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Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1898, p. 8

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ory. HNIE repaired Sash, Lifer- ting. n lwaya Lu orden at fil " to ag to h tll he properties and scenery of hmf 1 ~I~vzen plays belonging to sir Henry Irving have ' destroyed by , {its in the archway under the London Chatham & Dover Railroad. near the Ludgato mu nation. which was used as a storehouse for the scene. " of the Lyceum Theatre, Tho London IMily Chronicle peter. lidwa . rumor that Boron from“, Hinisler plonigtotontiarr in the dip- lomuic umco and British Aas" And Conan-Gourd in Egg: m“ I”. will ht-ttt Imperial rotary u State for Foreign “this after up capture of Man by the Anglo Who almanac. to the Elimination already iithe pos- mum of the Home. [hr Sammy Renew town-u mat Cue Chm-so loan will he made by Great Hritaiu. sud that. the preliminary "tth- traet mu actually been signed. I'te result. of the election m Edg- hutun Jls mica of Birmingham. tor . menu er of Parliament to succeed Mr. George Dixon. is that Mr. F. ls. Lowe, Coaservative. has been return“ with- out opposition. Hon. A. F. Balfour embed in the Hum): ot common: on Monday that. the Government would be very sled to see en intenetionel agreement regarding currency: but [be big Iqthi_II__to add THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting hm About o- om, “I: “run Britain, the Uruted m A '1 Parts ot the Globe. W Assorted for Easy 'tea- for [HE NEWS IN ll EEll. Mrs. I.ivimratono,torroerlr of that tti-,! minion Lands Office at Winnipeg. has been appointed by the. Department ot the friterior to take marge of the im- migration of asuperior class of domes- 'le mrmrts from Britain to Manitoba “ml the Territories. " mm V08 The .‘fanitoba. Legislature will meet March 10th. being t shape lure . Mr A vrtitiort is being circulated for GuqrrIBeu rresmem “MW“ W “NW" Elvin-my for Nulty, the convicted mur- 500,000 petMMM5 by forced loan. dvrur hf hie three sisters and brother, A plague hospital at Bombay W” or. thn ground of insanity. destroyed by fire: Twelve European An Ottawa Klondike party now be.. and 84 native patients were saved. ine organized is making application to The oceunio is'. s. Company's steamer Archl Limp Langevin to he allowed toilWonaco sailed from Sydney, N. S. 11r., Lake 'vo priexts with them. Ltr, Say Francisco carrying S30,000 lit The directors of the Winnipeg Gen- t'overeHrTte. iral ilmzyilal lave decided to call for" There is some tale of the betrothed tomb-H for a jubilee edition, swam- of Queen Wilhelmina to Prince Louis out fun Is now being promised. Napoleon. new colonel of the Czarine‘e Wm lmrihrld, of Lindsay” when sen- Lancers in the Russian army. “Danni to the Central Prison for one The Emperor cf China has issued a year for stealing some castings, aakedlapeeial edict instructing the Gov- that " sentence bo changed to hang- ermment of mung-Sn to accord Prince irut. Henry of Prussia "in every respect a “w *in in connection with the pro- worthy reception." pos'" r tiluay from Winnipeg to Lake M. Papinaud, editor of La Libre Par- Hu- "rior will he considered by the,lole, of Paris, has ehallenged M. James. Jb.rnn:'o 1 lmgisleture early in the hes- the Socialist leader. to a duel. owing mun. to a queue] that has grown out of the Mr. I'. fr. Smallman and others of dole trial. London .er wrking power at Ottawa to, Reports troy! Odeese say that a re- build amtvam or electrie railway troml cent secret police WWW has revealed London in " point we: Grand Bend uni a..tr.enshtional agenda] in connection Lak" Huron. lam; the coating of the Black sea ___ . 7 7 - 7 ea . H bi Trar wt St chi: oh. formerly NO In " It Alaska ;r.t'er smtllpox case has develop 1 Montreal. un':rfe,it w. American bills In It cuculntod in western Ontario. It new elevator of the Montreal mpnrtation Company at Kingston, t-ren completed. wording to reports from Juneau m. the victims of the Yukon larch number 21. '51-} has a. new industry in the " of a foundry that will manufac- cual and Wind stoves. ".1. A. Gamble, (ax-Reeve of A9- un. is dead of aroma]. He was wrly of York County. mm is a plan on foot in Ottawa to Wish flour mills at the Chandlers er wt amillion lvusliel elevator at min. NIL, for next season’s trade. in» now used being entirely too 1 for we demand upon it. ie-putntion of letter ('arrio-rs from Ina leading eiiiea of “in Dominion ul Mt the Postmaster-General and Him] aprtition tor increased par. Mr Mulock promised compliance. a chairman of the Board of Steam- Inspectors goes to British Colum- n are that the law is strictly on- " with regard to the safety of I 4 carrying passengers and freight 'n C,.',',', f'""Y"'r '" um, your“: The about. service has diaoosrorttda 'l','art1ll,',"L2/dnrny at Kingston new counterfeit 810 National Bark . mp e t) . note. It is on the Hikernia Nation ll rrlinsr to .rtyorts from Juneau Bank of New Orleans, series 1882. l. the victims of the Yukon Judge Gary, of Chicago, has denied Mi number 21. the motion tor a new trial in Laet- :m has a new industry in the gerl's case and sentenced him to life at a laundry that will manufac- Imprisonment. An aplml will he tak- ‘4] and wood stoves. en to the State Supuma Court. /l'. A. Gamble, ex-Recve of Aa- Frederick Pedlar. driver of th past- It, in deal ot w-oplexy. He was office mall waggon at Buffalo, has been rly of York County. discharged being an tcien. He had m is a plan on foot in Ottawn tol'"vorn faulty to tha prcted. States uh flour mills at the Chuudiere lhoug'n 8 Canadlan. and a resident ot tag the line of the Parry Sound too United States for fims. months. He 'ty. . may now be tried for perJury. m Finn, a small rm. who “Ml William Riley Foster, Jr., who dis: 3aptiats of " sending '. if not t l into the Rookie. , Messrs. Abbott of Montreal have mm from the negotiations for ruhlishment of their industry " aty, will leave on the 'd5t.h tnst city ot Oruro, Bolivia. He wi ' way of New York and th Isthmus. and down the 'tttN! racy will Consume amonth GREAT BRITAIN. mush Government has invite for four ttrtsb.c1na. 2rmore of 21.000 horse-power n awson. director of the Geo- army. estimates the gold taken no Yukon, last year at 82.500.- til steamer Joan, running from er to Nanaimo, has been char- , Mr. Mann, tho Stikone' rail- tractor. arihrld, of Lindsay” when sen- ' the Central Prison for one stealing some castings, asked sentence be changed to hang- ' erin ontul Farm uuthoritvu ing out samples of new and i grain seed for testing by " is reviv t amillion Finn, a small boy, who was or} at the Humilton Hospital anus. died just. after the op- T Smallman and others of w making power at Ottawa to mm or electric railway trom 1 point near Grand Iknd on 'er CANADA. onnection with the pro- from Winnipeg to Lake by consideregl by the hat th 'dper ccnt.’ !?t adividend, lie nary 'storsk, ag , already at year Jt hase the [HI-v rum- Pool-Ir klllvd and Two "can” he min“ orotrtt hy a inowl’ull nt 1trevbee. an, I it About Thirty laws of the use.“ In" Developed Among the Bil-en. A dospatch from Damon, N.W.T., via Victoria. 8.0.. tsaya:--Scurvy has developed among the miners to such an extent that there are now seven- teen also in the public hospital. It is estimated that there are from twelve to fiftomt cues in private cobinuwol- ling the whole numbox to thirty. Pro- caatiomrrr mm on being taken to pnvont the apron! of the mohdy. were m td during its practically In the lo An attempt was made lute Satur- day evening in Kingston. Jamaica, to kidnap flritwe, Clarence, formerly chief Tim British hrigantine Phyllis, Capt- ain Itwies, arrived at St. Johns, Nfld.. on Monday from Turks Island with her Lamar-k5 gone. her lite boats smashed and her sails and rigging car- ried away For twelve days she was among the ice floss and she had hen sides nearly out through. of v'ue Mosquito territory, who is now ”wing there as a pensioner of the Brit- ish Government. The attempt in be- Iieved to have been the result of Meat-- agutut instigation. Ill the details have teen settled for '1rrying out Ceril Rhodes’ scheme tor the extension of the Bulawayo Rail- way to Lake Tanganyika (Central At- rica). There is no difficulty apprehend- ed in getting dl8,000,000, the amount of capital needed. Advices from Port Said report that; the British battleship Victorious. 1hich sailed trout Malta on February II for China, went ashore outside the bar while entering that port. Mme. Florence Morgan, the superin- tendent of the plague hospital at Bom- lmy. has died of bubonic plague. The Congress ot Nicaragua has an- thorized President Zelnya to collect 500,000 paces by forced loan. A Plague hospiml at Bombay was destroyed by fire. Twelve European and di nuttare patients were saved. William Riley Foster, Jr., who dis- appeared from New York in 1888. and took with bun it is alleged 3193.000 of the gratuity fund of the Produce Ex- ehan:ps and who, after years of search by detectives all over the world, was ur- n-ste-J in Paris on October 21 last, has bum brought back to New York. GENERAL. 'Franm has 8800,000,000 af gold in circulation. It has been decided to construct an underground railway in Irr'in. . Reiutforemnentt, have been trt2air.ht m to strengthen the garrison of Paris. American labour leader: will make a demand about. May 15th tor an eight- hour work day. August Ringling, father of the Ring- !ing brothers of circus fame, is dead at bamboo. Wis. For the first time this winter the ice In Lake Michigan is giving the atross the lake boats considerable trouble. Mrs. Jennie Horton committed sui- cide at Middleton. N.Y., because, about I fortnight ago. she accidentally smoth- sred her baby. The Spanish warship Vina” bu " rived a: New York. Dr. Robert A. Wheaten. a. noted Snark-an surgeon. in dead at St. Paul, . um. Forty thousand Cultans have gqn: from their native country during ,,he past few years to take up the to. Jacco business in Florida. SCURVY IN DAWSON. DISASTER IN QUEBE.C UNITED STATES. l. mm days overdue. She reports llml on d F' trruary 1.it.h Bhe encountered what rammed to he tr fog, but which proved L; in Le a sandstorm. The air was per- ;‘tmmte-i “th red sand and hyr 9tto miles iithe sun an" stars were invisible. 0b- ”tn-Minus were impossible until the "whip reached Madeira, and for the an- _ tire distance the vessel worked her may 'i by dead reckoning. pexamodinir were of a perfectiv friend- 1y natures adding that he did not no any rec-on why they should not bend. ed amicably. A deapatvh from London t'aiytr.--Ths Marquis of Salisbury. replying on Wed- needs, to a drsputstion from the Cham- bers of Commerce regarding the French Custom. Mills in West, Africa usur- od the deputation (but. the, negutations Inn-h or Anew-my ma." the nomads-gr Are M a Inc-lolly ttttttrr. remum- Experience 'terortot h! thr “WP- mu- Mv-nmor lmlytl G'mllo'. A deasratch fr ml Plymuutm England, says:~'l'hc steamer Jtots'om Castle. from Tarle Bay. anneal here on Wednesday, hull-anal: Walk to Go over the " r. I. to British l'nlumhln. A deapoteh from London saya:--Ut is amvriml that Pur1~i-!m‘u)-Ie progreas has recently Mm made in the realization of the fut mail service, uith Canada. New arrangnmc-nts have been 00111le- ed hy which tlt? main; will be mrried {new the Canadian Pacifie Railway to British Columli'l for Australia. and it is sain' that iive 22 knot hnats. rust- irvr Liyi.000 such. have already 'een or tered. A deapateb from Cape Town to the London Daily Mail says that the dis. missal of Chief Justice Kotze has caus- ed alarm and apprehension through- out South Africa, irrespective of politi- cal or racial feeling, excepting the Boi- lander vlique. The administration of juice in the Transvaal is generally regarded as having been reduced to a farce. Some persons contend that the surerain power ought to intervene, on the ground that the grave sranclal is a. danger to British interests. Judge [one Say-u cum I’ll-I "in " Paw- . or " Ill-ml“ III-u. A despatch trom Pretcria. South At- rica tsayts:-)x-Judge Kotze. who was dismissed from otrwe for protesting against the relations between the Ex- ecutive and judiciary in connection with a law passed a year ago, has writ- ten to President Kruger, declaring that he still regards himself as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the South Ab. riran Republic. He disputes the Presid- ent's poo er to dismiss him, and quotes various laws in support of his conten- tron. President Kruger replied to the latter, reiterating the dismissal. Mr. Balfour also rointed out tl at the bill provided that the ovcupier was liable to both the county cess and poor rate, whether in a town or rural dis- trict. which would involve a readjust- ment of rents, an equal sum to be granted from the imperial exchequer as an agricultural grant. Mr. Balfour mid he thought the bill was based up- on broad, dmnovmtic lines.adding that if extravaparitws occurred. those re- sponsible for them would bear the burden, while they would reap the benefits of any economy. would deride when; the requests of Boards of Guardians for outdoor rezief should be granted. Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Limerick, Londnnderry. and Wa- terford would he constitu.ed independ- ent County Councils. The county would be responsible for half the ex- tra. expenditure. ERIENNIAL ELECTIONS. For the sake of convenience. Mr. Bal- four further explained that the laund- aries of the existing unions and also of the countiex would be modifivd, and the County Councils: would take over the duties of grand juries, but only in fiscal matters, and would not in- clude criminal jurisdiction, or ques- tions of eontpensstion for malicious in- juries. (Irish "0h's.”) The elections for County and District Counvils would be triennial, and all would retire to- gether. The County Councils would be the sole rate coflecting authority, and would control the expenditure. They would also be responsible for dealing wrrlt exceptional distress, and Local Aa-hmuuo- In Ireland I. be M:- trtb-led louver- may. Uriel, and Inn! Mann: found". A despotch from london tstryst--Tho House of Commons was crowded on \Ionday when the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Mr. Gerald Balfour, introduc- 1d the Irish Local Government bill. In :loing so, he said he thought it possible the new order of things would at first seem to he a failure, but he believ- ed it would work through failure to the success which would be the begin- ning of better and brighter days for irclaad. The Government, Mr. Balfour, conthued. proposed that the local ad- ministration be distributed between County Councils urban and rural dis- tricts Councils. and Boards of Guar- dians. the election of which would be by Parliamentary franchise “ith the addition of peers and women. The qual- ifications and disqualification, for el- ectiom as councillors would be the same as in England, except that ministers of religion would be disqualtiied from sitting in the County or District Coun- cil, the Government acting therein in accordance with pier-edema. SEW IRISH LOCAL MEASURE SUITS IRISH MEMBERS. IEETS WITH 1?flflllTU, FAST BOATS ORDERED SANDSTORM AT SEA IN WEST A FR'CA. RE DISHES KRUGER. So let this plain men take comfort. they need not have the least fear of remaining lonely lm-lmlura all their lives. it tiny Will only realize the tact that a fair field is before than. and woo boldly and like men. T:, begin with, physical afflivxiun in a man excites woman's compassion und sympathy. It does not atir her to re- pulsion as it does a man Then she is far more affected lay his disposition and character in lmxtnying her lam» than by regular features and a straight back. Perhaps this is one 1138,3011 why Women's love has been more enduring Chan a man's since the work! began. It does not fade with wrinkles and gray hairs; it does not burn low when the light. goes out of the, eyes, and the tu'ectrtess from tho figure; it endures, and as character is the one thing im- mortal about us. which reaches on to another life. it is safe in suppusn that a. good woman’s love an) outlast death itself, and live again in eternity. But what wins a Woman's love most 4-1.?»fly in a man in his capacity for low,- making. His tenderness and ardor “ill make her his more surely than anytl ing else in the know " world. And the ugly man may lmseas the qualizivsi of a ducted lover as much as the hand-l some man; in most c'ases he paws-l sea them a thousand times more. Thiai being so. there is every mason whyl a. plain man should be able to win a} woman's love even more readily and? certainly than any of his good-looking} rivals, and in about nine cases out of, every ten be succqeds in doing so. I The ugliest men in th" wholo history of the world have had the most beauti- ful wives. The uglier a man is, it would seem. by a law of natural com- pensation. the mum he has the power towin the love of women for whom all ma high. if he knows how to at it right. The birth-rate among the very “or of Park. Is three times greater than among the very rich, now-Min: to " .- Cuties compiled by Btrtill 'n. As tre social scale declines there in a correl- Mling int-reuse. . and say: "Just look at, woman! iil long as she can find a man to give her] the proud position of writing 'Mrs' an; her visiting cards she dcesn't care} whether he is biind. or halt, or lama"; But in mality her conduct mines from! a. very different cause. i Even size and strength. how: ver, are not Mum‘ary qualifications in a wo- man's eyes for the man she loves. Ev- ery day one sees men deformed, mis- shapen and so hideous that one hesi- tates to look tuice at them. who have won wives who not only love them, but are proud of them. and would not change their personal appearance for that of any other man in the world, wens he a veritable Adonis. Oiservers of them have noticed this, and turned it into a. matter for sneers. They suppuse the reason for it lies in a. woman's frantic desire to get mar- ried,nnd thgy point it out scornfullr To be sum, she often admires the out- ward man. but unless she is very fool- ish and very young she does not think must of the face. it is the man's strength _tlmt appeals to her weakness --tUNy delights in his height and size and look ot po.ver. In most cases a Mann is heard to say she does not care for tt man to he handsome as long as he looks manly and atrong; and it is wonderful how little suueas a. mere beauty man ha.s among women. as a rule. BIRTHS AMONG RICH AND POOR HUMELY MEN. It is rather curious, from a woman's point of View. to hear a man sometimes talk as it his lack of good looks militat- od. agaimst his chances with the other "I am such a plain chap," you will hear one of them say, "ao woman is ever likely to care about me,"' or "Poor old Jonas! He'll never get a girl to take him with that ugly {we of his." A woman when she hears such a stream smiles to herself. A man is so much affected by looks in a woman- his love so often springs from some outward attraction a womun may pos- tsetrs--hUt he not unnaturally (exudes a. woman is swayed in the game way. But, as a. matter of fact, her hue is won: by such utterly different means that the question of looks affects her very little one way or another. Iaueonelusion he says he willbe glad to learn as early as possible whether the above. arrangement is satisfactory to the United states Government, in which case he will so advise the Mar- QUIS of Salisbury and the Governor- General of Canada. The State Department has accept ed the terms offered. Sir Julian ttthis-.--") Dominion Governmmt at the same time desire to make it clear that they fully ap- preciate the wish of the United States Government to afford relief, and have. forwarded imtructions to the lo .al offi oials to {militate the expedition in every possible way. An escort of Do- minion Poliee Mil we furnished for the expedition during its passage through Canadian territory." A I'M "ted 'tntec Belief Expeditio- Wll‘ Be Allowed to rm Tun-3h “III..- territory. A despatch from Washington. DC. "Fic-The Secretary of State has n, oeived a communication from Sir Jul- in Pauneeiote, the British Ambassador here, relative to the passage of the United States relief expedition through Canadian territory, en route to the gold region. Sir Julian says he "is authorized by tho Marquise of Salisbury to state tha, the Dominion Government are qvit" willing that United States troops which are destined for places in Alas " beyond the lust meridian. and are wmidemd necessary tor the protection of the relief expedition while in United States territory, should pass through Canadian territory under the mine re: guiatioms which govern the [me-suite I" Canadian Mount 11 Poiice throu Its Unit ed States territory. namely, that the men shall not be under arms. and that arms and ammunitions of our snail go through Canadian territory as btsg- CAN PASS THROUGH CANADA. Msunmv-rym't ynu like Four dollie. , Ethel t ‘ Little Fthel-.-Ye, mamma. Bat do Lyon think her oattplesitoa ix tumult Willard were! held in tit. Jol,u'srhuru'a, We,trnim,ter. Lundun, on Wetlnvsday (waning. The edifice "as cnmded with roprase-nluliveq of the W. C. T. tf., among may twin: Lady “wiry tiomeas set the Durham of i4utherland, tlw Duchess of Bedford, and Antoinette Starling. (‘unullpa were hnrm-ui nn lie altar “bid: was dewuraMd with im- marteHes. Thar», was " wirnr're burial service. w5cieh included tl," singing mi Um hymxxm. "The Labouro-r's T,vsk is O'or," and “Rock of Ages.” (Mum: Wilheriorcr, made u-n address. in “Hm ha exhorted his hearers In "toulate Miss Willard'." work. The services concluded with an impromptu pray-w. commending tho .wu! "f the dewwwd “01mm to God. lull (In: our "Ir Indy or Illa Willard ui Manila». A de‘pah-h from Exnnstmn. Ill., guys: -Thes last rites over the Indy of Miss Frames E. Willard. president of the w. C. T U.. were [Isn't-"med heres nn Thursday. The city was in mourning, schools and business houses Iteine clus- ed, My! flags at IAN-mast. Private services were first held at "Itest Cot.. tage," Miss Willard'u home. A prayer was offered by Mrs. L. M. N. b'toverie, acting pluwidvnt of the W. C. T, l'.. and after the hymn. "Jaws. Lover Ll. My Soul," bad been Ming by muse pres- ent, tho casket was mauveyed to the First M. E. church. which was filled to the doors. Addresses, were made hy an'denl Henry Wade Rogers, of the North-Western l'niverail); Rev, Dr. (‘Lnrlo-s Little, Mrs. Louisa Rounds, Mrs. John S. Bother. of Iceland; Mrs. Katherine L.Stevenarn,und Mra.Clam Huffman. The casket was literally covered with flowers, almost. emery aruntry and sum being represented by a floral piece. l "Any reported interview with divers untrue. Every precaution has been mk- en. Officer aways present." The big double turn-ted monitor Ter- ror remains under orders to stay in Hampton Roads until further notice. It is likely that she will be sent tn lake the place of the Ma an! in the North Atlantic squadron if not needed else- where immediately. A WORLD STORY. A dosrutch to tho New York World from Havana. says:--'" situation in Humans is more grave (bun it “as a Meek ago. Although the. officers of the Naval Board of lfnguirz' prawn“ an impenetrable waive. ll. ls Named that mine of the best, naval experts now believe that the explcmion “as the re- sult of treachery. This " Gathered Fro-n qt.rerB' MAI»- “CI: of the DIN!" WIN-k. General Blanca. and all his military tsubordinatea were gunman alike of knwrledge of or rartiteilation in 1Le crime. It is believed to tune been set ott by a fanatic. SHADO\VS OF TROUBLE. ConsuiAhrnetal Leo, has inriorurally advised Americans not necessarily (lu- Lained here to leave for home at onw. This is an indicatiun that: than» on Hm ground realize the posiilrilit,y of Imu- hle arising tsuddenly, and their ina' il- ity to protect women and cirldren if an outbreak ocvurs. A dispute]: from Washington, D.C.. sarut--Ths arrival of mail in Wash jngton from Key Went on Wedneedey afternoon. bringing leverul private let- ters from naval officers lately attach- ed to the Maine. tanned u wave of ex- citement to run over the departments and the Capitol. for there were all aorta of rumours as to the contents of these letters, very few of which rum- ours in point ot fit-ct hed any sound basis. The only feature so far as could he discovered of real importanee as throwing any light on the cause. of the explosion contained in the letters “as the statement that the two after boil- era in the utter boiler slut‘e “ere. all of the eight toners of the Maine that were un ler steam at the time of the explosion. This fact hat a negative value, for it disposed ot the theory that an exploding boiler had caused the wreck? The experts all any that by no possibility could the after im'lt-rs‘ explosion have wrecked the iorepart of the Maine, and left the after part al- most unharmed. YELLOW YARN DENIED. Evidently the president. of the court of enquiry is fearful of the. 1tffevt upon the public of illju lgwl attempts to IV',- munt for the destrut-tiun of the Maine. for he telegraphed Sevretury Long. doubtless having in mind certain pub- lications of this morning, as toil-.-- They do not believe that. Spaninh officials were [art of tho, mu litany. From evidence now in their lumessinn {hey believe the Spanish Government, NOT AN EXPLODING BOILER- TORONTO S rut V we) in memory [RRELIGION ABROAD T If ES IN IN DO! 131' LAID TO RES I'. LONDON Inf Mir, _ t. P. I. to“. Irvin! In. ‘umo-nr to As. I lurk I. Inc-u.- Dan. The CPR. has Lrukrn the “urld'n ro- ccrtl for a tranacontineuttrl freight run On February It a fur“ quantitr of silk was Hunted a! Vunnouvor by the stenmship Empress of China, mud on the With it wu landed in New York. the trip occupying anon dare. Then were four carious “and at. m.“ eaith. That's whst: I lied to aura " . week mud aw I (at out it. Mala: mun-um than the I“. her than! tk Jury 20‘ Flivac and of C I." In Oparl By lulu-ran “nun-In for hp'flll ltd-thing. Eight of the Cen'rnJ and tionth Am- ericwn states mielwatu the day when they became xmloyundaul of a muther- Power;. Spam or Portugol pawl?” whim yokes were 11 than; tun-[met states. The Braai.4 u Smtemher Trr.: "I bomber 7m; of China. Sent a tsaiU, in tiaot u weld. It in under- stood the new and equaf. (“as over the Grand Trunk win moo-m: enema“ " moat hummlmwlty. NI M the nr" Lin-(mph car mrvinm will follow c "ly in Man-h. Customs drawtaska ham been renov- ed by tho chumin f. hi. i:1:.nui ortri- itrigof baggage}. emu. through (ha Unitad States to Mambola. “as through can. pending as they “in. vi. tit. l‘a-ul on thud: way to 'A'irtmipegi, will. it in r..'aimsi, materially help the Grand Trunk in "r.mpytietg with the (‘anndian Pacific throuqh cars to r11. Paul from Montreal and other eastern points. only the ado way of " titty mneidk‘rahhs Rt a sad sum! Gram of the From their whhr had no des I’m “Io-m film - " Ann-m W“ W". no “I“! and I. “I“ “II I..." In - We“. The Grand Trunk Ttihwar (Emu! make. the important. announcement that it will shortly inaugurae n p..- anger cervix between Born-1nd. Mow. treaL and “Jimmie to Winnipeg. TU leading features of thin important move on tho part of the Grrud Tmnk tr. as follows '.--Frms mlumut limpet: will bs run from PortimzL Manual Ind Toronto to 10utrr,.va. Spatial trains will be run tor soul-era who may with to moon); 1n.y their Limo dork. 'I1het Northern Fanatic “(can from St. Paul to Whmkvg and ol.lrer primipal plural tn Mn'nirtarla. By an :erung ciiotl “lib the grant trutrl; . we; tetatstan C: dun) MM tit. Paul tho damn? of Mm: 400 m;.L-cs has been ltr., Ved and tln" Grand Trunk Kym 1.11 it; Im- east .r' noi “in: th" N, ri,herit I’m-3 L. mm.» In in the mid he did m t. hr] true, and he has sin me the :l'ssurnmm French troops in t reading of the dee, with cheers. A despatch {rum Marquis of Salislm Lords on Tuesday, Before minim til hum it would he. should read a teitv: Sir Edmund M, he basaador, at Paris, matters which h,r Lentiun. Sir Rum ia tha hands of Fromm Minidvi f in soon as I could a um» drawing n port publislwd t F' much ad W was i that it the report , must bes regarded nus character. A that he bud no kn pnumdilmgm. und the kind had owl been dun: nut unh Nlil E T. fl, fll WINNIPEI} PASSENGER SERVICE TO " [NAU- GURATED SHORTLY. Wear, and “an mm‘emtiou at cm.» inaugurated Wham the. Ca. Izmirm l’miliv. Frat Ontario ma siol.uation is renamed, and the Grand Trunk mum to hue not only the vaun‘lagce alluded Co in the way of "titty an mute but tb'NO efte,t oynk.tleratrsir, saving in distance. :u. I. it In said. in (inn u well. It in under- DEADLY ODD NUMBER NATION/S i, AlOLIDAYS‘ THE SOKOTO AFFAIR. m- " 'renr lama xmlqmndent of a mother- Spain or Portugal being tho Manse yoken were (brawn n" by [quiet states. The mummy of I Smtemher Ttlr; "f Chile. Sep- 7th; of China. Septuuber Fur, br. Mfg-lat 18th; of Catawba. h; of Vunnzuela. July 5th; at August. am.- of Peru. July 2m»; Rita l It New} a: A the I will follow lvll‘l min-ks hum I hunxin .r, ir, in WA eta'., Huang! untold. “he a Jrey wi/l. vi. to Wi,tuioesrr, I.“ wrurrnd it .nly without row-I nment, Kl instruct'" mum. but [m g in dictum-o, I we.U. It ii mud. (no: a 'IAOIIM effort. at M the now t How h, I yly bt {a ham» been lawn! of aluut " 351% and Mm Gum! tue east Joderd with ri.. uystuu in the mm‘emtiou at om.) the. Ca. Irulifln l’miliv. JSir ember h vnimll tr m l England lama huh- 'ith Lord-- nt per- that, I ll vet " Waugh M arc-h. re .110!- I 4 up]- If li "

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