4 she took nt and laid it rt took up the yed them from l0 L0C O ut cage m tempted by apâ€" wili gorge {them . z on indigestinn, the effort to wet dA _ of feeding and constiant "g during me should imita t ivenging itls are DAUGHTRER AND PENNEp "_ PCa I% not more rd to see, for i; cerâ€" most valuable leguâ€" t we bave for reâ€" of the soil. And as are not to be d(s-“ S genarally as hiokh | @_ 10 six inches of st ra w ingle board building can ‘ctly comiortable. _ Re. on the roof as we‘!l as on sround ‘the doors* tha.. ue ces " Oree: â€"â€"â€"~ Rowland James, a yo « sund on it. Now | was killed by the cars, | tirt, and give the i track \at the UTuion e x of w hiu\was'h.! Nanaimo, B.C. ; in our yard at ‘ Mary Malone, the St. S lor the b‘n\m in , tit who took toothache d Is are used and / she had quarrelleq with h of and thrown : completely recovered. hack among oupr| Maud, a 12â€"yearâ€"o!d d. s nothing I hate| .. *‘ 4 12*y an‘d l008> hoarcs, oil and apply the takes fire is ean (DJIVY Itj it has a he disposition of the the more the calves mietay they will be feed twice a week a | keep the system regr 1 as (fl,d Qan(,ug.b pl!l(’e m s " w dn es \Awwine & s 2 bulletins, that atever in the the sama tima m ECCT WV their hands thro to get used to it 1 the cold so seve; into the cornfi in‘ loog pea is uched" fop 2 "stuffed," per cbaracâ€" *r be more & "'(“iu\‘iun t eat more t $ht c1se CC P EVRAEPUTT the care of the a few applications ind see : fake the vigorous rubbing and see how the | votner. ishe had her leg broken. they never| Ernest Brault. a Frenchâ€"Canadian, Hvli'ns.thut,’ said to be not very bright. is missing er in _the ; from Peterboro‘, and â€" the police _ are same time, ; making inquiries for him. ::}ldt f""{';“':’ The Montreal Street Railway Co, athe s ¢ n is [ got out over 15,000,000 new tickets on e is someâ€" ; &C i . w.l,.m"“.v,‘Monday. A tolacco firm paid $3,000. e * _| for an advertisement on them. ‘ ched" for! OIt is propased to utilize the sawdust l‘l"”"“""A of the Chaudiore for th» manufacture r cbaracâ€" | of q etylene gas. W.C. Edwards, M. ic. more ; P. is chief mover in the scheme. i Ceiusion , I1¢ Papkia 3. e n f 2 eat more _ Billy Peroue, uf ( .algz.lr), who start the case ed for Dawson City, with a bunch of ed by ap. 85 Alberta cattle, on August 4th, got ‘ge themâ€"/ chere with the beef November 4th. ligestion, | j took forty teams, two loads each, * t0 \get to move thto cheese from the Harrisâ€" | Lon cheese factory. It, < 4 the ma‘ke | of the Cotewold factory, wa l i | cold storage. U\ NHY i same time, | out under| old father | ONTA a henâ€"roost, 3 out doors, typhâ€" ~0ld sq severely | * the cornfield. / Â¥ on » say they let tee «rns or stables , ho o keenly when | feed or w uler.f A *! we say. And | out ad currycomh}| the itseif J()yv- Pog] ridâ€" Jay, ig hens is a.: int “'(‘Hl‘(fih-" meal time, ; tate as far! ~"1V6G ~appetite, ‘ned constitution. let the little one The quality that in a man is ed as firmness in woman is of a= continuity. and in chil« punished as ohstinacy. U ws that they will / ed on cold wmilk ce or chance may lime of feedingf same haphazard many and many,l foumlation for;, Proprietorâ€"We think o hospita! on the sixth floor Friendâ€"A hospital? Proprietorâ€"Yes. _ Custo, ed in bargain rushes will free. _ _H. A. Tremayne, who has returned to Winnipeg from the Klondike, says that goid is not uncomfortably plentiâ€" ful there. You can‘t make #1,000 in a day, or even a week. W. _ Bowell, posimaster of Tweed, tried to climb into his haymow with a lamv in his band. He fell, and though, fortunately, the lamp went out he hbroke his shoulder. A now species of agricultural thief has been developed near Galt. He hires out to a farmer, stays long enough to get familiar with the surroundlings, and then decamps with all the farm implements, except the mortea e th roug Cyriile Con‘ombe, Telesphore lombe, and Qdilon Dechene, bav« fined $200 each and sent to ja six months for smuggiling whiskey the Miquelon Islands IN A DEPARTMEXNT STORE aIr _ regulatâ€"| Thedford‘s new skating‘ rij place beâ€" | 40 feet. "“m'fzu“:' Mrs. R. F. Hinas, former} ,L:te mugt- is dead at Winnipeg. flaxâ€"seed | _ Moody, the evangelist, w ves nothâ€", Montreal, early in February f,?d,;;:;)kv;;‘ VEiRht hundred people emigp; :fléuld be‘ Michigan to Canada last yea stablishâ€"| _ An Essex man bas kept eigh Forsey©‘‘.s a_ .. the ‘ er | ]'Jx(‘oun;.;‘fltiurmt.su rer Vap | Kingston, is said to be in Mor "Ala. His wife expects to | there in a few days. | It is now said that Troy, derer wili be sent to the cring lum in Kingston penitentiary of Feing hanged. a little regulatâ€" TORONTO 80 i _ ._ _ 1. .. 7 NCHPank :of British / Columbia notified its offi_ials of a eout [ in salaries of ten per cent. a}} round, | _ _Owen Sound boys have been amusing [ themselves robbing â€" the neighbours‘ hon roosts, A number of arrests have , been made, | _ Charles Vannej] has teen arresteq at | St. Thomas, charged with trying _ to flinnâ€"flam Flag‘, &. Son out of a diaâ€" _mond ring. /Â¥A Rapus, . .. _ _ "Co SAying he was going to Bobcaygeon, and forâ€" got to return. He has heen arrested in Quebec, and wi}] be taken to Peter. boro‘ for trial. Porrowed a pair overcoat at a P he was going to ana} â€" Harry and | 3 On Junuury 1st Columbia n Otified in salaries Of ter eaed 7A man named Christmas cheer eC EoE T 1 LC3 is quo CIU4A P wili cui t]"I find it nbsudqt 1,000 nai';'w” *G4« LDey wil L‘ se h Orua ldave Lhig place wit .,"f}. ic ho has just| 4PR ker whose so | _ Chief , ustice Burwn, who has Jjust added to its ci rms _been knighted, began the study of law | gag my fortune at in Ingersol]. son‘s friend protest St. Thomas already, has & candidate| rash agt, arnd l.(:ld. H for Mayor, in 1899, in the person of | 48 you are at prese Ald. Meehan. Molson‘s looking for ing in Rey Quebec drummer | mEn , of Ca years. 205 06 00 Snc uce «uveln to lozate an alternate routle railway up the Lardoâ€"Duncan surveying ‘an named Felly took too much mas cheer at Ladner‘s Landing, went to sieep, and never wak. INTERESTING TEms a, own country An Essey man ba Canau‘ian.grown n wces ARE C jpps |. > »co firm paid $8.000. | <inoaraim, ",.,,\NCP"P P°Yy°r, banker, of waâ€"co firm paid _ $3,000. Xincardine, Ont., bad made himself a tisement on them., acpeless Invalid threugh years of overâ€" ed to utilize the sawdust | ~9k. â€" At least he felt his case was ore for the manufacture 'Ao’.h“' for the best physicians nad gas. W.C. Edwards, y. | *R@ to do him good. â€" He tried Nor. T)'."‘[‘ in the scheme, ~ine, and these ars his words : " I glagâ€" | * say it : Nervine cured me ani r! ‘, of Calgary, who startâ€" e ioe® 37 ~~ TAummer named Le a pair of gauntlets and t a Peterboro‘ hotel, sa vecuegr h he4 Cu 8 t O me r ® M.CR. bave commer, ogd Waterford. They wil; ; aPs man is admirâ€" “'iggin. town sent to jail for jg'd,nk p@opz(‘ ar 2 ]0' to erect a Biics 1OE Coee s y ~JO8 BHYG lays. that Troy, the murâ€" . to the criminal asyâ€" penitentiary, instea d _A young athlete, f _cars, jumping the| TL on _ colleries, near e St. Thsmas domesâ€" ache drops Lecause If with boer lover, has | wo ed. ne | o!d daughter _ of | â€"f th tford, hung on _ a | ~ccor as it went round a edge er leg broken. »AV B ranahkAnns3: i0r, b .u-'.nt h:( nn..uh.nn, arly bright. is missing t h d _ the police are hose r him. .ow i réet Railway Co | rian» of f'_nem'np a n is spoken children is mg enough to surroundlings, all the farm + 10100 company company has } mortga ge ienss 11 * 4 Atlantic to the Pacific, party A, 0 supply Canadian British market, ‘g canning factory wil; & joint stock concern stock of seventy thouâ€" ers in jurâ€" be treated the Bank of Windsor Ho!‘ drops Lecause If It is ths came that Rbe who makes bottles of Ne boer lover, has | Yo blades of grass grow wire only eay that 1 am ne had grown before is a benefactor _ A "‘f"_'d,,of daughter _ of | »f the race, what is the position to b‘-:r'.:dl:.-:lc.)vo: _ hung on _ a | ~ccorded that man who by his ‘"“‘"':'porunt JC i went round a | ©d&e of the laws of life anda health;“"nm -hm;l ¢ broken. .. Ves cnea‘-gy and strength where ianâ€" 'tho mothers of nchcGanatiay 10r, weakness and anticipation of ""’men Of Canada o en juu;, .. | IY death had before prevailed ? 9 / tep Of the ben uts is mssIv8 1 ot he also & public benef@actor? â€" Lof [them th L e police are hose who have been down anma .. |them throue i. 1® t Van Luven, of #ve h(‘\ ow 1p J, . _ _ OIt Poen down #hd are! ow up through the use of South Am. 1 ilway Co. | riean Nervine give their opinions on ; tickets on | B# subject. _ John Bovyer hanla. ._s" to mt. all round, been amusing neighbours‘ F arrests have has been sent Brown, who K londikers, {from "c emgrated from | and last year, son, kept eight barrels | to } tobaceo for thirty | mar jail for fif. livery man‘s ~ vec, in 1782, when be was but twentyâ€" s Points from The four years of age, he im-ame.in{alu.ut- e Pacific. ed with a beautiful Canadian â€" girl, Mary Bimpson, daughter of a great ting‘ rink is 150x Canadian merchant of the period. _ At ( the time of Nelson‘s visit she was but formerly of Galt, | sixteen years old, marvellously bean. are said to he a hbank buildâ€" ,000. | Aincoa 10pele dust | ~Ork. .opeler tbure Miéd M. N6 & # say Artâ€" | c toâ€"4 o got | sevralg + y thre ich, | ‘herwo is ‘&6, suf ;'ul.‘:, is. ~H 1 ir 4 of. facilities for 18 at Wran. mure. o _ eA 9Y + onl .5 ET: the â€" | Enown bailir of Bracebridge, " 1 to bad," says he, " tha; one of medica) attendants sall that 1 dving, but, thank God, 1 ain not « Â¥et. _ From the first few doses J â€" of Nervige I commenced +, feel !8r, and am toâ€"day restored Coinple *> my usual health,." A residen the Maritime Provinces, in the per «* 8. Jones, of Bussex. N.B., says : ‘Telve years 1 was a marlyr to j; "~stion,» constipation and headaco ~he treatment o# several pPhysicr Jid mot heip me. 1 hs;,~ taken a 4 Pet 1to rbho P o) l.Pgu,e l dediist/Ailsc B s 2/ 77 A repreâ€" _sentative farmer, of Western Ontario, is Mr. C. j , Curtis, residing neer Winadâ€" *or, His health was seemingly comâ€" pletely destroyeq through 171 grippe , No medicine did him any good. "To titree bottles of Nervine," be srys, ‘I‘- attribute my restoration to health and j strength." _ Neither man or woman | can enjoy life when troubl=4 with liver complaint . This was the sentim=nt and feeling of w. J. Hin, the wel}â€" known baili% of Bracwbrid:e. "I was to bad," SRYS | RG, > Hhu® m« _3 No medicine did titree bottles of attribute my res strength ." Ne can enjoy life wy complaint . Thi RRG ‘Tealinw . ~es ule for an Rive «10 can sleep ]1] sentative farmer is Mr. C. j , Curti tds 4.4 Chang A ypretty little ro ABOUT our son‘s memory a sentil ?Y. Canada. During hi bec, in 1782, when be four years of age, he :;': * e i sd with â€" 4 beautiful Mary Rimpson, daugt rink is 150x Canadian merchant of ( the Hime of Nalaran‘ts . «Ti <ood night‘s sleep, ) trouble. _ He says : the agonizing pains i ~st day I used it. iwo bottles and I fe Lh s ERneexs HHk ‘m toâ€"day as strong and we}} # amuel ZEiÂ¥a, of Meaford, was . euralgla of the stomach ang y three botties of this medici ‘herwood, of Windsor, at 70 } ‘£e, suffered from @n attreck of is. â€" His life, at that ake, was . 4 of. But four bottles of ; a him back his nDa@tural stre ‘ of indigestion, W . F. Bo â€"*., says : " Nervine cur ~‘ my suilering, which seemed «Jle, and had baffied a1} forny th0ds ana efforts ." Peter Ns Pailgley, lost fAesh and rarely fOodd â€"BIKLhEH‘n Alaae 2. _ of the proâ€" X, R&gina, an formâ€" D are , are The Same Verdict Comes From Old ana Young, lich and Poor, and FFOIR All Cbrmane â€"#al 1 E: Uncle Bobâ€"Yeg, my wife ;|e4 in tyin‘ a string to he remember things, " | _ Uncle Billâ€"She has one ~|ger most of the time, I n Uncle Bobâ€"â€"~Yes. ‘ceptin‘ w ‘ | somethin‘ very pertikler ; â€"]|er. ‘Then she leaves off the ; | when it ain‘t there she rams tiful an 1 e in | Lord Nelso ready to ; from | aod tender son, and w ‘rels | to board t irty | morsing ar; L not heave a . | was seen co o [bout. & $ ina, prominent it j him, and asl ‘€ | ed. _ Nelson vut|"I find it leave this pl.‘ ust | LPpon he> w _"| added to its . BW |angd my fort son‘s friend ite| rash act, and of j as you are at 9| will inevitabl he | follow," replie "°] am resolved t« dâ€" intentions, t friendt prevai re‘curried back i re | leave behind was many yea iâ€" | hops of possess returned to ( * | son died in s & HF ‘| +Aucle Hot..Â¥ ; ed in tyin‘ a s remember thing ‘| Uncle Billâ€"8] Jger most of th Uncle Bobâ€"â€"Ye somethin‘ very er. ‘Then she le, when it ain‘t the Hougver, unfs However, love affairs despairs of even thoug THEY COuNT BY THE Seope ‘leep like ; t()l_,_" HP TERMT 2C carried back to his ship, : deave behind the girl he ] was many years before he hops of possessing her, for returned to Canada, and son died in spinsterhood. ea, By the Hundreds, Those W Been Cured of Dire Disease South American Nervine, 100 CBUMUETT S Tasn afgt, anyl told him that, "sit as you are at present, your utter will inevitably follow." ‘"Then | follow," replied Nelson earnestly, ‘ im resolved to do it." But despit intentions, the stronger wi} l friexyl prevailed, and he was f morsing arrived and the Albemarle did not he’:{’e anchor, and Captain Nelson B“d € was seen coming back to Quebec in a ; boat. _ A friend of Nelson‘s, a man / OAPITAL, A prominent in Quebec at the time, espied . 61 m him, and asked him what bad bappenâ€" + ed. _ Nelson is quoted as having said: RESERVE F "I find it absolutely impossible to leave this plase withoust again waiting upon khezr whose society has so much w. F. oo"n'. idded to its charms, and laying myself Presi rmnd my fortuna _1 300000 .t Hk J C m Widepead as Oxiversal liâ€"llz Application, vever, unfortunate ffairs may have be irs of meeting an though she live i P Changed. A ypretty little romance gives Nelâ€" son‘s memory a sentimental interest in I fee} my l'ortu;x;:t:yl;;- fzjien,«l protested |; , becanuse o« lender * Nervine stopped in my stomach the I have now taken el entirely relieved HER METHOD ural strength . A / W. _F. Boig«~, of| rvine cured me | h seemed incurâ€" | wll fornyr meâ€" | Peter 1lisson, of | C 148 one on ber finâ€" _time, I notice, . ‘ceptin‘ when she has pertikler to rememb medicine, Ja; it 70 years of ecy en i8 5 little romance gives Nel-’ PUBLISHED EVERY ry a sentimental interest in | Th M During his service at Que-i ma&y oxnhlg. . Wihen he was hnt tHaaonts.1 well as ever % of paraly., WAs despairâ€" was cursd of T woman with liver sentim=nt the wellâ€" f PF 2 CAE s off the string, an‘ she remembers why, °* iiscovery Has Proven Genuine Elixir of Life, old, marvellously beauâ€" y. _ On October 14, 1782, ‘"_bhad a ; ;‘;;-l:lw stomach | fap ; stopped | came mevccte a% J ° _a& _ woman‘s been, she never n ideai lover, in a desert. Nervine bowels e allus b‘liey ber finger t But despite his ‘*" / best physici; n®#, red ‘ England, for he reâ€" | ous debility, but 190, relief, _ «* I was ; Aâ€" / take South â€" Am m-fmu-st say I do : *.‘not done so I w I‘o‘day,.» * I‘ Newampor ®DA d | permit Of furtha e An Ee mtc on taj1 ,¢ ,; 7 °UA Are ready by Bcores to * "‘teu of the benefits that have come to Lot ’!hvm through the use of South Ameriâ€" I are Ico.n Nervine. Mrs. R. Armstrong, of 4A lOrilite, wife of the colperteur, of the " 1ifible Bociety of that town, suffered * O for six years from nervous prostration. * 2 Medioca} a«sistance did not heip. " n verâ€" ".ll." she says, "I have takeh #ix bottles wW2s ‘og Nervine, 2nd can truthfuily say this P40 i; the one medicine that has effemte.A N""';'c cure in my oase." Mp;. JoAn 111. 80â€" woody has been for 40 YegIs a yeoslSent d I !or Fiecherton, and hes reachea the alâ€" ©">" :lotted threeâ€"score years and ten. Threa 4 Of years ago her system sustained © sey. ®!5 ere shock through the dseth of a 28. daughter. Nervine was recommen led. _OI | She Perseveringly to@k 12 bottles of “?"medlclne, with the result tha abe is toâ€" **â€"! day again strong and hearty, . j;.», "¢ ‘ dreds of women suffer from impov cristh. â€" A|ed blood ana weakened nerves, " AlM “’vltallty." sys Mre, Jj Fallis, â€" of m‘jBrampt.on, * E€mante: 4c . o e °_ will of his _ was fairly ind forced to oved ; and it _ Zave up the Nelson never Mary Slmp. was but twentyâ€" Cases Beyond Cure This , 1 s mm s ‘tline , ; 7 CC# of woiren suffer from impov cristh. A:ed blood and weakened nerves, " AlM A | vitality," seys Mre, J Fallis, â€" of * | Brampton, "reemed to have forsak an ~/my system. I was unable to get 10â€" * .’mt from any source until ; commerceg f| taking South American Nervins. â€" ‘The ) results are most mlotactory«troalf\t ‘{far than 1 could have hoped for." 1t lgmmo within the way of Mra, . Fiap~ ‘{leton, of Wingham, to treat undrrp the <best physici; n#s, both ;n Canada and I;Ex;gll.nd. fOr HeRrt ‘Gina,. â€" iC et." Nelâ€" inst such a t, "situated t utter ruin ‘Then let it il/"s DAN. McLEAN, ~‘@ und Young, Male 6ad Fomaile All Corners of the Domini{on. | Very Nearly @rte j.,, |, ° ®P®ak have Ounterperts by the hundro\ln, Â¥ in the provinee of Ontario, very other BectiOn of the Dominâ€" *"** _ .merican Nervine is beseq ~.clitlMe principle that malkes t Certainty, no malter how degs. the case Mmay be, It ftrikog orve centere from w«hich flonmg b! ad of the whole s~stem. 12 L medicima ag ... . 09 C nc u... _ â€"__ e o6 ~ hter . Nervine was recommen led. perseveringly toox 12 bottles of cine, with the result tha: ahe is toâ€" again strong and hearty, _ j7»n. $pUQF Nintair come enc ns nc for I . 0 C NFECZCOT 6 in my omse." . Mp3. JoAn 111. has been for 9 Y°&S a yeonlSâ€"nt #herton, and hes r?d‘chcl the alâ€" threeâ€"score yearem and ten. Threa ago her system sustained : sey. ock through the doath of a ter. _ Norving was recommen led. ersev*®ringly KO#K U8 lmbkL. .n ‘"*F, DULt she fail "I was adviseq, > Failed and * fesistance did not heip. ‘;: e mays, "I have taken gix bottles ine, and can truthfuily say this one medicine that has effeteiA In m umm y CC Remien A it "hidet viith tds hss 2 1 ~"* Lander, Registrar. John A. Deputyâ€"Registrat, â€" Offics _A * LIOENSED AUCTIONEER *3 Oo. of Groy. All communications adâ€" drersed to Lantrasg P, O,. will be prompti altended to. Residence Lot 19, Con, ‘ Township of Bentinck,. .m.to”[.., ‘..;.-n nu:i».wmlp on uvln(t: b:.nl doso:;u ul'.l yd upwards. Prompt atten ion and every fag anafforded curtomers liying at a distance , Wiivedrnnctoatcdh. 4.3 1 A general Paxnking business transacted Drafte »mued and collections made on all points, Dopos. ts received and interecst allowed at current rates . Blerest rliowed on s& And ul iC co Peand A general A &. _ Ontario, Quebes and England . American 40 believe I would n Head Office, Toronto. OAPITAL, Authorized $23,000,00€e #* Paid 13 1,000,008 RESERVE FUN ANM Ann StaadardBank of Canada TERMS; $ per year, IN ADÂ¥ANcA CHAS. RAAAGE Editor & Proprieton GENTS in ali . Outarto Guabee, mretiions. Dnibce wouie DURHAM AGENCY. THE CREY REVNEY SAVINGS Banr BREGISTRY orprior gistrar, Oflice hours from 10 4 iB C‘.m. and disease and oryv» failed to get any ?Qd." she SAYE, "to an Nt'rvtn.. und ive th‘t 't ! i s Who Have se By Doctors Have Yaluable allve to. Munro current 4%# the resislance ! rent through + moisture can be thos was suge of grounding the telegraph lincs. not continually i do not work dur ing eigD A stone mercha n Rain does pis te good until it it can be absor daily record of in the soil with indications were for certain crop burying speciall in the soil, in 0 the resistance t n A1 G ut t #f qi t Wi But what «ha «ppoal from the men and wamer pationts, but om of means? If funds«, the expe months assures 1 life to fully ons now turamed awa want #10,000 at in sarrying on t to build four n coming season . | tiful memorial «g! May we r work #Y Suporintendent , that all sufferers work that the When 1 sont my tion 1 felt that i a* humen help 4 about three mo with a new lomg The benefit sheo 1 permanent, . for waight since her discase, but a torium with i and with the that he found t he felt that a n solf . Rev, J, Pour minister, in + bhould it not the thousands o out this@coun friends and the lor a certainty, being cured in « is no longer m to take a woar or California, a home. An incident sarves to exp nopa" that oc Sanatoriou . citizons of To bring his cliok said to a friend is the first m month." Dari had been watch his child, wear discase, but a n One of the in the patien is the enoo have shown a About twenty q 16 to 28 pound: their stay , .i charged a mon to his work in 4 tors, ministers mechanios, st In almost ever remaurkable pro number have Medioal Bupar the diseare arr resumed . wri_‘htAor( 45 po The r rovine NO Ai bean opened fc proved that it periment. U{ pat ~nts have every part of from the low n n Toron to L A4 urgent need compels me wish to help ites, the on! Canude, Fal turn in symp tunals than work that ba rium at GraÂ¥v etpient pulme urgent need compols me t« Drar Sn At this A Buggesti That Ha Gravenh Spirit of " 8.000 Die n INTEREST] Lives of Wo HOME i he bangt {f 1t y t erim M 8t TH 3 2t Im RA 1N nt*n D is phicd rt B &1 W i n d

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