West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 6

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1‘an - w‘ um}; 'omom 15 LL ers. ttt for sold. lenehe, meted it" want- rrttre math "e o o in". o " o 00 no 00 oo oo 00 50 m os 08 30 60 l 3% M 10 (H N 80 50 N) NO At " In bait. The music Ikipped. the dancing mud. and while the Inorganic" wondered. Mr. Rus~ell pmdnced 1 Bible and hogan raiding. When he had done. Mr. Britt- ham dropped on his Rum ml otrered up n favour waver. Tho service- lasted ‘1' c'3_f an hour, and practicum bro" up the Cumberland Presbyterian, both -tttost opgqnenu of dancing. nut iy .gpnnncef. Krrlrtoster, Mo., Fel-mlry li.--'" ruling men I ho lead Kraolmoster moiety. is H) mm; up the imitation In: for a ball to we held the otllnr night. included tho mum-s " oil the ministers in to". never Humming one at them would attend. At 10 o'eiock, however, while Ibo lull was in full swing. the Rev. T. H. Brigham Medalist aud the Rev. Fault Run-ell. PPPER TOWN Will be in Prim-ville the tirst \Vednes day in eaeh munch. OfBce at the Com- mercial Motel. ()FFH‘R FIRST DOOR EAST OF - the Durham Pharnuwy Caldcv' "lock. Remdence first door west of th" Poo trfTh-e, Durham. I n I.tvras . " . . Mutkdnlo. .“The elocution recital by Miss Annie \i. it \VkltlllT, - . . ”\ensa-ttutl, Richardson. Thursday evening, was . C.lGT,os, . . Jtuusaiu. listened to by a large and fashiotmhle DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK. audience, Her selections demanded in- , 4‘ I _ ' i.'".'.'."" rosin. lerpretution from humorous: to dva. ot",','.,?,,":):,';,),',? 1,,'j1tli'./l,"i"d,,lt.hh"l Wednesdays l mettle. Miss 1tichar.dson's voice is sing- ularly clear and tiexihle, while her eon- -"" a _ - t - ------.-.ta-----.e- T" 71:73; caption and rendering,’ of her program showed careful and comprehensive ' study."~Sunduy Globe. LO. Foresters' I G. LEFRO I IVICCAUL' March 8th, 1898, Town Illull Durham. BARR’STER- SOL’C’TOR' Rome HILL Pu: s'ocrAu--weduesday "on," "mum couvzvuvcsn. ac. night, the Orange “all had a happy, A LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. . omc" _ t , .o t )heiu'ty crowd of young people, witha vol',"."',",,',,',',',:" it." o.),,':,","'.,'," "'/y.y,"1) It/ret,',':,.)',),)) sprinkling of nmturer years met for the f,,u,','y1i',riyJ'1,ytt.v,"'cl "idyilp,! Sarita}? I WNW at raising money far It, n 2,WIY,ti"T,, '.\r-c iil'/,ti ",,',?,vT,ly,a/y"l,, "Whirl: chase of hooks for the f1oupishirsR Union 'tya",'":',, "r'a'1iu'i"se,1"c'c amt (idtlrilinnslnp i S. St'lloul in that place. Mr. John rr')tth"r",:lsi'ct:,1,r mudwu Registry 1",'oe,"n'C,iie.,.'1htt. h'lled the. chair. Mr. Jones unruatuv unit private Funds to_r.o:m "n with his gramophone was present,nnd Mor:ctg a at low gt “new of interest \xluuuons discovering that 66 a missing link " of itl mimii l ui'iinqn-tr-ntim l vim-tn! Valimtm. . . All Charges Madexate. was”! Ihuham, Mr. Ditu.‘E(lge v‘ery generously (how out for It. the time "_'"-'"------------- meanwhile being oreupied by brief addresses from Reeve Staples, the, J. P. TELF'ORD, editors of Clwonicle and Review, and i musicaud recitations from Mr. Jones. BANRtSTER. SUPREME COURT The grunmphone gave splendid satishtc. , a",','g'e,t',,',ed',."l'o"da','/sT,','df,',! GU.' I",.'.";:,":, i'i'.at')'g",',t,'.t1", made onl it by i v * r. ones taxing prm nee a clearer i MONEX To LOAN tone. Mr. Jno. Molfat auctioned " the i F . AT 5 PER CENT- pier, and after some spirited bidding. ! Changes moderate. I the amusing process of purehuser and l tl Fire Insurance Secured. f pieumker making a continuation for; I oflhi, on... Gt,e1'hi":','t. Lower Town, leattinst together was carried out. We t who"! looked after, and Executors' and "atnutratorn' Arc-mm! prepared and paw tInsta, Conn quinms. Pro‘mm of W Lona" of Adutiuitcration and Gunrdinns Obuiuml. Sourcing made In Registry Dance 1 Titles "ported on. .. fouwrurr. and private rands to Loan BALL CLOSED WITH PRAYER. Dr. T. il. HOLT L. D. S. JEWELLER- Watches, Clocks. & Jewellery. Silverware. Flatware, a Specs DENTISTRY. Our spring stock of Tall-Paper is now coming in and we find " hive'nt rnnm in our racks for it. We are therefore fumed to clear hnlanee on handi utit at a price that will make it [yr-“I numy patterns we have just enough for one or two rooms. First runw. first choice. If yum dont need it now it will pay you tn buy and keep fur fut!" " use. .UCAS, WRIGHT, a BAT-SON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. tvorames. CJNVEYANCERS. dc. “ONEY To LOAN Low ”All: EASY TERMS Duggis ts Paper Wall,, A. GORDON, Repairing a Speciality. lfiirtsiirtjjl Sine. in _ v“. =.. at. run! and Duluu 816. Like reduction to other Western points. To Toront082: Enquire m their agency here for fuller information R. McFm-lane, Jr. CoJuuttrik'iaii', 816. Like rec Quinta. Too (rump R.ULWAY 1'1“an P. R. is bound to have trattBe is how t.hey do it. Durban-- , 'cfarlcme M 'rtgac,'o, Luv; B, Agreements. prepared. blames of dam-used d after, and Executors' and AU- Arc-mm! prepared and pained. um quinms. Pro‘mm of Wills, dutiuitcration and Gunniinnship arches made In Registry ounce and DURHAM. Seedsmen Durham. " have tratrie nriii t. Durham to B Te St. Paul and D: DURHAM. "we and this mm to British ml and Duluth other wesstern . [Inquire at a Go. I PREsExTA'rmx.--lh'rom the "Goran I I Press," published in the West of Scot, I jinnd we extract the following. The' 2 subject of the honors is a brother of; ' Me. R. 1Vatson. Sn. late of Nnrumnby, ‘ Inuw at McClit,ton's comer. He has I 1 fut-aim tit) years been a trusted etu- f , (,'lCi'lC"Jyll'.i' An interesting ceremony ‘ E took place at the Co-operative Restaur- f F ant. Paisley Road on Thnrsd-v evening I of last week, when Mr. Peter Shaw. late I , foreman platelayer tnthet'lyde Trustees i was presented by his fellow employees ' l at the Clyde Harbor and Docks with a I _ handsome ebony walkingstick with sil- , ver plate and an nldfmxhioned silk-smok- _ in: pnrae containing ”sovereigns (m) There was a good attendance of friends ' who teittled their appreciation of Mr. Shaw and wished him all success. A, plea“!!! evening mu spent. in long and imttimmst.--4Nwnn Pm ; l --The Report of Dromore P. S. for Feb. 98, George Cushnie, teacher. 5th class-- Lotty Jones. \Villie Tucker. 4th. class H. Dixon, Rom. Taylor. Chas. Dixon. 3vdclastr--Eva Hornsby, H. Renwick. Annie Wells. Sr. 2nd irlnss-Jas. Ren- wick. May Dixon, Ida Lister. Jr. 2nd cuss-G. Findlay, Willie Legate. R. llnllwnny. Part 2nd Fir.- Willie Dixon N. Renwnck. A. Renwick. Part bt--. Hertha Renwick. A. Wells. w. Wells. Report of S. S. No. 6. Bentinck.--4th tslais--N'illie Currie, Rnhert Forster, “an H. McDonald, Addie Currie. Sr. 3rd-Lizzie 3icnougall, Vida Burns. Jr. 3rd--Rachel McKinnon, Lizzie Form. ter. 2nd class-Jo. Crozier, Andy Mchugull. Dan MeDougall. C. C. Mc- Dnugall. Pt.2nd--Jito. Clark, Robert Mighton. lst tlaser-Cyril Burns, Viotet Forster.--A. H. Clark, teacher. ran't speak for the rest, but the excel. lence of the Iteview's purchase was only equalled by the good looks of the young lady who made it. \Vhen's the next one ? A nice little sum Wag realized for the worthy object. I A meeting: of the directors of the I South Grey Live Stock and Seed Spring Show was held at (YFarrell's hotel on Sum-(lay. On reference to the Secre- tary’s lmukw the Society Was found to be ingoml financial standing so a prize list was prepared. Prizes for many new exhibits, \w-ro addou and the pros- pects for n successful show are all right. l Tuesdnv April the 12th was the date tired for. the holding of the same. Prizu lists will he issued in a short time. --Ayton Advunre. i The Ladies, of the Baptist Church Durham. will give: a Social at. the rest deuce of Mr. It. G, \Vehher. 2nd con, Bennnck. on the evening of Friday the llth of Mart-l). Slk-ighs will he on hand to take out persons going from town at 7.30 p. In.. Admission io and Meta. Proceeds for Durham Church purposes. Come one and all. _ School Inspector Campbell, Durham, was in town to-day. He left his team standing in front of the Campbell House, and while he was inside, the horses tank a run to the sheds and in am doing broke- the cutter tongue.-Chaue worth Bvouev. The Lauies, of the Hamish "lunar-k Dont forget the I. 0. Fore tainrnent Tuesday. March Annie Richardson and the talent. Admission 15c. Res Parker, Durlmllvlf A man in Dawsc before Major Walsh ultemting brown SI!) He was fined 81.000. __ _...-.‘n1 :- "113!) Lower. Town. npizno Powders for ITeeitic for the dseas Parke, 's Drug More. BULLS FOR SALe-.-si, Bulls. First class Anna - - my “yawn/1‘6 of me South Riding of needs .' Seeds 2 2 at MacFarlane's. the County of Greg. --Have you renewed for THE REVIEW? 22'ro give notice that I have ap- We 3mm wood either green or dry on CHAS L. GRANT Durham sulmcnptmu. Fi Li f ' h ' f Those new Prints at J. A. Hunters my mantel: 12:32); 'l/itc'li2'."rpo"es o are very neat. You can see what you are bu in at DAVID JAMIEQONI i: A. Hunter's bright; new Jorg in Ott? of th., P"""""‘“ Atwet. 'l'ou. n i' irltt gnrham tiItii'iii] Dal Seeds , Seeds 2 1 at 'ham, Thar. 1m; LOCAL AND GENRE ’irst class ones, E a of the Baptist Church. ‘givua Social at. the resi- Ii. G, \Vehher. 2nd con. the evening of Friday the '. Sh-ighls will he on hand Dawson City rs for the Horse,--A disease-sad' only at Uh charged with ad: sugar with gold-dust. . U. Foresters’ enter, Six ynung Durham rch 8th. Miss the best local Reserved Beats Enquxre of H the pum- all right. the date f Game. '. 3rd, 98 ttppeared I wumruu, easy to rake, easy to operate. i Pre Socrars-A pie-social for the. Pit r , pose of raising funds for a Public School i picnic. will he held in the school-house ; of S.S. No. l. N1trnttnhrrrriday evening i March 11th. Two hands. the Allan jPark Bram Band and a Kama Band ' expected. Admission-centres, 10c 1 Ladies free. . Repurt of S. S. No. l, Non Feb.-oheums--..r. Backus, A L Gadd, J. McNieco. 8rd Burns, B. McNeice. J.Burns, and el-at. Wnllm " ' Buck! Hood's Pills are the hm cathartic, easy to rake, easy i "In her recent recital Miss Annie (Richardson has again proved herself one of our most gifted elorutionists." i --lToronto Saturday Night.] I. o. Foresters. March 8th 1898. IF You WISH TO at: WELL You must fortify your system against the attacks of disease. Your blood must be kept pure. your stomach and digestive organs in order, your appetite good. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the medi- [ cine to build you up, purify and enrich 1 your blood and give you strength. It creates an appetite and giyes digestive I power. Messrs. Peter McIlvride, Wm Petti grew and Wm. Carson. three of Nornmnl-y‘s stalwart. young men leave this (Wednesday) morning for the Northwest At a meeting of the shareholders of the proposrd furniture company of Hepworth. held hast week, Mr. E. w. Geddes formerly of Hampden was ap- pointed "eeretav.v.-Advant.e. Mr. Jam. Cameron leftfor Holstein yesterday morning to open up his new business of watch and jewellery repair- ing etc. The best, wishes of the town go with him. Foresters' i ng. l Seekers after gold are often disap- pointed. Sevkers after health take [Hood's Snrsapurilln and find It meets every expectation. Miss Flora McMillan sister of Barris- ter McMillan at Toronto, is visiting at Mr Jno Robertson's. Upper Town. Miss K. Fitzjerald. Kincardine, is vis- iting at Miss Sarah vollett'e and other friends in Town. Miss Jean Renwick, Dromore, who sung in Durham with so much accept~ ante this winter will appear at the I. o. ”MM. ' .. uncerhm ihrve or , rent. to good tenants ser'ved. “I! Rev. M P, WW0 urn-n Mrs. McKelvie spent visiting her sister Mrs. Fail-wail. Miss E. Calder of Cald guest of Miss McKinnon this week. Miss Bella Hughes and Mrs. Lnuvhlun visited friends in Owen on Sunday. Mr. Isadore m guest of Mr. Con Town Hall at the I. ( cert on Tuesday next, Saturday’s Globe, a uut' pnoto-engravure of Miss A. Richardson]. who will appear in the Town Hall at the I. o, Fovesters' Con. cert on Tuesday next, appeared in last Sm.....n....v. f,, ' Lnsr.~0n 4th Concession, Glt-nelg. on Saturday. Feb. Mth, a Scotch plaid. The finder. will be suitably reWarded by leaving it at the Review office. A fine photo-enzravum, of mm A SERVANT GIRL eval servant Watr enceq. Apply to Town " Durham, Feb, rm grunts of M Mummy my Financial To the Electors of the South Riding q the County of Grey. I hereby gwe notice that I have up pointed WILLIAM LAWSON. Durham, JAMES J. SMITH. Durham, my Financial Agent for. the purposes of the present election. I hereby give pointed To the Elector. of the South i the County of Grey, I 's-c., . ' [a me Electors of the South Riding the County of Grey. Thereby give notice that I have ' pointed To the Electors of ONTARIO 'iaatmdiiiinii] 7 Concert next Tnesdu mmciiiiiTiia1Giiriiurs. Miner the Hanover ANT GIRL WANTED.-, van! wanted at, trllt'e u Apply to Mrs. J. Tow, JAMES J. SMITH terMcIlvx-ide, Wm Petti Wm. Carson. three of stalwart. young mm leave sday) morning for the 2tq 'md Mrs. Little of Dornm-h LIAM LAWSON. Durham, lcial Agent fur the purposes of the present election. DAVID McNiCHoL cue of the Candid Heauter, Nonstadr. was an. Knapp on Sunday. the favorite family '. 28th 1898, or A's-m. l. l, Nounml-y for JOHN D. MORGAN. one of the Candidates, of C'aldevwood is the Kinnuu tor R few dave DAVID JAMIEQON, one of the Candidates four good farms to S. First come first notice that I have d M rs TI I at a few days J. Hooper of D.--Good gen- t'e with refer- '0wner, Lowe: Mrs, A. Mc. ay even- Yon vey- r. A Ilan Riding Sound '"'t'P'"""rd" m we noted Hal-um Valley. 1 A budgrt coming from Maple Park wu ', In circulation fut a. few weeks but adden- ly disappeared It " out of sight. and out of mind. We Would say this that Maple Park Correspondent started on tuteottttt of some itnttgiruus strife and nluo was getting new: on the territore of Ba!- sun Yaliex Con, [lino-fore it has to stop on accoun; of trespassing. Mrs. Crlin Lamont spent I. week " her parental home new Coleraine and return- I edtwain last week WIN.) a in organ. lot: I of music at the Corner now. ‘ A few weeks have efnpsed since the last Balsam Valley items appeared, so we think we had better pen a. few lines of the happenings of the noted Balsam Vail-v, Editor REVIEW. Allow me through the cal Four paper to thank my follm men for the syuipathv shown my family at the. station t, arrival there of the remains Dear Departed Child. My iutr almost too heavy to carry and I amount of sympathy shown In ed meat the "totnent of a pc that awful load. Sincerely. ates Last, Satuvdus"the town was startled to learn that Alisatlean Cochrane who had left, for Hamilton about. 10 days before in health and strength was strivk- en with the deadly disease appendicitis. Hen father and sister had gone down that morning in response to a telegram. only to find that death was in the cup and that her young and useful life was to come to an end. She had been taken to St Joseph's Hospital, and here an op- eration was performed. successfully too. but too late. She lingered till Monday at 8.35r. n... remembering her ahsent, _ friends and waiting patiently and hope- fully for her release. She was a young lady greatly heloyed and respected by her acquaintances and will be sadly missed m choir and Sunday School and above all in the home of which she was the light nnd joy. She was laid to rest in Saugeen cemetery on Tuesday last, amid manifestations' of deep regret in l the very large number from town and country who attended the. funeral. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. REVIVAL StTvrrucs.---Tho.se setvices, conducted by Bev. Mt. Mitchell assisted by the town ministcrs, are this week lwltlg iveld in the Methodist, church. Norwi.thstitiiank the excitement con- noctul with pnhtivs. th-y haye been genvrnusly attended and it is ho red now that the "xcitement, is over. that, still largernumhers will avail themselv- es of the privilege. s. 1 Prepared only at the ap- :/ Alba Cream, is used. __ .._ _ C""t"' will“) I "all at (”we and suttle their. cash, note or punitive. T nunwy and must have it.--C Maven-um] those indvhted to C, MoArthur are t.'etiptTtfully requested to "all at (nu-e and settle their. m'cuunt by cash. unto ur prmlurv. We needlhv money and must have it.--C. Mt'Arthur. ml. mun. urny, Hattsiltou..with his fathev-iu-hoi, and sister-in law "(TONI- partied the rvnmins of Miss Juan t och- rmw lo Durham on Monday Hut. The sad little column ' wow met at the sta. tion by a [Hunter of sympathizing Inwnsmen. ' Miss Cullrevtson 1 "(Nos and making Millilwry openings Mr. Rubi, Gray, father-iuiv and partied the twrnttitus Mr. Hermon flaw. Dromore. wa town Monday and was u. caller at Review omce, in town ycsteiulf, Burner. DURHAM PHARMACY. Miss M. ft, ms of Mt. FONS! I Guides of Ritilev urn mm Chapped Lips and Cold Sores cau be cured in one night by _the use of our Mr, and M rs Toilet Cream, Toilet Balm, 'Which are rough- ened by exposure to extremes of weather become velvety and soft when our 'tt rm m 's Bus“; VALLEY. @EMBNE SKUNS '6 'A It D OF THA NKS. ' 2. 1P3 6LWE’. MISS JEAN COCH RAKE. ulhevtson isin Toronto taking 'l .....l.:..,_ "s.-' . _ IN MEMORIAM throqgh tht columns ROBT. COCHRANE. .'styptvrrui:s.---Tho.se setvices. y Bev. Mr. Mitchell assisted ministcrs, are this week if: the‘ Mctluylist church. _ v_-v .. .. Illx “I'll tho station upon the f the remains of our Child, My burden Was y to entry and the great “Olmnn ___, ‘- akiug pdduid hats m of Mt. Forest, and Mius, ftililey are guests at Mr. [10.158 [0 a Lek-gram. tth was in the cup and useful life was She lud_been taken Noble. Dundulk, were or .Hamiltou,.with his '. Dromore. was in fellow towns- tr"es of M rs. me riiiiev. portion of me and at, of . __ -- """"HB . an; n a "TI Null. l _ 'itt'da'.tttiytt.,4ennie', ta"a Cf!' W THOG' HARRIS. Mr. Robert mum.“ ye... max-hm an: m Hunt-[w I Cochrane-tn Humilioh, _ Edna]: ie., Jennie, BORN. GUNN,---rn Woodstock. on Feb. 27th. the wife of Dr Gum). unon. for detaGiiit." Elder- "r-- missury note, tshtrp--va-McMi, count, jud mam. to costs. G. fl. Mcffuu Elliot for defendant TORONTO _trp-rv--Hunter--aetion on At'- wum. judgment for Guin '11.00. C. A. Bataan for phintid. A. G. MucKuv for defendant. .Kihner-i--'rssma-Attion augm- missory note, judgment for pluinti for claim and costs. {In}; 1ltl.ter-vtr---s1eqiuvras---Aerion on pmmiuory now. judgement for full an» aunt and costs. the Catypheir---vn-- Mc-Gillvmy- Act ion on promissory note. ‘a-lgment for full tun- mg“ and costs. 1"l/ Telfo pd for plain- ti tiff. as required 5,1758}? 'i'krui'ir",tiG', him. judguwm for. plaintiff 83tr00 and costs. A. G. Mnckdy for plaintiff, H. H. Miller for defendant. McDou tur-vs-shoot Trustees, Sec. ti frJh'i"ei'1'r1tt, of danmgos for im- proper dismissal of plaintiff as teacher 1tti?y1y.rtt,no.t having Hive" him noLCe . - - ,__. ...-...... __. '""'B'R'e ullu 'Illu minds yt"gyid.. pending administra- tion. A. l. McKay for plaiutiif. G. L. Msfhtyl fttllefendiutt. Gadd---vs-yadd etal -Action on ac- count. addinurned Defendant is apply- ing I',rr a tyinistetton (3f estate. and 'his Biiliuirr--xs-timvnee-s.tion of damages for wrongfully cutting and re- muvmg timlwr from plaintifru lands, nonsuil. J. P. Telford for plaintiff. J. U. Elliot for defendant. Wetttrvfeider Brmr-vstm-y McAl. liste-Action on M'coUnl. judgment 1rujeiytttr.s 'tyn and costs. J. P. Tel- tot plaintiffs $92.5. fopd fceplaiAttrs. tint. umm~ Vs- McGillvray “Act ion on l prml-ismny noua-judgrtieut, for plain- I tiff for full amount. Teltot1icrs-FauHise--Action brought Ivy p1ayrtrfrtorecdsa. value of n dog, ullegmlm have helm: puisoned Ivy defeuir amt.‘ Defendant is a farmer in (ilenelg and had set ont poison for foxes. which had been rubbing his hen " ost. The judge held llllllr defendant hml not exer- cised sufficient, c.Kr'e in setting out poi. [ son, and judgment, was entered for l flalinlilf for $25.00 and casts. A. G. et l Gy for pluinlilf, J. c, Elliot fovdefeni - I wusunnclinn of damages brought by tltephyutitras,,rairist the defendunl. he- (‘uuse he had. it, was "lleged re-suld UM- tle, which hnd been purchased from him by plyuttiir-juusrttient for plaintiff $1011) and (1152s. Messrs Chas. Elliot. and A. G. MncKny fur pluintilf, J. P. Telfoed fur defendant. His Honor Judge Morrison presided at Division Court, here on WAinesday last, when mm- H dozen (uses were dis- posed of, "esides a few judgnwnt sum- Immses. The following is a short syn- opsis of the cases: Brunt "tal-sm-MCC-ii-This, was I rur being kind to the poor. MISS Mary E. McDonald spent Sunday _ N . . at home and Manuel! again to resume her) I% looking befom luplng. duties at D. K. McArthur's, H rpenlle. I For hearing before judging. Mrs. Ruucinmn and her son Fred of For thinking before swan“. 1 I . ' , J. , . st','r'tt2,11,t, Bient latst titytu d" at I Por hat boring clean though". The C0yernor is engaged at D. Me- For ytndine by your prineiplee. Ititr.ei at pro-em. But we understand For being generous to In enemy. he in to have fo, Cullingwhml before long For stopping your an to “Mp. t'lil/Ce,,hl:rttgg,? " ts'tttttttiott " hm For brldling o. slanderous tongue. I Mr. Ed, Hans of the 10th paid A flyiugr' 'ie,'.:,".),':', pardon “In?" In: iii visit to Balsam Tamy luso mess. I F)" lngsqnnre inbtuinest, P) m A I wl {mm Rworside spout I pleasant For. being 000M008 to both rich 1nd time m the valley one night. last week. ‘poor. What we would like to know. , Forgiving an unfortunate penal: 5 If o, K. has purchase-l the hum at lift. 'dopovire. l n . ' . . . It Dave goes down the 8th or 20th now, , “1):: pl omptneas m keepan ’0". What “a hear. ip F'l Bel . I be . That the smiling cmntennnco of the l or puttmgt te a construction W timhvr gang will ltts missed on the 16th. {the new of othenr, That. Jim Benin-{is no to business at Riverside G my) c-- vs-- Mob" ill vr We expected to see the Corbett Enml Fitznmmuns fight Come " on Feb. llth i in the presence of a large number of ,1 sgwetatoru but owmg to the wet weather one at the pugihhts and nut appear on the ( scene. Thu other with him trainer was an I hand all o. K. I vtr--Thomas-Aetiott on pro- note. judgment for fininliff. non for plumlin'. J. l Elliot ("iiiiiiii'i's'"i--'ie-i,', la; 1 '-McMieken--Aetion on u- menl. for plaintiff 84.50 Mid ". Mc‘CYugil for plaintiff. J. C. DIVISION COURT " .. 1ttrNtrtFTat9 pjiiiii"curs, ", UNDERWEAR, _ READYMADE CLOTHING Those must be will do it. tierved. An attractive range (1 "ey Neckties, away 'vie. a-.-ofcr)ovttiick--This was . WAR" 'iiiiii wqueulgpd to attend on Sunday, Dr. Arthur Our G rocery. other (lonart Iertdn, 95011519 slain at one we such applicu It 1,95. about!) (he will be held on the ttttl fit of yard: fans It, Nempre Bowl. M! - ate at. the vi" e of Neumdtmd known an the hir") tt',ih'. A meeting of the Baud " “come Commissioner. for Sim”: Greymzill he_l_t_eld on My 15th dar lhanhin d. received an Mitt tion for the tyrant!» of the an": License issued m John Collins for the Home and Premise. Silum at Orchard- ville, township of Ilkprmoot, from George Schrum. Also In application from George La France, for a thunder of the Tavern License iqtrued to Chm-I. Miller for the Home and premium dul- nte ft tle, 7:114:54! of Nguuudcgnd kw P. S. ---UwGt ik%tr' necessarily accepted. ‘ Dayd_Fer. mu IKE TENDERS will be remind by the undersigned up to the 15th day of March next, fol the Seating at School House in School Bee. No. 3, Township of Bentinck. About 25 lens of the modern style will be required and perha is a Teacher's Table. All to he planet! in Home in n nut Inbound“ manner. -,i" 24th day of March l ll. was. t andt-livcr or send h post pro mid. to . IJuhn P. Telford of life town of [Durham . j in the county of (hwy. Wilicimr for Al- Thut Mclluugall, the uxecmnr of the Mid f , Estate. u ululmuenl of their mum‘s and ',vddpetises and full punk-"lurk u! their claims. lngclluer with u sluluncnt ofthe _ sccul'lly (if any) held by them t {And notice- is hen-by given that After {the said but mentiuucd date the laid ett- iecutor will proceed to dislrihule the ut- , sch; of the mid deceased cunning the [parties entitled thereto, having regard :oIzly to the claims, of which notice- ha bein given as 'thave mquired. Mid the C',',',',.') executor will not he liable for the fumid use“, or any purl theewot. on du. 1 tribute-d to any poem": of whose claim m.tiu- shall not have hoe-u received " atovesaid, at the. time the mid aim-Hm- tion is 30 made. " Med at Durham the 28th day of Fob. A. n In): 'ery. Boots & Shoes, and 1mrtmcuts are complole. In the Eulule of John Mrlhmgull (at! of Hm Towns}! tp of Barnum-h. i n the County of Greg, ycmmvn. thwarted. Notice is hon-by triven pursuant to the "rturvisions ot the Itevirsed Slututn of ()nlmin 18157. Chapler 110. Section m. that all creditors and otheo having claims against the IGt,ate of John " Uuumill late of the Township of Ben. tiuch in the (in. of Grey. yc-onmn De. ceased. whodied on or ulnmt the Wth (lay of February. A. D. It!!! " the mid Township of Beintinck, are on or hetero the Tenders Wanted- i For looking before leaping. i For hearing before judging. For thinking before speeking. For hat boring clean choughu. For standing by your principles. For being generous to an enemy. i For stopping your can to gonip. l For bridling n slanderous tongue. For “king pardon when in error. For being squane in btuinestrdeaiines. For being courteous to both rich and poor. Notice to Creditors ' of Four-In 'tty down in J. P, TELPORD, Durham. Solicitor for Executor. For living a pure life. For doing your level best. For being kind to the poor, LICENSE xenon. Show Quad: sold and the Price First Come, Fin-t You Will Never be Sorry. o'clock p; 1.1: GGaiii; " “W "have required. and the will not he liutrle for the any part thereof. so du. y person of whoee claim t ty.ave iteett received an 1'Itkeh7ii, -*_.. Greypa. att. Bf

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