West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 9

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" p Mc John Lake we understand has exchanged his farm fur the Itoral Him-l Elmwoud. and will besrin his duties in a short time. Mr. Luke will nu doubt make many friends there as he is a a f Durham Chronicle and Ma daughter Nim Maud. who gave two recitations which were the feat ure of the evening. The meeting was conducted lay Mr. Jas. Wilson ot Loume. A social WM held tho following night, proceeds in all 361.5513; On Tuesday night of last week the Methodist body of thin place held " tutreessful soirie, the evening being fine and the roads good. people gmhered from far and near until the church was filled to the door and standing room WM scarce. The presence of the Elmwood choir added much to the en- tertainment of the evening. also the Boyd and Boyce family who gave a quartette. Addresses were delivered hy Ben. Anderson. Garner. Burns, and the pastor Rev. Mr. Matthews. also Dr. Bean of Ehnwood and Mr. [I win editor Itte"dttl for lun’ weck. Some of it the work previous, but was deluyrd en route. Another pioneer has answered to the RollL'nII of death on Saturday Last in the person of Mrs George Sherman who has been a sullen-r of cancer for n long tune. Her last month's illness was new-n- and try-Hug. and death wasa relief to her. In religion she was acomisu-nt mvmher of the Methodist Chum-h. She leave, a husband and n large family to mourn her loss. The htneral took place on Monday when the "mains were interred in the Latona rennetery to await the resutaection morn. Miss Flora McDonald was home for A few days after an absence of two months drmsnmkiug in G'lenerg. Miss Samh Neuter of Durham was winning frtemN on the 8th last week. In. R. Armstmng " at present visiting trio-nus in Leuther. Mr. M. \Vunllwly while putting logs on the Utid got his leg badly jammed but is able I," be m-uuml again. The Latterdav Saints are holding meetings on the Oth. Elder MeGretror is the preacher. Mr. J. Danglus and Mr. A. Bit-Milieu cf kumm Park. paid a ttying visit to our hung Lu! week. wo Mr. Fhrror new We are again to let ynu know how all the people are in our little village. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean of Swamp Folk-m- wow visiting at. the parental home last “wk A very pic-mm, time was spent at the residence of Mr. Thus. Fulton Friday evening. A goodly number “no; assembled. Music was furnished hy Mr. John Moerice of Orchard and Mr. w. Johnston of Bentinck. both old favorite-sin this locality. and others. The “nuts dispersed at a late or rather oryrly hour. all pronouncing it the best of the many good ones held in tttttt vicinity this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Geddes returned home. from Chaley last week. Mr. L. J. Inkling"- left Saturday morning for Berlin. Mr. Wm. mum who had the mis- "name In gel. his hand badly cut. tt bile working in the saw-mill hero in gain at. his "at. Minnnd Mrs. A. Wenger of Ayton Were the “mm-s of Mr. and Mrs.A. Gilmour Wednesday. A eonttremtntio"nt meeting was held in the thylrrinn church hero Mon- day evening to transact. important inn-inns. Plin- G. Gilmuur "pent last week with friend. in Durham. "in Dickie of Mt. Forest is the gum; of the Misses Ruhiuson this week. Mr. and Mike Henry of Ettremont were visiting (mend:- and relatives here the latter lurl of last week. . Mr. Thou. Derhy who has been spend- mxa few weeks in his: old home left for Gylph Monday en mute for Datum. Intended for heat week. HAIPDBN. Intended for last week. PROTON CENTRE. CRAWFORD. Pee, or animus): Liana. Hol- stein, Out. Parties waited upon within I reason- able distance, if desired. Holstein, Jumu'y lith. m uueu on. 1 was taking your System ll 'novator Improved all the time. and the fin-t app ication of E. A. McLenn. am‘s Liniment relieved me greatly. I was free from all pull) and eating well the day I left Goderiel). I was gaining daily. I continued until I took three bottles of the Renovator and two of the Liniment. lfelt that] was cured and well long before I tinttuted, hut was anxious to gain strength and weight, which I have. I began to work almost m. soon as I came home. I have been *ell and feel as well since then as ever I did in my life. My cotttidenre was not misplaced. I tender you my sincere thanks. y 4th con. of Bruce Tp., I Willow Creek P. U., April 3, 1896. t J. M. McLeod, Gmlerirh: Dear ts'ie,--l was sick for five years. I was treated by six doctors. Any- thing I ate distressed me. I was re- duced to a skeleton. The pain In my stomach wai intolerable. What Idid out came up as soon F s it Went, down. Life heeantea burden to me. I Was told that I had a cancer in the stomach. and that it would taken long tinge to cure me. You can weil judge when' told this that I concluded I could not be cured. Ibegan to swell so much and not, getting any relief I thought, my Case hopeless. I was advised not to eat. anything for two wetuks-thts was un- necessary MI could not eat anything. I was nor in good shape to leave home Ill cold and stormy weather. but I had coitliueuce in you. knowing so many cases that you cured in this neighbor- hood, among whom are many of my‘ old friends. I got a friend to drite. me to Goth-rich last November. Icould not rest until I was taken there. I remain. ed live days at the Union Hotel, where they treated me well and kindly till I got. the flannel bat nes you made for me flte.1i on. ' I was taking _your System Sorry to report chat Mr. Archie McDongull is on the sick list at present. Miss Jesse, who was visiting friends at Mulock had to shorten her visit owing to her "miner’s illness. Mr. Peter Tithuty had a call from the Dr. and his driver lately. Sinve then P. hasn't. done any work. It wouiden’t h.- " had plan to put Pete to the test on March lst, Mr. Jnhn Shaver of \Vaterloo is selecting land and a. housekeeper in this "eighltovltood at present. Miss: Mary McAvthur of our burg called an Miss Cvanston one evening last week on her way to Dumoch. Miss and Mr. Greenwood of Zum visited friends here last week. Mr. Riddel of \Velheck called on some Of our burg last week advocating a, book which he has purchased from a lady agent of Durham, entitled "The Lite and Reign of Queen Victoria," It seems to have gained the confidence of the Lady and we may ere long have her reign also. gathered at the residence of Mr. Mal- colmCluueron to spend an enjoyable evening with an old school mate in the person of Miss Maggie. who lecently “rived from the city. According to “mom they Were ttt no wisedisappoint- ed as all speak highly of the warm recptiou they received from host and hostess. Mr. Pierce ventriloquist added greatly to the enjoyment., Jerry in his ccttversation seemed wonderfully well to understand the circumstances and needs of some of the young men. On Friday evening of last week young people numbering about forty was amusing to the audience. The balance of the program consisted of songs, solos. readings and recitations by home talent. also club swinving by Miss Stewart of Louise. Mr. McDonald editor of the Chesley Enterprise occupied the chair, proceeds $30.00. The Ihnke Brothers of Elmwood were hauling tottemautrnoth logs from the hush of A. McDonald Br., last week for which they got good returns. The C. o. F. Society of Louise held a magnitticient concert on Thursday night of last week. The famous ventriloquist, Mr. Pearce of Paisley Was present with his Joe and Jerry in good humor which Mr. D, McKinnon Jr., and Miss Naggie visited Aberdeen friends on Saturday and Sunday last. Misses Mary and Kate McDonald visited Rocky Saugeen friends last. Saturday. Another of Bentlnck‘s pioneers passed this life on Friday morning last in the person of Mr. John McDougnll Br., at the ripe old age of SB years. Mr. Mg. Dougall emigranted to this country over fifty years ago. in coming into the forest he settled on lot 26 con 9, where he lived alone until about six yems ago when he sold his farm. He spent the remainder of his Me With his nephew Allan McDougall. Mr. Hugh and Miss MNttde Ridden of \Velheck were guests of the Smith family on the 8th con, last week. Hr. Dot-mud McDonald of Louise paid a visit to Port Elgin last week. W. S. HORSBURGH. hustler. he will also sell by auction on Thursday this week his farm stock sud implements. 1 mus truly. NEIL ROBERTSON. Sold by H. Pn'ker. Durham. AN IMPORTANT CORE, (Crowded out Mat week.) Yours trul LATONA AGENTS '. "Woman" (I the titht of our grunt new book. Dianne. ullwhms of the subject. Contain- “Tho Lite and ark of Mia Willard,” the most wonderiul Iomnn of tho century. Over a lee, beautiful! P.rrtr?ity.of.ttt, argu- m won-m mm; m. 'oidiFdiGGiiud'GiG. 825p for unnucn. I day “in. -iarhirir' il" UG"." We Tiii" 1:13;: 'tgentes, Cumming outtlt Me Trortts " BRADLF.g-aAltRErtioy COL” ANY. 1.me Tonon'ro whirlwind,' Experiaucad unvasaers reaping the rims“. harvest of their itves: new beginner- doing wonders. Nearly ewrybndy subscribes. One ynuna follow on a farm " on a month in making .75. A lady typewriter at " . week in denying 'll. l mechanin‘who Iyyt earned $1.50 AGENTS Bell “Klondike Gold Fields" like I whirlwind',' Experienced Hummers tanning the WANTED: Farmers' soul or other industrious penum- utJuir edueatiau to whom no. 1. month would beau ittuueoment. I could also engage n tew ladle. " their own homes. T, H. LINSCOTT. Tonnx'ro. Dopm tment of Pubic Work?“ _ _ _ i _ Ottawa, Feb 11th, 1898. 1826 Newspapers inserting this 'ulvertiste. mom, wit mut authority from the De- partment will not be pad for it. The Department dops not bind itself to accept ihe lowest 01- any tender. By older., k -_H (8800.00) must aFcompauy each tendon The chm ue will he furt'vived if the party decline tile. contract ol' iail to complete the work contracted frw, and will he re.- turned in case oi nun-acceptance of tender. ONE HONEST MAN. Ahrr Wane-9. him-n, your rude An accepted bank cheque. pavnhle to the order of the Minister uf Public Arert5. for Eight Hundred Dollars Tenders will not be cousidered unless made on the farm supplied, and Signed with the actual signatures of tendeters. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the uudevsighed, and endorsed "Tender for Honom Bay Watt" wiil he received at, this office until Thursday. 10th of March next, 1898, for the construction ofawhnrf with approach, on Honom Bay. Manitoulin Island. Altromafhrunty, Ontario, according to a plan and speciti- cat ion to he seen at the offices of H. A. Gray, Esq., Eng. in charge harbour works, Ontario, Confederation Life Building, Toronto. and the Postmaster of Honom. Manitoulin Island. Algonm County, Ont., and at, the Depavttnent of Public Works, Ottawa. TEE LmBCOTT COMPANY Tones To. 'll'm'1',gt1,t'g'.'httfr2t {\GENTS “(wimpy-I of the Human." {mina- to calm] and t .0 ' _,"/.uttfr1,'tge/,t",', elutiro ty 'd howled-Ind "a." hf 'd'l'l'lfd I 4:. n, .vorv m v or en. ' uvoo . t'Sel'kl'lr.' tag-1mg iouq. Print'" M to ©aniBeN. m iltrtetm. E. F. E. ROY, Secretm y. ,! TORONTO JBADLEY GARRETSO_N COMPANY, l l The undersigned offers for sale the' House tand I ot gtz‘rm. sometimes kno_wn as the 11hy.id, f 8 ttie - : farm" Normanoy, being lot 15, on the; or . , q 3rd con. It eontttimr100aeres, about wt In the thriving village trf, 8winton cleared, the remainder hardwood Park, towmship of Proton, bounty of bush. ' Grey, a comfortable hes.e with three : The soil in am class and every we bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room and istworkable. Well fenced and conven-l parlor with half an acre of good land {lent toChurch and School. Good log PVC" fenced with tb PmDP at the door. lhouse. frame bank barn. with stone [Close by Church. tehyt and putrtoftiee. 'stabling. Three wells with pumps m For further particulars apply to, on the place. l JOHN MARTIN. Swinton Park It is 6 miles Mom Durham and 8 ‘ or Joan Lax-m, Bouthville. ,mlles from the Varner Sutton on theil January 6, Sit. ithT.R. IF. B.--To ensure a. good Job the Hides must be well salted as soon as ta. ken off. V By the New Process, mhich for Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd '97. _ 3m Robe Tanning! COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loo., in sums and on terms to suit bm rowers, (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: - . .Applvto__ - A Satisfaction Guaranteed. G. Lefriy) McOaul Robe Tanning! Money To Ian, Robes t Coats T hos. Smith. I e'First Class . . “ "IFarm For Sale . . [ - W -.._. - we. emu am! every acre ; TENDERS will be may“! thet ittworkable. Well fenced and convend qttderuioGt up to the Ite; I ient to Church and School. Good log of Much next, for thai 'ttine at School fhouse. frame bank barn, with stone Home in School Section Nd 8, 'tum. {stabling. Three wells with pumps ere ship of Hendrick. About 25 can. at Ion the place. i the modern Iter will be mum m I It is 6 miles flu, Durham and 3 Pergrt 'l'etchert Table. All at. . ,mlles from the Vemey Station on the : pla in School Home in n I.“ mb. ' G. T. R. I would manner. For further particulers apply on the J. I. "an, pretniaes to l "the. P. 0. Has. me. Gum, f Dated Petr. um In A.--, - JAIL Want, Durham. gn‘rm; stetimes known as thditUiii' m. I'm 1a.ge1.t "",tyy1y,ltittst lot 15, on thei 1',.'ie..l'elrl, m" My Itnrhet. O-ders for Sales may be Ln REVIEW OFFICE. convesancyng, Leases, Wills, Mort gages. etc., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Walexlnu Thrashers for Sale at ware- moms. Patmunge solicited. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. Upper Town, FARM IMPLEMENTS and MACHIN, - ERY, --- Manufactu'd on Honor &Sold on Merit Mfll0lillifl PILLS Bhaumatic flptaiilo Tmc ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET PLEASANT, PURE AND HEALTHFUL ?llltllliiLllffl I Guaranteed to cure I Hrtotuttaristtt, . . Quintin: Lluulm o, lllroamiit I ‘ iiii'ui yyl 3 flnp.ttjir. heuralgm. The ”Tho only Int-clun- nunu in Mun! Agent for Undertaking and Fan balming on Inna, tin ciplcs at reanannble was. i GRANTS AID. wilrenuatGr. GiTvUiiiiirdiiii Gi%is Giii are the same entire igatitrhutUott. iiurm/i"'i't' iii/ii/t Make Only by H. PARKER, Durham Remember the 'lane-opposite the Market. Durham. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAME“ A SPECIALTY T. ORCHA R D. .plri)dili()Lllit MISS SHE WE LL Medicines Licensed A uctioncer. . 7 77- cc. -... (hmvulsnons, Hart Disease. etc., etc. A sure cure for "etsdavlse,DizziGss, Constipation. Indi- g(:stiul_1. Hjliousm-ss - Brirtirs ikiiirsU" Diabetes. Paralysis l‘.~......l,f -- Durham - _ _..._.A.. ... we ulaInlol euro. Tatum. vb. doslmit. he wi.‘l cheartully and (free of chum»). j eepyof the proscripmn and. which they will Ind q , u can cure for 2,t:,'rrifiiiihiii,'eiil.' cu. ', nun-h. Bunchlll-mud n 1tttroirtaiid lung Hui. l Mlle-L He Impo- all macro" s'.'.iytr.t.yiiiieii'F. I In; t nnvululble. 2"etetij.iiiiiiWr"aTllld'd I which will 'oltthom noOhlua.ud In] prov. s , bloat", will plane max-cu . A *"v Wow-u l P. Ia-fee- " " 'e-ruriiGiiii, I". I Dated Pets. um. In The undersigned tutu: by “mph ttMmtut,uterert, with use wrcaluuu 'ttrortio Conan-puma. In nuxlou [allow mien” the man-m l Brsrrscrr. The Teasdale Fun: but 30, [ Con. 2, W.G.R. Bentinek mo sores. I have just bought this fam Mr. Teasdale and will sell " 3 great bargain. HOLLAND Towxsmp. Lewis Eydt farm 100 acres in good German settlement --will sell or exchange. A good place. Trie Ronnovcn PROPERTY. Durham. What I cant sell I will tent. 1 have $1,000,000 to lend u 5 per cent. Choose your time to psy it back. Business punts. chm-gas mod. erate. wan-luv“. IW ICI‘CB, 1ntely owned by Henry Hall and tormerl known as the " Parker"rarisr. '%',,' it I good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terms. THE SSANLAN PARK. lot 30, can. S, Bcntinek--t00 acres. Will tell or rent. TenderLWanted, . Among which are t/te./Uuteinsr; ls’r & 2ND Mv. Lot 190m. 1 W. G, R. Benliinck. 100 Acres, lately owned h" I, Wm.',.... YIN-I . - ft) O "tj'a?rostag" JY. J/l. Miller; The J/'anover (Ser.vesranoer, ' -- _ TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed Rise Choice in Valises. Grips. lone Blankets, Ae., M. We do the trade in Raw Furs. tritthest - Price Paid. Heavy d Light Harness CALL d: SEE OUR lrlonlznod "vine been mtoredtuhultn 9 mon mu. utter unconn- (or "rerat you. ’uruluuu 1',',r1?yy1tiifiiiitiiiia%':l',T I’ll... In union. to unto known to his term the mum of euro. To than. who he wi.‘l Gheorfnllv -.-..I u--- -. . consuxpum .H.MILER, .LEAVEN ,dr. 4 The [humor Conveyance: Bites, Whips, Collars, ' t"tt?" 00A? We take thanking past patr convinced W111 merir, - ------V ts§ss tk um- ._. '3tat92c9lhf "Large 9 ", - roam I " Pint In. - _ 02x: Stov 1r0U---XX ers that Syst its E Willie in UPPE m4

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