m WM ttdar. of live not in- e we" to, pgs " part rely to- “dumb mu Ttte It†" I Inferiur er an. feeder- emand urged. o. and A ttout "jgilt i t. “if?" mtc er f good t his. 'ur the ought cal de- 04m 100 800 090 Mt 08 60 66 tt 14 09 54 60 IO " Rent for a term ofyearn, lot 2Q con. 3. W.G.R., Bentinek. On the property is u good barn, good frame home. small orchard. TO area cleared, bal- noc hardwood bath. Well watered. Apply to R. Homing; $3. Tart 49. concession 2, Glenda. With. in two miles of the town of Durham. This is a good farm. Good stone house. frame barn. good orchard. well watered convenient to market. Will he sold cheap. For particulars apply to Jon McKncnxu: or to Rocky Sauna. (Imam: H. thlllt. Box 261. Pottattet Ln Prairie. Man. - WHY}; ir, FPiii.Tiiii, the ttrst Wednes day i_n reh month. Dulce at the Com- Ronni-mg : Speciality. cPPRN TOWN DI Notice is hereby given that anyone trespassing. cutting timber on. or re- mnviug the same from his wand 40N.D. __- -- - -. . aq ~l AN-.. -..:II I... 'ii.HirAidiGFik/ Co. of Grey. will be dealt with as the law directs. Roman- MpDosArah, Montpelier. lash}; U.S. Dec. 6th men-in! Hotel. Omer, over Gtnrtt's store. Lower Town. ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST ol.'. the Durham Pharmacy Calder" mock. Resulmwe first door west of th" PM! Ofttce, Dun-hm“. _ -. --. . DA KRISTEN. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. norm" PUILIC. couulsslouzn. no. Collocuolu Ind Annoy promptly “and“ to. mm Duds. long-30:. Inc-.1. Armaments. m- urrm-tly pronun- . It“... " (hove-nod |Irlxous routed lfter. nnd Exocutors‘ and Ad- munuruun‘ Accuums prepared and panned. Burroeate Cmu't Hashim“. Pro‘mue of Wills, Loner: of AJmiuis-nuun .ud Guardinuship manned. Hun-has with: In Registry Dunc. md Tudo- report.“ all. Company Ind private Fund: to Loan on Iona; -. n: low It mm of interest. Vulunuou nude ' y .cornyetri" and cumin] Vulunwr. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. moarnv PUILIC. OODVIVAHOII. ac. OMee _, -LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. DURHAM OFFICE. Cuban-s BLOCK. 3 th-l Low" Town. Will be In Prienvmo In: a third Wednouhyo at our: mouth. Bun-rs Hotel. LUCAS. WRIGHT. a BATSON. IARRISTIRS. SOLICITORS. NOTARII‘S. CONVEYANCERS. dc. MONEY TO LOAN-us 'tAriEAtby TERMS Macfarlane & Co. And, while here, ask to see our 250 Decor- ate(_l Window Shade, We can give you as nice tl paper now for 5 and Bic as we for. merly sold for 10 & 12. Come and see our Stock before deciding on what to do.‘ Remember (ii) (ii) The undenigngd offer; for, Sale 2ri Dr. T. (l. HOLT L. D. S. 1llll/lj)l,fTL. DENTISTRY. JEWELLER. - wuettea, Clocks. a; Jewellery. Silverware. Flatware. a: Specs. G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER. $OLICITOR. . P. TELFO RD, FARM FOR SALE. I. B. Lucn. . w. H. Wuon'r. c. [Sn-sou. - . NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. We Trim it Free of Cost .congou, Chm gee tnoderate. Fire Insurance Secured. designs in NEW COLORS . at very moderate prlces. Our Spring impor- tation of American Wall Paper is now complete, compris- ing some very tasty designs in NEW DURHAM. axe Maderate. Malkdslo. Owen Hound. Darla-m. Durham . DURHAM. Goon FOR BEsmscar.--Reeve Dickson; and Tram. Wm. Irvine, of Beutinck. were in town last Thursday. their busi- ness being the discharging of the 335.0(1) bonus granted to the Strntford and Lake Huron inlwaym years ago. A sum of $2.100 yearly has been paid for intel- est on this by-luw and this with collec- tions for sinking fund made 1 horde whose remand " he lightwme. aides. next her the a s n he section-I houn- r the Din-ha ranch And for this the e h is re . We con- gratulate the ttnnn ieea Bentinck and the ratepayers on th uppy prospect of reduced taxation I' youtside purposes. Two sectional nm-,_still remain not yet do. ho er. _ a FOR BUILDING UP. "I was run down by hard work. My blood was impure and I procured a. few bottles of Hood's b'arsapaviG. My weight has increase} and I mu now feeling well. I recommend Hood's Sar- aaparilla to evely one as an excellent medicine forhuilding up the strength.†Mrs. A. A. Allen, Lathrop, Califurniu. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed Mn. JOHN Frtatwrt.--Veer and was the news which reached the home of Mr. Fraser near Vickers. hurt week, that his only son John had been killed in Michigan while working among cars. The young man. we understand, was A conductor. and no doubt attending to his duty. Heleft for Michigan about 10 years ago. He was about 28 years of age and was well known around Vickers where his youth was spent. Much sympathy is felt and expressed for his parents and sistersin the sore herenve. ment in which the Review joins. The remains arrived in Durham on Friday night. and were buried on Saturday. Mr. Jas. Galbraith. Pres. of the Hol- land Agricultural Society, and Bailiff in the 6th Division Court, died last week at his home in Holland. He has been prominent in public life and is deeply mourned. He is an uncle of Mr. Arch. Galbraith, teacher. Aberdeen. and leaves swife and six children as chief mourn- Mass. Tomcco CvL'rvrtre.-Any of our on- terprising farmers willing to strike out for something new. may find a way by securing a copy of Bulletin No, 30. issued by the Crntral Experimental Farm, Ot- tawa. on the ahove subject. Or call at this otf1ce and see one. Too long to puh. lish, and not suitable to condense. Mr. Baht. Gray, Marionmastee, With Mrs. Gray were given occasion for a and visit to their old home by the death of their youngest child last week. It was laid to rest, Friday lust in the new cemetery. Mr. Gray remained over till Monday, Mrs. Gray will spend a week or two here. Fon SALE on 'ro 1lEwr.---That de- sirable. self contained house lately oceupied by the Rev. Charles Cameron. 4aeros of ground attached with com- fortable stable and out buildings, fine location, good water. Will be sold very reasonable. Apply at this office. The Mnrkdale Standard says '. "When Thornhury and Fleshertnn papers each claim to he the best market in the coun- try they would be more correct by add- inR--Markdale excepted." We say all three can take a hack seat with Durham when price, ete., is considered. hr s'rnswBertrurets.--Lovera rf this Ile. liciuus fruit will read with inner-w! this paper We give in this issue by a sum-ess- fulstrnwberry grower. Mr. W. L. Dixon. Those whose time will admit of taking action on the lines he suggests. will be amply rewarded. PUBLIC LBnArtr--ihesiey citizens subscribed $90 to their Putdic Library. We hope Durham citizens will be found equally public spirited when the collect.- ors cull upon them them this week. HorvrtccvrcnaL Prtrorrtrsrs--These. have arrived and are stored at the resi- dente of Secretary Gorsline. Suh- acrihers will oblige by calling and gett- ing these as soon as possible. WAsrrrm.--A Servant girl for the city of Toronto. Nice place. 3 ofa family, good wages. Good references required. Apply to Mrs. Catherine McLean, Upper Town. Arbor Day is fast approaching, Grtoat can we do individually or collectively to imp: ove our streets. should he a. question seriously considered. Then lay plans for action. Hepworth's big shingle mill (Murdoch & McKinnon) had a narrow escape from destruction by fire last week. The Journal is now talking fire protection. Second hand Buggy for sale, in good repair, parts new, cheap. Apply to-- F. Nester, blacksmith, Upper Town. Messrs. Hewson Bros. request, that all accounts due them be paid by the 26th of Aprilae they expect to leave Dur. ham first of May. Servant Girl Wanted. apply to John Cumeron. Durham, Thur. Ap/if 21, 98 frlrt, gamma titriii'."i Sc. by C. Lilood & Co., Lowell, LOCAL AND GENERAL IMPROVED STREETS-provincial Road Inspector Campbell was in Owen Sound lust week by invitation. and from the Adyevtirter'a) account of his yisit we cull the following. which may be of interest to Durham Town fathers. and the pub- lic: “Mr. Campbell depreciated the value of gravel for the purposes of road construction. and explained that. in order that the. best results should he obtained from broken stone it is necess~ my to have it broken by a crusher into the proper sizes. each size being kept wparate from the other. He also re- ferred to the unsightly plank bridges leading from the road into private 1'itli',ti'/r, The Inspector then briefly outline a plan of improvement. He suggested that the town only construct and maintain sufficient roadway to ac- commodate the ttattic. On main thoroughfares it was necessary to mac- udamize a width of from 23 to 28 feet. on the leading roads from townships 26 feet and on the purel resident streets 20 feet. He wouldy have all streets classified and placed in one of these three classes. Aftern complete classi- tication had been made the road would be laid out from the centre. staked. and stone curbing laid down on each side. Then the roadway should be excavated to a depth of ten inches. The cxcnvn. tion should he crowned so that the bottom of the crown should be ten inches higher than the bottom of the gutter. Beneath should be placed it line of poms tile so as to drain the road. A smaller tile might he pleased on each ide to more completely absorb the ater. Then thoroughly consolidate he roadway. When the excavation is mdeit is necessnr to thoroughly roll efoundstion. 1;th place alayer of inch stone. and on top put. it costing stone scrapi . Then run the water rt. over it unmhe whole is .eturated with this stone dust. which will form " cement between the dinerent layers have been laid the road Will bare , depth of nearly twelve inches. This, if rolled proper-iv, will he(ome almost a rfect stone. smooth as a floor, per- mtly durable. and impregnuhle to the ram. Think the onlv Nan won which upmper road an be built. Thane principals must be followed if wooed} is tabeuchieVed. Owen Sound occupied or unique poition, buying the stone rightnthnnd. FAREWELL Rrraysrox,--Mr. Jas. Cas- tell, aft ex nearly four years in Durham, and about four yen-s in the employ of the firm of [hunt-my and Morlock. Dur- ham and C'hesley, leaves for Brandon Thursday of this week. On short notice his friends of the Christian Endeavor, and friends too of other bodies, get up a social evening in the Pres. Church. and a couple of hours were very pleasantly spent, enjoying the excellent cake an cottee provided by the ladies, the mus- ical selections by Choie and Glee Club, and other entertainment. Mr. Allan was chairman. and in his address, and in the remarks made by Dr. Gun. Rev. Mr. Jansen. and Mr. Rmnuge. Mr. Cas- tels' departure was regretted and the warmest opinions expressed regarding the loss the town sustained in the re- moval of it voting man of the straight- forward character of Mr. Castell. A- bundance of good wishes for his future were expressed of course. Mr. Castell has constantly ituieuritied himself with every good movement in town. He has been valued by his employer for his ex- cellent buisness tact and integrity, and in social and C. E. work. in choir, church and Bible class, his readiness to plan. and willingness to co-o wrate have heen highly valued and willlhe greatly miss- ed. Mr. Caste†has secured agood posi- tion, and we hope for him and predict for him a useful career. PLACE IT IhanT.--We have been handed the following for publication: The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have been informed that reports are current that they are responsible for the informa- tions which resulted in the trial and in some cases, conviction, cf parties for il. legal liquor drinking on the night of the election. No member of the \V.C.T.U. furnished one of these informations, tnough they see nothing criminal or re- prehensible. had they done so, in them, or anyone else. giving information to the authorities on violations of law. nut I n 9104‘ of into. and We under- stand he inn-"1131c. LUV: " "oun-titutinn- al" m. the sod lumself. We wish suc- Cetst', to Fanner Km“: on his venture. FARM Sorm,-Last week the o? Sandy Hunter farm which was sold to Wileoxsou, and subsequently to Mr. T. Lauder changed hands again. The pur- chaser is Mr. Con. Knapp. our' enterpris- ing hotel keeper, and the purchase price is $4.500. M4cEasapeur4oautchael No MEETING 'rms tlPRiNo.--M r. Allan Sec’y of the S. G. Teachers' Association informs us that the Executive has de- cided that on account of the Easter holidays coming so late this year the Annual Teachers' meeting will be post. poned till the fall. This will interfere less we presume with the preparation of students for the midsummer exam- inations, but ye small boy wont like it. J. B. McLEaN.-This week (see Brat page) we have pleasure in presenting readers mth a eutof a. fun mer' townsman in highland garb, who haadistinirutshed himself both as a publisher and military man. His mother, Mrs. C. McLean lives within a stone’s throw of the Review oftlce. EARLY Ciosrso.--An effort is being made to bring about "clock closing for the summer months but is not being supported very heartily. y To WHEELMEN.--Thnt no disrepute attach to the wheel. great care should be taken in passing teams, especially from behind. Near Walkerton, Inst Saturday a runaway, caused by a bi- cycle resulted in the death of the driver. C. McArthur, Upper Town is 9 cents pet dozen for eggs, and t eat price for butter. For that tired feeling you must emich and purify your blood. Hood's Sump trilla is the medicine you need. -Thnt no disrepute . great care should g teams, especially " Walkerton, Inst my. caused by a bi- in is paying and thehigh-, Mr. Ferguson, late cf Caribou, B. th who has heen visiting his MN Rev. J. F exguson, left Tuesday morning for the West. Re inland. play.“ for I gold comm " B. " Mr. A. w. H. Lauder, envied an) to the once on Monday, looking rather slim Uter 8 or 4dar's innu- with n high fever. His wank-seem um. hope continue. IW, A Mrs. McNeil, Paisley, formerly of the British Hotel. wt. in Durham In: week attending to her buisness inherent; she found time to call on a few old friends. Rev. Mr. Itsaac, Holstein, preached twice in the Methodist church Sunday. also at. Zion in the ahernoon. Ber. Mr. Ferguson supplied the work at Holstein. Mr, John O'Donnell who bu been for some yearsjn the Amen icun North West. arrived home on a lengthened visit. to his friends here last week. Mrs. And. Mturshall and daughter Mary, spent holiday week among friends and relatives in Nnrulanby. Misses Hattie Watt, and Liuio Laugnwn of North Egremont, were visiting an Mrs. Wm. Jottnaton's on Monday, Mrs. Robt. Rennie, of Toronto. and son who have been on a visit. to Mrs. McLean left Tuesday morning. Mrs. Wm. Alumni, and putt. of her fauuly visited at her mother’s. Mrs. Rut-hie for a few days last week. Rev. Mr. Little, Domoch. will speak on Missions tonight, (Thursday) in the Presbyterian Church. Miss Lewis. of Mt. Forest, Ins tne guest. of Miss Orchard a. few days the beginning of the week. Miss M. E. Firth, Edgehill. arrived home last week from Toronto, where she spent the winter. Master Eddie and Mm Laura Milli- gun have been visiting their grand- parents in Guelph. Mrs, Warner was visiting friends in Hurristonlast week, Editor Roiertson of the "Tribune." Mr. Hugh McLean. child, and nurse. are the guests of Mr. McLean's mother fox a few days. Mr. Jas. Laughton of Dromore, left in the load of Students for o. Sound last Monday, Mr. Tom Storey of the Chatsworth News visited friends in town on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Burnet, Kandy, will preach at the Rocky Saugeen on Sabbath next. Mr. Henry Cameron, left Tuesday morning to renew his studies in Tom. to, Messrs R. Cameron and A, McIntyre visited Ayton friends on Sunday last. Miss Lena Wolfe is visiting her grand- mother Mrs. Poole, of Mt. Hope. Miss Blanche Hunter came home for holidays Easter week. Miss Wilson, Hurriston. spent the Easter holidays with Miss L. Laidlaw. biiii iiiii m PHARMAGY. Mr. Geo. Sparling, was m Toronto on a business visit. USE. LRENNIE’S" .(lr' l 1,iiii,"' TESTED (iii (i)' $550558 AND Garden . "N.sa:a.ss.a.sao" FOR . O F ield ‘. T. R. TICKE. AGENCY. For Sale at PERSONAL MENTION. coking rather u with a high ' will. â€allow C Tf 0 "thoo, B. C. Mar Rev. iii I McnotmALL.-In Glenelg. on Sund‘y 17th mat... Mr. Arch. McDoumdl. Hclxxm.--In Glenelg. on Friday 16th inch. Angus Mclnnel aged 78 years. AMPBBLL.--m Bentinck. on Tuesday mm mm. Min Kate Cumphell. aged lid rears6 months. Gut-In Hamilton, on Wednesday, 18th inst. Robert. Gordon. infant. non of Ram. and Mug-n! [in]. aged' . womanâ€. . HrTptsttrorrcr-rn Norm-ally. on the I Ithtt imp. George Meuderoon, aged 63 Bmetmm--MAt--..At the residence of the hride's father, by the Rev. J. M. Miliar, on the 0th mm. Mr. Thou. Renown. to Minnie, daughter of John Maury. 311 of Egrcmont. Cmarttm.-On Aprnl 17th to Mr. and Mrs. George Cushnie. Dromore, a can. MILUGAN.-In Durham. on Tuesday 12th inn... to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milli- gan. 3 son. McVrcAa.--At48Cortw" Bt.. Montreal, on March 27th. the unto of Rev. D. Meviear. of a son. PoPtrLxTros.---g-mter- rel turns to the Education Department gives population as follows : Rev. P. Nichol. Toronto, visited his old home in Glenelg hurt week. He occupied the Presbyterian pulpit, here on Sunday evening and his discourse was much enjoyed judging by appxecia- live remarks. ae. TORONTO Mr. Jae. A. Hunter has bought Mr. T. G. Liutderu handsome span of drivers. Therrere great prizewinners at 'rhe show/"glut fail, now Jim will.,taice no- hody’s dust. CRrcKrrr.--Those interested in Cricket, are requested to meet in Calder's Hulll on Monday evening. I Apr tanner who wants to purchase the best Drill in the market should go to w. Ualder's rooms. see and buy the Massey-Harris Drill. Another shipment, of Retuisr-Mixed Paint for House and Buggy use. just. "rrired.----Ten cases of Granite and Steel Emum-l opened tothty.----A large assortment at Farm and Garden Tools received din-M l'rnm Ilw "tanuhtctureta such " v-dukes, Hoes, Spades. Shovels, &c.-----Wuitewash Brushes at nil prices. It is a common expression on the street that we are selling more wheels than all the other dealers together. " by! because we huve the quality, and "//7/t",',: than any other theel.----aieyelis Accessories ~lu‘nmnvl. Nt'Vl‘l leak, ltuh "t Cement, Patching Rubber. Tubing Ruhher, Cycle Balls. t‘yclv Whistles, 1'.vcle Oilelzs, Pent Clips, Oil, At., A - - 7 ‘Artemesia ..... 4-Bent.inck. . ..... Cullingwood ... Derby ......... “Egremont ..... Euphraoia ..... -99ityritt........ tsrdetaun................" TOWNS AND VILLAGES. -U9wentgound....,,........ ddenford .................. “Durham ...'.............. .Thornhury... ............ ‘Dundalk.................. "-Aurkdnle.....,........... 'i'Gtail%uiiitu%i'iCrr'a"iTeG1'iiea'l MARION a MARION. EXPERT: muegqmems a) gnn.red Bt., roam-f- My“ B_uilding, ms 3; June?- an. MontmL Monty amp! Grunt. minimum Domi. do. w m T “may Keppel. . . . ‘Normnn by Osprey. . . . -Proton . . . . Sarawak. . I) C.) U " .11‘10; Ries, Democrats. and (Eu-ls. All kinds of PLO\\'S mid HARROVVS and the very best you can buy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing marhine and the best makes of PIANOS and ORGANS. "Woney to loan at 5 and 5;; payable tttt your own terms. tilnsumnce promul- ly attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WM. CALDER. iii {m "an " wm - -- a iiio musiim ls1'G1ll,',1' Links 't'Jl.tA'lf new}... For modem- ADAMS WAGGONS : BUGGIES: All SPRING t SUMMER "00DS arriving daily at St. Vincent 8dliivarr . . . Honariit .. . t5O0,OOO D02 . EGGS WANTED In exchange for Hardware, Silverware and Tinware, etc LMS’ WAGGONS : A full Carload wil (mm this week-- , taee.f'reiyht, buy at close primes, and run sell cheaper than other Agents. tar Full Line oy' all kinds of repuias. a TC,C,T pg, A mu syn-k of the 1110110an __NrI1A1Ti111et'.yl_Rttts.- Binders, MéWeEE 15rai, trikTs7,1tUr7aGia-iiaGUeGf, these are the Best and S'Atytirst, Goods you can buy. 'y"! Bind? oi_mAtTtrtitN7threiirii MACHINERY. IABRIED. TOWNSHIPS. the Lower Town Implement Warerooms IVE: 18m. Bach... 776 745 I In the thriving village of Swinton !Park, township of Proton, County td ‘Grey, 1 eomfortatrle house with three _ bedmoms, a kitchen, dining mom and ‘parlor with half an acre of good land fwell fenced with a. pump " the door. Close by Church, school and post oftiee. For further partiealam apply to, Jon): Mums, Swinmn Park , or Jam! Liam, Bouthvillc. {hungry 6, 'N. House and lot for Sale. . . The undersigned will keep for let-vice. arm-on Iam, M. lot 49, con. 2. ti. D. R.. s thoroughbred Durham Bull, - - -rmtEtmttt-- nfed 2 gens. purchased from the heed o H. nrker, Durham. .Peditpee may be seen night: application. Term. 75cu. payable eh. ht. 1m. Dear Bir,---Fot four or five yea" I In: troubled with dyspepsia. I could scarcely at unything or even take I. drink of water without suffering from rill in the stomach. I tried dwelt-C ind. of medicine. which wear of no use to me. Hr. James Duncan ndvined we to t a bottle of your System Renovat- or. I? took four 81 homes and I am all right now. Yours troll; JO N WYNN. Sold by H. Parker. Durban J. M. 'euodsao4erich t COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to Loo, in sums and on terms to suit borrowers, (On tirst Mortgage on Town or Farm Property.) Lowest ram of Interest. Quick despatch, and lowest fusible charges: - _ AWN to" - _ Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 23m '97. 3111 Or Imyone desiring to bottur their position and increase their income hiii‘ AH “rim Utt. The dc- mu'd 'or haunt-grown Nuw-n Stuck in ml the increase. Wanna! more men " , on want “can. laying work, write us. “W (lull-II all luppllc-u Fee we. han- lhr large-l V-Im-rlr- in the. Do~~ Iniou. ... - both “I." and ea-ttrs)", . " I rug-gr rllhrr which or 2mm nun-r urn. We 'lr00r"u"Mre all mu- n... I. we. Int-lulu pun-humm- with eeaettgam".. Iro- Iiou-rm-c-nl "o-sr. “all“ our _ In "we l'ro- In» 'ont hunk. Oar Nurseries cnmpliue (War 700 maria. and paling stock in inrm- quantity enables In: to M" at the closet: nnusihlu mum-i Me- lina-d with In at. h-n- I’ll"- d u “I: when. It will can? you nothing in tt9t'tt a hut we can do tor you. Dout writr. unless "on tt mm businmm and mum preamble employment. Nursery Stuck Agents! Bonk Agents! igrinliml Implemnnt Agents I G. Leffby McCauI TKOROBRED DUBHAI BULL. Money To Luau. Stone & Wellington TORONTO. AN IMPORTANT CURE. Brureu,, Nov. Tth, lim. -H3-- oo-o- Amman Hun, Pmp. I3 vt' r13 h it 1“