West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Feb 1898, p. 5

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8 on 0 0) U# 0 OS 0 15 14 0 15 30 840 0 85 30 2 50 10 day in each m mercial Hotel. Charges moderate, Fire Insurance Secured Office, over Griant‘s store,. Lower Town, UPPER TOWN BARRISTER. ()'r‘l"l('E FiRST DOOR EAST OF the Duarbham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th" Post Office, Durham,. Will be in Priceville the first Wednes Obtrined. Searenes made in RMogist‘y UINCO ADN Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag s at low st rsies of interost. Valuations inade (y a competont and careful Valuator. SoLICITOR IN SUPREME CoOURT, NOoraRyYy PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. V ills. Deeds, Mortzgages, Leasâ€"s, Aureements, &oe. correctly prepared. Eatates of deceused persous looked after, and Exeentors‘ and Adâ€" fuinistrators‘ â€" Accounts prepared and passed. Smrogate Court Buâ€"izess, Probare of _ Wills, Letiocs ofAdminisration aud Guardianship Obstrined. Searenes made in Rogistry Ofhice and BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, wOaTRY @USLIC, CONYEYANCER, «T. Officeâ€"â€"UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. DURMHAM OFFICE, Caipemr‘s Biock, 3â€"25 4 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesduys of each wonuth. Butter‘s Hotel. LVCAS, WRIGHT, 4 BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIE3, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"uow mares EASY TERMS Our spring stock of Wallâ€"Paper is now coming in and we find ze have‘nt room in our racks for it. We are therefore forced to clear balance on lmndvâ€"lput, it at a price that will make it goâ€"ln many patterns we h;weF)'ust enough for one or two rooms. irst come, first choice. If you dont need it now it will pay you to buy and keep for future use. _fDofariane 16. Qruggists & Seedsmsen Qurham. W allâ€" Paper 11 Sale "SUER OF MARRIAGE LICEN â€"â€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upou within i Forced Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.G. AILL Chargzes Msdeorats. DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. . P. TELFORD, I. B, Lucas, > W. H. Waioar C. BaT3O®, â€" > OUR STOCK > A â€"GORDON NEW GOODS able distance, if desived. AMINE OUR Stock NOW . S. HORSBURGH. LARGE VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AKE YOUR PURCHâ€" ASES EARLY. LOOK AT PRETTY n-nnnth()tflce at the Comâ€" â€" FOR â€" DURHAM. ELSEWHERE Mmakdalo. Owen Sound Durkhata. a reasoinâ€" DURHAM. IHolâ€" mit of Jurors, Witnesses and others exâ€" ercising their right to vote ar the comâ€" ing Provincial elections. yours truly, COnas. H. Moor®, In South Grey the Liberals are wildly enthusiastic over their energetic.and popular candidate, Mr. John D. Morgan,. who by the way, is an old Owen Sound boy. â€"Mr, Mergan‘s unswerving loyalty to Liberal principles have been much admired for years; hencee it is that the old, time Liberals are girding themselves to the fray, confident of success in the triangular fight. Altogether there are three candidates in the field. The watchword seems to be, "Come one, come all" npgmwnts. John D. is a sure winner.â€"O.8. Ad. SasBaATH â€" Scroon _ Workers.â€"A meeting was held in the Presbytetian Church on Tuesday afternoon to organize a Sabbath. School Associaâ€" tion for the County. _ Amongst those wesent â€" were Rev, Messrs. Harrison. hunalulk; Thowm, Flesherton : Miller, Holstein, Kitching of Varnev, Vickers, etc., and Messrs, J. W. Blytb, R. Macâ€" Farlane, John Allan, Thos. Allan and others, _A Convention has been arrangâ€" ed for a date in May and a programme prepared therefor of which due notice will be given. o Ax onp ProneE® GoxE.â€"Peter Smith of Saungeen T‘p, Bruce County, the father of Alex, Smith, the Liberal organizer, died Monday morning at the age of Y9. Deceased came to Canada from Inverness, Scotland, where he was born. He was the first settler in the County of Bruce, and had to go down the Sangeen on a raft which was wrecked, subjecting him to a narrow escape. Herook an active interest in military affairs and _ was captain of the local volunteers, He was one of the most prominvent citizens in this neighâ€" borhood.â€"Ex. Apsourx®E®o Hionu Court.â€"The folâ€" lowing letter from Sheriff Moore has been addressed to D. McNichol M.P.P. and will explain itself. The sittings of the High Court of Justice advertised to be held for this County on the 28th, inst.. will be ad journed until the 7th of Mm‘t“b. to perâ€" Trom the Port Elgin Times : "A letâ€" tert from M. McNamara, president of the Huronâ€"Ontario Electric R. R., says the Watchman. informs us that negotiations for the construction of the road by the Englisn syndicate are progressing favorâ€" ably, _ Miller Bros. and Mr. Pew are doâ€" mg alittle wireâ€"pulling for the possessâ€" ion of the charter, but they delayed too long when they had the chance to get in‘to the project. and now they must stavy on the outer edge. Rrerorx ComMITTEE Rooms.â€"These have been opened in ths room adjournâ€" ing J. C,. Nichol‘s tawilor shop. upstairs, and (save the mark) just over the Chronicle office, Friends in town or country are invited to step in to discuss matters, _A special meeting of all town Reformers is asked for next Monday evening at 8p. m.. DeatH or Mrs, Jas. Munrpoorâ€"We learn toâ€"day (Monday) with great reâ€" gret that Mrs, Jas. Murdoch is dead. We will have more details later meanâ€" while we extend our sympathy to the bereaved hbusband and family in the loss they have sustained. Such is life! Yesterday â€" orange blossoms, â€" toâ€"day funeral wreaths. 10000 of @isposing of stock and the "Fatr Day " is little more than a name. Tnr Virrascors.â€"The entertainment in the Town Hall, Monday and Taesday was vory successlul. This wonderful invention is likely to be more than a nine day‘s wonder as, of the many adapâ€" tations of electmecity and photography, this is surely the most wonderful. full to f caltle were shi last week. This is now mode of disposing of stock Day " is lllllo more than a Mr. Arch. Robertson, left for Toronto Wednesday morning to take a reportâ€" ing position with the MceLean Publishâ€" ing Co. We regret to lose our intelliâ€" gent zoung men, but we wish, for Archie all the success his intellitence and his in Instry deserves Town, has established a parcel delivery in connection with his rapidly growing business. _ Personal _ and Telephone orders will be delivered nromptly. NOMINATION DAY is next Tuesday, and no doubt a large gathering of voters will be in town. The proceedings will be in ‘the Town Hall at 1 p. m. Thos. Lauder, sr., Returning Officer. NoTICE.â€"All those indebted to C, McArthur are respecifully requested to call at once and settle their account by cash, note or produce. _ We need the money and must have it.â€"â€"C. MeArthur, Parort DEutvERy.â€"Mr. J. A. Hunter of the Big Departmental Store, Lower Lost â€"Wednesday last, between Mt. Forest and Durbham, a sealskin cap, the finder will be suitably rewarded t y leayâ€" ing same at MacFarltane‘s Drug Store. A very wisoe decision. The same rocedute hbas been followed by the LCB _ ATC 1QWweU, C1f . APMC write R. blaléf:ll'lfili'&n;"l‘-."‘(:‘-.-l-).fi:"l‘i’;k‘f:i agent, 4 FoRr SALE.â€"A few home made cutters, Can be seen at the old Carriage Works, Uprer Town, R,. MacFarlane Sr. For Manitoba. British Columbia and Klondike maps and literature call on or Riog up ‘Phone number 5 and order your groceries, We deliver them. J. A. Hunter, Lower Town. Some new Parior Games just in at MacFarlane‘s, Sugar 21 lhs Granulated Sugar for $1.00 at Parker‘s. Dear Sir, She Burham Aeview. ors of the Farmers‘ Institutes® for ham, Thur. Feb. 17th, 98 LOCAL AND GENERAL Sheriff‘s Office, Feb. 9, ‘08. | !! at MacFarlane‘s. ppc MceDougall td Cattle ing Lwo d by them e faverite I the "Fair Sheriff. Tur ComsinatTion MreEtinos.â€"Dr. Jamieson and Mr. MeNichol haye one of their meetings in Watson‘s School House. Normanby on Saturday eyening while next week their meetings are at Townsend‘s Lake, Monday 21; Mcâ€" CUuaig‘s School House, Wedunesday 23 Township Hall, Glenelg, Taurrday 24. Pir Ssociar.â€"Edge Hil Union S. Sch, will hold a pie social in the Grange Hall on Wednesday 23rd inst.. Agood preâ€" gramime is being prepared. _ Mr. Jones with his gramophone wil)l be present. Mt. and Mrs, Jas. D. Gun, and Misses Hyndman and 8. Carson attended the Walkerton Skating Races last week. Some famous skaters were present amongst others Harley Davidson, Toâ€" ronto. SPECiAL NOTICE.â€"We keep No. 1 Oatmeal and No. 1 Flour for saleâ€"cheap. Also No. 1. Codfi h and No. 1 Labrador Herring for saleâ€"cheap. A call solicited at _ your _ earliest _ convenienceâ€"C,. McArthur, Upper Town. Laige new residence for sale. rent, or would exchange for farm property. Apply to R. %-‘ LEGATE, Flesherton Station. 4 Messrs Stanly Campbell. Pt. Elgin, and Leslie Jones, Walkerton, were over to Durham, Thursday, for the skating races which did no: come off. Among those attending the funeral of the laze Peter Smith. of Saugeen, were Donald and YV m. Smith ana many other old friends frow the neighborhood of Dornoch and other parts of South Grey,. His dreath is the severance of a greai link becween (he preseni and the past in the Counties of Grey and Eruace, BussINESS CHANGE IN DRroMORE.â€"As will be seen in our Dromore news Mr. Jno. M. Findlay has boughi out the store business so long conducted by the late Alex Taylor and will take formal possession in March. â€" Since the dearh of Mr. Taylor Mr. Findlay has been in charge of the business for Mrs. Taylor and for many yeurs before that he was Mr. Taylor‘s responsible and trustâ€" ;rlh‘l'.ll, with whom Mr, Findlay is quite popular will cordially wish him success, and the REVIEWjoins heartily in the Mrs. D. Coleridge, Sr., is spending a week with her daughter Mrs. C. Ramage of the mEviEw OrFICE. es ow . AEOR CCE oo d onl l c 20 ind ols C ie aealts hutret i7 ed clerk. HMe is thus peculiarly well fitted to assume control and his integâ€" rity probity and business insight will enable him to continue successfully the fine business established in 1860 by his lamented predecessor, The puhi,;c in Mr. Mitchell, an evangelist, will hegin a series of special services in the Presbyâ€" terian Church on Sunday, 20th inst, Mr. N. Mcintyre, the Durham timber man, is buying constderable square timâ€" ber in this yicimnity. â€" It is being delivered to the Grand Trunk yards for shipwent, Last year bis stock went from this point by vessel, but this year agent Dench of the G. T. R., secured the freight for the railway,â€"O. 8. Times. pizoo Powders for the Horse,â€"A specific for the diseaseâ€"sold only at Parkeir‘s Drug Store. Niss Jennie Newell was visiting her grandfather Mr. John Stewart, Bunes san last week. Iry our perfect Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, only 85¢ large bettle, at Macâ€" farlane‘s Drug Store. 4 Mr. Banks, of North Bay, is visiting his many friends and relatiyes here for a few weeks. Mr. J. 1. McLean, of the McLean Publishing Co., visited his mother over the week end. Pratt‘s Poultry Food and egg proâ€" ducer for sale at MacFarlane‘s, Drug Store. Mr. Jno, A. Black is now engaged buyâ€" ing poles for Mr, A. McLachian, Lower Town. We want wood either green or dry on subscription. Mrs, Harry Burnet is visiting Dunâ€" dalk frierds this week. Mis, Keuny. Mt. Forest, was visiting at Mrs, Lavelle‘s Saturdav. Miss Edith Mcelyenzie is ho visiting her Mt. Forest friends. Mr, Jno _ Turnbull, Malton, spent a tew days among friends here, Dr Pickard, of Desboro, visited J, A,. Black, of this town last week. eneral, with whom Mr. Findlay is quite Sug'gLr.da‘y. 10th February, at Latona. â€"Have you renewe d for THE ReviEw ? Try J. A. Hunter, Lower Town. REFORM MEETINGS. staic? ‘lxenzie is home from Council met Saturday night last by special call, the reguiar meeting the Monday previous having gone by deâ€" isult owing to the lack of a quo:uam. Rushing business we suppose, with the added distractioa of polities 18 the canse of the negleet. There was a fall me t ing however only one member, Mr. Bull, veing absent. An account presented by A. H. Jackâ€" son for $2.07 was laid on the table for information. The following acects. were passed :â€" S$. Orchard. gravel 90¢ ; Clerk‘s salary. $17.50; Benton, engineer‘s 4 salary, $8.75 ; Leavens, quarter® $259; W. 11. McKenzir, services dep, returning officer. $2.00 ; 8. McCracken, door, plank ard work, $4.00; Wm. Black, and D‘s. $6.00; C. McDougall, painter, | _ There are quite a few complaining of 50e. Total $45.45. La Gripp around here at present. Miâ€"s Eva Booth had a sbhort visit from her friend Miâ€"s B. Hardy on Saturday la=t. McKechnieâ€"Kinnieâ€"That the Aadâ€" iwors‘ report be placed in the hands of the Finance Com. and if found correct to get 50 copies printed. â€" That cheeques be issoed for the Auditors® salary $6 each,â€"Carried. We alimost heard the wedding hbe‘lis ringing last Wednesday but as the sound was coming ftrom the west was kept back at the brick house for use in the near fulure. Ace unt presented by J, P. Telford, ceferred to Finance Com. to report at next regular meeting. 3 Mr, John MeLanghlan of Boltou is vigitâ€" iny his uncle Mr. P. Moody. Mr.and Mrs. Wrm, Marshall are also calling on friends. Some of the yvouug penple were at Mr. George Haw‘s party and report a good iune. Mrs. W,. J. Wilson improves slowly bat we hope to soor: see her around once more. Womnder how the boys liked coming howme in the rain on Friday night. After an absence ol three or four weeks the two Jims got home on Saturday nught but are away agyain. _ cak Miss Neliie McKengie was in Boothville for a couple of da s last week. Haroy in Mr. Fosust.â€"A crowd esâ€" timated to number from 800 to 1000 filled Mt. Forest Town Hall last night tolisten to the premier. and some could not obâ€" tain entrance, _ About a score went from Durham, the Grand Trunk obligingly holding the train till eleven o‘clock Mr. Hardy, though tired made an exâ€" cellent impression by an excellent speech, which was not finished at 11 o‘clock, thanks to Mr. Craig of E. Wellâ€" ington, whose speech, a very good one, was too lengthy in the presence of his leader. â€" More later. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Wilsoa from Singâ€" bampton are yigiting the latter‘s parents at preseut,. Mrs, Mary Kyle, of the Township of Sullivan died at her sons‘ residence, J. and Wm. Kyle last week, She was a formerresident of Glenelg near Townâ€" send‘s Lake and had attained the great age of 94 years, She was grandmother to Mrs. Cargill, of Cargill, and was a consistent mewmber of the Presbyterian Chnreh. â€" Three sons survive her. Wepomne Brurs.â€"Toâ€"day, Wednesâ€" day, Miss Maggie McUracken, Glenelg, 2nd daughter of Mr, Jas. McCracken is being united in wedlock‘s bands to Mr. Robert Adams near Hoistein. _ Rey. Mr. Little is the officiating clergymgn, The Reyiew gives good wishes. Prepared only at the Alba Cream, is used. Chapped Lips and Cold sores cau be cnred in one night by the use of our UURHAM PHARMAGY Which are roughâ€" ened by exposure toâ€" extremes of weather become velvety and soft when our Toilet Cream, Toilet Balm, DELIGA I E SKINS "‘*LIPSOLINE®*‘. â€"In . $3.30 ; Clerk, returns B. M. TOWN COUNCIL. BOOTHVILLE. or TORONTO ‘â€"Ml-';len Thief visited Mr. M. Scott‘s one evening lately, and after a short stay eloped with Miss Plymoth Rock. They didn‘t go very far however, as the beanutiful I»irfi was seen last a few blocks off facing east. â€" Better get a lockion the hen coop, Matt. Mr. Nfiil lcPluio of :oil(“nfi'wd mi; visiting his sister Mrs. Mchec nie other fgfleudc here at present. § Miss Sarah Milligan of Bentinck visitâ€" ed at Mr, Jno.Nichols last wegk. Our store was closed three d{l‘ya this week, Monday, Tuesday and ednesâ€" day for the purpose of taking stock, as Mr. Findlay is going to take the busiâ€" ness, We wish him success, This week came in a little stormy after | the big thaw of last week.. ‘ Mrs. Jno. MceKechnie is laid up with a | severe attack of La Gripp for the past week. Miss Rachael Stothart left for Detroit | last week after spending a month with her brother and sister here. Two gentlemen were in our village on Monday trying to orfimize a temperâ€" ance society, _ We wish them suceess. Mr. J. Wilson left for Guelph dairy school on Monday last. _One of our fair lassies sings * All De Day am Bad and Dreary." Mr. Ju.;. Imghton is leaving for Owen Sound this week. Miss and Mr. Wilson of Singhamton are visiting the Wilson family. We are pleased t« Geddes, 81.. and Mrs getting around again the la grippe, Political meetings are now the order tar â€" BR al of the day, politics of course is a great ’for sa|e' a e e topie for discussion. _ Two meetings| In the thriving village of Swinton this week. on Thursday and Friday in Park, township of Proton, County of Russel Hall, Why not have them the Grey, a comfortable 1 with t same fln * | bedrcoms, a kitchen, dining room and We are pleased to hear that Mrs parlur with half an aore of Geddes, 81., and Mrs. MWm. Lester are: e fenged with "a im “gt‘”db. dl‘nd“ glf;-uling around again after an attack of (lose by church schg‘;l .Pnd * the la grippe, es , 8 post oftice. Two gentlemen were in our village on ' For further particulars apply to, Monday trying to or'l(;umze A temper-l Jonx MarTIX, Swinton Park ance society, _ We wish them suceess, . | or Jonx LeirtH, Bouthville. ils Guelph dairy | .hh.'.J' \} ‘ln(.,.t.l.,alf.‘.t 1{2:‘ l‘l\e“g anf '::nf' E Jannary 6, ‘98, N. y* Other articles in proportion. Dont forget the place. WM. BLACKHK. Our Granite and Enamelware is becoming widely known, and fresh supplies are arriving daily....One more case of those choice Cutter and Door Mats in Cosoa and Sea grass to hand. Another M price 75 to 90c, Stove Pipes 5¢ per length, Carpet Sweepers $2.00. Old price 2in Cut Nails 2¢ per pound. 6in Railway Spikes 2¢ per pound. Lined Mitts 2¢ per pr. Old price 85c, Manure Forks 65 and 75¢ each, Old $1.25 Tin Boiler (Copper Bottom), No, 8 tor $1.00. Old price $2.50 X Cut Saws 75¢ per foot. Old price Trays $0c, 40c, 50c. Copper Kettles at $1.10. Old4 price ther Shipment of SANWNS and AXES jnst arrived. We have marked down all our Azes and will gite you a good one for 50c¢, OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, READYMADE CLOTHING These must be sold and the Price will do it. First Come, Firrt Berved. An attractive range of Fourâ€"in â€"hand Neckties, away down in Price. HARDWAPRE: PRICEVILLE. 1N DROMORE. BARGAINS _ Our Grocery, Boots & Shoes, and other departments are complete. No Frowble to Show QGoods. . M°ARTIIUR three days this G. Kenâ€" itack of \ COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to ‘Loan in sums and on terms to suit | borrowers (On first Mortgage on | _ The undersigned uffers for sale the trrm, sometimes known as the ‘"Gadd | tarm" Normanby, beix(ng lot 15, on the \3rd con. It contains 100 acres about 80 ‘cleal:'ed, the remainder hardwood | bush. | _ The soil is first class and every acre | is workable. _ Well fenced and convenâ€" ient to Church and School. tood log house, frame bank barn, with stone | stabling. Three wells with pumps are | on the place. Jas. WEesser, Durham. rates of Interest. â€"â€" Quick & ar ha It is 6 miles from Durham and 3 au'lres Rf:mm the Varney Station on the For further particulars apply on the premises to Mrs. Wu. Gaon, First Class . . . Farm For Sale . . House and 1 ot for Sale. . . Berry Dishes $5, old price $9, Cake Baskets $3, old price $4. Butter Dishes $1, old price $2. Common Butter Dishes 20 cents, old price 35 cents. A Good Lamp complete 20 cents, Hanging Lamp $2.50, old price $8,50, Fiye gallons Canadian Coal Oil for 80 cents. Cructs $3.50, old price $5.50. Indiyidual Cream Pitchers $1.20, old price $2, Money To Loan. on e ce the ane i5 s s iss e Â¥

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