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Durham Review (1897), 27 Jan 1898, p. 3

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Morning. . Toronto. GENCY. ONEER for Co. mixmunications ad.« by scoves to have come to South Amerit« Armsicons«. of rteur, of the own, sulftered 8 prostratlon. st Nelp. "In en a‘x bottles fully say thi# t has effected BANK #"# speiuk have he â€" hundreds, ie th ts. Jobhn Dinâ€"« a~s a resident seched the al« ind ien. Three stained seve lomse to thes® ny f*rom those Y are talk.n® i languams of there. and are # lraasacted M in al! points. Dopos: allowod at current inelpal points is toba United Stateg pucafldd, * of Ontaric, of the Dom!n« rwine is based _ that makes Atar how desâ€" It strikes : which fows le system. I% tod work. but , IXÂ¥ ADÂ¥AXcRE or & Proprietor tors Havo ad Famalo an trutMfully inien. uman naelure® at rocks the * How im« health and GARAFRAXA G+0. P. Reid, of Canada will be promptl Ix% 19, Con. x EVERYT MceLEAN, U h« 4 11000 & A. Muaro rs irom 1t 41000 ible to 1,C00,008 600,008 a.18 »f $1.00 every facil= M.anages aVGE Agont. 1« ot of \led. s of had in y ‘t@ 50 miles south of Korea. Since these important cccurrences . have taken place England has ordered out her naval reserves and changed the locaâ€" tion of her fleet from Port Hamilton to Ning-Po. All these preparations on the part of England and Russia may be the beâ€" ginoving of a great war. Certain it is at present that Russia is not using DESIRED TO CRIPPLE, And, England at once ordered 20 shipsâ€" ofâ€"war to Chemulpo to demand that Brown be reinstated. In this she was backed by 30 Japanese menâ€"ofâ€"war. The readezvous of this great fleet was at Port Hamilton a small island about Mr. Brown acted as Chief of Finances to the Korean Government, had _ a great influence in furtbhering British trade with Korea, which Russia Quickly following the Port Arthur soncession came the word that the Korean King bad dismissed Hon. Mcâ€" Leavy Brown, the British adviser to the Korean Customs at Chemulpo, the chief port of Korea. His office was promptly given to a Russian. That ofâ€" fice is of vast importance to England. At present the Russian navy is cut up into four divisions, two of which are of no absolute value in the event of a great war, viz;: The Baltic and Black Sea divisions which have no outâ€" let to the sea. Unless she is permitted to help Port Arthur, Russia has no port in the Orient that is open in winter. f LONGING EYE ON INDIA. But British power bhas been sostrong in that country that only secret moves are made to bring about the desired and. â€" Thus, with these facts known, will be at once readily appreciated the importance c the Chinese port to the Russain Bear. ts & bas heen desirious Asiatic possessions times cast a Port Arthur is situated on the Gulf | of Peâ€"Cheâ€"Lee, and holds a commandâ€". ing position of that important Chinese | bay. _ It is located in latitude 37 north . and longtitude 122 east.. This port | is within comparatively easy access tuf Russia‘s great Siberian railway. Those | who have watched the great political | events of Euvrope, the rebellion lately | in India, supposed to bave been causâ€" | ed by the Ameer of Afghanistan, the | troubles on the Upper Nile, and now, ! at this critical moment. the great ruler | of Abyssinia taking the field against Great Britain, are not nccidental hapâ€" penings. There is another power beâ€"| bind the whole, and every indi ation | points to Russia. For years Russia ‘ bas hbeen desirious of enlarging â€" her Asiatic rossessions. She has at all‘ The diplomatic moves on Russia‘s part for territory and supremacy in the Orient had been carried on quietâ€" ly and astutely. No sooner had Gerâ€" many taken possession of Kiauâ€"Chou than Russa, with the consent of the Chinese Emperor, occupied Port Arâ€" thur. The importance of this port to Russia cannot be fully appreciated by the people of this country. Port Arthur is situated on the Gulf of Peâ€"Cheâ€"Lee, and holds a commandâ€" in@ position of that imzsortant Chinese AMOUNT TO MILLIONS Of dollars, annually, as it is in a betâ€" ter condition to get the enormous inâ€" land trade. woN THE CONFIDENCE Of the Chinese Emperor and the fiâ€" aal concession of Fort Arthur to Russia. The first move to parcel out China was made by Germany under the preâ€" lext that German missionaries had teen insulted and murdered. The Gerâ€" man Emperor ordered his warships to sapture KiaoChou. This port is in the northern part of China, and is almost land locked. The desire of Germany in securing this port is to extend her colonial possession _ and snlarge bher commercial trade. . Not anly has Germany taken Kiaoâ€"Chou, but she bhas also taken the adjacent inland territory, rich in agriculture and having a population of over 5,000,â€" N. KiaoChou is only a short _ disâ€" tance from Weiâ€"Haiâ€"Wei the port now occuped by the Japanese until China pays the war indemunity. There is a vast difference in the location of the ports held by Germany and Japan.. The one held by the former can be placâ€" | a«d in a great state of defense, whilo| the Jaranese would have to depend . antirely on their ships of war to proâ€" tect Weiâ€"Haiâ€"Wei. The revenue to CGerâ€" many from the custoras of their port . will | During the late Chineseâ€"Japanese war Russ‘a‘s good will was on the side of China, while England gave her good offices to Japan. As scon as China swgned the terms of peace, Russia beâ€" gan to harass the Japs and finally made theis influence in Korea amount to nothing. It was these actions by the astute Russ‘an diplomats that CHINESE CHECKER BOARD Has been watched with envy by Rusâ€" siz. The Great Russian Bear, though great his domain has with longing eyes craved a port in China where warâ€" ships couid come ana go at all seaâ€" sons of the year. It has been equally important to Great Britain to preâ€" vent such an acquisition on Russia‘s part. _A port of that kind in the East would be a powerful wezrpon in the hands of the Czar. Enmgland was among the first to force China to open her ports to forâ€" sign trade, and every move made by ber on ths Rapidly Shifting Events in the East All Polnt to War â€"~Resume of the Fresent M uwatton â€" Parts the Great Powsis Are Piaying in the Drama. The drama of threatened European war bhas quickly shifted from Greece and Turkey to China and Korea. The same jealousy exists among the great powers of Europe concerning these two countries of the Orient, as was promâ€" inent when the Turkish troubles deâ€" manded the attention of European diplomats. STRUGGCLE FOR MASTERT BRITAIN AND RUsSIA BOTBH TERMINED TO WVWIN. ‘o, and NOW, | _ Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills create new o great ruler | hlood, build up the nerves, and thus ield against | drive disease from the system. In idental hapâ€" | hundreds of cases they have cured r power leâ€"| after all other medicines had failed, y indi ation | thus establishing the claim that they ars Russia are a marvel among the triumphs of arging . her | modern medica) science. The genuine has at all | Pink Pills are sold only in hboxes lhmrlng the full trade mark, "Dr. [NDILA. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People." in sostrong l Protect yourself from imposition by ecret moves | refusing any pill that does not bear the desired | the registered trade mark around the DEâ€" There has just been presented to the bishop of London a mitre which is said to be the only one of its kind in the world. It is of burnished ivory, with gold orphreys. On the plaques or plates are written in pure leaf zold the words " Holiness To the Lord," in Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English. I declare. I don‘t know. At the time I s‘posed of course that a schoolmaster was meant. an‘ didn‘t ask any further: but, come to think about it, for all I know, she may bave married a corn doctor. a piano tuner, a sleightâ€"ofâ€"hand performer. a dancin‘ mastor, a balloon ascensionist. a horse physician, a manâ€" dolin player, a boxer, a glass eater, a rope walker,. a fiddler, a shabbyâ€"genâ€" tee! man with no visible means of supâ€" port. or any one of a dozen other kinds of professors. _ You bet there is. That‘s where all mine went. Do you think there is any money in politics, Jimpson ? "Yhat kind of a professor? inquired Mrs. Hornbeak. Aaron Ball told me in town this aftâ€" ernoon said Farmer Hornbeak, reachâ€" ing behind the kitchen door for the boot jack. that his second cousin Julia Ann was married last week to a proâ€" fessor. «_ Mr. Wm. Murray, of Cormiersville, _ | N.B., isam old and respected farmer, & amd a ploneer settler of the thriving little village he now makes his home. ; | While Mr. Murray was yet a young â€" | man, he, together with h{s father and _ | brother, founded one of the best mill properties to e seen in those early Y | days. The mills consisted of a sawmill â€"~ |and gristmill, and were operated and ; | managed by the two brothers. Labor t saving _ appliances being then comâ€" paratively unknown, the young men ) | were exposed to dangers and difficulâ€" ties almost unknown to the present , | generation. â€" One of the greatest evils \ in connection with the business was ‘ | exposure to wet and cold, which | | though unheeded at the time, have . |crippled its viâ€"tims with rheumatism. .\ In a late conversation regarding his disease, Mr. Murray told the following ‘| story of his long misery and final cure > | by the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills: | "For over twenty years I have been a sufferer from rheumatism. I attribute the cause of the disease to the time when as a young man I worked at . | our mills. In the winter we would. | haul logs on the pond where the alterâ€" ‘ | nate thaws and frosts of early spring| f would imbed them in the ice and slush. ,| When the time came for starting up _Ithe mill I would go out on the pond | sometimes in water up to my knees ind work away from morning till | night chopping logs out of the slush | Jand ice. I was generally wet from | head to foot, and every second night | of the week I would, without changing | \my clothes, stay up amd run the mill _ till daybreak. So you see I was for | two days at a time in a suit of partiâ€" ally wet clothes, and this would last | | till the ice had melte1 in the pond.| | Afier afew years rheumatism fastened | itsolf upon me as a reward for this inâ€"| | discretion, and ever increasing in its| malignity it at last became so bad that for weeks in succession I could only go about with the aid of crutches. At other times I was able to hobble about ‘ the house by the aid of two canes, and again at other times it would ease off a little and I was able to do a little| work, but could never stand it forf more than a couple of bhours at a time.| | The least bit of walking in damp weaâ€" I ther would overcome me and Irememâ€" | ber one stormy night when I tried to walk from Cocagne Bridge to my home . a distance of five miles that Ihad to | sit down by the roadside six times to | ease the terrib‘e pain that had seized | my legs. . During all those years of | agony Ithink I tried all the ‘patent | medicines I could get a hold of, but | Jthey did me no good at all. Tconsulted | a world of good, and I strongly reâ€" commend them for the cure of rheuâ€" matism. doctors. but my sufferings remained | undiminished. In the fall of 1895 I | went to adoctor in Buctouche to sea | if there were any means by which I might at least be eased of my sufferâ€" ing. The doctor said frankly, "Mr. Murray, you cannot be cured, nothing can cure you." I was not satisâ€" fied and then I determined _ to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I procured half a doren boxes and began tnkâ€"; ing them at once. I soon felt a | change for the better and after my | supply had been finished Igot _ anâ€" other half dozen boxes and continuâ€" ed taking them according to direcâ€" tions That dozen toxes was all I took and you see me now. I am alive and smart and can do any kind of work. I did my farming this spring and could follow the plough for days without feeling any rheumatic pains. Yes, Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills did me| From the Richibucto, N. B.. Review. Me Falls an Easy Victim to Rhenmatism and Kindred Tronblesâ€"A Twenty Years‘ Sufferer Tells How Ne Found Relrase. CONSTANTLY EXPOSED TO INCLEâ€" MENT WEATHER. ber influence to urge the extension of ber commerce. Her desire is to inâ€" crease bher territory and the crushâ€" ing of England and Japan in the East thus hoping to eventually gain control of the whole of Asia. Eng.and on the other hand is as equally determined that this shall not be carried out to her detriment. Any move that strikes at bher commerce strikes at the vital spark of England‘s power, and to the last must she resist such a move on the part of any power. ONLY ONE OF THE KIND. A Lumberman‘s Life. HIS INDEFINITE STATUS NO RETURNS Lonn EVC ET is" C USTCIUSS, Oh! doctor, shall I die f" gasped the patient. There is no danger of that, said the doctor, but you may get well before Thomas returns. An envious young lady called a phyâ€" sician for a slight ailment, which she magnified into a serious one : Run, said the doctor to a servant, giving him a prescription, to the nearest chemist and bring back the medicine as quickly as you can. Is there much danger? replied the young lady in alarm. Yes, said the doctor, if your serâ€" vant is not quick it will be useless. John is such a goose; he gave dear mamma half a dozen silver nutâ€"picks and a nutâ€"cracker." Well, isn‘t that all right? Poor mamma, she has dyspepsia, and hasn‘t eaten a nut for twenty years. P Mrmimaiines._ArAutioentb etcin ww id ivrictars s My eyesight was very bad, and I had great dizziness at times. I could not sieep at nights, but would lie awake in agoay for hours. All this trouble ceased after taking Kootenay Cure, and my eyeâ€" sight is greatly improved by the use of that medicine. Chart book free on application to the 'S; i ‘{(yckA-_n Medicine Co., (Limited), Hali‘s Catarch Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous suPr(aces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHKENKY & CO., Toledo, 0. @1A Le Mulllltc l2 weo He had hemorrhages of both the kidâ€" neys and bowels, and was in a very bad shape generally, until he began taking Ryckman‘s Kootenay Cure. He says :â€"" I can now speak of it as a Ereat medicine. It acts on the kidneys, uilds up the system, and gives strength to the weak and despondent. It gives me much pleasure to recommend Kootâ€" enay to all suffering from kidney troubles. We cs coae cale u0 890 2 L W 0 FRANK J, CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscr.bed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. {"\ A. W. GLEASON, _';12‘, } Notary Public. Statk or Ono, C TÂ¥ or Torxpo, Lucas CouNty, } 8t FRANK J. ( iNÂ¥ makes oath that he is the semior partner of the firm of F. J. CuEnEYy & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that said firm wil! pry the sum of ONE HUNDRED nol. LAR 3+ for each and every case of CaTA: RH that cannot be cured by the use of Hart‘s CatTakkH CuUK®. It can cure you as easily as it did Mr. Robert E. Beckerson ofy the City of Hamilton, Ont., who gives a sworn declaration that for over six years he was a most terrible sufferer from Kidney and Liver trouble. Few people have any idea of how much money is spent by the municipâ€" ality of Paris in planting and looking after the trees which line the prinâ€" cipal boulevards and avenues of the French capital. The annual report of the superintendent gives the total number of trees planted at 87,0655, each of which represents an initial cost of $35. The annual expenditure of mainâ€" tenance is $52,500. Enters upon the heritage of a remady that is sure, safe and painless. Putâ€" nam‘s Painless Corn Extractor never fails, never causes pain nor the slightâ€" est discomfort. Hemorrhages from any of the internal organs is no trivial matter. It is someâ€" thing that is most alarming and calls for prompt action. There is no time for experimenting, as delay is dangerous. The remedy that has proven itselg efficaâ€" cious is the remedy you want. That remedy is Kootenay Cure. cess is mitigated by warmth and softâ€" ness, and this makes him willing and eager, although for purely selfish reaâ€" sons, to hatch a brood and let thelitâ€" tle chicks sit under him. From the Kidney and Bowels Checked aad Cured by KOOTENAY. old h;_nru;,}i';zi.'is'é.' $ ce ns Hall‘s Family Pills are the best, In one respect the Spanish peasants are ahead of the rest of the world. They have learned to make cocks hatch eggs and look after the chickens, while the hen, being at iiberty, can and does lay more eggs than she would if hamâ€" pered by ber maternal duties. The trick is performed in this way : They carefully pluck the feathers off the roosters‘ under side, and the bare skin is then irritated with nettles until inâ€" flammation sets in. The cock soon finds that the pain caused by this cruel proâ€" Dangerous Hemorrhages ’ When the Czar travels along any railway line the road is patrolled for days before by armed guards, They are stationed regularly throughout the enâ€" tire distance at intervals of 200 yards. Up to the day the train is scheduled to pass they are allowed to take it easy, carryiong their rifles meanwhile slung over their shoulders. Six hours before the passage of the imperial train they shoulder their rifles and march briskly up and down the track. An hour before the imperial train passes the guards are required to stand with their backs toward the train and to allow no one to pass within less than one bundred yards of the track until ten minutes after the royal train has passed. Should any one attempt to approach, the guards are directed to challenge them, and if they continue to approach they have orders to fire with intent to kill. . Precautions Taken for the Safety of the German Emperor and Russitan Czar. The Kaiser of Germany has patrols along all the roads he uses, both highâ€" ways and railroads. He is always pre ceded on ordinary roads by guards, who go abead of him and beat the bushes and look out for any Anarchist who may lie in wait for him. When the Czar travels along any ROOSTERS DO THE HATCHING JUST LIKE A MAXN The Twontiecth Contury MONEY FOR TREES HOW RULERS TRAVEL. DOCTOR‘S RUSE W P O 903 Wilson Publishing Co., Limited Sturtevant Fan $ HEATER Jhe amp!e resources of this Commm& enable its Directors to make advances on Real Es tate, without delay, at low rates of interest, gnd on the most tnvo_rablo terms of repayment Loans 'fra.nted' on I viyfivvvo'd_i";;'ri;'zfm;iw;n' Productive Town and City Properties. Mort E:kes and Municipal Dobentures FPur Apcr:,lieation- will be receired at the offices of the Coupeay J. HERBERT MASON, y i Managing Director, Toronto CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINCGS COMPANY TORONTO, ONT. Subscribed Capital............ ..$5,000,000 Paidâ€"up Capital...... ........... 2,600,000 Assots........................ .. 12,000,000 Hxav» Orriczâ€"TORONTO 8T., TORONTG BURNING OIL. The Bost CANADIAN OIL. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Fubular Boiler are a true boon to every lady who suffers in the performâ€" ance of nature‘s effort. They at once ease the pain and restore natural and h“lth{ action of the ovarian ver: seis. For yunnf and developing womanhood they excel any remody which can be used. They are compounded solely from the active principles of vegetable mbmwoa and are porhozl{ safe and reliable. Ask your druggi for them, and if he does not keep them in stock he can ocure them for you. Price $1.00 per Bottle, or 6 for fi.oo. Wholesale lnnu: The Toronto Pharmaoal Co., Limited, Toronto. A Specific for Female Complaints, The ample resources of this Company enable N O cmmvrornmemmemmemerccessmmncwnem FUR and Furâ€"lined Coats, Sleeping Bags, Lo:fin‘s. Roots, Moccasins, etc., ¢tc. Ladios‘ an en‘s Fur Coats, Jackets, Ca;veu. Gaunt‘ets, at Eroat,ly reduced prices. RAW FURSâ€" We pay igl est prices fr all kinds of furs, and invite «h :pments, Writefor price list free. D. K. BASâ€" TEDO & CO., 77 K‘ng $t. East, Toronto. e 20 years in the Fur Business. imglonmont. Industry is the @<sential NEC ESSARY to ssoure GOOD REMUNERA TION. Can give ‘he address nfrepresentative who has just cleared $113 in 21 DAYS, $5 can be made right AT vour own H+)M E. Intelligent ladios and gentlamen can be supâ€" plied with genteel and very PROFITABLE employment. Industry is the eissntial NECâ€" «+we want Y |J avek." KLONDYKE Blow strong since Nerviline is in the market. Nerviline is the great nerve pain cure. lts penetrating and pain subduing power is such that relief is almost instaneous. Try it and be conâ€" almost instantaneous. Try it and be conâ€" vinced. «â€" HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS ? â€"â€" Ir So, WarIits â€" w. c. HARRls’ ==I::'wn, William S't-.o n -o-n_ 'l'nO’RnQ'NTO. Ont. M omet e oeh neemes o e aee is rather a curious circumstance that the bulk of the Italian emigrants are carried from Italy to South America, as well as from Italy to New York, by German steamers. 75 h. p.â€"FOR SALE CHEAP. * _ {rUTH OFFICE, Toronto. °s 2 }Alans, of whom something like 200,000 a year overflow into the New World ; but the capitalists are mainly Germans, and a considerable stream of German emigrants sets that way. It Most widely Attended in America, For Nlustrated Catalogue (30th year), ApprEssâ€" What is little Dick bellowing about ? Well, his grandpa gave him a ginâ€" gerbread horse and he is mad because it isn‘t a gingerbread wheel, ROBINSON & JOHNSON, F.C.A., FAMOUYS The Germans are proving the closest rivals of the British in the development of new foreign industries just at preâ€" sent. In South America particularly their capital and enterprise are makâ€" ing a deep impression. The poorer imâ€" migrants to South America are mainâ€" l){n Italians, of whom something like £ naw c 0_ CCPSs 2. 1 ‘ uS LAW Branch Officesâ€"WIxNirEOG, Max., anp Vaxcouyex, B. 0. yOUNG MEN, Learn to Cut. No better trad: or profession. Write for particuiars, SEND for a sample of /J ONSOON PAINLESS PENNNROYAL PILLS And g'lvo it s trial, and you will n ‘y other. Drop a post card. The :A CO,, 7 Wellington St. W., Toronto. VERY CHEAP FOR CASH Toronto Cutting School. Royal Safety Royal Oil Go. GERMANS IN ARGENTINA. QNTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGB NOT UP TO DATE . L. NICHOLS & CO., . 83 Richmond West, Toronto. for 75 h.p. Boiler CHEAP FOR CASH. The Trade Winds DR. GOODE‘3 ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO o & & B U B bB &A INDOâ€"CEYLON TEA, and you _vlll_no!_og,d,rlnk' 112 Yonge St., Toronto. Mills, Mills & Hales Bnrr(«tem ete.,rem ovmj to Wosley Bldgi?., Rich mond St. W.. Toronto OUTFITS oo Son e ho es S ki in M " THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO., This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with ‘WW‘:‘?m track and battery. i# We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. $1 oo COMPLETE. Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 *w» ** * NtÂ¥ we w um * weg DLA OO OA P e e ET C PRDUEERCN ET PV NC PHJ SNQ E£Co10¢7 ol ihe IukOR Snntr‘ One map shows all the routes to Klondike, ufi location of the mining camps. ondike is bound to be one of the great topics of conversation and of mutual intere®t, no# only this winter but the coming Sprin,. when the hx:iument is bound to be nnpurdlullofi eaused by the stampede of thousands for the Gold Fielda. Laeamra what to halses and ain Marcorm F. Evaxns, Tinsmith. Wiruiam H. Payx®, Retired. Joun ParK, Butcher. Jos Coox, Manu{acturer. Wau. MarTruew Davisoxn, Retired. Jonn Jon®s, Harness Maker. Statements to the above effect were made before me by the aforeâ€" said parties under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act, 1893 E. T. ESSERY, A Commissioner in the High Court of Justice, Etc., Middlesex,. " AMBERINE*" Mailed to any address on receipt of $1.00. JoB COOK MANUFACTURING CO., London, Ont. CHuauncey SuttH, Fruit Dealer. Waruter Jas. Bartuktt, B. & 8. . y \i4 s ___â€" _ Operator. In conclusion permit us to add, we highly recommend * Amberine" to one and all. Ladies who are troubled with breaking or falling out of hair are specially advised to give it a trial. T. W. Peat, Mail Clerk. Cnaruies TuxKe, Policeman. R. B. Evans, Wood Machinist. H. A. Prasrow, We find from evidence and actual experience, 1stâ€"That "Amberine" will and has produced growths of hair upon heads which were previously entirely bald ; 2ndâ€"It stops hair from falling out ; 3rdâ€"It removes Dandruff in a few days ; 4thâ€"Cures itching of the scalp ; 5thâ€"Cleanses the scalp, restores vitality to the roots, and makes hair grow. KLONDIKE 18Sk Rolled Go!d plate a ware ranted, to any one who will sell 1 doz. Indestruct!{ble Lamp Wicks mrmtnl]lmongfrlond"lmcn‘em-g.wma us sad we will mail you the Wicks, You seil them n‘oul ge the money and we will mail you the Ring. a B us asin s ® AFRCOPRTIE CS P C PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, The Dawson Commission Co., =ites .:. ffl"‘" and Colborne 8t., â€" TORONTO, Apples, Poultry, Eggs, .« It could not afford to otherwise. B, 64 50 and 00c Lzanixne Gnrockr:e, In Leap Packaoexs TWELVE COOD MEN AND TRUE Give their Verdict. IT‘S A STICKER for quality, e e the money and we will mail you the Ring. CHRMICAL C0., Box§7$, Centerbroum, Gune L U D EL L A 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO 8 ONTAINING truthful information of Alaska and its Hoardea I...A l';“ , How E._....t.“_...t,h..‘ 5'?'.'.‘..‘.' Outfit, Clothes, Fos \ in . r ues | 2@ m l . timites | *A . ric roronte, F " ie | whe bull 0 FREE i)l.« 10 6 w aie p !Ij -": ho will sell ut fck. wikke rolle ‘ecli theim â€" year and all m e t up s o ta B OO P CC RCCRCRDIETCRT and geologically, of Alaska and the Northâ€"West Territories. 1f you wfif to be upâ€"toâ€"date, be well informed and well re You should know the mnl facts concerning one of the greatest induse of both ancient and modern times. Get M‘.on_y'llx{t thousands who sre rushing to 8 LE 85 prey o Te arpagdc c cand 1224 medal â€"wards at American and Europera R Internationa! Eipositiou ; patented the q world over ; hu;s. watch vI“ud :;lh anyâ€" 4 where L 1 $4 to $5; agents make money by nllin’?l‘. une agent sold 22 in a single day ; will send sample to any Juddress on reccipt of tflfl'. 6 for $1, 12 for $11, 6 or more sent C. 0. D. if 81 is seut with order ; tor $2 1 will send watch and band:ome rulled plate chain warranted to wear fre year. and all money will be returued i#f you are no# satisfied with your Iu'x‘ul. Fred M. Mason, box 128 Madison equare, New York eity. AND ALL ABOUT IT... By a Practical Mining Engineer ‘lelds. Leara what to belie it you are talking about. $ to all, and is issued to meet lds of Alaska. The book c« TO WIT ; This little Motor is complete with battery and chemicals. It is a boy‘s dolightâ€" to any Water Works Inspector, CEYLON TEA. to believe T4

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