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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1898, p. 3

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, Mos " trtruteq ‘NCD fl". I‘m-hm It no. Toronto. a to thm from the“ Ire talkin- blunt." " re. and an The dozen Wu“ have hun‘rods. f (5an he Domino tm " - rind AGENCY CR. Guam“ )L‘HHAM. ! ten - Inca _ 0* death of I vuxnmoniod. 3 homes " at ~11. " to- i " greater " for." " B. H Sup. f under In. attad.a and III to Bet 10’ " says, "to "vino, 3nd t if I had . alive to- Year. " “Wm 'u-ur. of the NH, “I‘ll" mount.“ , holy. "I. trl n'x be“. IN 'r" say an. [stamina Unable to VOA- UK of Canada v' Tho wo- " Bcor" to am can. to Mum Aunt- nd Young Inlon. 's!nrp um DAN. :1ch nus. "All runs. " ‘~ for-glen to to! 1'.- .' mmeqcod tnr, Have low M I! Hun- apovn'lshc '1 Plum!" an aunt. rock:- tho How In- a]!!! and kw tot " 1H 100 H ave and "or, aa: Hut-m. u A. Munro us from 1‘ The t' Pointe r'nicod an". tt 81000.00. 1 900.0“ 600.0" P. Roll, “an... "" 2!". lh .., w Mic.) Pdf? we requiu'e deep in proportitm to the Mucky of red conned-es in our blood. Ald people More” do not correspond h their need of sleep. Many mum-t- han - that an. dam-co to which deep in mod-d depend! upon the strength of minim-non. Too much M ‘- thimaeht to I. hunk-l by eiiefetititt: an "miurmtt is mum. many put-em. up tltrubt'.eat' cured. an only virtue ot the treatment being the relief ot pain and the nourialmont of the systam by um producod by My. Repeated rocking produce. loop. a do” repeated brushing of the hit. The" in an lamina - that - “mltlr‘ .3“ h oroodrtiuo to tho night on a. bet Mound the [amueml and plau- ed huh above the hem! produces the Mum cued, whnn sum-ed at coucououar' [or {we or ten mmuutec. When we m.- in the trolley was in summer we aha-Ive tdust the orrusriNnt {Inning of tdu', New. .13“an tout) eyes muses fa- tum- at thvtse um; and at. um ammo t has titrots 51.1.”. A RUSSIAN'S LNvEsr1GAT10NS. A 111'in ot “simulation concerning var (nus tnatmeuts pmscr'uhod for victims of mum» is ('untain-JIJ in a new ,wien- tiw work by blurb: do Jixrcaceine. a human WILD!!!“ who Lu consudtwd hun- dreds of the bum authorities on the ”by“. and w.hD|LIB made many anem- d experiments. Her work has just. been Humbled into lingual). Cold was: bags apphnd to tho fore head and hot area to the back of the neck and feet are rex-(mnondod to pro- duce slug dance 1, than mm: the blood A. (1:va from m. brain. Hot baths imam (In Me of the blood vu- ooboltheakiuandpaulm unsung effect. Another! mum of (maxing the bran cl bland and musing trleeqr-oms which will be found Mable to ev- ery ---in the (not: of . ligbt Impel- just. helm! roaring. The mm in min one ia.eotdrm1th. brain tot'hastom- uh. when it is coded in digestion. Expeclmomu pm that monotony in m affective mm of taxis!» to tho bran. whim - Appears to auto. nmtknhly d-nin odt in blood when Lat- l W to . norm-J dogma. BYPNOTIC KANmULKl'ION. A PW Indian "(only told an qrr'.dex that “In new“ (button 'hmoeMr In people a It this but“. a! the nick and the metallu- emu. uprated are: and out. tbrxmqihout the wholat Ilium. No "ddithaqtl tugynont Itrotd ttmL ")tig'.rtturtts. May am: used especi- ale by hypuunnm. luv-4.10m. common tuna, um- wbutu has ' recently " hutb-d to as a box swruuruuttod by two Ianhh- muck; suporuupotsod and revolv- ing Mzwxw..ly in opposite directions. Ttwit an studded mun minors which 1.11me thas “tuna animating hood of twinning light. A ball mounted up- o"tauntotauhatgmt-oe-, ordim.lly mend an. to bin by aunt..- Wr’n the Ila» Prodaesime whine will demmziuothm Wa. " than mt. aha-mod Motif- In muhmhliewulmo an“ Iron the inability of “he oral-slam to denim My: brain of blunt. Normal slap up» Wars to occur only What ”In but!) h thun impovemhed. B: m experi- nmuters it l- boliovod that. drums no ”’4 by null quantum d blood left; in thy “not: cl we cerebrun but in- "all that to impair sbep entirely. Tho Errata of sleep have been studied by girl of human aubjmu to well as lower “LII-bin. Olservumian upon than sub‘ feta mdicatod thnt during lbw tho bran Luann pale and wllayaeg. At the instant of awakening tho blood returns. A touch, sound or GRIN stlmulns of ttye, senses dunng sleep muse. an. thanking organ to - W. larger and more mounted win. blood. l EXPHUMKNTAL MACHINE. l But how an» we to prodm 2Lu,u,) at; ep am! huw [must the sleep producisng I gnnc,h,tw, Le mule! Amwly mbjectsl troy Leen rut, lu-ialnly pineal in a state m suzu'uoirmre by clamping at 8:11an In»: 'tsag to the brain. This clamps ro- Vn ‘m " "m viroa, but. tb half minute bo- tor. slump ocourrmi. numb-her method of prulucmg artificial. sleep by physical [mama wl.sorceted by Dr. “mould, of Wus'uaistors. Im to luppuy an electric cub rut. lo one of the sympumleti‘c nerves ai'song btw sposr column. The hired mum of We mum age may have to re- er to an elect”: buttery for such a puvx‘poe'. lt Would be much more com- fortotp.a, to he lulled to sleep by a. mild New“: current coouu,nicates1 by a p nimw or umurwss mum to have to ab. toch nun” to we neck. mum: suthstr ties [Jaimie mam sleep um n-aulL {run faxuguo of the eyes. Mm tum-s am now “a rd for producan tum numb! ”In. 'irry we used especi- ully by ~hypuut..al8. ILA?» most. common ”hop. and ho moehitu. be have been a] of mundane Imam“ to U minim-31 i.n p7 toro sleep on Int mum is s nets-nary mundane bl noble! lukligm. Searcon It week may. din-mg whidh. we do not read of a drsthr--tss'd-'astliotad or aux-win -caumd by this honing cur“ which pru-ys “pol-Judy upon intellectual men. unpaved labor mm machinery in np'nlly elitii-tstint. all was“, for “animal exercine. and “cache of the body before au, in um on great. sleep producer. We seam to ho drifting to- ward op m'whan man must. resort to tttus new mun-y about. to Amrat over tabla may. bustling mid. Bonn learn- ed Kantian bolts" that enlightened man 3- taut formatting how to 'sleep- The Pr-. of Prod-ell. Ann-em Ike. I. but Dec-.11 my late-lilo II- vuuguon - A1Iula| Wm- In tuned a sclenlllc We": on the subject. How to comm maxim; 'tli-tbis Exam to be a stuhlnm problem of A GROWING NEED or THE. THESE BUSTLING TIIBS SEWING liflllflllilii'8 NOW ll.» mast. common a ' recently ol- Map, pttientt lo 0.le to the eye. sud tug: may. an 0001. restful and mf lag with unn- spky odor. In It m 'roe.t- dar the emrttatio'gw Ia fashion when one and! tet it our” charm “a last- Gif unlit, I e h to be bought frequently. The 1lflllh'l, rod carnation. no just the things to brighten a dull room. The pink we obtain; to wou- with " ,vmAtttorrlt. Tho shaded_ chum Gii'Gw" -iiii arantions am his]? in favor. They no the mat mamas flower in “Salome tad fre (nogpensjyo The woman who loves flowers, but wttaxbincome ismwh thattrheotutnot always can” her t.yte will be glad Sworn to treroriUCariA -iut%rribdd ' in m pro-um». this 6th darot D camber A. U. At F “ A. W. GLEASON. (jitii ) Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inwrwly. and new dimestlr on the Bio od and mucous "the” of the system. Band for mnmonhll he. - ._, _r. J.7CHESEY t 00.. Toledo. o STATE or OHIO. CIT! or TOLEDO. }. LUCAS Court-n FRANK J. Can! I makes oath that he is the senior pumm- of tue ttrm of F. J. 01".le & Co.. doing tmaine" in the City of Toledo. County and Sun. n'orosnid, nnd that laid itrm willpay the gum " ONE HUNDRED DOL. LARS for each and our, on. of CATARRH that cannon b. cured by the use of Inn's Grunt! Cunt. FRANK J. CHESEVY. A triias consists of two or three can, tutd..is drawn up hill by half a dozen caches ONE-MAN RAILROAD. The simplest public railroad now op- erated is thought to be one between Atsmi and Odawarn. in Japan. It is . narrow gauge road, and is run by man power. The cars have seats for four persons nub. loo sit back to hack. Bay. Hie uork was commended as the Lost done by any drauqhtsman in the company's employ. Since leaving the Company's service Mr. de t‘arle he: liv- ed a. retired life, enjoying a well earned cornpetewre at his cosy home in the nest and of the town. Mr. de (‘erle is [rowan-sue! of a rugged constitution and had always enjoyed the best of health until the fall of 1896. Then he was stricken with an ntfeotion of theIimbs which much alarmed him. Speaking with s Recorder representative the other day, the eonversrrion happened to turn upon this event, and the eir- cumstances connected therewith can best be told in his own words. "Last fall" said he, "my legs became in Inch 8. condition that when [set down I had no power over them. I could not move them one way or the other, and was naturally much alarmed. I was eduised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had med of their curing cases sim- ilar to mine and so I decided to give them a trial. I purchased tbSt2tF- ply of the Pills and commenced tak- ing them according to directions. I had only taken them eshort time when I found that I was regaining the use of my legs and could raise one up and cross the other with- out much difficulty. I also remarked to my wife that the pills were doing me much good and she was both st1r-. Irised and deliirh'ed when I showed her with what ease I could move my limbo. I continued taking the pills fur (Ll-out. a month and by that time I had as full control of my legs as I ever had-in fact was completely cured. I have never had a symptom of the: trouble since and em now as well " l ever I was I attribute my cure sn- tirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In fact it must hove been the pills for I took nothing else in the way of medi- cine. end I cannot too strongly re- commend tham to anyone afflicted a. Sold b DNidii - itaT'i"se-." - if - - ' MAIN imam, Pills In. an be“. From the Brockvllle Recorder. .There are few men in Brockville or vieinity better known to the general MINI". and there is certainly no one held in greater esteem by his friends, than Mr. L. deCarle, st. Mr. deCarle came from England to Canada forty- four years ago, lor-nting in the county of Glengarry. Eight years later he removed to Brockville and has made his home here ever since. He estab- lishml the large marble business still carried on by his sons here, and is himself one of the most expert stone- cutters in the Dominion of Canada. He is also well known as an artist in other lines and as adruughtsman has few equal: and no superiors. Ample evident-e of this is afforded in the {not that “hen the construction of the (‘anarlian Purim: Railway was begun, Sir Sanford Fleming, chief engineer of the great transcontrnental road. requested him to join his staff. Mr. de(‘arle accept“ the position at Sir Sanford's request and remained with the ('ompeny for nine years. during which time he drew nearly all the pro- files of the road amt the plans of the bridges between Ottawa and Thunder} In Legs Gave Out and When Me Sal Down lie m" No run"! our Thom-Dr. \Vllllams' Pink Pills Senora-cl Ill-I lo Arllvlly. From the Brockville Recorder. PASSED THROUGH BY ONE or snocxvuws BEST KNOWN MEN. It is not generally known that laven- der water is one of the irlevtuttetstt of disinfectants. It is said that, spray- ed through tho rooms of a house situ- ted in a malarial district, it forms a gory efficient protection against. the - . -e CTii'UC,'."m"g' ""02: 'W‘Vgl- Not much! He immediately disap- pared. be Yea. For instance, last night, " Junmer’s party, he unfortunately step- ped on Miss Quickfire’n dress and rip- ped in the neighborhood of three miles of ruffle off it. I see. He immediately mollified her byvsonn exceedingly wito apology. Updyke ia an exceedingly quick-wit- tel gimp. Sot A SERIOUS EXPERIENCE THE PRODEN'r COURSE. LAVENDER WATER. CARNATIONS. - a challenge to American chopperl to compete singly and in pairs, and also in teams of four. in chopping and "TF- ing timber. for a. series of prizes nug- ing from 8250 to 8500. CHALLENGE FOR CHOPPERS. The Australian Axmen‘s Associa- tion of Tasmania are seeking toemen worthy of their ‘steel'aui 1ysve ieutsd "'""tttttta"W""% The application of Nerviline--uerve- pain cure--which possesses such mar- vellous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success in rheu- matism and neuralgia. Nerviline acts on the nerves. soothes them. drives pain out and so gives relief. Try it and be con vi need. Skin Sores EELS!" KING pd'l'Ri'or, Andt-htutilandetrrotrtdti-- 5°14an ”maul-rpm. ”on“. “summit“. can; THE POPE'S SEAL. The we] worn by the Pope, and used by him on official documents to which his signature is attached, has on it the engraving of a fish. with the cipher of the wearer. Shave the thirteenth cen- bury every Pope has worn a ring of this character. and it is shattered with a hammer when the wearer dies. to prevent its use on a. forged document. Dr. Henry levers, Quebec, writes:-- "One of my children sprained her ankle; Which became much swollen and discoloured. Some "Quielreure" was spread on linen. and applied; the pain ceased at once, the swelling was gone the next day, and on the fourth day she walked to school as usual." It Tells Its Own Story seas-Well, old chap, itt's all settled I am going to marry Miss Mills next mommy. and I want you to act as best man. Wells-All right my boy; you can counf upon me. I never dese,rtt a friend when misfortune overtakes him. "I believe I had kidney a.nd bladder dimnu. I grew worse and worse daily; could eat nothing but cornstarch. or Dowp. until I began to use Dodd's Kid.. nev Pills. When Iwas ill I weighed 147 pounds; now I weigh 112 pounds-- my normal weight. I beg to state agin th,tytPrrdd's Kidney Pills saved_ngy life. "In mply to yours of tho 7th inst. would say that bus doctors said I had Bmuzmatiam. They said that my am 48 years went agaimst my recovery, that I would be better when I got over this Ghana» of life, and that nothing but ting would cure mo. ‘Hn Doctor- Ind a "null“ laid tthe In! i, lMumntlam - They cums an ROI. Mer-- Ilor Troublo Vla- Kldnoy M---. ol " new. Kldnoy mm. Morley. otat.r-.1utereat kn the wand- erful recovery of Mrs. T. Hughes 16 still unabated here, and the case is the principal topic of conversation. Mrs. Hugh‘s hua receiwed a. letter from The Dodds Medicitts Co., Toronto, asking what ttttune her doctors gave her dis- it”. Replying, Mrs. Hughes writea us: MRS. HUGHES’ CASE. Over Zhlu‘s study is the motto, "No day without something accomplished.” which rule he has followed all his life. Be does not believe in the work that is dashed off. hut his method of composi- tion is painstaking in the extreme, When ha has to describe . place he al- ways visits it first. 1he [My Write Another Letter t, The Dodds Medicine Co. As a spring medicine Because it is Unequalled for Making pure, Rich, red blood. To be derived From it. Hood’s t3arisaparilla is Superior to all Other preparations The system is now In need of such A medicine and Is most susceptible To the beaeiitt, March April May Are the months In which to purify Your blood with Hood's 8susaparilla. cure Yourself of Rheumatism. (lllUUDllllill1UllhiA, A TRUE FRIEND. ZOLA‘S MOTTO mm lit-Wm - V V7- v.7..-" "P-"""""" A-Ul-IJUK‘. ' In couvor.‘ ' Dominion ' '8ootamatt,' . Yorkshire: Superior aaiiiiiia.uGii tor Pint. Cubin, See ond Cabin "a S o mum. Rue. ot SWIG-hm ',8iiiit,t, Second Gatstn. 'M,' tuna 021.50 u upvudl ”cording to steamer and but. For all "ttqrmat,tem tttl.'. to Load Amman: DAVID Tomato-t o., Goal Agent., " . Sacrament at... Montreal. vapou- uum on", u Alub n'w - - W v - __..-----.-..' Montreal and Ouch-o to Liverpool In summer. Portlnd to Liverpool in winter. Lore. and M .e? Aer. etc-ml!!! “may: 'v-n Aunt- wanted to introduce our M Catalogue and terms. We will mail prepaia "Hot Tune tn Old Town " with music. for 5 mm. mun”. 8iilNCt1tllrntmNtyti, The Medical Reward tells of a. man who was trutred of blindness, by a surg- eon remarkable for his unpreposseas- Lug appearance. When vision was tal.. ly restored, the patiemt looked at this benefactor and said: "Lucky for you. young man,, I did not see you before you operated. or I would never have given my consent." xllrtt.tl,tt1ttt,t.yeyt.stetqiaiWs At a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held subsequently, Hon. Geo. A. Cox was re-elected President, and Mr, J. J. Kenny Vieo-President, for the en- suing year. Dividrnds on stock. . . .8 100,000.00 Total assets. . . . . . . . 2,415,086.41 Reserve fund . . . .. .. .1,155,134.42 Cash capital. . . l. " 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital . 5. . . 1,000,000.00 Security to policy-holders . 8,155,18t.42 The election of Directors for the en- suing year was then proceeded with, and resulted in the. unanimous re-elec- tion of the following gentlemen, viz: --Hon. Geo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, Messrs. Roht. Beaty, G. R. R. Cock- hurn Geo. McMurrich, H. N. Baird, W. R. Brock, J. K. Osborne, and J. J. Kenny. - - Dividrnds on stock. . . Total assets. . . . . . . Reserve fund . . . .. " Cash capital. . . l. Subscribed capital . 5. . Security ttt polittlioldtsrs Total cash income. . . . .1 Total Expenditure. includ- ing appropriation for loss- es under adjustment. .... Two half-yearly dividends, at the rate of ten per cent. per annum. have been declared out of the year's earn- ings, and $68,226.21, added to the Re- serve Fund. Balance . . . . . . ..... Appreciation in value of securities. . . . . . . . ' The amount of the estimated liabil- ity upon risks now on the Comranrh books is 775,661.51. and a net surplus ia shown over capital and all liabili- ties of $879,472.91. -- The balance at the credit ofRevenue Account is 8149,845.06, and there has been a gain of $18,381.16 in the value of securities, as compared with their market price a year He. The following Annual Report of the Directors. with mompzwying Finan- cial Statement, was then read by the Secretary, and. on motion, adopted, via.:-. "MtTU-gRVlWT$' Aislul. Karol". The Directors beg to submit herewith estatement of the results of the trans- actions of the Company for the year 1897, together with the Assets and Lia- bilities at the Slat December last, and the Auditors' report thtr.tons, Western Assurance COMPANY. The annual meeting of Share- holders wu held at the Company's of- fices in this city yesterday. The Pro- sident. the Hon. Geo. A. Cox, occupied the chair. Irish shipbuildere have been benefit. ed by the English engineering strike. a. while the Clyde output showed e falling off last year of 80,000 tons, one Belfast firm turned out 84,000 tons or more than any other individual firm in the three kingdoms. Anxious questioner! ask. "U there no sure cure for earns!" We are glad to be able to tell these sufferers that Putnam's Painless Corn Extric- tor will relieve them in a. day, and ex- tract coma without pain. It never fails. . The German Emperor as 'King of Prussia has the sole right to nume streets, um he has jut refused his consent to call two streets after the names of Dr. Bertram and Dr. Lang- erhans. popular members of the Muni- cipal Council. His Majesty disapprove- of web a. course during the lifetime of the godfatheru. - " Inner. Eggs. Applet. Fruit, ten to "I DAWSON “Ills"!!! 00., Limited, '. of teeet tum-mum“... "noun. Toronto, 18th February, 1898. SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Profit for the year. . RIGHT TO NAME THE AN UNGRATEFUL PATIENT. IRISH SHIPBUILDERS A Quory Answorod. he year. . . .8 stock. . . .8 . . l 2' l. J.': pita] . f. . . _ CEYLON TEA. GEO. A. COX, President, tyN"tTulFtt0" -ATR5FtTft) TORONTO F'?.,2ty3,632.48 s 149,845.05 . 18,381.16 2,183,787.48 stuns. I CHINESE LAUNDRYMBN. 168,226.21 The TIAYMORE is one of the longest established bench front hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pate ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. '"rtUl1Ut'rgreaata'"'tratrtu'."N' pr . t" I “HI-Mb “OMUWNM n. “I. Hover, 11 “I. Madonna is. W. Nonpmil (clung. It In: have: Market ' II. I!“ don. can out). a 8. Omaha. be On 0. 001m. 'au"d'%fl l9- yam 'e Sold everywhere... A12“; for ample. T, Mtttt '" Commissioners St., Ilaonou teen mu Can You no tttttt n ”the 'pw 0. F Puzzle I I t tt . "v nun I. In full“ The mo" hm muting puzzle _ot,tltr day, so why" on hut-roan! £13., “it "no.“ ili,%iiRi?, ranted. to nnv on I he " I ll ldOI. Emrrlr2mTl5r) n ' W Florida of the North“ Rest from snow and the Cold North. This " I BONA PIDIZ otter and: to Introduce our Vegetable I“ Howe: 50:40 to new customers and which we [usual-e to plan ynu or the lilo-n paid taunted and the seed- [Inn .. a present. At these prtcea we ran on“ otmr the uric” named below. Order by number. Buy Whit you want. They are sent by man post pad. Soho. tmm the follow“; “at: VEGETABLES. , ""3, '/dt"a?Witp= n , I r or mm“... :3. 32:32. 'iirii',",ii,'j,l,'irdl'vu I I; . ' unzip. oilor VI 2. it: t,t,trg'rhu,,d m Rang-h. ttte, Imam: 3. b'1t1'tidt'Ft'liillllal " Ruin-h, no” (no t 0mm. Pottler'i mm It Baum. Hubbml I I I 5 Cunt. "if ' Bttarr.t 23. Tom-to. run only Ammo U. Cut-rut, mam. mrlet u. Tom-so. but! Chamo- I . T. C'tsttumtmr, Ohio‘s Pun»; . U" F. W. Frsg we; - - _ - To.'""" I $lliiliiiB12vatl,.t18?.iw It I- add that a good Chino-o hun- drymla an c1»: .23 a wreck. although ho pay: from .14 to 825 5 month rut. and sometimes a high " no. and bites two or three men a Wien- ranging from .6 to " a ueak. When their very economical labia of living an considered it is probable that they an s large share of their “ruin”. Croun l 1a.t1j,ii,iii,,i,iii. Cough. Pr?s"ttse,tetsoui; rumuuud mum. Cor-tum Hon Tr 515131.}: iii." JET, Lobolh. Tom 'fa 033'; nod elm?“ namin- uu. _l’lnuunt to the um. it in readily on by Chums-19ml is mull] chain: II fPmtt,h6iias nymph!!! and Lung “factions. The not. nae-am sud renal. W! (in of O “unguided physician (at p SONS 95,955.39"? Ith':' SYB hid Hotel Traymore, ”odors: and. Complct- In Ivon‘y Down“ 7 “new. to lava-own '1 tdos lndutruuzbleum , itsiiiir,'i'riii5uilflit,,tlit, .m- 'd',", y, 'tht Wg 1?" ac In wow I you In [an 50. 1s'Jl'a'edltl2fSll: Eek“: iii) IS mp.,, tri'hilil at tir/f Dalila or P WM. Remus, TQRQNTO. FREE "lllll" a car olt'Jt'fgdtt",rgt . Cl!- tee" my. .. Pm yuruu w HIP HIV. low To REACH KlONDYKI ', Agents wanted. Bond 200. I r. mm, ( len St., - Morttreat,0ae. 'iassdiiitrsy Ssh _ " W 733$.- \ Montreal, Windsor IIotol Block. TORONTO I'll! 00.. Winnipeg, Winnipeg Rubber Co. “WT“- Halifax, Office opens!“ April. ommu,w.,m¢un D. S. WHITE. Jr., Owner a Proprietor. ‘ u. Jonson, Wholonlo Farrier 404 It. Dual St. “I WIS and SKINS. In" In, mm. a, no. Consignment. wanted. " ren mid. Klondiko Moon glucumnn. Fur ('nnu. Robes Ind Show BL 1-: a amenity. "'uurqm' am: VII TWO. are perfection and stand for comfort, snfcly. durability and loam-HI) We re- pair every pair of our road tines FREE OF CHARGE. Write for Catalogues. Highest Market Valu. HARTFORD and VIM Tires Lal- . Anna, mind , 'eathtir"' l iii' i?,li'gilliil.'u, M . a "tit "tard If“) I. Owed 'rutltd null r, “-81. Wild no". 0.". - Atlantic City, N. J. For the average person, riding the average dis. tance, over the average roads, W PCOIO WINTER RIBBORT- {up Tort Inuit-id, mre. P. s, " you don't know, but whb to It. how Page (one. loch In “In! u“ and get am. good pivturu of fonoo. lot In und you some of a: illu.turtod Advertising manor oontaining encru- lnga made direct from photogrlpbl of Page tom-o on Canadian tum. Tote will not regret it, If than in t Page dealer nur you, lpply no In. " at upply to In. Bi PAGE TIIE PM COMPANY, Photographs of Fences. JAMES B. REILLY. Out-or and Pro. AMINO tttW, I. J. OPEN ALL ME YE”. FINEST HOTEL ON 8 COAST. Bun parlor 800 foot long m-orlookln. noun and hue. "runad., unlul _ tteatin "an. luv-tor tq street level. to: “d col. fro-h and ralt water in all but has on lulto. bathn attached. Wle, nn VI‘UUUII I IIIII moo-cum“ TBA. " recommended as the best. :5. 30, 40, so and 6oe. per pound. ST. CHARLES, Ml" ll "rt-e-id.'-- M W909i! Unit“. WALKERVILLE, ONT. .9." our "ad" in the next issue. if I. L

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