West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1898, p. 8

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K WPuys 1 ) Cloilt! Her Life and Reigo." has Captured the British Empiro. Extruurdinar)‘ t stimonials from the grout mei : send for copy free. Narqnis of Lorne #438, "Tho best popular Lite of the Queen I haye seen." Hep Uz jesty sends a kizd letter of appreciation. Selling by thousands: gives enthrsiastin satisfaction. Can. WaBsSOT® Woare @15 +i4 aan 220 uV 1 L 0C PROTEE! vassors ware $15 to 240 week)v James Tartar ant wif are spending a few dGays this locality. Mrs#. Sandy (nee Miss Isia Muyr Dakota, is als> yistting friends Woodland and Fairbairn. A Leayy downâ€"pour of rai day night accompamicd with lightning. Gorrie occupie He and Mr. : that day. as bhe is still co Rey. Mr. D Quite a unum took in the toaâ€" day and report Misses Kate Roid an of Campbelivilie visite week, also Willie Mo a guest at J. MceDon; week, The presents woere numerous, costly and usefual thus showing the good sense of the donors as well as the respect and love of all towards the bride and groom . Several valuable gifts were sent by friends in Chicago and elseâ€" where, who could not in person be present to show their heatrty #aod wil! social intercourse and rec party separated wishing and groom the fallest Joys married life _ The young up life‘s duties under the i ing auguries for & â€"DTos highly usefual futo~, " TETTy _ TT . COUEAE ~AQk Itt PEFSOT hei present to show their hearty good. will | towards the bridal party. ~Besides the | usual quota of silverware, cutlery, etce., i £30 in cash was given by a few friends | who thought this the most approprlate | present to young homeâ€"makers. | Besides many friends of both parties | from the vieinity thedollowing from a ' distance were present : Mr. Wimn. and Sarah Gilchrist of Eskdale, Mr. \Wm. i and Mary Gilcebriss and Mr. Angus | Gilehrist ot Bruce,sMr. and Miss Laâ€"| mont of Snugeen, MF. and Miss McKin.| non of Port Elgin, Mr. and Miss McGil. } livray and Miss MecKenzic, of Elmâ€" wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith of Kil-] syth, Mr. and Mrs.* Jos. Byers of Wil: | liamsford, Rev. Mr. ard Mrs, Little | and Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of Dornockh. | Inspector and Mrs, Campbell, Miss Mceâ€" | Kenzi> and Rev. Mr. Jansen, of Darâ€"| heam â€" ‘~T3> (§*5 s <*% I proved the quaility of the viands as well as the heartiness of the guests. The Wedding Cakeâ€"in five stovries â€"p‘ainly but beautifally ornamented was then set before the groomsman who with the good offices of the bridesâ€" maid and Mr. Little soon distributed Its sweetness t» the waiting guests. The richness ot the cake was in har mony with the beauty of its exterior and many a maiden fair took a portion home to dream upon of similar cereâ€" monies in the fuature. seat of honor at the head of one table and Rev. Mr. Jansen at the other. Both gentlemen were in their happiest hamor and contributed not a little to the entertainment of the guests. The lmple‘jnsticc done to the supper amply arran tables After the usual the newlvy wedde retired to the Dini spread in rich and bountifal supply of The groom and somely dressed in the picture of he manho i. WANTEDâ€"CA\ "Queen Victoria: Her | Miss Belle, sister of the bride, and Mr. fPeter Morrison, brother of the groom, supported sister and brother through the trying ordeal. The bride was becomingly dressed in a rich blue eloth dress tastetully trimmed with white chiffon, pearls and ornamental silk lace. Her costume brought out to pertection the slight tinge of maidenly blush just visible on ber radiant and happy face. The bridesmaid was also neatly and tastefully dressed similarly to the bride. She too looked charming in her pretty costume with trimmings and ornaments to match. &A very pretty wedd‘ng took place at the residence ol Mr. George Campbeli, M Aberdeen, on Wednesday evening the 12th inst., when his eldest daughâ€" ter Mary, was united in the noly bonds of wedlock to Mr. John Morrison, of D.rnoch. _ Notwithstanding the conâ€" sinued warm weather which threatened to disrobe mother earth of her snowy eovering, a large gathering of the friends of both groor1 and bride colâ€" lected in the comfortable Drawing Room to witness the ceremony which should unite two hearts as one. At the appointed time, 6 p. m , the groom and groomsman took their appointed glaces and were immediately joined y the bridesmaid. Then followed the bride on the arm of her father, who performad the duty of giving her away felicitously and gracefully. 1 Rev. Mr. Little, of Dornoch, assistea> by Rev. Mr Jansen, of Durham, perâ€" formed the ceremony and in a few well chosen sentences according to the simple Presbyterian rite pronounced them man and wife. After a few BRADLEYâ€"GARRETSON corpaxyy. (Limited) TOROXTo WANTEDâ€" Â¥. £ve is n « alciellar exq MARRIAGE CHIMES cont : nusual congratulations to wedded pair the company ie Dining Room where was ch and elegant profuasion a pply of tempting delicacies irtistically on two long v. Mr. Little oceupied the r at the head of one table WOODLAND n v°er of t nours spent in ple 0t amprov wed to his sorn of F the pu‘pit seting at Co good tims id and Jeun Donca groomsman plain black ilth and 1 t _reécreation, the shing both bride Mills it : Mr.Wm. and skdale, Mr. \Wm. . and Mr. Ancus a of Owe ram on Wednes frieds wit‘ friends in 3 Ol M thu Murdock) ,,;,'..,.‘.\.m':'; | N(':\'\‘ Sir, what I wish to dx:mv lhe‘ u.t- erous :th | tention of the Ratepayers to is that it is \| high time something was done by way | of having our Council â€"more evealy f | divided throughout the Municipality | and as the Ratepayers have had an exâ€" un; poople l pericnce that cannot be done without n last Mon: | getting each Ward to elect a member of . | the Council Board irvrespective of each > MeMillan ! other and to get this accomplished any s here this | ratepayer in the Municipality may draft Melsund |' a petition to be presented to the Rateâ€" 10 day list | payers and if two thirds of the whole be * for the proposed amendment, it can be ; very fast l made compulsory to have the equaliza. om. | tion done, so as to have a representative iwich apg| in cach Ward. s of Wilâ€" 3. Little Dornoekh. Miss Mceâ€" , of Darâ€" ter avud Sb Vi ock) of around bappy e take Tounsâ€" easant hand looked TOrous paces Sounrd | â€" After lunch, a programme consisting | of yocal and â€"instrumental selections. \ ivas much enjoyed. i The gathering was brought to a close | by the friends singing "God be with you ' till we meet again, after Whit_‘h the benâ€" | ediction was prongunced.> Glenelg. Jan, 12th 1898 was presented to the Ratepayers and the Ward system was again abolished,. Now Sir, hoping that the Ratepayers of Glenelg in general will see that the proposed amendment to the present sysiem will take effect before the elecâ€" tion of I80P; I am Sir, We have had an experience of the Ward system in years gone by and it worked well but as there are men who have a natural thirst for office and could nxi obtain it without a general vote of the whole Township, another petition was presented to the Ratepayers and the Ward system was again abolishad To the Editor of the Revie DEar Sir.â€"If ever thore compact in any inunicipalit elg Council for 1898. 1st the allowed the Reevre fto be el clamation. _ Secondly the payers elected two more of Board in close proximity to Thirdly having the reins their hands, they were not having Reeve, Deputy, tw and Trecsurer all in a bu showing more of their exiey ity in appointing the asses one of the same farmily aiw.t manner, bmiefly reviewed Ballinafad and thanked their kindness past and could not hope to eyer ag as much fellowâ€"feeling on aaberents as he bad met fad On behalf of himself and Mis. Campâ€" bell, Mr. Campbell in his usual pleasing manner, briefly reviewed his sojourn in Ballinafad and thanked his friends for their kindness past and present. He could not hope to eyer again meet with DBallinafad Now that God in his Providence has brought to us a parting of the way, we ask you and Mrs. Campbell to accept a memento of your sojourn in Ballinafad ; we pray that God may bless you and keep you, that he may be With thee, in the dwelling, Sheltering thee from fear and ill; Ail thy burdens kindly bearing, For thy dear ones gently caring, Guarding, keeping, blessing still, Mr, A. Fowlie of Erin,. was chosen chairman, and the following address was read hy Miss M. Thompson followed by the presenting of 2 handsome chairs and a valuable purse by Miss A. Mcâ€" Clure. To tu® REv, D. L. CAMPBELL : The numerous friends of Rev. D. L. and Mrs, Campbell, despite the incleâ€" ment weather had met together to pay their respects and wish them God speed in their new field of labor. On New Yeer‘s Eye the usually quiet Presbyterian manse in this village was the scene of festivity and music not unâ€" mixed with an underlying current of sadness. Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT CoMPaxXYy TORONTO. With theeâ€"with thee always, All the night and all the day ; Never failing, never frowning, With his loying kindness crowning, Turning all thy life to praiss g NC With theeâ€"with thy spirit, With thy lips and with thy pen ; In the quiet preparation. In the heart bowed congregation Never mote alone again. d on behalf of the congregation Joux McLEAx, Grorar YrEaEx, Groras: CaAmPBELL, Ricrar» SHoRTILL fad, Dec, S1st, 1897, o get this accomplished any i the Municipality may draft > be presented to the Rateâ€" if two thirds of the whole he (Georgetown Herald.) 1y municipality it is Glen a nc assessor to for family circle, t I wish to draw the : tatepayers to is that it BALLINAFAD. ver there was a family imet 1 ours etc, st the Ratepayers be elected by acâ€" he same rateâ€" + of the Council to the Reeve, ‘ins of power in not satisfied by two Councillors bunch without lensive authorâ€" i the part of his with in Ballinaâ€" : _to the Rateâ€" f the whole be ient, it can be e the equaliza. representative JusrrcE. to form yc Be sure you get SCOTT‘S Emuision. See that the apan and fish are on the wrapper. 5oc. and $1.00, a‘l druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, | Chemists, Toronto, Insarance effected on all kinds of proâ€" rorty at lowest. current rates. _ Dwel ings and their contents insured on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly and Liberally settled Call or communicate with has proved its effectiveness in curâ€" ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the codâ€"liver oil, parâ€" tially digested, strengthens and _ _ a. vitalizes the whole sysâ€" A New SwIxNDur.â€"A piano swindle is newest fake being work in country disâ€" tricts, says an exchange. The method of the operators is as follows: A man representing himself as a piano agent approaches the farmer and asks to place a piano in his house agreeing to give the daughter music lessons for the privilege of being allowed to take other pupils there. As he gets better acquarinted with the farmer, he agreos thait if the Errmer: sells three pianos he inay keep the one in his house as his own. The agreement is, of course, drawn up in writing and the piano agent departs. In a few days another man appears with a note signed by the farmer which he WESTERN ASSURANCE CGOYUPANY A cough which seems to han on in spite of all the remedies whicfi you have applied certainly needs energetic anf sensible treatment. For twentyâ€"five years that standâ€" ard preparation of codâ€"liver oil, A ccouxts,.â€"Will those to whom ac counts were sent, and who have not yet responded please do so at once as we need the money and at once, Mr, J. Deaus had a wood bes last woek and while cutting dow» trees they found » bee tree, the men ali had a great feast of honey, which they enjoved excoedingly, MasBux. Miss P. Bryce is vis around Swinton Park. Miss Maggie Batelelor took her depart ure for the Queen City last week. May success attend you Maggie. Miss P. Bryce is visiting friends in and Persistent Coughs Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, of Luther, called on Mr. A. Bryce while passing through last week. Mr, M. MceTaggart had a bee last weelk drawing wood and a party at night, where the young people enjoyed themselves tripping the light fantastic. Mr. and Mrs. MeMurdo, Ventry, was visiting at the parental home last week. as to pay. Miss Maggie Bryce is home again after a month‘s sojourn at Hopeville. Mr. A. Matherson is residing in this Villa for a while he is drawing wood for Mr, W. J, McLean of Swamp College. (For this Week.) Well. I think our thaw is over, it took away the snow in a very short time and left the roads in a bad state. Miss I. Wilson was the guest of Miss P. Boyce last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and Mrs. J. J ackson took a trip to Luther last week to visit friends. Mr,. D. McKenzie of Cedarville past through our Villa last week. We guess he is out canvassing for the Reeyeship. Mr. L. Vert had a bee last week drawâ€" ing wood to Dundalk. There was four teams. People are rather too busy just now to attend bees. Mr. 8. Batchelorghas purchased a fine horse horse and cutter. I guess you inâ€" tend going driving now ; Eh ! Sam. Miss Uina Bryce has been staying with her sister Mrs, J. McMurdo of Ventry for the past couple of weeks. Miss Filo McTaggart of Toronto who has been bolidaying at home from church Sabbath last was upset out of her cutter breaking her arm at the wrist. Itis mending nicely under the treatment of Dr. Martin. Mrs, McTaggart and Miss J. Deans spent Xmas holidays in Toronto with friends and relatives, Intended for last week. Eyerybody has been busy drawing cordwood for the past week taking about age of the good sleigeing. FIRE AND A RINE. SCOTT‘S ESHITLSION tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glyccrine soothes and cals the irritation. . Can you think of any combiâ€" nation socifective as this? YENTEY. C. RAMAGE, Agent. ONTARIO ARC TORONTO w woamatlint seags i. ‘R°V. EIWARD A WILSOX, Brocklyn HewTork Theundersiguedhsvingflboon restoredtohealtn by simple means, aftor suffering for several years with » se rore!ung affection, and that dread disease Cansumption,is anxiona to make known to his fellow sufferers tho ineanps of cure, Tothose who desireit, he wi‘l cheerfully sond (free of clarge) a oc py of the preserivton usod, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Caâ€" tnrrh, Breachiths,and all throstandlang Wad. ndies. He hopes a!1 suiferers will izy thisremeody, asit ‘cimnvalzable. Those desiringthe preseription wh‘swillsosithem nothing, and may prove a bl: ssing, will please address 7 h TO â€"CONSUIMPTIVEs | willing to work, we can give you emâ€" cost price in order to clean ; ployment with GOOD PAYT, and you can | __ PHMCOMiARCE In Clean‘ work all or part iime. and at home or enfi emi t« travelling, _The work is LIGHT AND Money to loan at fis EASY. â€"WRITE AT ONCE for terms etc, promptly attended to. M. to | rHE tawks xorsErycourary, W.â€" CALDOER, Rochgqter, N. Y. E’:fi BUTH MEN AND WOMEN. If you GENTLEME®,.â€"T hRarlily know how best to express mny appreciation of your valuableirheumratic remedy, Phrenoline, Mmy son Gordon, who is 9 yea‘s old. has been a stuiferer from inflammatory rheuâ€" matism for the past two veus ; was so bad at times that he had to hbe eamied about on‘t mattrass ; was atterded by two city doctors apparently without the slightest benefit; spent 10 days at Caledonia Spiings, came home with no marked â€" imptovement ; _ took\â€" three bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being extensiycely advertised, which did not relieve him in the least. I was beâ€" ginning to give up all hope of his recorâ€" ery, when by chance I mentioned the case to a friend w‘lho strongly advised me to give Phrefioline a trial. I did so, with the resu‘t that when my boy had takon only half a boitle he was able to get on his Incycle and ride like any other? boy around the block, I certainly feel that I cannot siy too much in pramecf your medicine, and shall do all I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK, Amost & IZOO Good Qroportics For â€" Sale Among which are the following ; 1st & 2xp Dtv. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hall and formerly known as the ‘"Parker" f%'m. This is a good farm and will Se sold on very reasonable terms. * Tur SCcanuax Farm, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinckâ€"10) aeres. _ Will sell or rent. Brxtrxox: The Teasdale Farm Lot 20, Con. 2, W.(I.R. Bentinck 100 acres, I have just bought this from Mr.: Teasdale and will sell at a great: bargain. P ' Homnmaxp TowxsutP, Lewis Eydf farm | 100 acres in good German settiement | â€"will sell ort exechange.. _A good place. , ‘ Tus Roasovan Prorerty, Durham. _ What I cant sell I will rent. | L have 8$1,000,000 to len@ at 5 per cent. Choose your time to pay back. â€" Business private, charges m erate. * ~a H. .. MILLESR, Nanted 45 The I{fansver Gonveyancer, ARas TL FT{L. [yfiUer. To the P renoline s O a Mlerit / * Merit talks‘" the intrinsic ‘value of I a Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the cure. Hood‘s Sarsaparilia possesses actual and unequalled curative power and thereâ€" fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. + D« ot p €. 1 of HOOd’S PIHS grn)pcrj Alll (lllxrszzl}s’gs‘nflg.r To o0 Cld C0 en CAPS NP TBV WHavicsyeuedk. Lj‘ , l.;.” tut. ts Is the best, in factâ€"the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowel!l, Mass. Sarsaparilia press Iny apprec heuwraltic remed The OTrA Hanover MIRACLE the s : Talks : illa. 6. ine means the nawaer t~ ‘\-3 t Med ‘AL. Sept, 9th, 189¢, Veine Co., Ltd, on VC ! enl s mod aro ‘ GRANT‘S 4# AD + ';fi»g;«fl ® £z2 The only firstâ€"class Hearse in town Undertsking and Emba‘ming on ~atestyrinâ€" ciples at reasonable ~«tes. Wou‘!d intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Busine=s estabâ€" lished by her‘father in Durham in 1858 and will endcavor to give all old and ne w custcm ers the same entire satisfaction. Farmiture of the Best Hake ALWAYS ON HAXD. PISTUYRE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY TR Money to loan at five percent,. on g promptly attended to. Marriage Licenses In stock and you cost price in order to Are arriving daily and we promise you the best and cheapest assortment ever shown in Durham. A FEW BUGCIE and WAGGONS Ofâ€"all kinds. White, Black and Grey, at prices that will surprise you. Come eatly and get your choice. OUPMR FALL AND WINTER GOODsS ROBES CUTTERS K : J Mb , ha s y .~J [ M i iofi erzer sâ€"2. } Remember the standâ€"opposite the Markeot. Durham, RMTURE ANKD UNBPERTAKINE MISS SHEWELL it BARGAINS MISS SHE WELL a on m ies s.._ttes . â€"FULL LIKE OFâ€" Theso must be sold and i will do it First Con served. An atlrsctive ange of Fowrâ€"in hnd â€" Neckties, awry Gown in Price,. OvVERCOaATs, ; UNDERVWEAR, REACDYTMADE CLOTHING CASH STORE IN 81 can clea Our Grocery, FRoots!& Shoes, and otier «departments are complete. [rowble to Ghow Qoods. get these at out stock, We do the trade in Raw Furs #f TO SUIT Yyou. Workmanship Tusur Fizne Heavy & Light Harness CALL & SEE OUR _|| ~Collars, Pads, 3;% l Bites, Whins. H[arness !! We Handle everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. . All kinds of Plows, Gang Plows, Etc; from â€" $10 upwards, Come and see them and get a bargain for the balance of the season, SEE OUR ROLLER BEARING TURNIP PULPER Rooms fully ‘stocked. makes and styles. Will se} prices and give you a good to pick fron;." " _ SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS PLOWS3 good secarity. "â€" Insfrance bnuines ‘s issued, LOWER Town ks at â€" Calder‘s Warerooms. con be. best kind of Cooking Stoves Btoves, Coal Stoves,. Etc. old and tho Price First Come, Firrt Thoice in Valises, Grips, H -Blmkets. “0.4“- e â€" LEAVENS, yr. stocked. of the hest ; &c. Will sell at reduced Unsurpassed w hi q "B w assortment . Highest thanki past y convin vrill m 6 6 : :sssr- i‘ i‘ ATf *4 %% baoa t * Li N d {# &A * s T J :# whi i1i%%*% ¥¥ £NP* VUPPER 2AJr Pur Do y

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