West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Feb 1898, p. 6

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--In the last Provincial election the total vote was 4013. of which Mr. Me- Niehol had 2401 and Mr. McKechnie 1612, leaving Mr. McNichol a majority ot 789, but suppose that there had been a Cemervati " in the field and that the conservative candidate had received within 150 of McKecbnie's Vote Mr. IcNiehol would have been defeated by a majority ot 673. The Patron ex- citement having: now anheided he can- not expect to o as well. and will not be pnrpridee is defeated by a ma- jority at 1 In the last Dominion election out of a total of 4768 Mr. Allan, the Patron candidate. received 1196 only about one fourth. "-1it the Went of the riding certain two at three men, whom we can name he” in this an” mem? on the yum in he of Dr. Jameson and in their private eanvaeei are ap- pmaebhl Reine-en and qhi then tom " Mr. Home“. . hen von - may Ayyl.trir Wm we GiiiGGT'Gia in s Bigger in the “use.” A canning trick gentlemen, h; who!) no tun-prom. com We believe ail fair minded men will “(we to these sentiments, and the cry ot "Catholie" will not be used as a political bogey to injure any man's canoes if he is in other respects gait. . e. Neither Dr. Jamieson nor Mr. Me. Nichol will be found using this cry, though one aupfimer oi the latter we regret tony snot been backward in doing so. -The "combination," tory and in. dependent, is next week in Egremont beginning on Monday at Reidh School House and continuing day by day at Drury's, Holstein, Yeovil and Dromore respectively. --The Dominion Home is now in Session. but if Sir Wilfred, Sir Charles and a few more think they can get up a better show than we have tor the next two weeks they will find them selves mistaken. Sir Chas. came near it the other day however. He "ran attutetr,"ttoring Mr. Laurier, slashing at the Governor General and kniling violently his "follower" Mr. McLean of the World. Mr. Laurier was all sun- shine, the Governor, at _coftNe had to About two months ago " an election m Centre Toronto the Liberal Candi. date Remain in self detenee, " he must have aoosidered. published his creed to disarm detractors, and keep down false accusations. In Centre Grey in the resent cam- leg, the Liberal Candi ate Boland as beon accused of infidelity, atheism. he try his opponents. and the Flesher- ton Advance, though not favoring his election cames to his support last week, and the candidate himself has ex- pressed his willingness tocommunicate lie creed to anyone. In our own riding the religion of the Reform Candidate is being too freely presented as a reason for opposing him. rue, he is a Catholic but no more likely to grant undue favors to Catho. lies than his rivals the Conservative or Independent candidates He haslived among Protestants ail his life, Protest. ants have honored them with positon before, his interest in educational mat- ters led to his tiii,T,ttrlt,tgi, Chair. man ofthe Public hool Board of his own village, and in other ways his citizenship has been honored. Pondering these words ot a Catholic Premier, they will " least ff,,", "Equal Rights" to Mr. Morgan. e requires no special pleading, but for the honor ofthe riding let it not be said that a man who pays his taxes, who obeys the laws. who has a. stake in the country, who is misting to build up this country, who is loved by his family, respected by his neighbors and honored by his party, must not aspire to s representa- tive position because of his spiritual belielu tit in the ohadefund Mr. McLean alas ed back. Happy family still. no doubl dyed Tones aoucmng up- port _fl'lli'ly1liliill,.ill, rll,52?N, m; iory ? Not certainly because he was s Catholic but because of " advocacy of Liberal measures and against a policy of coercion though his co-relig- tarnish: were to be the gainers. Let every rutepayer in s. Grey render these words "Whenever I shall ook " any public question whatever. I shall look at it not from the stand- point of Catholicism not from the stand- point ot Protestantism, but from the standpoint ofall men who love Justice, Freedom and Toleration. " "Independent" is a well sounding word, and while it is all very well to advise men to elect a man who is not bound to party, let us remember that the Patrons are as much a party as are the Reformers or Conservatives, and while it may arr" independent for a man to vote ha the time with one side of the House and half the time with the other side, it may also be asked whether such a course is not taken simply to enable the sooalled lndepen drnt member to return to his constitu- ency in a position toclaim support from people of both parties. Why ll the line to be drawn here? In there; protestant or catholic who will say that equality of citizenshig should not give equality of privilege We believe not. How long is it since thousands of good protestants supported 1 catholic leader in reference to a. Protettet, one. and_re£)iced in his vie- Bditorial Note & Comment. RELIGION ur POLITICS. -a -ho The Farmer's Institute 'lereatl%'l"i',', not held in the Agricultural nit on Wedneodoy ot last week. was well att ended by Farmer's and other. to hear the opeechet on Road Making. the value of Emilage. Cultivation of om. How to construct o Silo. and other subjects. The audience wu’nt so large at the entertainment in the evening owing to the stormy weather but the program was good consisting of speeches and vocal and instrumental music. iriralriia.Tmriiiiro'i1o."t. "STE? Melanin and John :McLun. of cheekmgnA-s {emery " W John Rice disposed of 23 hogs to I Mt. Forest. buyer last week for '4.00 per cwt. The buyer was in the soup as the price of hogs has dropped. Which to lay the least was very in- structive. The substance of the lecture being Mr. "t'lehuurs own exyerience. he having owned and (21¢an n Cheese Factory forthelast ' years. A good attendance was iven to the meeting " Holatein on 'lM)2i'l,' lat and much useful information was received from those who addressed the "retinas. _ _ A meeting of those interested in Dal? matters here was held on Satur- day set to consider the best ways and means of getting more money out of the roduct of t e cows. when it was resofved that an otrort, be made to build aCold Morntre building and put inn butter lunt in connection with our Cheese gut-tiny. Yeovil cannot nfrord to be in the background and We hope this scheme will meet with the support and approval of all the farmers and business men in the neighborhood. Cattle King John Brown has been here again buying calves and fat rattle, Mr. Jus. Swanston disposed of 13, Mr. R. Nicholson of 2. J no. Reid of 2, Chas. Mclnnil of 6, Jun. McEnchern of 6, W. Groat of 2, J. A. Swanston of 2. Chas. Mclnnis baa; gone to Minto Township fora load of seed oats, He was accompanied by Hugh McEachern of HnrtGton. Nobody need spend tus quiet hours in the evenings around his own Breside for the next 3 weeks, political. meetings and others such as Farmere' Institute. em. in the order of the preeent time. Mr. Morgan will have one at McCueig'e School Home on Thuredey. 10th inst. Mr. Davis, Independent. East Grey, will hare one in Pumille to-night. (Mon- day) 7th inst. As navel the oppoeition are invited to theee meetinge. The Pricevnlle "'atr,'.g,it,t Choir et- tended the Soiree " winton Perk. on the let inet.. although the mercury wee “my down they report having e good time. Rev. Mr. end lire. Humphrey's, of this plat-49.331“: out Itheirhcmy to tet/tttt Duncan Paul has sold his house and lot to Thus. Orchard for the sum of Mrs. Grinch, of Harriqton, visited her sister Mrs. David Sim last week. She is engaged in Tenpernncs Work in Hol- stein, and other places. Mr. Cleland. Cheeue maker, of Listo- wel, addressed the Patrons of Yeoyil Cheese Factory last Tuesday on Dairy- i_gg._ Porn Raisiytr,.Hott Feeding Are. After the severe storm and front of the previous week, we are entering on this week with the promise of milder weather. The thermometer ranged during the past week from zero doin- wards and In fact it was a hard matter to keep the fin em and earn from being frost, bitten. 'rft',h"v'e'f.'. we got throng this far without serious results. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. John Motrison of Cedarville wore visitors at N. D. Me. Kenzie’s for a few days but week. Mrs. Thomas Brown who but been ailing for some time is seriously ill at present. Rev. W. H. Harvey B. A., of Clifford, spent a. few hours with Rev. J. R. Issac on Monday on his way to Fairhairn Church where he was to deliver his famous lecture, " To and Fro in the Eternal City. " Lots of snow drifts. the road. running eaat and west being the worst, for the storms generally were either from the north or south east hut if they don't get any worse than they JY'? we Ytt no R3906}; grumble: Quite a. few are complaining from the "ects of cold. Grip or something else Mrs. Marshall is suffering from In- thsmmtttion of the lungs for the last week or ten dayst She is ,ttondeAhy too. "Mr. On Ttttty evening of last week a sleigh load 0 young people from Dro- more spent a. ver pleasant evening at the tandem-e of '. T. Browne. Elder D. MacGreagor of the Later Day Saints has been holding meetings in the village the past week. Sacrament was dispensed in the Methodist Church on Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Murdoch have re turned home from their wedding tour. Mrs. Jae. Murdoch is unwell but we expect to hear of her recovery won. We see our new miller, Mr. Walters, advertise: for logs which in s step in the right direction. Mr. Walters comes in amongst us with a good reputation. Min: Lizzie Swannton who has been visiting her Uncle Mr. A Swanaton for the past two Weeks. returned to her home at Rockwood on Saturday. Dr. Boyle. We speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. of Manitoba. are gt present at Mrs. McMillan), par- ents, spending a few weeks. Mr. Alex. McLean. Artemeeitt, Mr, and Mrs. Willer of Nobelcon, T' of King, spent the last ten 'IT, at Ul.'. Alex. MisMilltsn's and other rieuds on the South Line. Rev. Mr. McNeil, of the vicinity of London. Ont., preached in the Pratt. terian Church last Sabbath and is to otBciate at a communion service in the Gaelic language, next Sabbath. pre- pnrntory service on Entmday at. 11 ifclock a.m.. Rev. Mr. Charlton will om- 1tteit'; the English communion, on the Sn bath following. 20th inst.. a joint meeting of Swinton or: and Price-ville to he held here on Thursday 10th " 2 otclock p. m. The, Farmer’s Institute meeting PRICE y ILLE. HOSTEIN. YEOVIL. rerhope when of her ~o-u is nGrer Fellind in ) where ever it is Complaints about {why distribution of the County Council minutes were diacusn- ed and onmotion it was carried that ball of the wliolo number be sent. to townuliip clerks. the remainder to the councillors. in" tirakiiTiiii.' John Snell. Droluore, 'gt""."""'.".' _..--. --- r.""' 'iie,'ri'ie2 the pulpit mg Sabbath Mr. F531,. 1',e"'gt,'l,; 2,. ') Me etiar the pastor“ In Toronto this o. C. McDougall, fl)? c h week. _ . Monongall. pay McDonEP. The political pot " 21N and no Joanie Chee. “43, Me til wonder. with no leu- than rec mm McKechnia. . a... 14, and ttteV helpers patient the 'ire, Violet For-tor: 490.15 a, W., Education Com, recommended that In. lpectiru’ Reports for East and Wont Grey be recewed gull printed in minutes, and that Mr. Gordon be pad $16.00 tor reading and "porting on examination papers. Printing Com. recommended payment; Tuckor & Crosby 04.00 ', H. E. Giendiuu- mg. 822.40; A. M. Rutherford, 816.90; J. H. Little, 816.79. Mr. Sing was elected Judicial Auditor on the 8rd Ballot. His opponents being Blame. Allan. McDonsld. Ind Bishop. Mr. John Chisbo!m was nppointed the other member of the board, remuneration to be 03.00 per day and mileage. F inanoe Committee recommended that J no. A. Robertson he the Co. Student at the O. A. th, that Thoa. McComb be ap- pointed to the first vacancy. that no grant e given South Grey Live Stock Associa- tion, that the Co. wee not further liable to O. S. Beet Sugar Co., that 04.80 be paid Div. Court Clerk " Meaford, 975. to Geo. Lambier, for medical expenses to S. Co- beats. These recommendations were agre- ed to. That recommending the receiving of the report of the Judiee! Board of audit caused discussion. It seems that tenders are not asked for all the jail supplies, and the members, generally seemed to think the principle of tendering should be follow. ed. Later, the Warden and Messrs Bish- op and McDonald Were appointed a com. to enquire as to who had the authority to purchase. (2) what supplies can be most advantageously tendered for, and report " June aesaiou. The clerk‘s request for an increase"! salary was not agreed to, though all admitted he Was an eiheisnt offieer. Thes" reports were all adopted without discussion. Can't _,',,!),! Report No I, of Finance Committee, G. Binnie, Chairmen, recommended tint one copy of the Municipal Act be provided foe etch member of council. The: free ped- lam' licensee be gunned to Adam Cannon Robert Henry end D. Willinmeon the payment of some smell ecconnte and rou- tine matter. Begum No 1, County Prop. Com. recom- men ed pnymsnt to: Bell Telephone Co. .145 ', Wm. Miller, 010.50; John Rick- Bed, 010.50; H. B. Moore, 88.60; Electric Light Co. M.78; B. Bulchart. "tio; B. Clark. $28.86 ; R. P. Butchsrt. 072.76. Albert Yake bu purchased Lot 23, Con. 9 and John Dillon the Mt tenant but rented the llcEacheI-n farm on the sixth and will be moving there The Warden appointed Thos. Hanbury. Dundalk, as one of the Co. Auditors, and the council after four ballot. selected C. A. Fleming min-y to be Mo and mileage. M15. D. Sh; is s ending a con le of vyegks with 'l'iWll?'El Geo. of 'lf/l'. dalk. Miss M. Lotrhrin, of Fergus, is this week visiting lurdoch friends. We are pleased to have our old teacher with us again for a few days. Mrs. Abur. Allan we are sorry to re- port is still in a low state of health but at. present is on the way of recovery. Our teacher, Mr. W. L. Dixon had to give up teaching for a. few days last. week on account of a severe cold but we are pleased to say he is able to resume his duties this week again. Mr. Jas. Coleridge took charge of the school dur- ing Mr. Dickson’s il nes. Mr. George.Pollock has gone to Elms vale this week to take out the lumber for three large barns which he has the contract of building next nummer. In Mt. Forest. on sunning. Feb. tith, Mr. Jun. Baird and Mrs. nrgaret A. Oriel-son were united in nun-iage. The In was supported by Mr. James Hm: while Miss M. Lochrin. of Fergus, perfume? the duties of bridesmaid. CiGirruuutions. Mr. James Eden is engaged this week in taking out the timber for Mr. Isaac Hutton's bun. bun Lamont of Stuyner is visiting " uncle James Lamont and other friend: m h the oomph!” a thou-Id! " thu tti-on. Eat M have I. apatite; food 000mm Madman” up“ the staunch and di-tive out", which a count of Beach San-puma will (In then. It the purine- and enrich. tho Mood, cum that distru- st“: sun; at! buns! am only s dyspepsia an know, assess sn lppotlu, maroon-cs that ttmd fooling sad builds up sud mm the whols physics! system. " so prompt- ly sud mommy "lines dmtertiet symp- toms and cuss nmous hesdschss, that I suns so hsvs dust " s mute touerts." Filood's -t-t-.tnmttttheott"hte BMW. Hood’s Pills 'a,Tsi'iiGiiGrirc The Annual #eetiyyr. of the “load. "t5hrT-A Sarsaparilla 3; Continued; new! week. COUNTY COUNCIL. WOODLAND. HURDOCH. THURSDAY. FRIDAY. G the but mung-t TORONTO tlr of the Wood- wi he held on Tue- Reportof School Section No.6 Ben. thick for Jaw " OI---]- , Anne Twunlg. [his Currie. flu-y _ Hoodlum. but m---mdn Burns. 5 Lizzie McDougnll. Jr. "r-u-u '. Forster. Jno. tet'"')',,",','."'?,'; II Cburs-- 3 0. o. lit-Dongs“, no. Cronin. Andy McDougall. Dan McDouEP. Pt. Ir2. o Joanie Clark. an?! tre -- utru1uMarr The undersigned has secured the thoroughbred amworth Boar, “Briery Banks Signal," From the famous breeders, Caldwell Bros. Orchard, and will be kept for season of 1898 at lot 7, con.2, \\.G.R.. Bentinck. Pedigree on application. Tsmarts---) at Lime of service. Peliiicel meeting- are now the order of the day and iolntncs are of course e great topin for disemmion. A meeting wee held in the school here on Saturday evening in the interest of Mr. J. D. Morgan. the Lib. oral candidate. to which " usual spake" of the opposition were cordially invited. Mr. A. Weuger, cf Ay ton, Secy. of the Normanby Liberal Atusoeitttiott, opened the meeting followed by Mr. Laidlaw of Durham and Menu R. J. Bull and J. Tel- ford, of Hanover, in the interest of Dr. Jamieeon. Mr. MoNichol had no repro eenmtive there, a Get which all regretted en the people he" like to do justice to all parties. Refport of 8. S. 2. Bentinck and Glen- elm or the monthof January, name. arranged in ordet of merit. Br. Iv.-- Duncsn 11e,1'i,"Ii. Susie Camghell. Jr. Iv.-Maleolm cKechnie. any Snyder. 01m m--Poter McGillivn , Dah McKechnie. Willie Newell. Br. h' -Annie Mcuillimy. tet, Fletcher. Rosie Ewen. " M-- on: Nowell. Alfred McKechnie. Willie McKechnio nod Aggie Ewen equal. Br. 1-Pmnk Colliawn. Ell; Edge. Minnie Vania. Jr. I-Neil McGilllvrny. John News“. Elias Bdtte.--Mttte Cunt: Fm Teacher. After the oppoeition speakers had tin. ished. Mr. Morgen took the plotform and “no a very interesting nd-lreu. followed by M:.Calder of Durham. who "tho hour wen becoming late did not occupy muéh time, though all would willingly have listened to him st much you“ length. Mr. Robt. Whitefcml performed the duties of chairman in his usual im. pnriiul manner and is to he complimented on the exeellotorder which was kept throughout the whole evening. As e meeting in the interest of the opponitlnu will be held Saturday evening next it in to be hoped the Opposition will return the compliments in a like manner end once more meat the good order and lumen of e Hampden pulilicnl gathering. Annual»: of young people from this Vicinity attended a nutty " the residence of Mr, Maurice Widmeyor near Aylon, Friday evening. aud report a. very plen- um time Mr, J. Eick, of Waterloo, in vititiog friends and runny“ here " present. Miss Mary Lune is at present visiting friendl In Wnlkertou. Mr. Louis Wagner. of Clifrurd, apem part of Lat week in this locality. The Misses Gilmour may“ of lust week visiting friends in Port lgiu. Miss Bella iBrorn who has been under the doctor's cure lor some time. is we are glad to any on a fair way to twovery. BIL-ad Mina Byers ape ( one dny of last week with Mend: in Aberdeen. Master Stewart Watt bu neared the position of caretaker in the church hero for the comma you. THORO'BRED TAIWORTH BOAR. I. Clan m---mda Burnd, “w . Icnougm. Jr. "r.-umie ken off. Jno. Livixyatone. II Clus- ‘ 'Dougall, no. Cronin. Andy hmq 't'D,t',tte; ttde; W. I: t ' huh c an. . Chi. 'l',')',,"," an"? ""tld water: 4mm a, 01:49:. Tex H. ALEXANDER. Prop, HAIPDEN. A couple of weeks ago we told you about some of our new Dress Goods. Since then more have come to hand and still there's more to follow. We never had such a, variety of them and our reputation for high class Dress Goods at the lowest possible prices makes it unnecessary to say anything about them. NEW [MESS (EC(li)ll))2, 28 different patterns 1ltasusg Jim-am wrapponttu, guarantud {use colors. Your 12le, a yard. We’ve a. name for wrapper Cloths which we MUST keep up and the demand keeps us hustling to keep up the supply. We got a good chance lately for a snap in that line and here they are. 40 inch Binck and Colored Wool Sou-gen. special to. . . ... ....... Br 40 inch Senses. Black and Navy only. extra heavy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Black Lustes. plain, special iiir.C.r.......'......i, Ah Fntwy 11,i',',',',d Lustres, pretty patterns . . ' . . . . .. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .35c Fancy 00 ored Iilstautints Serge. 1ate.qeotoritttt special. . . . . . . . Fine French Twill Set-gen. allcolnra....... w.............'.'. 48 inch Coating Serges. Blank and Navy. special. . ..""" . . . . .. Fine Black Silk Finished Henrietta. very special. . .... . . .. . . . ... Latest Novelties in Silk and Wool Mixtures. dress lengths culy wrapper Ghats A few more Trimmed tUtg which go at halt price. May & Mum Notice is hen-hy given that anvone trespassing. cutting timber on. or re- moving the same from lots wand 408.1). R. Tp. of Glenelg. Chr. of Grey. will tre dealt with " the Uw din-egg. I have in "IX hands for sale. the (Stuns Jackson Berti ence) in Durham con-ut- ing of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tenders "tit be received from parties wishing to pur- chase, stating pnce and lenns. Mums CARBON. _-___- _____" '7 ROBERT Norman). Montpelier, Idaho UM. Dec. 0th '97.an w. lk-To mum at good job the 'ertestt'ewett-eooeoat.. Durham, Dec. 7th 1897. The undersigned otYerslor Sale or Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con. 8, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a. mod barn. good tame house, small orchard, 70 acres clenred. har- ance hardwood bush. Well watered. Apply to R. Monaural. BB. Acootrtmg.-Wttt than to whom ac counts were sent, and who have not yet responded plea" do to " once u we need the money and at once. Datum, Jan. 17th, '97. A few good men tor tte-tr- on - and. THE LINSCOT'I‘ COMPANY TORONTO. W| Pg h!- WI?“ I'",',',','),']'; J, tum AG“ . comma Pnrcies “1'“ch It in trt _')"tiikl'th't,"furautrs' 'WM W able that att A... nth-Indol- . " " " nil-rd “cumin. January "AmillNA8alltgt-ti'ie m . w a A Good Farm to Lease . . The undersigned will receive: a - liciations for the lease of the auto?! FAB], Int 16, con. A, N.D.R.. Glenda, for a term of years. Terms made known on application to J. B. BLACK or - _ -- .____ MAL. CAMPBELL By the New Process, Ahich for Finish and Soft- neu can't be beat. Thos. Smith. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for ltobeTanning I Satisfaction Gut-mud. Farm for Sale or Bent. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Robe Tanning I Robes t Goats r-xo tri-iF-ttaria-. weeks 33 WANTED? Culder's Block, Lower Town. at Pmuohn 'taut................"' Gui.......::...::..?!?? ”ng tCt ..........' 'ali..............,..)) drell lambs only.” Durham. Your choice for Goo-o. per lb Hide per cwt Calbains ... Shupukiu .._ t llsy. per ton {tttAir', " . |\V6od.‘4'tm -.. l Wood, 22 inches mm Jtrtm, If; out on. I haul Yul-MD". - Once: per wok ...... Bran not on ... ... Drdmen, per cw. Hun. live weight ... Lard per lb ... Tallow per lb ... Butter on tb, Tur, ... E2... per doe ... ... fllPrurtc [or pay Show; pet can ... Fall What pot bus-lad yrley, " A G, per bag sheer. 4 feet . Duck- When (on are want in; a C ock be mm and call at the Lowe: Town Jewdler’s be: {on buying. ' Day Clock! with Goat In Cabinet. Mantle, Hall am School. Why no! get an al dock. we have the best. mod ecumenical clock to in the home. Also ludadup. Repairing promptly' don“ -(' I done» Cabinet a Bell Strike. also i u Il Gilt Clock: for Bedroom. J AGKSON S. W. tttlFhRl.lllT Gloclis< Roll " 180t Pa a 'ga UPPER TOWN OFFICE HRH" the Durham mock. “A'NIG‘PHH- Poaet, OMW. I’m-h Will he in I'm-m day in each mum] cumin] Hotel. Chums! Fin once. over Ge and DH .ARRIOTER. OOUCITOR a Non!" Puauc. l MONEY ID AT 5 Compnnv and I “wrung-v. It los at I am ' y tramp-(rm Candida-O and Al Villa. Deeds. I um ae. rowdy pug-4 ”In qukml “WI Milhmvrn‘ Aer-CI Harman: Cotttt In “(on ot “mum Chained. bourbon Titlos rulwm-d an. - NIL! tttBeer-- __ UPPEI DURHAM OFFI Will be In I'rue , of - month. " LOGIC, WI lawns! non-mes "oKET TO Lon Br. T. tl. Draggists J)f'cf Our nprir now coming i room in mar More fun 'rg,1rt,'", it a tteo--- n mun dough for on come. tlr.t m it now it will for future nun DEN 4.1.1 Ch at; m G. LEE .ARRIS T1 OUR ‘AKE v ASE NEW AMINE ”IONICII I. B. Lvm w. K. Wu? C. mum. l LARGE ctith L0

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