West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Feb 1898, p. 7

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' yam are want Hon-k be In" M at the Lowe: Jeweiier's be tying. y Vim-ks with Goat t, Mantle. Htsttattt 2m Cabinet 1 ar, nlao in , ' for Batman-u. not get an " Inn-e the beat. 'rnimol clock to I home. Atao Lt cw! ht . Tub I: promptly' don oli. are Rail I pinch “I , our man It...“ 1tf,,',ert2lt, C. indent dhtegeA", t ngun or new I t iFi'e' Ilium “39'“ c in In 00. put ' in: HA FM "3397 fa for m, Jr,, _ar/ji.7i'pill,r,l )Ksom oehs=< bushel MCFARLAH new " [any It MA It KET. 8850l lwli 575 o " " " Ito " 10 " able dismal-e, " desired. Robbin. January 14th. Itrrt _ WHY}; i; FiiiGUii, the tirst Wednes day in each month. 13ttice nt the Com- mercial Hotel. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Phartuatry Calder" Block. Resdence first door west of tit" Post Otrice, Durham. - . “v . MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Chat gen moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. OtBce, over Giant’s store. Lower Town, DURHAM. BARRIOTER. SOLICITOR IN CUPRBMI’ COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COUUI”IONIR. m. Collection and Agency promptly “tended to. “ma. Deeds. Hangman. Inna. Agreements, ac. correctly f"31't',. . Eat-to- o encased pawn. 100ch than and Enamel-3' and Ad- tuittigtratoN' Aeomntn prop-rod and pinned. Hummus Court Basittotro, Probate of Wills, Lantern of \dmiuimndon Ind Guardian-hip Obtained. Search" undo in Registry when sud Titles reverted on. Company nnd private Funds to Loan on Mortgasgo n. low It 1’st of intent“. Vulnnuom mute " I competent and caroful Valuuol'. le or IA'IIAGI menus. Hol- .. min, Ont. Patio- waited upon within a reason- 'rAmPtarCdP. SOLICITOR. roar-v ”cue. convanucln, ac. ottiee--UPPEIt TOWN. DURHAI. DURHAM OFFICI. OAMIR'. ILOCK. $254 Lower Town. Will be In Priccvillo Arut a third Wednesduyl of ttacts month. Butter', Hotel. LUCAS. WRIGHT. I BATSON. DARRISTIRS. SOLICITORS. mounts. convnvauclns, ac. MONEY TO Loan-m. mun-EASY TERMS Druggists ' Sudcmon Our spring stock of Wall-Paper is now coming in and we fiud " hive'nt room in our racks for it. We are therefore forced to clear balance on 'it'gerthu, at a price that will make ite-- nnmny patterns we haveFjust enougllfor qng or two rooms. irst come: that chain; - I! "iiiii"iiont "il2t, it now it will pay you to buy and keep for future nae. Mcfarlane a teo. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. All Charges Mademate. Paper W. S. HOBSBURGH. Wall,, DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFO RD, Itll Sale Forced G. LEFROY McCAUL. OUR STOCK A GORDON NEW GOODS I. B. Luau. . - W. a. Wuon, . (Lam-ton, - . . AMINE OUR Stock NOW LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AKE YOUR PURCH- ASES EARLY. LOOK AT PRETTY -FOR- Durham. 'tL-"" In mm. Owen Sound. Durham. BUREAU. f1ooristhe Grocery 'd',1"if,1'."i',iti; in? --Mr. Whitney holds forth in Dar. huge annex. lit (mm “W“ id', .913? fil ham, Thursday of this Week. and will to '2.i"wt2,t'hT,i"t.'Jg,' 12% Iggy“; I be warmly welcomed by " f 'icnds re, _ ' . "' V . . . . . . 3:“, shows Ready Mules, Curtains, lanld 'itege,1."Atti-vfifdbey, his pom: crrpets,Tryt.ks.&c. . . ll ca opponen . . s a a [e 1e ls his certainly an establishment we long way behind Meredith, bat we fitted for sDepM-tmentnl been]? Ile think he scapula) merlts .the (lt,%' trlggp,"iiitfc,"g','i'l'lee", hiatse " F brium which the usagwstwe ' one; . wt t . . . o 1 . mm we in we" lit: Four tine p.late 'ihlrg'pg2/2 1uh6igl"e Jute “I”, windows 6:11 teen-ml» 'lle,"i'll'l,f to Mr Marter who was "an rior to light well from the roof admits i,' 0 9:35 . Cl . ' n "M 'a',. " light and " night a) eieetriclitt tat the new 8111131.“. r. ltney. lustre on All. Every "lodge" C.onven- says the World, ‘sofar_ seems to have lento of beating, iavatorr, " " tmp- tr"ttt'rt,"g,iligt",,egt'iti 'g'flgt.g' Ped. t rules a. mom r ar u- The old trkT, 1g'g'ie't',,rgde.."atg1. ment." This Edy-my hard, 9nd It', we 2'r,"titTtrciff,"ert're property from l said unclean ' and surely if a diirer. the Hunter estate three year; ',"'t"g am: once exnsts betgegu the lagers 'it,'.), he will nodoubt secure another “:qu more 13 there.a t ereneem. local re before long. Lower PSU. 'JW n ot the megacnve followulg m the late by this ctytlttr.e, byt the "mpg" Ti',' House. nless something better ls Town and tta mm“ ttgttt "- 'lt',', 'dl, placed betore the county the country iiti',1iih1uT'pJe'a't",12i'.4t,?lj7 the will notpart with Mr. Hardy and his 12e,, better than ever in the past. I most capable ministry. lied. p The old tThi',', he IT, alienated a mace, o no me ritt .8 ep- 2'r,"tllt panting; 'lr, proptrtthom, “uh“, -ee_-----_" . lc is certainly an establishment well fitted for . Departmental business, and the pmprietor “greases himself as de- lighted with the c. huge. The store in well lit: Four tine plate glass! windows 6x11 feet, and at 5 ions light well from the roof admits 'Ile,",',',',',','. light and ntnnighnt no elvcnjc lights shed The hardware is displayed, on the South side of the main store. Dress and other Dry Goods on the North. The el- evated back is at present the crowded Boot & Shoe department. while below it and a few steps down from the main tiooris the Grocery department. The large annex. lit from behind, is devoted to Paints. Oils Tinware. and heavy hard- ware, while glue large and roomy up- stairs shows Ready Modes, Curtains. Ctyrp.eur, Trynhs, Ac. A cc. I. b n The better facilnies for display causes surfs-he where all th e stuff was stored in t e old building. and the new stock soon to he added will add still more to the crowded state of the shelves and "o_tNttrooyh . .. . , . THE NEW STORE IN Lowpn TOWN.-- Mr. Jns A. Hunter and his tstaff had a. busytimelast week moving his exten- sive stock to the new an handsome premises in the McIntyre block Satur- day evening saw the work completed, and on Monday morning the doom were thrown open _to .t.ht pee,.. . hecuuse with the approach of spring mid the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have accumulated during colder weather must now be expelled or serious conse- quences will result. The one true blood puritier prominently in the public eye today is Hood’s Sarsaparilot. Its I ecord of cures is unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the world. A few bottles of Hood's Barsaparillss will prepare you for tr ring by purifying and enriching your [Rood and toning ind invigorating your whole system. LIME LIGHT LF.c'rcuE.--Ilev, Mr Young, Hamilton. whose interesting lerture on the Mammoth Cave, many will yrt remember. will give a lecture in the Presbyterian Church on Friday night, on "Trinidad," illustrating mis- sion life there. He will also give the views on the Mammoth Cave which he was rrevented doingl by an accident on the tttst occasion. e comes under. the auspices of the W.F'.M.S., the. admis- sion will be 150. and IN. Mr. Young and Mr. Jansen will exchavge pulplts on Sunday. PARLOB SocaAL.--A Parlor Social will be held at the residence of Mr. Z. Clark, Varney, on Fnday the 18th inst., when preparat'ions are hell'rng made ty.r.a very be YOUR PRESENT NEED is pure. rich :Uood,and. ‘as‘trong und_hez_llthy_v bodyI Tn): vr'rAscome.--This wonderful in- strument, Edison's masterpiece, will be exhibited in the Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The views do everything but speek. As the oper- ator had the lime light power. the ex- hibition will surely go on. It, is under the auspices of the local Odd Fellows, and the admission is Ki and l5cts. Feb. 14th and 15th. Prof, Panton, of the Guelph O. A. C., died last. week. He was a man of very varied and excellent attainments and in church and social life his removal will be severely felt. The College and Agri- eu1rural world will find it hard to PP- place him. Kind reader when on are reading J. A. Hunter’s Ad. on Knit gage you will notice that the headings aye got mis-. placed Grocery over Curtaining and vice yelsa. As this is only in part of our issue We make no extra charge. WEDDING BELLS. ---Near Dromore day. Wednesday, Mr. Wm. Sentter. North Dakota, is being "married to M Nellie Scott. We extend to the ha couple our cordial good wishes. tl next week. Norscrr.--Au those indebted to C, McArthur are respectfully requested to call at once and settle their account by cash, note or produce. We needthe money and must have it.--C. McArthur. a VVIEBDING I,heLre--Nyyy, Dfomore to- Carr’s Cough Cure, guaranteed to cure a cough or cold, for sale only at Mac- 1i'tsrlaiio't, Drug Store. The only guar- anteed remedy in the market. Losrr -lv.tdnraday lust, between Mt. Forest and Durham. a sealskin cap, the finder will be suitably rewarded " leav- ing Bathe at MacFtuGne's Drug Store. FOR tiALE.---A few home made cutters. Can be seen at the old Carriage Works, Upper Town, R. MacFax-lane Sr. For Manitoba. British Columbia and Klondike Taps and literature call on or write R. Muc-farlane Jr. C.P.R. ticket agent. A Mine. B. McKinnm} visited friends last week. MISS Ridde place accompanied her home. The Queen's Jubilee procession will be reproduced in the Town Hall on Monday night by the Vitascope. Miss Park is visiting friends in Guelph at present. Some new Partor Games just in at MaeirariiGiis, Comc--Choice white corn 40e a. bus. at Parker's Drug Store. Miss Ens. Patterson. left Wednesday morning for Flint Michigan. Durham, Tm;- ".llia!ltit,ht.ti_im iidiiii, FOR SALE. Seeds I Seeds! I at MturParlamn, LOCAL AND (RENEE yyt iiiiil7 "all ' Feb. 10th, 957 ill be pm: D. .,' tlttt an: we; pornoeh "to- -r. of M iss l " C,", e --An enthusiastic supporter of the Conservative party describing how the tory and independent hit at each other in their combined meetings, naively remarked "bat they don't hurt each other maeh." -The change in Bentinek the past 10 days has been most marked. The hand-m-glove campaign of the tory and independent is having its eif'eet. --At the Clark’s School House Meet. mg, a most eireetive, sgeech was given py My. Gilbert McKee nie on behalfof Mr. Morgan. An old parhiaisiGiiG his words have weight. _ Em'run F'-p.ni:w J bun - Bentinck Township Council met here today and one parts of the business transacted was the appointment of an Assessor, there were two applicants for the position, Duncan McKiunon, who has held the oflice for the last four years, and M r. James Mc- Mlckon, the Council is composed of four Conservatives and one Reformer, and it being time for a. change Mr. McMickeu, the untried man got the nppomtment. although we have heard the veteran Clerk of Bentinck say that Mr. McKin- non made a. better assessment roll than any of his predecessors. But it, was tune for a change, and this was not the onl change. 875 was enough to pay a 1"thr,,fiff,,'.) but when a Conservative got appointed it was time for u change so the salary was raised for the new man. This is a specimen on a small scale, of what would occur on a large one, if that , much talked of change were. made "tl Toronto. Reformers of South Grey beware. close up your ranks and stand I to your guns. M rs. J no. Cameron was taken trudden- ly ill last Sunday, but is again recover- mg. Me. Cameron was sent for and came home Monday. We must she may soon be around again. THE Ihrvmw,---This issue of the Re- view will come Into the hands of many non-subscribers. We would be pleased to add some of these to our list, Bee our offer on first page. The statements of those who have been cured by Hood’s Sarsapurilla prove the great, ment of this medicine. Get only this medicine. Luge new residence for sale. rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to lt, P. LEGATE, Flestieruin Station. 4 Mr. Mitchell, an evangelist, will begun " series of specuil services m the lh esby- terian Church on Sunday, 20th inst, The Odd Fellows' Vitascope exhibition on Monday and Tuesday evening next promises to be of great interest. Mr. Jas. A. Hunter sold the chlo farm, Bentinck to Mr. Jno Kelly of Lou. ine at a satisfactory tigure. Try our perfect Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, only 35c large bottle, at Mac- furlune's Drug Store. 4 DRLAVrm.--An account of the Farm- ers" ltstitute Meeting in Holstein un- avoidably held over. for a wager Jlf iidtdiirrlurCii"iiCiv"i' Hall. Some correspondence and other inter.. eating matte: crowded out. We want wood either green or dry on subscription. Valentines at MacFallaue's Drug Store. ' House. Sum-dag, 19th February, at Reid's Sch. ouse. Opposition Speakers are invited to these meetings. Mr. A. B. McCallum ' B. A., of Paisley will speak at the Meet- ‘ ings from the 15th to the 18th inclusive. Everyone should hear this gentleman who has made an exhaustive study of Prov. affairs and who brings to the platform a high class eloquence. The Candidate. Mr. Mon-van, it is expected will be at all these meetings, and he is very desirous to meet as many of che ratepayers there as possible, as it is now impossible in the short time to umke‘ a personal canvass. CAMPAIGN NOTES IT WAS TIME FOR A CHANGE. ville. -» fl - m- Thursday, 17th February, at Dromore. Friday, 18th li'ebrusry, at Drury's Sch See the Negroes gating 1vtuprnt_?1ons Tueoday, 16th February at booms. Wednesday. 16th February at Price. Monday, Have you renewed for THE REVIEW P REFORM MEETINGS. ', 14th February, aw, od, February 7th '98. Fr onus. ' 'e" "."Y' nu: uuu In I _ were up” I 3. w. ”6 f and his I and? 2'di'i'iu'irif moan“ thi and ' t . collection of an. m Um M Townsend's A successful Soiree at St. Andrew's Church on Feb. lat. Rev. Mr. Csmphell was the popular chairman. Priceville +?ir.travfeyioot1 musk; nndyere appre- Mr. John Porhes disposed of bu fol-In to Mr. D. Campbell " agood titttsro. He gave the young people . pie-ant evening. Mr. D. McIntyre with Li. timbermen was at Mr. P. Moodie'ahlt weak tak- ing out aqua-e timber. Alto Mr. Er. Harrison with hismeu were at Hen-n it.f,ittr" McQueon'I Knox'l And cc e's. Mr. D. McQueen. Stnyner. visited hi- sister, Mrs. J. McQueen. He will likely come back again I Mrs. W. J. Wilson in ill " present. Hope the may recover soon. Mrs, Booth lost a valuable cow lat week. Mr. Angus McCanne! is home from n trip to Badgeros, Collingimod. Mnford and o, Sound. Delighted with the Scenery of course. At the packing fac- tory, COIL. he heard the prey ques- tion discussed and is a organ man now. Neil A. McQueen is prepared to build a good pig house. Miss Maggie Wilson and her cousin Miss Wilson of Pf2tt,ttt,t visited friends round here. idn't two ladies have an upset at the Boothvillo hill ? The I.O.F. deserve every credit for their push and enterprise In providing an 1Pttrtainmen.reNu.u1 to that given in cities atso much risk and expense to themselves. Long may this' flourish was the wish of a gratified an delighted citizen. Miss G. King, of Mt. Forest. well and favorably known in our town as a musi- cian of high ability, played the accomp- animents and also gave I cou le of solo: with their encores. Miss fli'Ylhfl,'d'fl'i'l artTrttrrtynying. Miss King possesses a voice of rare compass and power and thou h suffering from a cold, acquitted 'ifl'll% nohly in "The Sweetest Song she sang to me." Mr. Walter Htstie in- tro ucing the artists, also explained the main object of the concert to he. the pro- viding of an intellectual treat to the community and the Proceeds after nay- mg expenses are to m devoted entirely to some charitable object, to the hospital for sick children or to fire sufferers. We are glad to say the sum of about $42 was realized. Had the weather been more favorable. the recent Soiree’s amount or therealtouta would have been enacted over again, Should they ever come house would be assured. Mr. Helmet nan comic, iansuccesn. the ttuurlexpretmiot" brough forth, as well as his acting, through all his pieces. lent an irresistible charm. Mr. B's “Apgy Ome" and its encore “I could not elp but laugh" were notable ex- amples. especially in her "Jamie? by Carlyle, so fu l of tender pathos and so vividly portrayed. M is. McCallum, who is pos- sessed of a, pleasing presence and Bne voice was equally happy in her humor. ous selections. To say that Miss McCallum as In elocutiouist was excellent, hardly ex- presses the appreciation which the nudi- ence showed in their rePeated enemas. especiallv in her "Jamie. , hv (Tm-Mn an Russell Hall, on Thursdav evening last had perhaps one of the tfnest hig class Concerts equal to any given in more pretentious towns. The I. o. Fores..ers who had the management. of the affair have always succeeded in making their concert away up and on this occasion they secured the services of Miss Tessie Mchllum and Mr. Ben- net, artists of provincial famom their respective lined. Miss Martha Douglas. of Toronto. is spending a fortnight with her brotner, Mr. Robt. Douglas. Muss Maud Barclay. of the T. Eaton 30., staff is holidaying at her home ere. “'LIPSOLINE'”. Prepared only at the DURHAM PHARMAGY. Chapped Lips and Cold Sores can be cured in one niglt by the use of our is used. Toilet Cream, Toilet Balm, or .2 - Alba Cream, Which are rough- ened by exposure to extremes of weather become velvety and soft when our EUGENE SKHNS All) DROIORE DOES IT. BOOTHVILLE. back . full TORONTO with, til-139d iip oiiuhoitGoiiiE - Bones bought nod cold. Watel loo “when for sale at Int-e- moms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Bales mar be left at Tall szuw Omen. I - - - M 4m. Amt for .. . .. FABI IleENTS and “CHIN- -- REY. Ml-..... Pianos. 0mm and Sewing Inching; Honeyto loan on farm property " ofBeinted " the home and church. The undemigmsd "tfeta tor sale the -------------------.-t-e"T term, mmetimes known as the 'Gadd M-----.--------.- -------.-_ __ farm" Nomenoy. bein lot 15 on the BOM. I 3rd eon. It contains 1"lgfl'di' About 80 ..____.___________._ cleared, the reminder hardwood 1rtttgw--rn Wmont. near Vat-may. on [ bush. “may" eha‘minm Mr. and ”ml The soil in am clue and every here John err, " "s er. wwwknble. Well fenced and conven- mNaoN.-an Priceville on “he 6th inst. I idnt to Chm!) god School. uood lqt the wife of Dr. Hutton otadaughter, house, Mme bulk Urn, with m. ------r---.--r------r-------' ‘mbling. Three welle with pump an MRI). on the place. ----- Ith6tnileshmnDurutn.ndtt Ttntemttgt-At Lochinver. "tci-tip-ri-iii-C,),":":' femn the Vinny Station on the t,',igg, 1te,tt,h, on ht tith, TI' G.T.R. n urn M 1'l'd'el"i2"l eon “In J1,t', Turn-I For further mm apply on the ball. of that place and a nephew of mm” to Mr. George Tumbull. Benunck. In. Wu. G “,0. 1rBtgw--In E mont, near Vuney. on Tandy. 'ik'it lat. to Mr. and Mrs. John err. a. dnughter. mNaoN.-an Pliceville on “he 6th inst. the wife of Dr. Hutton of a. daughter, Sorry to report the death of Mr. Gill). McCannel. o Proton, who died Feb. tttiii/X,",.','?,'; Mr. McConnel has been [ ailing or some time and spent 6 months in Tomato hosPitul. but did not henetit by it. Mr. McLaunel's hospital expenses weie shared by kind friends umonf whom were our {present candidate. M r. . D. Morgan. (be ore he was a candidate) Messrs Geo. Watson. Jul. McMillen. Neil McLean. Proton St., and others. He was born at Boothville attended school here and was well known and pe- spected through out the country. He had the misfortune of losing a. leg some 14 years a o, in a horse power., while; drivin . 'lil','d'l,/l. machine. He was) tax l'lfdl2,') of Proton for 6 years and was mostly engaged by Mr.' Morgen,‘ Proton St... buying and tlet lumber and poles and was alwey foun on hon- I est and straight forward man In all his I dealings. Hell-raves I widow and five children to mourn his death. A [urge procession followed " remains to t . tit. Andrew Cemetery. Mr. Hurriuon omciuted " the house and church. S. r. ORCHARD. Other articles in proportion. Dont forget “ the place. ,' WM. BLACK (it Our Granite and Enamlwarc is becoming widely known, and fruit supplies are arriving daily. . . .One more can 0/ that choice Cutter and Door Mata in Cocoa and Sea gran to I.--) Another Shipment of SA Wtit and AXES just arril We Iqave marked down all cumin: and will give you a a 2in Cut Nails a, per pound. Bin Railway Spikes 2c per pound. Lined Mitts 26e per pr. Old price Stir, Manure Forks 65 and Tlie each. Old price 75 to We. Btove Pipes 6e per length. Carpet Sweeper. no». Old price X Cut Suva Tlic per foot. Old price 31.25 _ - - r--- Tin Boiler (Copper Bottom). No, tttor 81.0). Old price 32.50 Copper Kettles at $1.10. Old Tra " . OVERCOATS, .,..:" UNDERWEAR. .,l READYMADE CLOTHING . G. M°ART|IUR one for 60e. These must be sold and the Price will do it. First Come, Firrt Served. An attractive range of B'our-in hand Neckties. away down in Price. Our Grocery, Boots & Shoes, and other departments are complete. HA RD WA REE .' IN BARGAINS -tesr,trrrerattmsDtrrttnan. WWM'W. a. rues of Interest. Quick nndloweupodbleclnmu: (DRAM and PRIVATE Full: to Lnainmtntsnrteioettemm with hat-mm ton m We on iHouse and lot lf9r_8_a!9- l - , In the thriving village of Swinton Park, township of Proton, Gountv ot Grey, 3 eomfortnble house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room and parlor with half an acre of good bad well fenced with a pump " the door. Close by Church, uchool ind pmtoMoe. Por further particulars apply to, Jon! Marni, Swinton Pork or Joan Lam. Boothvllle. Jauury 6, '98. First Class . . . Farm For Sale . . c. otritr"usuu, Wm Barium. [one] h Lam Berry Dishes .5. old price O. Cake Baskets .3. old price " Butter Dishes 61, old price " Common Butter Dulles so cent. old price 86 oenu. A Good lamp complain I) cenu. Hanging lamp 32.50. old price can Crueta 03.50. old price “.50. Individual Cream Pia-hm Cl 11,014 for so cenu. bit you a good ,dia Cl

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