West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Feb 1898, p. 1

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nablef® $, Jr. from rpassed ‘ips, Horse ?US Pads, he Harnes D npe® arnes$ . Highest [| C pr. 969 M *# â€"Ihe CGASH«â€"«â€" |], 3y stt e m ADOPTED BY "Large Sales & Small Profits." W take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convincsd that the new system ill meris a continuance of the same. 0 saszses 4%%%% : :sxsssfi i# & &T @848 % 3 Our Piano and $ firmly established. $ Purest tonses. | arhanmn. Aug. 0th,. *COG. Cutters Do you want a sewing imdt"" Williams.â€"â€" Highest PY in exchange for goods. Stoves VOL:. XX.â€"NQO 6. We beg to inform cur Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, ard that our â€"â€" â€"Motlto will be At prices that UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WARERCOMS. R%4% . McKINNON‘S 2B % a Sewing Machine? L â€"â€" Highest price PAl .. G.& J. McKECHNIE. will surprice. . McKechnie. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES CGutters and S quality and down. . McKINNON. Organ trade is Best makes. Sleighs of the best [ at prices away Try the_ New aid for Wood is ced ty aa 6 48 ,_ â€"Residents of Normanby, who are in a position to judge correctly, savy that Mr. MeNichol‘s total vote in that Township cannot pssibly exceed 50, â€"Read Mr. Pay‘s opinion of the Min. of Agriculture in the article on the ‘"San Jose Seale." "Impossible to find a more capable minister," but read it. Mr. Pay is a tory. â€"In the Dominion elections of 1896 iu a three cornered fight the Reformâ€" ers elected their candidate, and in two Dominion elections Dr. Jamieson has been defeated. It should be much easier to defeat him in the present Provincial election with the advantage of Proton, with its certain Reform majority, in place of Artemesia which always goes the other way. Person ally the doctor is all right, but he is with the wrong party, the people of this riding do not want to accept an untried Whitney with unknown and untriecd colleagues when they can reâ€" ttin the services of the old, reliable, honest trustworthy and capable Hardy Gevernment. â€"At seyveral of his meetings Dr. Jamicson has stated it as his opinion that the Crooks Act is a good one and a better temperance measure than total prohibition, the doctor also apâ€" proves of the Succession Duties. â€"Those who read without bias, the Provinceial Treasurer‘s Statement pubâ€" lished as a supplement in this issue, will be convineced that with such a record it is NOT time for a change, Mr. MeNichol very industriously announces to all and sundry that ‘Morgan hbas no chance to win". Notwithstanding Mr, MeNichol‘s efforts, prophesies and desires Mr. Morgan‘s prospects grow trighter day by day and of the three eandidates his chances of election certainly appear to be the best. â€"A friend of Mr. MeNichol, the Patron candidate has said that it the Reform party had not used that gentieâ€" man fairly in not giving him a nomination when he should have had it, that he is searcely to blame if he now avails himselt of an opportunity to strike back by splitting the Reform vote in aid of the Conservative canâ€" didate, We cannot agree with this reasoning. _ The Reform | pariy in South Grey has always hbad within its ranks more capable men than could possibly receive nominations, and if any person in the party thinks his turn too slow in eoming and becomes disgruntled we do not think that many Reformers will aid him, or should aid him, in seeking revenge in any enâ€" deavor to bring a defeat upon the party candidate and elect a Conserâ€" vative. At a political meeting in Elmwood on Saturday night 20th January, Dr. Jamieson‘slast remark as hbe left the platform was ‘‘if you want to sustain the Hardy Government vote for either Mr. McNichol or Mr. Morgan, it dont o e Aiffonanas which the one is PNEWC O PPOWERT ENOC T 7 make any difference which, the one as good a Grit as the other". What a shrewd remark to be sure, _ and how many electors will he deâ€" ceived by such a transparent attempt to drive a part of the Reform voue to Mr. McNichol, thereby lossening the chances of Mr. Morgan‘s election. Ar. McNichol promptly Genied the soft impeachment and in his address stated that on the closest yote that bad been taken in the House he had i\'oted with the Conservatives and against Mr. Hardy. Well may Mr. McNichol claim to be a Conservative \l'ather than a Reformer, in the Proâ€" | vineial election of 1894 he allied himâ€" ‘self with the Conservatives and succeeded in defeated the Liberal canâ€" | didate, and again in the last Dominion | election when a large majority of the | people of the riding were anxious that \thc grossly extravagent and corrupt government at O:tawa should he overâ€" ithrown, Mr. McNichol, the apostle of purity and advocate of economy, with i1 his little might assisted Mr. Allan in his vain attempt_to help the Conâ€" servatives to defeat Dr. Landerkin the Liberal candidate, and now we find Dr. Jamieson the Conservative and Mr. MeNichol onee Patron now Indepenâ€" dent, working hand in hand to defeat, if possible, \r. Morgan the Reform candidate and supporter of the Mowatâ€" Hardy Government. We find theri advertising joint meetâ€" ings, their names figuring in the same bills and they, apparently, haying one common object in view. The part.nershi{) 1 feson and Mr. Mc plainly shows: at the where the Conservat CAMPAIGN NOTES Dur DURHAM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 10 1898. worâ€"â€" t 44â€"« Intended for last week, mm# # â€"@ 4 0 4 + 4 + 0 â€"@ I AG The only hope of the Conservatives in South Grey is that they may split the Reform vote, using Mr. MeNichol as their tool, and that the twice defeatâ€" ed Dr. Jamieson may thus be allowed to slip in to a seat which otherwise he cannot possibly win, Retormers. if you wish to support the Witneyâ€"Tupper, Tupper Whitney combination vote either for Dr. Jamieâ€" son or Mr. MeNichol his friend and ally. Coxr. Attention having been cal‘ed to the fact that some of the figures relating to the provincial finances in the Liberal Campaign Literature do not agree, it may be well to explain the apparent discrepancy _ It must be remembered that the speech of the Treasurer, Hon. R. Harcourt, was delivered on the 14th December, and contained a state mnent ot the finances for only ten months, while the figures in the Record of the Liberal Governmont, which was issued at a later date, are for the whole year with one exception. That exception will be found on page 170 of the Record, item 3 of the Liabilities of the Province, Quebes‘s share of collections on account of Common School Lands for 1897 not being included, the figures not having come in when the Record was issued. _ The surplus is there statâ€" ed to be $5,124;,663.86. In a leaflet issued at a later date on Ontario‘s Finances Quebec‘s share is included, and makes a diff»rence of about three thousand dollars in the surplus, which at the end of 1897 amouuted to $4,121,â€" 345.24. In stating the surplus, thereâ€" fore it will be well to use the figures on the last page of the leafliet instead of those on page 170 of the Record. Some apprehension has also arisen from the fact that the figures of Reyâ€"| enue and Expenditure on page 168 cf|, the Record are less in amount than those appenaed to Hon. Mr. Harcourt‘s speech, lest the asseition shou‘d be | made that the figures were ‘‘cooked." | A careful reading of the figures will show that there is no reason for such | an assertion. â€" The table in the Record is for Sordinary," that is ‘controllable" | revennue and expenditure *‘under the’ supply bill," and does not include Drainage Debentures (municipal and{ tile) Railway Aid Certificates, Annu-‘ ities. or expenditare on zapital account | for the new Pafliament Buildings and | the Brockville Asyum, which are proâ€" l videda for by statute, are uncontrollable and do not come nnder the Supply Bill { at all. 1 With the threatened destruction by | the terrible Sun Jose Scale of the pleasâ€" ant lmwpv(-t, of Ontario _ fruitâ€"apples, peaches, plums, pears and grapesâ€"gainâ€" ing a market in the British Isles uml\ other European countries, and even rivallng the value of the cheese product ‘ of the Province, the prompt and vigorâ€" ous measures to fight this insect invader | taken by the Hon. John Dryden, Minâ€" ister of Agriculture, are other evidences if that were nesded, of the wisdom which marked the selection by Sir| Oliver Mowat when Premier of the| Government, to which he is now Hm‘| Majesty‘s representative, of a practical | favrimner as the responsible head of a department haying to do with the greatâ€" est industry in the country. Under authority conferred by thel Legislature the Minister of Agriculture already has inspectors at work in the nurseries and orchards of the districts where the Scale has got a start and it is being thoroughly stampted out, ‘ Quite appropriate in this connection is the following extract from an interâ€"| view with Mr. Albert Pay, Proprietor | \of the Prospect Hill fruit farm, newr St. ! Catharines, _ Ontario, in the Buffalo Express of January 8th instant, "My politics are opposed to the Govâ€" erument of Ontario," said Mr. Pay,.| "but I must say that in Mr Dryden the| present administration â€" has a most competent man. When he asked me to come to Toronto to look over his bill, I, and those with me, expected to find | that we were necessory to the perfection of that bill. But we were not. The bill had been drafted and was submitted to us for our approval. We found the ground fully covered and instead of teaching the Minister how to preserve the fruit, we found ourselyves listening to Mr. Dryden‘s plans. _ It would be _ impossible to find a more capable Minâ€" ister of Agriculture in the Province. _ We were delighted with bim." | _ _"It is the Government‘s intention," ‘continued Mr. Pay, **to destroy, or : cause to be destroyed, every fruit tree â€" that is known to be infected with fthe "San Jose Scale. The bill providei fo: ue o e Ssd . 10e s e ® that is known to be infected with fthe Sain Jose Scale. The bill provides for the compensation to an amount which will enable the grower to replace the t}‘&-s without expense to himself, and e penalty for neglecting to destroy infected trees is such as to induce every owner ofâ€"an orchard tosee that the law is carried out," When the infected trees are destroyed we can then start over again under a new law providing for the rigid inspection of all iimnported nursery stock nn(‘l the exclusion of trees affectâ€" ed by the scals." nfl.‘.)tla]fl recorded in last week‘s REVIEW was not complete, the following suppleâ€" mentary items reaching us too late for inâ€" [ The account of th»Muardochâ€"Swan«ton ONTARIO‘S FINANCES. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. Ki ie wonâ€"â€"# § 4 â€"_â€"~â€"+* ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO XEOVIL posed to the Govâ€" ," said Mr. Pay, in Mr Dryden the weeak‘s Review : Our Field and Garden Seeds are from the most reliable British American and Canadian Seedsmen and Growers, and include a‘l the leading Field and Garden Seeds, ip Soliciting the favor of your orders. Grass Seeds. Seeds s92° Seeds Drugsist and Seedsman, Durham. Field Cornâ€"The best adapted for this locality. Mangel Wourtzelâ€"COarter‘s Mammoth Long Red, and Yellow Intermediate, Evan‘s Saw Log. Carrotâ€"Large White, Yellow, Red and Orange. HA. PARKER., OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS CUTTERS ROBES Grey, &t prices that will surprise you. Come carly and get your choice, A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS In stock and you can get these . cost price in order to clean out stock. Are avriving daily and we promise you the best and cheapest assortment »ver shown in Durham. Money to loan promptly attended to. sertion. We very gladly give them place now, and take this opportunity of wishing ths young couple, representing two o! Egremont‘s best known families, a bhappy and prosperous life yoyage.â€"Ep. Rrâ€" VLE W The bride was very veatly attived in & dress of maave poplin trimmed with white chiffon, manve 1bbon and jets to match. Tho bridesmaid wore a fawn dress trimmed with white silk. W. CALDER, After the company had extended their | hearty congratulations to the happy pair| they sat Gown to partake of the very | dainty supper already on the tables. The! rans * man siLch as woull: baye done! OPBET ENTE CO7 IB iR n e We ol hn x spread was such as would baye done credit to the famous Harry Webb himself The quality was unsurpassable and the variety so great that all were able to â€"atisfy their various tastes and pronounce it good. The bride‘s cake (one of her own make) four stoy high, which for quantuity and quality excelled anything your bhumble correspoundent evyer tasted before, _ It would have done an editor‘s eyes good [We believe 1t.â€"Ed.] The following is a copy of the nddress viven by her Sabbath Scehool class :â€" Garden Seeds in Bulk aad Papers, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, and other Swede Turnip Seedâ€"Carters Elephant Mss N. J. Swaxsroxn. MBE N. O« RORYRRENCCCC Dsar TEacu®rr.â€"We, your Sabbath School Class, «sk you to szecept this Chiua Tea Set as a smal} token of our esteem and respect for you. Eim Oe sis C o 2P We feel deeply gratefal for the intense interest you bave taker in our welfare. As a Teacher, you have always bad our best iuterests at heare and we feel that you bave made impressions on our lives that will prove lasting. We wiil wish you many more happy years to come and sincerely bhope that God will spare you to continue your life of usefulness for Him. THE ITome News a Specialty. Market Reports, Miscellary, Genâ€" eral News. Ounly Liberal paper in South Grey. Terms $1.00 a year. 75cts to new Subscribers to end of 1898 Toy IT moR 4A Y B A.Et. Cheap Cilubsing Rates O{ all kinds, White, BHlack and Review. €" DURHAM REVIEW" Are arriving in large stocks at Calder‘s Warerooms, con sisting of _ a carload of the best kind of Cooking Btoves Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves, Etc. :\ Live Local Paper. Published Weekly. Yeovil, Jan. 25th 1808. at five per(-,em M PP ercent. on good security. aige Licenses issued. H. PARKEFR., Carter‘s Imperial Hardy, Hall‘s West bury, Martiey‘s Bronze Top, Button‘s Champion, London Purple Top and King of Swede. Yellow and White Fleshedâ€"Aberdeen Green and Purple Top, Greystone and Mammoth Red Globe. Dwarf Essex Sewing Rape. _ Fine ground Oil Cake. _ British Cattle Spice. Thomas‘ Powder Phosphate. Land Plaster in Bags. _ Land Sait in Bags. Windsor and Seaforth Bbl. Salt. SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS Rooms fully stocked makes and styles. Will s« prices and give you a goo« to pick from. PLOWS All kinds of Plows, Gang Plows Etc, from $10 upwards, Come and see them and get a bargain for the balance of the season. SEE OUR ROLLER BEARING TURNIP PULPER Signed in he Class :â€" monmeme secas » 4 «ie » + Honor Roll of Durham Public School for January. 8r. Vâ€"Alma Hu’zhes. Lexie Anderson, Harry Kress, W alter McCrie, May Mopkins. Jr. V â€"Maude Whalen, Walter {Villis. Joseph Mootre, Jessie Munro, Nellie Sibley, Sr, IV â€" Annie Lawrence, Wesley Hunt, Cassie McDonald, Dora Davidson, Fraser Patâ€" erson, Jr. IVâ€"Wm,. Brown, Shirley McIntyre, Maggie Hutton, Kate Camâ€" eron, Reggy l%olly. Sr. llllâ€"N‘t;!lio "Glimpses of the Unseen, _ Fa®sOnu» Sweeps the eative feld of borderland Everybody _orders. Maryellons . illus Piospectus $1.00. BRADLEYâ€"GARRELEON CoOMPANY. Mn se Chas. Ramagt, CEbiter aub Proprirtor. WHOLE NO. 1039 LOWEKR TOWN l< «e Ee CC of the Unseen." Fascinating book. ative feld of borderland subj oc ts orders. _ Marvellons illustrations, shalf of your Sabvath School AGENTS y stocked of the best ‘s, â€" Will sell ut reduced you a good assortment DURHAM. Macore SpicER, Macon CALDER, Mary CaLDF®R, AnniE Masox. Insurance buiness Â¥.$

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