West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jan 1898, p. 4

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NOTE & COMMENT® â€"â€"Mr. Gladstone is in the South of France at present and reports ot failing heaith are becoming common. _A pathetic interest «s being taken in the last days of the Grand Old Man, who must soon pay the debt of nature. â€"Chinese puzzles have long occupâ€" ied a position in the nursery, and now a greater and more serious Chinese pazzle is occupying the attention of the nations. It will soon be time for an ‘*Encropean Concert" on the matter. Certainly jealousy is rife enough alâ€" ready but the position and prestige of Japan is somewbat unsettling, and the game of grab proceeds yery cautiousâ€" 1y. syacerskefeA«â€"«xma â€"â€"A very striking speech was de livered by Sir Rich. Cartwright at a banquet of the Young Liberals of Torâ€" onto last week. While not claiming prosperity as a result of Liberal rule he pointed out forcibly that it had not been the disastrous thing predicted by their opponents. The first year of Liberal rule had seen the exports inâ€" crease 14 millions, and in the first five months of the second fiscal year anâ€" other 14 millions of increase was reâ€" ported _ Thus in 17 months an increase of 28 millions in export trade had taken place and the end was not yet. No wonder there was enthusiasm and tumultuous cheering as the Minister of Trade and Commerce made this imâ€" portant statement. He referred hapâ€" pily to the Ontario campaign and the untarnished reputation of the governâ€" ment and was followed by Mr. Hardy whose vigor and argumentatiye skill seems to increase as clection draws near, Mr. Warburton, Premier of P. E. Island, (G. Bertram, M.P., Willison, of the Globe and others made fine specches. Meetings are being beld this week in the west of the Riding in the interâ€" est of Mr. Morgan the Liberal Candiâ€" dlate. The workers out there are all alive for good government, and they believe Mr. Morgan and his party can best give them that. The widest difference prevails in ahe estimate of the vote, in some localiâ€" ties each party claiming a majority. Mr. Morgan was in town Monday, and called on quite a number. His reception even in the home of Dr. Jamieson was yery gratify ing, showâ€" ing plainly that however much the Dr. is respected, and he is deservedly so, the unfortunate politicians at the head of the party he represents wilj compel many to throw their votes against him. Mr. Morgan‘s Mecting at Louise wa well attended, at Elmwood the attend ance was not so large. Mr. Laidlaw, Durbam, one time patron store keeper here, was the repâ€" resentative sent by the Jamieson inâ€" terest! _ With what vehemence or power he denounces his old friends the patrons or slashes the grits we have not heard, but we did hear that he will searcely relish another platform tussle with H. 1. Miller. The Annual Mecting of this Society was held on Wednesday of last week,. The following are the officers for 1898; Presidentâ€"Jas. Edge, Ist Vice Pres.â€"Il. Parker, 2nd Vice Pres. â€"Thos. Caldwell, Seey. Treas.â€"Arch McKenzic. Directors:â€"Jas. Allan, W. Lawson, George Binnie, Richard Barber, James Matthews, John Picken, Wra. Smith, Robt. Morice, Wm Calder. Bills are out announcing combined meetings otf the Conservatives and the "Independents." _ Are we to take from this that community ot interest at the past election has still a cementing inâ€" fAuence, and that Mr. MeNichol is this time a stalking horse to assist the Conâ€" servative candidate ? The combination have meetings at Louise and Elmwood on Friday and Saturday of this week, and next week beginning on Monday there will be meetirgs at Allan Park, Neuastadt, Ayton, Herbst 8. H., Robertson‘s S. H., finishing at Hampden on Saturday. This is following Morgan‘s meetings whose announcements were made 10 davys ago. Auditors:â€"John IH. Hunter and W. E. Gorsline. Honarary Directors:â€"Thos. Gadd XWm. Seart, C. Firth, 8. Patterson Jr., Jas A. Hunter. _ The Annual Show is to be held on Peptember 27:h and 28th, and it is exâ€" 8. Grey Agricvitural Society. THE CAMPAIGN. & @ @ o_ + o & was Fected that Priceville, Holstein, Ayton, Tanover, Markdale, Flesherton, Toronto and London Shows will take notice of this and arrange their dates to suit The several committees were apâ€" pointed and the Prize List Committee meets on May 28th to arrange that important matter while the board meets on June 4th. Meanwbile we presume anyone hbaving pointers that they think will materially help the directorate should lay it before them before that date. The Society had a successful year in 1897 and is in a flour‘shing condition, and there seems ground for hoping that a great stride forward will be made in 1898. On motion of W. Calder, seconded by J. Woodland, the Rules and Regâ€" ulations were amended by adding a clause that ‘"nonâ€"residents of S. Grey, sha‘ll not be entitled to make more than two entries in any class at the fall exhibition, with the exception of live stock." Rule 1 was added to as follows: ‘"‘anyone giving a special prize of €2. or upwards will be entitled to memberâ€" ship." Clause 11 was amended by adding that poultry must be on the ground on the forenoon of the 1st day of exhibitâ€" ion, and judged in the afternoon. Sninsmeecocmmrenelfgee We rlfge e ccncmccccmcucs Wire from Owen Sound informs us of the election for Warden of Mr. Richâ€" ardson of Flesherton. The chairmen of the various committees are as folâ€" lows : Finance, G. Binnie ; Rosds and Bridges, C. Gordon, Owen Sound ; County Property, Jno. _ McDonald, Chatsworth ; Prirnting, C. L. Sing, Meatord ; Com. and Memorials, T. K. Preston, Osprey. lan. Messrs Win. H. Arrowsmith, P. Maley and D. MceMuillan jr.. had their violios in talking buamor. All preseut enâ€" joyed therselves immonsely, tripping the light fantastic in a lively mood, till the woekonrs, Thaok you ladies, may sucâ€" cess attend you. Mr. Walter McDonald from the Centre, sports a borâ€"e and cutter quite frequently eastward and westward. Iv‘s rumored that bhe is canvasing for Mr, D. Mas Nichol, Mr, John Morrison sz , a mau of about 80 years of age, who says he never played the game before with the exception of playing for a pound of candies, one time in the old country when a boy. However, he will leave it to W.J. Dansmore and A. B. McLellan, if he was unot the lackiest man in the crowd on Friiday 21st inst., (uot marbles.\ The McRae Bros. from Priceville, are wood contracting in this burg. They are at present cutting for Mr, J, G. Beaton. Miss Jessie A. Beaton from your town with company that will bhe welcome ugain, paid the old home a brief visit at the beâ€" ginviog of the week. Mr. Maleolm MecMillan is in good cheer at present, another visitor at his home. All are doing well. Misses Tena Morrison and Minuic Andâ€" erson took their departure for the Queen City on Thursday oi last week. On Tusesâ€" day evening before their departure they gave a farewell party to their numerous triends at the home of Mr. Donald MeMilâ€" The O‘Brians and Longs from near Mt. Forest were guests of Mr. Neil Black and ftawmily last week. Mr. D, Black accomâ€" panied them back. Miss Maggie Beaton spent last week with friends ia Darkam. Dr. Jamieson was through our town once or twice last week canvassing. Mr. Morgan did not put in an asppearance in this burg vet. Mr. Jolun G. Beaton soldi a team of horses lately, for big money. We are having fine weather. Dr. Melatoch has bsen visiting his many friends in this yvicinity. He is setâ€" tled down in Hopeville. We wish him success in his urdertaking. A number of our young friends have been taking in the revival racetings held at Cormth Baptist Ceurch by the Rev. Mr. Buros assisted by liey. Mr. McEwan, of Monk. A number have professed a change of mind,. Mr. Maleolm Clark, D. A., is yvisiting in Toronto at present. Mr. Robt. Grierson has been calling on his neighbors lately. Bob is a friendly fcow and we are glad to see him. Mr, Wm. MeNally has been trading horses, Wm. promises to be a great trader as his first sho vs. We are losing our young teachers fast. Misses Mary and Cassie Fietcher and Cassie Putherbough hbave each gone to their different schools. Mr. Geo. Putherbough, haying failed to secure a school, is engaged with a farmer in G@oenelg for the winter months. (Geo, is a hustler and is not easily disconraged. We are sorry to hear that Miss Eliza Mcâ€" Cormick is on the sick list. Duat ander the attendance of Dr. Gun, we scoou hops to hear of her speedy recovery. Dceply do we sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell over the loss of their son Duncan, who died in Wolfe, Mich. _ Mis remains wore interred in Latona Cemetery, M. Jotuin Putherbongh is engaged with Mr. Alex. Fletcher. A oumber of our young farmers attendâ€" ed a sale in Holland recently and a few purchases were made. M. J,. Tisdale gives his neighbors an cecasional cali yet. Messrs Dunean MeQuarrie and John D. Clark, of Aterdeen, were engaged drawâ€" ing wood for Mr. J, McDonald, one day last week. COUNTY COUNCIL MULL CORNERS. SCOTCH TOWN. + aâ€"sins + Tomaty. The Saunders Bros. from Durham, were high up in our burg last week. A new roof and other improvemenrts on Mr. John A. Graham‘s commodious residence is the result. Messrs R. MeDonald and Aungus Morri son are makiog eqnare timber in this vicinity, â€" Mr, John Mather is alsotimberâ€" ing up North. Mr. John Murchison, a commercial man is in the penitentary here at present and is likely to serve a term. When we last met Friday he asked about the ball of yarn, and if Jack falls of the bridge since Minn. left, and it Angus was sleepy when he cut bis fingers ? Did George B, get frightened of his own dog lately 2 Who upset on Lampton St. with the losd of wood. Eh Jim. * The snow has been somewhat diminishâ€" ed by rain of lats and roads injured, but more snow since has renewed them. The Magic lantern exhibition given by Mr. Edward Steers in the Top Cliff sehool was certainly a decided success as regards the views and music and as some of those present had never seen an exhibition of that sort, to them it was certainly a treat as well as those who had the pleasure of secing their photos so plainly pictured on canvass. â€" We believe the financial part of the transaction was also satisfactory. Mr. Arch MeQuaig with his gang of men are at present engaged in taking out tim â€" ber for a large barn which he intends to erect next sumier, Contractor Mr. Jas. McDougzall of Yeovil is, as all who know him are aware, a first class hand at the business and indeed hbe would need to be such in order.to put together a frame cuonâ€" taining tho large number of 275 sticks ef timber (excluding rafters,) while the ridge board will tower about 59 feet above the floor. Wwm. Biack was paid 80¢ for lantern for Hall. Jolhn McKechnie was paid $22%5 for 100 lbs of flour for James Dillon. Byâ€"laws 270, 371 and 372 was parsed confirming said sppoiutments. The Council adjourned to ;Feb. 7th at 10 a. m. Hugh McFayden was rerppointed a member of the Board of Health and Dr. Gun as Med. H. Officer. Edawin W. Huntand Robert T. Edwards were appointed Auditors and Wim. Ritchie wi#s given the Assessorship. Ward Commissioners were appoiuted as follows : Ward 1, Thos. MeFadden ; Ward 2. John A. MceMillan; Ward 8. Joseph Firth; Ward 4, Johr Williams and the Reeve for the whole Township, Brown Bros. (Limited), was pad for Cash Book with express charges and postâ€" ago $3.85. lobt. McMeeken was pard $1 for ropair of enlyert at 94, Durham Road. Tlection expenses amonuting to $58 was ordered to be paid. Mrs. Alex. McMillan was paid $11 for keep of widow McMillan up to date. The Clerk was ordered to prepare bycâ€" law for the appointment of an arbitration in regards to MeCormick‘s Hill. The Reeve and Deputyâ€"reeye were apâ€" pointed to exawmine the Treasuror‘s sureâ€" ties aud report. The Clerk was instructed to tenders for printing for 18098. The Clerk was instructed to receiye apâ€" plications for the care and keep of Mrs. MecMilan. The Clerk was instructed to notify Ezâ€" remort Council that Comuissioner for Ward 1 would meet them at "Grasby‘s Pond®" when requised. The newly elected Council for 1898 met January 10th, pursuant to Statute. _ Memâ€" bers present, James Staples, Reeve ; Thos, MeFadden, Deputyâ€"reeve ; John William, John A. MeMillan and Joseph Futh, Councidors. EKach member made and subscribed the Declaration of Qualificaâ€" tion of office and took their seats, the reeve in the chair. â€" Miuutes of last mectâ€" in« read and confirmed. While Mr. Finlay MePhail was engaged in making an axe handle he had the misâ€" fortine of cutting his knee, which disabled him for some time and he was ovbliged to quit the timber business, but although his leg is somewhat unmanagable yet we find him out around exercising himself as ha says himself that he cannot keep quiet. Mr. Joha McDonall and Thos. Mcâ€" Dougall have resumed the wood entting aud we expect to hear of some tall wood cutting being done. They must be getâ€" ting along well as they can be hbeard laughing a long way off. Agood time is expected. Mr. Dayid Hinks accompamed by his sister Meadie have been yisiting friends down in Guelph for the past week,. Dave must have some attraction aown there outside of his relations as we find he exâ€" tended his visit a wee bit longer than Le expected. The young man with the new eutier is finding good use for it attending teaâ€"meetâ€" ings, &¢. some as far as Dromore. Disâ€" tance leads enjoyment. We nnderstand some of our residents are accused of being the author of au item in a recent Balsam Vallevy budget which has caused some indignation. The parties blaming may be assured that the accused herao are not gailty of the cffence, aud we would advise caution in futur Renew for the Review GLENELG COUNCIL. TOP CLIFF. + a tm + J. S. Buacx. Clerk. TORONTO ask for N. B,.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as taâ€" ken off. Oct. 26, 1897, By the New Process, mhich for Finish and Softâ€" ness can‘t be beat. A Cood Farm to Lease . . . The undersigned will receive apâ€" pliciations for the lease of the BEATON FARM, lot 15, con. 4, N.D.R., Glenelg, for a term of years. â€" Terms made known on appltcation to Robe Tanning ! Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for laf CALDERS BLOUCK, Satisfaction Guaranteed. "â€" anile '&@ expresses exactly what the ‘Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear,‘ + name would imply QuITE READYâ€"TOâ€"WEAR. Made by tailors, designed by an artist, sewn with the best linen and silk, cut to fit the form of man be he tall, short, stout, or thin. Any man not a positive malformation can be fitted by Shorey‘s Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Robe Tanning ! By fitted we mean dressed so that he looks a Gentâ€" leman, and possesses that feeling of comfort and air of ease that always marks the well dressed man. See that Shorey‘s Guarantse Card is in the pocket of every garment. Robes & Goats Thos. Smith. OUR POLICY.... J, 8. BLACK or MAL CAMPBELL 38 inch Good Black Lustre 30c 38 inch Fine Black Lustre 40e 38 inch Black Lustre, very fine guality 50c, _ Fancy Figured Lustre 35c. Faney Figared Lustre, better quality 40e. Ramsay & Morlock. at Pomona (€5 Is to Sell Cheaper 2s wC Sell More. At the commencment of a New Year we can look back with a good deal of pleasâ€" ure on the results obtained. Not only has business increased greatly but what is a greater satisfaction to us, we have got the confidence of the paeople. You know when you buy anything here that the price is right and comparisons only strengthen that confidence. _ Our sole aim and object in business is to merit this confidence and we intend to make this year 1898 the biggost one yet. Our specials this week are Black Lustres a new lot of which have just come to Fand. Accouxts.â€"Will those to whom ac counts were sent, and who have not yet responded please do so at once as we need the money and at once, N ANMNMTIETD, Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPAXY w TORONTO. The undersigned offers for Sale or Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con. 3, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a gcood barn, good frame house, small orchard, 70 acres cleared, balâ€" ance hardwood bush. Well watered. Apply to R. McFaruaxr®, Sr. Du: ham,Jan. 17th, ‘97. I have in my hands for sale, the (Stone Jackson Residence) in Durham consistâ€" ingy of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tenders will be received from parties wishing to purâ€" chase, stating price and terms. JarEs Carsox,. Rorert McDoxarp. Montpelier, I[daho U.8. Dec. 6th °97. 19 Durham, Dec. 7th 1897. Farm for Sale or Rent. Cash and one Price For Sale. Durham. LOWER TOW N. i | Feas, ira Oats, C* Dr‘d Hogs, per cwb Hozs, live weight . |Lard per Ib ;'I‘ullow‘ per 1b | Butter per Ib, Tub .. | ** Roll F.qnriper bbl . ...,..:«, Qatmea per sack ...... Bran rer CwL ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wueat per bushel Barley, ** Py ; 4sn °. k i4 04 a Ma\ ~ 59( duyg $ y hss 3. Je CRAAA S i Ageneralfinancial businesstransacted Oflice next door to Etandard Bank Durh@m David JACK80N, JP.» cierx piv. c Land Valuators, Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. Anyone sending a sketch and description may fi ie aoient atoainimentane nvention is proba e. Commu tions scrlct(l)y oonfldonyfi':l.. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patentas. CONVEYANCERS. Insurance Agents, JACKSONS. DURHAM MARKET. ss»ss:11++:+ $ 8 £0 to §4 80 (CK sssmvers L BO o â€" 1 SDO 5 00 ta 50 10 to 10 03 to 04 0 13 to O 15 13 to 14 18 to 0 14 25 to 30 0 50 to 60 40 to bO 07 to U8B 0 05 to O OS 08 to OB 25 to 30 14 0 14 30 6O ptens Only 1 mt @ape:! MacF AR| Drug Str LUCAS, WRIGHT BARRISTERS, NOTraRIEs, Con MONEY TO LOAN . DURH AM OFFECE Will be in Pri of each mwonth, WOATRY PUBLC . C Office â€"â€"UPPER TO Â¥X ills. Deeds, #&e, correctly persons looke mainistrators‘ Burrogate . Co petters of A Obtained. e Titles reporte Compan Mortgag #«« made ‘ y a< BARRISTER SsoLICITOR in ® wNoTary PUBLIC, CO Office, over G: t%%%%¢% se e B%4%%% t e * MONEY TO i AT 5 PI %©44881.8 * 8 %4%%% 8 %%@ ()l"Fl('E PIRST the Durham 1 Block. Residence fi Post Office, Dorha Will be in day in each mercial Hot Gollections CPPER TOWN Pr. . G. LEFROY BARRISTER DENT ANC Y ‘ssUER OF MARV â€"â€" stein, Out. Parties waited 1 * ahble distau ofstein ©, Baws L. B. Lw W . H. W ,. P., TE oxt SEE OUR S PURCHASIN AMINE O NEW M T e in P‘rices wch month GOGUR LARGE CHOO AKE YO ASES it« 1L0OO M PR DT nuary Fire 1

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