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Durham Review (1897), 7 Apr 1898, p. 4

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ds Eres.-ed in an eloquent and fore umorous way the lessons incu! the addresses of the day. I1f=~ bonest criticism of pulpit effort ed the evil tendency of havin, services a sort of entertainn ‘"intellectual treat," etc., with a bias. No "fruit" could come fr Christ was the vine. but it was branches we maust look for fruit Rev. Mr. Campbhb lished his h‘;.:hl:n father and mother talks." _ His topic ness," and very thoughts. He urs closeness to the thought and expre to both and amon to show thoughti avoiding the pasto: Rev. Mr. Mitchell the e old in experience and gave widvice. _A pastor was ab people were praying for hin good works he hoped they the good Presbyterian qua severance. Mr. Dugald McLean gave an address in his mother tongue, but our reporter‘s gaelic education hbeing very defective he can only bear testimony to the earnest manner of speaker and listeners. Mr. Matheson was the last speaker. He had formed strong ties in his former charge, and l:l:(rhdsome feelings were naturagly tin with saduess. He was Preaching at Priccville du vacancy he won golden opin being in possession of the gael a cal! was most happily cons! on Thursday last. To all ap the rew pastor and his peopl tering on an era of spizsi.nal hope temporal prosperity as a gation and we heariily wi **God Speed." While in the west Mr. Math part of the time in British and trequently met Scots m whose love for their native 1 songue was very prorounced a number of the young men were from this neighborhoo invariably found them doing worthily representing the and training that had been upon them in their youth. M son is a married man being with a helpmate pecaliarly w for the position of a ministc We trust a long, useful an fature is before them. He. and indeed all the ed at greater or less len ory and the virtues of which of necessity were by the situation, howev so gracefully that no 'i}‘eu to the pleasure of mg to cheir pulpit and i * new minister.} Rey. Mr. Thom d teaâ€"meeting speaker, story telier and gan fal Klnts on **Chure ing a course of syster Rev. Mr. Humph minister in Pricevilie w pastor with a peculrarp a feeling as it he wer charge,. â€" He outlined i} t0 disintegrate a C formalism, superstition ture of unity in essenti vivid one ""Scan the h bilitres and work witl nestness and unity to s: entering on his work however wi great pleasure and hoped they won each nKuw their faithfailness to the wu and to one anoiher. He closed | address in the gaeliec tongne, The musical part of the evening w well sustained by the Durham DP 2df. whose leletl'tinma and executi them were high appreciated as th Mhh IL. McFarlane a Tharsday of last week, : was astir the occasion being tion of the Rev. J. A. Miathe kombined charges of Pric Bwinton Park. The chair was Harrison, Dund during the long love and respect Rev. J. A. Matheson, B pastor of St. Columba Cl ville and Swinton Park Co is a young man of Noya S and comes of a seaftaring father being a sea captain the West India trade. _ H in Arts in Dalhousie Collea graduated in Divinity at werian Coliege, Halitax. atter gradaating he move west and for 6 years minis High River Mission in Al synod of Britush Columbia. lay largely among new se ers, miners, etc., and was post, such an one as onl; young man could fill, . H about 2 years ago and w Charleston, in Orangevilie and has been there _ gelist Mitchell Much regret was unavondable absence Millan, the father Swinton Park Congi The new Station has ab hers.‘unrl {:s session at pre posed of Messrs Dun. McM MeMillan, John Hardy, * Its Managers are Messrs Ale Augus MecDougall, Jas. Pa Knox, A. H. Richardson, John Aldcorn, John Mariin C,. MceQueen. The charch was well fill« sentatives of both congregs Addresses were of an able c were much appreciated. Rev, Mr. Harrison addre ple, Mr. McRobbie, the Mini Thom condu Melnnis led accepiably. There were presert as representin the Presbytery Rovd‘s, Harrison Model ator, and McRobbie and Thom. B sides there were Revr., Campbell, Dro more, -}_{umphrey, Priceville, and Evar Rev. Mr. Mc Interesting Induction Servi PRICEVILLE PRESBYTESIAXS VENING itish Columbia. _ His work among new settlers, ranch , ete., and was an arduous an one as only a vigorous could fill, _ He came eas ars ago and was called tc im Orangevilie Presbytery been there ever since. at Priccyville during the won golden opinions and umagatrum oaf rha emraltie traverris ted the : the serv t» 2O Dt occupiea ilk. who LV SaVe ttx}{l 1 U NMr. 1 t Mil m execution it ed as they 11 MD the spiil ual on this. from the eful M W H M Â¥) h re ces LC it 1t Kn 1 »pl rUI 11 repreâ€" eal and M M l t1 AD~ 11) n U d h Mr. Frol Foote is engaged with Mr, Wm, Office next door to Standard Brown for the summer months, Durham Miss Agoes Hunter spent last week visiting her sister Mrs, Jam#s Mather, of Wweel as We were much pleased to see the pleasâ€" nt countevance of Mr. and Mrs. Leith i Kuox church on Sunday. â€" They were ‘so accompanied by a conple of lady ruds. On behalf of the Normanby sovle we wolcome Mr. and Mrs. Leith ito our mid:t, and we also wish them »nlth, wea‘th, h«appiness and conteniâ€" seut in their new home. ol n 0 le \ir. Peter Dailyio‘t a couple of weeks ) for Galt, where be intends to spend : sammer months. iss Mary Barrens, of Hepworth, who ~»t a fow weeks with ber friend Miss ith Heury, retarned to her home a 6k ag» ButurdÂ¥y, iiDOX arnet sang a duet, and Mr, Galbraith a lo, boih im their best style. Rev, Mr. Harrison makes an excellent 1 41 The hospitality of the Priceyille peoâ€" ‘ was, as usual, very marked, 0 occasi 1) & iarry 1@ iront PHA4 FC . _ Jimmy Pettigrew hbas engaged | & t with Mr. Cuas, Blythe for the| ¢ aer mou thes, if Charlie a‘ways makes| $ ovud a bargain as this be will uever| § vceusion to risk very much. l v. Mr. Camppell, the popular pastor| L ox ( hurch, Normanby, is gettug to' reat lavorite among his flock in that| &. _ The earnet and able way in| & 1 he endexavors to lead his people to ‘*Lanb of God that taketh away the the world," is meeting vhe approvai ie people and large congregatuons d almost every Sabbathâ€" * 14 111 ph 1 O H L W n W P eeds of the evening amountâ€" v $00. 11 U L1 L I were loaded of course with of viands, reflecting the dies in their own special xston has engaged himself s at a fair salary, with Mr. t Traverston. John‘s repuâ€" rser will secure hbim a job V eC L!B otes of thanks brought to a _ pleasant and profitable GLASCOTT. MERRITT. ORCHARD GWeil, seeming:y bas been ate and was obliged to take ds unknown, and doubtless the crowd. Mcoran. arrived home from n absence of some mouths. ing Iately took place at the r. John It. Baines, when OUr Vn uD rt C s the press. Wm. Arclh‘d lies sericusly ill, with no We he shtngle business of Cedar on hapnc. h 31, con. 12 Normanby, â€" Whitluugber‘s bndge, me ago to Mr. Umbach of uis is cousidered very ize of bridge considered. lweol is bound to keep a breeder of Aryshire r to do this purchased a Mr, Andrex Mcilyride «w â€"Gin es # 0 4 U D dwell lost a horse last arently all right at bed d dead in the morning. so lost ene lately. Bauy W Mr. DBuras L1 ir, lDuiras was the ougrutulations, l wull erect a fine r which he has been for the past winter. uBC ican and . Joseph x framed for Mr. hich is to e erected foundution. of Sydenham Tp, arme haimm which he t years,. We welâ€" midst, also success. Bovie of our burg m of RBentinck are of Laurision Mis, stock of logs which time after which he mple businpess as he lnte J ) onr «hanty winâ€" it now appears me in this year 1D aAlislactuoun to ) las been con i cut on the the bush, but Â¥ days s bave falien poison which by parties usâ€" been ti waus uuited 1gut, near o was the @ houseâ€" ns own, augeen bhrough ind we dJoseph A Dew at red he Btra w Apple Wood Wood Eggs, per doz ... . Chickens per pair Potatoes, per bag Dacks * Turkeys, per lb ... Geese, per lb & Hides, per ewt _ ... Calfl«kims ... .. Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton Flour per bbl ... Oatmea per sack Bran per cwt ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wueat per b Barley, 4+ No less than thre aiready in less thian Oate Dr'nl Dr‘d Hogs, per ow Hogs,‘live weight Lard per lb Taliow* per lb * Butter per Ib, Tab . *4 Roll Intended for last week. The unusal open spring has left most people out of their caleulations and we ottem hear the wish that snow had stayed two weeks longer. _ While some of our wise ones say we are to have March weather in April, well we hope for once they may be wroung,. We hear that the Traverston seribe i« likely to get into very hot water if he does not look out. Heseems to hbave trod on some of our young fellows corns very hard lately. _ Weli boys if the cap don‘t fit, don‘t wear it, but we would say keep away from the goat, those animals ure great at the bumping. Mrs. George Watson, of Farewell, was visit:zg her parsents Mr.and Mrs. T. Daily for a few days the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown spent a plea«â€" ant evening last week at Mr. D, Hamilâ€" ton‘s. Mr. and Mrs. James Mathber, of BRenâ€" tinck, spent Sunday with the latter‘s parâ€" ents Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Hunter. Mrt Roberi Keith, and hi« sister Ida of Hoistein, spent Sunday at Mr. Heury‘s. Hood‘s All Covered With Eruptionsâ€"Could Not Work, the Suffering Was So Creatâ€"Hood‘s Has Cured. "I was all run down with complaints peculiar to my sex, and I broke out in sores on my body, head, limbs and hands, and my hair all came out. I was under the doctor‘s treatment a long time without benefit. They called my trouble eczema. Finally I began taking Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, and after I had used three or four bottles I found I was improving. I kept on until I had taken several more bottles and the sores and itching have disâ€" appeared and my hair has grown out." Mrs. J. G. Browx, Brantford, Ontario. I did so and it benefited me so much that I would not be without it." Mars. G. I. BURNETT, Central Norton, N. B. "I was all run down and had no appeâ€" tite. Ihad a tired feeling all the time. I was advised to try Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. Is the bestâ€"in fact the One True Blood Purifier. # act harmoniously with HOOd’S Pl"S Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. 250. Head and Limks When you are wantâ€" ing a Clock be sure and call at the Lower Town Jewerller‘s beâ€" fore buying. 8 Day Clocks with Gong In Cabinet, Mantle, Hall and School. â€"1 dozen Cabinetwilh Bell Strike, also in small Gill Clocks for Bedrooms. «, per bag . % feet . 9 inchos ZI0ON. J m SaTSa~ parilla TORONTO 73 i: New Laces 3E New P 36 "RT a 4C 46 aB 1€ =a‘r. 4 ar =yles s3 3L t 3t Sirt y;L.' mir! MLT 35 Men‘s Navy Serge Saits, well lined .... .. .. Men‘s Grey and Brown Scotch Twesed effects .. .. &# Men‘s Fine Grey Worsted Suits........ ... . Boy‘s Saits, 3 piece, short pants, special........., Youth‘s Suits, good Tweed, long pafnits...: .... ;. Youth‘s Suits, Seotch Tweed effects ... ... . ... ;. .. Special Value in Men‘s blk. Striped pants, $2.50 & 50 inch Sicilians, all colors, in 6 yd lengths, per yd Fanecy Figured Blk. D. Goods 7 yd &4 Â¥* gh colored * 7 ya t# £* Plain and Fancy Covert Cloths 7 yd Ct £* Faney Striped Dress Goods in 7 yd 1% 64 Fancy Tweed Effects, in 7 yd €* s Fine Silk and Wool Mixtures 7 yd #* £* Drmressâ€" LE NGT HS nted, for which highest market BUTTER & EGGS we Price will be paid. RAMSAY & MORLOCK We‘ve got a reputation for Clothing and we‘re going to keep i you with {Zagy ind of Suit. We can fit any sized man and th your purse, Wrom the cheaper grades to the finer ones they all her to tell about them all. Here are a feow of them :â€" SR8@4448.48080e008004 008208200808 0@0080 28842004 80848 ~ncady Made Glothing. Experience gives Confidence and that‘s why we% are so Confident of pleasing you with our stock of # Spring Goods _ We are not new to the bnsiness. ; Our past experience gives us confidence in our presâ€" & ent Stock. _ We believe the goods to be right, the§ Style and Quality to be right, and most of all the i; Prices right. The past experience of our custom-g ers gives them confidence. We sell so as to sell ;; agrin. Airsady many of our old customers have & come to us again for their spring dGress or spring E suit. We have added many new cnes and we are i; after "you." Remember that money saved is i; money made. 9t New Parasols, 8 New Dress Goods, New Goods Arriving Daily. @ssesc ts CpeEemeeqalcs., Cash and One Price... We‘ve followed out our usual plan this year of getting our beiter ilf qualities of JD)ress Goods in Dress Lengths only....In this way you ra get a dress which is UNLIKE ANY OTHEPFR in town 5¢ and have threo times as large an assortment to choose from . ... These 5;{: lengths are being picked up very quickly these fine days and you 9@ will fdo well to see them ab ONCC»@.1a«@ixXaxsasaizxananksesusl..... §A 40 inch Black and Colored Weol Serges, special at 40 inch Black arid Navy only, special at........... Fine French Twill Serges, all eolors....... .. .... .. Fine Black Lustres, special at............30, 40 & Fancy Fignred Lustres, at...;.;.%..":........~ B5b & Fancy figured Estamine Serges, special at...... .. Fine Silk finished HMenrietta, black only ........ ... Fine Wool Soleil Cords, black and colors.... ... .. Plain Covert Cloths, Light Shades and Colorings .. .. Dressâ€" GOODS. New Millinery... /«+**., @850 10.00 3.0) bbe 60c 6Oc Fancy Light Striped Silks in waiet lengths. ... Plain Silks in all colors, guararteed pure Silk . Faney Pla‘d Silks in waist lengths, pure Silk . Faney Black and White Silks. in waist lengths Fine Surah Silks, in all colors .. .. ES x % 4 xi )% Fine Figured Silks in Waist fengilis; .. :.; . :. Fancy Shot Silks, in all colcors...... ......00¢ Men‘s Navy Wool Suits, aspecial line..........$ 6.00 Men‘s Scotch Tweed Effects, double breasted .. 10.00 Boy‘s Suits, Grey Tweed, sizes 24 to 3J. . h raa>s. 200 Boy‘s Suits, 3 piece, short pants ... .$8.50, $4. & 4.50 Youth‘s Suits, nice dark Tweed, long pants.... 6.00 !élen’g l"ant.:s in good strong Tweeds$1., $1.25, & 1.50 MnP s dn reln ath? % s Aatinbi tindraizd 304 Ti 4. a hi Th s Special yalue in Men‘s Oyeralis and Smocks ... New Silks, e going to keep it up. We can fit ized man and the prices will easly fit ones they all here and we can‘t begin _ Prints. New Kid Gloves, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. 000 4f 7C 2s Mz % Wal o «_ Pan *4 [ Sal _ n .7)7 CfG.I". Aruggists & S Ozoroe: H. TcoxEnx. &px%’:, Portage This is a good farm. Go frame barn, good orchar #eonvwenient to market. M For particulars : Joux McK i or to F TLot 49, concession in two miles of th Notice is herch trespassing, cullin .mviug the same t1 R. Tp. of Gleonely, dealt with as the != Montpelior, Idah UPPER To WN Will be in 14 day in each im mercial Hotel. Block. Reside PFost OMce, D Office, over G BARRISTE® sOLICITO® in SyP NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMI WNOATRY PUBLC, CON OMceâ€"â€"LOWER 1'0\','1 Colliections . *Â¥ ills, Deeds, #&e. correctiy persous looko ministratorns Burrogate Co Letters of A Obtained. 8o Titles reporto Compan Mortgay s a maude * y a< MONEY T0 DURMHAM QFEiCC Will be i1 @1 emch m LUCAS, Dr. T. C. HOL Our spring s now coming in ar "’°"lri" our â€"ra therefore forced hand ~rut it at a it goâ€"In many p mugh r!bl' one 0 come, “l'hl choice, it now it will pay for future use. JUCAS, WRIGHT BARRISTER®S, NOTARIES, CoN MONEY TO Loan y FFICE FIRSI the l’ll"h.’llu DENTIS i. FP. TE Watches, © Bilyerware, BARRISTE® FARM PCR KOTICE TO TRE® For CnrRar Ramy P. R. is bound t« is how they do it Columbia §$30, 7 $16. Like reduc points, | To Top their agency he;, R. McFarlane, ): A. COR!L L. B, Lv W . H L W Repairing 1 JEWELL i1 1) OA V 4 X N Sp

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