West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Apr 1898, p. 7

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RIOR "mill Wad. “It. Inn T “I h " out A: in:ereat .8200 yearlv. Living in I sunk " brown: town he has the ad- Eatx'uo of cheap rents, his but cost- iu, ;.Am 836 per year. His other ex- :n'uses are: Provisions. $91.82; cloth- ing and footwear, Mtr. maxim and manganwrs. " incident). ’40. l "Our meals," Mr. lander write "tt fttrl a‘undant in quantity and var, M? For breakfast we h." coffee, tofu-w.- aka. but! In! Latter. “ill! 988! " via: ham antitank]. For dun" out at u SI ll [are pills in her have used m Pale People a market. The “:18 all run could not got Mined me I I N i u " u " EXPLAINS HOW s"; MOTHERS“ LIVES N rs S hm MPis' Seeret, rt Hi L?SSON IN LCONOIY. and some: " fr Capt. R. W lustructivo a. vi heir 1he Inn-nu Dual“ " I and 2hetr Ian- u r” In m and & leather "t are. drawn h, ian horwss, and K in getting lo oiing tne heavy an and through the tony " The firemen are disri lined. and Are tt. {imam the 1 mm atmmt cndrely c 1-, law onurtsthat ml zildinrzu are "er-ted th [silo wslls must. In t h rough " n FIRE SERVICE IN NORWAY m"ehanirn, who, are engsgod in which and ot lin the service. ron mat Y 1. u. w. uenderaon glu- com. v-tive detai.a of tire service in aj. Tim firemen enter the nor- " 28 years of Age, none being ao- I under that Age or beyond so. an taken an as probationers. My}: grade they rise to be per- n firemen. A meter-pm- " ~=A- 'l'" “nu-r premrure to [pro engines are needed, r of English make. The t lephone wires, the watt we“. urn an under the rv-mnn. who. notwi'h' woo h a lest Vriefiie"t ' at“! K Prerted in the towns mu.“ he of stone or Henderson utt EMI 7..-?“ “my; duties. are n out for service. [uusli--from “out 'r, with. quarters. about .338 for uni- con -i .ts of aria“! I Ira thorough}, the houses have "Ely of wood, Lut at Whenever any U50 " beyond a). " "rohutuutsrs. my ring to be per- Preference is giv- , wlran not. on fire making tho bone, er Ike Ftro P " Pttr. r “ppm-3mg ro- l'here is “enor. i'e, to "e had, "called. they are . The telegraph P. wtltru. maine Ear the can: of MW h "taudimr, r all nail/aka! potatoG (Ks-Al M " lean. i coffee with every meal [we thrive well." SAVES I There is no commodity used by jew- l'oHers that differs more in price and grade than coral. It can be had very , cheap, not only in tost, but nppearanco; I Ind. then again, only a small trim- ' mine of it causes the prices of the u- ' ticley to mount up high into the hund- ;reds. Moss-tinted agate boxes are ov-l , "laid at the corners with on open taco l work of gold, studded with coral. The Ivivid rod coral is nanny plaeed in lroniunction with ebony onyx Ind oth- er dark work, richly tinted snrfl'fes ,' that display it to advantage: whi'e the pale pink is used uith delirata enam- ei'ing and with lack grow-Ids I'urht in cola. A novelty in waist gnrnituro for trimming an evening waist of silk or velvet has a zigzagging of vivid red and pale looted coral. net in a framing of some pliant composition. Bats are shown made of tortoise shell. in the dark variety. and an Inch or more in nidtl'. timing the clasp and fast- ening made entirely of corn’. The tortoise shell panels thus manipulated are laid on some e'astir. substance, and the quality of coral used in the buckle is rare enough to he worthy of the} unique comrittaiion. The lighter tints of coral combine best with the umber shell. For medallion and photogrnrh frames coral is much in favor. also for ornamenting jewel boxes. tan sticks and lonbonnieres. It is introduced sometimes in the inexperssrasre silver gl't l appointments. and again in the hand- some dead gold sud Burmese finish ornaments, of costly nuke. _ _ _ dri huh-o Inte present season sees carnelian. turquoise, and coral in the front rank of popular favor. The rake pink coral is especially liked u a ending for the low, oval-shaped comles that are now displaving the high-lack vomh in fav- or. A unique comb, wider than it is high, of amber tortoise shell, has a heading an inrh wide. formed of dia- aurnd-shnped medallions of pale pink (‘oral Malls. Another shows the vor- o! interwoven with a deirate lace- “ork of ttre amler shell. In otlru' or-' [laments ahaded coral is used as a mom. air: work, act down into the shell lac-, ing. A i or to tuve. lens mime and are sold as low as an: and $15. The coral In these ls com- putatively Imtwless and looks ordin- ury. Long links of tiny rural beads no bigger than a pin's head are used for attaching fans, Iorgnettes, eye- glasses, punt-s and Hm like to the traftuy book on the front of the ('orssge A necklace of coral beads, graduated in size but. all of uniform color and quality, is sold to-dtry for $150. Tho pale pink coral, even in amalf-sized heads of Bunnie: quaiity, is held at. a high price because of its scarcity. A necklace of it, the heads Wing of moderate size, costs $7.3. Chains,foruv. ed of two or three delicate strands, linked together at interns by Bsuue le large head, an mun]: in furor and, can he had tor " and "O. Strings of beads vuylng in shade are of much I Coral is an the ftrrhion again. Strings cot coral brads, snob 3* were in high 3' favor with our great aunts and grand- (ruotheor,are;sho% at the jewelea"a;tho identical variousfy looped strands and (rnedacioms that are seen about the (necks un-l waists of old-thue daguer- reolypea portraits, and belong to the age of Uppets and andersleeves. "I bought sleeve Eoopcrs of coral like , that for you when you Were a baby," an old gentleman, remarked to his ; white-haired daughter the other after- noon, as the two made the rounds of I fashionable city store. "lt's ail the rage now again, you my 1" as the clerk "itted out atrayful of coral or- naments. "Well, [admire the taste that has brought it Lark in fashion. No shade of red harruonir.es .~u weil "ith smooth, fair skin as ooral. In l my day every young Woutart haul rings and a necklace and belt clasp of coral, but I haven’t seen any of it Worn for years." m0theor,are;shovvn at the jewelcr's;the identical variously looped strands and medallions tlat are seen about thn we have boiled potatoes with butter tr'uvy, boiAcd carnage or other vege- tav- s. and pudding or pie, and coffee. Sometimes we have pork and henna. and sometimes some egg preparation, as potato panrukq-s, dumplings. eta, wrdie with one meal in the weak we have meat. For supper we have the remains of our dinner. with fried or baked potatoes and was. We hav-l Filood's ’ Sprlnfimifi the halt. Theae are not expo;- CORAL COMES IN AGAIN E. ne original and only prep-I mpecially adapted to the needs ot the human iiiii'i) hmakea the blood pure and lshunn by its thousands of Cancdu'l Greatest Medicine, because It t with fried or Mrs. uu have sl. tht this fare Sambo Johnson. Jr.--But he wan’ white befor' he went in. Unmatchable Gumbo Johnson, 'sternly-Don' yo' know I tot' yo' no! t' go msimmin' wid no white trash rhillun, eh! Oh, I'm broke, tsrruiGiiCttieGiaiss., and the sewing-macMhe mistress had no further use for him. rm feeling sew-Sew, hid the thread to the needle i. how are you}eeling? we did. The 8eal-.Yoti're always spouting about 'something; what is itt o The Whaie--E1strd know if you everi had s’ty-h a "Jonah" in your family at PERSI’FLAGE ON THE HIGH SEAS r-T-- s" mm...“ wanna. Del-1'5 Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty cents a box, six Foxes 82.50.01' will he sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. There is only one way of ouring KHney Diseases. That is by curing the Kidneys. The only "try of doing this is by using Do'id's Kidney Pills. They net the Kidneys in proper condition, this ensuring a supply of pure, fresh blood and thoroughly healthy organs. DOIN Kidney Pills are sold by all Uodd‘s Kidney Pills are the only me- dicine. that the people of this district “ill use for Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Proper, Rheumatisan. Lumhugo. Para- Iysis. Hrart Failure, l’rinury Diseases, Blond Impurities. and ail other forms of Kidney Disease. They have cured hundreds of cases of these complaints in this neighlourhood, and the people have the fullest confidence in the me-i divine. and always the same. LUDELLA Canon TBA will satisfy the most particular tea drinkers. Lead packages. M, 4o, 50 and 60c. Dodd's Kiting: digirne that the - <,._‘.v... my "cu nuuwu. Mr. Paddon's case was a very severe can. ft “(1% well kumsn that he was a constant sufferer. nnd.ho had the sym- pathy of all his Minn-As. Consequently it gives tut! oumled pleasure to all to Kaos that he has at last conquered his bitter enemy. Glen bklem,--The rerort of the recov- ery ot Mr. James Paddea, of Mt. For- est, from a. severe attack of Kidney Disease by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills has caused great rejoicing here, where Mr. Paddon in well known. Mr. Paridon's case was a very severe can. ft “(1% well kmmn that he was a r-.i-a ,, -. - V "In Case wan I Iovoro Ono " Over the The still-house worm destroys more corn than the cut-worm does. Girls admire a drooping mustache, ea- pm-Emly when it droops their way. Somo people get, so timed doing noth- img that they are never able to do any- thing also. GLEN EDEN REJUIUES A man will give up article he wants. and a up 40 cents for a, 50-c doesn't want. I The number of things a man known, about women is about lper cont. of: what he thinks he knows. I A man willlgive up 81 for a. ISO-cent? death but a during lite. P0iNTED PARAGRAPHS. Many . poor man has lost bin life in trying to sound the depths of a woman's love. Even It he has cums on both feet. But he is a stronger. happier and wiser man. if he uses I’umam's Painless Corn Ex.. tractor and gets rid of the unsightly! vorns, painlessly and at once. First Cat-Why BO Thomas? Second Cab-l feel at qlectesdl I've been we _ V- -. "nu-v, nu"- Dodd'l Kidney Pill. Gurus "In Thorough tr- Olen Eu." People loly on Dodd'o Kidney Mlle and "tttir. new In Junmod. 'ati,r for an hour. "rL Anything at mel "Dear Sira:-.A few Fears ago I w" taken with fainting fits, which the doc- tor said was due to heart failure. I was troubled with sleepleasneas and A METAMORPHOSIS Only those who have t ot great suffering can ful the gratitude nith whit mounts overflow written Hood's thrrsqariua. J us " A Man's a Man for man 'a will gaps CONVERSATIONAL ‘. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Masu he Recovery of Mr. James Paddon of Mt. Forest. §arsapérilla wi,ll go's into effect after a. “man's will is in effect AT MIDNIGHT cure! when I.” q feel so lonely and ne- been weeping and wail- tp Sl for a 50-eent a woman wi.ll give l-ttent article, she noiody has thrown Kidney Bloom I fully appreciate which the nesti. Bad tonight, ten in favor of Just rend this: a' Thaf" other: tail. Be sum to get Hood'l. - .- __,_- r-"""-""""." I Merntreat and Quebse to Liverpool in summer. I Porttnd to Liverpool in winter. [AFRO Ind E In! twin screw azemnshipa .ubrador.' 'Fatt. : couver.‘ . Dominion.' "deotaman.' . Yorhhiro: Superior accumulation Ior Fin: Cabin. Bees ' and Cabin sud Steam“ Durance". Rama of ' t't'2eth"i'g', Cabin :50: Ear-9nd Cabin. $34; ' tact-Age $21.50 And upvmdl mom-ding to t cleaner and berth. For an information m','.'. Jo hood Agents. or Darn. Touuicl & o., i (50:1 Agata. it at. Sacrament at. Neutral. relieved ' Italian and Ihhlds~bost Quee ', All Beetrripp'/es, Punt qualny “led Patent Process lili F andmon. 0 old. I). I. ' tttflu". YAt't mm! faaciuisti punk ttruse da _ Tho T'iT'f/"il?adtg taotttmte Bold everywhere. Agent. wanted. Head Ne. for sample. T. ltftttte, '93 Commissioner. st., . Montreal. Ore. ,t!y,,t.l,n).trrrrttpteartimms. "'v"ttrr', :1: nair “ we have the brst and most practicai n Ira. Fan“ m’l not it in um It. the F mental Farm,Gueltsh Ont, tA,ertd for Add as: Toronto Picket Wire tone In River St. Toronto. on. llaonouuon ttttt on You -oltllll .. __ .199 'pw o._l(._P_uzzlolHH Fence, Fence»)?! ' Agvnts wantod to tntrortutte our IMUSIC ("ntulouue Ind torn». Wu mil mail {Hernia "Dar il be u Nigger Missin',' vim mus c. orb rams, ramps. POPULAR MUSIO DIME " “all. it. Montreal. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE; Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, Ac., to I - --___ .- va-‘v '1‘ Vl‘la III"- Take [native Bromo Quinine nuns All Drug- gun refund the money if it hill to Cure 23o. Edith-mit-ish-ati Davie--'Tain't uny got tsomethin' t' do. n u E L Ell I Pure Roots and Herbs with Cole. - tive stimulant-sold by all "cilltT. Me, 35c. wooawun human: co..' l Bi CURED (Constipation - - _, , Butter, Eggs, Apples. Frult, in. to f In: ”use! communal! 00.. Limited, I '. " In: In”! and Column Bu.. Tttttttttm I 'iliijj,ttortirj.irirtn Tires Russian railroad trains ing cars for ladies. Quickcurc heals Sores, Cuts. Bruises, Burns, eta. vFntfiiEiAr, That is a very old joke ghout the. rift- nh:"" Au-, , . land 15 1iiir.%i It. I.. who has birthday, Why do you main that umbrella. you ever inst an umbr Yea; hut this one Have You Murals“ ' If you suffer its agonies, and fail to get a remedy, we want you to try Nerviline. Ms action on nerve pain is simply marvellous, Ner.iline is the most pleasant and pouerful remedy in the market. Try it. Quickcure cures Ache. Slang all Ausrmnd--That little Jones boy seems to be remarkably fond of cake. yAt--E'xtrGti;.'j"i Why, he even eat: his mother's home-made cake! ltlalLan and rryFrlds--best Queen, A l --‘:.._..I.A. x _ .. AS STRONG AS EVER. "My whole system Wain run down. I was so week I could scarcely get around to do my work. I finally began to take Hood's Samaparilla. and after using five bottles I found that my strength had returned and my appetite was very much better. In fact, I now feel as strung as ever." Mrs. Kelley. 9 Wellington Avenue, Toronto Ont. krv ie--- Rud oth. ihad that dreadful tired feeling. I ltried quite a number of remedies. but 'the relief was only for 3 short time , and after ceasing to take the medicine I felt worse. I did not have any up- petite and what little I did eat dia- tnmsed me very much. At last I got a. bottle of Hood's Semparilh. and it did wonders for me. That tired feel- ing has left me and MY APPETITE RETURNED l after 1 short time. I was then able to eat regularly and heartily.I Hood's Sarsaparille built up my whole 1 system. and I am now able to work! hard. as well as sleep soundly. I shall I always praise Hood'l Sareaparilla." Mrs. A. E. Buxton, 24 Cumming street. J Toronto, Ont. 11mm: l? EgRBnA COLD IN ONE DAY Husband oldest Freemamn in New I", n . _ _ ml “Auk. .4.L A , KING -uiiiiiui7irrWu"rt""'l."hrGe l.ilre _t' loaf, but-- Earle Cook "or/ini/Fic/titll.' .3 just celebrated his 101at u. staph: ' iii-r13. Mod. ran-tron. (In. DIFFERENT. - -, ..._... , Mum .cru'onnnpl tystinror Em: all as Bleep soundly. I shall I M,. "t.'aet',A.C, BRO"K.H has tat W also Hood'. Strraaparilia." I --------, -m--- -"- "_-----, Buxton, PA Cumming Street! I m- TUR'. “Arn- _ n .n. n. Fe cures Tooth Stops all Pain. ILLUSTRATION you lost? 1pVeicUr%i' umbrella before? make :1th l row about 9 Adelaide St. W 'p an m" your 15'! Puma (mum in halt We chin as! prncLicai " are on n any at, the Experi- tr. Send for pri . 3 Fl" tone. K.': - fun Will want you to try n on nerve pain is Ner.iline is the pouarful remedy {A '. P. C. 913. unless you‘ve d - 271:3: gs: 't 1.10:4 To, CAI mine. tad. have smok- Wanted ‘. Toronto ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I if): , . ' . , I" We 't'ilu"Etyielg/iuegrtg,t, t'i"Atrd"tt.he" f M' f f"T Address all "do" to No. ' Carrot. Holtlmlhnm WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. A' 1ronioa,; I o r: I l Be (rile! bl Muzak!) g gnu“. 1'lii I F rt, diva. mun nmm' ' ollc 2. Been, Rumba. frat round 20 kg“? Prime s. Clbblau. Wanna-M. 21. ish. R l 4. Cabin... mum's Brunovick a. 8quash, 'EX 5 Cunt, hull Ion , ”do. " Tum-w. cum , gum}? natal. Egg, " Toll-M. Dvu . min r. C icuo " 8. Cucumber. Long arm Fur, l Cd:ry,0~ldon Hem-Huang 25 Asian. mixed IO, Kerb. a.“ I Meg-mum. u IL Hail. gator, Strung. shod 1dl1attd law-"(m ',ttiii')iii'4 ' Inmate“ a e . n M. Lettuce. Deva lute: (car‘s!) so. ”out ha. I IR. Musk Idea. out: curly, Nam 31. iid Flavor. 6 SEEDS 12Va£39y3§250 This In a RONA WIDE “an Seed. to new customers and unount paid reminded and the s At these prices: we an ONLY om Buy what v0tt want. They Ire sent h VEGETABLES. le Wu" phytfohn irt eiiiirGG," in?!“ 'ii"iiitCU'iv; r"iit;,f Milan in the most Mariam mug. 8on by Drunk“ and Union " " and 10 coma. The wont Com lulu", om Burns. trg/gt ski- Maurie". lore Throat. Group GIIIMIII. lane-cu, PM”, and ml mom! and internal meet...“ cura- terized by “FM"- #hSMhT, yiold to in ittfluen -a an if by name. It In . purely vegelublo prnpmuuon tr I reirulsr phyla)!!! of. ominous, and In won-as hrs been Magnetic oialiitUe IWene,t SHORTHAND SI tleal Reva tine Mom d -; I rt'uclion. Spoofs! lamb: a for: 110"“, Taiwan 0an mum for F M: nl_‘._ A n I)llt\.-I- _ . hummus tn nnrrr from I Werr. M0109 "Min their new no“! ttt an; addmu an: of II." on! “"hrl ret I: a stthxtar,t an C Haunting. Ring, Pitt, Stud or E. rringn. fer $1 tt,tittltg.iii.egirdftT,'d, etchave-A mm c... - Removes Dandruff in One Week Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. Posmvuv snows. "All. - -- _-.‘ nwul'IlKu 'rt; uro- th Atlantis She is twenty” tour year: old, sud her angina and boilers have never barn renewed. She haa truolled more than 1,500,000 miles. no that. n far as distance is conmrnr ed. she might have raid throe visit to the moon, and he now well on bur outbound [Ia-Em tor I fourth xisit ITE ','ffifll/ili'? KNITTING $41 Waemc MAn Thes White Star steamship Britanni mat], made Fer fivc-htuidredth trl lav-n- th. tin-74’ '-- - ,_V -. n-uw‘ Ilk-Y'EI' v all etruiea, to! in tsuhvouminl 00M frded mung. Ring, Pin. Stud or I. rrlrser. for 3100 A“, job rot P9iytyptorv uchunrd fir-ml for "WW . POWELL HARVEY a CO.tn King w .Tumuu V“AMIERINE" STAUNCH OLD S'I‘EAMSHIP (e, """etpu ORYSTALI. TRASK’S ifi‘i i ririiir, .N9re ic" "”‘" t'k'l82,tttl'a'g'Mtiis,at or 1'8!!! PAPER. bonding thin Coupon buxom-ad may us with an " ter" watch-.- win includ- 1 - or c. uncul- hn Sandman. one. me. he FREE ,4. -- mWbP nIvr n 15.“? roll dirm" :A'. factory Pt Non and rdrtlver-d (rm 5Fo rm e< from Montreal, our .5 part xvi-ml teed o Hug machines with all “Mo-mum“. Nothirw h mu- mt n. Hives 318.50 103231”, Send n r v Mat "I! "er D “All!“ 0... 3535‘? bo MWN'rs. Boo are lulu. " to Hamilton. 1000 ht Torch“ cad London. WITH EVERY ORDER TRADE KARI "IDE utter made to Introduce our vegetable and Flou cr Ins and which we guarantee to plus: ynu m the and the Seeds given an a present. ONLY an" the "mne- unnmd below. Order by mm are sent by man Post paid. Sela-t from n . following! " W tter Mrl,.u, "o (1th c, " 'rrriors, in cm! Wr'.heotil Ht. On: :1: Yoflulv a! fun Dulut- " Pnrnnip. Hollow Crowa 20 Edith. Fri-nth Brent-n I 21, dish, Rory tic-m a. 3.1mm. Hubbud ' [ ' 23 Trinity, "In all] Adutlc _ " Town”. Dim Chllll'i'). l Cin: 310N133: fit 'iiii'.i'ie"iiiiigt and 33. ht' Pu- Loo - i, tw,rd,iseid,irm.t 'r.har. and m Iowan, nixed 3'35??? “and; 1:. a , “2127:: O ' i a _ CREW!“ RINK, Georgetown, ht, SCHOOL. Prue. , m‘ln’dud m. ri', Ham's-2 sun. um no won you What P mu. wi 'iii 3h»: .utrvel- FLOWERS. Clothe your - from hand to foot with our ... MONEY MAKER Prices only SIB, $20 830. "aim; mum. We 15le IE pm WIRE mast 00mg. Not on "The Page." it never In. "em, but on thu (lead win (can. " wu caused by an mlmul running it to it. The animal "didn't mun to." The fence "couldn't help it;" but the hump in there and it in an aye-sore to the oxxner. He looks um” tbs road at his neighlor’s nondxumpuhlo. antl- “gable Page fence. and Admit! tttat elusticity "in in it" after " Price list and illuatuud prlntod matter on npplimlion to the local Page Fence dealer or to 000 "PENIITIII WHITE 0.. "lk hn See That Hump?” MACHINES. he only way to be sunk? your . [not In mbny “than; 3 I I I'll. ann-ru\/I an 'ruA aura rid (111780;: ii', and or “unzip, no rs (etetee guy 91h r0terttttttt any oth r “a i, anoint}? Ind d, Idol-A. 95 V. an to,X d ”can . ’orumple. Nomads TEA ra. t Vein-gum It. W,.. M“. OLD AND RELIABL. Ian-mum. 1m on r Ordor by nuwbor. " . following Mm "ad" in non Uaue. - " I II... INDO-CEYLON TEA, at it; E33116 Obcu‘uuuu .. -e - _I_c1m'___ 36*. tlt mesh]; $0....“ ral and In. Ian . "my. I" Ititi "iii" mu, In“! lug”! mu. “if In, em . if, std [519 "I [73 Hi . . I vt "i Id

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