West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Feb 1898, p. 1

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passed ps, Horst arness . Highest I , Jr. U 3 c and 7 cusâ€" NALF W 7 1| price 10e c 7¢ a box [arnes w» JE We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system vill meris a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." : :sss“s «& & ATl pAmMA8% a PRA Ragr dats Durham, Aug. 9th,* â€" Stoves seseeâ€"â€"e+ Ahandâ€"made shoes , Our Piano and Organ trade is firmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do you want a Sewing Machine? Try the New Williams.â€"â€" _ Highest dprica paid for Wood in exchange for goods. C. McKINNON. Cutters CA mae S ts tS RxF axts Cl e i6 The Dig 4 Uppor PTown Durham ns » suÂ¥. | 6e skhanoms ts Rreme Bhae arul VOL. XX.â€"NO7 . We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be At prices that will surprice. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. BEAN & CO... The CASH.«â€" yY s t e m ADOPTED BY & J. McKechnie. C. McKINNON‘S. t «ce sell ~Salada" C:yâ€"lon Tea at 25¢, 30¢ and 40¢ a lb. in lead 1€acketaâ€"pounda and half pounds. Come lot of niware we give you for a dollar. A fresh Ah. HF CC "p stin Cashmere in Navy Blue and OOJS Black at 12%e a yard. 40 inch I Black and Colored Wool Serges at ‘ancy Figured Lustres (a snap) 30 and 35¢ a yard. %%8% N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, k BOX STOVES Che â€" Burha Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. The opposition canvassers in South Grey are soliciting votes against the| Liberal candidate, J. D. Morgan, on the ground that he is a Romen Cathoâ€"| lic. We had thought that the time when a man‘s religion should be thus dragged into political warfare had | passed, and that the test of a man‘s| fitness tor a public position, is his capacity for the position. Mr. Morgan| stands well among the people who! know him best, as evidenced by the| unanimous ncmination which he reâ€" ceived from a large convention of the Liberals. The convention was attendâ€"| ed by 138 duly elected delegates, and | of this number there were only nine of| the same religious faith as Mr. Morâ€"| gan. There were three other candiâ€" dates before the conyentionâ€"Dr. Mearns of Hanover, an energetic and capable man and a successful practiâ€" tioner ; George Binnie, a farmer of good standing, and exâ€"Warden of the county, and (i. McKechnie. exâ€"M.P.P , who is known throughout the riding and surrounding counties as a business man of high standing. _ The ballot was taken in such a way that Mr. Mor gan, after three ballots were cast, was pitted against each of the others singly and it is no reflection on them to say that Mr Morgan bad a majority over each of them. _ This is certainly a strong proot of the confilaence and esâ€" teem the men who know Mr Morgan have in him. The Liberals are proud uf their standard bearer and in spite of R10. 3 C -lll £111.74 4 C ull}?l’lla ‘.llc I:"Uuu --;)\;(;rnujent l)‘u("'“)k. Wl‘ilwn in A uf their sw.ndard bearer and in spite of fnost interesting style. The Ontario the sectarian appeals that are _made Agricultural Collega is beginning to and the effort to divide the Liberal feel the full cumulative force of nearly vote by various devices, Mr. Morgan a quarter of a century‘s existence,â€"the will be elected on March 1. . No y“t year having been the most successâ€" I Shawal will on fam fanmat his aalietaal ful in its 24 vears‘ historvy. Proof of John gave a ghastly smile, and said, "By thunder, sir, that was straight from the shoulder. It never struck me that way. I thought politics were different from business. You have given me something to think over, and I am obliged to you. **Sir my opinion is that the Tory canâ€" didate is going to win in our riding for once." ‘"Yes, what is the reason for that ? "Well, sir, you see, it seems that it is time for a change." "That‘s so Jolin ; I am of your opinâ€" ion. You have served my housel’nlold with supplies for nearly twenty years. I have always been satisfied with you. Your milk and cream hbave been first cass, but don‘t you know. I think it is time for a change, I don‘t see why I should buy from you for a life time. I mean to follow your lead and make a chauge," "Well, John, fvnu are around a great ceal, how are politics this time ?" « + hoE man was asked by a prominent Toronto Liberal :â€" ‘‘The people of Ontario have, in this election, an opportuniiy to assert their independence of party and creed and to teach the political leaders the lesson that power in this country can no longer be won or held by appeals to sectarianism. To teach that lesson, to demonstrate the beliet that the inâ€" dependence ct which we have heard so much is real, that it means someâ€" thing, it will be necessary to defeat the Conservative party."â€"Tor. Star. f S â€"Mr Whitney and This space his followers are fond as compared U,f‘ speakinp,: of i the with this page| ‘iEngledue Steal.‘ It represents the] i8 mere Clapâ€"trap as Engledue graif the Aovexed diagram NS & shows. _ T:e benefit in Algoma, to the whole of Algoâ€" s umm 8. ADCQC tDTOCUSL it 6G Ontario, of the exploitation of this very small space will be very great indeed. â€"Mr. Whitney described the patrons at one time as ‘‘a horde of political adâ€" venturers let loose." We don‘t belieye this but quote it to show the contrast between the leader‘s honest opinion some years ago and the coddling way some Conservatives affect towards the patrons when there is a purpose in view. â€"Twenty years ago the Conservaâ€" tiye cry was "direct taxation." We hear it today and it is no truer now than it was then. â€"The Mail a few vears ago said that the Liberal administration of affairs had been "judicions, thrifty and choice." This space I as compared |wilh this pag« represents the IEngledue gra‘l ’ in Algoma, â€"Young voters should give credit to the Liberal party for the franchise. The other day a wellâ€"known dairyâ€" wW&AS IT TIME FOR A CHANGE? THE SOUTH GREY CONTEST. CAMPAIGN NOTES. DURHAM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 17 1898. (From the Globe.) h & # â€"@ came on the exgress recommendation of exâ€"studer‘ts. President Mills on acâ€" counting for this pleasing fexture of the College‘s prosperity says : ist year having been the most successâ€" P:ls in its 24 years‘ history. Proof of this is found in the fact that of the studâ€" ents now in attendance over 95 per cent. "*The great mn{nrity of those who bhave been with us long enough to get a Ogilvie‘s Klondyke book is the ‘best selling one of the year but a book.â€"free for all who ask, that excels it in real merit, because treating effectively of a subject of more lasting importance to the ple of this Province, is the Anâ€" mmmpurt of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm at Guelph. Where one man will wax rich in the now famous 501(] mines of the Yukon district of Canada, a hundred may acquire a competence if not a great deal more by sticking to the farm in Ontario. The wealth of matter in the Report is of incalculable yalue to the country. Agriculture is our greatest industry and the information given thereabouts by this publication of the Ontario Deâ€" partment of Agriculture, Toronto, is upâ€"toâ€"date and reliable. The Redport is moreover, â€" wellâ€"illastrated, and for a Major Shel‘)\purd‘s address on "3 hisâ€" toric days in Niagara Hiver" was grand and vivid, and was well fitted to rouse patriotic feelings, The audience would agree with him that the country was worth the efforts and the lives of these days, Mr. Ramage‘s song "Our Dominâ€" ion forever" came after this and was thrillingly effective. Mr. O‘Connel in *"*Mother at Home" received a hearty encore, Some closing remarks by Pres. Wm. Young, votes of thanks and God Save the Queen closed a fine meeting, Miss King, Mt. Forest, was rapturâ€" ously encored for a fine solo, Miss Doupge and Mrs. A. Hamilton gave an inspiring duet "A Lighthouse by the Sea." Mr, W im. Ramage sang the two Putri- otic songs "Our Dominion Forever" and "The Land of the Maple." Miss Jennie Doupe sang a solo "The farmer feeds them all," with grace and marked ability, She was loudly encored and replied. Mr Jas, Gould spoke on "Over proâ€" duction and its remedies." Advised coâ€" operation among farmers He is brimâ€" ful of enthusias» in his calling. Mr. D. Allan made a speech showing up the evils of the credit system and the tramp nuisance, He would like fewer churches and more concentration of purpose in their work. Mr. Gokey, V.8., Durham, followed on the same lines, urging more governâ€" ment inspection of food products. He gave some of the symptoms and remeâ€" dies for bloat, murrain, etc. Mr, Gould, Uxbridge, gave an address, spiced with humor, on ensilage, saying it was cheaper to raise corn than turnâ€" ips, He discussed methods of storin and construction of silos in a pracLic:fi way. Mr. Jas, Murdoch was in the chair. Haley & Co., gave some musical selecâ€" tions. Dr. Jones jr., spoke on Tuberculosis, and its ravages among domestic aniâ€" mals. He thinks our health laws are not stringent enough. Mr. Binnie spoke at some length tne advantages of joining the Inst. At Holstein last week another successâ€" ful meeting took place. There was a good attendance and much interest disâ€" played. Major Shepard, Queenston, spoke in the afternoon on "Country Roads," and had some hints as to how the present system could be improved by the apâ€" pointment of an overseer, with imâ€" proved road rollers, wide tires, etc, And so it goes on. When so often polizies have been changed without having accomplished their ends it is an eloquent proof that the Liberal position commends itself to the country, and is sufticient evidence that "it is never time for a change for the worse." 8.â€"The office of Minister of Educaâ€" tion was to be turned inio an irresponâ€" sible ‘"Chief Superintendent." That passed, now they want an irresponsible council to advise a responsible Minisâ€" ter. 4.â€"At one election they tried to show that Catholies were not justly treated in the matter of offices, and ‘‘The facts for Irish Electors" was issued. At later elections, they tried to show that Irish Catholies were gett ing too many offices, both cries have been dropped. 1.â€"The creation of a Department of Agricultare was bitterly opposed. No one would think of opposing it now. 2.â€"The O.A.C., at Guelph was a campaign cry at several elections : now buried, The following abandoned Conservaâ€" tive policies are so many tributes to Liberal administration :â€" FARMERS INSTITUTE. CAMPAIGN POLICIES. EvEexixa SEssion. A GREAT BOOK, it â€" Rft TORONTO The work in the department of field experiments is growing in importance from year to year. The experimments with varieties of wheat, oats, barley, peas, corn turnips. mangles, pntatoes, carrots, green fodders, grasses, clovers, mixtures of graim, etc., have been carried on systematically and persistentâ€" ly on well defined lines for seven or eight vears, on plots in different parts T m ca a RTT POVT se â€" s m‘.:- As an outcome of the tuberculosis agitation, the Hon. John Dryden. Miniâ€" ster of Agriculture, decided about a year ago to provide for the manufacture of taberculin in the College. | The necâ€" essaliapparatus was ordered at once, and the bacteriologist, Mr. F. C. Harrâ€" ison, soon got things in shape to comâ€" mence work. The first 14 doses were sent out about the end of last May ; and since that time the demand has increasâ€" ed so rapidly that it was found necessary to order an additional incubator and add a room to the laboratory. With these additions, it is hoped to be able to eapâ€" ply what is required in the Province. egeny Pn it B ue P e 22020 F of a fiftyâ€"acre field, and under climatic conditions which have varied with the years. Hence the results now begin to indicate very clearly which yarieties are best adapted to the soil and climate of the College farm ; and the coâ€"operaâ€" tive _ experiments . throughout the Province, carried on simultaneously by COAHTEReCe PR DC enkee obes in 1897 was 275â€"212 in the regulur course, and 63 in the special dairy course. the great majority being Onâ€" trrio farmers sons of the very best class. At the present time every bed in the Residence is ocenupied and 27 students are lodging outside, most of them in the â€" immediate neighborhood of the College. The total number on the roll .A Cuok" annte i) 4Ni ccmmmthiam fairly â€" thorongh knowledge â€" of our course of study and apprenticeship, are giving a good account of themselves at home and abroad. They have gone back to work with increased liking for farm life ; they are pushing to the ?mnt, as practical, friends of the College at Guelph. Home News a Specialty. _ Market Reports, Miscellany, Genâ€" eral News. Only Liberal paper in South Grey. Terms $1.00 a year. 75cis to new Subscribers to end of 1898 TR y IP POR 4A T GAaATZu Cheap Clutbring Rates Are arriving daily and we promise you the best and cheapest assortment ever shown in Durham. Of all kinds, White, Black and Grey, at rricc‘s that will surprise you. Come early and get your choice, A FEW BUGGIES and WAGGONS promp In stock and you can get these at cost price in order to clean out stock. Carrotâ€"Large White, Yellow, Red and Orange., OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS CUTTERS ROBES THE" MDURHAM REVIEW" H. PAPRPKLEFPR Mangel Wourtzelâ€"Carter‘s Mammoth Long Red, and Yellow Intermediate, Evan‘s Saw Log. Field Cornâ€"The best adapted for this locality. Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, and other Grass Seeds. Our Field and Garden Seeds are from the most reliable British American and Canadian Seedsmen and Growers, and include a‘l the leading Field and Garden Seeds, Soliciting the faror ofy ourorders. Druggist and Seedsman, Durham. Seeds sos Seeds Swede Turnip Sseedâ€"Carters Elephant Garden Seeds in Bulk and Papers. qib ow A Live Local Paper. Published Weekly. Are arriving in large stocks at Calder‘s Warerooms, con sisting of a carload of the best kind of Cooking Stoves Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves, Etc, H. PARKER, VIgW. Died on Monday morning last at 7 o‘clock, Mrs. James Murdoch, after a whort iliness, "Glimpses of the Unseen." Fascinating book. Bweeps the eatire feld of borderland ":1"" EveryboAy orders. _ Maryellons illust C Prospectus $1.00. BRADLEYâ€"GARRETSONX COMPANY. Lnarep the womn question. Portraits of a bendred noted woinsn, nund numerous other iMustrations. A suap for eitker men or woman Oanyassors, Progpjoetus, #1.00. THE LIXSCOTT COMPANY _ One day last week as Harold, the three year old «on of J. G, Moririson was play» ing sround the hbouse he was so badiy bitten by a dog that the I‘r, found it necessary to put 14 stitches in the wound. The dog was thought to be quiet kut was used to following the team and had been ordered bome that morning and was in a sulk. The boy is doing well. The dog was shot immediately. In this way #ome excellent foreign varicties have been introduced, tested, and distributed throughout the Province varieties which yield from six to eight bushels per acre more than any yarie. ties previcusly grown. _ In outs and barley alone, the varieties introduced and distributed by the experiment staâ€" tion have, within the past four or fiye years, paid to the Province a good deal more tEnn the entire cost, of the College for the last ten years. the College Experimental Union (largeâ€" ly under the direction of the Experiâ€" mentalist, _ Mr, C. A, Zavitz,) go to show that the varieties which have done best at the College, give the best results all over the Province, Dwarf Essex Sewing Rape. _ Fine ground Oil Cake. _ British CattleSpice, Thomas‘ Powder Phosphate. Land Plaster in Bags. _ Land Sait in Bags, Windsor and Seaforth Bbl. Salt. Rooms fully stocked of the best makes and styles,. _ Will sell at reduced prices and give you a good assortment to pick from. All kinds of Plows, Gang Plows Etc. from $10 upwards, Come and see them and get a bargain for the balance of the season. SEE OUR ROLLER BEARING TURNIP PULPER Yellow and White Fleshedâ€"A berdeen Green and Purple Top, Greystone and Mammoth Red Globe. SEWING MACHINES and ORGANS PLOWS Carter‘s Imperial Hardy, Hall‘s West bury, Hartiey‘s Bronze Top, Sutton‘s Champion, London Purple Top and King of Swede, Chas,. Ramagt, AGEXTS W ANTED "Wom«n : Maiden, Wife, and Mother." A hich every weman yllf_buy is almost 1 WHOLE NO. 1040 Cbitor audb PQroprictor. DUFRHAM. a a «it a aâ€"

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