West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1898, p. 8

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" n 3353393933‘339335 f - ""-eeoseesss, more for you now this}; can do later on. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. father and son east out wi badly. Hugh raised I struck his father in the n ine out two of his teeth him to the ground. As , I of Cod-liver Oil will soothe, strengthen and probably cure. The cod-liver oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tis- sues. The glycerin soothes and heals them. The hrro. phcsphites of lime and soda impart tone and vigor. Don't neglect these coughs. One bottle of the Emulsion may dd I Aldrw‘ 'CorTaBowNE nexuuay he Went again to the old man, who was at lir,t cum-teams enough and then gave. Hugh a bit of his mind but thinking he had spoken too rough- ly, aeunnwnied his very impatient son sumo- distnnoe on his way home, when the young man left the castle to go back tothe lake dwelling. Bat the can! temper did not last long, for at a Name called the Ridge of the Ridovs, “A, - . lnu are the heir, and the casl all the land must ultimately c you, whatever! The sooner l the castle, and more land, thel Sasha went on, until Hugh w sanded to go to his father to a more land, and got a good sn tor his pairs. in? the Old Laird on him and and him roundly t meant to Io op his own as long lived. Hugh did not like to go William-h a uu-ssngv. and his I ings Wen- instilicd, for he was s all that day and all that night Dex: day he Went again to tl man, who was at tir,t emu-teens e and then grave Hugh " bit of his but thinking he had spoken too i ly, acwmmnic-d his - hum-=4 Scott’i Emulsion ts: If you have coughed and coughed until the lining mera- brane at your throat and lungs is inflamed, has resided long cum now! lie might, giv and, take a humhh You are the heir, am all the land mast an you, whatever! Tl" the castle. and Innin- or night tne that bank a} p91 the n she 2: Denna lake taestness -an i, neeted with the land around only byacauseway. There liking it at thw. because the “the dwelling made It di pcopleto trouble her by at minty. The folk named t they cnllvd She persuaul tor her on a mm, were not sin listed them and t? turn but! names. t mean and Megan t Autumn visitors to Iona are shown a tomlacone with I warrior in conical hel- met, mail and sword ; and are told that it is Mat-Lame ot Loch Buie It is Hugh of tin Little Head, who is now a iavorite family ghost who rides abroad at night to warn his descendants of coming events. With him are Joined I in these memories of Mull the names of two others trout Lock BuU---nameU, of him known as Bnarnach, or Toothlea, and him remembered as Murdoch the Curt. The Gaelic oral recitation is sometimes rather slow at relating the main points of a story, and is therefore a little shortened here, although the translation is very literal. If' the tales be n It very coniplimentaryto the ances- torsol'those We all know and esteem I in the West. they only prove the ad- l vantages enjoyed under a central gov eminent tlratean keep order, and pre- Vent al domestic 'litrereneei develop ing into blood and clan feuds, as was the happy lmhitoi' such squabbles in the middle ages! f, Unce upon a time there was a Lord tl ot'Loch Bale. snrnann-d the _Bearnite, n whose son was Hugh ofthe Little Head T wedded to a daughter of the Home of 9! Mae-Ding“ ol'lnrne. lint the young 1 bride (lid not like the island of her " husband or its people, who, in their in turn, Were not al'vw to see that sliedes- ' la plum] them and they give her in re- ' M mrn had mum-s. 5n) ing that she Was I an menu '.'yrlyi..5irtyrury, hated to, receive ot “all”. ' '., . Be, " Is pairs. tur t In and and h It to Io op his . Hugh did and: a "was" m, sayn at you n father I ' 3:1:rivs, and sl: on barred elm tve Hugh no w inet AN OLD TALE or THE ISLE or HULL. BY THE IARQL'IS or LORNE. HIGHLAND scakLriiiii :allvd her the munch-4| Hugh my}; place tl Lungs d islik'étl .ru ltl an?” a retreat, ond she 'he/ll" ttint/ttyi, ‘nviul the old Laird, her 3:50;" that l was}; aw, because he dwelt in the tofree their sleigh, t istle ot'lnch “Hie, whieh, al- "luded to get on thei tall to wvr mum-m ideas, was for hotrse.' While I 'urmhlr, had thick walls, a the tearn ready, y pit whcrein Prisoners eottld “r11?“ fg,'t thi. s3leh a good kitchen, the benetit rll.'.ritrietyrutaeo,.tdi-i' "id [whom-rs never wt, and mm, their Mala“ for ts "s.rl Mir wimhnvs on the decided to try to mak its, and shot hulrs to guard Thev lost, their hear 'tipcul t'lltl'anee Irclow. s, . and \Ivunderpd ”mun: “it'll :1. r1... ,.:.!,,_.- , - ' 53933999939393 MacLaine of Loch AL. It is in. Little Head, who is now a no rest m him " im ruundly that own as long as not like to eo In J r05: either by day whim: 'lt seems to t are: mon- land from rthinks yuur father nough in the castle tive you the castle, LI . . - um nmeK Urane.' high to put up a house 'e that for ages had :m-ss -an island con and around the lake ay. There she dwelt ram ms descendants of , With him are joined ries of Mull the names ot I Lock Baie-namely, of Bnarnaeh, or Toothleso, 1bered as Murdoch the the oral recitation is er slow at relating the i Hing. Bat the at lung, for at a a of the Riders vith one another his hand and mouth, knock. h, and telling good snubbiilg: l Lgnird turned a hytpitabC,%ii' ‘Black Crane.' to put up a house mixing: now! 0 castle and My come to mer you got , the better l' a the situation It dimcalt for 'n was per- to ask for any impor. 1d is therefore although the I. Ifthetales To the ances. tnd esteem re the ad- :entral gov r, 'tnd pre- t i . ; Mrs. Alex. Smith pinged away Sundav i'Tile sorrowmg husband end children I ' have the sympnhy of an who know them ,' 'iu their and bereavement. The funeral I , took place at Durham cemetery 'I’uoedev. _ ; Quite a number of guests assembled [fat the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. i Brnutigan. Wodueedny 2nd inst, to oele~ ‘Lmte the manage of their daughter 1 Maggie to Mr. Louis Wagner of Clitrord. {The marriage ceremony wu performed i by the Rev. Zeller of Neuetadt. The bride wan attended through the trying ionleul by Miss TillieBnntigln and Mi tr Emma Loos. The bridegroom by Mr. Jno. Waltz and Mr. F. Buntigan. The presents was numerous. thawing the high respect in which the contracting ”men were held. Their friends Join in I good mains toe the luau. t 5.95 I a time ,. -.... IIIILII l any warning. when they found a. j H to _ refuse m the sum“ light, house from f phur lsl:llnl_. in.to which they t thcr I utter lat-raking m the (1001:. fl " H ' j Wttte as “nu-n 1lead as ulive, I t a L I was the stronger of the two. 4113, , Won- frozen to alrove the knees, WW 3 l arms almvv the elbows and his and l badly frost Iritrcn. Barry's ha e to] his legs miquy to the' kno gvt l Hum-n. They succeeded ip . or t' 1 fin- started ma small stove In tl . ‘ing. Ans keeping the five 1: IS'" I that day. its his rummminn "r..o he he me " I Mr. and Miss Park of I i hack. were visitmg him .i last week. i Min Maggie Geddes is 1 weeks with her sister I ham of Chesley. Musa. Gila-Ion: ham for 10m. tim Week. ttee N r. (Mr. Avis was NF. Those Allan, _ “1.-. gnu u: "ve. and Burrymmlv up his mind to set tire to the building if they were not found, in ordevtouti;ac/ the nth-min" of amne- one. Their, light was been Sunday “1ng hyn woman at Thesslon, and at I party went. there early the following I "ml-hing, PM). 7th, Neithernf the two 91mm roauwd could utter a word, they were taken to Theasnlon, where Avis 'died Thursday morning Searching panic-s had been sent out during the week from Dutuur. Cockburn ialund, “hm'r Avis liyed with his wife, and also from Thessalon, but without find. inganytrare of the men. The team has not yet been found. Mr. and Mes. Owen Bailey and Mrs. B. Doyle returned home yesterday from Thessalon. where they attended the funeral of Mr. A yis-usault Ste, Marie News. . ,, V." ...c Kl'lllg an I that day. as his emu mninn was unable ‘tnmux'e. "d'i'sT,'///l"Y// crawl on his iellrousamt knees and he rmried the 5' w md to the stove in his teeth. The next day Barry kept the fire going. as Avis could not ttt'rvtr. A small bag of on meal had been taken from the sleigh by one of the men and they ate this raw. It was all they had to drive away the pangs ot' hunger. They wele suffering the turtures of the damned, front their frozen limbs. Thursday,‘ Friday. Saturday and Sunday nights they kept the heaven in the light house giving in hope of being rescued. Sun- day. Avis wan not, exttectsul m nun ..-" i “Wm-mg me ice several i I Their. sleigh stuck fast. _ and they had been unable 1 their rig. They covered the the host they could in the trl MM the hnrsw and remains: night. The following mo vim-ml that it was an utter h to frm- their sleigh, the twc cluded to get on theie horse, fur halve. While Burl-y v the (mun ready, Mr. Avis atrium” from Hm n'n:.-L v--- “ms. chHatt. Farney, and also (3f McAnulty. formerly of this place.] Mr. Avis formerly resided here and is well known. He was a brother-in. [ law of Owen Daily tnd a. 'son-in-law of ,3hs. Barney Doyle. Mr. Avis was tsupt'tu'ntenuisnt of the (Jocklmrn Island [um-ratinm of the Detour Lumber Co. F'rmluv, Jan. 28, Mr. Asus and his conu- pnnion drove from the island with a tram arrives the ice to Thessalnn. 23 milo‘ distant, after, supplies. They left Thtssahm the following morning at 7 (ft-lurk. The weather was hitter-1y cold and stormy. They had a has " load. About 10 o'clock Saturday morning. thrir sleigllgnt into " lame crack in the ice through which water had flowed mwring the ice several inches deep. Thvivsfiisrh gnu-l: fun} ”Ln. . ,- ”‘1.“ “I (In a sum” iUilrui eight L' Thessalon, and as a, result of ships they endured. George Thursday and his companion Iet'ovep. George Avis and Patrick Barn had a tm-rihh- experience which lasted 10 days. and during which they suffered all the "naqinahftlpanw, of cold and hunger, un a small island eight miles hum Thessaior, and m. .. ___, ,.. -. - The son went home leaving the fath- er on the track, and the old man as Boon as he could rise, made arrange- , ments to go to Duart Castle tooomplain to his Kinsman, MacLean, the lord of that stronghold, of the outrage, and s ask Lis assistance. This was nosooner , demanded than it wasg'ranted. Hugh had also, in the meantime, Rot a num- ber of men under arms, and his party and that comanded by Duart met in battle array and fought desperately; but Hugh was defeated with loss of men, and there was nothing but sulks and silence at the lake dwelling tor sane time. The lady nicknamed the 'Black Crane' was, .however, by no means conquered. She resolved that there should be more _futrtintr, and got suppmt in the shape ot a band of men '; from her in Lorne.' Hugo‘s hopes rose high, tor he thought he could now en- [ cage in the contest with strong hopes 1 ot victory and solemn challenge was i, sent to Duart Castle. Nothing loth, j the 'toothless' sire and his friend Lach , hm Machan, ot Castle Duart, fixed a é day " the Pfeur!te5na_tpink a place r', called the Head of the Knoll, for the g battle. Hus Park of North Lino, Ben- visiung friends here put of Its. 0mm Bailey and Mrs. turned home yesterday from where they attended the Mr. A yis.cs'ault Ste, Marie out who has been in time returned home HAMPDEN. "ws ul human-1‘. They wele " tux-tuws of the damned fruzen limbs. Thursday, many and Sunday nights r hmmn in the light, house a of being rescued. Sun- H not expected to live. and up his mind to set tire to if they were not found, in ...' nL _ -- ' eddes is spending a few sister Mrs, A. Cunning- mee at the lake dwelling tor he. The lady nicknamed the Crane' was. .however, by no :onquered. She resolved that .ould be more _futrtine, and got in the shape ot a band of men r in Lorne.' Hugo's hopes rose . I“: Hume-LA L, - - . ‘ Death on mare. To be Continued. _ --. . “so .lmve the knees, and his elbows and his face was In. Barry's hands and 1y to thy knees were , brother-n-law of u “my Sundav. and children whoUow them . The funeral y ,__....\u unx' all“ He was a brother-in ly 1min. son-in-luw of syle. Mr. Avis was f the (Jocklmrn Island " Detour Lumber Co. 11-. AVIS and his com- --- AI . . _ e seveml iariFs%re'ii.' fast. Night came -.-.. 7 a result of the hari. I. GeorgeAvis died companion msy not, " fire going. as A small bag of aken from the In and they. ate e in ihe mind; fire guing _all U.t getting , Dar. last mt Avis His/top, ‘Well long before I finished anxiouato gain strength al which I have. I began to w: as soon " I came home. I well and feel as well since th, idid in my life. My conti, not misplaced. I tender you 1 thanks. cu un- uays at the Union Hotel. where they treated me. well and kindly till I got the flannel [names you made for me fitted on. I was takino mun- ce-- -- . 4th con. of Bruce Tp., I Willow Creek P. o., April 3, 1896. J. M. McLeod, Godericii.. Dear 8ir,--1 was sick for five years. i I was treated by six doctors. Any. l thing I ate distressed me. I was re- duced to a skeleton. The pain in my stomach was intolerable." What I did eat came upas soon .is it Went down. Life became a burden to me. I Was told that I had a cancer in the stomach. land that it would taken long time to cut-cine. You can well judge when told this that I concluded I could not be cured. I began to swell so much and notgettmg any relief I thought, myl case hopeless. I was advised not to eat anything for two weeks-thu, was ttn- necesmry as I could not eat, anything. I was not in good shape to leave home in cold and stormy weather. hut I had eontidence in Sou, knowing no many cases that you cured in, this neighbor- hood, amonz whom are many of my old friends. I got a friend to driw me to Goderich last November. I could not rest, until I was taken there. I remain- ed five days at the Union Hotel. where they treated the well and kindlv an r J. o. Morrison has tl: erecting a barn on Mr, Jc term on the 8tls Con. and be ing alone and timber. 'on as I came home. I havCtreGi and feel as well since then as ever I in my life. My confidence was :Spluced. I tender you my sincere Yours truly. NEIL ROBERTSON. l Sold by H. Parker. Durham. I hte. Since our last item there ha, I weddings In (ur village viz Eaclwru and Miss Barbara. they have taken up their resid west end of Maine St. Joseph a. trip across to Yeovil and leak lair ones for a life partner in I of Miss Mnggie McEacllern settled down at the em: and m so you will see Mr. Editor that newly married pair at each at village. We wisp, them a Inna Well Mr. Editor us the elect over and everything is running 5 again we will endeavor to seul usual budget. mt“! _rs?iii' if:iiih'j “919-! 545:="5-='£-’H '-S] TL; " r7.al \'.. I .cr. "R‘igfi'llrtfifimfimrflr: iriiti! blew Departmental Store. if Telephone Bio, G. it: {MT AWL fur? itt? il/ AN IMPORTANT CORE, l strength aiaiFiiii't"," I hfgan to Ftrrk almost could not out. anyt od shape to leave I uny weather. but I Sou, knowing an I] mclnded 'I Judd not be 1 to swell so much and y relief I thought, my I was ad vised not to eat P.1Uvtt1cs--tV, was ttn- as: item there have been two (11: village viz. Alex. Me- , Miss Barbara McDougul, :91) up their residence at the -‘-‘. - "".v JK'IIISJ ' six doctors. Any-I used me. I was re- 'n. Tho pain in my] lemme. What Idid m as it Went down.‘ rden to me. Iwas new in the sud/Gi', taken long time to Weil judge when told .J-J ' ‘ _ menachem they bayo- B east and ol Mam tit. ' Editor that We have a air at each an! of our them a long and happy ROBE. dl the time. and of E. A. McLean. 1 tne ertly. I and eating well . Iwat,. aining ‘ntil [tong three and two or“); was cured and hed, Aut Wtts running smooth! the elections are the contract of John Gul‘dillel"s no is busy haul- t anything. leave home 5:; sum" more. LOWER TOWN . 5E - - - a cd me Bio, o. Parcel Delivery. 3,. :‘ “L _a2lh?'idltr-ip,'ppl; DJLWZQJLLZHIU153;E4;*+§15'L¥.'Lil.‘tfllllil.l‘fiat-3,": TIC? [1-1 fix-114;? Ch' CFTira, LCCI, [FEET] (If! _vThL'vn,r.'rwii (Tau rrarr /lrraie, I Robb took Zuua of its the person TORONTO m our ",1“ . nu: r'armers' Iona or other induction. persons of fair educnlisn to whom "o. I mouth would ho nu indncament. I could also "was. . for India at their own homes. r. a. LLVSCOTT, Tonoims. .tt..A,tirgp.. Famem' "mm wan nan an acre of'good land well fenced with a pump at the door. Close by Church, school and post oftiee. I For further particulars apply to, Jon MARTIX, Swinton Park or Toms Lana, Beotbville. January 6, '98. I In the thriving village l Park, township of Pmton, l Grey, a comfortable house , bedrooms, a kitchen, dining parlor with half an acre of, fell fenced with a Dumn no House and lot f9r Sale. . . N. B.---To ensure a Hides must be well suite ken off. By the mhich Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for 8pre, Tanning! Barrister, Lower Durham, Sept. 23rd 1)7, borrmvcrs, (On I Town or Farm P rates of Interest. and lowest possible 1 --o- oo-o-, COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to MA in sums and on terms to suit urrowcrs, (On first Mortgage on my: or Farm Property.) Lowest tes of Interest. Quick despatch, d lowest possible charges: Apply to. - . - . “may 'Mccaul Robe Tanning! Money ft Lean p, of Swinton ' County of , With three "g room and Town Durham. F 3m Jas. "irst Class fl: . .TFarm FOrSale - . Sta] f The undersigned offers (an ihrnn, sometimes known as tin Itarm" Normanoy, being lot 15, 3rd on" y. A'%-i--= . ‘ A A Orders for Sales REVIEW OFFICE. Upper Tow nI g Pianos. Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. ('onveyancmg, Lenses, \Vllls. Mort gage s, etc., drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Watet loo Thrashers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. n...l- “ w", ' Wsamea, aiiam, Manufactu'd on Only by H. PHRENULINE PILLS Agent for .. ' .. 'ARM IMPLEM ENTS ---- Elly, I THE ONLY c)nsorat, _ PREPARATIONS ON PLEASANT, PURE PHBENULINE j Hheumatw ; I (lyoilr, i' The rdrThe all) Brut-Hm- Undertaking and Fm ha ciples at reason Remember the :, Organs and Sewing Machines. to loan on farm property at. 1tgase _ GRANTS AD. PHRENOLINE orto MISS SHE WE LL r the ntnnd-npposite the Market. Durham. licensed culars apply on the Mas. War. Gum. 4 BHULUTEL‘: Medicines may he left at Tare d Fm hn‘:mlng on Ensurin- al reasonable "Les. g A cure cure for ri!euda.ehe,Liziii'e,,, r'oitstipuriori,' Indi- J gustiun, lsiliousness I . t, l Brights pisease, _ Diabetes. Paralysis , t.-'ytavurniousr," “can I III. A - '.-'yttvul.nious,r," Disease, etc, ITELY RELIABLE THE MARKET aaui HEALTHFUL (iuaranlt-vd to cure Rhmunutiun. Sciatica, Lmnlmgo, Gout and Neurulgin. F'rsrr. In It. and MACHIN. A uctiouecr. for sale, the le 'Gaiiii Durham Prop. w n; ', ENDERS will be received by the I T Undemigned up to the 15th day I of March Text, for the' Seating of School House in School Section Nd 3, Town. ship of Bentinck. About 25 Seals of the modern style will be required and perha a Teacher‘s Table. All hobo plmrin School House in a neat ml» stantial manner. J. w. VICKERS. Vlekers P. o. Dated Feb. 11th, 1893. Grey Co., Ont. P. S.--aarmat or nay tender not no- mutant“. etc. __ v - I The undersigned hlvinn been tutored to hallo . by limple ',,'hr,,",.'yy..ttteiirGriil. for lovers! ye." With an: 'en: 1 um: 'urerrpiou,da t,?tyyeGcii'dtl'l 1'eGiriiilt"i'.' anxioun to nuke kncwn to In: lellow maul-era the means of cure. To thom, whu , desire“. he will cheerfully new! (tree of charge; a l crpyonlm prawn-into" used, which they with": a cure cure for 'ttet,',',",:?",',?,))',,',.?.:?':"),)','! "r iPgtliaiatiii:rtr; a !.y.y1eluiiiiir'; ”at. _ He hopes nll 'uttterer. will try thisremndy, I in . , uuvdulble. Those 'ltyyy.iiiiip7Ji2l'ir,'t'ieli winch will-nit them naming.an many prev. . biennium, will plane Iddreu tllr. EDWARD l VIM”. Brooklyn hunt. The utrdersictte by limple Ina-mm. With nae gram!” Cg----pca.-.i " -- -- - TO - -_'__ ul‘l I, “an What I cant sell I will rent. I have 31,000,000 to lend per cent. Choose your time to back. Business private, charges crate. Tenderg‘ Wanted - a“-.. wugm tllls from Mr. Teasdale and will sell at a great bargain. HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, Lewis Eydf farm 100 acres in good German settlement --will sell or exchange. A good place. Tfre Housman PROPERTY. Darin-n rent. BEerNCK: ls'r & 2sn DIV. tart 19 Con. 1 W. Bentiuck. 100 acres, lately o by Henry Hall and tormcrly k as the " Parker" farm. This good farm and will be sold on reasonable terms. THE SCANLAN Plum, lot 30, cm Bentinek--ia) acres. Will an ft7 JY'. .7212. Milk; Lkm. 2, Iv.d.h, I have just h Blankets, lam, &e. - We do the trade in Raw Furs - Price Paid. Fi: CONSUMpnvns ‘H-M'LER. Choice in .LEAVEN? The mun. 'Atntinek ia acres, just bought this from Mr. eand will sell at a great 7The Tongue Farm Lot 30, (: " " ...A2, . _- A - - ' Hanan: Conveyance r your time to pay it Hate, charges mod.. 0t 19 Con. 1 W. G, It. acres, lately owned and tormerjy known Vallses. Grips, Horse l Durham. ”: U)". ' ill Edi/:17- . Highest at G , Jr. is a. very t N "Large Sa' We take th: thanking OI past patron convinced th W111 merit, 2 Or 00 0' l t, Our Pi ' ' firmly esta t t, Purest tonl o o o 00. s awe-{:2 _' I Durinnu. Tmu-ax. Zipper (0ttr,a G. Buckie" Hind. in and one that a lot “W jun! in. Stove Cutte Do you want Williams. AT ers an that W1 System its eqt We be ooettt We haot j At prices 'Gq'nghu may UPPER rowu a 13') 15 Th shire. in " " 0N tl

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