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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1898, p. 7

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orning, CY t "‘z Os, tions ad. prompti , Con . l $2,000,008 1,000,008 800,008 nés puints iz nited States Canada P. Reid, Manager onto. EAM, Agent, ADYV ANCA Propriston M ul #1 aQ ty !aoi]l. it can be absorbed by their roots. A daily record of the amount of water in the soil without indicate whether the indications were favorable or otherwise for certain crops. There is a plan for burying specially constructed electrodes in the soil, in order that by measuring the resistance to the passage of a curâ€" rent through the soil the amount of moisthre can be ascertained. This meâ€" thod was suggested by the necessity of grounding thoroughly telephone and telegraph lincs. If the terminals are not continually in a motst soil the lines do net work during dry seasors Rain does plants comparatively litâ€" tle good until it enters the soil. where say it weighs so many sione, meanâ€" ing eight pounds, it being dGead meat. A stone of wool, potatoss, or other merchandise is also 14 pounds. THE ENGTISH STONE Confus:on is frequently caused by English weights and measures, The same term does not mean the same quantity in all parts of the kingdom, and this is more frequently the case with grain than with meat. The last named is usuwiiy quoted per stone of eight pounds in the princisal markets, an! official statistics are }as>1 on that quanlity ; this is known as the butchâ€" er‘s stons. Yet in some jarts of the couniry the stone is locally understood to be 14 pounds and meat is sold occaâ€" s‘onally by it. A stone of flour is also 11 pounds. When meat animals are sold by live weight, they are sold by the ewt of 112 pounds, which consists of eight stomnes of 14 pounds each. If a man says a calf weighs 10 stone he means 140 pounds, if, however, he is dealing with dressed carcass, he will But what shall we say of tho pitiful appeal from the large number of young men and wamen who seek admission as pationts, but cannot be received for lack of means? If we had the necessary funds, the experience of the past four months assures us that we coul; promise life to fully oneâ€"half of those who are now turned away apparently to dia. We want #$10,000 at once to help the trustess in sarrying on this work, Wa also want to build four new cottages during this coming season. These would make beauâ€" tiflul memorial gifte. 8,000 Die Rach Yoar in Ontario. The roport of Dr. Bryce. Secretary of Provincial Board of Health, shows over 8,000 died last year in Ontario from this cause alone. &m the necessary funds given, and with the disease detected in ecrlior stages, there is no reason why the li vas of over half of tham cannot be saved. May we not have your aid in this good work »4Your dollar will ha‘p to save the life o some young man. Yours etc., When I sont my deughter to the Instit:iâ€" tiona 1 felt that it was our last hope «o far as human help goes, but after spending about thrae months there suo raturned with a new leaso of lifo upon her facs. I‘he benefit she rmi":;f.m’ also to be permanent, . for she inoreased in waight since her return a month ago." Rev,. J, Pearen, a wall known Mathodist ministor, in + rscent note to ‘>. Medioal Suporintendent, says:â€"*"I am desirous that all sufferers should know of the good work that the San@torium is doing. ue s oial omcs eeimn ra 5‘ s se L . Coust. _ DUring the irevious weeks hs had boeon watching with a troubled heart his child, weak and suffering from the liscase, but after entering the Sanaâ€" torium with its cheerful surroundings, and with the wonderful improvement that he found in ao many of the patien ts , ho felt that a new hops had come to himâ€" solf. Bpirit of New Hopo. An incident occurred recently which sorves to express the spirit of "noew nopa" that comes to those who enter the janatorinrm. One of the best known ‘itizons of Toronto having occasion to bring his sick daughtor to tie institution said to a friend at alodinnor table, " This is the first meal I have oaten for a month." During the previous weeks hs Should it not be a cause of gratitude to"; the thousands of suffering poople throughâ€" out this@country, as well as to thoir friends and the interested public, to know lor a certainty, that consumption is now being cured in our own land, and that it is no longer necessary for the sick ones to take a weary pilgrimage to Colorado or California, and thus be exiled far from Great Improvemont in Pationts. One of the indications of improvement in the patients, which might be noted, is the encouragi y fact that 42 out of 45 have shown :izldod increase in weight. About twenty patients havo gained from 15 to 28 pounds during the short time of their stey, and one young man disâ€" charged a monthago as cured, returned to his work in the city with an increased weight of 45 pounds. ‘Toronto, Jan. 4, 1898. W. J. Gaoz. Medical Buperintonidolâ€"nz :;-r:d-T or . w‘i.tlh the dissase arrested, so that work may be resumed . 1 ko 2k ay . ow 00 C 0 O% CMpeexnecel uEe every part of the Province, especially from the low area of weostern (Ontario, reprosent@ng all classes of societyâ€"edi« tors, ministers, business mon, servants, mechanics, students, clerks and others. In almost every caso, it can be said, that remaurkable ess has boen mads, A number hsmn discharged by the Nt i e t ue . L Te ts .o 77 li6l any one tie a boar ; _ _ _ 9 7 CPa‘ny towards those less for« foe?lzl‘ by throeyincbes broad to tunalo than ourrslzes. The Otwc“nfd foot and try to walk about a lawn work that has been done at the Sana may shuffle along. but let him ti rium at Graverhurst for the curs of ins corner, go down a slope or alter etpient pulmonar conlnmgtion, and the course in the slightest and he wi urgent need for iolp in that direction, alize the difficulties to be met 1 compels me to ask for aid from those who Tps sport is practiced on ths na wish to help one of the best of all chari< snowâ€"covered hills at an angle . itos, the only institution of the kind in degrees or more. The fun of sl Cansade. | about 20 yards a second can be i The Sanatorium, although it has only | ined. Skating cannot for a mo been opened for four months, has already compare with either snowshoeing c provel that its work is no longer an ex« | bogganing. periment. Up to the prssent time 45‘ CC o cn ns eotes pat‘~nts have been received. renresentino Gravenhurst Bpirit of "New Drarz Sm,â€" At this time of the year our thou turn in sympathy towards those less tunale t.i-n ourrelyves. The succe A Suggestion of the Excelient Work That Has Boen Already Done by the Phwen viisue Ne aene on e i0 CV C INTERESTING sToRY Egom MUSKOKA Lives of HoME Fof consumptives,! RAIN FOR PLANTS. of 1500 Young Mon and Women may be saved. Letter from Rev. J representing The roof of the main tuilâ€"ing is covered with tiles and provi‘~1 wit? amole parapets, maling a coâ€" The richest of milk and cream is furâ€" nished from the Sanitarium farm of ons hundred and sixty acres, which is »tocked with a splendid herd of cows, mostly Holsteins. C s As time went on, aiterations were made, wings added to the main buildâ€" ing, until finally! we see the culminaâ€" tion of all in the present magnificent si :â€"storey, fireâ€"proof building of brick and terra cotta, which.â€"has risen like a giant oak of the forest from, the ferâ€" tile soil, cultivated by years of unâ€" ceasing toil, and consecrated endeayâ€" or. until it stands toâ€"day a landmark for miles around, speaking in its mute elotuence more powerfully than by words of man of the wonderful way in which God has lent his blessing to the enterprise. _ _ y 4. The dining room reminds one of & metropolitan hotel without some of the mgreeablo features, and the menu set hbefore one will satisfy the most exacting. _ 8 agke This new building, recently dedicatâ€" ed, contains all the accessories and conâ€" veniences of a modern hotel, and in addition, has facilities for giving the various baths and treatment, some thirty in number. Cc 2 Ihe beyinnings were very modest inâ€" deed, and the "Water Cure," as it was then called, when completed, had hardâ€" ly the necessities of life, judged {from the present standpoint. But it met with favor, and within a few years the debt incurred in building was paid off, and in time, this first, plain,; wooden affair was superseded by a commodiâ€" ous, fiveâ€"storey, brick building which answered the requirements of the inâ€" stitution for many years. _ At that time what is now the certre of the town was liitle better than a wilderness of wood and swamp, conâ€" taining several abundant, everâ€"flowing suiphur â€" springs. Recognizing , the medicinnl value of the springs, the youry; doctor resolved to make a beâ€" ginming of what he charished as his lile work, the uprearing of a Christian Institution which should restore bealith and strength to worn out thousands. A little less than fifty years ago there came to Cliiton Springs a young doctor, Henry Foster by name. Naturâ€" ally ofa more benevolent and philanâ€" thropic turn of mind, than most young mem he felt tnat he had a distinct call to relieve the suiferings of his fellowâ€"men â€" and be set about doing this in a way so unusual as to produce much criticism, and even ridicule. A stranger passing hastily through the village would see very little to disâ€" tinguish it from bundreds of other towns in Central and Western New York. Yet probably there is no town in the state whose name is so familiar to thousands and tens of thousands all over the worla as tnis same Clifton Springsâ€"and thereby hangs my taie. Situated on the Auburn branch of thea N. Y. Central, about midway beâ€" tweemn Syracuse and Rochester, and also on the Lehigh valley R.R., it has tranpsportation facilities far superior to many towns twice its size. Imagine a thrifty little town of about two thousand inhabitants, with ites rows of comfortable homelike cotâ€" tages; broad farms whose fertile acres speak of prosperity ; vineyards and fruit orchards growning with plenty in their season, and with just enough manufacturing to keep it in touch with the outside world, and you have a fair picture of Clifton Springs as it is toâ€" day. y are much greater than i.ni learning to f toboggam Let any one tie a board six | gee:. lox:c by three inches broad to each mt aw $2.%. 22 1 ma, _1 _22,1 °C WYa‘k about a lawn. He may shuffle along, but let him turn a corner, go down a slope or alter his course in the slightest and bhe will reâ€" alize the difficulties to be met with. The eport is practiced on the natural snowâ€"covered hills at an angle of 45 degrees or more. The fun of sliding about 20 yards a second can be imagâ€" ined. Skating cannot for a moment compare with either snowshoeing or toâ€" bogganing. made the passage between Rio Janâ€" eiro and Baltimore, a distance of 4820 miles in 23 days. This recorl beats that of the famous clippers, and is ‘etâ€" ter even than the time of the average 7 POmpm tives A Switszerland Sport More Exel‘‘ng Thar Toboganning, Tobogiganing is very well till one has tried lkl.runnlngâ€"pcqnounoed, by the way, sheâ€"running. A person sails majestically along with nothing to help him but a spiked bamâ€" boo pole and long narrow sandais on his feet. Dr. Conan Doyle is the pionâ€" eer of thse sport in Bwitzerland where the English people enjoy the run evâ€" ECLIPSES ALL RECORDS, The barkentine Josephine has AN INSPIRED INSTH UTION. to the sul;l)i'iee of tl;; l;;- a beginner the difficu‘ties â€"RUNNING. just Accordingly, a few years ago, he .made a gift of this magnificent propâ€" eriy, valued at $500,000 by a deed of trust to a number of men who were | to act as a board of trustees without | pay, and be pledged to carry out the founder‘s wishes forever in managing the institution. Thus while many an indivicual would ha‘ve hadi his fimne resijences, stylish j coaches, and all the attenjant good ; things of life, this consecrated man has preferred to turn it all over to |the good of others, feeling that he bas Go where you will, north or south, east or west, an‘d you will wander far tefore you find a spot where dwell so much of peace, quiet, mleasant companâ€" lon=kip comtined, with skilful mediâ€" cal cttent‘on, and competent care as kere at Clifton Springs. beea but a stevard of Almighty Godi who has so wonderfully blessed the unâ€" dertaking.. For many years ii kas been the deâ€" sire of Dr. Foster to so arrange matâ€" ters that the work of the Sanitarium should be selfâ€"perpeiuating and conâ€" tinue to be mainaged for years to come on the same basis as originally estabâ€" lished. The rates are about the same as at any firstâ€"class hotel, and the price inâ€" cludes everything, room, board, treatâ€" ment, and medical advice. 3 One moeets people here from every part of the country. As I sit at my table in the dining room, I find that the lady at my right is from Virginia; the gentleman and his wife opposite from Baltimore, At my left, is seated a gentleman from Colorado ; at a litâ€" tle tabie on one side is seen a party from Canada; while at the extreme end of the room I have pointed out to me the Archbishopn of the West Indies and his family. The circle of one‘s acquainiance inâ€" cludes many business ani professional men, this being a favorite resort for such, who desire to drop their heavy cares for a few weeks. um. It is a Christian atmospkere of doing rather than of talking, and the cheerful service prompt attention, and considerate care shown by all the emâ€" ployees is the best possible sermon that could be preached. One would never imagins he â€" was at a sanitarium from appearances. Eyâ€" ery}~ly looks well, and appears bappy; in fact, one cannot be despondent here if he tries, for one does so hate to be odd you know. A score or more whiteâ€"capped »nurses minister to the needs of the very sick, or willingly run on errands for the convalesacent. The atmosphere of the house is disâ€" tinctly a religious one, and yet this feaâ€" ture is never made in the least obtruâ€" aive. iA chaplain resides in the buiidâ€" ing and regular weekâ€"day and Sunday services are held in the beautiful chapâ€" el, which forms a part of the Sanitariâ€" A corps of experienced physicians are connected with the Sanitariwm and the one selected by the patient, visits him daily for consultation, adapting the vaâ€" rious forms of treatment to his individâ€" ual needs. Across the street is a fourâ€"story Anâ€" nex, which together with the main building, provides accommodation {for four hundred guests, lightful promenade with a magnifiâ€" cent view of the suâ€"rounding counâ€" try. _A portion is enclosed in: glass, forming a spacious solarium where one may enjoy without any discomfort a sunbath in midwintor. The elevator service is such that even invalids in wheelâ€"chairs are not deprived of this privilege, gas, and electric light plants furnish the necessary means of illumination. The building is heated by indirect radiation, the steam being @g. ~erated two blocks away, while indepens 1lall‘s Catarrb Cure is taken internaliv, and acts directly on the blood and mueous supfaces of the system, Send for testimoziala froe. F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Qald hw Nrnumwsists #k. ___ _ _ _FRANK J. CHEXNEY. Pwortn to bof%ro me and subscr.bed ... m presence, thin 6th cay orflDeeombex. A. D. lsa!. Brars or Onto, C:Tr or Torxno, Lvoas CouNty, } t Fraxx J. (n+ NEy makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CurnrEy & Co., doing business in the City of Tolodo, County and State aforesald. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNLRED vor. LAF3 for each and every casoe of Catiaxrn thes cannot be cured by the use of Haru‘s CaTARRK CUKE. Have You Neuraigia ? If you suffer from its agonies, and fail to get a remedy, we want you to try Nerviline. Its action on nerve pain is simply marvellous. â€" Nerviline is the most pleasant and powerful remedy in the market. Try it. EXPLOSIVE PADLOCKS. Padlocks are being manufactured with an auxiliary chamber which carâ€" ries an explosive to be fired by a hamâ€" mer inside the lock and give an alarm when the lock is tampered with. 1 C CESTE ‘C eno e io C o eeine CBRTCE your husvand have a great many difâ€" fexences$ Weeping Daughterâ€"No, only one; but that keeps us nagging and quarâ€" relling and fighting from one waek‘s end to the otherâ€"boo, hoo, hoo!l Only one? What is it? We differ »n religion. Sold b‘t)mi'gi'-'r,{ ow * . : Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. BEAL Anrlous Motherâ€"And so . GL€AsON, Notary Public. I Examine herfeet, and if she has corns buy her Putnam‘s Painiess Corn Exâ€" ! tractor. _ Home will then hecome an | Eden. _ Much of the misery of married | life is due to corns. Putnam‘s Extracâ€" ; tor is sure, painless, and prompt THE SNAII/S MOUTH. ‘The snail‘s mouth is one of the most extraordimnary objects in nature. By the time the snail has worn out the lagt of its 30.000 teeth, a new set has been provided for it to begin all over again. â€" ; Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus drivâ€" ing disease from the system. _ Avoid imitations hy insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale Peoâ€" ple. cine As proving the diversity of troubles for which Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are a cure it may also be mentioned that they restored Mrs. Frank Chase, a daughterâ€"inâ€"Jaw of â€" the gentleman above referred to, to health and strength after all other means had apâ€" parently failed. Mrs. Chase says:â€" "1 can scarcely tell what my trouble was, for even doctors could not agree as to the nature of it. One said it was consumption of the stomach, while anâ€" other was equally emphatic in decliarâ€" ing that it was liver trouble. _ One thing I do know, and that is for yeurs I was a sick woman. I know that I was afflicted with neuralgia, my blood was poor, and 1 was subject _ to depressing heajaches. _ My appetite was nol good at any time, ani the least exertion left me weak and deâ€" spondent. A lady friend who had teen benefited by the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills advised me to try them,and as they had also cured my fatherâ€"iaâ€" law, I determined to do so, and I have much cause for rejoicing that I did, for you can easily see that they have made a well woman of me. I _ took the pills steadily for a couple of months, and at the end of that time was enjoying the blessing of good health. Jt gives me much pleasure to hbe able to bear public testimony to the valu« of this wonderful mediâ€" There are few if any people in Murâ€" ray township, Northuimberland county to whom the name of Chase is not familiar. Mr. Jacobh Chase, who hes followed the occupation cf farmer and fishermar and fishdealer, is especiaily well known. He has been a great sufâ€" ferer from rheumatism, as all his neighhbors know, but has fortunately succeeded in getting rid of the diseas :. To a reporter he gave tha following particv‘s : had been a sufferer from _ rhem &A« for upwards of twenty yeais. at being confined to the house _ At one time i was laid up for sixteen weeks, and during a porâ€" tion of ihat time was confined to my ked, and perfectly helpless. I had the benefit of excellent medical treatâ€" ment, but it was of no avail. I believe, too, that 1 have trie@ every medicine advertised for the cure of rheumatism and I am sure I expended at least $200.00 and got nothing moreat any time than the merest temporary relief. At last I was induced togive Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills a trial, and from that time I date my good fortune in getting rid of the disease. I continued using them for several months and daily found that the trouble that had made my life miserable for so many years was disappearing and at laat all traces of pain had left me and 1 was cured. I say cured, for I have not since had a recurrence of the trouble. Two Cases in Which They Restored Mealth and Strength After All Other Meanus Had Fatledâ€" W hat They Have Done for Others They Will Do (or You. From the Colborne Express. â€" "This was my last thought. I seemâ€" ed to melt away, and then all was a blank. The next day the doctor told me that at first be believed I was The Best of Results "My daughter was now on one side and the dector on the other, and I felt myself hastening to think before it was too lates to say anything. I then thought, shall I send a message to some relatives? _ Something seemed to say ‘last words are painful.‘ Then with unutterable calm I felt myself slowly passing away. _ And oh, how quiet it all was,. I could not decide whether I was gliding back into an oblong dark place or if it were approaching me. I recognized it meanwhile as the gate of death. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS‘ PINK PILLS. Mow It Feels to Die Toid by a Man Who Lives. A man who recently came nsar dyâ€" ing in the course of a serious iilness has described graphically in a London paper what are likely to be one‘s feelâ€" ings in the face of death. "The most remarkable impression left upon my mind," he writes, "was my power of thinking clearly and raâ€" tionally. â€" When, as I learned afterâ€" ward, my life was believed to be s‘owly ebbing away I became perfectly conâ€" scious of my surroundings, an‘. s I thought, of approaching death L reâ€" member distinctly moving my li;y~ a~* bringing some one to my bedside irom among ths watchers for my end. I could not speak, I think, but I pointed to the room below where my sister and my son were sorrowfully waiting. They came to my side, kissed me and I made some signal for them to leave TRY a half pound package of /J ONSOON...... INDOâ€"CEYLON TEA, And if it is not the best you ever tasted take lzlfbl‘totcart the best yn‘ovo:'tuud take our grocer our money {wkâ€"vozukoftpodtolfi:n is Your Wife I‘lâ€"Ter IN THE FACE OF DEATH. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO , Inspector : + _ Lo oo’cmul, decia i Mesara. Job Cook ai 7;moo gu.j 15th day ; | from ng out, ret ";f head was ont.lr:]: b: o And I make this a @1 â€" that 1t is of the e :m ied . Kvidence Act. 1891." 1c. : Deciared befors mo . 1ith day of Ociobe (â€"A£ T. E:seatr, a No SWORN EVIDENCE : DOMINION OF CANADA. IN THE MATTER of the " Amberine Hair Pn“?' Province of Ontario, manu/actured bwuuu. Job Oook and Company, 68 sb County of Middlesex, To Wit:) lingioa Street, don, Oanada. I, Honry Amos Plastow, of the City of London, in the County of Middlesix, Water Works Inspector : g F Lo oo‘omnl,‘ declare that | have used the " Amberine Hair Producer," manu‘ red by Mesera. Job Fook nfl '.‘ormuny. of No. 58 Wellingtaon Street, in the City of Lond since the i6th day of April, 1897, It has uogpod the itching of the scalp, woppm b £ron falling o-t' removed the dandruff, and has broug‘h: out a thiock erop of hair where my ce nb hi eatpaen desantin mm on RORORLCN v6 be tres and is + ma # eolomm declaraiion conscientiously believing it #0 8 1 that it is of the #:me force and offect as if made under oath and br virtus of * The o.-'-" Kvidence Act. 1891." D.du:d before mo at the City Loadon in the County 0f M4 ldiesex, tiits q 1ith day of Ociober, A.1). 1897, all which I certif; > â€"sotatial 1e= : + a. €1.18700 Are the pride and glory of levely woman. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harshâ€" ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti-‘ ful as in youth. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO., Limitea, This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with _ @@IARIINUTT:‘ RMlp track and battery. f We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. $1 oo COMPLETE. Amberine Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 Sold by all druggists, or The S. S. Ryckman Medicine (,‘o., (Limited), Hamâ€" ilton, Ont. @ » and she dJid not get any better. She began using Kootenay on the recomâ€" mendation of the Rev. Mr. Brown and Rev. Canon Richardson, of London, and is now well. According to previous information reâ€" ceived from this sams gentlieman, we learn that Miss Wilson had the disease for 11 months before beginning to take Kootenay Cure, and was under the doctor‘s care for about 8 months. He said the case was a very obstinate one It could not afford to otherwise. B, 40 @and 00c _ Lrapme Groctre _ In Laan Paokaoxs. _ 5* You may use the contents of my letters as recommerdations, for we beâ€" lieve that every person who has Eczoma should know the benefits of Kootenay. There are lots of witnesses here to testify to the contents of my letters, people wha saw her when she was very bad and tuâ€"day.‘e | _ _ Atiorneyâ€"Have you formed or exâ€" pma:ned any opinion concerning this Veniremanâ€"All I‘ve said about it is !_'d like to make $2 a day settin‘ on the eARARBRER.RLE®Rccecceeee e % c § d. N. ANDERSON, M.D., No. 5 Collegeâ€"st. : TORONTO, Ont. k ._NL l::nn- ’. T“ROAT A Jdames A. Wilson, of Paris, Ont.., doâ€" Eghted with his Daughter‘s Cure. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in the case of any stubborn skin disease. The as : of Kootenay means certain cure, It was so in the case of Miss Wilson, whose suiferings for 18 months from the eruel tortures of Eczema were such as to make her thankful for any remedy that afforded a charse of reliet. Her fYnlner, Mr. James A. Wilson, writing under dates of April 29th and May 8th states :â€"*"In regard to the hbealth of my daughter, I am happy to inform you that she is cured of Eczema and has this Monday gone to work in the Woollen Mills bere after being out nearly 18 months, and I give your KRootenay credit for curing her. LAW 'OUNG MEN, Learn to Cat. No better trads or profession,. Write for particuiars, KeotenayCoped with Eczema and Overthrew It. IT‘S A STICKER for quality, Alil along the line Kootenay is marchâ€" ing to victory, Wherever there isa stand up fight between Kootenay and disease, Kootenay always comes out Victor. ‘The " New {ngredient " gets in its home thrusts that make discease yield the battle. Chart book free on application. SOFT, CLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, HIS ONLY EXPRESSED OPINION Toronto Cutting Sohool. ANOTHER YiCTORY. GROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. Signed, JAMES A, WILSON. LU D ELL A EAr, Nost & uagatalt +tz thcccdatt is t Ts td is uie dnc i AS .A F T t , a Nota y Pubii~ in and for the Province u. . e e SPECIALIST SA@88RA008%8 %8 0868 112 Yonge 8t., Toronio Mills, Mills & NllQ‘ Barristers, oto., remove: to Wesley Bldss., Rich mond 8Si. \\'A.’l‘oronl.o 142 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. W P € 982 HAIR PRODUCER. 4> uns recelpt of price: 6 for $7, 19 for $12 ; 6 or more sent C. O, D. if $1 is sent with order ; for $2 I will send watch and handsome rolied pifte chain warranted to wear fre yeurs, and all mouey will be teturned if you ure not satisfed with your ba .ain. FÂ¥red M. Myson, box 123, Madison square, New k ork eity. Total Assote ................ ... . 12,000,000 Officeâ€"Oon:pany‘s Buildinge, Teronte 8t., Torente. DeProsrrs recelved at ourrent rates of inter e«t, paid or oo:nroufirl half-_varl) Depextunres lssued in Coâ€"rafoy or Storling, with interoat coulpou attiched, payrble in Canad: orin Englan4. Executors and Trus _ Mon®ey Anvaxnco®n» on Real Ketate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as M!?p.tz-‘e“ ad Munic! Debent ortgages a unicipa! ntures purâ€" chased. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Directer. tees are nuthorized by law to Invost in the Debentures of this Company. _ are a true boon to every !~dy who sufters in the ance of nature‘s effort. ‘l‘h-do" wh momiho m restore natural and hultx action of ovarian . ven sels. For young and developing womanhood they excel say romedt which gan be used. They are compounded solcly from the active principles of vegetable substan and are porfecfll safe and reliable. Ask your dm‘:a for them, and if he does not :cep them in stock he ons A Specific for Female CJemplaints, Intelligent ladies aod gentiomen oar be an plied with {onuol and very PROF TARI.’ u‘gglo{(mon . Indu«‘ry is the @ssential N '{ FSSARY to secourse GOOD REMUNEKERA TION. Can give the address of reprosentative who has just cleared $113 in 21 DAYS. $5 can be made Msh& AT your own HOM E. . L, NICHOLS &# CO,, 83 Richmond West, Toronta, «we want Y( [J ovicx." Most wldol‘ Attended in America. Fo# Ilinstrated Catalogue (80th year), ADDRESSâ€" ROBINSON & JOHMN3SON, F.0,A,, FAMOUS Cor. of Wost Market and Ooiberne St., â€" TORONTQ =â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIQ WiITH TWO TAILs ? W. 6. IIARIIIS*E William St., â€" â€" â€" To ocure them for you. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or 6 for nds amenenplnatsecaudund The Toronto Pharmaoal Oo., Limited, Toronts. The Dawson Commission Co., ‘=ites > CANADA PERMANENT e / QCTARIO BUSINESS COLLE@B PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PIMAS® Loan and Savings Company. IncorroRATED 1855, This little Motor is complate with battery and chomicals 1t ts . boy‘s delight. The following ladies ha ve kind. ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used Amâ€" berine, they know its worth, and they recommend it bigh» ly :â€" Best watch ou earth, §$1.35 ; our celebrate@ 20th eumr‘ watch ; American movement ; warranted fise years ; Kqual as timekooper, to any $25.00 watch; nickel obe us wind, pendant set, finely Inm dhfi sunk second hand ; received highest go‘ medal awards at American and Europesn Internationa! Rxposition ; Tflonud the world over; just a watch which sells any« where for $4 to §5; agentsmake big money where for §4 to §5; agentsmake big money by nllin' ,:; une agent sold 22 u\l‘n single! day ; will send swaple to uny Jaddress or Miss I, V, R]ckm-. Hughson St. S,, Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson, Young St., Hamilton, Miss Jennie Tibbs, Nelson St., Londor. st., â€" â€" â€" TOROBTO, Ont PTOR OURE. send swaple to uny Jaddress om ies Ir & Hik tss Yoeng St., Ha â€" iltonm. CEYLON TEA. AMBERINE. sesn snes aae c c,m,:: Cdrssereues MR Joran, Hill St., London,. |> t a>

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