West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Mar 1898, p. 5

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ey }u‘t wilh in â€"small mis. n alarm best. the k to have Iso the tKET El PrsPspyh Lr= i9 rarxty ith Gong Hall and » wantâ€" e sure Lower LANE. 0 Prop. o snd 0 0 0 ple O t done. 00 10 00 to 50 to i0 to 00 to K() t4) 10 T »U W) BJ 0) (Â¥ to to to to to te to 10 to to to to 0 §%4 8O 1 00 8 00 0 OO 0 0 yA 44. 50 UR 05 O8 30 14 10 BO 60 0O 85 82 67 20 15 10 DURMAM OFFICE, Caroer‘s Biock, LUVCAS, wWRIGHMT, & â€" BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCTERS, &c. (ur spring stock of Wallâ€"Paper is now coming in and we find ze have‘nt rooin in our racks for it. We are therefore forced to clear balance on handâ€"put it at a price that will make it goâ€"In many patterns we have just enough for one or two rooms. First come, first choice, If you dont need it now it will pay you to buy and keep for future use. _fpofarianse a¢.. QDruggists & Seedsmen Durham. Collections and Agevcy promptly attended to. V ills, Deeds, Mortzages, Leus s, Agreemments, &o. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased persons looked after, aud Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Surrogate Coart Business, Probame of _ Wills, Lotters of Adminis:ration aud Guardiauship Obtained. Searches rude in Registry Ofhce and Titles reported on. 3 3 251 Lower Town. Will be in Priccville first & third Wednesdays of each mwonth. Butter‘s Hotel, OffMlceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Company and privete Funds to Loan on Mortgag s at low st raues of interest. Valnations maude y a competent and careful Valnator. BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PVESLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Offics, OFFI(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST OF the â€" Durham â€" Pharmacy Calder‘" Block. â€" Residence first door west of th* ‘ost Office, Durham. ' Will be in Priceville the first Wednes day in each month. Office at the Comâ€" mercial Hotel. W allâ€" MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. UPPER TOWX Holstein, Janaary 14th. 111 Paper Curar Rammway TRaAvyELâ€"The 0. P. R. is bound to have traffic and this is how they do it. _ Durham to British Columbia $30. To St, Paul and Duluth 816. Like reduction to other western points. To Toronto $2. _ Enquire at their ageney here for fuller information, R. McFarlane, J1. Sale Notice is herehby given that anvone trespassing. cutting timber on, or reâ€" moving the same from lots Qand 40 8. D. R. Tp. of Glenelg, Uo. of Grey, will be dealt with as the law directs. RoseErt McDoXxALD, Montpelier, Ldaho V.S. Dec. 6th ‘97. Forced MONEY TC LOANâ€"1ow mares ~ EASY TERMS AIlL Charges Dsosderate. ‘sUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Hoiâ€" â€" _ stein, Ont. Parties waited upon within a reasonâ€" able distance, if desivred. Dr. T. G HOLT L. D.S. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. JEWELLSR. Watches, Clocks, & . Silyverware, Rlatware, C. BATSON . P. TELFUORD, I. B, Lucas, W. H. WarrgaTt NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Charges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. over Grant‘s store, Lower Town, DURH AM. Repairing a Speciality. . CORDON, S. HORSBURGH. ‘ks, & Jewellery. atware, & Specs. Markdale,. Owen Round Daruam. that anvone DURIHAM, Holâ€" APPRECIATED.â€" â€"**Dear Sir. Enclosed is $1.00 for Review. for another year. The Review is much appreciated." From Dornoch. Again "enclosed is $1. _for another year. We are always pleasâ€" \ed to get the paper, and would not like : to do without it. Wishing you success, _ Willie 8. Mills, age 11 years. I am writ ing this for papa as he is busy." _ From gKent Co,. Thank you Willie, and our \Dornoch friend too. Kind words are \helpful. ! Dramox» WEpDING.â€"Rev. Mr. Kitchâ€" \ ing left on Monday morning for his | home in Nassagaweya, near Guelph, to attend the Diamond Wedding of his | grandparents. The aged couple are 90 and 79 respectively, both North of England people. â€" They were mariried in Nasssgaweya 60 years ago acd have been there ever since. _ The wnion was blessed with 7 children, five of whown are alive, and these with quite a numerâ€" ous array of grand and great grand children will celebrate the rare event. Mr. Kitching, his father and grandâ€" i father are all named John, Miss Culbertson cordially invites her numerous friends and customers to her millinery opening on Friday and Saturâ€" day, April Ist and 2nd. Don‘t miss seeâ€" ing her fancy veiling,. _ Show Rooms over 8. Scott‘s Store, â€" Lower Town. Bicyvorss.â€"The celebrated Cleveland wheel is the favorite again this year. Mr. Munro Sutherland of the Standard Bank has bought a beauty from Mr. J. A. Huuter, Several of our fast riders and others intend to buy Cleyeland‘s this vear. SrEp Corxâ€"To arrive one Car of Sweet Corn. Leaming‘s Improved Mammoth,. _ Southern â€" Sweet, Early Yellow Dent, and yellow Horse Tooth, H. Parker, Durham. IyrpLEMEXT DsmvyEry.â€"Mr. _ Jno. Livingsion, umplement agent for Frost and Wood, had an extensive delivery of Farm machinery last week, _ Farmers will need machine help more than eyer owing to the western fever consuming available young men. Now is the time to buy your plows. Get the Percival plow at Calder‘s shop, and if you want a good harrow just menâ€" tion that fact at the same time. Mr. W. A. Leighton, formerly of Mcâ€" Farlave‘s drug store, is spending the week among Durham friends. He is now in Toronto in a good position, The committee appointed to frame a constitution for the proposed Literary and Temperance Society reported Monâ€" day night to a meeting in the Methodist chureh. The next meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church a week from next Tuesday for purposes of enrolment,. All interested in this laudable work are requested to be present, Mr. Win. MceFarlane, Jeweller, is the proud possessor of a new safe, adapted expressly for watchmaker‘s purposes. It is a beauty, Mr, Thos, Renwick, North Egremont, joins in the rush for the West next week. He will push his fortunes in the Klondike. VaARXNEY â€" EpworTH â€" Leagc®.â€"The election of officers took place on Thursâ€" day night last and lively interest was manifested. They are making a good start for the year with a membership of 30. The officers are: Pres., Miss Martha Fee :; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Mary Wallace 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Kitching ; Secy., Miss Jane Petty ; Treas., Jas. Allen ; Cor. Secy., Miss E. Leeson,. LECTURE.â€"A lecture on *"Mining for Gold in British Columbia, Klondike and Alaska," will be given by Mr. Teo. Ferâ€" guson in the Methodist Church, _ on Thursday, April 7th at 8 p. m. . Mayor Calder will occupy the chair. _ Adimsâ€" sion 15 ¢ts. â€" Proceeds for Church pusâ€" poses. Mr. Ferguson hbas 34 years exâ€" perience in the West, and as he hbas been a practical miuer, bis lecture will no doubt be interesting. The easiest and nicest running wagon is the Adams wagon. You can get it at Ualder‘s warerooms, _ Don‘t forget the place. Eag Cases.â€"Call at J. A. Hunter‘s and get the loan of an egg case. It saves trouble and eggs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPherson, Priceâ€" ville, and Arch McLean left Tuesday morning for Montana SerisBuErs.â€"Three practice books, 200 pages each for 5¢ at Parker‘s drug slore. BULLs roOR SALEâ€"Six young Durbam Bulls. First class ones. Enquire of H. Parker, Durhaio, J. A, Hunter reports heavy sales in trace chains, plow lines and garden tools, Crows, Robins. April Fools, Good Friday next week, A few people will be left at home when the wild rush for the west is over. Ehe Burkham Reviaw. Mud. ‘ham, Thur. Mar. 31st, 98. LOCAL AND GENERAL For Sack or To RExt.â€"That deâ€" sirable. self contained â€" house lately oceupied by the Rev, Charles Cameron,. 4 acres of ground attached with comâ€" fortable stable and out buildings, fine location, good water, _ Will besold very reasonable. â€"Apply at this office. Strange that Spring always comes about the time of Ramsay and Morlock‘s Millinery Opening ! Tomorrow, April Ist, you will be no April fool if yon look into the hrilliant, and to a lady‘s eyes, charming show roows of this firm,. The opening continues _ throughout Friday and Saturdav. Messres. Johnsnon, and F. Maher, of Chesley, were in tuwn on Thursday last. The latter was prospecting re purchasâ€" ing a hotel in Lower Town, Should he succeed in purchasing, he is a young man well recommended and has experâ€" ience in the business. Friday and Saturday. Soxa CoMPETITION,.â€"The â€" Montreal Witness is offering four prizes of $50, $25, $15, and $10, for the best Canadiâ€" an Songs. Anyone filled with the poâ€" etic afflatus this early spring should write the Witness for particulars of the contest which closes April 30. . Or call at this office and see the conditions. DrEss Maxixnga.â€"Miss Guthric begs to intimate to the Ladies of Durham and surrounding country that she is prepared to receive work in the Dressâ€" making line, and hopes her experience and strict attention to business wil merit a share of their patronage. Rooms in the old Wiley residence, MarIxE BaAxp. â€"The Marme Band of the Salvation Arimy will be in the Town Hall next Monday evening. One night only. These are said to be one of the best aggregations of musical stars inthe ariny. _ About 10 performers. merit a sh: Rooms in t! Lower Town. Mrs. Parnell, mother of the great Irish statesman, met her death last Satâ€" day in a painful manner, Sitting near a fire her clothing was caught by the fiames and from injuries received she has died. ScnooL REport.â€"Dromore, for the month of March. _ Ciass Vâ€"William Tucker, Lotty Jones. â€" Class IVâ€"C, Dixâ€" on, J. Renwick, H. Dixon, _ Class IIIâ€" H. Renwick. E. Renton, D. Hooper, UClass IL Sr.â€"J. Renwick. J. McKenzie, J. Margrave. â€" Class 11 Jr.â€"G. Geddes, Earuy Sowrnaâ€"Mr. Jas. Burt sowed four bags of spring wheat on Saturday Mairch 26th, Jot this down, The ground was in good condition too, Wuex you aRE TIRED.â€"Without exâ€" tra exertion, laaguid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing aud strengthâ€"giving properties they reâ€" quire. _ Hood‘s Sarsaparilla cures that teciing by enriching and purifying the blood. Ii will give you energy and vigur; If you waat to borrow money at the lowest rate of interest go to W. Calder‘s office, you can get it at 5 and 54%. All transactions confidential. G. Findlay, W. Legate. Part IIâ€"W. Dixon, N. Renwick., Alex. Renwick. Part L â€"A. Welis, B. Renwick, W. Wells, GEo. CUSHNIE, Teacher. Mr. G. Sparling, accompanied by Mr. G,. Moreland Matthews, leave for St. Mary‘s this morning, where the latter will spend the summer, Mrs. Jogux McBrtn.â€"Our obituary columns toâ€"day tell of the death of the above named lady on Friday last after a brief iliness of about two weeks. Though not one of the earliest pioneers, she has been a resident of the township for nearly 30 years, baving moved;there with bher husband and only son from the vicinity of Guelph,. Left a widow 25 years ago, she was of that sturdy type of Sceottish character which faces the world bravely, and her industry coupled with that of her only son as he grew to matnre years was rewarded by securing a comfortable competence and home. â€" Her son survives her and is the only immediate relative in this neighâ€" borhood. Neediess to say he has the warmest sympathy of the community in his hour of trial as bis fidelity to and care of his mother were always most exemplary. The remains were laid to rest in Amos graveyard on Monday, a very large number of neighbors being present,. Rey. Mr. Campbell conducted \the funeral services, Wrerr Brenp _ Durnuayx Burr.â€"The undersigned will keep for service on lot 56. con. 2, E. G. R., a well bred Durham Bull.â€"Jas. Atkinson, Hood‘s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. â€" Cureall liver ills. . It is economy to profit by the experiâ€" ence of others, Thousands have been cured by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, why not vyou ? Mr. Duncan MecFarlane left Tuesday morning for Flint, Michigan, where he has secured a situation in the Carriage Works. The petitioner in the 8. Grey protest case is Mr. Hanson of Dundalk,. so we learn from Wednesday‘s World Mrs. McRae, of Durham,. is visiting her daughter Mrs. Elliott.â€"Chatsworth News. Toracco.â€"The largest selection, try Old Virginia, at Parker‘s drug store. For fresh and reliable field and garâ€" den Seeds try MacFarlane‘s. Sporting goods of all kinds at Macâ€" Farlane‘s. Mr. Adam Robertson went to Guelph last Saturday to visit friends there. Mrs, M, Scott of Pricevilie is spending a few days with her mother NMrs. R. Aljoe, who has been ill but is now someâ€" better. Dayid MceFarlane of Caledon was yisit" ing his many relatives here last week. Our new Wall Papers are now in. See them, and get our prices. We nave a nice glimmer paper at 5¢c. at MacForâ€" lane‘s. ® Mrs. Marshalil and children and Miss Robertson were visiting Mrs. Gregor of Mt. Forest, and other friends last week and previous to her departure for Ottawa. Mr. W. F. Ballagh of Mildmay spent Sunday with his family here. 3 lbs fresh Dates for 10¢ at J. A. Hunter‘s. Miss Millie Ector left this week for Lacombe, N, W. T. where she bhas seâ€" cured a school at a very remunerative salary. Miss E. will be missed at home, but good wishes will follow her. A traveller in town the other day, who had just returned from a trp to Brit.sh Columbia, stated that the IslJonâ€" dike gold fever was greater in Ontario than at the coast, where they all seemâ€" ed more intent on catching ~suckers" from the east than in getting ready for a trip to Dawson city,â€"Ex. is used. ‘‘LIPSOLINE®‘. Prepared only at the Chapped Lips and Cold Sores cau be cnred in one night by the use of our Mr. 8. Scott‘s horse took it into his head the other day that he would like to go a little faster than usual, so whiie Miss Maggie Sceott held the reins at the post office, he proceeded to do as he liked,. _ The result is a smashed up buggy. Fortunately Miss Scott escaped without serious injuries,. _ She jumped from the rig over near the station. Which are roughâ€" ened by exposure to extremes of weather become velvety and soft when our Mr. John Walters has resigned his position as fireman on this branch of the G. T, R, and is joining the great army going westward. _ He expects to take a similar position on the C, P. R., and the Crows Nest Pass Railway,. His piace has been filled by Mr. Eyarts of Palmersâ€" ton. Mrs, Walters and the children will remain here for some montbs. Toilet Cream, Toilet Balm, DURKHAM PHARMAGY. We give space this week to a letter from a respected correspondent. regardâ€" ing the result in the recent election. It was written about the middle of the month but did not reach us till Monday of this week,. The writing of the letter at all was in questionable taste,and some of the statements are open to criticism, but we have neithér wish nor, words to spend time over it now. . For instance. If "the Liberals, with Mr. Morgan as candidate, would not bave received the Independent vote and consequently could not win," â€" Much the same reasonâ€" ing would show that the Independents with Mr. Mexichol as candidate would not haye received enough of the Liberâ€" al vote to enable him to win, though his concluson "b" implies that he "probably" would. _ However, it is over the Liberals are defeated, and difference will exist, as in the case of the blowing up of the batileship Maine, whether the blow that defeated them came fromw che inside or the outside of rheir party. They are defeated bu« not wrecked and bhave gone into dry dock for repairs, ‘That is all. DELIGA 1 SKINS P cin Te !i? Coa n Anval us Alba Cream, or ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO m ADAMS‘ WAGGONS : A full Carload wil arrice this weekâ€" 1 save freight, buy at close prices, and can sell cheaper than other Agents. Y Full Line of all kinds of repaias. & T Y "Q@, A full stock of the TUDHOPE & MeLAUGHLIN Bugâ€" 13[. G(J I l‘zb. gies, Democrats, and Carts, â€" All kinds of PLOWS and HARROWS and the yery best you can buy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing machine and the best makes of PIANOS and ORG ANS. 8#X Money to loan at 5 and 5}¢ payable on your own terms, â€" 4#"Insurance promptâ€" ly attended to, â€" Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All SPRING & SUMMER £00D8 arriving daily at HARDWARE \iesr â€"The question ot the hour in politics just now is the action of the Senate on the Yukon Bill. _ This bedy is largely Conservative, and, to put it mildly, not uninclined to be obstructive. The measure passed by the Commons grant ing certain privileges to McKenzic & Mana to build a railway to Teslin Lake from a point in Canadian terri rory, is before them, and it seems cer tain they will throw it out. Protests. â€"Up to Tuesday evening, twenty protests were entered at Osâ€" goode Hall, and it is likaly there will be as many more. 12 of the twenty are against Liberals. The majority will not be decided for months yet. for 25 miles on each side of Durham, are fast finding out the bargains we are giving in Sheilf & Heavy Hardware, Forks, Spades, Shovels Curry Combs, Brushes, Whips, &¢., and are commg to purchase goods from us. If ths is done unconditionally, it will put the work already done, and ; the country too, into sonfusion. _ If / they carry it with certain modifications | they may prove their usefulness. | The grants are large, and may be “ excessive, â€"this we don‘t know. _ But ’ we do know that the presence of an ‘"‘American" named Livernask, for the ‘ plain purpose of ‘‘Jlobbying" against it virtually in the interest of American ‘ coast cities is a most unpatriotic specta. | cle. If this man‘s influence prevail, the | representatives of the people will have ;0 knuckle dow n to an alien influence. Will they do it ? THE FARMERS '\\'"q‘U pper Town. ~»9. § Nes333 2BEE%EEDPReRRR32E3®E® The following story is related of the Mayor of Falaise : It was dark in the streeus of Falaise, The mayor ordered that every citizen should hang a lantern in front of his door. But still the streets were no lighter. Then the mayor swore an oath and isâ€" sued a proclamation that the citizens abould put candles in the lanterns. And still the streets were no lighter, Then the mayor swore a greater oath and issued a proclamation that the citiâ€" zens should light the candles, Then the streets were lighter. W DRYâ€"GOCDS, Readyâ€"Madeâ€"Clothing, \‘z HATSâ€" Feit‘s & Straw‘s in all shades and styles. *‘ Boots & Shoesâ€" Up to date in quality & style. w NARAEADY FOR Groceries complete in all lines. Labrador Herring. Codfish. always on hand. kirds of MASSEYâ€"HARRIS MACHINERY, Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Haurows, &e. _ Farmers, these are the Best and Cheapest Goods you can buy. @ PRING FPRADE ¢ READY Forp S T M Special Values in all Gdepartments : THE FARMERS‘ WIVES invite inspection. of our Goods, Prices right. tie Lower Town Implement Warercoms C. MCART HUFR ... are finding out the bargains we are giying in Silverware, Granite, Steel Enamel, Tinware, Brashes of every ‘description, Steove Polish, Blacking, &c., and are buying so much that we find it Business was never as cheerful as it is this spring and we have disposed of more goods within the last four weeks, than any four weeks last year. Thers has been such a rush for our goods that it was necessary to get in a fresh supply by special tram last Thursday morning. necessary to replenish our stock every week, Any person desirous of purchasing a bicycle should inspect our stock, New wheels from $40. upâ€"made by the best manufacâ€" turers in Canada. Our new stock of Readyâ€"mixed paint is something exceilent, WM. CALDEFR. W. BLACKHK Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg. Withâ€" in two miles of the town of Durham. This is a good farm, Good stone bouse, frame barn, good orchard, well watered convenient to market. Will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to Joux McoKronxi® or to Rocky Saugeen, GBoror H. TroxEr, Box 257, Portage La Prairie, Man The undersigned offers for Sale or Rent for a term of years, lot 20, con. 3, W.(%.R., Bentinck. On the property is a good barn, good frame house, small orchard, 70 acres cleared, balâ€" ance hardwood bush,. Well watered. Apply to R. McFaruax®, Sr. Durham. Du: ham, Jan. 17th, ‘98. Eno®.â€"In Glenelg, on WednudaB. March Zrd, 1898, the wife of Mr,., D. Edge of a daughter, McBetH.â€"In Egremor.t T ownship, near Dromore, on Friday, 2th fiuch. Cathorine Ross McBeth. relict of the late John McBeth, aged 75 years, 1 month. 11 days.â€"Deceased was a natâ€" ive of Rosshire, Sceotland, and is deeply regretted.â€"Guelph papers please copy. e in mnen in e uiiS@, , @ + They t‘:((: round our% but to F" They bloom but to wither and die. MoruLock.â€"In Dumham, on Wednesday 30th March, to Mr. & Mrs. 8. F. Morâ€" lock, a son. Farm for Sale or Rent FARM FOR SALE. COAL OIL m Salt in barrel. BORN. DIED. & +/

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