West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1898, p. 5

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nerll Ond APD‘C the the 794 ntâ€" ire ith +ald#8M O8 so 1 0O 8 00 0 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 na 0 #4 0 6 0 0 o0 Us 053 80 60 14 50 16Â¥ 80 60 80 9O 8N O 7°¢p 4F tss g t _ W allâ€" BARRIST ER. SoLICITOR 1N SUPREME COURT, \ Horary PuSsLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. I have this day received an t*phcn- tion for the transfer of the Tavern License issued ro John Collins for the House and Premises Sitaate at Orchardâ€" ville, township of . Egremont from George Schram. Also an application from tGeorge La France, for a tranefer of the Tavern License issued to Charles Miller for the House and premises situâ€" ate at the village of Neustadt and known as the Royal lfi)u'l. A meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Grey will be held on the 15th dal of March 18908 at Klempps Hotel, Ho atein at one o‘clock p. m. to consider such applications. THOS: HARRIS, Durham Mar2. ‘08 _ License Inspector. Repairing a Speciality, UPPER TOWN Di _ Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. OP‘FI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham â€" Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west of th * F‘ost Office, Durham. _ _ â€" ____. _ Charges moderate, Firo Insurance Secured. O MBce, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, DURH A M. MONEY TO LOAN ‘*_ AT 5§ PERCENT. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgag s at low st raues of interest. Valuations raade ‘y a Ccompetent and careful Valuator. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. V ills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leus.s, Afroemo% &o. correctly prepared. _ Estates of decea persous looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrutors‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probaie of Wills, Lotters of Adminisiration aud Guardianship Obtained. Seurches made in Registry Ofhce aud Titles reported on. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. DURKHAM OFFICE, Caipem‘s Biock, 3 251 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wodnesdays #4 each mouth. Butter‘s Hotel. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.S. LVCAS, WRIGHT, & â€" BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"Low rares~ EASY TERMS Aruggists & Seedsmen Durham. JEWELLER. Watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silyverware, klatware, & Specs. Uur spring stock of Wallâ€"Paper is now coming in and we find ze have‘nt room in our racks for it. We are therefore forced to clear balance on bandâ€"put it at a price that will make it goâ€"In many patterns we haweFjust enough for one or two rooms. irst come, first choice. If you dont need it now it will pay you to buy and keep for future use. Jffofarlane ; @s. «4_r_ll Charges MModerate. DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFCORD, Paper 11 G. LEFROY McCAUL. A. CORDON, Forced CnurEar Ratmway TRravyEL.â€" J P. R. is bound to have traffic .3?1' eth(i: is how they do it. _ Durham to British Columbia 830. To St. Paul and Dauluth $16. Like reduction to other western p}(‘\lptfl. To g'oro;no $2. Enquire at their agency here for fuller i in MePivianer Ir. information, L. B. Lucas, + W . H. Wiic#T, C. Batso®, â€" â€" LICZSNSE NOTICE. Markdale, Owenu Sound. Durham. DURH AM. Pn d 14 14 h 4 Ac t 4 124 e cutnnhruttaiatae n in t <cevel en it Jr. A -rRuhy Thompsoun, Irene Leavens. Jr. B.â€" Hazel Guthrie, Pearl lonis.â€" Average attendance 301. l Honor Roll of Durham School Feb |‘98, Sr, 5th classâ€"Aima Hughes and E Lizzie Fee aeq., Allie Mcelntyre, Id4a | Drimmie, May McClocklin, Lexie Anâ€" ’ derson and May Hopkins aeq. Jr, 5thâ€" | Iva Hyodman, Bert, Mockler, Nellie ’Siblev. Walter Willis, Harry Aldred. Sr. 4thâ€"Cassie McDonald. _ Wesley ! Hunt, Peter Ramage, Annie Lawrence, | Edwin Allan and Fraser Patterson aeq. Jr. 4thâ€"Emma McCaul, Gertie Bliss, Otto Knapp, Maggie Hutton, Wm. Brown. Sr. 3rdâ€"Maund Irwin, Edith lGr.-mt, Flossic Limin, Rosena Nester, Nathan Swallow. Jr.3rdâ€"Nora Knapp, Archie Thompson, Duncan McKenzie, Esdon Wolfe, Bessie McKay. Sr. 2ndâ€" Florence Saunders, Murry Suuth, Stewâ€" art Walters and Mamie Douglass aeq. Dora Burnet, Willie Lavelle. Jr. 2nd: James â€" MceClocklin, Maggie â€" Grant, Charlie Moore, Hugh Nester, Arthur Alian. _ Jr. 2ndâ€"(Miss Gun‘s room) Annie Thompson, Arthur Knisley, Jane Kilmer, John McKinnon, John r‘ox.‘ 8Sr, Part 2ndâ€"â€"Jean Crawford, Carman Aljoe, Annie Daniel, Harry Lavelle, Essie Laidlaw. â€" Jr. 2ndâ€"Reta Irwm,' Hazel Caldwell and Lizzie Cameron aeq. Flint Hind, Pearl Warner, Bea‘rice | McCracken, _ Pt.2nd (Miss Ander.gn’n] room}â€"Archie Davidson, Fred Smith, Carl Eown, George UOK. Alfred Mcâ€" ’ Clocklin Sr. lstâ€"Islay Campbell, Pearl â€" Burnet. !ntermednteâ€"Efloi Hunter, Jem. Saunders ard Edith Allan | _ Coup StoRAG®E.â€"The MceKechnie firm of this town with commendable enterâ€" prize are erecting a cold storage buildâ€" ing in connection with their Creamery and in line withfthe system: of cold storâ€" age the Dominion government is putâ€" ting into successful operation. â€" Plans are being supplied by government, and these the firm have made a guide. in a few points making improvements thereon. where such are apparent. This will enable them to keep the proâ€" duct when an adverse market would afâ€" fect a forced sale, and in this way better results will be realized, which will tell in the interests of the farmer as well as the manufacturer, CREDIT AUCTION SaL®.â€"Dougald M«â€" Phail, Auctioneer, has been instructed by Messrs Peter and John McKechnie, 1 mile west of Priceyville. to dispose of an extensive quaniity of Stock, Impleâ€" ments, and Furniture. on Thursday March 17th, Sale at cune o‘clock, usâ€" ual terms, No reserve as the proprie tors are going West, The Ladies of the Baptist Church, Durham, wil give a Social at the resiâ€" dence of Mr. R. G, Webber, 224 con, Bentinck, on the ezening of Friday the lith of March. Sleighs will be on hand to take out persons going fronm, town at 7. p, m.. Admission 10 and J}cts. Proceeds for Durham Church purposes, Come one and all, The Directors of the D. H. S. had a meeling on tne evening of last Thursâ€" day, and selected the parties of whom to purchase the Societies Premiums. Those wishing io continue their memâ€" bership and all desiting to become memâ€" bers will please call on the Secretary to arrange the matter. Dr. Jamieson and a large number of his supporters invaded Hanover last evening,. A precession neaded by the Elimwood, Allan Park and Hanover bands marched through the town. The Dr. afterwards spoke from the balcony of the Reid House.â€"Post, A Harry HIitâ€"Was made in O Sound last week when the three m bers elect for Grey, Dr. Jamieson Messrs Boyd and Lucas took part i procession, their sleigh being drawn three grey horses. NoTICEK.â€"AIl those indebted to C, McArthur are respectfully requested to Call at once and settle their account by cash, note or produce,. _ We need the money and must have it.â€"C,. MceArthur, A HAaAPPY HIitâ€"Was made in Owen Sound last week when the three memâ€" bers elect for Grey, Dr. Jamieson and SEED CoRXNâ€"To arrive one Sweet Corn, Leaming‘s 1 Mammoth, Southern _ Sweet YÂ¥ellow Dent, and yellow Horse H. Parker, Durham. If the balance of the by Mr. Morgan as H; would not be as mar Grits in South Grey as â€"Hanover Post, Servaxt Girt WaxtTEp eral servaut wanted at once ences. Apply to Mrs. J. To Town. tpizoo Powders for the Horse,â€"A specilic for the diseaseâ€"sold only at Parker‘s Drug Store, Burus ror SaLEâ€"Six young Durham Bulls. First cluss ones. â€" Enquire of H. Parker, Durhaim, are very neat, You can see what you J. A. Hunter‘s bright Lower Town, _ _ "s . veedsiiat MacFarlane‘s, â€"Have you renewed for THE Review ? We want wood either green or dry on subscription, Seeds ! Sceeds ! ! at Mac LOCAL AND GENERAL Morgan as Hanover did there vaut wanted at once with rv;fer- Apply to Mrs. J, Towner, Lower 046 be as many glum lo« South Grey as there are to new Prints at J and yellow Horse Toot,h- arrive one Car of aming‘s Improved Riding had stood glum looking are huying at new store in «â€"Good genâ€" . A. Hunter‘s «1 Early n a i by + j I thought at the time that I had not been hurt, but when once on board of ’the ?aniard I felt my weakness and | found that I was unable to walk. _ I | was taken to a hospital in Havana, I where my legs from the knee down and both my arms from above the elbow ’ were bandaged up. _ The wounds I reâ€" lmived were burns, received probably though the ignited powder at the time , of the explosion. â€" In Havana I remainâ€" ed until Friday morning last when with | nine others I was taken to the Ameriâ€" I can lighthouse tender Mangrove, which | ship brought us safely to Key West, | where I am now in the hospital at the | barracks,. _ There are thirtyâ€"one of us ; here. I will most likely be cured in a | short time, and although my injuries are somewhat painful, they are not | dangerous and my life is assured.â€" ) | Your affectionate son Charles. â€"day S, Sun. ‘To tell you a little of the cirâ€" cumstances connected with the accident I will commence with my doings immediately before the ship was blown up. I was on watch in the starboard gangway and about to fall to sleep, lying on the bare deck, when suddenly I found myself going up into the air, turning round and round, never losing consciousness and finally alighting in the water. I swam at once to the wreck of my ship., which distance I judge to baye been about 100 yards. Jl‘he ship was then sinking and presentâ€" ly a spanish cutter came along and picked me with a number of others into their boat. An OwrEx Souxn Boxy named Pilcher was on the ill fated Maine when it was blown up. He was among the injured and got his nurse in a Key West Hosâ€" pital to write to his anxious parents in Owen Sound, a very graphic letter. Here is a paragraph taken from the 0. whole arm might have been drawn in. : It was driven by windmilt. |â€" Farar CUT.â€"Saturday night last Thos. McDonald and his daughter "Mamie were drowned in the same ditch between Toronto Island and the mainâ€" land where several little children lost their lives last summer. The current keeps the "cut" open in winter, and the McDonald‘s use an old scow to cross. On this fatal occasion, McDonald. his wife, daughter and brother were crosâ€" sing, and when in the middle of the cut the scow was swung under the ice, it tipped and all four were thrown into the water, The brother saved the wife but the father and daughter clung helpâ€". less to the ice, the daughter calling . * Don‘t cry Mamma, we‘ll be there in a minute." The frenzied pair on shore tried in vain to save them and they were sucked under the ice, and their bodies were subsequently recovered with life extinet. DIsTRESSING AcciDpENXTâ€"In South Egremont. _ Our ever vigilant Robb correspondent sends us the following item which was too late for his budget This is a species of accident we have sometimes wondered was not more commen: "Last Saturday afternoon. as Willie, son of W. H. Wallace of the 8th con, was cutting feed in his father‘s barn. he in some way got his hand into the machine, cutting it off as far as the thumb. Dr‘s Jones and McPhaden of Mt. Forest were immediately called and found it necessary to amputate it at the wrist. Although very weak from loss of blood, he is progressing favorâ€" ably. _ Taough the machine is of the latest.amproved kind with reyverse lever, He was in such a position that he could not use it and had not his brother who was present reversed the machine the J D, Morgan, the plucky and able canâ€" didate of the Liberals in South Grey :â€" "It is being stated that ou account of my being a Roman Catholic the Reâ€" formers of South Grey went back on me. This is not so. Dr. Jamieson, the Conservative candidate, is very popular and for personal reasons may have got some Reform yotes, In Dundalk, my home, there is a Conservative majority | of about 50. I was only beaten by 135 I wish to say I had the hearty support of the Liberals in this riding, Mr. Mcâ€" Nichol, the Patron candidate, stated he was sure of election, and a number of of our friends fayorable to the Reform Government voted for him, as he alâ€" ways posed as a Reformer, Mr. Mcâ€" Nichol staying in the field caused my defeat. I am a Liberal, and in future, as in the past, will work heartily for the Government that has given us legislaâ€" tion of which every Canadian should be proud." The Globe prints with a gr pleasure the following letter I °0000 2220000 A108 CoUNNaUI® lady died in Guelph Hospital on Sunday ,last Wwhither she had gone to undergo an operation. Her husband was with ’ her and had the melancholy satisfaction of being with her in her last hours. Mrs. Smith was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Backus, Townline Norâ€" manby _ and Bentinck, Mr. John Backus and M rs. _ Edward Fee being a brother and sister. To the husâ€" ‘ band and son whose devotion in her last illness was very marked, the aympathy of the community will go out, and in this the Review warmly joins. Dr. Brown, specialist, E and Throat, will be at Dr. for consultation on Tues1: How tury STANDâ€"The are still leading by 5 or 6 may yet occur in the re Elgin came out a tie and be elected, . AuEx. SMITH.â€"This estimable . specialist, Eye, Ear, ) l be at Dr. Park‘s Office n on Tueslay, March 15. STANDâ€"The government g by 5 or 6, but changes in the recounts. W. t a tie and McNish will a great deal of Apply to Mis from Mr. a | Herry Ri'n’Fel. Thos. McFariane, Norâ€" ies muan‘; hos. Melosbh, Jno. McLean, 10t | Jno. McInnis, Glenelg ; Thos, Carson, .â€" ; Thos. Watson, Proton ; Jno, Chapman, Markdala. The Spring Asâ€"izes opened at Owen SHound March 7th. with a long list of civil cases but only 2 criminal. The following from about here were on the rand and petit liurifl-: :â€"Wm. Vollet, §as. S, Nelson, ugh Tyreman, Wm. Wilson, Bentinck; Jas. Allan, Ed, Henderson, Egremont ; Thos. G. Holt, Durham ; Win. L. Wright, Jas. Best, Geo. Wright, Jas. Brodie, Artemesia ; Isaac Traynor. Dundalk ; Edward Ryan, Herry Ringel, Thos. _Mclfurlag_e,_fiots it," for Friday night "Mysteries in the Bible." On Sunday morning Mr. Mitchell will (D. V.) preach in the Methodist Church and in the evenig a closing joint service will be held in the Presbyterian Church. EvaxGELIsTIC SErvIcEs.â€"These serâ€" vices are being continued this week in the Presbyterian Church. On Thursday afternoon at 3 the last of the Bible Readâ€" ings will begiven. On Friday afternoon at 4. 15 Mr. Mitchell will give an address to the young in the Methodist Church illustrated by chemical experiment. The meetings from night to night being at 8 o‘clock, the subject announced for Thursday night is "Forgiven and Know Schoor REPORT.â€"For U. 8. 8. 2 Benâ€" tinck and Glenelg for the month of Febâ€" ruary, Only the highest reported.â€" Class IV.â€"1Malcolm McKechnie, Mary Snyder, Class III.â€"Peter McGillivary, Willie Newell, Sr. II.â€"â€"Agnes Vessie, Aunie McGillivary, Ben Edge and Rosie Ewen, (equal.) Jr. II.â€"Lena Newell, Alfred McKechnie, Aggie Ewen and Robbie Wilson, (equal.) Sr. I.â€"Minnie Vessie, Frank Collinson, Ella Edge. Intermediate J.â€"Neil McGillivary, John Newell, Elias Edge. Jr. I.â€"Rilla Dunsâ€" ; more. _C. FLETCHER, Teacher. ; Ex RouTEk rOR DaKoTa.â€"Mr. Jno. Cameron, who has spent the last few months among friends in Bentinck and Glenelg, left Tuesday morning for his western home. He is spending this week among friends in Marriston and Listowel and on Monday next will start for Bottineau, Dakota, carrying with him the best wishes of his many friends and pleasant memories of a prolonged sojourn round the home of formeryears, A pleasant trip and a happy reunion is the wish of the Review. 1 Hood‘s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Cure indigestion, headache. DRrEaDED WoORKâ€""I was troubled with a tired and worn out feeling, and dreaded toattempt any work. A friend advised me to get a bottle of Hood‘s Sarsapatilla. â€" I did so and after taking the medicine a short time felt better. That tived feeling left me and I am now able to sleep well," C. C, Pitman, Herâ€" mitage, California. «|Toilet Cream, x\ Toilet Balm, 0r _# "| _ Alba Cream, h REmMovixag _ MagazInE®s.â€"Librarian Gorsline has called the attention of the Public Library Board to the fact that magazines are being removed from the building, no doubt by devoted readers. As these magazines have all been sold second hand. it is hoped this notice will be a reminder to replace the magazines on the table that complete volumes may be secured. A lot of new books about to be issued just now, Call at A. 8. Hunter‘s for all kinds of Seed Grain, Seed Corn, Clover and Timothy Seed, Flour and all kinds of feed &c. Middaugh House Store, Lower Town. Men and medicines are judged by what they do. The great cures by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla give it a good name eyery where. "*‘LIPSOLINE‘. Prepared only at the DURHAM PHARMAGCY. Chapped Lips and Cold Sores cau be cenred in one night by the use of our is used. Which are roughâ€" ened by exposure to extremes of weather become velvety and soft when our DELIGATE SKINS Mr. and Mrs, D. Jackson, Messre Telâ€" J. . LBLPORD, Darhni ford, Knapp, McKenzie and Gokey atâ€" Solicitor for E: tended the funeral of the late Clerk of | ==â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" mm Court, Inglis, last week. Owen Sound | ED. and the County mourns the loss of a SxTTrHg.â€"In Guelph, on Sunday, good officerand a warm hearted man. | 6th, Mrs. Alex. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon, of Chesley yisited their sister, Mrs, J. A BHlack of this town, Miss Kate Mcâ€" Kinnon, who has been in town for the last few weeks returned with them, "*Archie wept." Mr,. Pearson, H.8. Teacher, Mt. Forest, will occupy Rev, Mr. McGregor‘s puipit both morning and evening Sanâ€" day first, Mr, McGregor takes Mr. Norton‘s place in QO. Sound that day. Mr, Brown, Wiarton, was in town on Tuesday last with a view of purchasing the Central Hotel. _ Mr. Granger, brewer, of Walkerton, was along trying to forward the deal, Mr. Conn Knapp is about to leaye for the Pacific Coast ou account of his health. We hope he may return with renewed health and strength. Miss May Carson, is home from the Millinery Openings in Toronto. She is to be the head of Mr. Laidlaw‘s new millinery establishment. Miss Jennie Watson, Markdale, wae a guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Mills for a few days last week. Mrs, J. H. Hunter returned from visitâ€" ing her daughter Mrs. Grant, in Toronâ€" to, last week, Mr. and Mrs. P, Bolger, of the Crown Hotel, Pricevilie, were in town on Friâ€" day last. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, visited their daugh:ier Mary, in Owen Sound, Sunday, Messrs Batson, Galbraith and Dr. Mahan, visited Mt. Forest, Sunday, Miss Allhe McRae is visiting friends in Owen Sound and Chatsworth, Mr. J. A. Hunter, of the Departmentâ€" al store spent Sunday in Cargill, Miss Bradshaw, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Jamieson. Miss Flo McMillan left Monday to visit friends in Dundalk. Miss Winnie Patk returned home from Guelph on Saturday. Miss May Russell returned from Toâ€" ronto Saturday night. Miss Gregg, Walkerton, is wisiting at Mre. J. P. Hunter‘s I, 0, Foresters‘ COoxnorrtâ€"A â€"full house greeted the display of talent brought together by this body Tuesday night, Miss Richardson our own count y Btar, now of provincial fame, receiyed a warm reception. . She has a grasp of sentiment from grave to gay possessed by few. Her interpertation of Shakeâ€" speare in Queen Uatherine‘s Defence was excellent in its way, but the touch ‘ of pathos in the discovery of the royalty of genius in the slave boy of the Seville painter was, we considered her best eiffort, though the glimpse of human nature that compelled the removal of "The Obstructive Hat" was well brought out. Miss Richardson in presence and manner is not excelled by any artiste we have seen. The Johnston orchestra, | though deprived of the heip of Misses Lizmeand Jessie is stuill an attractivye feature whereyer they perform, and Miss Jean Renwick, Dromore‘s sweet singing wild bird has more than mu.iu-l tained the reputation she acquired some | months ago here,. _ *"The Auld House" with his bevutiful floral setting renderâ€" ed in good doric was loudly encored. Miss Black, Miss Meredith, Mr. J. A. Hunter and Mr. A, Galbraith, all reâ€" ceived Haltering receptions and respondâ€" | ed to encores very generously. The | latter is no longer his own master at | concerts here, for be has so captured |* the humor of his audiences that they “ must begratified, even at the expense | 4 of a jump from grave Cardinal Wolsey to the famous Tim Toolan, and they ’1 would even like "Yum Yum"* thrown in. Misses Vollet, Black and Agnes Renwick, and Prof, Peel were accomâ€" panyists. The proceeds we learn were very satlisfactory, and Inspector Camp | bell on behalf of the Society said ‘thank l you‘ very nicely, A saD CasR.â€"Five little children named Campbell, the blossoms of a home near Traverston, left this mornâ€" ing for St. Joseph‘s Home, Hamilton, their mother having become mentally incapalle, TORONTO PERSONAL MENT ON OVERCOATsS, _ UNDERWEAR, _ READYMADE CLOTHING An attractive range of m (Prou®r y s c% i ) _ utlcaclive range of Fourâ€"in â€"hand Neckties, away down in Pric . Our Grocery, Boots & Shoes, and other departments are complete. IN BARGAINS > JYo Towuble to SGhow QGoods. These must be sold and the Price ;vill d.o it. First Come, Firrt ARTHUR sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which notice has beengiyen as above required, and the said executor will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, so disâ€" tributed to any flerson of whose claim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, at the time the said distribuâ€" tion is so made. Dated at Durham the 28th day of Feb, A. D. 1898. J. P. TELFORD, Durham, Bolicitor for Executor. To deliver or send hi' post prepaid, to John P. Telford of the town of Burbnm in the county of Grey, Solicitor for Al.â€" lan MceDougall, the executor of the said Estate, a statement of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, together with a statement of the security (i‘; ary) held by them : And notice is hereby “flvcn that after the said last mentioned date the said exâ€" ecutor will proceed to distribute the asâ€" In the Estate of John MeDougall late of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, yeoman, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887, Chapter 110, Section 36, that all creditors and others baving claims againsi the Estate of John Meâ€" Dougall late of the Township of Benâ€" tinch in the Co,. of Grey. yeoman Deâ€" ceased, who died on or about the 18th day of Februnry, A. D, 1898 at the said 'I;;»wn.ship of Bentinck, are on or before the copper bottom $1.00 Steel enamel chain ber Set $1.065 W. BLACK 24th day of March A. D. 1998. Notice to Creditors Before you purchase a wheel come and examine Our Stock, For Strength, Durabillty and i Neatness we take the lead, Prices io suit the times, 1 As it is expected that this will ‘ be a good Sugarâ€"Making season awe have got in a large wontity of Sag Buckets, am'i’ t/w latest Spiles, Great Redwction in X Out Saws and Axes, A $1.00 Ave for 80 cents, Dargains 4 Tiwo more Goat Robes in Stock, that awe will sell at cost, _ Our Coal Oil is superior to a-l:}({laing in town, and awe are still selling it at a low Jigure, â€" Sbatrdistadiatitn T. Â¥4 , {GOT " Always to the Front! of that township. Mr, John Smith, Chatsworth formerly of the 22nd con, of Egremont was in town for a couple of days this week the guest of Mr. 8. Scott. Meis still enjoy ing good health, ond has a lively rememâ€" brance of old times and old friends We were pleased to have a pleasant half bhour with an old neighbor of 20 odd yrs. ago, He was accompanied by Mr. Jno Hampton, Holland, a prominent farmer Bicycles Cream Whipper Hand Lamp Stand Lamp Curry Comb Horse Brush Stable Broom Hay Knife? Manure Fork No. 8 Tin Boiler. Tin Dipper 40 90 (() 25 10 2l, 4c,. 10 2()

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