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Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 3

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'rning. tonto RA FRAxa ”atom " l).“_ 5.. ”IV. a a 'hl bouil- (no I. has». hat an” If how 39.. n we. Canada ADVAICI Proprteten " WWI)“ mama A A". :1:ng Ila 0.00. ‘I'IQ uptlr H “I. tat in its“ H20! " " "I u. " l SUCCESSFUL fluliiili1Bf, Rey. W. i. Dnnnett, a Man Whose Good Work ls Widely Known. He Relates Events in His Career of General Interest-For Years He Suffered From Heart Trouble, and Frequent- ly from Coll1pse---On One Occasion Five Doctors Were in Attendance-He is Now Freed from His Old Enelm'. and Enjoys the Blessing of Good Health. From the Smith's Falls Record. Throughout t‘anuhs. from the must orn t.ouadary of l maria to the Atltn Hunt. Temp‘ur "oun mu. Coun i" in bis than tun rats Mr. I going from piano to p good work, asomotimo dent ministers, sum-hvu-x' wunrluvung a so“ a of gmpel luxumrzmve “I'M-inks 'tntieietriently, 'utt run»; 'a urinal for the goal of his fol'ov.s St him In Smirk 'n l"\l 9 tstew month" 350 in con- nation wita hin “ark tt' dronrard ilk to the Rcwml ofti " lur " “Us visit. “ier the editor. During the t'onvernn- lion In». Its ord Huturml to remark that his dull-s eniai%d an rnunuous sworn! oi lard “on": lo this Mr. Unn- nctt assentcrd, hm allied that In his present pry-it-al condition he “M eq- ual to any amount of hard uork. But it man not ennui so. he seid, and then 00 give the writer the io'iow‘mg lit- tle 1riettral lixory, with permission to nuke it public. He. said that for the past thirtvwn ymn h" ha" Men great.- ly troalced will: a ”tin in the region of his heart, irony “hi u tv, we." on." sler to get any uh!" At times. it wth, o dah, heavy gain. at othern damp and lovers. liftentimaw it rendered bint' unfit for MA ettcrtReroertts. and at. all times it nude it tiiti'ruelt to move. His; trouble was a. " uys si,.iisle to the pub- llc and frequent-y whrn loudly-tins: anvil-e he would xiv" our anu doctors had to be ruled in to attend him. This occurred m him in the Yonze street church. Toronto. th., Baptist church. Woodntoek, YEAH-.0 Me'thnikt rharrh, Forum Pie, Ont. tht “lather mea- lion while preaching toweuni'r n C ot 2,500 people in the ankiin Ftr.et Congregation“ church. at “that”. A Fella-e - tru- “In. one - I" .N-mr. I Generelnrzt Dr. Sobnler publishes a? ccllection of "Hints for 'Anokers,"' which are founded. as the Doctor states. upon his professional observat- ions tor many years ot the mouth teeth stoma h. Innis. heart and skin of the derotees of toucco The first end foremoet rule is ne‘er to smoke before breakfast, nor, an a rule. when the stomach is empty; this custom is the “out poeeible toe of digestion. Never emohe during my exertion of (rent phydcel energy. " dancing. running, cycling. mountain-ciimlintr, or rowing. end eepecielly it in e con- teat. Never follow “the bed custom of the French end the Bunion" by “lowing the - to pen through the noel; never inhele it throuh the Keep the smoke u tar from an eye: and nose: tho - no better: the us lino during "or! In to HINTS FOR bIHKERS. J [/5471 ,7 ! make u tar " possible a and nose: the longer otter: the use of n 3110.: "MR in to be Moi-led. ii "am" “in. and Ila“ to REV. W. A. DUNNFtl'. N. H.. tire 'lo-tore had arrived and wv-re In: attendance before htt regain. on outs, u.;§'l|r§r~. In all anst' (HUB! an! Lanna ttse newspapers freely men- tiunwl his affliction at. the time. Mr. Duanett said he had consulted many physicians. though he said, to he an tirely fair. he, but an.“ been any great length of time under treatment Ly any ow, dortur, because of him itin- erant mode of Me. in the early part of the summer of W96. “hilt! in Brock- ville assisting the rastor of the Wall street Methodist', thurch in evangelitr tic aervioes, he was spraking of bis troable to a trion; _ho urged him to try. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. and next (530' present. d him “ith a dozen boxes. "I tuck tlw villa," said Mr. Dunne”. "and i don lure to you I am "wtsll man to-day. I Herd to worry 5 great deal over the min about my Mart. but, that in all don" now, and l feel ilke nnew man." All this the reverend gentle- man told in . simple. mnvorsational "Ar, artl when it “we suggested that he let it be known. he rather demurr- od. bonuses. I“ he put: it, " I am almost afraid to say ’am rural. and yet therd is no man enjoying better health, too day than I do." - . At that timo, at. Mr. bunnett's re- quest. his statement was only publish- ed locally, but now writing under the date of Jan list. from !~““-hhurg Mam., where hm bu bee" "Mr“!!! a. wry awn-Msful serious 4t t . . ‘- moet'ngn. Pu uivvtr.--"l h . , ' “a; from “fling in regard to my imam)" not Hemm- I had forgotten, rut bu- cause it ecu-med too [1001! to be true that the old time ptritt had gone. I cannot say “ha-that it will ever return, but [can rovIaTn-ly my it has not troubled me {Gr months, and I am in letter health Han [haw been for years. I have gained in flesh, hence in “eight. I would prefer not to sar anything nFot.rt my aplreiite; likty the mot. it in aver with me. Yes; I ah tribute my pod health to Dr. Wil.. ’liama' Pink Pills, and you have my mm. to on the that.” A pipe is the mast whoisotne form of smoking a cigar the nest. :1 cigar- ette the worst S'osays tlvow away your cigar as soon as you have smoked four-fifths of it, the ltst and of it is the most hurtful in cauda xenenum. the poison lurks in the tail. All cigar- ettes are had, but Eastern cigarettes the worst for they ere almost always compounded with some degree of opium. The smoker ought to rinse out his mouth. not only lefore'erery maul end before going to bed at night. bat sex-erel times during the day. The beat rinse for the smoker is e glue of water in which a teaspoonful of (aide salt has been dissolved. It should he used es e angle at night. end care should he teken that every cevity in the teeth in well washed with it. The pipe‘e proper pleee is in the hand. and jooly occasioneliy in the lips or teeth. To read this advertisement and then give Putnam's Painlea~z Corn Extra-toy . - -. - a Sg, A, -n... A...- tA :l'c lutuwmv --_-ti- ._,_,,7, v e trial. It never fails to cure. Acts in twenty-four hours end causes neither pain not dis: omfort. Putnam's Corn Extra-tor extracts moms. It is the Lost. In all thtuw (Ellie: Wanted - Inn-Inge lack a ”libretto. and Wit-slay Ame! Wm: In. Wamley got up to get his pipe from the mantel the other evening and care- leuly brought his No. 10 foot down heavily on his wife’s tenderost corn. I He mado no apology tad Mrs. W’amley “Woll, Henry Wunsley t" ”Well, wilt?" l "You haven't onything to any. hive you!" i "Anything to my about whotf' "About nearly crushing my foot to o jelly." l "What should I any t" "I'd ask, if I were you, Henry ttrarna- lay! What would you have aid 10 years Mo before We were untried when you were courting me! What would you any lac-day to any woman who 1tid not. happen to be so unfor- tunate as to be your witet Hey? Why, youll humole yourselt in the dirt ap- ologizing to her! You’d say 'f beg your pardon! and 'How awkward I aml' and 'Do excuse me " Oh, you srouldn't be humble and polite enough in your up- ologies! My! how you would apolo- gizel You'd he apt to write her a) note about it! And it it hal happened after our engagement you’d be so ten- derly soiiritous slant my 'poor dear little foot,' my ‘tendor little foot whose pathxxay you Cntrttrried to make smooth all of my life'. My good land! You’d make me actually weary talking aivut my 'poor little foot.' But now .uhen you nearly crushed awry bone in it and make me scream wich pain you never open. your. mouthful so.) otyy,yy..nt'i,y.t iCirii'iruGk-y 'O, thuiuierl' or some- thing like that! And fast night. when the Morleys wer" calling here _y_ot,1/e.t1t - 7 . . . A mr-, , A..|.... DUO L'LVAIUJu vv\.- Vâ€"rr._ci - us all tired twolosrizing to Mrs. Morley bevause you chanced to spill a little water on her dress, and I thought to myself, 'Ho 1soaldn't apologize that way to me if he. had accidentally turgi- _ . - ---- t 11.".I ILI‘A " was, Lu Luv .. ux- --'-_ ._,_,-,, _ ed agarden hose on mel He’d prob- ably ask me what I was in the way tore It's a strange thing to me,that nu 1 Lu» - ..-._..n, ,7 - V a married mais manners wane with the honeymoon! I tell you marriage makes an awful difference! Indeed it does!" _ .. .. . II I,I,,I 'v--.. - I " should my it, did," mumbled Waar. aLey as he lighted his pipe. b: North American Life. QUESTIONS. i, . The questions which come throng-i ing to our minds in buns of great'; att'ess and pain seem unanswemhle. Why should. things be so harsh so un- , equal, so unjust: Why should those, whodo well Buttle and th as“ ho doill I {Apparently go unscathed! Why, for all , our earneet end determined efforta.l do no never get ahead in life, or ob-g tam a sure fogting, “bile another. who ‘makes no effort at all, outstrips us in l the use? . _ Why do we tall into pain and tremr '; Ming when doing right for couscienee' i sake;' Why are “a forever unsatisfied; . with our vompieted Work! Why.wheni j “e feel that the conflict is too hard and l "hen we sorrowfully determine to give ' up the struggle, does something alweye .come to spur us up to fresh effortat; ' And why do we forever feel that,} however hard the fight for right we: must fight itt Why do we feel that.. , whatever the consequence of the right action, it must be done! Why do we' -know. with e euro knowledge, that' {whom “though we cannot under- latent] why. it must be ell rightt' The Very Fact 7 That our sales of LUDELLA CEYLON TEA are larger than ever and are increasing, argue the " ecl1ence of this superb bknd. Have you tried it ? 25. io, so or 60c. In lead packages-from leading storekeepem. W IRS. WAHSLEY. for 1897 Spring is Coming: Now is the Time to Purify Your Blood Toke Hood'- Sanaparllla. end Gum Against Danger. During the winter, owing to close confinement. diminished perspiration and t ther eaumbtg the blood has become irnpw erished end impure. In the spring the millions purity. enrich end vitalize their blood with Hood's Earmparilla. This is the greatest and best Spring Medicine, [amuse it is the greatest and ’est blood purifier medical tsci- ence ever produced. I My frinnds said the minister, earn- l, eatly, let us beware of Satan. We know ': that he scatters tacks along the narrow may itn order my; the just may pum- iture their tires. " " Wonderful What a change can be made by I few bottles ot Hood's strrtusparilu at this season. This medicine creme: an up- perita. tones and strengthens the dig- estive organs regulates the bowels. gives sweet. refreshing sleep, quiets the nerves. o ermine: that tired feel inc and gives rem ued energy and ambition. strength and vigor. In the beat-ln tart t he One True Blood Prtrtfter, b't: six for " C. [2de _t/ 0., Lowell, Me: Haii'k Pills Ini :8 "iii'" "rngreitation painted homewarJ many a. member thought of th' rastor'a words. H ood' s Spars 'f'.'lt, CAUSE FOR ENVY: Firat tramp-How time steals along don't it. pardt ... , n . Second taarttr--Yes and there's sm- other thing a'out time that excites your envy, I'll bet. First trtsmtr--'Wuat's that? Feeond tramp-it can't he arrested. It In Foolish I. Malta any Kind of PM" - ("re Them nt the Beginning. Piles are simple in the beginning and easily aural. They can be cured even in the worst stages without pain or lasso! blood, qui-kly. surely, and mm. pletcly. There is only one remedy that - - - .. up“ ' n - It..__-;:.. rv..,, - moat." It. allnys the iuilammaLi-rn iaunodi- Holy. heals the irritated surface, and, with continued treatment. reduces the Welling uni pubs the membranes in good, sound, healthy condition. The cum in oorough and permurent. Here are some voluntary and unso- licited terstirwraials “e have lately re- caivodt- l Judge Henry D. Barron St. Croix Fall». urs:--" have suffered sewn-- 1y frnm piles, and found no remedy until I applied 'Trwsk's Magnatic. Oint- tmutt.' It relieved me at wax-e. and permanvntly, to the present time." Daniel John. of Lthrty, sarc--"MY wife was afflivtod with the piles for tma years or more anl have trim many ominmt physi inns. but remix- ed no bene’it until I “as indured by your agent here Dr Beaver. to Wie -- -- at l\!,‘,__,\_.Ll ___‘ t In Fe"'"" ..,--.V, _ . i Torn Tompkirur-Yetr. lady, I've jes' ', taken de Wedge. yor know. an' I wan- '; tar see wlwrlder my moral stamina is {strong Pun ". Mr rosist do templat- t ion uv drinkin i. o' an you'd Its one ea.rt h." avu- ---r--~ n" ‘wausk's Magnetic Ointment,' and .'. can now say she is euiirNeiy cured uith three butliew.” H Ro-They say one should learn from than mistakes he has made and the fool- iah things he has done. E,'he-.-lf you followed the advice' dear. 01.1w v"-I 1‘. .. C. L. Root, Mnnruaville, says:--'" have. Nan using yt ur'Trath's Magnet- ie Oinimrutt' for irleeriinrt piles. and find it kph»; m4 Int-re than anything else Ihnve tried." All druggists sell Trask's Manned". Oiartnruti. ft is 25 and 40 cents for full-sized [um-llamas, and {a put upwn‘y yr Fraoci.s U. Kama. 127 Bay atreet. T'omn l u Now enters upon pursuits formerly monoiolized hy men. Hut the feminine nerves are still hers and she suffers from toothache. To her we recommend Nersiline - nerve-rain rure - cures tootha be in a moment. Nerviline the meat marvellous pain remedy knoxxn to tscientot. Nerviline may he used etti- carious y for all nerve pain. Mrs Heeciern--Tuts say you want half a tumbler of rye whisky to make a great moral experiment with? ___ _ . Mr I, '7, Il‘.- I-..l ms 1VAY OF PUTTING IT. tfoNtr.Wittrtotriiis if}: Q’NLW Style Tires Ili) w are constantly pushing oia"t" Air makes lo the wall. Whv be? content with old r:uhioned git styles ? 4le g Geodrich "RES 5. Al) Res- Flex . a, lie; -irLFfiLii'i' Magnetic - Oini- SIMPLE AT FIRST. UN i. Y A N EXPERIMENT DOMLES'I'IC A MEN [TIES The I .'tht woman of the hrigutest men on carom“ iTiEistwrto talk n any to operate. 26 cents: Thu- Mered "up!" of Egypt Were the FteM Known to -. The first retreats for the inane men- tioned in history were the sacred tear. plea of Egypt. where the highest devel- opment of moral treatment wee preo- ticed for the roatortstion of reason. One of the earliest notice at the etstahl.its.h- ment of an daylum for the insane is in the life of St. Theodoaiaa, who was born in the yeer 423. and died in 529. He ee- tnbliehed, nest Bethlehem, 3 monu- terr, to which were annexed three in- tirmtrrie-oms for the sick. one for the aged and feeble, and the other for such " bed lost their tsense-in which ell sureors. spiritual and temporal, were ef- forded with admirahle, order, are and affection. lln medieevel Christian time: conventuel establishments were used for similar purposes, but with these exceptions there were no organ- ized esylums for the insane until the founding of Bethlehem Hospital. This. the oldest lunatic asylum in the world, with the doubtful exception of one st Grenade. was originally founded in 1247, as I priory in Bishopsgete, its mother church being St. 3h'ry'ts of Bethlehem. or Bedleem in Wyclif- spelling. Itnis spoken of as a hospit- al tor lunatic: in 1472, and as tsueh it “a granted at the dissolution to the Mayor and citizens of London, be- ing incorporated as a royal foundation in 1547. with IDOAL APPL1CArl0NrR. Ni they can- not. roach the mat. of the at owe. Catn-rh in n blood or constitutional tisrettse, ond in order to cure It you must take inlclllul remodleu. Hall‘s Catsrrtt Cure In tah. vn iu'ornally and sets directly on the blood and mucom mmm. ll- l'- (‘ntm m Cure i-z not a That medicine. It Wm we: cubed by one (a the has! phyalohnn in this country for you-n. and la "tntuiar, pro-crip- tion. lt in oompoacd of the treionics known, comblnod vita the but blood painters. acting directly on themueous ant-fat". The perfect oomb‘nntlon of ‘h ' two lugmdl-u' _ ll what producw such vendetta! results in our initrtirisrrtt, ycrnd to: teatimnnl uh, In a l F. J. l HENRY N co., Ptot., Tolsdo. G ( Sold by llruvgl-zts. page 751-. ( Hull'l Funny Plus are the but. Most people have heard of the old experiment of firing a tallow candle from a gun through the panel of . door, and run was ly imagine the fans- ibility of the feat. for door-panels are usually very thin and of soft wood. " is far more difficult to believe in the possibility of using a. lump of clay as a. projectile to penetrate an inrh-thick iron target; but this has reeently been done. at Wonla irh Arsenal in the course of some experimvnm for the [lurxose of ascertaining the condition under which gas is fired in mines. A special form of gun “as employed to represent a bore-hole. and vyiindcrs of clay \\ ere used to imitate the tamping. Shots “(are fired in various explosive mixtures of gas and air, ma! dust, ete., and at a. distant-e of tuenty-tiv" feet from the gun an inalhthim iron target. M as plac- ml at an (mule. so that the clay "ould ed at an angle. so that the clay rould he broken up into dust and manned upxmnls. After the first three or four shots. it “as found that the day had gone right through the metal. and the hole was gra-hm‘ly enlarged by sub. sequent impacts. That was a Lise Munireal Judge who tho othcr day beaten-ed tspill pedlar to a, term of imprisonment for selling a pink pi” representing them to be the same as the widely-knmnn and justly nm It's' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale, Peovle. The represen- tative of the Dr. Williams’ Medi-ine Company din out phase. no matter alumly or Che culprit would have had 11. lung harm in jail. We commend the persistence with “kill this fraud was followed up; curb cams are far too trequeut and NA uld be put a stop to. When a firm has slant the money that Luis Mali inc (“mummy have, in ptwh- ing their meh in-. they should be pro- bevte'l and these fraudulent. initiations promptly put an end to; tle public, too, c2v.ubt bts protected from having worth- less, cheap stuff palmed off on them in the plane of such world-fumed arti- cles of merit. We would like to see the William,' Meni ine CNsmisarty, and OHI- er mertirine dealers, prosecute these cusses of fraud with sigor so we may know UM when we " for a medicine we muy get e.xacriy what we want, and n t Han»: inferior and cheap com- puun I on “Huh the profit for the deal- er “nu'M he four or tive times that of the better artr'le. PLAYING ALL THE TIME. bows your husband work, Mrs. Dub- ley' Indeed he dues not. He plays trout one. yeur's end to the other. How mm he do that and keep the Wolf from tlv" door. Mr. Dushley in t musician. "iv-rr-ae .t makes my held go round just to look at you. CATARRH CA‘WOT BE CURE!) T. Ainslie Young, Rector, High School, Quebec. "rrtos:--l should like to add another testimonial to the num- lrrs you have already received in fav.. or of " Quirkcure." I have been trou- bled a good deal lowly with Bails and tried quiekeure. I can only describe its effect to msgicul; in about half I minute after application, I felt on though [hid never been troubled st all, and “a completely well in two days. Wishing you every success with your valnthle discovery. . P 0 ”8 PIERCING IRON WITH CLAY TORONTO THEN THEY SAW IT OUT. Btw--why will you never waltz with ASYLUIS FOR INSANE. you CAN'T PULL cotton over your eyes and call it .001. "Inn ' I'Illlll are not made that way. They are and "I" made the "N that has stood the test--the best way-our way. We fully guarantee every pair of road tires and repair them FREE OF COST. Write us for answers to your questions about tires. -mteA1--gnm- W Bttttttt. Ttttttttty m tted gntttttPMt--8nmtttteq tttttttter-ts. o “n um mn-mmmw. emu-street. HARTFORD and VIII V“ cm "LI. Se?rgtitu't','f"" out . post hm- are not made that way. They Ire made the “a, that has stood the test-the best way-our way. We Nor AN Amuxrun- nn VIIUUUII a II; II lNDO-CBYLON TEA, In free from trashy China and Japan Tao, u. 30, qo, so and 60 cu. per pound. All grocers keep it-black and missed. hm do you like it! - on name o' th' wordl in othera hurt much name In '""e" v- -___.. --- --' - - - I good tea has more strength than tho chaps: armies. therefore goon (orth- er, and gain the freight cost of [who lag and growing no tho no per 'pound on upoor he. 0.30.. good _ one. This does not mean that Me. Lu- j doll- is not. good xulue. In (wt we won- der how It can he produced for the money, but that the MY. is better, and l at such 3 small additions] cast per cup. given the consumer greater shunt-"Hon In the end. This l.udeJl|,whivh is hov- (ng an enormous sale, is pm In naked lead ”Huge at 26, 40. tio and W [cents per lb. It in not generully known tut cu- foe and Cocoa on leveral times more expensive 3 drink than tn. yet many grumble when asked to My more tho-n 25c. a. pound for tea. The agents for Ludella tell us that etch pound ot their popular 40c. Ceylon blond con- tain- two hundred and "rventy-fi" cum pr. seven tor one cent; TPr, ttt h/l “@925 You're my tint and only m he do- olared. _ ..-. vi}; believe you. lbs Answered with a, shiver. tor they were sitting at but tam toot apart. 'F-What I. fresh (unpbxion. m- Snrishtly he. . .. . . ___ ‘réh7:fegi' the makes it up (rub on cry evening. What are you doing. Jimmlo' Readin' th' dictionuy tduouq 940 {any "m" LOCATED in the welt,' owno dud: low price, Pit' trrrtti;iwe/r {til-M1 write at any} _ Egg-Eh: 1'"tyrta"yt. _ Iv.- "0"" - "alltvu- can m .k. harm my "dine our youth- it: t,hrir own Mod in. Wrf,re In ft. B. "AVHOE k co., hum no." of Ttusnartdt'otrrspc. “H'Mn-ch SI... Toronto tea Agents Wanted. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE. Butter, Eggs, Apple». fruit. ac., to - THE DIWWN OUNHIIUOI 00.. “MIMI. w. o! In: Mark“ and “Mm Ste., moan. Gauss“ Inna POWRRPUL PURIFIER Rich, red b1ood--essrutu1 to perfect beaith-- 01h pmly herblltonlc Insurr . good health. Ar nllkug- pm. no. package. uounwm human: no. Dt MOULE. B. A., (gradual. of Duh". lfniverunv. Ireland) lenliit (thmmo [memes ot the New“. Blood, Count Ilmlunul “Imam. Impaired V ital Elm”. mm- o unwound!“ “In!“ 93 Cum»: St... Toronto. Pure Blood M )Mreal and anbnc to Livorpool In Hummer I'm a nd to Liverpool '" wm‘nr. Lame Gil but I win FCrNt. not. .hip, 'l.z.hru.dorf ‘Vnn- cottver.' 'Dominion.' ‘r'mtumnn.’ ‘Yurkuhiuo: Superior new!" mrdntism 'm- First "bitt, Fitter and (twin av d Macaw 'atoqn.erm. limo: ot Tra-tri-list "trin. no; remind CAN". "" Elm-rue " 50 and ‘Ipuudu tuses/inte to Ilelnu-r and berth. Fur " Informal Hm inIy to Local Agents. or luvm Tootsbirr &tlo., Gen'l Arena. tt Be. Barnum- '" Ht.. Mammal. Dominlon Line steamship: --s- $1. I. nouns", an" In. a can...» l TORONT0.0 t. -----_-- ct, n. THROAT "YE, "mu "%rNF- vacuum q -6--r" “WE WANT 1fil ll QUICK." been“: lune» nod gentlemen on be up. plied with genus] and very PROFITARIJ iatT'r""/, mum-y r, the Gamma NICO EA A Y ttt mean (3001' REMONEKL TTON, Can xiv. he adtimrot rfr .or-tatt" who hujuuz cleared ttt, In 2t D 'rt, u an hon-dons!!! AT vo l" awn HUME . L. mmmm & co., -- "-- «Al I"... '..- " the worm Inn soften- the snow bunk. it settles away and the top of tho wire fence epp-are above the eur- face. This in Jack k'rost‘u opportunity end he hardly wtrita the sun's setting Lefore the now is frozen (mt to the wire. Than he rejoioee to see If“! PAGE go down " othere have (one be- fore. But behold. when the morning nun looeene hie grip, up come the coiled epringe es perfect u ever. end poor Jeck is egain forced to how down and wander to elestivity. Price list and illuntntod prinud mutter on application 'ro the local Pm “Page. dulor or to IE M WIRE Mi EMMY. WALKERVILLE. tht"' PLAYING " POSSUM.” P. B.-Ne our "ad" nut mt. HTS OPINION. w. J A M "130% MeFriéion. Ortt PROOF OF IT. FRESH- 1'isiiciGoia 'WT'IUL Tot-on“ Arty mum-9| El

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