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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1898, p. 8

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| 4 interlocutory jll(lgélliéllt --;v;s;;.'(:;ltel-ed up and the Camages assessed at $350. A. G,. MacKavy M.A. for the plaintitt. action was for 82000 damages for slander. The history of the case is briefly thus : Dick son was invested by Meir with the powers of agent in disposing of certain sewer pipe, and in complications which arose was charged by the latter with having stolen some $197 worth of the pipe. Verdict, $600 and costs for the plaintiff. _A. G. MacKay, M. A.; for plaintiff ; J. W. Frost for defendant. Marttsx vs. Bovur®. Both parties are farmers residing in the township of Sydenham. The plainâ€" tiff vhnrgm' the defendant with the seduction of his daughter, and sought to recover damages to the extent of $2,000, No defence was offered, and an experience of twentyâ€"five years has proven it in tens of thousands of It wiil arrest loss of Hiesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irritaâ€" tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the nCK son W powers of a sewer ')Ip(" arose was c pipe. Y plaintiff plaint iff It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkabie in its fleshâ€"formâ€" ing properties, It contains Codâ€" Liver Oil emuisified or partially divested, combined with the wellâ€" known and highly prized Hypoâ€" phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially Both partic marble cuiter, are residents action was for The history of The denomination of the money was five $10 and four 85 bills, the $10 bills being Bank of Hamilton notes. The Next day about 3.30 o‘clock p. m,, while the money was in the pocket of Mr. Haurtman‘s clothes, which were hanging in his room, the prisoner went upstairs, and nmmediately afterwards announced her intention of returning to Meaford. This she did and on the same evening purchased in Gray‘s store at that place goods to the value of $27, giving in payâ€" ment bills resembling those belonging to Mr. Hartman. It was further shown that on the day previous she had been without money of any account. She was arrested on the following Sunday,. and on her way to the lockâ€"up made severtal incriminating statements to the constable, _ W. J. Hatton, her counsel, offered no defence, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. Sentence deâ€" ferved until the sclose ‘of the court, A. G,. MacKay. M. A.. for the Crown What Will i# DoP {ae naiure and circumstances surroundâ€" imng the charges which would come beâ€" fore them, and informed the jury tnat if they considered it adyvisable they might inspect the jail and other instituâ€" tions upon which public money is exâ€" perded. hn closing his charge this Lordâ€" ship expressed lhus deep regret, he remarked, which everyone who was in the bhabit of attending the Court would feel at the untimely death of the late Clerk,. For hbimself, and he thought be yoieced the seautiment of the vast majorâ€" ity of the ciiizens of the county, he considered hiim one of the most efficient and courteous officials who ever preâ€" sided in a court of justice. _ His death ncceasioned a great loss to the Court, and to the community in which he lived. qurkex vs. Carrsey Mclsxiyr®r. The prisoner, Camey Mclantyre alias Boyes, is a young woman from Meaford, appareatly about twentyâ€"one or twenty two years of age. She was conyvicted on a charge of having stolen some $70, the {}rupe.-(y of Mr. J. W. Hartman, of St. inc »at. â€" Thecireumstances surroundâ€" ing the case are briefly thus: In Janâ€" waiary last the prisoner was domiciled as a domestic in the home of Mr. Hartman. On Friday evening a neighbor paid to Mr. Joseph Hartmen in If)e presence of the accused $70 in payment of a debt. The denomination of the money was What is Scott‘s Emuilsion ? this occasion would not be at all onerous. Accoerding to the calendar which the Fheriif had presented to him there were only two persons in the jail awaiting trial for criminal off ences." Consideting the extent and large population of the county this was a remarkable good showing. . The Judge then explained the nature and circumnstances surroundâ€" imng the charges which would come beâ€" fore them, and informed the jury tnat if they considered it advisable they «XCcvi0.n8 to ine caiend Fheriif had presented to h only two persons in the His Lor Grand Ju give it the this occasi Accoernding Fheriif ha Prancis Pole, Isaac Traynor, M. Howey Geo. Turner, Geo. H. Artbur. The jury chose Mr. Jas. Smith as their foreman, The following members of the petit jJury are from this end otf the County : ndward Ryan, Henry Ringel, Thos. McFariane, Normanby, John McLean. Jno. Mclunis, Thos. Melosh, Glenelg ; Jas. Best, Jas. Brodie. Wim. L. Wright, Artemesia ; Win. Vollett, llenry Urâ€" staidt, MHugel Tyreman, Win. Wilson, Bentinck ; Edward Henderson, Egreâ€" mout ; Thos, Carson, Thos. Watson, Froten : â€" Jno. ~Chanmum â€" Markilule opened the following Grand Jury were saworn in: Jas, 8. Wilson, 8. A. Smelsâ€" er, William Kyle, Thos. Hoath, James -:mnth. Waliter A. Gillies, Geo. Wright, Monday atternoon in the Court House ' by Mr. Justice MacMAahon. BHis Lordâ€" | ship, it will be remembered, came very | promimently Lefore the public as the | presiding judge at the famous Birchali | murder tmal,. _ Owing to the death of | the clerk of the Court, Mr. George | Inglis, the dutics of the office are being | Ejflm'med by his deputy Capt. Tait | bertson. Besides the members of the local bar Mr. H. P. O‘Connor Q. C. of Walkerton is in attendance. Aher the Court bhad been formal‘y | Monday atternoon in CSe _ Be sure you get SCOTT‘ S Emuision, 5oc. and $1.00, all druggists. ‘W & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. The adjournment sittings of the High ourt of Justice were opened at 2 o‘clock y considered nspect ihe ja upon which p d. In closing expressed | huis ked, which ev bit of attendi itil the close of the court ay, M. A., for the Crown, Dicksox vs. Meir. P y SPRING ASSIZES W _ David A. Dickson, ind George Meir, agent. of Owen Sound. â€" The aArson, _ D Chapman in his ch s happy | ince that i .and he thought be t of the vast magjorâ€" of the county, he of the most efficient Watson, Markdale. e to the e able to duties on nerous, ch the re were Signe of spring is at hand in two or three different forms, furmers are getting their ploughs out others «1+ tapping the trees, also the Robin is chirping around the old [New England we presume is someâ€" where about hLa«alfway between Durham and Dundalk. _ Our correspondent is all too brief.â€"Ed.] Old Mrs. Hinks bas beer very ill this last while. What wa would like to know is how Dave‘s toot is coming up, We are about to lose our most estemed and reâ€"pected neighbors Mr. Mogk and fawmily who are about to leave for the North West. in repily to Balsam Valley we would say that the smiling countenance of the umvermen are inde«a greatly missed. As we notice that there has been no correspondence as yvet frowm New England, we write to inform you of the doings of this vieinity. Mr. John Cameron was around our corners making his farewell visit as he intends leaying for his home in Dakota this week. C Mr and Mrs. Henry Curry are yisiting Mulock friends on their wedding tour. Friends and neigbbors join together in wishing them a long and prosperous life. Another pioneer has answered to the call of death in the person of Mrs. Neil McLean of the Je con. on Frviay last, She leayes two souns and two daughters to mourn her loss. The fnuneral took place Monday when the remains were inâ€" terred beside her busband‘s in the Rocky cemetery to wait the resurrection morn. Mr. George Hendry is away for a couple of weeks visit. Sorry to hear that Mr. James Forster is going to lose his eye on account of the nceident which happened to him a couple of weeks ago. Mr. John Ellis left our corners last week for the lower settiement. looking hale and bearty and ready for the spring w\»rk Mr. and Mrs. Carry were to Maxwell last week attending the marriage of their son Henry, Miss Flora McDonald is home again after another mouth‘s dressmakingy in Glenele. Mrs. and Miss McDonald started for Dakota going as far as Toronto on Saturâ€" day so as to lie over to see her sister Mrs. Guflin. Mr, James and Miss Jannie Ellis were Â¥isiting fmends in Walkerton the latter part of last week. | JOHNsSON Vs, SYDENHAM MUTUAL I®s. CO Spring like weather but things very quet after the election. Mr. John Curry is home visiting Mulock friends. bottles of each. _ As you are aware we had an addition to the fainily since then. I am toâ€"day well able to do all my own house work as well as ever. Only for your medicine I would not be living toâ€"day. Thanking you sincerely and I wish you grand and great success. Yours, MRS, A. OLIVER. For sale at K. Parker‘s, Durham. Dear Sir.â€"You will remember well the state I was in when I went to Godeâ€" rich two years ago last May. â€" I had been suffering over a year with heart discase and nervous prostration. â€" For four days at a time I had to lhe in bed. My liver and kidneys were also afected. I was run down and so weak that I could not continue on my feet. _I tried three doctors _ without getting any benefit. _ I _ was only getting worse all the time, _ I took one bottle of your Protein Resurgam and one of your System â€" Renovator. Before I was through with them I felt like a new rmson. I continued till I took three )ottles of each. _ As vou are aware we The plaintiff resides in the township of sydenbam, The action is to recover $230 for the contents of his barn which was destroyed by fire in May last, and which is alleged to nave been covered by an insurance policy. Verdict for $148 and cost for plt{ Kilbourn & Kilbourn for plff.; A. G. MacKay and John Atinstrong & Telford for de?ts. QuEeex vs. CHristia® Weurz. The prisoner, who resides in Normanâ€" by, was charged with having carnal knowledge of Mary Catharine Travis in July 1896, then a girl under fourteen years cf age. After the case was partly tried the case was withdrawn from the jury and a verdict of not guilty recordâ€" ed. A. G. MacKay crown counsel ; H. G. Tucker for prisoner. A, M. Rusu vs. Mcoreuy. An action brought under what is known as the "Workmen‘s Commpensaâ€" tion Injuries Act." The plainti;f was severely injured while assisting in the erection of a frame shed upon the deâ€" fendant‘s mill gremises at Murphy‘s siding G. T. R. Negligence on the part of the foreman of the defendant in not taking proper precaution for the safety of the men engaged in the work, was alleged by the plaintiff. The deâ€" fence denied negligence on the rart of the foreman, and alleged contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff. The jury answered all the questions snbmitted by His Lordship in favor of the plaintiff, and awarded him $400 damages and costs, W J. Hatton for piff. ; H.G. Tucker for deft, Horkixs vs O.8. Ginrey & Brvor Loax AND SavIxg SoctEty. This was the action brought by Benâ€" Jamin HMopkins against the Owen Sound Grey and Bruce Loan and Saving Society to have the sale of a certain property on Poulett st. under powers vested in a certain mortgage held by the defendants set aside as invali¢. The case was compromised by the defendâ€" ants paying the plaintiff $975, and each party paying their own costs, J. W. McCullough for plaintiff ; Armstrong & Telford for defendants. BALSAM VALLEY. Intended for last week, AN IMPORTANT CURE. NEW ENGLAND, w se 4 Geoe ie MULOCK. 20th, 1896. That the wee boy is down in the lip because ho didn‘t get a feed of tafly as be expectod, That Angns lost his rubbers and had to go back to Smith‘s for them. That Daye hbad quite a time getting home from the wedding on account of the bad roads. Sandy McDonald leaves for Alaska next week, euccess to follow you Sandy. Mr. David McIntyro attended the wedding of Miss Reid and Andrew Wyeâ€" man which took place last Wednessday, Dave reports having a sood time and just got home a few minutes after the sun rose, What we have and see, That some one was inquiring for Jim Boaks lust week, Mr Donnie Graham of Banessan, paid a short visit with his cousin Dave Melnâ€" tyre of the yalley. Mr. Graham leaves for British Columvia next week where he is to engage in ranching, Mr. and Mrs. Nester visited at Balsam Valley last week and had the pleasure of bhaving a good upset during their trip. The stalwart Jim Boaks of Bunker Hill paid a business trip to the valley last week When last seen he was enquiring tie way to Riverside,. The timber gang have finished timberâ€" ing for this winter, They are lonesome osâ€" pecially Angus he has farther to go now, but still we noticed his smiling countenaunce on one occasion since he quit timbering. A few of the boys attended the fareweli party at Mr. Mogks loâ€"t week and report a splendid time. Mr. Mogk leaves for Manitoba in about a week, We wish bim and lus fsmily every suceess in the prairie province. apple tree, but we think the expectation of the sap will be nipped in the bud before long. ail al Byb 4C Tib it 4C 14 *h k iq) ked ra{e ieE ugent mRyfo mErobirohey rmulr jFR UIVN VATVALTICSI TORONTO IT O AM eS Lau? WANTED: Farmers‘ sons or other industrious persons of fair education to whom $60, a month would be an inducement. I could also engage a few ladies at their own homes. In the thriving village of Swinton Park, township of Proton, County cf Grey, a comfortable house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, dining reom and parlor with half an acre of good land well fenced with a pump at the door. Close by Church, school and post office. For further particulars apply to, Jorux MaRTIX, Swinton Park or Jonx LEITH, Bouthville. January 6, ‘98. House and 1| ot for Sale. . . N. B.â€"To ensure a good job the Hides must be well salted as soon as taâ€" ken off. By the New Process, mhich for Finigh and Softâ€" ness can‘t be beat. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Robes & Goats Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. 3m COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loa., in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, _ (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) _ Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges: un ‘>~~â€" Apply to _â€" _ % Robe Tanning ! Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. Lefroy McCaul Money To Leoan. Robe Tanning ! Thos. Smith. T, H. LINSCOTT, uis TD For farther particulars premises to L..11_ ___f, "C WVngo stabling. Three wells with pumps are on the place. It is 6 imiles from Durbham and 3 (tgi'lres Rt:rom the Varney Station on the T. 1. The undersigned offers for sale the frrm, sometimes known as the "Gadd farm" Normanby, being lot 15, on the 3rd con. It contains 100 acres about 80 cleared, the remainder hardwood bush. The soil is first class and every acre is workable. _ Well fenced and convenâ€" ient to Church and Sehool. tGood log house, frame bank barn, with stone stabling. Three wells with pumps are on the place. ‘ Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort gages, etc., drawn up on short notice, Horses bought and sold. Water106 Threshers for sale at ware rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left ReviEw Orrio®E, Pianos, Organs Money to loan lowest rates. First Class . . . . Farm For Sale . . FARM IMPLEMENTS and MACHIN smcs * BROY , socs PHRENOLINE PILLS Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS8 ON THE MARKET PLEASANT, PURE anp HEALTHFEUL PHBEN[]LINE Guaranteed to cure Rheulmltis;n. 4 Bciatica, Lumbago Rheumatic ‘ Cout and _‘ i Neuralgia, Specific | â€" Ssd 4T The only Orstâ€"class Hestae in 169 n J The Undertaking and Em balming on latestprinâ€" ciples at reasonable "atos. Agent for Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business esiabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Furnmiture of the Best Make tURMTURE ARD URXFERTIEINC MISS SHEWELL Only by H. PARKER, Durham WeBBER, Durham. Remember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durham, ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY . T. ORCHARD. Town, PHRENOLINE Organs and Sewing Machines MISS SHEWELL â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" Medicines Licensed Auctionecer. on farm property af, _ Brights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Discase, ete., etc. A sure cure for Headache, Dizziness Coustipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness Wat. Gaop, Prop, apply on the Durham, at Tur wareâ€"| PEWatnidl.. i. rins "The 1,;¢, ", 5 â€"PH88Cs of the anbject Contains "The Life and \#ork of Miss Willard," the most wonderful woman Of the century, Over a hundred beautiful rtraits of the ®st worMen known, with g:omphlul Suap for canvassers, THE LIXScoTT CoMPaxy Tonoxve, new book. Di Contains "The the woskt wa REV. EDWARD A WILSON, Brocklyn NewYork AGENTS : "Womeu* : y gi poj)) . )\ " ENed Baving been restoredto healtn by simple men us, after suffering for severnal years with aee *erelunfnflocuon.-nd tbntdmddumo (:.----puo-. sanxions to make know»n to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desireit, he will cheorfully send (free of charge) a ocpy of the preseripton used, which they wil) find & sure cure for lf-----rflo-. Asthman, Caâ€" un-h.lr.-cloluu.and all t.hronundlul;l Mai. ndies. He hopes all sufferers will iry thhnmody, is} t unvaluable, Those dmlriuztbopnuflptbn wl‘-loh will "ost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address BV Vintit? + Sss c & > & sure cure for Consut lnrrb,lrolchul-..ud ndies. He hopes all an f. TO CONSIUMPTIVEs ; per cent back. B erate. L n 0 C eond ue us Con. 2, W.G.R. Bentinck 100 acres, I have just bought this from Mr. Teasdale and will sell at a great bargain. , Hormaxp TownsHIP, Lewis Eydf farm 100 acres in good German settiement â€"will sell or exchange. A good place. THE RomBover PrRoPERTY, Duarham. What I cant sell I will rent. 1 have $1,000,000 to lend at 5 P valohe evccs w8 CV ~‘.Rker Sale Among which are the Sollewing ; 1st & 2xp Div. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hall and formeriy known as the " Parker"farm. This is a good farm and will be sold on very reasonable terms. Tn® Scanuax FaARM, lot 30, con. 5, Bentinckâ€"100 acres. _ Wil} sell or rent. BexTINorx: I£â€" L. JyDer, Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest on Price Paid. Fize Choice in TO SUIT YouUu. Workmanship Unsurpassed Heavy & Light Harness CALL & SEE OUR || Collars, Pads, %:e:% “ Bites, Whips, &c., &c. We Hand le everything in the Harnes line, at right prices. Harness ! C. LEAVEN®, Jr. H.â€" ri. MILLErR, t CE CC Cone e f t. Choose your time to pay it Business private, charges modâ€" Discusses 2 2908 all p Life and \#« The The Teasdale Farm Lot 30, r ¢» u> an _ [2 C Tok ® Hanover Con veyancer * is the title of our SH adha se W M ts We tak thankin: past pa sonvine? vnll me CGLalsge | e o o o ¢ o a Ety : TB urlisds 448 % ; St VOL.â€" bo* * e 4 &4 2# ®% A‘T Gu firmly Pures Do you yWi? 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