1tcr.trs,i:crr'.'!. Aim I' evidence was taken. the 3m, ~H':Ingt-I'.~l were fined tt5and $3 tri' on .-".ni an days respectively with cuts). Mcijougall and Cameron were Hulk-led s.", and ttl respectively with costs, both receiving some wholesome magisterial advice. The Mayor pointed at the noceuity of the pubhe netitttt With the constables to secure abetter chem-vane. of tho law. He igtimted that for "tnItnr.'outttemh in Ntaren tsesvierfinewasin awn. Sosa or THE G'Attt, ..-.Prieeviile Sons of Scotland intend next Tuesday to haw. a field day. Scotch garnet of skill and strength. High class Highland Music and dancing and prizes big enough to tempt to prowess. are- all provided for. Everybody who is anybody within 10 mil†of Priceville will be there on the 21st. 1tsr: Mutios DoLLans-Dr. Potts an eminent Methodist divine has a scheme to celebrate the twentieth cen- tury opening by raising $1,000,000 to apply to the various funds, missions &c. of the Methodist Church. The Toronto Conference last week adopted it, and plans will be laid to complete it. Dorm): MARruAGE.--Mr. and Mrs. B. Arrowsmith, are invited to the marriage of two daughters of Mrs. Arch. Mc- Lellan. formerly nf this town now of Detroit. Mich. on the 22nd inst. The daughters are Kathleen and Alma Laur- istonnnd the 1sridegrooms are respec- trin-ly Mr. Mummy and Mr. Stm-kton. We extend felicitatiotts in advance. " brai HoxoR HocL.--By an inadvertency the nan.» of Archie Davidson was omit- ted from the Durham Honor Roll in last weeks Review. He stood second in A“: Junior A, being only 1 mark be- hind the leader. and we gladly rectify a mistake which little folks feel keenly. At We are informed that the Massey HartGCo. " Toronto, Will have their Meitriott.q out put. of Binders and Mowels disposed of wry soon. Farmers who purpose investing in one of those pop- ular machines should see their local agent at once. 1 ttu .t'rit" RATEABLE PnovFatTe.---The Assessors mu shows that Durham has in run] property Em awsesmhle valneuf $237922: Personal propertv, tt3ifkh0,. Taxable intunm, $5611), a total of $307,572. This ishoweser reduced by exemptions to ml Fine rains have gladdened the heart of the agriculturists. and made the hay crop anyway secure from further druuth danger. Even grain crops will be sent well nu their way and the hraird of turnip: should be an excellvnt one. ROAD GRAmsNa.--An exhibition of the road grading machine at work in to he given on Durham streets on Thurs- day and Friday of this week. Dont fail to see it. The work done last week is highly commended. l tr: In: (‘nmu BocaAL.--8. B. No. 12. Egrenmnt. Miss ts. Scott. will hold an ice l'l‘t'iull social in the School House at l" p. In. on Tuesday 2ftth inst. A good prugmmme in preparation. Admission 1ftcts. SCHOOL PtcNtcst--On Sum-day next, Allan Park School. n McDonald teacher. and No.1 Nomunhy. J. Redford. teach. er, will hold summer outing: for which :Ipprnpl'iale preparation is being made. No other plantation has ever done so many people so much good as Hood’l sarsaparilU, America'. greatest modi- “no. Tl Strictly pure Paris Gran. Bug Pouon, Slug Shot and other hug killers " Mae. farlane's Drug Store. For a tlit‘K running. neat the Manny Harris Bicycle. Durham, Thur. June P, 98 tt m Ill tilts Jythattt gwim. Next Tuesday is Fairduy. h th RUI tlt LOCAL AND GENERAL 1r0U----drX. N o, 24 them " already to 11C , w P" " up \\ yor u wa nan" they as to tt ed by PttCotty No Hun tt it hey wat Last Saturday near the hotel which resulted b V vit tt teraut gypsies Camerou, for y were place-d nday morning. were brought ad with John Cotupaisy's evening a nil unifm'm zonal might :-h the boys went. The M' stalwart, ieut. Gal. HAL Epworth League Monday night, Topic: -""e""P.ge..i- My Missionary duty-Go or "nd-By Miaionsry Com. . 4 Secondhand Buggy for sale, in good wheel. buy . l repair, parts new, cheap. Apply ttt-- . P. Nestor. blacksmith, Upper Town. 21:30:22: I Insure your buildings in the old. lound 3nd reliable London Mutual Insurance: Co. w. Calder. local agent, Durham. 1 i _A_ A--, -- - ll Mm jiitttttrti, wry PV- HS The exports of Manitoulin Inland dur- ing the season of navigation, 1897. were as follows ..--433 hinges; 3.999 cattle ' 7,- 272 sheep; 1.3.21 live hogs; 59,596 lbs. dressed hogs: 287 tons of fish ; 127; ton. of hides,. 371 quarter beef; 03.231 bags of potatoes: 1,171 tons har l 1.350 bush- els wheat; 10,390 bushels oats .,12, 996 bushels of peas; 3,127 tubs of butter; 1,170 boxes of cheese; 30 tons of butter . 303 baskets of cranberries; 5.223 baskets of blue berries; at, cases of eggs; Moo,- 000 shingles; 6.61530} feet lumber; 346.657 ties; 162,643 posts; 610 cords of LARGE BUTTER SmpoNT.-c-0n Wed- f uesday of last week the tttst ahipmenti of the season was made from Durhami Creamery. The price realized for the output, which was all made in the last 8daysof May, was 16c, and there be-f ing 195 boxes of 50 lbs each, a total of: 1thefl lbs, their was realized the hand-', some sum of $1747.20 a very large porn: lion of which finds its way into the? puma-Ls of the farmers. A much larger t make than this is expected furJune and! as the June article is always a better quality. fewer weeds, with clover in full bloom, there is a certainty of increased prices. The goods go to England and “wire shipped in one of the new rehigrts atoy cars which are now furnished for tuvilitating this trailic. ItoArrGitAmcit.----Last Friday an ex- liiilitinu of road grading was given in town, which considering the material tho machine had In work on must be mull to have been fairly successful. The maritim- was an object of S'trttte interest to many who had novel seen one before, and its construction somne to ho on principles of tstrength and adaptation which must make it lrefove lunar. neces- sity for mmlnmkexs. and street makers too. It is said it wiil stand the strain of butt tennis. A few passages were made on the Him): street from the Mid- daugh House southwards hut without much impression. but it was seen to much better advantage on the street vuaiug north from Mr. Holt's residence. On the average "country road, without boulders, the machine should prove of great value. We are credibly informed that the Artemeeis machine completed wrodsof grading in tive hours. The priced the machine exhibited herein 3%), bot it is not of the I.“ Ilse. SCHOOL 1tEvottt--Foi. 17.5.5. No. 2, Bentim-k and (Hem-lg for months of Apriland May, Class IW -Mulcoltn Mc- Kechnie. Class IH-May Young, Peter McGillivrny. Sr. Ir-Agnes Vessie, Annie McGillivvtty, Rose Ewen, James Vessie. Jr. Ir-Alfred Mekechnie, T. Newell, Aggie Ewen, pt Ir-Ella Edge, Frank Coliinson. Minnie Vessie, Sal N McGillivruy. Katie Young. lnt.aI --Elias Edge, Rillie Dnnsmore.‘ jr. I-- Smith Ewen. Andy Vessie, Archie Watson. CAL-381E FLETCHER, Teacher. SCHOOL REvorvr.--Report of bl. No. '6, Mentinck. 1V Class-Willie Currie, }Adilie Currie, Many A. Twmnley. Hr. Ill- Vida Burns, Lizzie McDougall. Jr. HI-Lizzie Forster, Lizzie Nuhn. Br. II v-Imn. McDougall, C. C. McDougall and Andy McDougnll eq., Maggie Mo. Keclmie. by. pt. H-Lizzie McCallum, Arthur Admin, Tommy Hopkins, John Clarke and Mary McKechnie eq. Jr. pt. Ir-Cyril Burns. John Long. l-J. McKechnie, Kate Nuhn. A. H, CLARK, Teacher. Do You Reap-What people are my- ing about Hood's F3tusaparilla? It is curing the worst case- of scrufula. dys- pepsia, rheunmtinm and all forms of [ blood disease. eruptions, sores, boil.- and ‘pimples. It is giving strength to weak and tired women. Why should you hesitate to take it when it is doing so much for others ? Moon’s PILLS are the best family cathar- he and liver tonic. Gentle, 'iiccii) sure. Fen SAL: on To 1hmz.--That de- sirable. self contained house lately occupied by the Rev. Charles Cameron. “more. of ground attached with com- formble stable and out buildings. fine location, good water. Will be sold very reasonable. Apply at this office. The Tudhope and McLaughlin buggies we the best you can buy. You can see then In stock at Calder'. Warerooml, lower town. Durham. 1 Jan. 1st 1899 for 50 as. if Mr. Jas. McCracken lost a valuable horse last week by infUmation. " The Review to new subscribers to How is your label ? $500 off McGowan's Mill property. also assessment of $600 for personal property of Hewson Bros. . 850 off lot E part of 27, Queen St. E. (McIntosh Propet ty.) At the requestiof the Fire Brigade, two electric lights were granted for Fire Hall. J. P. Telford was appointed engineer to fill the J,e/y/tipi'ge,t.1tt of Bye-Law No, B37, (Grano ithic sidewalk.) Minutes of last meeting read Kidna- opted. . j- " The Minn-t of the Court of Revision was adopted, and the roll tinallrrfsyised according to the same. T r Iteductiont in Assessment have been Members prés’ent, Mayor, Reeve, Councillors Bull, Elvidge, Hunter/Me. Kechniv, Moore. ' . A . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Telfovd, attended the wedding of his nephew, Mr. Telford, of the ttrm of Armstrong & Telford, Barristers, to Miss Somerville, daughter of Rev. M r. Somerville. Miss L. Corbett., accompanied them home. ' _ Min Elnora Patterson intends leaving her school at Huttonu Hill at holidays to take ll Junior Leaving work at Wiarton If S. She will leave with the res ct and esteem of all who knew her. 2'li"i,cd whh her good success wherever her lot be cast. BAP'rrirrs.---The Annual meeting of the o. Sound Baptist Association is in session in Paisley this week. A very large amount of work is planned and outlined. From Durham and neighbor- hood in 'attendance are Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, Hey. Mr. McGrengor, Miss Jessie Benton. Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Leeann. Indiana, are yisiting his parents at Dumey, after an absence of 4 years. We welcome Mrs. Leeson on her first, trip to Canada. she being " native of Indiana. Glenelg minutes and other matter held over. Prmcipul Grant's Prohibition views were roughly handly in General Assem- bly Tuesday. Move next week. Mr. Arch. MacFarlane, late of the Standard Bank, Umlmngton, _hasr been Promoted to an excellent, position in the urge. Standard Bank 'h,','l,'fir in Picton. Congratulations to the mnk and an old Durham boy. Me. Alex. Hunter, of Wisconsin state, came home to see his sister. Mrs. Coch- lane, but arrived boo late to see her alive. He remained for the funeral. Mrs. Robertson and three children from Howick came home last Friday to spend a. couple of Weeks wnch her father Mr. John Greenwood. near Traverston. Mt, N. J. McArthur, St. Cloud, Min- nesolu, and wife came home this week to spend the holidays with his father and other friends. Mr. Thus. Binnie. Westminster, B. C. is home on a brief visit to his mother and other friends. He has only been hmuc once before In 23 years. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ll, Gun have taken up residence in Lower Town, next door to Dr. Parks. Mr. Gun is now conveni- ent. Jay or night. Councillor Geo, Moore left Tuesday for Owen Found in response to a. sum- mons to act as a jnrynmn at the Aasmes there this week. Mrs. George Carson accompanied by her mother and little daughter May from Victoria B. C., are visiting at Mr. James Carson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitching, Nassng- aweyn, were guests of Rev. and Mrs, Kitching last week, Rev, Mr, Kitching is a nephew. Mrs. Shields, Brampton (nee Miss Haggart,)cnme to Durham this week to attend the funeral of her Aunt, Mrs. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. John McPhnil, of Tiver. ton, Bruce Uo., spent a. few day’s visit- ing J. A. Black of this town. Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. C. M. Culbertson. left on Friday to spend a, few weeks at the old home in Mt. Hope. Met Mont1asvevening. b' June, IS00. Rev. Mr. Charlton, Hanover, sue the Methodist young people a. practical sermon laat Bandar. Mr. R. Guy. Hamilton. was in ab. tendance at his mother-in-law’s funeral on Wednesday. Mrs James Burnet has the plenum-e of entertaining her sister. from Ferguu. at present. Miss Minnie Pox, returned Monday night from Toronto. Mr. Chas, Ryan, of up li/rp.. lampe stuff. Mt. Forest. about Sunday at home. Mr. Boddy. spent Sunday at his home in Owen Sound. County Council is meeting in Meatord this week. Mr. G. L. McCaul visited Owen Sound Friday. PERSONAL MENTION‘ TOWN COUNCIL. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898 trueot'these happy events which so seldom occur in out neighlrot'hood, tank place at, the residence of Mr. Henry Petty lust, Wednesday when Miss Annie his second (laughter was united in the holy bonds of nmtriumny to Mr. Albert Marshall. Mr. Kitching was the ofr1cr. ating clergyman and tied the knot se- curely. Miss Mary Marshall and Mr. George Potty assisted the bride and grown through the trying ordeal. The bride looked her prettiest, attired in blue and white, while her maid was charmingly dressed in grey and pink. After congratulations and best wishes, all retired to the dining-room where was spread a. most sumptuous repast. The guest! remeined for the evening and enjoyed themselves in various amueements. The happy couple took i Very suddenly, without ache or pain we are informed. Mrs. Boulden iassed away at the residence of her son flames Hear Elmwood. Sim was horn in the Co. of Kent, England. 83 years ago. and about 1858 moved out, to this country With her husband and family. Deceased was a niece of Mrs. Qeorge Jackson. and the family for some time resided with them, until the residence, which ‘was horned last. year, was built. Her husband died20 years ago. and she is the last of her family in her own gener- ation. Out of six children 3 ho s and It girls, there remain. James, Td in Dakota, and Mrs. A. McKenzie. De- ceased scarcely ever had sickness until the last 4 years, she left her daughter's in fair health three weeks ago for a. a sunnner’s visit among friends. Mas. E. Amman. Too often this spring has this neigh- horhood to mourn the death of pioneers. Mrs. Aid red was born in Ireland over 74 years ago. and, moving to this country in the '50's settled in Ayala. moved to Varney. and later settl on the Town. line of Bentinckrwhere she, has lived for 42 years. She was married 54 years ago and her husband. two sons. William in the North West. John, on the. Lune. stead and six daughters, survive her. CHRISTINA MCGILLIVRAY. Miss C. McGillivray. daughter of Mr Malcolm McGillivvay, Glenelg, died in Toronto, on Sunday and :her remains were sent to Flesherton Station on Tuesday. By an incomplete telegram the body was"expected in Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas \Vehher and Glenelg relatives were in waiting here. The funeral took place Tuesday to Priceville cemetery. _ Mr. ind Mrs. J. P, Leith of Egrcmont, wevit whiting their s/m Dave. of Norman- hy. Adm Miss Mars Scott. of Dromore, and James Coleridge of Greeuside. Communion uivitl be observed in the Presiyytetture11areh mist Sunday. Rwy. Mr. Craig/$41., Hanover, will oifieiaU on Friday. _ MRS. ROBT. COCHRANE. Early Monday morning Mrs. Roht. Cochrnne, was called away. For some time back she has been in delicate health, and the sad death of her daugh- ter, last, Mari-h, weighed heavily u on her. She was a daughter of the iiite Alex. Homer. and was in her 63rd your, M ttch sympathy is felt for Mr. Uochmne who his in a brief period seen two of his household lights extinguished, he- sides the loss of a grandchild. Miss Kate (h.whrttne, Mrs. Rom. Gray, Ham- ilton, and Mrs. S. F. Movlock, are the members of the family within reach, two sons being in t he North \Vest. Mrs. Uochrane was of a retiring: disposition, a devoted wife and kind and indulgent mother, and her removal will causen large gap in the lives of her deav ones. The deceased requested before her death to sing at. her funeral the h um entitled "Oh Hap y Day that 'lirill',td' My Choice. ke." She died in the full assurance of a glorious tesm'rection. The bereaved family have the sympnthy of the entire community. com [March the. deceased had an attack of Ilettritey and Heart trouble and under Dr. Parks, attendance wan doing well and thought to be out of nlldmger. but a few days o the same trouble return. ed and C')Tl,/de, last death ensued. Her remains Were laid to rest in the Rocky Snugeen Cemetery, on Monday, June 13th, a. large concourse followisd the remains to the grava. The Rev. Mr. Burns conducted the services, tak- ing for his text the 15 chapter lst Cor- Iuthians and 57 verse, frum which he rave an earnest address. "Bur, thanks he to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." The dark shadow of death has again crossed the threshold and another is called away to Join the great and silent majority in the Person of Mum Annie McCormick, on riday June 10th, at her home, near Glehrmuien, in the fe of Glenelg. About the (int. of hurt n‘au-ch the (Refused had fut attack of To Ler.-The twoiggu-ls: now used by Miss Parrott for dressmaking. over MMFnrlune's Drug store. Apply there. The Ma OP, Reeve, and Councillors Bull. Elyidyflze. Parker, WPte ameinted aCourt of Revision to act un er By- law No. 337. The following alocts. were passed t E. Burnet. work, $1.25; Clerk’s Balm-y $17.50; R. Ward, work 85.00; Dost tags and expenses $3.25: Don. McDonald, yrs. salar as Inspector8li, Flour for tgitgt! 'gat NORTH EAST NORMANBY. Contivued on Page4. MRS. THOR. BOULDEX. M188 ANNIE ICCORMICK. OBITUARY. Tire beg to inform our Custom.. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash I . System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customr'es for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system w111 merit a continuance of the same. Dun-hank. Aug. 9th. I "------ TORONTO will Blurlc and Colored Wool Serials. ..3(- a yard. Flt!!!†Figured Lustre» (a snap) at J", .75 (b Jun " yd. Double Fold Cohotere. (in black only) " yard. Challies in dark colors, or a yard. Our Prints are guaranteed fast colors large White C'ottnterparuw, worth â€501/0" Ila-11177 c white. all linnen table covers. worth 81.75 for B1.ho.-- able ' my. . “while ttnd colors. 45in wide, Wie a v4.-Mfeu'e Top , f' rm, " "ttlt LL' See 1,,"t2itf,it,riife'aif,g,fi Shoes before buying. thaf:, iidiN Et' Btlllt! Beafladiea Shoe nosing. 10 and 20e a bottle m r w, ,. M, al. Sf only, Crystal 2'ablethhaatgst, a oett. Wht An. cud f 1.".I MI!! _ Bowls. 20t, each, Nappies to match 60e a doe-Whips at " ' I Ar. good rawhide at 60ri.9atades Ceylon Tea at 26c. Sth, and 40cc: lb. LACE CURTA DIS. UPPIR TOWN DURHAM UPPER TOWN DURHAM... Do you want a Sewing Machine? ly the New Williams.---- Highest (frice pai for Wood in exchange for goo s. G. MCK|NNON. Our Piano and Organ trade is firmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Gutters Stoves 85 yards Long, At prices that will surprise. Wig THE BIG 4. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT Wl1RER0tyliiS. DRESS GOODS. BEAN a CO... C. illddlrrl)ilN0N'f1 The GASH-- y 'ii!tb t e atsat. ADOPTED BY I dk J. McKechnie. " 50 N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. inches wide. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES. HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Cutttrs and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. 81.00 .60c 65c WHOLE N0. 1057.