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Durham Review (1897), 10 Feb 1898, p. 4

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ro i? and that this amount. is Included In a. receipt; Mutt this 8628.00tt, I“ m an no tom may“ tor to {out "an and“ 00 mm Mm. UL‘M‘MARY. 1390 To 1890. Let us In nddltioa, however. take Reel: period: and ttttcertain whether I. no on; behind or not. but Parliament We” the yam 1890 to Mot. maul". Our mm receipts for these {out rem mud to mummy. and our ttttttl capo-Ilium 310,. “55.985. Instead of going behind. there. fore, we caved out of our III-III] "ed”! during the" toar yam more an ”an I my be told that we sold innume- In ("attenua- to tho "loco! mm Tht'e, since. u I hare then. our tom receipts from 1867 to 1398 Inclusive have excRdod by a consider-Mo nun. m. mm. our total expenditure; In there Receipts I include intern: on our trust fund: which were unlined to no " Cow federation. I an. of mm. not um; Into connldonuon at mat a. coma. d than funds. lt 1: plain. then. that we have not [one behind. akin; under revlow tho whole period of our separate existence as I Pro. The Home will allow an. Bir. to [In come further detallg by way of fuller ex- panama. And yet my ton. friends opposite cry out. forwth. that the Provinco u Mag.» Mud. no yielding for the uh of mere hoarding to the F!co of parsimony. a lane out bol- uco to tho good. and In null-hie surplus of cash users In our trust lamb. drama" debenture. and other Investments. amount- In; to million: ot dollars over and then every obligation. present aha future. Thirty years of progress characterized tn 1 lurked degree " liberal Provincial grants in aid of every deserving public 'RrJeet--ethrctttlottal. charitable. agricultural and otherwise. extensive addition in the we, of public buildings and public works. to our permanent “not. form time to time ermtinq neural millions of dollars; no wr- vlce neglected. no nut. of public money. mu. again rosvrtcd to. Our people know full well that the tteat nwuns of not-ting direct taxation. or op- pm-ssivo named-l burdens of any deseetp- tion, however imposed, is to maintain in power a Government who" stock In trade " not the mere empty promise. of untried man. but a long and unbroken record at careful. props-iv. and economic.) admin- tuition” GROWTH AND PROGRESS. I. the Province going behind , Let III for a moment look beneath the “when. Ind not trust .01er and blindly to Monitor, and Inmnohrslve Btatrtnegtta. The total receipts of the Province from In women from In very an: year. 1301. down to the do” of In»! yen. 1398. amount to "tt.366,700. The total expenditure. of the Province of all kind: for the an. period amount to $89,131,561. We have thus a balance of 825.0” 0- be Mttttt dds of the ledger at the end of thirty years of oatuttuetorr and continual). growth, expansion and development In I hundred directions. The Indlsputn'blo Net, lit, u that We had to our credit In our tanks at the clone of last year 8231.000. I. DIRECT TAXATION. In every one of the speeches of In! ht. friend, the leader matte. while on " pilgrimage. ho keeps "panda; the ante- mom that the Province " coins behind, that wn are not living within our meant. that Irrtit taxation ls staring at in the " But. further, do our critics oppoliie he I moment imagine that tho electors renal mien-l] the" pretended burning sell for economy t The leader of the Opposition and his every follower in this Home by their votes and speeches hare Justified and enpported on tttl occasions from 1873 to 1896 a ttttan. cial policy end method. or expenditure " Ottawa the very reverse of economic-i. which the people of the whole Dominion by their votes hen very recently emphnicaiiy condemned. Why, ttlr. this House has long been ramifiur with those old. stale. parrot crion whashui aver and over again these twenty years. The electors of the Province have time and again deliberately pronounced upon them, and the verdict has Invnrlnbly been in (“or of tho Government. The Province in not going behind. I will discuss the matter presentely. Will my tion. friend. opposite name the Provinco in our Confedertttign. the state in the Union m the south of us. or any country wherever hlrtsoec, which in more progressive than 'urs, which is better cireumataneerd " -m-i-aii_v, whlrh is further removed from , m-r "nations. or In whieh strictest econ- T my m the trues't sense has been more re fzrrmsjy Observed 't (Applause.; ll, "e than twenty years ago. and "s. : ~iivafiy ever aim-o. the My of the Omo _ which won never neon-ed even for n moment of not union!!! entertaining consideration. of thrift or economy t Hon. gentlemen opposite no not his hem; they no pretenders and usurp": only. The real be!" of John Sandman Mundan- nid as regards his method. of economical aoiminktration are to be round on this side of the Home. rather than on the an" kcr'n left - V_ --- vu-Qlll“ ‘nyyllu-VJ Moreover. Mr, I wish now. with nil re- spect to uk my hon. friend. opponite what twill right they have to page " the poli- tic-l heirs of John Bandnoid Mncdonnld. whnt have they in common with his econ- omic-i methods of government t Rave they not given 'their unswenlng support for eighteen long yearn to n Government elu- ,_ __._ --_. "r the iron eteeienttr ndmlulntered. Invent- mhert schools. Inudequue accommodation for the insane und the destitute. fewer eou and beds fur the Met in our hospitals. the newer Ind northern portion. of the Pro. vince neglected and undeveloped for will of rlllwuy and and colonlzntlon man. and on the other band . larger surpluu. We deliberately chose the farther. ro- member!" that an educated people In- the no“ vain-Me one: a nation could pou- Ilbly have, that wise expenditure rather than bonrdln. In oftentime- truou econ- omy. and "at no country In the long run Wu ever known to gutter through the nul- Uteeuee of its charltleo. (Anal-use.) 'rttr lane kept la " tour "ttrs nearly I." and added that ttrrlom "rad of keeping tt It" it but to the pe Oat the one hand we - Ind " your: from 1?N I 'tttference In the I -'"""_it-'%---" lat-nob a“ chum”. cola-lano- r In all", an, and no that num- wonld in. and In to" you: alone. from !” to I“ Inch-In. lf we had "eeeded the limtt of "manure 3nd measure of Provlachl all of the NW Admmtuntmn. For the. norm and”. alone the I 8ortarl Administrltlon In It. four , from Mm to 1871 upon: 33.230.063. while prnson! Government for the gamma mu " yr-ar, fruit! ' , ., "MA " ' all tour 'earn. " standing It!“ rsime our "I. on ml met a The cl: and I“: then. am mo level ”who. along the Mar. Admlnhlntlon In It. to!" y"?! a 9.. I"! -.- - _ u yer at that l b and charm”. colonization road. WI! lid. and no Whit sum we no and In font you: alone, vis.. O to I“ helm". if we had not the pm" of exmdltun and the of mum-m all of the Mnear,nnt,t o kept In the tron-91;!- 'S nearly seven million of d d that union!" to our can: if,7 and the destitute. fewer coll If the girl In our Ito-punk. the norihern portion: or the Pro. ctod Ind undeveloped for In! aid and eotottixtttton man. and , and we would have had jol- ciently ttdumsuterea. layover- 'Bt amen: for the name um: I393 to 18.08 In»: 310.019. the menu" of no of ML oars no. and up“ the cry of the Oppw 'ere on the verge of , mmo melancholy ' else. Mr. drpmtker-. another general elec- me treasury In that wen millions of dollars. Inn: to our suntan. u. t In tho treasury we people. mun Ind the the “warms” Bid of $8.879,- tlEWs the be! 1’0. “stun-:1: n was In drew um on our cult not". to the mount of $173.1“. but we no" tn tho an. no: on public hula. i2ooa In reality. he " better equipped for doism 'rrxsdttnttle work. Thu to exactly their w u - our ttnaaeiat year. He has converted $2.500 of his cat on hand Into buildings. a. bu merely changed the nature of his use". Our critics “y the! he be; gone behind to the extent of are indispensable to him. no mud: dur. ing 1896 m 82.500 In cactus suitable buildings. and n the end of the yet: he [In only $2,li00 In the bane. We had 81,000,016 cosh In the banks. and we urgently needed more asylum accommo- datlon. Which was the better course to pur- me’! Draw upon our cash reserve or keep It Int-ct and leave our lunatic: In the dif- ferent jails of the Province Instead of erect- Ing nylon cottages at Brockvllle‘l ADDXTIONS TO OUR PERMAXENT " SETS. A dmplo ttttttttration will occur to the mind of every hon. member. A former. or I man In business. his say " the beginnlng of 1896 35.000 to his credit la the bunk. He needs a new house and outbuildings. They To meet cupitnl expenditures we drew on our cash reserve in 1894 to the extent of $389.000. I repeat that we spent In that Fear for public buildings 3403.000. We de. crease-d our cash balance $389,000. but we added 8408.000 to our permanent assets In the matter of public buildings In other words. we convert cash on hand into the Brockvme Alylnm cottages. and our critics say that this In a proof that we here gone behind. in 189-1 our total receipts were 83,4M,i62 and our total expenditures. deducting those on capital account. vim. for railway aid and public buildings. 33.218000. We spent for railway aid In 1896 8221.700 and for public buildings ”(3.000. We did not sell annul- ties in 1894. We mm on the Brockviile Aqinm building niono $198,000. We must do, If we wish to be fair. what the Dominion Government has always done, what the other Provinces have always done, what In done In England. vim, charge up these capital expenditures to capital ac- count. and not charge them against the or- dinary current revenues of the year. Let us take these three years. Ian-96, leper ately. Not a dollar of this large eredit bank balance was drawn upon or used to meet current or ordinary expenses. Our ordinary receipts for each of these three your: more than met our ordinary expenditures. There was not I deficit In any one of those years. We cannot include capital expenditures. such " those for railway aid. public works or public buildings. and charge them up against our ordinary yearly receipts, and in thin II, "ure out a detieit. We made various large expenditures dur- lug this period. simply because we know we had this large reserve fund to draw upon. The over-expenditures of 1804-5 and 1806 were paid for out of actual cash on hand. " we have a large bank credit " the be ginning of a Parliament, surely in framing our estimates of expenditures we would lump this fart in mind and remember that we have this large balance in reserve to 'draw upon in case the House deemed it pru dam to expend any part of it for some ur gent public need. This is our position Pi notiy as regards the last three years. We commenced this Parliament January Ist, 1894. having at our credit in the banks 81.000016. At the end ot 1896. three years thereafter. we had in the banks 8226.820. and our critics cry out that we have gone behind to the extent of the (inference, rla., $773,106. Let us no exactly that we did with this $778,196. whether It has been wisely or pended or not. _ l hue piliniy chow- that taking the whole period since Confederation the {will receipt. of the Province have exceeded the total expenditures. also that this is true concerning inst Parliament. vim. the period from 1890 to 1803 inclusive. SUMMARY. 1894 TO 1897. l am now fully prepared to meet my hon. friends and Show conclusively that as to the present Parliament they are wildly in error. and that the closer the ftnanelal re- cord of the years 1894 to 1896 is examined the better it will be for the Government. The only tair way it we wish to arrive at tho truth is to take a period of years. and for convenience sake I haw when the pe- rimi of u Parliament. l hare noticed, Mr Speaker. that in all the speeches of the hon. gentlemen opposite I labored attempt has been made to show that during the last three years we have been going behind. Our ability from your to year to meet such extraordinary expenditures. and the Home unanimously concurred in all of those I have named, in cicamt proof that the Province is prosperoul and progressive. that it is not going behind. During the same period we paid to super- nnnuatetl teachers $251,270; to maintain our successful exhibits at the Chicago Ex- poasluon $90,000; in aid of the uniform by the St. John's tire $10,000 ' for the Fish and Game Commission 310.000. not to speak of other considerable sums which are equal- ly outside of the range of our ordinary normal current expenditures. i and annuities 8t.0t'At.'MS. The 3mm ' of our we! of mum.“ are mild In rs ! tiring [suturing runway eertittetttes. It ’We deduct the special receipt we Mold l also deduct the corresponding special expen- We spent during those four years 8996.000 on these new Parliament Buildings l 8360,. 000 on the new asylum at Mimlco ; $102,000 on the new oruu. asylum l $113,000 on the new Brockville asylum. besides giving in cash to Toronto University in its hour ot direat need 8160.000. ( "Moot manna us during thte period In :pald out to retire an", aid cemlcuu building: To meet these large abnormal expendi- tures we had in these tour years. outside of our ordinary current revenue. only the pro- ceeds of two ales of annuitiea “haunting together to $429,000 and 3700.000. received part in 1891 and part In loin. as payment of Dominion bonds we held and which ma. tured in tho» yearn. We reduced our drainage Investments during the Parliament by only 821.00). In a word, in these tour years we Allied to our cash deposits in the banks 8483.000 or more than 'i00,000 a year. We paid out for railway aid over and above the $429,000 which we received from our two sales ot annuitiea “31.800. and without borrowing a single dollar. as is aimont invariably done in other coun- tries, spent on public buildings 82.750000. Our critics have not the fairness to state to their audience. that we have in re- cent nan spent million. in erecting public Further. during the Int Pam-neat we went Kmart, 82.P.W,000 on much needed public- Lazlmiugu. and added to that extent in our permanent ”can. The" large cap- ral expendltum no property chargeable to capital account and not to current rev- enue. They amounted In round numbers during there four yam to 8.8111000. made on of m $1,060.35 paid out for rum", aid, and (2) nearly 32.750000 spent for the erection of public bulldlnu. also de (mare. - The I'rovinrrrr has your by your 'irriirt"f, ox- tended Its business operations in many and sliverBe pg, of public usefulneu. emb- “skin a one time a Proanc-lnl Board of Hang. at unothor tt Bureau of Mines. and mar .un . Bureau of Fauna: mm; mining about and duty och In tho A ancesdul manufacturer In some part!- culnr Fear enlarges his _buildiugs and ends thousands of dollars In new plant. E does not chargo this large outlay against his buslness receipts for that year. and only an insane man would argue that the fact that he had converted some of Ills cash lnto new plant and bulldlngs, and thug lessened his club capltnl, was neceuarlly evidence that he was going Mind. Sane people, on the other hand. would contend that the fact that he was able thus to on. large I!!! business operations was the' best of broof that his tttsttnetal poultlon w“ im- proving He. ttht he TPI' prospering. Tho Province of Ontario stands alone in this regard. Over and almvt- Its own-y obligation it has millions of dullnrs to the good; lt is regularly In realm of large sums of money representing interest on itn lnvaxtcd funds. It will have a clmr surplus on this year's transactions of 33541000 and yet our critics cry out. "direct taxation." and say that we are going behind. THE WORK OF ADMi.NmrrRATtox EN. LARGED. - Quebec banjo tttttke annual provision for an Interest charge alone of $1,392.7m I one- thlnl of all its revenues goes to pay Interest on In debt. The City of Mann-val has a debt of 824.434.000. Toronto a debt of .517.- 397.000. Hamilton $3dt27.00o, Ottawa $2.731_. 000 ttttd_Uphstt $1,'2t10.000. Tho Cmnsorvntivm WPt'P in poww- at Ottawa from RTE to ism. During that timr» the (ivht of the Dnmininn was In- creased by 817o,7flfh'.ym. an int-runs» of 86 per cent in is years. or an arm-ago of morn than swoon» a your. Quebec entered in. to eonfederrttfnn on equal tt-rms with On- tario. The debt of the Province of Quebec to-day exceeds t32,207,000. The Dominion pups interest each war on its public debt to the nmount of $10.50:- am or more than 82S.700 a day. The Finance Minister at Ottawa out of every $4.00 he receives pays more than $1.00 to meet interest and interest charges on the pnpliq deltt of the paminion._ In tho sank» yom's. 1Ro4-vtdtCiitir'dearits, in the Province of Quebec unmounted to $2,- 529.404. (-xpondhnns nn alpha! amount. sum as for new bundlngs or nddmnns to building»: which new Pxlst. These Ittttee oxponditurml of course; lwprnw the pnamou of the Prov'mee, and farm addHIom to Its assets. DEBTS AND DEFICITS OF CONSERVA- TIVE GOVERNMENTS. What about rm] doth-its chow-hare? From vitrt to 1Sm. inclusive, part of th" last period to whlvh I have rotorml. thorn wet-v 'lofi) at Ottawa undor their nwn Conservative rule amountinc to $5.6!)L7SR. Our critics opposite have always been sil- en} as the gnaw concerning them. They can only mttttutoottere muons against nur Admhxlstratlnn by ingeniously mmfnsivg nprndlmro "n currr'nt ncmnnt for ordinary servlcosrnf the mnutry with - One would Imaeltie, Mr. Snmker, it he did not hwpprtt to know otherwise, Hm! our honorable friend, opposit» war.» quite sprint” in their apparent 1ilrhorrencé ot defieltg. we havo been ttrotr,trsst.vrt. that wv have avoided cum the nmwnrunm of waste. that we have made Hm mtw't of our “wanna-s. and that at tho sump time we haw liborr.'tly and generously providul for every urgent pupllc want, - 7 I think, ttlr, that that ours is not tt Intrntlon. that We best tn live wrll v wo. admirably SIH'L’T we hunt been pros g I must now speak of the ten months ot 1897, the full armnms of which we have before us if our critics had waited until they had seen these accounts they would not have repeated their don-mi tittttetut.ntty that in: Province is going behind $137,495 "(or r-ii/ii-in,' Riki lil; nu,lt,les,, and $86.14) for pulp! And 1luring these ten months we have had large. r-apitai (-xpeudilnrm, sum as 3137.495 for rniiwny aid and to twtire an. nuities. and $86.%!) tor public buildings. We ind a crtdit (‘th hank balance at tle beginning of this Par!'..nitumt, January WW...” "? ww..-"' "b...'.'"""', """""'., Ist, IMM, of 51.000.016. and Vow-"Hwy l, 1897. near the end of the Par!iarneut, we hug] In our banks $724.rF2. largo expenditures, not fairly or properly chargeable against them, of all of which the whole House approved. I will enumerate a few of ttTri-superior-ted teaettern, $253,300; Chicago Exposition. 311.750: milk Ing developtneiit, $isli,.",iitt; interprovinttial arbitration. $56,370: Algonquin Pork, $17,- mo; Bandeau i‘nx‘k. 3110.508): Good Roads Association. $7.260; ludla famine relief fund, $6.000. 180T--TEIE SURPLUS INCREASED. Besldo- all these we must nc we have been able during tt Tears out of our ordinary rece large expenditures. not fairly chargeable against them, of all whole House approved. I wlll Gut critic. deem it fair that one rule should prevail at Ottawa and a diam-eat one here. They charge our railway an!» sidies, our expenditure on pubiic buildings. to ordinary expenditure and in this way they seek to manufacture ucv-it.. Besides all these we must not forget that we have been able during the last three Tears out of our ordinary retwipts to make 'inns alone (not to speak of rsilny sit!) suntan. so that In 189S there was not s de- Beit. We converted again some or our cash on bond into needed nubile buildings. Our ordinary receipts in 1815 exceeded our or- dinary expenditures by 8158.000. In 1890 our ordinary receipts exceeded our ordinary expenditures by $87,000. At the close of 1896 we had a comfortsbie ered- it out: bslnnce in our banks smountinz to 3296.830. and during the three preceding Fettrrt we expended on public buildings $877.- 908 and for railway lid, over and above our receipts from two sales ot annuities $379.- 000. In I word, during this present Par- llament up to the close ot 1896 we drew upon our cssh reserve to the extent ot $113.- lou,wltlle we spent on public trunditsg' alone n considerably larger sum. vis., 890).” We converted cash on bnnd into bu'ld- ings. and our critics cry out that the Pro. vince is going behind. The small redqu tlon in our drainage Investments does not direct my argument. All Governments and all political parties, so far as I know. save the Opposition in this House, make a clear distinction be- tween ordinary and capital expenditures. At Ottawa the Parliament buildings end the various departmental buildings were not paid for out of current yearly rove- UUPS. but are charged to capital account. Our new Parliament buildings. our asy- lum buildings, our public Works. have ttll been paid tor out of current yearly rere- nues and without borrowing a dollar. Railway subsidies at Ottawa are not charged to ordinary expenditures, but to an account which bankers call "profit and loss." f hn mawer this is to the the Province is going: FtlSh bunk balance of r l, ISM. furnishm f tho highly 1mwpvr~ tinttnratvi, I must tw lmnumblo gentlemen Isnt spevohoa haw t 2100 and (human.- n In [ways (hm ur moans so doing 820. so during nearly that have that oGatiriji, loudly complain that we In". spent millions of dollnn which we haw r... celved from the Crown Lud- Department, and he so” back to 1871 and count. the million. What would he have In do with -iirUns, abte, xperteneen ' she 11151111311 magnum work '"l,'r'"Q,"i,g,e. own 0 " ma en ti . {any and well. Bt etoU, is done faith- '"it ls not even hinted at that the Andlfor. who has been many you: in the sen-Ice. Is not (illlgent. capable or Meieat. No one hm ever quvstloned Ms integrity. nor accused him of being a purl-an. He ls not appoint. ed by the Government. He holds otBeo dur. In: good behnvlor. and ls removablo only for "use on addmI of the Legislative Ag- uggbly. . . _ _ Legislature has upproprlated money out of wblch (Ills very nm-nmn k prrpvrly pavelbl:-, What other or additional check could my honorable friend devise 't Why does he not WHO“: vrwtvrkwtaewon l ' "hifiCAtaitroV oa.Ceertiile" for acids}! my mom. after tirM satisfylps hfmrelf that u" No banker in this Province, no nettrnrr, no accountant. no iinnncir-r cf any standing. will endorse his stntvment. I ehallenge hlm here and now to the proof. Pinch ttceouttt which the Province pays. great or small. is scanned carefully by the Bursar of tho in- stitution for which the ttouts are purchas- Pd. The Timmy Ministnr or the bond clerk of same department examines it. and lays it before the Minister in PM”? for his nu- promi. . The2.ttitTY11 Tf'grmunr. 1.19 well lirhiiiijtttrratfdiiit -ot the Treasury‘ Dem-i. ment. mm" then pass upon it. Am] all tltisr Is done betore lt_reacho_9_ tht Autiftor, I would hp glad If mr honorable frlenilr, would r-xumlne the EngElsh vrolqtnes. Whllv much loss bulky than the Ottawa volumor th y of Course purse": nun-h larger tran. sactions. lnvolvlug expeudlturos tidrteeu times as large as those of Ottawa. OUR AUDIT SYSTEM. My honorable friend the lender opposite has In all his rec-cut tspveehes stated with ammrcnt st-rlousnvsa that we have no manume or real nudit of our accounts, That one In his nosltlnn should oven think of making such a “moment I. simply 'ustrrundinir, an ls clearest proof In itself that he feels cc’nmpollrd to Co w ry far ttfield in order to that grounds for erltieism. In this way the mlnutcst details of an our expenditures are mm bare hetero the committee, and the press, mm a blaze of puMldty. gives them to the House and to the rmntry. What more can luv mun-d fot or dam-0d? We cannot bts far nanny in following. " we do. the Epgllsh system. 7 SALES or' TIMBER. Mr Ae1ortle.fr1etA.t.h, land” of, ttte 7 In/tsud thls has been done your hy your: and falthful!y (zone too, by our Public Ae counts thsmtvlttee. - "norouch our Pu’hllc Acronym: (‘ommntpe every facility ls given for unmlnlng the In Voices thmnselves, for questioning nnd "roasrrt,rrtritdurr, the Bursnrs a! tin- various lnsmutlons who buf tity sands. Mr dd!!!- ltvly oscertoOtintt " wk- grade or :mnllty and for personal Inspectlou of samples of the mum-syn question. _ _ ’Ihe Ottawa volume [gin-s no Informatio: as to tue quulity cf goods, and {ht-refers as the Inu- Fittanee Minister has polnm out. tho value of the volume Iogeg rathe- ‘tlmn gains by Its bulklness. OPPORTUNITY POR INVESTIGATION won l kizniq. rude, \urlmios and the 'iagl We buy, whether dry erles, or hardware, and unless with the invoices w" primed n 'rpeclitr'atlirst or d_eic11p!lon__o: Institutions, and representing hulf a mileon dollars. To d treble or quadruple its slze, w from expense. and. as the 01-11 su-r at Ottawa points out. Ins}: more iritoruutthm It would be {we and mislmd. _'l'lsere urge, I nepd_scareeir Sir Hibbert 1'upper took part in the came di.scatosloue, and said. "it Is a pity the Au0or-Gtptav.l does not follow more close- y .hu English pracdco. I have had sever- al limes Occasion to look into Lhe Auditor. Gum-wars town over there. who has a “may grt-uau' cxpcttditure to exammc into, and has import is smaller than ours. If he attempts-J m-ylhlug hke the system ot the Audmu-Uemrul of this country ur, \ulunw would be enormous. An mun-mans part of that thick and bulky volume svn'es no purpose “hunt-r. The sum tho auditor “mum nature in maler to have tul) tt'au. scri11. Hindu of uh we “amount-5 m detail “mud be tt sum than titis, Parliament would no: fur may: it long an) fw'l itself jnsuliml naming. The Work would be cue-rmuus. Winn Is thc use ot priming may: of cor- rospovurertce when weir publicarlou unmet m any hay Damn the public iuCviist't" -..'..u.er. own-Au,- uau us 10 uuuure. Mr. Fuller. m was. ham); stun-d that the Audit Departrpvvt and we puma-s or we uudnur Were based on the English system. compmmed than the AudltorGoeral, 'ut hlu'luler “mpg-1’3, had departed ttot" Ilutt {manure And " rim nd. much more, Sir. speaker. has been done without turn- ml at any time a deaf ear to lu, meritor- louo plea for public aid, or neg min: in "tr trtty the old and Lime-honored ner- vim which from its earliest days the 1:2?” ho to liberally aided And encour- THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. I With now ttrietV to Met. Mr. Speaker. to the public “counts which we" Jester der Presented to the House, inasmuch u my hon (mud: Wit! in all their cann- pain “leeches have been complaining that l our Volume does not give suNeittttt details. j Ind therpoint to the report of the Auditor. l “menu at Uttawn as a model which “vi would imitate. We (ii-sin- to make our; volume. 1 nerd warmly any. convenient; tor IM1rpotNs of tetererusi, and that it shall in 11 char and lucid mt and with tuittieiettt detail “finish to the douse and tie purine , the fears tiaaticlal transactions. Wouit a' P:yue moddied after that " Ottawa more. fyily meet our requirements? I an: com, tiu.yjtt that Cue t10'rtMPt render ur student: will glue it us ills opinion thut our volume! is much more cuuvtm'ieut, more ustclligiblel and _tti0rty satutactovy in awry way than. the Utiuwa volume. ilon. geutieu1eu opp"; site xvii doubtless pay gin-at rennet to the! Opinions or their own leuuetu tout-hing this; ‘13?! quantum. The View» ot the Hon. Mr. i Foster late Minister of Finance. and of; his coilenzuc. Sir Ribbon Tupper, are re-l corded in Hansard. They agree, it will be , found. in condemning in most torcihie and; measured “This the very i'uiume, viz., the 1yl1leitncralus report, which our hou.’ ”394?. 0pp0tctv usl; us to imitate. Nh' -"_"-_ ......... w.. ...- .....-.... -. -... S,"lty.t; ",ii,r,i,r'ii,iie,i, in I system-tic way, tt.ro'agh pun on ata. for the gunman of game and tUh; setting an e urge re. IN'W-s of forest lands for purposes of public PM”; !onnd.ng a well-equipped depart- ment for the 4MtNt of waits and neglected tyld.reet ; taking elective measures for lm. EMU}!!! tho cumumm of our mods and Xghwaya : all of which. of course. Derogat- :fg‘Ipc-rmsrq gndulncgusmg unqual ex- can Ind was: and north ' coast-mi, mm:- in; dimrout brattehes and servi'eesr, each 3:“?pr 94-19113! to.the pursuit _tsf net!- no , I need scarce” my. many rs. writ-1195 and qua.utles, of P buy, whexhvr dry goods. groc- 11ware, and unless in each case vices wu primed ttlsoun exam or deimlpdon of the grub . grade or mmmy. the trader wiser than before. lt volume gives. no Information Julit.v of gums, and therefore, Finance Minister has pointed M of the volume loses rather out verbaxlm long in. mu: humin-tl (Hm-rem the 5'tiit? fur our public 'presentlug mvrv than 11's. To do HO would its size. “mum invuh'o 'Iulzl _ inum inauce Min all or triviug apt to can b0 1 l i Wo, must nonnlniy Intro tt lartre minim! ‘fnnri‘ a large capital amt somewhat-n from which wr' film”! all this Interest. Tho Fin. l (Inn- Donnrtnwnt nt Ottawa (-rNiits m with the ownership of tho-:0 fund-, and W‘Kuinrir pay: an the interest upon them. We mum not reinvest thorn nt the some mm of in- ternist. so that it in but tor m: that they Ihil" remain ns thor are. Wilt my hon. friend: opmreite Mk why our Interest re. ceipt k loss than it was formerly , " anv- one were to as}: the quantum it would show that ho hnd when the prlntod statement which is on our desks. and which has two" given to the we". at but only -fteiat attention. It win be notimi that I have stated that we estimate that there u due to the Dominion on the open ncconnt between the Province and the Dominion . an...“ of 32.0mm. The Fin-nae Donut-lent It Ottawa. In remitting the hit-yon"! inter. at It one. I. deduct! " amount swam: a w interest on thin his”. 0 an I my statement. CONVERTIBLE INTO CASH. We ran ttell those drainage dohenturm at any time for more thnn their fan- ralue. l have. therobot underrated that asset. An fnr tho firo itrmn, viz.. the thtwo trust! funds. tbo Upper (‘nmuln Grammar Sit-hm: hmd. tho Upper Cttnttdn lmi'cling trim and tho land ttmnrovement fund. tho capital un- der thr Dominion not. 1884. and the Pom mow School ttstttt there cannot be u punk-lo? or dispute. Ther nmmmt altogether to 5.1,. 2M.0f8. The Dominion Gowrnmmt. tho Qurbee Government. the arbitrators. alt concur in the amount. and contra!» our ownership of them. Moreover. the award of November 2. mm. dot-lured the trait fund: to be unimpaired and intact. Further. we have always and regularly receIn-ri in. tnront on them " the rate of 5 per cont. half yearly. All I have afraid! said. and as our public account. show. we received from the Dominion Government this very rear 3912.414 as intergt or the” itemu. trRerty " 'thwt'utNr gaunt-man point out tr, 03"le7 I :::n fa V -= ' "'a.. v" u" "cw-l. Ill "Ur ty'nirs. '7'Pt.+e2. mnklm: tt mm! of $7291.- n69. Dv-dnr-t from thir, tho mvmmt t osti. m-no to ha thee tn the Dottureon on ow'" ttt't'or'ttt, vir.., SILW‘JWO. nml the mlmr It.. nNIH'ns namm! in the cohorlu'o in tho hum!- of hon. 'idiitsrirori'. viz.. harm n: om- tm-nms of on; trt?m of 35.259394. (Armin _ _ .. n. .r. wr' luv I‘lllic trt?m of 35.259394. anMuso.) This 'ttttte. mvn’. nave ‘hm " duo: Prtt Irr'ndo ol', u-ur trerty " ghcn'ntPh’ 'ot'rvet. Wllt Any hon. gentleman point out to me now when I ttm tr, own-r? , :::n fully prepared to susmln ty'nirs Sam»: of our wens ppp fnrmetmono !n "ratrtturo debenh'ros mnonmine to 3:20.1qu trust and orhor funds heM for "I hr the WWW!” 96.310.0182 on!!! on dooosit in m"- ‘.__A IA, -n. ._,... - - Surname of ”not. at?” do. dvrtine "mum. presently payable ..................M.2r A few rpmnrlre. Mr. F'prmker, n: manta nnr! Huh‘lmn. Ont. hon. fr', poalte. (aways metHne In vacun mm: wll; nnvor "nv.dereor,rt in pttrtlrot?tt; not ctimont. Tttey hurt- ronmt mint-d thwmnoh-M to “le0129: am our mun“: whirl: are utterly nnfmm torn without warrant. LlaM'm 8.--rtane hmnnr'el F Currmtt pcmunm S-oocial accounts w ,_ .4. .-.. "up“. tn tt doleml way our friends opium" complain and medic-t thttt our amber wealth in being rapidly uhmmod. Tttry haw prophesied on this “no for long year! ttttst, yet our Crown Lands rem-mum have shown no $2,211: of diminution. With tho came rare and nrudeut managemert Whli'h have been tyxprfrt in tho past. our Crown tttttdu Wwa will not full '" for n "tr tmlinn yet to come. Prom W71 lo 1396. ll Darlmi of 26 yours. our awn-1:0 mmnnl r0- "Nnt "can (his annual in: boon gnaw. I win not pursue the subject further, sim'r ill! Commissioner of Crown Lands Intend. to don] with it fully before the session clones. Assets of the Province 1.-Dlrert Inn-sunnnt F- Dmir-nge dulwnturm Invest- ed 1rtMpt"'r21.rso7........t Tile dralnnuo dohvnturpn In- "Mted ONobor 31. 1N97. . . . Dmlnnco Works- municipal lmouutl.. .. B........... our timber wealth In a moduli! war. Thot thin in very far from the truth "an!" known. The Mncdonaid Government now. 635 run" !t tcur yelm. We have sotd 4.3m mlicl In 25 form. The Macaw-u.) Goveretutettt mu- "ted '260 [w mile. white we have obtained 31.222 per mi'o. The Dominion Government. 0110 mirth! flirly any. has given awn! lt. ttttther limial. We invariably no" at puts1te luction to the highest bidder. The Ottawa Itmto hnro pun-d into the hands of pollu- cal fttrorited mrotly without bidding or Cyttpettuon and for only nominal prieos Wo pre Pompous-d. through forest tire' which occur from limo to time. to sell the limits In 1896. for "ample. tt largo qvnuiity of limb-r, estimlird at more than (Minnow feet. was so seriously damaged by tire " to "MINI us to Bell it in order to get for the Province tome value out of the burnt Ivr rii'oyr. At best more WM, a serious low Mmilar fires luv-e comm-rm] on the norlb shore of Lake Huron on differ-m! (tr-cashing. nvcrwsimting ”kn sales. We Elwin! mush? Home sums to pron-m fires and employ tire "'.nrrs tor: thy purpose. - I” uttrtrrenurt Sir Chur'les Tupper I": . member ot the Non Scotl- Government Ityy 1357 to 1880. Ind again from 1863 to 1567- 3” Jnhu Thompson was: a memMr of the some Goverument from "e't to Ityrt. I?“ ot tttrat treated the rm‘rnues of the crown Lands Department. the way-Nae " the sale- of Crown Much. as ordinary re- Petttte. The Dominion Government has in. tttrt:h'y followed the Mtme prnctier. Ho Irth.orranrtse_ that we have dlspusrlo! these receipt: t We "on them u ordeal-y revenue. They are no regarded everywhere. How elge could we regard men: t Hare YP, frirmds wheu In power treated theat c'ttrerenurt Mr Charles Tum)" grtttt tt --Ottrbeo'g sham of "olteetV Ont-two's prnnor'ton ant-0rd mg to population, 1MU..., -tand 11mm B'Hnm‘n due ttpe "nope and 49 Th Bnfrrnco I’ve ties under 1 Coluettons on Innds told ffw‘p Ma n-h a. Le .-QTIt.tl my n_nd down an; Onm rto'g 'thare awarding to Population 1891 . .. .. .. .. .1 19131 ......,. was " par com (mat of man age-meat . . . ' Co!leetionst 13y thurjo: pard you: nummmrmr for Land im- provement fund . . . . ' . . . Common School fund _ CoPrusttorv, by the luto Prn. vlmm of (":madn. lwld by the Dominion. pursuant to the award of 1870 ........ warm tt. may Pe ft nor t'ettt cost of man ngomcnt .... land: mm ho fan June If on arc-Mm? nt' t 1 W031 -it'24)ll-N, OUR ASSETS AND CUHt FFHl‘LUS Rnlnnce dt tins re ' tor "oiCctjoLd owr to tho Dominion in 1889 and lil'M. tttter de- ductlrv,s hum! hum-ove- from tmrd. and 6 per cent. .nnd Improvement fund (no award) ..".'............... Tho manna! under act 1884 (award 1893) ...8'2.818,'289 " Loss animu- ed bannm-e d u e t h e Dominion. 2.000.000 00 Total . _. """v. ...... m... u." by tho Tmmhllun to on mrlo. homing Interest _ tarto, luoarlug interest _ . c. Grammar Svhocl fund (2 Viet. Cop. 10). . . .. . . . . . C. hul'dhxg fund (18 Beet. an: 1854) ."..qr......... leg tion of tho Prm'lnce at I. 7 abI-x no sum! "mo to the 902150130 in thohandt n. Tia.. _.SM.044. and we to' ntsnrllons eoriivsrriiiiie ro utterly nnfoundpd. m. Cut: tl t mun! 5 63,MA 88 Vlr'f IN G-OO y-- ll!" dlnilttttttttti. With tho ent mattttttetttet't whh-h in lhe mast. our Crown no? full u- for n [on 19.780 " 1.186 83 3.933 13 mh’innli dish-Eh" nt 'ur. on School lanai-{hi l unset: the inriri, )nll tr, $1258.32 ' 67.601 s 132.382 M . 502.51!) on 84.200018 05 MAMA“? M S 1514. 8 807 .008 03 G.2m AWE " resent Pay- 301,980 M. 82.753.135 m $1,520,950 24 8 332,709 trt 1.472.391 41 2,"Mttt 7'21 151533 45.098 03 15.032 67 936 _ In”. _ mm; 20 Neal! Jalal'""" mm ' in our $7.291.- 124.085 18 M.NU 14 CAT’S 21 1.291 30 "I our “)3 op- allllns. 3.909 co RR? M) 07'.) 34 720 10 tto 77 (H The“ questions were thus mule 1:thij of war-1c "mu-nil by “Maria and QU'" bee against the award of l-‘v-bluury tt, IMO. to the Supreme Court. ttofore “hit'h (four! " we argued " Otuwn on Now-mlwr 2. and}; 99‘ "P. .3“: J25cthie . "'0 iinikiiiri0 itie" treirettt' u Mr." mrke'fiif. 3.6511an n, qnmwc n C0rt5tHtr'tiHtle vltrtre of the Common 5?le Lands of or.tnrio. Qndu-c so alumna-d to dinurh tiitu mm” ot 1870. In a mam-r “1.1“ w... “Hwy”, to Ontario. Ion Ontario no ttittrtutttve than to taieo the quentMnt when.” tho and of 1870. Wherrln it was “my, to Ont-Ho. wu_not "but - - It in tsstrreted that the arbitrators w!“ glvt- judmuen( on the 7th January next. The Hon-e. it will-ho "'mtun'or'rvd. mm, on thruury 18, 19-97. lnfnrmul of tit" no i tlon at t'uts mum of Fuhrtmrv ll. In.) m- uting to tid Carr, mon Rama! Fund and (up Uoper Cttttantt Land I1vnrrovemoui I-‘und. Quebec had "tempted before the ”burnt- on to pet aside the provisions of the award of 1870. made under tho P.r.'traa North America Act. whereby the Upper Canada P.nproyemtytt Fund had been amigm-d m otrittho. Ontlrio had tmt nought to (Hum-h tho 'rrovWttrr" at that award with-h. with mud: inNrtteo to Ontario. M ft manned. gunned to Quebec n considm'ubm share of the Common Reboot [£3116er Ontario. paid aunt 1A1): tto 1Vl deed mm " will be remembered that although an tnrin had “1000.»de against the tummy”. of the Dominion to charge Ontario nun-13 with the ttueyttmttttfon " the nnnnltic-s u L"/o'i Mon if the annuities and r whirl: are payments of similar to our pnymrnu and "slums. urn tn I phttrd on the debit side our tired receipts sun-h t the Inter-pm an our must he capitalized and plucet' of our ledgor. Last Fobrunry I Informn the regress made during tl In 133mm”: and naming the Ptite between the Province The club surplus at Ibo very has! In trttttt I have Muted it to be. I mitt" woll add to it. as I have airway Endirutod. the amount of the outstanding huh-mam all Crown Lands, vlz.: $785.00) and tr," Tttlite of the the of the old Parliament Minimum my $250,000. and nIvo thr. Yougc Fll‘t-ei pm- oqgty_ WhIch Its, worth $100.0! on Up that 1 "f! I as the to wh i3NiaiFe7iifG_tttt.t-t- lawman-mu“ ecu-0M balance. that It my tn mm! " a. aim-O: 't2rlrttnt.t'gtgtt Irtmert t t ly that we but - - _ “on ‘En outed our one. the 00-... “at III and hum-u ted mt than on: t I‘m my be we “like! at m“. but and tho put 1.. {all ot meta-col chow It! I " unit the. "\th . a p tttnt the contentlom of tIO W.t1tese A?,'. t latlng' to actual GrFaGrG Me.. correct In nineteen can out of twetstr. ar. l I", tore m be tttVat In the iiiiG 0.... Pour" have upheld our contention: in ue In I In “er w €019“qu that “dun “I! Ir every Instant-e. Our crrutit batoteo w iGititiiii onlr ban-l pad tlos M! tteen the huh In. of mum. not open to ',,t'2l""i; . any i.” to be 'u','ifu'tlyll'l to In! I repeat. thereto». that my gunmen thin that "mm" Las I”... mtlireted to P""leertttrotrir comet. _ 1 my tltr, "mum": “um" " N " In- ot'n RAILWAY emulate”. (g1'y1ty,, to... it wt he 'h.ee- to IQ,l,t We have only one other elut,te'df, 'dt 1l'lt'I','rf, veg,','."."'""" and: In den OP- 'Fpocle- of ottlittatlou of any kind to w 1 l I," iu,l'Jr'iit'e'i m Janus most "a ("I It IN I hire not "fund. vie.. our ll.,'.';,",,', l dimtlons when will " it these " obligations. These no spread out I h" t a 1 mum. to in ata. th".,,!""' of N Pmtt'tt. The” prcrettt "lug , Wu! VII the Ctt9e a the Ga- school 0.6 Item called upon to meet tin-m all wdeM' ! laud lm'mlw t Fund: ouehee “u T 82.769356. Erna If we tnuttld deduct! Gll 1 tore the PM." ',W, mutt-o iiie swan-to and 'l'r'1"e%,"o.'t'le"giae'e t",yitrc :2: imam the 'tiiLGt'a'ti% " *- “M07. 2 UG']" r5, I woman”: fg?"it, 'gulls' St""' on um um down by the "Inn It? Itl‘ have a on: our,- un l .'T . Bo Arhltn tk%. ETett ttt "km" ""’ eve bere, ttlt',', OnAtlllrsoignlt "g 351%; mi? 'd.. board {It t not well M8t.T that we have good “Tam I tvrtntmd (lulu-Io nut to be P.able to tha be proud of our ttttttttcial poMiiott t .. I Dominion for the "In" of tltes solicitor- lather Province or country 's2ui,e,r,?cii'1"",i l (burrs! for [mu-t- 1h/uadt, for 'tertHt'm ’annwd can show. all thing! Tu,'li.t.',T l a I alleged to have been rendered tor mm! tew whim" baltutce chm-t l But I should tiOt month-t utter L'Mtttwlt-tutiull. Pttd the ttrttf. iota" my P.'ttte bere. iuasmuett u thy nub" trnton alto determined that the banal hit] I mrnt I hare thus ter when II ,trithtr to t ‘3 not Jurludlctlon In deal with a clam) " iProvinro in several prtrtie'ttlttts. ,‘ the ltomlulun lulu-x Ontario to new” _, I stated a morttcttt tteo, Mr, Speak”. tt the proceeds of a rmmgnlxanvr (“PM , ithr- nut-ts I named “we nut: sump of m r l .uretle,e tor the m" furtltmmtttx of an o . assrts. Nut to trut".op ty.erat Parlityty,"l.t. . ticer cf um ln'nutl ltmmmo lkwrtumtt " tttttMines mating 81.3001'0‘, and our on“; i t‘mtntht. who. btttstt artvated an I chum bttlhitturtr. sut'tt an tl1e ttltte ttavltttttre. cotrtitrst of felony. “as relied upon mudlttnn thnt '4..ut2.oov. and these an- gul "ts."'", “mm tie sltou'ol "trpee" to tlhcwtr the "ttare. every mouo'nry Ittstltritrttt. ltnultttu: hon“. liming mud“ delault. the rvoncnlum'f w“ lnettrnnt-e company or o'hre eornortttlrrtt ltl- du I ostrrated, and pnmwntln‘gn In {wiped “MINI. and r'trhtlv, '00. WNW“- whett W": turn-of were had by with-It .1!!!" III I. Deming thir annual balance tint-N t" Ie.': cetved " the than!) Attorney and p.” m, "t'trehold, iN, lazt tuc MW”; " ont. "r "T? to the Trauma-:- of Ontario. ttt othor tttgytrtgr which MO wcnhy of 'rperia Fl) olaixm - ulna put forward by o turntion. tr_orHriso, "xv-Inn llulnrln and Dunk-v " Our t'rltietg, therefore. mlgh ftttH.r,0 nur yurly grams fur {.mn-ulturn. and out) the cap PpnHuets1 dnbt. The ProTtnee will nm'nr an ntlnn '0 glvv- largo yam-Iv "It or the promotlon of agricuilu port of In: Insane. - My word thrsu In Inu'nl niece forty-war cor-1m. Urn. which mike up mu- runway Hal “w 'tlmptr am that We wit! hi. yaar by mr t. llu- "ttrr-forth-th of the all"! air the House may tit to m teeigi he to time. TIM-no 'ly'" mum-s then arr. I “in ma r,, oWy upprnprh m. Idumttimt. or n tuna. ft:rhn.~q.1i:|l,- warm" or asylunl are llabi.'iHc.d, an: Ot her n In» duty to alslst " has! we can and an (-11 u we on In developing the new” puma!!! of tho Province wo will Klvo you the rx ttet oqulvalom. vim. $099 (in for (\‘rry tut mllos of road you will build mmh half you” for 40 yuan And this payment is My”: it the form of a runway cet'tltltuite. It mun be remembered 'hat we mm paid nut In ctteh tor runway aid slut-o 1872 an Hemp o!_$258.000 I yen. 'ttttttttttt ttf 3785.000. The nmomu " Min! yearly reduced by aymonu. Thits In un- geestiotutb!, I not? cash asset. Then we have the am of the old Pttrlfttvaettt bulld- “IKI. and name other land: In the on! wtticts the Lethlnlnre authorlzod u: to sell. the prorerds to be app-HM! toward the ereotion ot those new buildings. These voum‘lmo an asset. readily re-lllmhlo when tho mum wlp improve, Ttel' worth, l "ttt 1ntoruwd, ”no-“'0. We 11m own the northwmt rur- ttrut' of Queen and Yonge Mptsrit, m this rlty, which Nelda us a reutal of $4.000 a We have unpaid balnno" due the Province on account o “in of Crown Iamh to the 'ttnot"" or 'tfG.000. The Amman in twin! I contend, Mr. Speaker. that we should no! deduet from our aurphm the WNW“ value of the runway obligation-, am only bet-nine we have good aim-Ha such an the two I have just named. whit-h would mum“ than countor-ttttlttttee them in nuwuut or value. assets which no not lurtuded in the printed Matt-mm! on our desks, but aim and :9me for "thor reasons. The Jinn” credited rah the an Intomt. n than heretofore. and this mam-non u made tor wig-non tr!rrtt. - -- " _ or M or 50 nttles of railway. an the "use may be, a cash subsidy of ”.000 a mun. hint-o no country out of in ordinary .vearly ”ream-n mtttld, In addition to providing for all In: ordinary wants. be expected to new ttlr? large sums in can). but Mnce it Se our I.NTFvRPit0vr.NCrAL A RBITP..\T‘ION No Government. so far all I know. elt "tttlt obligations as tthe runway " Ham an part of ha orditory public' l I challenge hon. non‘lomen opp-sito to a also to the mntrnry. Why would seek, then, contrary to an prm-mlvm. Harv Io tho practice ch-h has Mue ,HIYINI attOtmwn: and {domed by ihrir Uri“ 3'5 position the! ig thEn, Mint w- in to tho late Proviit, tiylpliqd that tho " Profinee nu I k pin: tho nng P will who y; . $099 an for 'h as our sulividcli’ -ni/d nu funds tslruthl "In. eed on the cram ddc or ttrtttuM tttgt In aid t "t can” nmm! the " the prev g the umuo 'ttn Crown und- to the i he amoum " being I menu. This In un- Ih asset. Thou we I d Parliament bulld- 'l m- tn the etty which d Bed u. to all. the townrd thr erertton T . The" mum‘lule , Mo when tho timor t Th. I tun lnfnrnwd. I the northwmt g'ur- l un- “reels. m this . rental of "MOO I r tore In then are “an- 'tpproprluiiort" fur ‘. for hospitals and liablllxlos. and not Otl " cos-11mm". ullwna' Mammy. e wlll ha- alm- IP-fnrtiolh purl trtt to railway , a grant to a give your 20 '. " the on" I of ".00o l I. worth at et"ctlttegttra 'n tidy, In Dom r ttttrtlon' u the ox- t'w-ry trtt half you" I Mtum In It must! 1d out In am- of A yon: rltteer "hum- t' doht to 0129 d they 11. con- ya, E: p our far "hir/ro side of the Honor. at my "te, tttth tunes: ottttMettce we oratt the ".. '"iiik'wron the two valid” the elentm‘ g 2t Province will man bo all“ - to C Pose, - .5. - _ - Audlzo’r red-m}; tsppolntod. or the Imperial of Bond-making, or ttte brad of the For. any; "gt/il','.',",',';:' I reett that " their rum-t Mutant-u moan anything = trln'artr pnint to some and: bur-Imam a tits'."""", policy " I have mat on; "In IU‘IV --i. 7V --e . V - exam In, "Wo will m longer amour“. (in woman of Cottttty Home; of Industry in rorrr4tstttitW “.000 to Mich mnnly Ga will make nulluh‘m Norman for it: mum m4 deratitttte, rim-e our row-nun will In! ndmh of It?" What clunky will they!“ "fr'. gun the, tneet theat" wny an m IVA” be no: t the on carefully h eftieieucr at service. of “Hana-mom prop-cu. We recognlle fully Hut the n00 young and growing Pun-ina- mull ably and constantly itwrtott, and, Contra! Prlttou ..... Mucnllon Department 0“qu Row-nua- . . .. . . . Sum-nth.“ antics . '.. 'Cavern and Brewery l Gum-ml for rum- Canada tor I'l‘\1l'~ In?!“ to but been n-udoml tor - (at womb: “(or Cottteuentttiott, and the orb!- trulorl also (entwined that the board no not Jurludlctlun 1o deal with a claim " the llaulnlon "tttmst 0111.110 to mm“ the proceed- of a romxnuum given 2 NINTH-n for the thte forthcoming of an o . ticer of we [In-ml lkmomw Department " Canada, who. new; arrested on n chum ot (Plow. I'm Mum-d upon condition that he durum appear to mum-r the our... liming made adult. the "Winn"! V" dug otrrared. and plum-dual- In reaped luv-roof were had by which JIM I'll I. ceived , tho mum, Attorney and NM tw to the revuuner of Ontario. " rlninw were aim put forward by m l'unlhzlon unlmt Oulnrlo and Qut'bw " Winn-z of payment and: If!" Chotttedrqw lion, on works mtetttectod with “If Purl!» um“ Building: at Ottawa and mum- Halt, 'l‘m‘o cttse. wvro partly halal in All“. last and now and “w: mull January. I! the instance of the [Dominion tor funk" din-ucllun‘ Tum manor. win-n cloud will Dang Pf Ion to pr ttt vi, ll my Be "iecosg I. away“ Or; next. At the shun of the “and ot “than“. on u... “an 'If lurch last, ttte board do- tvrmtmd (man-Io not to be P.able to “I Dominion for the Inlan- of Hm mumm- Ontario . Inn-rut on Crown Lats Crown L: Clergy lm tl lu the mm- at the Common Wheel and Laud lmnhwt'mdl Funds. Quemee will hue the right to cumin the ammun- and the mluxlnmntion at an. minute“ by Ontario on “In. laid down by the "hunt- Sulmdy ... Inn-rut on dome due he raped" Sun-alto at no _ on In meet or the lad!“ “ulna. and of the Supreme Court In the manor. " the Common Edna and Land Inna-nun! Fund, may be t .0 “use" or numb. but If nut. then Ir hath cum nan-m- I. lulu: to Mun! vttpendttttmat. ete.. may have M be when. tr, tee Ian can. tn 'tdrr In awn-mine Hun indium duly amidst! only lun- hum paid, 'ity [my um orsaitutGs arming out of can random toe the your 1890:. or: FINANCIAL POM! Time and min the oiwrtnn lur cl" 1“meth wCuie ftyaryr'e'U l.'" "eturtut1tort tor, I Tupon It Loudon Kings" Haul“. Ilim'wu Common tV Grammar s Woods and brldge " '" ar"tuiiiii,"ttierr am and dumb. and mix-minded! bunny lo the munIrlmImu-a. tm Wad:- policy " camp: the manl- * to mice are of ant-Ir mm In- ." blind. ttte'.r deaf and dumb, “a l Ta xvn in about it. u a ward. I potter of true ' of service. of Mum-m tt tt"rluh'l'rut RIGIXICII'HI. KM u an mm. 15. um. to " dlmetvmoi, but without wd far. " the Province ot we nut ttgrtrrstteu ot vim-21mm, were (ll-Illum- ' ter, and In mine “pm-II ‘lhwl lo ln- pn-ummrr. last n m luveutmmxu . ands Uepunment Land- .......... Land: .......... lo mused Us” ry. Itutlous '.--- uuuuc Asylum Cttplutl held Ind by the Dominion " If 'ot be nan-d. and u lo uu n which tau-rent to to be to um mod" " "r,ellyti " uten'wl was man t' " an In. ttit t. lo haw than d, but wlumm hem: nblc 1 the Province of umber. at nonunion ot their Pro. were damn». .u III-MIN)“. a same “new: we din-up en [I‘ll he Landa- Lunch Willie! .51 . . . . I. damn tn a policy ' Lawn tho urn-u him-v. to asylum. cm " our reven. are dr’w-n to we mutate will WW h - an. ll 31.1mm? '" ”0.000 no 3.000 on 13.000 0. than (I) 750,000 00 9.000 00 110.000 o" 0.54” o, 2.500 (I) 3.500 (I) 1.40tt oo ttttO 00 15.000 oo 00.01!) (I) moan Ito 325000 00 500.000 on Hum Ito 3.01» all 20,000 oo 3.11:0 00 (5.000 00 214.000 00 wow oo detiber. y of [In f t trsllr 4 l .M 00 1h.(IUO 00 s of I Ina-vil- t'arteir mum- numy mu" that forest whor- e the that and In" no. W

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