West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Mar 1898, p. 6

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movement in notations are per lb. tle were here $3.40 to $3.80 and interior to $2.80 per deals were w $2.80, but iet about it. kers are unâ€" RKET to rtive. at from h Gong ‘all and t wilh _ small MS. , but it is no at prices for that there is wantâ€" aure .Ower alarm st. the rom $4 to $7 grades are eceived, and 100 Ibs. was £4 60. and () Ibs. ; sows $2 The at from 3 to 1 bucks, 3e. at from 5 to tendency. igure. Â¥ Markets. ill probably is a steady 0 a 00 to 0 00 to 50 to 0 1 0 0 0 O NE. {0 to 00 to 0 00 10 10 () 80 6O the 240 () () 0) to to to to to to to to to to to to to t« to to to to $4 80 80 1 00 8 00 0 C0 1 00 2 00 60 50 UK OS 08 80 29 95 14 10 10 ®0 57 ‘1~â€" Sale Ki C 000 = > Roserr McDoxarp, Montpelier, Idaho U,8. Dec. 6th . Notice is hereby given that anvone trespassing, cutting timber on, or reâ€" moving the same from lots 3Qand 408. D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Co. of Grey, will be dealt with as the law directs. â€" Iscnn oF MARRIAGE LICENSEs, Holâ€" stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, if desired. Holstein, January 14th. 1897 C Repairing a Speciality,. UPPER TOWX D _ Will bein Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. â€" Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. ()FFI(TE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durbham Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. â€" Residence first door west of th" PFost Office, Durham. _ no sz Fira Insurance Secured. Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, BARRISTERM. SoLICITOR IN SyPREME COURT, NOTARY PUSLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgags at low st raves of interest. Valuations made y a competent and careful Valaator. Collections and Agency promptly attonded to. V ills, Deeds, Mortgaces, Leas s, Agreements, &o. correctly prepared. _ Estates of deceased persons looked after; and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and pessed. Surrogate Court Business, Probace of Wills, Letters of Adminisiration aud Guardiunship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Ofice and Titles reported on. OMcoâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. DURMHAM OFFICE, CaipEer‘s Biock, 3â€"25â€"7 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesdays of each month. Butte:‘s Hotel. LUCAS, WRIGHT, & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, &c. MONEY TO LOANâ€"zow rares ~ EASY TERMS Aruggists & Seedsmen Qurham. it goâ€"In many patterns we h:weFjust enough for one or two rooms. irst come, first choice. If you dont need it now it will pay you to buy and keep for future use. [ cfariane .. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D.S. Our spring stock of Wallâ€"Paper is now coming in and we find ze have‘nt room in our racks for it. We are therefore forced to clear balance on bandâ€"put it at a price that will make All Charyos AMModerate. JEWELLER. Watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silverware, Eklatware, & Specs. DENTISTRY. W all Paper J. P. TELFORD, BARRISTZR, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. 11 Forced ChEar Ramway TRAÂ¥YEL.â€"The C. P. R. is bound to have traffic and this is how they do it. Durham to British Columbia $30. To St. Paul and Duluth $16. Like reduction to other western points. To Toronto $2. Enquire at their agency here for fuller information. R. McFarlane, Jr. R NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. . LEFROY McCAUL. A. CORDON, . S. HORSBURGH. I. B. LVCAS, W. H. Wareat C. BAtso®, â€" > Charges moderate. DURHAM. Maurkdale,. Owen Sound Durkao. DURHAM. IxprorIo® axp SommrE®.â€"The Priceâ€" vilie Presbyterian Congregation will have a redâ€"letterâ€"day in their career on Thursday of next week, the 3list inst., the occasion being the filling of the vacancy caused by the death of the Rev. D. McLeod. They have not chosen his successor hurriedly but they believe they have chosen well in deciding for their pastor on Rev. J. A. Mathâ€" eson, B. D. A delegation frem the Presbytery, Rev‘ds McRobbie, Harrison and Thom, will conduct the induction services. â€"Rev‘ds Campbell, Dromore ; and Humphrey, Priceville; will also be resent. Afternoon services begin at i,‘%O Tea and Social Chat from 6 to 8, after which brief addresses will follow by the above named Roev, Gentlemen and Mr. Duncan Millan, Swinton Park ; also â€" "agus Oraid an Gailig le Mr Dhugall MacHlean, Baillepris.". _ Durâ€" ham Presbyterian Choir will give some of their best selections. The admission is 2¢ and 15¢, and mar deit thn ann hidh e na cha‘l dhuit.â€"Gij zult bet be Klaagen als gij niet gaat.â€"Og tnod uoy fi â€" ti ssim lliw nuoy. Our Greek and Hebrew readers must excuse the lack of the necessary characters. LiteErary & Tryxrsraxor Socmrty. â€"A meeting was held in the Methodist Church on Monday night. to take steps looking to the formation of a young renple’s society on â€" the above ines. _ Rev. Mr. Ferguson was in the chair and after discussion a Committee was formed consisting of Messrs. Allan, Jones, Campbell, Irwin, Ramage and Misses Culbertson, Smith and Orchard. This committee is to draft a constitution and report to another meeting to be held on Monday next 28th in the Methâ€" odist Church at 830 p. m. â€" To this meetâ€" ing young men and women are especialâ€" ly invited but parents and all desirous of promoting proper formative babits in the young are also earnestly requestâ€" ed to attend and by their presence and advice aid in this good object. _HObd'S Pills are the ouly with Hood‘s Sarsaparilia. liver ills. "My boy was in poor health for severâ€" al years ana did not seem to get any better. I saw an advertisement of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla and thought I would try it. He has taken a few boitles, and his appetite is now good and he seeias to have new life." _ Mrs, L. Hyman, Campbell, California. Hood‘s Pills are the ouly pills to take **And her dirty feet were encased in shoes that resembled ferry boats," There are a number of Mt. Forest policy holders in the Mutual Reserve Association, which is attracting public attention jpust now on account of the seemingly exorbitant increase in its premiums. _A Harriston man is reportâ€" ed to have a $10,000 poticy while one in Durham is interested to the extent of $5,000. _ A deputation recently waited upon the Minister of Finance and asked the Dominion government to interfere, â€"Confederate. uB im crntet 7 t tednnnratit i ulc .4 13 3. 03.0Aâ€"A8 phon» concert in this section on Friday night last. A full house listened with delight to the entertainment. The proâ€" ceeds go towards aesthetic schoot furâ€" nishings,. Miss Large is being pressed to give another of her unique concerts. A certain editor, in describing the belle of the ball, concluded by saying : "And her dainty feet were incased in shoes that resembled faury boots." But be was horrormâ€"stricken the next morning on glancing down the columns of his paper to see that his blundering printer had set it up in this manner : A home boy teok a hotse belonging to Sandy McGregor of Egremont and was offering it for sale, Bob Pettigrew a local detective in the vicinity of Varâ€" ney shadowed the young thief and had him captuared and returned.â€" Adance. The next entrance examination beâ€" gins on June 28th, at 845 a. im., and continues three days. The revised regâ€" ulations do not call for the presentation of book work in writing, drawing, etc., at either the High School entrance or Public School leaving examinations. Do@ PotsoNtNG.â€"Mr. John Robertâ€" son‘s fine collie dog died Tuesday in a manner to suspect poisoning. We would fain hope that we have not amongst us, the most contemptible of characters, the dog poisoner. Miss McConnel, of Owen Sound, will give a freelecture to the ladies in the Town Hall, on Friday March 25th, at 3 E- m., Subject: Health, Happiness, and eautv,. SEED CORNâ€"To arrive one Car of Sweet Corn. Leaming‘s Improved Mammoth. _ Southern Sw eet, Early Yellow Dent, and yellow Horse Tooth, H. Parker, Durham. Oil Stoves (Blue F used more each season ard Oil Stoves at J, $7,.00 and $10.00 each. C, McArthur mnvites inspection of his new goods. Some new lines being inâ€" troduced too. What ~ NEexr â€"â€"English agitating for Ladies‘ smok on Railways ! Burus ror SALERâ€"Six young Durham Bulls. First class ones. Enquire of H. Parker, Durhaimn, 200 pages each for store. Cleveland Bicycles (18906 This is an opportunity for girls. Durham, Thur. Mar. 24th, 98 Ehe Purham Review.| i. T. R, TrckEr Aogxe 8. No. 9,.â€"Mr. Jones had a gramoâ€" SCRIBBLER®.â€"Three 8 Brooms for 25¢ at J HEautut was Poonr LOCAL AND GENERAL XTâ€"â€"English ladies are wadies‘ smoking carriages ie Flame) are being ason. â€" See the Standâ€" J, A,. Hunter‘s. $5.00, ree practice books, dc at Parker‘s drug . John Robertâ€" >d Tuesday in a oisoning. _ We A. Hunter‘s, lIs to take Cure all 6) at $30 each, t the boys and smell at 50c a gal. Five and a half columans is devoced to an article by "M. F. Maury.C. Navy" championing the Southern States, . who ‘[:tims "Our cause is holy, theirs hellish," and preâ€" dicts they were no more likely to reâ€" main in the Uuion thar be reannexed to Gt. Britain! The 0. S. Times and the Standard are at war over the gravel Road Bill, and :. scathing article closes "we should scarcely be justified in ‘ attempting to bring down our contemâ€" ; porary by a charge from the armory of | THEX, oOH THEX.â€"From a run through an old Durham Standard, Feb, 7, 1862, we notice that wheat in Durham was bocts to 60c, while in Toronto it was $1.02 to $1.08; â€" Oats were 17 to 18c, in Toronto 88 t » 85¢. _ Barley $5¢, and 52¢ in the city,. _A difference of 20 cts a bushel was then made between Spring and Fal) wheat. _ Horsman Bros. Ironâ€" mongers Guelph, take a column of space and advertise as a bargain a gallon of Coal Oil, clear as water and free from smell at 50c a gal. Five and a half columans is devoced to an article by *M. a practice prevailing at the last few fires will not be amiss. It seems some early â€" arrivals not belonging to the brigade, don their waterproof clothing and of course the men are "out." It may have been done thoughtlessly, bat it siwuld never occur again, as brigade men are expected to rua no matter if they are in church and good clothing, may be unnecessarily spoiled, FIRE ALARM,â€"Last Saturday evenâ€" ing about 10 p. m. a chmuey on fire at Mr, Harris‘ residence assumed such a dangerous aspect that the firebell was rung, and the brigade turned out in short crder and had engines and reels up the hill when it was learned the danâ€" ger was over, Chiet Torry and his men made a creditable rush. _ A word as to ago there was a "Literary and mutual Improvement Association" in Durhaim, and they were inviting the public to attend a debate "*Which tends most to elevate the mind, the study of the Works of Nature or of Art." ‘ Now an altempt is being made to establish such a Bociety in Durham Monday next, March 28, 18908, and we hope to see the Methodist church crowded with earnest workers, young and of maturer years too on that occasion. FARSWELL PartTy.â€"A large number of the young people of town assembled in the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland on Tuesday evening to spend an hour or two in social amusement. â€"A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Sutherland and Douglas (whose birthâ€" day it was) leave about April first for Port Arthur, whither Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Gertie will soon follow. The removal of the Sutherland family will cause a regretable gap in the social life of the town. If you want to get acqwainted with human nature, edit a paper a while. You know nothing of the ups and downs of life until you haye served in that great capacity. You may have preached, swapped horses, conducted a bank, sold goods, practised law, sawed wood, put up stove pipes and hunted potato bugs, but you need a few monrths experience as an editor to complete Watchmaker Gordon has decided to move and where should he go but down town,. â€" He will open up in a new buildâ€" ing as speedily as possible near the Mcâ€" Kechnie store. There is some talk of putting a barbed wire fence from Aljoes blacksmith shop to MceFarians‘s buiiding across the street, Auctioneer MacKay informs us that gireat prices are being realized at sales this spring, Milch cows going frequently into the 40‘s of dollars, This bespeaks more confidence in the future than rudence in the present, it seems to us, hut,tiwn Canada‘s future is giltâ€"edged at present. MacKay, to sell some Milk Cows an other Stock next Tuesday 20th inst The sale will take place on the old Robt Waison Jr., farm, just west of Barber‘ Corners. ACcTIONX SaucER.â€"â€"Mr. Ja Normanby, has instructe Inspector Campbell has secured a Camera, not the little Kodak affairs, but still a very complete portable arâ€" rangement. Heintends to devote his spare moments to this hobby furnishing a mental diversion from severer labors, SIZes Thes as th $4 furs past yet however SPEED THE PLOUGH.â€"Has been the farmer‘s motto for a week or more back. The wenther has been springlike, though an _ occasional _ thunderstoom â€" would :ugqest a later season. Dont,put the Veveu slsc apie e‘ y .‘ Sax Josr ScaLr.â€"We publish this week part of a special bulleitin recently issued by the 0. A.C. on this destructive rest. Orchardmen everywhere should 1e on the lookout. f insomina, nervousness, and, | If not relieved, bilious fever | or blood poisoning. Hood‘s | Pills stimulate the stomach, | Fouse the liver eura‘ hanku» Ahe little nigger with the ogling eyea in J.A. Hunter‘s new Store window is s new city form of advertising, and has caused no little amusement. Ramsay & Morlock are into Groceries this week, and their quotations are inâ€" teresting. America‘s greatest medicine is Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other preparations fail to do any good whatâ€" ever. 83 lbs fresh Dates Hunter‘s. rouse the liver, cure hcad:;:he. dizziness, conâ€" stipation, ete. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only Pills to take with HooJ:a Sarsaparill& Hood‘s 4 1 00 22 C 07 CP eP Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges. tion and permits food to terment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Bargain Sale of 2 piece Boys‘ suits, es 22 to 28, now on at J. A. Hunter‘s. ese suits were bought in a lump, and they are all Scotch Tweed, regular 50 each, they should sell readily at 30. Call and see them. Biliousness The little nigger er a ‘s I s h. for 10c at umnes s Watson, Auctioneer Cows and 20th inst. 1 Mr. G. F. Chapman, Photographer, Mt. Forest. was in town Tuesday, and took some flashlight views while here, Among others the interior of the Review office. , Mr. and Mrs. Peel, formerly of Drayâ€" ton, parents of Prof, Peel of our town, moved to Durbam last Friday and will take up their residence with their son. W. R. Bowman, of Egremont, bought a fine ‘mir of Olydesdale mares recently at a sale near Guclgh. The price paid was $315.â€"Conféderate,. Orr ror B. C.â€"Mr. J. Robert Legate. son of Mr. Wimn. Legate, Vickers, left Tuesday for the west. He will be joined by two companions in Toronto. Mrs, W. Dayvis, who has been visiting round this district for the last three months, left Tuesday of last week for Bagzot, Mamtoba. Dr, Edward Lauder, Cleveland. Ohio, came home, Saturday, to spend a few days among friends. He returns toâ€"day (Thursday). Miss Amy Meredith has secured the junior department of the public school in Kimberly and leazes for the position this week. Mr. Hirain Dean, who has been at the "Soo" all winter. came home Friday, and will spend the summer on the 2nd con. Glenelg, Mr. Chas, Dowz:r, Clinton, at one time a resident of N. Egremont, was a guest of Mi, John McKelyey, last week. James Corley, 50 years a resident of Normanby and one of the first settlers north of the Saugeen died last week. Miss Tena Rose, left th (Wednesday,) to visit frienc and Hamilton, Mrs, Collier, Guelpa, is father, Nr. Eva of town,. Auctioneer MeceCormack, was in town, Saturday last. Mrs. Dixon, Detroit, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw Sr. and other relatives for a few weeks, Mr, Tom Storrey, Chatsworth, visited his parents, Sunday. Rev, Mr. Anderson, ordained missionâ€" ary of Crawford and Williamsford, reâ€" signed his charge at the meeting of Owen Sound Pres., last week, Mr. Mort. Fisher and guests at the Middaugh day. sober truth, for while he refuses to disâ€" cern the dilference between a castle and a windmill, the proper treatment would be to shake him in a blanket." _ This same copy coutains the Ceath notice of Mr. Arch Hunter, Jr., who died on the the 5th Feb, 62. _A successful Presbyâ€" terian Soiree, attended by 500 persons had just been held, and 10 lines tells the tale. Rev. Mr. Stewart was one of the speakers, _A crowded meeting of the Church Society" had been held in the Stone School House to welcome the deputation from the Bishop. _ Proton Council were decreeing that all comâ€" plaints must be made in writing between the hours of 10 a, m. and" 5 p. m. $4 reâ€" ward is offered for the return of a purse with the assurance that "Four dollars reward for honesty is better than all the rest kept dishonestly." Normanby | Counâ€"il had just elected W. H. Ryan Reevye, Public sentiment was shocked at the practice of the Northerners sinking ships loaded with stgne in harbors (How torpedoes have improved our feelings) Money is offered at 8 per cent and reckâ€" oned cheap. Homesceads "undisturbed by civil war" are offered from Garafraxa to Holland by Alex. B. McNab. who in adadition to being postmaster has a colâ€" umn of Agencies, while Geo. Kress adâ€" vertised cheap furniture, but wants purâ€" chasers to "come now or never." Love sick swains bought their Licenses from 8. E. Legate, â€" Dr. Wood or Dr. Crawâ€" ford attended to them in sickness and I ‘‘LIPSOLINE‘, Prepared only at the UURHAM PHARMAQCY, Chapped Lips and Cold Sores cau be cnred in one night by the use of our is used. Toilet Cream, Toilet Balm, Which are roughâ€" ened by exposure to extremes â€" of weather become velvety and soft when our DELICAT SKINS PERSONAL MENTION Alba Cream, Guelpa, is yisiting her i of town,. I\Ic(‘m-m:_nck, Priceville, or left this morning, t friends in Toronto a friend were House on Sunâ€" TORONTO Mr. Alex. Beaton of the Corners has| been under the weather of late with a‘ Mr, Thos. Lawrense and Miss Alice started for B. C. last Thursday but laid off in Toronto till Tuesday to visit fren@s there. Miss Annie MeCormick of Walkerton visited home lately and was accompanâ€" ied back by hber brotber Donala and sister Eliza who spent a few days in that town. as they are largely made up of type already used for the daily issues. â€" When they contain original matter, it is now set u[) by typesetting machiges, one of which will set as much type in a day as tive men working by hand. The olaâ€" fashioned press of the courtry uewsâ€" p;:{)(-r office prints perhaps ten thousand a day, while the city paper is turned out out on a cylinder press cut and folded at the rate of ten to forty thousand an hour. Thecity paper is able to secure a circulation running into tens of thousands while that of tne country town does well io reach as many hundreds. Large citealation, too, brings large returns for adveriising. â€"In this way the cost of each copy is very small, and the city weekly can be sold for little more than the cost of the paper on which it is printed. The local press of Ontario is deserving of waim support. It maintains a Ingh standard o?onews gathered, and serves as the means of exchange of local thought and opinion, Its editors are able and well informed, and their comâ€" ment is probably the strongest agency in the potitical and intellectnalnfife of the people. Let no one underestimate the value of his local paper." The Toronto Weekly Sun puts« it in a few words when it says : "The question is asked, why country weeklies are not sold as cheaply as those of the cities ? There are many good reasons, Most city weeklies cost little for typesetting, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, 12th March, ]H!N.} Newspapers inserting this adverti ment without authority from the 1 partment will not be paid for it. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, By order, o Vallhs > dubaind SianinateRatatntithad respal Rreriara is iss d The cheque will be forfeited if the narty decline the contract or fail to comple. the work contracted for, and will be re turned in case of nonacceptance of tend er. An accepted bank cheque, payable t« the order of the Minister of _ Public Works, for seven hundred and fifty dot tars ($750)must accompany each tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the narty d:-cline the contract or fail to comple.« AJ undersigned, and endorsed *"Tender for Pile Work at Meaford Harbour, will be received uniil Monday, 4th day of April, 1898, inclusively,for the constructâ€" ion of pilework in the harbour of Meaâ€" ford, Grey Co.. Ontario, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of H, A. Gray, Esq., Engineer in charge Harbour and River Works, Ontâ€" ario, Confederation Life Builhng, Toâ€" ronto, at the office of the Postmaster at Meaford, and at the Department of Pubâ€" lic _ Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unles made on the priated form supplied and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. expert, at present visiting his ln-nllwri a‘ the Methodist parsonage, thinks, Durham a very quiet place, not having ' seen even a dog fight since he came,| Mr. F, should have been here a week | earlier and then hewould uudursl:m(ll that we are at present in the reaction after a fight Besides at the best it would be too much to expectthat we could on short notice get up anything to equal the "wild and woolly West "t scenes which no doubt Mr. F. has witâ€" nessed, We rise to move that this monotony be broken by baving Mr., Ferguson give us a lecture on mining. | something he has done frequently with| great acceptance as we happen to know, | Mr. Geo expert, at Mr. Neil Camphbell, public school inâ€" spector for South Grey, delivered a lecture lately at Keady, giving an acâ€" count of his trip to Britain, France and other European countries, The lecture is said to be most interesting.â€"Ex. Â¥EALED TENXDERS ll‘ Uppeor Town. , A 4 SS33R33EE33°33233R2R23233323%» 3 DRYâ€"GOODS, Readyâ€"Madeâ€"Clothing, ‘-‘z HATS- Felt‘s & Straw‘s in all shades and styles. & Boots & Shosgâ€" Up to date in quality & style. A : DE br READY FOR SPR NC TRA E‘ (Crowded out last week.) The Country Newspaper. Groceries complete in all lines. Labrador Herring, Codfish. always on hand. Special Values in all departments : Ferguson the B. ( present visiting his ROB ROY. invite inspection of our Goods, Prices right. and endorsed Tender Meaford Harbour, will C. MSARTHUFR ".F. E. ROY. n the B. C. Mining isiting his brother parsonage, thinks > e i 1 S addressed to the ndorsed *"Tender 4 ‘ord Harhanr wil Y 1881 «+ Notice to Creditors D to Dated at Durham the 28th day of Feb, A. D. 1898. J. P. TELFORD, Durham., Solicitor for Executor, Istate, a statement of their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, together with a statement of the security (if ary) held by them : And notice is hereby given that after the said last mentioned date the said exâ€" ecutor will proceed to distribute the asâ€" sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which notice has beengiven as above required, and the said executor will not be liavle for the said assets, or any part thereof, so disâ€" tributed to any rmn of whose claim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid, at the time the said distribuâ€" tion is so made. To deliver or send I?' post pl-oi\)aid. to John P. Telford of the town of Durham in the county of Grey, Solicitor for Alâ€" lan McDougall, the executor of the said Estate, a statement of their names and In the Estate of John MeceDougal late of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, yeoman, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887, Chapter 110, Section 30, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of John Meâ€" Dougall late of the Township of Benâ€" tinch in the Co,. of Grey. yeoman Deâ€" ceased, who died on or about the 18th day of February, A. D, 1898 at the said Township of Bentinck, are on or before the 24th day of March A. D. 1898, A tin Lboiler with bottom No. 8 for $1. An all copper boiler No, 9 for $2.2, Our Coal oil is the best in the market. tions. l have bought very largely this year and am prepared to give my customers better barâ€" gains than were ever offered in all kinds of Hardware, graniteâ€" ware, tinware, and silverware, We have already got two carloads of rails in stock, purâ€" chased from the same mills as last year, so you will know the ing nc sInct Mr, D. McCoskery and his two sisters left their old home last Tuesday mornâ€" ing, Donald leaving for B. C., and Misses Eliza and Maggie for Rochester U. 8. They will all be much missed around here more cspecially Mac. as he was a goneral favorite. We wish him health, prosperity, and a safe journey nto the far west. Mr. John Brown faird of Rob Roy who has been .employed during the winter months in Proton returned home one day last week,. Inspector Campbell at his last visit to our school allowed the scholars a half holiday which they took last Monday afternoon. Miss Mary MeArtiur of Toronto is at preseut visiting at her home in this part, severe cold but is getting around agaia we‘are glad to relate. 1/Ast week wa s stock and I y (considering im satisfied leven Months have elapsed wone nin re and came to Durkam () intC COAL OIL m was spent in takâ€" 1 am happy to ng the year) that 1 with the busiâ€" ending to bauild in their bills of get our quotaâ€" Salt in barrel. na

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