West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 4

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ilCl k] it xfo Enquirer: Yes, thev stuffed melon ballot boxes-with Jamieson ballots. I Peel Egremont gave Mr. Mexichol 46 Pertl more than his own towashlp. Peter Prot'm is the banner ward on the , ' Reform side. with a majority of l. Prem We have to be thanklul for small Benn hm Glen‘s]: on the Conservative .. aide with a majurity of It3. Egre- Well, Dalton the Patron side where they Well, are only in a minority cl 29. m The figures gi\'el.buve to change when the URL ation is given. Proton Reca pitulation by Faremom Glenelg Normanby Bentinek Durham panda": Ward 1 Cedarville 2 llopcvillc 3 SW. Pk. 4 “entry 5 ttl I Survey Ward Ward 1 N. Ward 2 E. Ward 3 W. Ward Ward 1 Wnrdl (Abram) 7.' 2 (Ayum) in} 3 (Neustadt) " 4 (llmnpden) 97 5 (Hull's) 31 03 (1ilenedcn) 38 Ward] (Ritchie's) 32 2 (Glen) 21'. 3 (Markdale) m 4 (.11'Krspzie'ti).'n 5 (Pp. Hall) 51 All" Ward 1 (Allan’s) It; 2 (pmmoiv) -i'.t 3 (Holstein) A3 4 Oaith's) no: 5 (pttvidsim'sp7 6 (Drury's) 33 Thatthe government is sustained is matte, for congratulation. Their majority. though small will probably betuuml lobe Wurkable and a good strong upposztion being assured, We should bejustitiml in ex cting them tooWr criticism in the rinse corres- pumling to their abundant charges on the platform smudhing they have not done in the past. Mr. Morgan after an honorable fie ht, has to content himself with second place, a [bullion which many thought he would never tench 1.','Prlttlys peculiar olrettmstances of the fight. We thought. and think an", .that his record as”! Libcral entitled him to a more gi-neruus suppon from his party than results Show. top scum-s if not hundreds, seem to have gone, not only to the Mann candidate, but to the Conservative as well. Mr. McNichnl made a fight worthy Mr. McNichcl’s total vote this time ot a better finish. but he llnllst hurl n :w is not far fenn his maioritv last time. he has contribute! In a very H . ( glaze degree, many will any en'iu-ly, I “-T'llle "'nnth?ieei'euf,' local Conser- to the return of a eaudiilate 1Trtotd “Wis?! 93 d "r , Ir was V_ery to the guwrnnn-nz (it which he has sh £9119 In.ee . . , ts'lh',','oit, 1l.2h,1t,',t mach good to say. That Dir. Ihr Ir." s'1"il".,'.',ef,'ny?'.t "e?.5P"?. LtIons Nichol; "raf't.,at has inevitable We (-11i,',":t",tee. a r'g.ttl"l,.fg,1'g,.,t,yui,ijjj) hum-"iv hcliev"U lsut not by so nwr- "H? J,td.1//r, It, tt"fll .‘Of' qulng we? whvhni'ng a niajority. Partoni.sm, as tft “f L, £21m. atria 1"ilg '1lieltitig',1, A political factor is (land. wlmi'hvr the. a" f‘ is” gill ge8 tent " on ca. t Indep4olrmet, it has it,lu:,iul mm the it?llt3. I eleetorate will rcsul; in guml remains, - --_-------. to he secn. _ , Kingscutélltji Mr. Morgan after an honorubh place. a poaitinn which many tho peculiar tgreumstanees of the tight. record as a Libvral entitled him to than results show. " scum-s if not In Patron candidate, bat to the Conscte ---lkuttine I Tobermory G.", 2 Hu'mns Ihllp,y 3 Allan Parka-, 4 Hanover S. 7.3 5 Manon-IN lot) 6 Lamlash 48 , Louise 4O The thretseornored contest in South Grey has re: Ctmtservative Candidate by the Yarge majority ot 531 said last Deeember wher he was Cllhsen, was easily th man and having no wish to belittle Ins victory we townsmnn on the support accorded him and on th achieved at his third trial for parliamentary honors representative. El m wood Dr. Jamieson, -- Dundulk --Durlvanr-, 210 --Normanby - Captures every Municipality but one Proton --G'lenel THE VOTING Joo 335 Government Sustained by a Small Majority 413 3d9 210 {)5 33 I tytnieipaljtie 3'At 61 Full Retmms of the :rcmnnt. 2y ‘11 " In owe are subject ottieial dcclar. M', 2,'ll '"" I.) 2218 1 tt' dl Mt I!” " McNICHOL OUT OF THE RACE tfi bt; 91 " " 36 101 50 50 84 Majority of 681 am tll 96 ll 09. 85l " llmnzxtk A I Lennox 2) I London 4 5 Middlesex N 5 , u w f Mono]: 1 l, Mlukoka PiNoxfolk S 18 Si I.) MUN 47 31 ll) Welland Prescott Renfrew S Peel Perth N Peterborough E Ottawa Ottawa Oxford N Ji :nbumbulnni E Huron " Kant E [Kent W Klngs'On 'Lammon Lampton Hastings l Huron E Ham: mand llalton Hastings 12 The remit by C follows, though our only as approximm week WI' will be " lists, when probai may occur either w tiv Lennox. Should means captnra the Jannesm will stand cabinet position. The four Toronto, Mnrter is renamed n My :' Hattie. Parry while clawed l Pherson of (He: Ofthe Stalwa the Liberal Side and Dryden. side are St. Jc,Ir lame _ nu lUlll' I UTOVWOS ttre, Jarter is reported only 1 --wlule the 2 Ottawas. I mull)” are all Liberal. apprnr to have etucied 48 seats. t :crvativv, 42, Patrcns 2, Indepem I, will Russell election still to be I a storm having prevented the 11014 of the nomination at [he nonhu- " Hamilton has The country has I to be admitted that a .d unfair as we sti of them to be, have The Liberal Par Liberal coveAUsnt Still ton fl .v... '1th “IMO is not far from his majority last time. --The enthusiasm of local Conser- vativos on Wednesdav was very unll'kcd indeed A unma- -m-t-- . tn, umugn our returns are given "lsitppl'yrimatvl.sr correct. Next ' m- will be am.- to give corrected when probably some changes occur either way. 'oting in South Grey. . ~- -'_e.. .'. wax"! Mugwwd. N. Perth ; Willnugb- Northnmbsrrlaud and Meacham. L. Should Whitney by any ll..'\fliur\ oi., ft -- THE COUNTRY. MEMBERS ELECTED, :nuntry has trpoksm and it has hunted that the charges, false "Ursa we still believe many of to be, have had an effect. Luna-u] Party at this writing to have cumird 48 seats. Con- LIBE HAL. ohn returned two Conserva- resulted in the return of the 531. Dr. Jamieson, as we the Conservative', strongest e heartily 'eongratulate ' ur the success which he has , He will make a good "D :03 at the regular time. 1;; of the Patrons" is a T Blizzard J R Summon A Evantunl R A Cnmpbeli ft Barr W M German J Orange J Mattie J Brown E C Carpenter [ -- J H Donvvlas s Clark e POST G O Keefe From the Alex Lumlden tn tl tor Jd? A paunno In orma Inn l of t 53's “FIX” Simian": mu. t - . - G W Iloim R Harcourt Dr Bridglmd W A Charlzor onstituaneies R Ferguson T L Pardo Wm Harty 11 J Pettyprica F F Pardee W C Caldwell p, Ayleswonh Cu] F n Lays W H 'Nsloi A S Hardy Cr P Graham C M Bowman R E Trunx A Malcolm w F Meliee J A Auld J W Holmes J It Barber ti Russell A Hyslop J I' Gan-ow v a _ . Gm prnmpnt, Dr, a good chance of a C T Farwell D Burl. ' tory-- though of a majority lingswn and Ol 1ndepeudom, g " " I this vicinity. [ PLACE Durham Hanover Ayton Niiastadt M t.' Forest Walker-ton Holstein Priceville Fhmherton 1urhante IS tt even two, and - V"-.. -- .uvvuuc, LUDDUIIIW. 1 ete If not on the lines suggested by Henry George, Bellamy em, in some {way approximating thereto. There loan be no question that had such or. iganization been in existence for the past few )ears our Western areas would have had a larger population and charges of railway monopolv‘ grinding the farmers and other ro.,' dimers would have been unheard of l held fling --V -.. one“). "lllUll‘ generally means idii'iiri' wages or' overworked men. We believe the, time is approaching when government: will be forced to organize for industry; and interchange of products. just as' they are at present for purposes of de-i fence, collection of revenue, Post oftiee, i ptr. " nnr An sts, "-‘~ ' - - I compm; Wellington W ’l‘ucker Parry Sound Br-atty Glengary - Independent--.. McPherson With one Election still to hold in Russell Countz. 7 Wen Worth N Victoria E A. w Waterloo 8 Stormorn Toronto E POST OFFICE RETURNS. Perth S Prmee Edward Simcoe E f Hastings W Hastings N Huron S Lanark S Leeds Lincoln Middlesex E N|pls<mg Ontario W I the report of the Auditor Gen. ' 1897 we extract the. followin uion regarding the revenue ans of the chief Post OtBees in 1-3-60" Frontenac Grenville Grey E Grey N Grey f) Hamilton 1 Elgin E Addmgton A ‘gnma Curdwell Carleton Dufferin Dundas Durban E GovatNsniiVfiijiifiaatit." " Wentwcrth S York E Traveled Exteneively Throughout the Provlneee - Intereetlng Steternente Concerning Hie Experience. STELLAB'I'ON, N. tk-lame. R. Honey, e well known violinist, of this piece, who hostnveled extensively throughout the Provinces, mekes this stetement: I "r wee running down in health end my weight loll oil from 175 to 150 pounds. Prescription did me but little good. Mr trouble wes celled nervous dyspepsie. I resorted to Hood’s Semperille end after teking live bottles I wee - benefited. [ I feel es well now es ever in, my life, end have, increased in tietrh so that I now weigh 177 pounds. I em wall known in this pert of the country, having followed my profession. that of e violin Innsiclsn for the lest 26 yeers. I gisdly tell my friends whet Hood’s Berseperille hes done i for me. Before I began teking the medio cine I did not have any embition, but now ell is changed end my dyspeptic trouble perfectly Cared." JAMIE R. MURRAY. N. B. It you decide to take Hood’s Ber- I legume, do not be induced to buy say I on stitute. Be sure to get Rood% Hood's Pills $239333? W WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Liberals 48 Conseryazives 42 Patrons 2 Independent 1 REVENUE 3 2317.05 W W 515.08 487.11 1238.76 1782.0tt 1041.56 cot PATRON S. NSERVATIVE. J Reid Chadwick A E Link G N Kidd Dr Barr J P Whltney w A Fania W H Reid C A Brewer F Melharmid J S Gallagher R Joynt J L’ Lucas G M Boyd Dr Jamieson ll Carscullen E A Uolquhon Morrison w J Allen H Eilher Col Muttwson W Benny Dr Jessop 'I' D Hodgine C Lularcho W H Hoyle C Calder N Monteith W J Dempsey A Muscampbell J S Duff A B Thompson J M Laughlan Dr Pyne THUS Crawford J J Fox G F Mortar J H Carnegie b J Pox W H Kriha fl G Loekner l, Warden WMBEMHIJ NET. While Dr, Button was returning home itor (“mill-om tho political meeting held in Too following Cliirlart week he Ins so much absorbed at: a?" i in thinking of the evening's disconr-e that. lu did not notice s slight side elevation “any. I of the road god in going over it the ouster ' 972.54 ' loath: but“. and over it went disposing 'lflfl _ of it! toad which consisted of the driver, 337.17 tus comp-.9301: and lone snide. of com- 14064tt foet but “than“ noon mud sud wu 137.77 . ma) appreciated. . steal We was» what has Mom of the gag Maple Park Cor. We no no", that the iiiiiii has dropped out of sight. I J mom-(135., w J Hill E J Davis J Dickensol; TORONTO E... 'rl I 1 here present. " well " Mr, McK'uuon of . your own town. Grneral excitement is ",.,,' beginning to prevail In our burg as to ': which one of the three candidates will I feel happy on the btot March, some even i express their sorrow that the whole three I could not be elected. however we hope _ l that our electors wifl choose wisely and l well. ’ Miss Flora McCannel is yisiting friends down in Stnynor this Week. Distemper seems to Le I prevailing disease union: the hams of this 800mm) and nmong than infected we might men- tion two of Mr. McKiunon‘s and also 1 couple belonging to Mr. J McDonald and J. McKinnon. A meeting In the interest of Mr. Mor.l, gnu (Liberal eanduate for S. Grey,) held in Pniceville last week was well repre- sented by a large number of mar Handouts. i Our schuol bell has again been disabled I' Ithis time by the breaking of a portrm off ' the tongue. We Would call our trastsses" gatlentmn to the matter. " l Mr, Arch. McKinnon who been on the sick Iist for home is: again ”covering under the of Dr. Boyle of Pneevillo. l Mr. Rom. Fisher took a trap down to the lower settlement last week. We think that be will have to contend “ill: some very bad sleighiug down there, as Mr. Jno. McDonald reports Inning lost his rubbers m the mud while walking along the road. 1 Mr. John McDonald has returned home from his business trip to Toronto. Ho for Top Cliff here we are aguin. w. are always wide awake when inter- esting items are handy. FIT M - . V... u. nu nu u U! " I!!!“ 106.77 miles 8l0,677.00. In all than Trunk received for year ending J 30th.]897 $470.9th3.a5. while the (Y. I1 in the same time received 8771.em Amazing sums for mail can rying. Owen Bound 11716.83 4695.00 Chatsworth 756.50 4.37.W Chesley amm 1019.75 l Elmwood 559.87 275.03 From the same source we learn that the COM, of carrying the Mail by G. T. R. l from Palmersuin to Durham 26.73 miles is for year enduut June 30th, 1897, t'e?.",'dc?lf, From Slratfoyd to 1Viaeion. TOP CLIFF. 4-0 "' . Five different " 1 s in Ifatiety In Headwear Childreln S Fanci}: eTam O'Shanter’s all at Me,. We Iandle largely the famm: E. T. make, and guaranteed satisfaction is what we claim for them. Old Reliable Corset, 5 clasp. heary twilled Jean, still the best value ever (feral for the money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .494, Fine Jean Corset, 5 clasp, very strongly rode, regularly sold/org] 00, special at-.......-..........; Fine Black Corsets, Steeled tkrougkout. . . . . . . . . "1.00 . Tyo styles of Corsets. one for a large Jtoure, the other for a slim Jtyare, either of them best wine erer ofered for. . . 41.00 An extra Ileana Sateen finished Corset. . . . . . . . . . . . .81.00 CORSETS 2ltitsaiirtiiray 4t Mwlwke To Suit your Figure CA Sff A ND ONE PRICE . L0 WEE TO " D URHA M. -_ mun-l _ " "'"'-'H6é%q i'pit"dS'li"het.tt/tyjiTtii' N 8 “OH-mammum. Mu- uoa. hm! in". th. was. laid at bound-u . 'lal'fg'e2'itdii.va' 'ttttsat . .,l,i',)t.i'ii'j0.i'ii':, "a. to 8‘.” m was macaw up“! . ....'. - I At Mu. “all: our." - ii riAh%Sgrir, ..___ tt a I A CA new book." Disco-m tiii'lkl tt ile"3V?dt Oct. at, 1317. at Pomona ti'i'.t,?,il?,fiiiiii,"i'iit'),h1'it, w.- _'2','te'i'"; I "iirai,Tirzy.==--iLuiicii7d Over I. bandied bung?" pom-m of 't'i'i'iitl 1l1t?ghiit,ttii? of m Unit‘s...» Mu: an woman nova, Mo” up. an; "-a-.auv, Snap for "'tmqaeei. It“ . uh ..e'e ‘h ”a. my]; . .-..-., - I) " lhu ham, Jan. 17th, '97. v -- _ "'"'"'"-m-- Accomes.-wm those to want: were Dent. sud who In responded please do to at a need the money and " once. Brand me to suit your Purse. The undersigned Otters for Sale or Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con. 8, W.G.R., Bentinck. On the property is a trod barn, good frame house, small orchard. 70 acres cleared bal- ance hardwood bush. Well watered. Apply to 5 I have in mgY hnnds fur sale. the (Stone Jackson Reui tpee) in Durham consist- ing of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tenders will he leceived from parties wishing to pur- chase, stating price and terms. J AXES (Mason. Durham, Dec. 7th 1897. Notice is hon-ivy givc-n tl trespassing. cutting timber nmviug the same from lots ill It. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of (it dealt with as the law directs. ROBERT Mono: Montpelier. Idaho U.S. Dam I De. H. McNeil of Chicago friends here last week. 03] Miss Bella McLachlan arrived home, " from Butfulonshort time age and in-i R. tends to remain for a few weeks. I es Wedding bells were ringing on 1Ved. 7, nesduy 23rd when Mr. Colin McLean? ii and Miss Maggie Mcluniu Were united_ mi in nmrringe. The nuptial knot was t. i tied by Rev. Mr. Thom, of Flesherton. i J. , Ilhe bride was a,sitsted by Miss Emma [McLean and Mr. Malcohtr.,Mcinnis as"! tusted the groom through the trying' Iordeul. We join their many friends‘, in wishing the young couple a happy; and prosperous journey through life. ( Mr. Wiltse, a temperance missionary. 3 'im-eompnnied by Miss Wiltse and Miss; I . ' Nevill held meetings in the temperance , t ihdl three tlighta last, week and trave) i ”excellent, roneerte. and exhibited a tinei i [lot of lime. light, views, and roused up; i I the temperance sentiment. We hope; a to see a. number ride the temperanceI i goat soon. i I Peter Mckechme has rented his farm Eto Mr. Frank Shit-ls of Vurney, and [John McKechnie has rented his farm to , F Mr. Jno. Nichol. Toey will have an o, Auction Sale about the middle of March 2 and will go West . i'?, Mr. Rom. Shortwid is moving to il. er. T. Lawrence’s farm, and Mr. Allen! p; Mclnnis will return to his farm us soon o, as Mr. Short reid moves out. I DI Mr. N. MeKmnon and family visitedl In Mr. Adam Weir near Durham hut.- La Thursday. ' Th: Notice. is here -- v - v b! No 'eGiiiiti'G"p"r'd'eTdi?'dg,',h,,iy to “I! lutiit Jackson, Jr,, Ulert on. U Be, fr p jams (Mason. (Land Valuation. Ef'fflfiwifixfix -j' Insurance Agents. Commas 1oners, Farm for Sale or Rent M-.. "- . - 2 “Wm-v NOTICE TO 1'RESPAssEas and who in"; I! the an. u out ”it..-“ the III PRICEVILLE. h. weCGiteiC/ to “Chung; St. land family visited:€w:. hymn/eight near Durham 'iii')] uf'fdh, .., of Chicago visited) Butter-yer th, le; 9k. - ‘l'n that anvnne tuber on, m- Pe- an wand 40s.D. of Grey, will he was. ’CDoNALD, Dec. tith m. l Once whom M Dtirinim, Erkl’zrm.’A Good Farm It Lease" . . . . - The and ed will "waive up- how " iesl'a,'l for tie lane of the BEAN" not yet IPA“, lot Ili, can. g nun" Glenell- §u welt", n [gt-n- " *’ 'ttt to t Flour per blpl ............ ve an Gunmen. per not ...... . larch Bran per ewt ... ... ., Shorts per cwt ... ., . Fall Wheat per bushel ., K to Bar'ey, 66 .. “Ian, Pena. 66 .. soon i Oats, " - . -v... t, “.11.“... Ulenel -mr a term of years. Ternn mu Ful on spplnmuon to 'dPttfifau, Oct. se, 1897. -. " - -... van”. Atteneral firtaneiat bttainetmtranaaetu oftlee next door to Standard Bank Durham troney to mini. Parties. Fm Chickmm. ree Pi Pr tatoes, per Darla " Turkeys, per lb Graeme, per lb Hides per ewt Cult-kin; ... f.i.f?tyrrrii'i'iiii"iG". lyu H 1:8. 22s ti, .T pat “up" I - (iii ii s . per dun . lend. Money Invested G Funns bought and sold. [er pair per bag DURHAM MARKET per ewt ... tt 05 to .350l0.‘80 18010180 018to 18to “to " to so 090m 090 08ou 082 055 to 6.5 0 80 to o so ti76to 62.5 600to 50 Mtto 10 " 015 015 dreaming one ..: Hu In At 10 o'dm-k. lulu-4 'u in full smug. the "othmlis! and the I Casanborbusd l’rrghxtu To“ of dancing. . music ‘hmvul. .1 qrhile the men; I'- BBIQH produccd Hing. Whrn Lo " h dropped nu " In IMO“ prawn T by“ hour. tu.l pact Iaotrrsoster, in!!!“ men “In linking up tl " be held the, ' “In. of all [In *onming one ol UPPER 'row N Will he. It dar in oacl, menial Mo Block. fl, Pom, 0me 0mm-, (In I SOLICITOR IN Honor PUBLIC. c MONEY To BA KRIS TEN W50“! lo A. "tttttttttttora' Burr gnu! C hum-n of (Manual. is “and "sport lurigug bl - 't u “0.7.7 PHILIC. once _ LOWER Cullnmmnn u nl Y: V ill DURHAM OFF/C Will he Ill Prn ot out: moum. LUCAS. WRII .‘RRISTE nannies, HONEY To LOAN Dr. T. G. If BALL Cl FFH'E FIRST Bilverwurr. I' In MUt rhes Our sprin; ttow coming in mom in mu- therefote farm [and -put it at ft tto __ In many enough tor um: C'O"te. tits) clto, it now it will " for fut Ill " "w. the Durham Duggfs t,',t Pa G. LEFRC BARRISTER fit). in Repairing a " points. TI their "gem R. McFm-lu 8N1 P. R. is NJ i. how the i'io'li0U,il"i AT5I ttt " tit NI 'CM “SI Enmp nut-nth innu- fl Durham JEWE Wr In Like tk D

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