West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 5

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"l, E as '1‘ it " bl tide with a yjiJorinrsrri:r,'ri1G'i.C' Demon the Patron side where they Ire only in a minority at 29. Enquirer: Yes, thev stmTed the ballot boxes-with Jamieson ballots. Egremont gave Mr. McNichol 4:; more than his own township. Photon is the banner ward on the Mun side, with a mnjurity of I. We have to be thankful for small 1trrt Glen‘slg on the Conservative .1 A - - - . - The figures gh’elmw are to ehange when the official ation is given. 35.3 331 Recapitnlation by 1ytnicipalitie Fgtremijnt 231 G', .21) Glands 211) 353 Normanby 413 527 Bentinck 399 4.Ti Durham tii In; Dnndalk tir? " Ward 1 Cedarville 2 Hopevillt' 3 SW. Pk. 4 Vemry 5 ol I Survey Ward Ward I N. Ward 2 E. Ward 3 W. Ward Ward I Ward 1 (Alsfeldt) P. (Mum) 3 (Neustadt) 4 (llatnpuen) 5 (Blrtli's) t', (tilenedcn) Ward 1 (Ritchie's) 2 (Glen) 3 (Mnrkdale) 4 (?l'Ktnzicu), 5 tTp. Hall) ( Ward I (Allan's) 2 (Promoiv) 3 (Holstein) 4 (Ktith's) 5 (0twiUsim's 6 (Orary's) That the govcrmncnt is sustained is matte' for omgi"atulatiou. Their majority. though small will probably belouml to he workable and a good strong npposztiun hulng assured, we should be/justified in ex 'cting them loom-r criticism in the “any: corres- ponding to their abundant charges on the platform swimming they have not done in the past. Mr. McNiclml made a fight worthy ot a better finish, bat he must tcel nnw that he, has contributed in a very large degree, many will say entirely, to the return of a candidate opprstd to the government of which he has so much good to say. That Mr. Me. Niclml's defeat was inevitable We honestly believed but not by so over. whelming a majority. Pan-unism, as a political factor is dead, whether the- Independence it has infused into the electorate will result in good remains, to he seen. ’ Mr. Morgan after an honorable fie ht, has to content himself with second place, a positinn which many thought he would never reach owingtothe peculiar etnuunstanees of the tight. We thought, and think still, that " record asa lain-ml (-nlilld'd him to a nn-re generous support from his party than results Show. " sun-s if nut hundreds, seem to have gone, not. only to the Patron candidate, but to the Consu'mtivc as wcll. 3 Allan Park.",.-, 4 Hanowr S. 78 5 11anovevN HI) 6 Lamlash 48 7 Louise 40 8 Elmwood 26 The three-cornered contest in South Grey has Conservative Candidate by the large majority of said last December wher he was chosen. was easil: man and having no wish to belittle Ins victory v townsman on the support aecnrdvd him and on achieved at his third trial for parliamentary honor representative. ii . "mac ote Tobermory Cs", lln'mns Ihlli9 Dr,, Jamieson, 64 - Dundalk --Dt1rhaut 210 --Normanby Captures every Municipality but one ---G'lenol Proton THE VOTING Government Sustai mi if.) go D', 53 " (roman: Mor. ) M; re) l.) 2U ll 0"} ore are subject. oMeial dcchus '0 MR. McNICHOL OUT or THE RACE "(I a, w; 37 tii 50 ll T, 5t; 2248 331 lot In; "cu comm: m mum (ire) has resulted in the return of the late by the 'itree majority ot 531. Dr. Jamieson, as we n her he “as clue-en, was easily the Conservative', strongest wish to lu-liulc his victory we heartily congratulatetur Tport :uccuulul him and on the success which he has I trial for piirliurncucary honors He will make a qood House Corres- ant charges on they have not {churns of the Votingi " " 36 0.3;} Jam. McN til 47 Jjf'aiority of 5 31 'A', ll " ., 'M 85 18 81 Welland Wellington Prescott Renfrew f I Nanak : Mmknka iNorfolk S Peel Perth N Peterborough E 0min Ottawa Oxford N N crtlnmtbirland E I Huron E I' Huron ll L kent E _ Kent. w ngs'on Lambmn Lampton Lanark N Lennox London Middlesex ll U I! llaldmmnd The realm by Constitunncies is " (ML-m, thuugh our returns are given only asapproxinmrvly correct. Next Week Wt' will be :1th to give corrected lists, when probably some changes may occur either way. tiv ‘lS-uziio.1’urry Sound, being returned while classvd an independent, 18 Ile- 'l'herson of (ileugarry. l Ch'the Stalwnrts who have fallen on {the Liberal Side are Ministers Gibson and Dryde'n. Ch, the (lanaervulye lsltll‘ an: St. rlrn, W. York of piggery ‘lunw. 1lauuura. N. Perm; Willuugh- by. li. Northumberland and Meacham. Lovvos, Should Whitney by any ”hulls (rapture the (lumrnment, Dr. Jrrn,nt.s, n “ill stand “good chance of. ealunvt position. [ ("he four Turontm are t1ry--thongh Marim- is reported only 1 ofa majority --F- while the 2 Ottawar,,' Kingston and! Jordan arr all Liberal. Hum “no "Passing of tl great feature of th [hymn-k haying fallen Mehrrg tings we. country has: spoken and it has to be admitted that the charges, false ty "i unhiras we still believe many of Ln" them to be, have had an effect. The Illlwrul Party at this writing an“ " to have cumin] 48 seals. Con. :1,-z'vuriw-.42. Patrcns 2, Independent l, “in: Russell auction still to he held " Norm having hrpvnntprl n... I..J.I:._ _ iesex J Hamilton med by a Small Majority The country hash to be (Admitted that a yd unfair as we sh of them to be, have The Liberal PM Liberal coveGlnent; Still - -__- .vvv v1.13 mum is not far from his maioritv last time. ---The enthusiasm of local Conser. vatives on Wednesdav was very nun'kml indeed. A street procession, bmd music, convival congratulations culimnnu-d in a grand drive to Han- uvur at night, several loads going west Ift celebrate. It is theirs to rejoice and int ll grit grudges them the gloritiea- tions. Mr. MoNichcl's total is not far from his mai ht, has to content himself with second De would never reach owing to the We thought, and think still that He W " W THE COUNTRY. Tutke/, w. Parry Sound MEMBERS ELECTED, LIBERAL in South Grey. returned two Consent 3ed. A street procession", , convival congratulations n a grand drive to Han- J A Auid J W Holmes J It Barber h' Russell A Hyslop J 'tt Garrow fl Ferguson T L Pardo Wm Harty ll J Pettypricg F' F Pardee W C Caldwell p, Aylesworth Cal F p, Lays W H T3310: G W Ross ll Harcourt Dr Bridelsnd W A Charlton E C Carpenter J H Donglas S Clark G O Keefe Alex Lam-den A Pauullo Dr. McKly J Smith J Brown T Blizzard J R Suntan A Evantunl R A Campbell H Barr W M German J Grange J Maui. prevented the ‘V'D an the regular time. of the Patrons" is a tho election, even LHPI). and Only two, W. Wellington and u. we tarsus" " a tho election, even Hm. and Only two, W. Wellington and and, being returned independent, 13 Ile- C T Farwell D “an . A S Hardy G P Graham C M Bowman It E Truax A Malcolm W F Mu-Kee Vote, this time hurling Prom the report of th mal for 1897 We extract information regarding ti salary of the chief P this vicinity. PLACE REVENUE Durham ' 2617.66 Hanover $22.3! Ayton 1041.60 Nitustadt 731% M t.' Forest 4421 59 Walkerton 4856.1!) Holstein 515.” Prim-ville 487.11 Flesherton 1238.76 Marka‘ale 1Wt2.0tt Dundalk 141nm -e ithts time by the breaking of n porti til of n I The large payments to railan com- I' the tongue. We would call our trauees' :1: t11f,..s "iti;'l,"'wte"a'tsp'iijoi(jtt"iiiiii. . attention to the when - ‘5 column, furnish an a?gumcm for goth Mr. Patrick Sullivan and C. McKinm-n ( 1 t'rnmental control of transportation as are into the log itriiurss tln, week. I wvllas eommuuieation and the time) . iwillcome when this will have to heyI Mr, Areh. Mekiunot, who who “Ml adone. We are witnessing at present , been on the sick list for some time lmck' ‘a pate .wag beltvinltcn the I???) large, is again recovering under the tre:tttucut companies y w no 1 one or t must! f . B 1 f P "aevill . i lose large sums of ‘tnoney for a short. i o Dr oy 0 0 r . ( l time, but the result, as every one A political meeting was held in our,' (p/gtg/rl/Gtr/itil",?,?,:;."',' '05“: tan “tainted house ln~t Wednesday night in theI . rve at,an i. " .l (the public will be compelled to pay/Ill.'.."?'? of P.'. D MeNielyl, Dr. Jame-l i the old rates and very probably more. pon and Mr. Bran" were also present and l i In addition to this, to keep their divid. l all three positions were well disenrvsed/ ends up, it is in every way likely they f Mr. Reiiy and Dr. Hutton of Priceville " I will .tl1/, "to reduce EXPGIJSES." whieh , here present " well as Mr, McKinnon of ; enera v means re uce we as or' . ' . _ tgverworlted men. We belief; their)“ T" totwn. growl 1"le,',"',t',' :8 3] time is approaching when government; ”mum": o pun" m m". Itrtt ”.o n will be forced toorganize for industry; which one of the three candidates wilt h and interchange of products. just as ' feol hsppy on the betot Martsb, tromtt "t9tt c I they are at present for purpose; of " i express their sorrow that the whole three E rince'li'onecmitl’f1!?"an1’08“??de not be elected. however we hope. e c not on e mes suggeste y' l ill h 0 wine! - (ten,.,", George, Bellamy eta, in some an]? ”at a etttorg WI,' c tt w y “d way approximating thereto. There,"" l . .... . can be no question that had such or-l that Flora McCannel ls ytsiting friends gunization been in existence for the)down In Sumter “1" “Oh past few years our Western areas: Distemper seems to be u prevailing R would have had a larger pee1tritt!iats-itone the horses of this section W " eharges of railway monomlvfmd nmong than infected we might mom is grinding the farmers and other J."' ti t o of Mr McKitnon' d I an duoers would have been unheard . l "my . tl m “m . Wellington W Tucker Parry Sunnd Br-auy Glengary - Independent--- McPherson i With one Election' nil] to hold in Russell County. Liberals 48 Cont-ttvivo 42 l Patrons 2 Independent 1 Tf","------ Weatwort'h N Victoria E " W Waterloo 8 Stormont Toronto E POST OFFICE RETURNS. Perth S Prmee Edward Simcoe E ’ Hastings W Hastings N Huron S Lanark S Leeds Lincoln Muldiesrex E Nlplsnng Ontario W Frontenac Grenville Grey E Grey N Grey 8 Hamilton 1 Elgin E Addmgton A ‘gnma Cardwell Carleton I) u Hui n Dundas Durban E G'ovhutNsiEViiiiiiificitj'fC. Wenlwcrth S York E I “I wan running down tn health and my weight tell on from IN to MO pounds. Prescriptions did me but little good. My trouble was called nervous dyspepeia. I resorted to Hood’s Samparilla and after taking ttre bottles I was greatly benefited. I feel as well now as ever in my lite, and have increased in iietsh so that I now weigh 177 pounds. I em well known in this part of the country, having followed my profession. that of a violin musician for the last 26 years. I gladly tell my friends what Hood’s Sarsaperilla has done for me. Before I began taking the medl- cine I did not have any ambition, but now ell is changed and my dyspeptic trouble perfectly cared." June R. Manny. N. B. " you decide to take Hood’s Bar- 'Mg,',",,",, do not be induced to buy any an stitute. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood’s Pills ','attltgghr Tuvalu Extensively Throughout the Province: - Interesting Statemonu Concerning His Experience. STELLAR'ION, N.B.-games R. Murray, . well known violinist, ot this piece, who has tnveled extensively throughout the Provinces, nukes this statement: arding iyiTi/ciiiir"a"n't fi," chief Post Oit1ees in report ofAEIAIe‘éudthr Gen- W WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST W W 515.63 487.11 1238.76 1732.61 coo PATRON S. J Richardson W J Hill E J Davis NSERVATIVE. J Reid Chadwick A E Limo G N Kizld Dr Barr J P Whitney W A Fallis W H Reid c A Brewer F McDmrmid J S Gallagher R Joynt J li Lucas G M Boyd Dr Jamieson H Carscullen E A Uolquhon Morrison lir J Allan H Eilher Col Malheson W Realty Dr Jeasop 'l' D Hedging C Lularclm IV H Hoyle C Calder N Mouton!) W J Dempsey A _Myreett/p% J S Duff A B Thompson J M Lauglrlan Dr Pyne Thos Crawford J J Fox G F Marter J ll Carnegie b J Pox W H Kriha fl G' Lockner I' Wurdell 1rtth.ty?tt..orpnaT TST. While Dr, Hutton wee returning home itor Gen-["0” the political meeting held in Too following oitfltv.t week he was so much absorbed at}: "tl i in thinking of the evening's disconroe that. 'be did not nodes a. slight side elevalicn SALARY. I of the told and in going over it the cutter ' 972554 F lost in belnnee end over it went disposing 'dig ow. load which comma of the driver, 337.17 lm companion And some ttetieles of com- Mgbat fort but uni-knee noon unwed and wee 1327.77 . m appreciated. J Dickenson 3231 We Ivonne: 'hlt bu bacon; #l:ill Muple Park Cor. We no lorry who has dropped on: of audit. TORONTO I Miss Flora McCannel is yisiling friends '; down in Slayner this Week. Distemper seems to be A prevailing disease Hmong the horses of this section and nmung than infected we might. mou- tion two of Mr. McKiunon's and also a couple belonging to Mr. J McDonald and J. McKinnon. A meeting In the interest of Mr. Mor- gan (Liberal eandidate for S. Grey.) held in Puiceville inst week was msll repre- sented by a hsrv,e number of our reudauts. Our sehrol bell has again been disabled “his time by the breaking of a partial: of ! the tongue. We would call our trauees' (Utentmn to the matter. - I Mr. Robt. Fisher tank a trip down to the lower settlemvnt last week. We think tlvst he will have to contend “i111 same very bad sleighiug down there, us Mr. Jno. McDonald reportu having lost his rubbers m the mud while walking along the road. I bk. Mr. John McDonald has returned home from his business trip to Toronto. Ho for Top Cliff here we am We are always wide awake when eating items are handy. From the same source we learn that the cost. of (-zu-ryingtlw Mail hv G. T. It. (from Palmerston, to Durham '26.73" miles is for year ending June 30th, 1897, 82673.00. From Stratfm-d to Wiaeton, 100.77 miles 810,677.00. In all (bent-and Trunk received for year ending June 30th.]897 $470.963.25. while. the C. P. R. 3 in the same time received 3877115828.! Amazing sums for mail can rying. I Owen Bound 11716.83 Chatsworth 756.50 Chesley 3071.93 Eluuvood 339.87 TOP CLIFF. -. ,2 . Five different styles in Valety m Headwear Childrens Fancy Tam 0't3hanter's all at 253. Old Reliable Corset, 5 clasp. heary [willed Jean, still the best value ever qf'ered for the money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49;, Fine Jean Corset, 5 clasp, very strongly made, regtt/arly sold./org; 00, special at.....-....-.........; Fine Black Corsets, Steeled throtrgkout. . . . . . . . . "1.00 . Tyo styles of' Corsets. one for a large Jtoure, the other for a ttlim Ayttre, either of them best ralae erer ogeved for. . . .81.00 An extra heary Sateen finished Corset. . . . . . . . . . . . .81.00 . We Aandle /arpely Me jam-cm E. T. make, and guaranteed satisfaction is what we claim o/bt' them. , of the that she we are again. CORSETS 1titraiiitsrittiiy 4t 31itirtaets, To Suit your Figure CA SH A ND ONE PRICE . I 0 WEE 'f'O W N D U RHA M. inter- " :"Womu" u the title of Ivar”, iiWft,'w? Dixon-tel nil buo- of (a. " doc: Oet. at, Iam Contains iRe 142: l"", {at 1,'P& ',d,te 3" . the mos Iron ll woman 0 con er. Over a hundred buuuml pom-m at an O N 8 “01 on. mum known. with Magnum atom M,N,tt 3"" Busp for 'Betrasaeetr. 46951 JO 437.W 1019.75 Accommr.--wm those to wt counts were neat, and who have 1 responded please do so at once need the money and at once. to suit your Purse. Du: ham, Jan I Potet. McKechme has rented his farm as i to Mr. Frank Shieln of Varney. and f"" [John McKechnie has rented his farm to lug Me. Jno. Nichol. TIM-y will have an lAuclion Sule- nlmut the middle of March or- I and will go West . am Mr. Rout. Shortwid is moving to, re- Mr. T. Lawtence's farm, and Mr. Allen I ts. Phrittttis will P.erurn to his farm as soon ed {as Mr. Shm-lreid moves out. I of" Mr. N. McKinnon and family visitedl ys' l Mr. Adam Weir near Durham last. TL... _ , is a 1; od barring small orchard. 70 ac ance hardwood bush, I I have in my hands for sale, the (Stone Jackson Residence) in Durham consist- ing of the Block on which house and out buildings stand. Tendprs mil he leceived fmm parties wishing to pur- chase, stating price and terms. Jams (Mason I Durham, Dec. 7th 1897. ,,,,_..’ FIVl'II trespassing. culling limb nmviug the same frmn lots R. Tp. of Glenelx, Co. of dealt' with as the law divee ROBERT MUD Montpelier. Idaho U.S. Hm Thursday. -_- Dr. H. McNeil of friends here last week, Nevin held meetings in the ten htll (hive tiighta lust, week m excellent numeric, and exhihim lot of lime light. views, and m the temperance sontinwnt. l to see a. number ride the Lem gout soon. Not ice is hem, Farm for Sale or Be n euumg lwlls were ringing on Wed. nesduy 23rd when Mr. Colin McLean and Miss Maggie McInnis were united Itin nmrriago. The nuptial knot was i lied by Rev. Mr. Thom, of F"leshevtou. , Phe bride was :hsisN-d by Miss Emnm lucLean and Mr. MalcolmrMeinnis as- 1usted the groom thruugh the trying ordeal. We join their many friends in wishing the young couple a huppyj and prosperous Journey through life. ( Mr. Wiltse, a terupervmce tnitssionavy, _ accompanied by Miss Wiltse and Miss: Wedding lwlls were ringing nesthty 23rd when Mr. Colin Mis, Bonn McLachlan arriwd home from Butfnloa short time "tte and in- tends lo remain for a few weeks. Tn MN8corg count” Toucan. id' woman" NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS‘ For Sale. . thh, '97. if” {KM-n that PRICEVILLE. , KIVUII (nub anvune lg timber on. or re- run) lots Wand 40 ti.D. Co. of Grey, will he nv directs. ‘RT McDuNALD. U.S. Dec. 6th m. l C h icago ra: exhibited A tine and mused up mm. We hope the temperance whom Ddthm. ant ' temperance A: and gave v - q . . - hon) we l . .The undo ed will receivn up- not yet situations for 'el, lone of the BEAN“ l I All. lot 15, eon. t, N.D.R.. Glenda. _ u we for a term of you". Term- made known an npplucauon to ,P"'e-o iihlidfi5griu, 3.15;: ioet. at, um. -- - - -..... on /' Jun?“ 3'. "all” not “III-“Illa ' 'f')/.5iiit'iiitleilht,'it . “who. mum. "I. 'are an”. BR (I Bott 00:04". Hum l _ I‘m. I 5 tti, Making}; Clerk Dir. u ILand Valuation. A Good Fa}; to Lease" . . - "_"'"--" VIII!”- Aeenerauinanei,u bttainessatrammeud Oftleey next door to Standud Bunk Durban Money to lend Parties. rm r8.f?ttvttfriii"iiiiiiG', Pr tatoes, - pei. Ducks " Turkeys, per u, Grserre, per lb !y.lt per ewt tSst,qst, no] Clriekonts 0 Flour per lrlrl Insuranéévggen“, E, .T , "er dos . lend. [one] Invested G Farm: bought lad sold. f?eytymitmi'oiUi'i,'. [er pun per bag DURHAM MARKET ttty PPM /' 0 18 to 18 to " to M to 0 M) to 40 to 07 to ft 05 to OWto ogou 05510 03010 575m 500m 10m (M 0 O5 " o " "i; -irii" S At 10 oViol, Imqu 'II in full swing. {Ini "ollmdist and the Il Cumberland Prrtlrctri 'RI,',',",',,',', of dancing. her music hl'lpln (I. and While the men} Me. BHIQ" ttrodtwcui ruling. Wlout Lo by “I: dropped on " kw I'omnt pun-er. T _h"ll hour, In] pram U. Kunlmmter. LID-lag men m In muting up tl: " be held Hm t lumen of all " dreaming one u! UPPER 'row N Will Ire in p, is-ex (by in each Iumuth menial Motel. Block. “mule-t Poat, ()mm', [M OM00, m BARR/S TEN SOLICIrOR IN A"tragptr Puauc. C MON Icy To pone"! h mum-huh Starr can latter: " Obtaitaoet. Till mud once LOWER V ill DURHAM OFFIC Writ l", ot can u Dr. T. G. lf IFFH'IC HINT BALL Cl Watthers, Ch wkl Silverwum. i. [an BARR/5n non-mes. - TO LOAN Our sprin; now coming in "mm in our therefom, farm hand --put it II ft [raw In many mmugh fur um- umw. Iitst vlmu it nuw it will " for fut In " "w. IOAYRV Pusuc the Durham . Dvei.:ssts It!” li. L ty' Fil BA nmsrer ,, jj...,,;.,...,.?. in Repairing a points theit " It. MCI 3m rt in how the {blmuhiu N M C I US STEP JEWE m, we" In them how "gett, EAP in h "nrh due . ft um

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