West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Mar 1898, p. 9

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§ 5 & Be sure you get SCOTT‘S Emulsion. man and fish are on the wrapper. l Ne 0 0 C CC mo e â€" eaike h well all winter on this splendid food tonic. Nearly all of them become very fond of it For adults who are not very strong, a ‘& course of treatment with of Codâ€"Liver Oil wi phites of Lime and cxactly what they or three months in the fallâ€"that they may not sufier from cold. that are not very robust need a warming, building and fatâ€"forming fwdrmthigg to be used for two Mr. Robt. Morice has e geryviees of Mr. Best Allan of his foreman for the summer Mr. James Finnigan has the house lately vacntv(} by Marshail, while Wilhar bas r the farm which he purebased James Thompson of Egremont Well Children SCOTT & sowne,. oeln Dt Nuntniit Gagililetcr it dnz ouk. .l 22nud for Manitoba, where they intend to stay and grow up with the country. Mr. Andrew Stewart has engaged the services ct Mr. Valeitine Kreliar for the suwmmer months. Mr. John Marshal! Jr., we are sorry to state is on the sick list these days, Hope to soon see him around again in his uâ€"aoal health, Misses Annie McE wan and Victoria Carmount le Cidrrod fes WB is & & different occasions mawre _ 2008 ECmCCE COCAOHEEIES O the sum of $1000, and bas taken possession while Mr. Wauiter Lothian of Dromore has purchased the blacksmith shop from Mr. Collins at a reasovable fignre and has also taken possession and is prepared to do first class work on the shortest notice. Mr. Collins has moved to Mt. Forest where he intends still to carry on the bla(:ksmnhing business on a larger scale. We wish those three gentlemen success in their respective places of abode. Mr. Colin Blythe lost a yery valuable horse on Wednesday last of inflamation, He was ono of a team for wiuch Mr, Bivythe had been offered $200 for on sHBHI Lectue ts se is ces t . Mr. George Schram Orehard Hotel from 1 As appearance of the weathor ent would indicate that Spring is we feel almost safe enough to of onr winter lair and take a 100 us and report the principal event around our burg in this our generation, consequently we w to all eÂ¥il doers.â€""look ant " SCoY T5 EMLULSIIOR All of which is respe Signed on behalf of the We cannot class this pre out expressing a wish that may lovg be spared to pr courts of our beloye provi And we also express onr with the relatives of the lat whose early death cut «hor and removed from our mid citizen, a warm trienud a officer. We also visited the Colle; and found the facilities fo mentai training under the a of Priucip.nl Jeukins and his with the sauitary and other all that could Le desired,. congratalste Owen Sound i lenee otf her rabhe institntia We next visited the jail where w everything in such a condition as bo high credit upon Govenor Miils. bailding we tound thuse who were to perform maunual labor chieity cor on the charge of vagrancy to the ; of twentyâ€"six. In the yard â€" we twentyâ€"two men at work breaking I think we may sately assume that oi the inmates are thus conutined as nals, whose only crime is poverty, of these haye no doubt been wort} zens, buat through want of sbhre wdn misfortune have been reduced to the: ent condition. and are now dependa on the charity of their more fortuna zens. We regret that the charity pr is not messured out to this untor class with a more generous hand, people have undoubtedly feelings should be respected. We desire re fully to call the attention of the C Conneil to the advisability of provid House of Retuge for the accommoc of this class. After disposing of three cases we visited the General and Marine Hospital, which through the courtesy of the matron, Miss MceKenzie we careiully inspected. We found only six cases in the wards, which speaks well for the geverai bealth of the peuple of Owen Sound and vicinity. The town is to ibe congratulated upon having the exceliont accommodation for those who may be unfortunate enough to require such accommodation. 490 is Lordslup Jastice MacMabon, The Grand Jury of the Bpring Assizes for the County of Grey beg to present a report of the daties performed by us under the direction of your appreciated charge. Two indiectments came before us and in each of them we found a true bill. To His Lord ty death cut short a usef oved from our midst an h & warm friend and an a i 50¢. and $1.00. a . â€" Chemists, Toronto. Grand Jury‘s Presentment ORCHARD. with Hypophosâ€" â€" _ "" Te generai bealth of the wen Sound and vicinity. The be congratulated upon having UC maubrecmmmeus c t c us : 2o aH i o+ $ s respectfully submitted f of the Gravd Jary, Jaurs Suttu, Foremar. en oiekamanny io alld teid tae Collegrate Institute, + facilities for providing a g under the able instruction ukins and his staff, together ry and other conditions is be desired. We have to wen Sound upon the excelâ€" strong and be 2 * nas taken possession Lothian of Dromore has ksmith sho» fram M_ mr .\lr. .!ni want. ‘n Sound upor 10 institutions is this present wish that you is m as move ue Jail where we found & condition as to reflect ovenor }liils. I» the Cut imma DBrown ive on Tuesday they intend to Colleot See that the NCOy lTeclings that We desire respectâ€" tion of the County ility of providing a the accormmodation engaged â€" the preside over the )vince. ur deep sympathy late George Incglis $u4 GSsé an nonored and an efMBicient moved into Mr. Williane movred onto 1 from Mr, purchased rather at presâ€" ing is at hand, to erawl out a look around event , m and our day and we would savy uced to their presâ€" w dependant upâ€" ore fortunace citiâ€" : charity provided this untortanate gen worthy citiâ€" f shrewdness or a useful lite T itment withâ€" ur Lordship le over the ney ased the )llins for were unsble ty copmitted tbhe number which due notise will be sion same as nsnal «t uc large crowd wil he expe suilatle and favrora ble we &n« Mr. Harrison of Dunds the induction. A er: will be held in the eve abont six o‘clock. The some for the Klongike The Induction of t Mathesou will take ple ter:ian church here on ‘ inst., when the Rey‘ds Shelbarne. Mr Tham 200000 ACEWOU â€" E0 &zain resnme ‘arming in Dakota. â€" Alâ€"o sales at Mr. Peter Muir‘s on Saturday 18th inst., and Mr. Alex. McePhersou‘s on Tuesday the 15th iust., went well under the bammer of auctioneer D. McConnick, the latter will be leaving for Montana on the 28th. A nnumber of young men have left, some for the West, some for Alaska, some for the Kionsil:a out | _ Wood bees are the ord und | Mr. S. Sooper, also Mr. J. anq | one on Thursday, both p aud | being 2 at moapers and 7 say | hope next time will have be The L. D. 8. organized a the | it being hed at Mr. I. for | think they mean business. ion Quite a few of our young has | the wedding in the L. D. 5. Mr. | nesday last, ilso Miss Elen Melarn who do | the past year in Buffalo, r ice. | singing "Home Sweet Hom est Mri. James Gitlios has mo the | farm ou the twelith, ‘le. | _A lot of the people from a; °Sss | belieye are bound for Manit day. Among them are Mr. ble | McLarn. Mr. and Mrs. Parig m, | ton, and Mr. M. MeTaova» i ul Ni in ttito wrards vasuns ) 14 L R. G., ]ef‘ for Dakota on Movday last, carrying with them the best wishes of their numerous friends in this Part, ‘Their sale on Thursâ€" day the 17th; inst., come off well and everything ran up high, D. McePhail, aucâ€" tioneer. ‘They took with them a carâ€"load made up of all the necessities needed to szain resame ‘arming in Dakota. Al«ol sales at Mr. Peter Muir‘s on Satordav 12:) These l ‘ I feast will be found stone,. many crimiâ€" Some ilue iast week bas been more like latter part of April than Mirch, & ra‘n on Saturday. Muddy roads and wheeling, some indications of getting or again after the warm spell on Satur Frogs were heard for the first time Suturday bat vyery faint, A number the formers are busy sugarâ€"making week and last, Some bave commer ploughing but the ground is hardly ff EUEFTEENEIT AHN,HH sveuke ter ride concert? time the horses? I ( It EOVUIF WEIOTC *round those parts but we hope soon to see the roads in working order, Mr. Je Sageman, S«bbath last, was visi ng his sister Mrs. J. Divine of Kingâ€" seote. _ Next time I advise you to take a horse Joe. Eht E ce oo e e ty last week,. We can see lots of wat else for there is water. w Never was known such tround those parts but w see the roads in workine . ton, and Mr. M, you every success Mr. J. MeMard Mclean, and Mr. Coliege were the What we would How the young Mrs. D, Armstrong who ing friends in Riyerview couple of weeks returrei h time past, we ho;;e ere long round again. Mrs. G. Gohun, of Swamp been visiting ber brother Mr and other relatives. Mrs. J. MeMurdo, of Vent visiting her sister Mrs, J. Ba Mr. Sammeo! Soaper, forme Centre now restding in Musk sont yvisiting bis parenigs. W Ssam. we in the mad, Did th rt? â€"How many were they got home?" What The Rev. Mr, Harris, a flying visit to our vila tage meetings are again MoKinnies, last week bas been during her absence there y for her return, Pat Smith returned la«t spending some months with Mt. Forest. Miss Edith and Mr Swinton Park paid Mre. Arch McDouvalil durin for he vody a visit last week,. Mrs. Camp, accom pa Stewart pard friends in last week. body Mr. Arthar J deuce un ‘h. co and it adds grea the farm. alter his last defeat, We sympathise with Mr. Smith in the loss of lheir! Deceased was one year old. o w cst WU W P chaind ic l Tt h here on Thorsday the 31st he Rev‘ds Dr MceRobbre of Mr. Thom of Flesherton, and ) of Dundealk will officiate t n. A grand entertainment in the evening cormmencing ock. The usual programme be given on the occasion of tice will be giyen. Admisâ€" nusnual at <uch gatherings a Â¥UI be expected, as well as avorable weather. I I.very body is q1 and are lookiog for Felepione wire wi after bis last Aefant irns of Mulock, Miss Rilep Crar 1 take place at PRICEVILLE Intended for of the Rev 1 LATONA. Intended for last inech like to know vr, tb Sintvicacce ABBEC :c 38 9l .7 W. MeNulty of Swamp guests of Mr, C* McLean ple from around hero we for Manitoba on Tues n are Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Paris, Mr. A Wilâ€" McTaggart. _ We wish un them a carâ€"load cessities needed to in Dakota. Alâ€"o r‘s on Saturday 13th « McPhersou‘s on uple enjoyed the cutâ€" Did they get to the of flnpe_yi}lo, Mr. J 1ons of getting eoolâ€" n spell on Saturday, r the first time on ut. _A nnmber eof sugarâ€"making this young folks attended iter and not much water everywhere. th a flood before we lhope soon to March. _ Some the . _Pre§b§; . John there? What stopped the i Sunday Sch« ol + Batchelors, I mmenced bod for the Our Nurseries comprise over 700 rcres, and growing stock in large quantity enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Rucceed with us wheo bave Failed with others, It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. % , Dou‘t write unless vou mean business and want | profiiable employment. Dear Fditor.â€"Please inform your readers, that if written to confidentially, I will mail, in a sealed letâ€" ter, particulars of a genuine, hone~t, bhome cure, b; which I was germanenfly restored to health .ni mxxlxll’ vigor, after years of euffering from nervous c.l:b ‘k’e' sexual ‘ukneWt lo:se’- and weak runken parts, Iwas and swindled quacks until I nearly Jost faith in mankind, butm heaven I am now war â€"; ______""$"5I00, Dut thank Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The deâ€" mard for homeâ€"erown Nurservy Stock is oa the increase. Weneed moremen. If you want steady, navine wawl smlkiree Nursery Stock Agents ! Book Agents ! Agricultural Impleweat Agents ! Mr. Hush MeArthur is home after speodâ€" ing the winter in Michigan woods and looks liike as if he fared well all winter. _ Mr. D, MeMillan, Deputy Reeve, Artâ€" emesia, intends improving the stock, xe be hes parchased a thorough bred bu)l and cow (Duarham) from a noted hberd at Guelph recently. Three of our County C mmissioners were at McKechnie‘s sale the other day, yiz. Binnie, MecKiunon, and Watson, Arcu McLean (Heetor‘s,) rented the Muir farm, South Line, Artemesia f:)r‘ a year. Our Merchants are laying in their supâ€" ply of summer goods, which consists of all the necessaries required in Sheir general line of busines. The Rey. Mr. Mitchell. preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. _ Rev. Pulfur of Rossean, Muskoka. preached the previous Sunday. Miss Ross of this yvillage, bas been unâ€" well for some time, we hops to hear of her getting better soon. Miss Flora MeIntyre, of Toronto, is at bome with her inother, Mrs,. Melutyre, South Line, Glenelg, an 1 is to remain for some time. Mr. Alex. McDonald and sister of Crawâ€" ford visited frends in this lozality lust week,. Stone & Wellington TORONTO. ONE Honest man. Sn es e t entrmital *4 @t a 4 â€" yey[EXx(E3] Lma‘talical NEaitsEsyEsl LE cSrg TORONTO WANTED: Farmers‘ song worsons of fair education to â€" would be an inducement. I , tew ladies at their own homes WANTED j q 4 _ _‘ "F1400y, being lot l"),' o\r;“t‘l‘z‘; yer M a . 6o: 3rd con. It containsl(l)acresaboutSO In the thriving village of Swinton f i Park, township 0;- p}.;mn, C('mhm{ cf gl:sahred, the remainder hard wood Grey, a comfortable [oie, with three . The soil is first class and every acre bedrooms, a kitchen, dining rcom and is workable. . Well fenced and conven. parlor with hzglt an acre of good land ‘jent to Church and Sehool. Good log well fencfid with a pump at the door, | house, frame bank barn, with stone ;Clo§c by Thurch, school and post oftice, gmb“ng‘ Three wells with pumps are | _ For farther particulars apply to, ’on the place | o F r | Jorx Martrx, Swmton.Park ’ It is 6 miles from Durham and 3 or JOHN LEITH, BOotth“e. m"es f'-om the Varnev Cik aue oo S en iy January 6, 98. we s House and 1 ot for Sale. . . By the New Process, mhich for Finish and Softâ€"| ness can‘t be beat. _ | Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning ! Barrister, Lower T Durham, Sept. 23rd ‘97. , COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loaw, in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, _ (On first Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) _ Lowest rates of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest possible charges; \a. : * 3 ~ . Apply to _ . Lefroy McCaul Robe Tanning ! Robss & Coats Morey To Loan. Thos. Smith, . K. LIXSCOTT, ToRoxre, sons or on & 0 n2Cie could also or other industriong whom $69, a monthy rnmLd sacc Town Durham. + 3m engaze a Jas. ‘First Class . . P ~Farm For Sale . _ For further particulars premises to The undersigned offers for s ferm, sometimes known as the farm" Norman by, being lot 15, 3rd con. It contains 100 acres ; cleared,"" the > remaindas" * 1 | is id «L & | Upper Town | 2000 e ies y i S. P | iss‘ & inosnamt l' Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines |_ _ Money toâ€"loan on farm property aq lowest rates, ! Convey:mcmg. Leases, Wills, Mort Rgages, etc., drawn up on short notice, | _ Horses bought and sold. |__ Waterl0o Threshers for sale at ware. | rooms, Patrouap:e solicited, | _ Orders for Sales may be left at Tnhr "REVIP:W OrrICE, | S.T. ORCHARD Agent for .. FARM Iuruir WeBBEr, Dtrlr'l;am‘ Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit nc y Ve esd PHRENOLINE PILL$S THE ONLY ABS()LUTELY r PREPARATIONS oN THE PLEASANT. PuRE anp PHRENOLINE h: Rhsumatic [ Specific [3 Only by H. PARKER The 42 The UWiikazns<af "~+ *7, Onths i. It contains 100 acres about 80 1, the remainder hard wood soil is first class and every acre able. Wel} fenced and convenâ€" Church and Sehool. (Good log frame hank : ha.., _ ue Remember the only Erstâ€"clans Be & F66 PHRENOLIN TR or to inA stt & 22223 Varney Station MISS SHEWTE 1 SMENTS anq MACHINX KSERY, . . __ _ the standâ€"opposite Market. Duarham, Licensed Mrs. Medicines A saure cure fop Heudnche,Dizziuvss Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness Brights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis (‘nnvulsi(ms, Heart Disease, #b6.. atn. 1ELY RELIABLE _THE MARKEp AND HEALTHFUL Guaranteed to cure Rheunmtism. Sciatica, Lumlmgo, Gout and apply on the Auctioncer Neumlgin, Gaop property at ils, Mort C notice, Durham, Durham on the in taw n & wareâ€" y ii_(.;?;l t *, etc, Thr the ht a _i 0d The indersigned baving beon restoredto healta by simple means, after suffering for several yeurs With ase serelung ufl'octlon.und that drend disease (!ol-n-pllon. is unxious to muke known to his fellow suifferers the means of cure, To i3 . _ C 0* desireit, ho wir; . ; 0 Can The progo,; 1 ""â€" RUY send ( ¢Cpy of the preseriptop used, why 8A sure cure for (;o---.pclo- urrl-.nn-cl-m...:,d PC( 7 Cidnd 7V. ; FHke ~A4â€" 217 i. ind s. 4 €{" .. ther" Osio ,, | Among which are the Solleowing ; ~| 187 & 25» Div. Lot 19 Con. 1 W. G, R. Bentinck, 100 acres, lately owned by Henry Hal] and formerly known s | As the " Parkep" farm. This is a â€"| good farm and will be sold on very 5 | _ reasonable terms. ThE Scartax FaARAM, lot 30, cop. 5, ‘| Bentinekâ€"100 acres. Will sell or ; rent. BENTINCK: The Teasdale Farm Lot 30, | _ Con. 2, w.G.rRr. Bentinek 100 acres, I have just bought this from Mr. Teasdale and will sell at a great bargain, Hormaxp 'I‘owxsmp, Lewis Eydf farm 100 acres in good German settiement â€"will sell or exchange, _ A good place. THE RomBovgn Property, Durham, What I cant sell I will rent. 1 have $1,000,000 to lend at 5 per cent. Choose your time to pay it back. Business private, charges modâ€" erate. 1QQ Good Properties The Jfanover @onveyancer, : ufagd Fize Choice in Valises, Grif Blankets, &e., &c. We do the trade in Raw Furs lt Price Paigq. THE LINSCOTT Compaxy Ahas â€"n. MILLER, â€" /f. /Y(PiUer, « LEEAVEN®, 3 The ce W Hanover Con veyancer Tonox ro To those who . Highest | o o e o 0 o o | I é Sto y t *~â€"â€"â€"â€"~ We take thankinsg past pal convinscse mill mer ¢ e ¢ ¢ "Large 28 w Carp a:,";:‘ x ty %4%4%4 DDuriicg : ; firmly $ Purest a4m e ®% UYPPER TO t%444A4®% AT Do you Cu VOL. Willi Eers th: Sy its At p1 UP

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