West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Jan 1898, p. 6

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KE T Marxs Esicns 1cnts &c. -scHKflon may whether an Communicaâ€" »Ok on Patents ring patents, w to. receive K Div. u . Largest ctrâ€" . ‘Terms, 83 & 1 newsdealers, New York ngton, D. C. gents, ioners. ivested for and sold. stransacted ard Bank YEARS® RIENCE §4 0 0) 0 U ty 0 () 80% S( Sb S(Â¥ 10 04 14 14 30 6O U8B O8 w) U Only 1 week more ++ of Fancy Goonps A _ at _4+ MacFARLANE‘S Drug Stroe Hoxt 30 days LVCAS, WRIGHT, & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOrARIES, CONVEYANCERS, é&c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"uow rares= EASY TERMS DPURMAM OFFICE, CaLDER‘S Biocxk, 345 1 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesdays of each wonth. Butter‘s Hotel. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, wNOaTRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. Office â€"â€"UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. Collections and A geney promptly attonded to. W ills. Deeds, Mortgages, Leasâ€"s, Agreements, &c. correctly prepared. _ Estates of decensed persons looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ â€" Accounts prepure.d and passed. Surrogute _ Court Business, Probaie of Wills, Letters of Adminisration and Guardiunship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Othce and Fitles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag s ut low st rates of interest. Valnations made *y a competent and careful Valaator. BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOoTaRy PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER, ETC. Office, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PERCENT. ()FFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OoF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th" l‘ost Office, Durham. Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month, Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel, @8488 8888488 848481888 %8%8%88848%80¢% 8834888 ¢%6 UPPER TOWX PDr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. ‘sSUER OF MARKIAGE LICEADE â€"â€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a * _ able distance, if desired, olstein, Ja4naary 14th. I. B. Lucas, + W. H. WrigHTt, C. BATsON, â€" + . P. TELFORD, . LEFROY McCAUL. Charges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, AMINE OUR Stock NOW NEW GCODS GOUR STOCK A â€" GORDON Cl':.a.:ges MEsderats. EE OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWNHERE . S. HORSBURGH. LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM pecial acrifice ale AKE YOUR PURCHâ€" ASES EARLY. LOOK AT PRETTY DURHAM. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Holâ€" â€" FOR â€" for Makdale,. Oyeu Sound. Durham. DURHAM. reasoniâ€" FoR SALE.â€"A few home made cutter«, Can be seen at the old Carriage Works, Uprer Town, R. MacFarlane Sr. Large new residence for sale, rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to R, P. LEGATE, Flesherton Station. 4 Durham, Thur. Jan. 27th, 98. Lost â€"Wednesday last, between Mt. Forest and Durham, a sealskin cap, the finder will be suitably rewarded Fy leayâ€" ing same at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. Miss Brown, daughter of cattleâ€"king, John Brown, of Holstein, held the lucky ticket that drew the Lavelle ponies, harness, and phaeton, in the lottery last Monday. he Qurham Aeview. Miss UMceCaul has opem 4 an office in the McIntyre block, and will be preparâ€" ed to take down by dictation and typeâ€" write any correspondence, documents, accounts, &c,, entrusted to her. 2 Mr. and Mrs, Donald McArthur, of Bentinck, are seriously iil of influenza, but under the doctor‘s care we hope to hear of their recoyery, â€" Both ill at once mitkes the position a trying one. NoTICEK.â€"AIll those indebted to C, McArthur are respectfully requested to call at once and settle their account by casb, note or produce,. _ We need the money and must have it,.â€"C, MeArthur, Mr. Dougall MceArthur who was visitâ€" ing friends in Bruce lately will spend a few weeks with Durham friends before leaving for Victoria enroute for the Rlnndike. Mr. McGillivray from Bruce aceompanies him and is visiting friends in Bentinck and Priceville. CURLIXG,â€"Messrs Cochrane. Allan, Whelan, Peel, Lauder, Jno. H. Huanter, Mockler and Calder, (the two latter skips,) drove over to Walkerton on Saturday to try conclusions with Southâ€" amp.ou â€" but _ found _ themselves â€" out matched completely we believe, though baving some good play,. Before the season is over, howeyer they expect to sbow up something good. Scrioor CoNCERTâ€"The pupils and friends of 8. 8. No. 9, Glenelg, (taught by Miss M. Large) intend having a fine concert on Friday evening the 28th inst, The programme will consist of music by the Children, drills, dialogues,, reciâ€" tations, etc. Prof. Peel will be present and give instrumental selections and adâ€" dresses will be giv on by Inspector Campâ€" bell, Mr. Allan and the two PQurham Editors,. Admission 15¢ and 10c. Droxmornr Forzstsrs.â€"On Thursday February 3. the Court of the T.O.F, at Dromore will have an entertainment, of a class seldom seen in a country place. They have engaged two stars having a provincial fame, Miss Tessa MceCallum, and Mr. H. M. Bennett. The former ex cells as an elocutionist while Mr. Benâ€" nett as a humorist has few equals anyâ€" where, â€"Reserved seats are 35¢ (a plan to be seen at Dromore P.O.,) general admission 25¢, _ We may expect Russell Hall to be tilled to overflowing on this occasion. FoLLOWwED THEIR ADVICE.â€""I broke out with great blotches on my face, and friends told me my blood was out of order and that I ought to take a bottle of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. _ I_followed their advice and from that time to this I have not bad any eruptions on my face. Iknow Hood‘s is a good medicâ€" ine." Mrs. A, E. RADKEY, St. Louis, Michigan. â€"Have you renewed for Tu® ReviEw ? Hoods Pills cure nasea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. All druggists. Tus Ensorr:c Roap.â€"Mr, Laidlaw received a letter Monday fron the solicitâ€" ors of Mr. Pew arnouncing that that gentleman is now ready to take the con~ tr.cet for the constraction of the Huron and Ontario railroad. In order to seâ€" cure parties to whom he is to give stock on account of their subscription, the contract has to be made out in his name and a meeting is desired at an early daie to conclude the matter, so that "as soon is possible the work may be got under way to obtain the benefits to be desired from the building and opening of the road." This is the latest move, and the directors should lose no time in getting Mr. Pew to "get a move on" and let a contract for ties or do something practical. _ AT HoLrsTEIN.â€"A meeting of the S, Grey Farmer‘s lnstitute, will be held on Wednesday next in Holstein Agriculturâ€" al Hall, both afternoon and evvning.! The papers are * Value of Ensilage, Culâ€" tivation of Corn, and How to construct | a Silo" by Mr. Gould, Uxbridge. | "County Roads and how to improve§ them" and *Four reasons why we| till the soil" by Mr. Sheppard, Queenâ€" | ston, *"*Some of the Diseases of the | Stomach of the Ox" by Mr. Gokey, V. | $.., Durham. In the evening Mr. Gould | will speak on *A Remedy for Overproâ€" i duction, " Mr. Sheppard on **Three ; Historical days at Niagara " and in adâ€"| dition, Dr. Landerkin M.P.. D. Mcâ€"| Nichol M.P.P., Dr. Jamieson, J. D.‘ Morgan are expected to be present, Vocal and instrumental music will also | be furnished. ) LOCAL AND GENERAL We want wood either green or dry on subscription. Miss Lena Fox returned to her situaâ€" tion in Toronto last Saturday. The Misses Moore of Chesley, visited Mrs. S. Scott a day or two this week. Look out for our next weeks advertisâ€" ement. J. A. Hunter, Durham, Mr. W. J. Bellamy, of Flesherton, Artmesia‘s Township Clerk, was in town on Monday last, J. A. Hunter has some special bargains in his Moving Sale Ad. 1 If everything goes well, we purpose moving to our New Store in Lower Town, on Feb. 7th., 1898. J, A. Hunter, Mr. 8. T. Rowe of Paisley. is visiting his brotherâ€"inâ€" law Mr. 8. Orchard and other friends in the vicinity. Misses Ena and Elnora Patterson visited friends in Hanover the latter part of last week. Miss Sarah Woodland is home. for a few weeks rest, She is employed in the great T. Eaton store, Toronto. If you feel weak, dull and discouraged you will find a bottle of Hood‘s Sarsapâ€" arilla will do you wonderful good. C. 0. F.â€"The gramophone literary and musical entertainment in the Town Hall tomorrow (Friday) night, promises to be a big success, Seats are going,. Miss Culbertson is spending a fortâ€" night in Meaford at the home of her brother Mr, C. M. Culbertson, v, 8. Mrs. Poole of Mt, Hope, who has been the guest of her daughter Mrs. Woife, for a few weeks, has gone vo Meaford, to visit another daughter Mrs, Culbertâ€" son. C. 0. F. CoxcErt.â€"The Society here will hold a Concert in the Town Hall on Friday, 28th inst. _A male quaitette of local voices will give some good selecâ€" tions, Pnonograpu, etc. _ Aduussion 15¢ and 10c. For plan of Reseryed seats call at Gun‘s Pharmacy, OrCHARDvILLE. â€"Owing to the miserâ€" able weather of Thursday last the Baptist Soiree here was very slimly uttended, about 6O being present. Insp. Campbell and Mr. irwin trom Durnam gave their assistance, and in« deed the platform end ot the meeting was allrigut. SoutH GrEy 8. S. AssoctaTION.â€"A meeting of the executive of tins body is called tor Tuesday, I‘eb. 1 at 1 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church Durham. Reorganization is the object, and all 8. 3. workers are invited to be present. The meet ng is calied by Rev. £. A. Marrison, Vundalk, member ot the Provincial Exee. tor 8. urey. We must congrrtulate Mr. Asa Robâ€" son and Mr. M. N. Clark on their success in passing the professional Ist Class Teachers‘ examination at the Normap School, They are pushing and ambiâ€" tious young men and it is a pivy the teaching profession is so overcrowded for there is not much pecuniary reward for such scholars. The Annual Convention of the Butter and Cheese Association â€"of Western Ontario was held in London last week. Mr. A. Wenger, of Ayton, and Mr. w. Coleridge, Yeovil, were among those in attendance from this part, The latter reports a successful meeting, especial thanks to Road Instructor Campbell and Robertson, the Dairy Comtmissioner, NeSt meeting is to be in Guelph. APPRECIATED.â€"Two sleighloads ot young Bapust friends from Orchardâ€" ville drove to the home oi Mr. Z. Clark, Varmmey, last Monday evening bringing with them a purse of 42 which was presented to Mr. Clark in recognition of _ his spiritual la bors among them. â€" Mr. Clark appropriateâ€" ly acknowledged the gift atter which a pleasaut sociable evening was spent. UENTRE â€" GREY.â€"At â€" Markdale on Saturday last Mr. J. Davis, who came within 1 vote of getting the Reeveship of Euphrasia â€" was nominated by a Patron or "Independent" Convention as candidate in the coming elections. He takes the place Mr. Gamey had to vacate on account of his health and his presence in the field will we are told help Mr. Boland, the Liberal Candidate, Flour $1.60 to $2.25 at G. Sparling‘s, InprRovÂ¥EMEXNTS â€"Mr. Laidlaw‘ has been making extensive alterations and improvements in the rear of his store, Another storey has been added with ample skylight facilitiee and a central opening or "light well" admits the light to the ground floor, A fine room is thus secured admirably adapted for Millinery purposes to which we underâ€" stand it is to be devoted. Adjoining the main show room are two smaller rooms which are intended to be workâ€" shops for milliners and twulors respectâ€" A4vely. var:Ey.â€"The entertainment by the | local Orange body here on Tuesday ' night was a success though the eleâ€" | ments interfered. _ Over $30. was| realized. â€" Messrs Jones and Galbraith | supplied the bulk of the program, the { gramophone being in good shapé, and | its laughing numbers especially being | much appreciated. Mr. Galbraitn both in comic and sentimental singing was | a great favorite while Mr. Jones‘ readâ€" ings were voted good. Messrs Allan and Rama%e both spoke briefly Reeve Staples, of Glenelg, made a good chairman and the best of order ; prevailed, Councilior Williams and ‘ some other friends were present from | Glenelg. The meeting closed with‘ the National Anthem, } A meeting in the interest of J,. D. Morgan, the Reform Candidate in S. Grey will be held in MONDAY, JANUARY 3ist, at 2:30 p. m. G. Landerkin, Esq. M.P., G. Binnie, Esq., Glenelg, A. W. Mearns, Esq., Har.â€" over, & the candidate will address the meeting. â€" Oppositionspeakers invited. God Save the Queen. Mr. Ben Moore visited the Poultry exâ€" hibition in Owen Sound last week. 7 days of bargains in J. A, Hunter‘s Old Stand, in Upper Town.â€"Come everybody. Mr. John Wright of Mt. Forest was the guest of his sister Mrs. Jas. Carson part of this and last week, Mr. John Allen, of Toronto and Sydenham Road, Artemesia, was in town last week cousulting Dr. Gun, professionally. LIFrE InsURANCE AXD THE KLoXNDICE, â€"The statement has got into the papers that Insurance Companies will not be respounsible for the risks on persons who go to the Klondike, Durnax HorticortUrar Socrety.â€" We hope our readers will peruse careâ€" fully the report of the above Society in this issue, and if not members deterâ€" mine at once to become such. No WoxpER.â€"The post office revenue contiuues to grow and no wonder, . A Chatsworth gentleman, the "News" inâ€" forms us, posted his first letter in the local office last week although a resident for 22 years, S$. or 8..â€"The local camp of this growâ€" ing Beneficiary Society are experiencing good times. They initiated 6 new memâ€" bers at their last meeting, and we beâ€" lieve 7 or 8 more candidates are waiting for admission next regular meeting night, Feb. 4th. Moving SaLr.â€"Mr. J. A. Hunter is this week and next in the midst of a moving sale preparatory to cccupying the fine new quarters in the MclIntyre Block on Feb. 7th. The new store is this week lit up and a brilliant array of electriec lights make a display, which, when turned on to bright new goods will have a charming ceffect. PoULTRY.â€"At the Peulitry and Pet Stock Association in Owen Sound last week, Durham fanciers were represented by Messrs Leavens, Holt Brown and Moore, who sent in about 40 entries. They were successful in taking some of the best prizes, showing that Durham is entitled to consideration from the County in the matter of a Poultry Association. Fir£ Bri0gapc. â€"Officers and membhers of the Durham Fire Brigade for 1898 : R. Torry, Chief ; J. Harbottle, Lieut ; J. Rose, Sec, Treas ; W. Benton, Engineer ; Geo, Meikle and Chas. Leayens, Asst. Engineer and Firemen. Reel No. 1â€"E. MceClocklin, Foreman, N. MceIntyre, W. Monroe, E. McZarlane, J. Wright, F. Havens, Reel No. 2â€"J,. Rose Foreman, 8. Scott, W. Falkingham, G. McDonald, R. Cameron, F. Irwin, Hook & Ladder Co.â€"C. Elyidge, Foreman, C. Ryan, W D. Connor, J, Jack, Wim. Wright, B. We hear that the "Family Herald and Weekly Star." of Montreal, will publish during the next few months special articles of extraordinary interest about farming in the Northâ€"West, The inforâ€" mation which is at the service of the "Family Herald" is said to be of enorâ€" mous value,. _ The "Family Herald" readers are sure to get the latest and the test information about the gold fields, the gold fever, and how to profit most by them. It is no wonder the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" holds its old subscribers and is gettirg myriads of new subscribers every week. Warner. Read J. A. Hunter‘s Moying Sale Ad. Oup Laxpaarks. â€"The razing of the old Dalglish granary is about complete and the raising (strange language ours) of it again will take place on Mr. A. Juckson‘s new farm before spring. Another and somewhat more notable building is also to be devoted to other Look out for J. A. Hunters Opening Ad., next week,. 1 uses. The old Orange Hall erected away back in 1857 has been sold to Mr. A. Hopkins west of the town for $40, andits demolition has been begun. It was in its time a useful building, for in addition to its society use, it was utiâ€" lized for public meetings of various kinds and not a few of the present genâ€" eration of Durhamites went to school within its walls. But the hum of the learner, the eloquence of the orator, the songs of the Salvation Army and the bleat of the Orauge Goat will be heard there no more. _ Of late years it has been falling into decay, and none will regret its disappearance, though it severs a connecting link betweenithe past and the present. The big departmental store will soon be in Lower Town 1 DIED. BrEatox.â€"In Bruce, on Dec. 20th* Margaret Beaton. relict of the late Arch. Beaton, aged 73 years, P hA MARRIED. Doppsâ€"FIRTHK.â€"At the Marsh House Markdale on Jan. 5th by the Rev. Mr. Goldberg, Mr. Wm. Dodds â€"to Miss Martha, eldest daughter of Mr, Wm. Firth, Zion. ONTARIO ELECTIONS. HOLSTEIN, dbbis Shritea 60 TORONTO Watchmaker Gordon was under the doctor‘s care last week but has got around again Station Agent Towner, went to Stratâ€" ford Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of his sister, Miss Edith McKenzie left Tuesday night for Mt. Forest, where she will spend a week or two among friends. The Misses Winkler of Hanover accompanied by Miss Herringer of Mildmay, were in town Wednesday. Rev. M. Ferguson, Methodist Minâ€" ister of Durham, will preach the communion preparatory service in the Presbyterian Church, tomorrow, Friâ€" day at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Sandy McLaughlin, of Michigan arrived om Tuesday and is visiting her husband‘s mother, Mrs. Mceâ€" Laughlin, near Priceville She intends staying sometime as she is in someâ€" what poor health. Rev. J, J. Vlliott, of Hillsburg, pfeachâ€" ed highly interesting sermons, morning and evening in the Presbyterian Charch last Sunday, Mr, Jansen preached for him and lectured ou Mondav. LIVâ€"h PILLS Purely Vegetabte Pills OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS CUTTERS Are arriving daily and we promise you the best and cheapest assortment ever showit in Durham. Of all kinds, White, Black and Grey, at rrices that will surprise you. Come early and get your choice, ROBES A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS Instock and you can get these at cost price in order to clean out stock. Money to loan at five percent. on good secar promptly attended to.. _ Marriage Licenses iessued. W. CALDER, Price 15cts a box GUN‘S * BARGAINS +7 Durham Pharmacy. OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, READYMADE CLOTHING These must be sold and the Price will do it. First Come, Firrt Served. An attractive range of Fourâ€"in â€"hand Neckties, away down in Price. No Pills to equal them . 1N 8 No Frouble to Show Goods. at . M°ARTIIUR Our Grocery, Boots & Shoes, and other departments are complete. YA 4NF A 4 NP\ cXry €22y 1. DoON‘T FORGET our REDUCTION in CANADIAN COAL OIL 5 gals. for 80c. Another shipment of readymixed paint just arrived. Dont be to late in chosing your colors. Our Siiverware is something extra. A few chezp Lamps and Lanterns still in stock. pA@yAe" A few more left of~ _ * Lined MITT & GLOVES HORSE BLANKETS ROBES & bELLS which you can get at a bargain Agentfor .. + â€"â€" FARM IMl’LEMll:lll?';l"S and MACHINXâ€" Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. Conyveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort gages, etc., drawn up on short notice, Horses bought and sold, Waterloo Threshers for sale at wareâ€" rooms. â€" Patronage solicited, Orders for Sales may be left at Tur REviEw Orric®. S. T. ORCHARD. Upper Town, A Good Second Hand Coal Stove for Sale. _ Cheap. Remember our X Saws and Axes. No call axes SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS Rooms fally stocked of the best makes and styles, Will sell at reduced prices and give you a good assortment to p.ek from. PLOWS All kinds of Plows, Gang Plows Etc. from $10 upwards, Come and see them and get a bargain for the balance of the season. SEE OUR ROLLER BEARING TURNIP PULPER Did you see our new stock of Granite and Enamelware. We have a few good Hay and Straw Knives. . BLACK. LOWER TOWN Licensed Auctioneer, ity. Insurance Ihminess. RXC %"f }, (€ y â€" 7'4_{"2 & â€"&â€"‘. ++ Durham,

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