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Durham Review (1897), 3 Feb 1898, p. 2

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iUe Ex -nt w Committee of the An. 1 grasp-J. Safety of Engineers has mumm- .u.l. d the strikers to swept than emphyors' terms 'rrtTtitrally giv- ing tho latter ttie, control of their Chaps. " this ad 'ce is aieepted work an! probah'! In resumed on Juan -0 In dvath of Hun-e- He. tro Haw an “aim ba , cf.urrb. " here u ing Tue ceremony Omen T.'rtoria, P Pa (ensue. l‘timese brat-thinness of Lor (us: vm so gr-a .n gelling “way from the sinking slit, that the crew ‘oa' everything. tte mm a? commemoration of the death of i'r.u'_e~ Henry of Lfaxtenherg Tm Inn agmnu Lady Sykes in Lon- Ron. by Jay,a money-lender, has full- ed. the Jury fin ling that the 'signatures to the notes “ere forged. This puts her lainnip in a rather worse rosi- ton Hut!) [Mora " nry Irving hm Non selected as the Rede lemuror at (‘amhridge l niversity hr "'t1. Thtltturethip was establish- It is rumoured in Landon that Em- peror Fran-is Joseph of Austria will Ihnrtly annuunne the bottoms! of the Arvtiduettesa Elivaheth. daughter of the late men Prin o Rudolph, to the King of Spain. el n “only Vlll.‘s (info to be Jisvoie-d to ,. Hunun ty. Logic. and Philosophy forever." Annual; rumors regarding Mr. Glads:nn~'~ health are again current in T.orv.'ort. but reports from Cannes qtate t at there " little foundation for them. itw wry Rev. Henry George Lid- dell. the former dean of Christ. church. Oxford, is 'lead. He “Li born in 181t, nnl “as at one Mme chaylain to the Pr tru. Consort. fir-ms in Inn far east an forcing Ign'n .mu rroruirwrwe the 1'aeifie cahle question. The influential journals all point out thr urgent need of an nll- Burial] cable. It. is and in Lon fun that the Govern- mom “in an} larliament to sanction on invr a a of the army by 15,000 men, A fortnightly mail service between Auckland, va Zealand, and San Fran. cisco and Vancouver will be inaugur- ntNl on Avril l. The Oceanic and Cana- diartrAustra'itsn lines will sail Every fourtocn days alternately. Same the beginning of the yea: thir- ty-nine {amides from the United States have takm up their abode in Toronto. being of tho opinion that the future of that on is brighter than the out- look in tl tq Y nitod Shiv. cities. Cou:res, Russell. widow of Lord John Russell. is deal u London. Great Bran-n has again doclined to 'eo;en the healing question in mum“ to a request of the United Status. The City Hall at London, the scene o fthe recent arehlent is being repair- el, but there in an agitation in tho r tr for the erection of a new hall far.. that north. The investigating governors of the Royal ('anndlan Humane Association have nuarlled the silver medal to Al- bert J. Ctimmpr of Hamilton for saving M 33 Amelia Hall from drowning. Smugglmg in . large way is strongly [mammal by the Custom. Department. to lo 1atried on aver the frontier at N “am lulls, but the experts at the busing-5% an- able to nonplns the offi- an Tm- Government will place some M,- 000,000 whilolish in Lakes Ontario. Erie, Huron, and St. Clair next. sum- mer. Thr eggs are now being hatched in the Sandwich hatchery. warships in “at harbor. An order in Council has been passed dvs gnatlng Port htanley as a port to wich tbs harbors act shall apply, and don-luring the limits of the port. Owing to the boavy drafts made on the Mounted Polio for service in the Yukon. tho rwrnaining force find it dif- firuit to attend to the calls made on thrrn. “if NEWS (f E WEEK Tho Grand Trunk Railway Company gill enlarge. its wheel foundry at Ham- {eat 5 Ya " shim Interesting Item About Our Own Country. Manitoh. human are shipping large quant'tiu ot stock to the Yukon. An agent of the Dominion Govern- wont In at Copenhagen securing Lap- “IMF”: and Find)“ for the Yukon. Tho Spring Hill Coal Company. of Nova Scott will morale the Souris coal-fields when they hnvo uncured tracts of land. Man's. Slog-l. Cooper & Company of New Sor'a and Chicago say that they have no intention of awning a depart~ mental store in Toronto. lit-r Maynly's ship Phamton, and tor- pwlo (l-slroyor Icsparrowhawir are at lisuxinmll Bi'. Thero Btu now seven warships in “at harbor. Welland now ha natural gs: for artng. lighting and manufacturing aurposas. The Department of Inland Revenue aim-hi 215 seizures during the peat your a ‘arza number being illicit Whig- lat Marquis of Lorne has tempted the podtion of Honorary Colonel ofthe limb [him on, Argyle Light infantry. Mr, George Counsel Clerk of the Counry of weotworth, died suddenly r thr family residence, Hamilton, on tucurday. f HIE VERY LATEST FROM ALL ""' WORLD OVER. Great smug. on United States, Ge All Pan- " the Globe. W and Anon“ It: Buy m CANADA. we no “aim at al Whipping- urnh. v. here. u s amnion are res:- m- ceremony “as tirade-1 by T!rtoria, Prim-em Henry of “'3, I rineess Chruuian and the mesa of Lorne. GREAT BRITAIN In the Italian Chambar of Deputies ‘un tritium. the Premier, Marquis di ', Ru,iini. explained that the recent dis- vrters in the ltaiiun provinces were due. to the dearuess of food and lack a? err.ployment. owing to the retrench- ‘ mania in Publi: expenditures. ; A leiter has keen roceived at Brus.. .3313. from Arongai, dated November 18, l which reports that the, insurgents have, attacked and defeated a detaehatent) lof the Congo State troop north at tal glake. killing their comman-Ier. Baron I D Hangs personally undertook punitive l operattooa from Lunndu in the Mars ean district. According to a special despatch re- eeived from Berlin, it is semi-official- ly announced in that city that Ger- mlny will not object to the appoint- ment of Prin~e George of Greece as Governor of the islani of Crete, "pro- vided the other powers unanimously (uni n3." A tswordfish weighing 2070 pounds was lately brought to the market at Iairang in the Straits Settlements. It was 30 feet long. the flesh and bones weighed 900 ratties. or 1200 pounds; the fat 230 mums. the entrails 400, 1100 the award so catues. Empress Augusta Victoria's latest birthday present from her huabant " a bracelet male of the seven minim tunes of her children painted on ivory and set in jewels. me the middle pietum hangs the portrait of the Kai- ser in a heart-shared medallion. Considerable surprise has been caus- ed at Berlin. by a despatch from St. Peterslnlrg, to the Coiogne Gazette announcing that Russia has formed a new army corps on the German and Austrian frontiers at Vilna and Kieff. Tho Vatican statistician announces that hvit year the Congregation of Car- dinals received 490 applications for the annulment of marriage. took about half of than into consideration, and cut tho loads in only six cases. duds L‘eodura arid Florinuo, which are uonstructing in France. It is reported that Japan has pur- chased the Brazilian cruiser. Abreu, now huilding on the Tyne, for £370,000, and has also bought the Brazilian iron- During the past week the deaths from the bubonic plague at Bombay numlprwl 851. From all causes there were 1,540 deaths The exodus is increasing, and busines- is smu- aunt. "i'hore, was a severe earthquake shock on Monday at Argenta, ltaly,eighteen miles south-east of Ferrara. A church and several buildings were wrecked, and some persons were injured. Messrs. Hickie and l’runty. who (-3- eaped the massacre of the. British sur- vey party which was attacked by nu.- tives at Mokran, on January HE, Lave reached Urmam, on the Aralian Sea The Russian army has sent a costly sword as a present to King Monelik of Abypel‘nin. A Cannes despatch, speaking of Mr. Gladstone's health. says:--'He is ex- tremely weak and so dejected as are- sult of neuralgin gains, that he has oxpnmd a demo tha' all ly ere over." Bucharest. has been imitating Paris Ly having a duel home-n journalists. Being less akilful than their French orgiualt, however. one. combatant. un- fortunately killed the uthsr. Successful olmrvations of the so at a‘lipse were made in India and other parts of the globe. Dr. Schweninger says Prince Bis- maruk’s connlbtion is not serious. Cate Catholic priest was shot and three wounded 'luring Vespers in a Catholiz- church. at Corfu, Island of (mm. Greece. Tho Australian gold yield for the month of November was; Queensland. 78 024 oun1es; West Australia. 75,010; Victoria. 70,177. Disastrous floods are reported from Perciginan, on the Spanish frontier of France. Yellow fever has disappeared from Jamaica. bill, said: "No immigrant not a pauper or imam). or diseased or criminal, should " turned away from our shores. This hill is the cry of procrastination and selfishness. It is another form of the mania at protection." GENERAL. The city clerk’s office and post-offin " Bunk. Vermont. have been destroy" ed by fire. The nominatinn of AttornerGerrtral McKonna Ls aJustTce of the Supreme Court has Men ratified by the United States Salaam. Eight men were killed and four seri- ously wounded at Sandy Forks. Ky., in a fight whieh arose over a game of cards. All were colored. There is a big strike among the cot- Uton operation at New Redford. Mass. and. other New England towns, over the reduction in WW. “Le pmposulon now before the Ne“ York State Legislature to legalize Sun, day tdteatriratn in New York city has ovulred a storm of protests from the Fheatriz‘al profession, who dimike the idea of losing their one day of rest. They will ask tbs clung to assist them In a crusade against the proposal. Duke Alfred of tiirxe-Coburgulotha has been ordered to Egypt by the doo- tors. A wheel company in Buffalo has re ceived by cable an order for 3,lX)0 bi cycles to be shipped to Hamburg, Ger many. des,trored by“); "u%itiair'iirsi'ht'. It had I outing capacity of seven thou- sand. "Gray Gables." the summer home of ex-Prwlident Cleveland, at Buzzard’s Bay, has been visited by burglars, who ransacked the homefrom attic tocellar and made good their swam without ltaving the slightest clue to their iden- tity. At the annual meeting of the Boston Chamber of Cnmmere the resolutions, favoring re"iprcrity with Canada were unanimously adopted. The Cleveland Music Hall. which wan built in 1885.‘at a. cost of $60,030. was Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage, We noted divine of Washington. ani Mrs. l-Ilmura Mrt'tstrhesoet Collier of Allegheny City get-e married at. Pittsburg, on Satur- ar. In thes United States Senate on frlgursday, Senator Cattrey, of Lyu- ','y.e.tsreliiryr HI the immigrati n The proposition now before the Ness UNITED STATE. The London Times editorially on Monday morning saya:--'N'e are glad to learn from various trustworthy and mutually independent soumes that the rumours of Germany's intention to open Kiao-Chau to the World's com- merce are well founded. If this do- rial '41 is maintained, Kim-Chan will probably become a great. bust and flf'un‘hllg entrepot of the world's trade, a northern Hong Kong. The wisdom of the deciiion cannot be doubt- ed. It will tend to improve tho unnee- ensnn'ly strained relations between England um Germany. It lo to to of the world are practically correct. Germany desires that its policy in China should be of a. liberal character. not interfering with the commerc‘ of other nations." AN EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS. LOAN PROSPECTS NOT BRIGHT. A despatrh from Pekin turys:--The prospects of the British loan are not bright. The British and Japanese Min- ?aters are acting in convert in the mat- ter. The loan will he (if arranged) at 3 per cent. and will be issued at par. GERMANY'S ACTION. A despatch from Berlin, rsarc--The following rieeriofticial announcement was made on Monday t--"The dtiitiGGil regarding Germany’s intention to open the port of 1iiao-Chau to the commerce GERMAN SHIPS AT KIAOI‘IIAU. A despatch from B'xrlin. says:--The Enriiner Neust Nachrichten announr‘es that the German warships are still sounding Kiao-Chau hay. adding that tho exact site of the port is not yet fixed. and that the Government intends that tho construction of the eotnmertfmi wort shall be borne. by prilvate com- panies. It is further stated that one company has already been formed to construct the docks. A special despatch from Shanghai. dated Friday, says that F'rav,oy has purchased three Chinese steamers and is trying to acquire others for conver- sion into iransports. According to the same desyatch tho Japanese squadron sailed from Yokohuka. on Saturday for Chinee wators. The morning papers comment. vditorinlly upon the menac- ing aspect of affairs in China. De- apatchvs from Paris, sav that tht report is current than that. China is trying by the offer of high interest to obtain a loan without assistance. and without the guarantees that Russia and Eng- Land demand. The Bruix n,rH Vauban sailed for China "n January 24. Admiral do Beaumont has been appointed Com- mnn.ler-irt-Chief of the French mum]- rr-n in the far Hut. Ho v flag on board thr, Vauhan The Bruix ix tt steel vessel of 4,754 Lotus displacemnt. and 9,049 iudi'meJ lutse-power. Her speed is estimned at over 18 kuutw an! she carries a crow o_f_ nearly 400 men. The Vnuhan i4 a at "n vessel of 6,208 thus. an! 4,563 in'H-nteri horse-power. Hat nmniml 'ttpeel is about H 1-2 knots, and she t-arrirew a new of "f) man, A tirss.ial despatx'h from Paris, says orders have been received at Chnrhourg and Toulnn respectixely, to iruusedi- ately prepare the hattltsships “mix and Vauhan to reinforce the French squadron in the far East. . It in report-l that Japan has pur- chuuul the Bx‘aziuan cruiser Abreu, now buiMim: on tlu, Tyna, for £370.- IO), and has also hmnght, the, Brazilian iromrlarls Damion uni Flm'iano, which are constructing: in France. Agents of the Spanish Government have heen in Union trying to arrange for tho purchase of there vessels. but it is un- derstood that they were unable to raise the no-ossary m nay. FRENCH SHIPS FOR CHINA. do=tinz.1ion of the fleet is WeiHai- Wet and there is no duubt th- Nune- ment means that the status quo in (‘hinn so far as Manrhuria and Owen are concerned, lethal! n .t be altered by itueia or any mmhinatiun of Russia's allies in definine of Great Britain and Japan .co lung as the de- femtur's policy is equality of opporturr- ity in China they are in a positiin to enforce their claims." JAPAN’S FIGHTING STRENGTH. The St. James' Gazette also gives Imminent to a list, of the ships in the Japa,nesso navy, pointing out its immense fighting strength and says: ---"rhe.n with Great Bzimin a mer" sympathetic, onlnuker. " is pro'alde Japan could finish off all the [madam and Germm “arships east of the Suez cunalin short order. (hunt Britain, even 1n-luding the Powerful, has not a. verwrsl. in the North Pat-itiu turoable of standing in battle line again‘t three battleshipq which Japan pmsesses" Decrees haveleen issued appointing LieutAhn. Visxount Kawakami chief of staff and creating a supreme mili- tary advisory council, consisting of the Marquis Yamagata, Marquis Opa- ama Marquis Saigon and Prince Ko- mum. JAPAN PREPARED FOR WAR. The Londun St. James’ Galen}, comv wanting upon the despatvh from " kohama saying lint a fleet of nine Juinnexe warships will leave Japan in the course of tb week for Chinece my ters, tsays-Iwo is prepared for Mar. That. in a nutshell, its the news froat Yokohama to day. and it is really the first news trout Japan sin-e tha lengning of the Chinese crisis. It “at; ohviuus that the Japanese Govern- ment had stopped telegrarhl Commu- nication, wtich it never dues except “hen mohilizing the army or navy. That is mainly " hat it has levn do. ing. It is almost certain that the FRANCE AND JAPAN SEND 001 MORE WARSHIPS. Input lla- l-Ilncue Power-tmr Wtt.' Hunk the Blun- Policy -Grrmttt, Ships sun I. Ktao-ttat. In: and War Gin-III Luann. A despatch from Yokohama, Barb'.-- A fleet of nine warships will leave in the eoursis of a week for Chinese Wa tars, the Mikado previusly inspecting the Ya hima and the Fuji steel bar- iette ships of 12,450 bone. displaemeat, JEWS FROM THE FAR EAST Ho "ill hoiit his TORONTO uvwernmem 1185 granted the comptny permission to do business in Canada. of 850,000 was introduced in the As- sembly on \Vedneaday. The list of dir- ectors includes the name of L. Clark Raymond, of Welland, Ont. It is the intention of the company to string I. wire across Niagara Falls, and run a tramway from one side of the river to the other. It is designed to carry pea- aemgera and freight. The Canadian Government tea granted the complny Jinhrr-E took my first sleigh rides yesterday. Blinks-l didn't know you had I. rig. I hired one at a livery sable. Wane you upset! {Indeed I Wag-wh- I learned tho A. Ann-lu- (‘o-pmu Prom“ to string a Win Over Maura. A despatch from Albany, N. Y.says: -A bill to incorporate the Niagara Tramway Company. with a capital stock The Government "in Much- . $'ontrars with Melina"- uml Mann. A despatch from Ottawa says; - The announcement is made that the Government has entered int, a. vou- tract with Messrs. McKenzie and D. Mann for the building of a railway from Telegraph Creek. at the Lead wu- tera of the Stickcen river. t, Tes- lin lake, so as to connect with naviga- tion to Dawson City. It is stated that the contractu's are to get a block of land instead of a cash sub- sidy, and that the work is t, be fur- ished by September. Traffii- arrange- ments are to be made with the C. P. R., which will operate steamers fr, m Vancouver t o the terminus of the Two "the" Killed In an "tttttate'" In amm- {‘olumlvln. A despatch from Ymir. Irc., says: -3frsn are d:gging in a snmmlide at the Consdidatied Ala'ama mine five miles from here, fur the bodies of Charles Wagner, a mining man of Spokane; and J. J. Lunz, whn is le- lieved to have cum: from Escanatxs, Mich. They arrived here Lavender 6th and left with a. Packer for the mine. That. was the last Been of them aitre. As they failed to came to town for their mail, fears “ere ar u-ed, and Friday a party ueut up the moun- tain to the mine. They f, und Ill-now» slide had swept down the mauntain and wrecked the lxlan-kwmith shop. The cabin “M not struck and in it were found the menu cats. watches, mon- ey, and supplies. l Thirteen "unborn of a Brim): rrrw Ar ruled at tttttttmore. Adecpabh from Ilaltimorenfd.,says: --Trte British steamer Ursula Bright. thirty days from Havre, arrivel here on Friday. '. Irteen members of her crew, 'larged with mutinuus conduct, “ere. taken aboard the police boa! Lan- nan, ant conveyed to the office of the British Consul. Ctrnain Wliitson laid ei arms against them. and tomorrow a naval court, consisting of two Bri- Lisil tshiprrasters and Consul Frazer, will try their cases. The crew were shipped a! t3urr'crlarvi, l-‘ngland. in July, the agreement. not to tsxterid be.. yo.rrl Dermal-er 3Itt, or IV won there- after as they should [with a you of the l’nited Kingdom. The Hemmer left Havre on December 22ml. and the men attor deman ting their discharge. re fused to oork. to the streets. The Zouares than charged the crowd with fixed bayunets and dispersed it. muny persons being Injured. At the manual! this despatch is sent, 11 o'clock. the Iiotcr, are reus- Femhling an the quays and wetting fire to the Jeuim spirit stnres. Troops are being sent to the spot. Already there, ham been 150 arrests. The maintenance of order has been (‘ntrusl- ed to the military. Co qyell up}, riots. At 10 o'clock in the eyemn‘: some Jewish flour stores were [Hinged and their wntonts thrown in.. em, but were stubbornly resisted and were powerless to restore order until the (room arrived. Several policemen were severely maltreated. Many arrests for theft have been made. The Jewish Bathoritius recommend their corehgionists to remain in- docrs. Both t he men killed in the rioting were Christians and their oprnpaniwa, have sworn to avenge Hit-m. Disturbances all the looting n: JutiHh shops continued throughout the eveningr deal ite the efforts of the troops .n the afternoon. The crowd, hearing of this, hen-ans dangerously excited, shouted, "They tire, murdering us," " Death to the Jews," and resumed pil- iagu1g. The fronts ot six shorts were destroyed and the loot was burned, The Police repeatedly oharmslthe, riot- TRAMWAY ACROSS THE FALLS. ugrarzer and pillage! the shops in the Rue Bahazoum. driving the Jewish mer- x-hants into the streets. A squadron of chasseurs were ordered to the scene and charged tin, mob with drawn swords, but. the mob re-formed further on, cheering for the army. Revolvers and daggers Mere freely used. One man. u ho was stabbed in the hack and shot In the heal. died on the act. Many were serlously subbed. one named Cay- Ola. dying from his wounds at 4o'clock hoped that other nations will follou Germany's exampe. and that the fur Eastern question may thereby be greatly simplified." The lob PHI-3rd Jewn' shops and not! the Police - ' Inn-god by louvre- - Bonn-u! “HIP! In‘l Illjll"l~d. A despatch from Algiers, traytr.--Anti- Fewish riots were renewed here on Sat- 'irday. The mob invaded the Jewish MUTINY ON BOARD STEAMER RAILWAY TO THE YUKON. BURIED IN A SNOWSLIDE. “DEATH TO THE JEWS." AN UPSET. - - ~.-w-- .i""aauV wood and other Ingram materials, combined with very dry fuel This fire in tho village of Oodwaria, near Bulsar, is visited by Parson in urge numbers during thes months allotted to the ore- Iiding genius of fire. . The Sacred fires of lndi: have not all been "tingushed. The most tut- cient which still ends was oonsecrat- ed twelve centuries ago in commemor- trtion of thh voylge made by the Pur- Iees when they emigrated from Penis to India. The tire is fed the times ev.. ery twenty-tour hours with tsandal.. wood and other traarant m-tnrz-I- An Australian physician. Dr. Owen F. Paget “rites to the Lnncet that whereas the average morurbty from ty- phoid fever is 20 per cent., he luv, treat- ed ox er 100 cues withogl . single death, though the patients lived in tents and could get no from milk. Be “tributes his success to the free use of salad oil at an injection. IWHOLE VlLLAGES WIPED OUT. A dempateh from Odessa Btbytr.--h hur- rirane has worked immense destruction in this tlistrirt. “mob village have been devastated. and the damage to shipping in momma. Il‘nvnnn Han and Out-n use" "Mr llxln In '.'ttratreth. T. V. A fespatvh from Elirtthuhtovsn. N. Y., sara-lo" F'. Number. anl Gay- lori Logan, of Albany, Ni], with part claims assigned to Alfred E. Copp and H. P. \‘obur‘n. of Hamilton, Out, and Jennie M. liateh, of Buffalo N.Y., filed on Tues lay with the town clerk of Eliz- tsbethtown, N.Y., a claim to placer min, ing of gold and silver, and the. location comprises the [uni covered by the vil- lage of Elizabethtown, on which Es- sex County Court-house tsgrl gual are situated, making in all about Mo acres of land. The Pckin rorrespmdcnt of the Times mum-"Rubin has notified the Tsungli-Aaruen of her \siilingness to provide " I an on the same financial terms as Engkand'a offer. France sup- ports Ituss'a in the matter." The Shanghai rune-p ndent of the Daily Mail rays:--" l'he, British fleet has been divided into um tsquadrons, one at Chuan under Admiral Sir Alexan- der Iluller. on b ard the Centurion, and the otlwr at Chemalps, under the oommand hf Hear-Admiral Fitzger- 31d." The London Daily Mail says that a Jaraueoe trader will shortly laud Jap- auew gods at Talien-wan with tbvulp- ject of tasting whether the ptrrt is to be regarded as being open " under Ru-siun mntru-l. The. uuhome ot this action vsill undnulswlly influence the relat um hetwee-n Russia and Japan. The pulwr adds that emery detail ra- speumg tumult-n action by Great Bri- lain and Japan in Chietose waters has ' un-linitely agreed upon. Japan being. M.“ she has boo-u through ot, tht, mtgvmg spirit. llnvo hunt- Ovcr Every ”Null 'tvur'rrtat "OIIIIINDII Action _ llnpurmul Test. Walnut-a Icon-"lee Explain» Illa ”an " the l Quebec teeumphlcal weekly. _ A doapatch from Quebec trays:--)' Thurrr!ay afternoon Capt. Bermer. ex- plaine-l before the Quebec Geographi- cal Hoviety his proposal for the discov- ery of the North Pole. Capt. Bernier's Pea is to go by ship to some point north of Sihcrin. a." near as possible to where the unfortunate Jeannette “as wreck- erl, and to "here Nathan's vessel the Fram, crossed the 80th larallel of the latitude. There he intean to leave the versvl, and take to the ire with eight men fifty dogs, and fifty rein- deer. as uell as 36,000 pounds of provi- eio-ts tor two years. He will also have sleits or klyat-s. and a portaHIe boat male ofnluminum andxsoo-l. By cross- ing the flue ire he expects to reach the Pole from his vessel in a little over 100 Jaye. nftvrttarda making for Spitzher- gen, or Franz Josef Land. The Geogra- phical Horiety rassts.l a resolution strongly in favor of the captain‘s en-j terprise, and believes his plan to he‘ quite a. ,tt-us'ihle one. (‘ant Bernierl wants “M from the [hall and Federal; Governments, an I may lecture in Mont-; real, Tot-onto and elsewhere. He was; a ship captain at 17 turi a half years' of age, ant has ma'le 147 voyages! to all! tarts of the worrl, commanding ITl vessels, many of them sealers. He has; thus ha" vunsiderahle experience in: Arctic navigation. I have been held, and at one in this city on Monday evening a club of farmers numbering 150, was organized. with A view of planting a colony in that coun try. The majority of the members are farmers financially able to make the journey and have enough to start in the new country. Many of thrw have met with a fair degree of success in Kansas while others of thorn have full- ed and are now peeking to recover lost ground. Cyrus Sullivan .wu tsIertod president. and a county org-auirutioD preirlerst acounty organization will bu. formed. Iterresentittyiea willuhen he sent to the North-West Territory to report. and if mM isfwtory information in received a colony will be formed. The Government ugwnts offer free trum- portaliou to aetth-rs admission of lb ir goals free of duty. and a. free home- stead of 160 area of land. A deepatoh from Wichita. Kansas. says-For a. week or more agents of the Dominion Government and Cana dian railroads have been working in the country surrounding this city iv, the endeavor to induce immigration in- to the distrirts of Saskatchewan. Ar berm and Assiniboia. in the Canadian North>WeeL A number of meetiasgs In. or I50 Propon- to harm- n - In "te Wrst. SCHEME TO REACH THE POLE. JAPAN AND BRITAIN AGREE, CLAIM A WHOLE VILLAGE. FARMERS FOR CANADA. I!" Accepted "a " loan. A dupatach from Landon "yes:---" in reported that Lord Stu-bury infmrnml the Ctlfmet on munday that China Ye) grayed” accepted the Erin-'1 " P'"""' Gown-em In Ole-r a "other m _ “no: for link. l Italian Government int n ls to my: u.it to Parl'nment a bill imposing . nu on titles. and the measure dimlrtws the idea the Italians have of the ',urrset vellum of these marks of diam limi, The bill provides that anyone de:,iiiog the title at prince "all my 2,5000 therefor. Five thousand dollars will he the nun may to obtain the title or mmuiu. while "ooo will buy tho title ot count. anyone any become 5 l-nron {vino in willing to pl! CLO“) for the to"! Adult-I1 Inter-a Cabin" That I‘M-u . lbs Stundud. continuing. sayq [hll (there in no link of malt]. for mm It ling in o-tion the principle than has {been so unoquivo-nlly expressed in the ‘words: "If net-essay, ut the use of Mir." uttered by Sir Michael Ilicks, ;Beach rt'tasnt.ly, and ooneltul-c:-",rt_ ‘pun is sated to be acting in m-nusrt ; with the I/nited States during ttr. dip lomativ struggle uith ttpe Tsang l.i ‘X'amon. The mun! strength of th- ,,two, States interested in maintaining ) inviolale the status quo in oven h ‘Iur ling. If, unhappily, the question of ’mactery has to he derided by forte, I it la hard tome haw the policy 0: tom- lmcmial liberty and equality can he l resin-nod." "eat-er Oregon mm» from l'nrllaml (‘70de mth Pusan-go“ and I‘m-um. A despite!) from Portland. Ore., "y.-'fue stunner Oregon, Bash-1 for Alaska on Sunday night with tour hun:ren and fifty pmngers. mm I',- 230 (on: of general merchatvoe mm baggagr Fifty lieu I of live st ms; as al.-.o part of the cargo. No has t an three'tuuvlrod people “ho audit-.1 for passage “ere refused, and him We is of (on: of freight were lying on 1':- docks uniting transportal ion In ll-l‘ golelfields. The demand for hmJu-r n Alaska is enormous, Lut sh-u- 'Ellllb refuse to any it, preferrinr l: 'a.e less bylky freight. leaving tile lumn-r for ailing veaaell. "A calm curvey d the situltion an it exists on the spot 9011me ant-outages the bums that by the more lapse of time ervuyth'mg will arrange knelt. Rush mud Great Britain] are now in a pod- ion in which it is clear that one or "ho other will have to give way. " (ought not to he Grvat Britain. If our {Foreign Oftim on this accusinn lwnnim £2,th thrvau of “my Car's Charge-rot- fairs! to coerce the Tuning 1.; Hum-n into amid-Hon of our terms there “ill be an end to our influence at tho: Lu- peril court. It in not the tirst. but it is tutquetstimMrbly the e.rueial trial of strength. St. Peterolmrg has than-xx the ground and thrown down the chal- bug's. A p,. nun-en of. In War Over the this". III-rally. The London Daily Standard in an od- iLrrLal on Saturdny present: ,thist in presumably the official Convnauivo view of the Chiocae tsituation. " says:- "China." Baron Van Bunion - plaimsd. "has thus complied with " our drmamls. Bishop Anger meted. the Imperial protection tablets :9 ex- tremuly advantageous. The privilep is rarely muted. and will evasidor- ably ll-ignbea the prestige of the Carlwriic missionaries in the eye: of the Chinnze. The German Government' believes it. has done all that is [New sary for the pmventinn of further outrages. The best guarantees. how- ever. are the wrwnt pre.~euce, un- der the treaty, of German men-of- war, and a. garriwn at Rho-(Hum. by which it is hoped the authuritiw and population of Chin; " ill not again for- get that. no wrong done to German "ste jerks will be “lowed to pass impartial)- and free silos. Anvther twenty-tau! thousand was is assign“ for building seven resume residences for the ctHi' olie prefecture of Tao-Chou“ Fourth, a. special Imperial “lot II “- su.el. for the protection of the Ger“ [mi-Inn». ('"itii'i':ii'iii',.i to be n: wr- M u " Provided - " Inga-Ill Tablet " reoqe---t. In.“ A)“ " be final Over. A destrpattft from Berlin M.rtr.-- Ad- .lrussing the members of the Budget Committee in the Reichstag on mes. day, Baron von Buelow, Minister toe Foreign Affairs. referred " length to China. He aid the oergotiatiorvs now concluded. hnd resulted, first, in the Governor of Shun Tung being mmov- at, not forever deburred from holding high office; six high officials. named by Germany. had also been removed, and punimhed. and proceedings bed been in,ritutau1 tor the punishment at the actual perpetrators of the crime. Second, China had promised to pay three thousand tech: for the material losses of the mission. Third. as atone- ment for the death of the mini nariea, three churches were to be erected. each provided with an lmperiel table. showing them to be under the protae tiun of the Ollinvw Emperor-or" d Tam-Mg. an'th-Br at Two-Chou“ and a. third at, the place where b murxierswere committed. China. grant. 'siorisix thyusur1 islets rorfsawshachty?t nu BE h PRINCE ran sex 00 " AGREEIENT POR THE “URN-13 OF THE MisSi0NARi'sstr'. GERMANY AND UHIM. THE LION AND THE BEAR. HUNDREDS REFUSED. CHINA ACCEPTS. 'our.- .ure tir tht tor try tnd I '" mo UND In or 'P' [I " In ard In no H" " Inf co [In r " r, m I, for 'it dr m, hr sour: Inuvh u I lot unks in I W comm cum- " "X. int: "(I rr. ll Mark .N 61qu de was infiaitt "Ah no In] mm Mal tJo, Ibo I" up On an! “(Mu rt In ul your1 hrui but And tom, re " Re .ertm M on

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