Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1894, p. 5

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Our iilieryStock ila the original pricesi. gzestly reduiced in maxy O . le watching the rush for our C1-ESThey are selling. Th eygieatie- faction. You ca'î aforc[ teo swing one of the old klnd ibis warm weatb- ci-. If yen can't ceaie for one, send for It by your nelghbor, mail, stage, or by telephone. roc. and a 3c. stamp wvill je S, Barzaard. *woer, Brook St., Whitby. I For Firat-clasa> Furniture and Framing, X~inest i'nish and 4sionable ]Iigna in ujogany, W4 ut, Oa nd Ha rood, Fine ortment, Fair p4ea, GO0 TO- IFUNITURE POk PERRY. W. J.NOTTI -leiMANAGER. FRIDÂY, SÊIPT. 7, 1894. LOOAL LAO=Oei. A $tg. baby caniige at'Coomek's- for $12. ý-9 Have j. Melatyre repai your 'àm and furnaces aad cessent them te pi-e- vent gas escaping. Cormack 's la the besi place te select your uchool requleliles,. because they are the cbeapeut an dbest. Wanied. A general servant.'Appiy te Mre. ¶Wan- ning, Pai-senage, Whltby. ic cents pet lb. fer meat. For ispot cash, te ceinseper lb. !oýah fresh meut, Lamb. veal or béef! Cosse*,n and hav'C a feast. Geo. Hemis ai fie mneat nMarket. I Postpoqm" f1« eek. The oaseet I-s, Wlson, hotçl keepe-g Aehbtir0as opeaed by P.).Hare n Y, but as M. uvrnt, deend- ~au Ilawyer, Couléinot attcd,Bairoek's abjo jment mas grduted. An old ~ ~kgene. Ksra.J esRe north of this town, died Sunday, 4yé 1 m She bas speat mt o ho I Iele andis lathe niother of a mot rWnui .,n Rice unuvivlbi li!,eu(6 ears o!fae. A Q Mrs. M. Craifrfhi, 4th,'i Cession .O! WVhtby, Mn.. o*s lro sd Mm. Adam DuS Port Perry., We ly syni- patîize m iti.thertby oud nii k the los o! tue lest and p for this moi-Id eau sfirdite ia a0 of Death of Jame Yonng. in another colunmwM b 1 Al m3uai deatb nopt çe of-"itte Young, ldest of tigOlhI< Ï& east of thld towu. Dçue iroubled with beart diUsesO iw oped l itedrePey, le whkb'bhe zce H es a ian of fine NNH udWU once protinientý. à hsb ihot mkb a iO. 01il years slav e . mvq4 an equ&frp0.10 Severa ild or As iras pIrd1tod oôn sU8dee die Open,- ngof T<imnut<> Ialr on Tuosdy broughl- Gau" t ox 8, &co., of BufiklN. desire t=msecue basrvices, kineoÂïh loei« ity1 of I n',ortwo 'rspnibl partes of "rx ansd go~d scial ta We bave te thank Krs. Alox ýia e fr a fine preéenlî of apples snkouTesday.' Toen e!thèm filled a basket. ,Wëtr*ét that the worthy lady may have a boêutiM crCM of such fine fruit. es coctsPer veek. Any ussaîl advertlsement Inserted ln the CHRONICLE for 25c. per week. Tbi Correpodent.. Many of our correspondents seît letters la yesegay. Earlier mail -trainscompe1 us to go. W prema earlier than formery, and sucb letters can hardly eveç be insert- ed. Kindly bear this in mmnd. Churah Notes Rev.-Thos. Manning wun preach on the subjeci of infidellty ia the methodist taber- nacle nest Sunday evening. Mr. Fred. L. Ratcdlff, president of the Toronto Baptist young eole's union, will be pre*ent and give anadress la the Baptisi cburch on Sunday moim g next. The young people are specially invited te be present. W. C. 1. notes. A meeting for the purpoeeof electing ef- ficers for the literary socieiy was held on Monday. After very keen competition the fol lowing cemmittee iras elected : Pi-es., W. J. Marquis; vice, Miss L. Wood- cock ; treas., Miss Gi-ose ; sec'y., T. N. Davey; represeatatives from forma, V, Miss Smsith and A. Abraham- IV, Miss B. Tamblyn and E. Jones ;IiIi, Miss H. King and B. Davey; Il, Miss M. Arnold and Ed. Davey; 1, Miss L. Hubbard and Geo. Resu,. The first meeting wil be beld in the assembly rom on Sept. 26th. Twe smart young men. Twe yeung chape freni Oshama, aamed Ar-nold, irere minesses ai the division court bei-e on Menday. Tbey mere driv- in ne of W. H. Thomas' herses, and wuhen tbey ment home ai nigbt conceiv- ed the idea et baving a drunk, se, they staied te Mr. Thomas that the case iras nýt fiaished, and ihai they would have te cone back. Instead of staying here, hem- ever they ment on, and finahy pulled up a Cfaremont. Afler tbey lefi there an over- eoS, a whip and smorn ther articles meie *isdConstable Calveriey arresîed one 4bfem ai Oshawa coa Wednesday ih Ui eait, and iocked hiss la jail. Carrylng the War lIet Corea. If the Coream ns karof the maniifeld virtues of the New Williams seming ma- chine they would teach the Chinese and japs hem te use theNeir Williams seiring machines, and la that peaceful occupation ail tbëuhts of the bei-roi-s of mai-, especial1- ly dnriag ihese di-eadfully bot dog-days, would be givea over te, sewing socletues and the makîig e! ail kinds et clothes for the Aulatics. IThe Fëew Williams lu on deck ready î for mai- ai Ed. Hart's, tbe Wbîîby agent. Ladies wishiug te pur- chase a semiag machine wil please cal and examine the Newr Williamss ai his bouse on Brock street south. Commercial xamtaation. Foi-iy three eut e! tbe foriy fve candi- -dates l sowetefiwçesoi*ialcertificates Nicholson, Sade Snatby, Jeanie Pilkey,' Wm. cB1e,~kiah Saunders, Matj Orvis. R. muew >iHatte Pringie, C Stewart, GertePtniBertha Tamblyn, Ella Richardson, ti. Hogarth, Anale Rowel, C. Allia, W. Shaw,. Innes Allia, H. Sintb, Bessie Adai-, Maggie Spencer, Wm. Bell, W. Stevenson, G. Bemel, Mabel St-smn, F. Bemeil, H. Beireil,jas, Britton. Pickering côllege passed eleveax.candi- dates. Inspecter Perguson'sca.e On Wedaesday nig hi after IaaLpector Ferguson bad i-tired te sleep, he mas areused by a loud alarm ai the bouse doon. He qulckly ansmered the sum-. mens, and mas Iaformed by smre ladiea, that bis bouse acroas the street, Uic Wood pi-eperiy, mas on fire. With the aid of lr. Joseph Thompeen hae managcd te, put tic blaze eut, and faund that the firebuge, wbao bad set the building où, had used a 1:4. heap of tow frouatue azle boxes o! cm~ as combustible. %,Mr. James Thomp- sWubeard the noise andl carne over, sud the,,ýhree o! t.hem vsited the 'rallmay din beea removed. from the axle box the firsi car îe camaêto. Tbs had; ' placed l ic hesed, close o-tii.e "w4 eboxse and toucbed ot - bila t-e en dl &pWthe 1a~ t h a s l. pka kthe bay the ur.bed- moenWe at the s sit tuesi' if they 9td&o iral Chines. 'Jý digfgla ct id 0! their ýprtem- renoughte fo~ a boon te their An apprentice., Apply to-MisS Fraser, dresu zaker, Oddfrelems' Hall. Piano tmns. Mr. .Geo. Gumpricbt la tuning at the Collegethis week. Parties wishiag their Piano 'tuned ntay leave word at Mr. R. Cormaeksbook store. ( i >shawws i"TeMPle of Pase.' .This grand entertaînssent mil be givea >y tbe beat -talent ln Oshawa on Sept. wth, la their- ihusîc: hall. A r<cb treat la in store for those who attend. About Anction Sales. Chattele do net brin gtee high a price this year, and those hav%g sales wmli aeed Le boom theun.. We def ay person te point te a sale ln tbis vicinity w c wss a succees and not adveriised la the CHRoNIcLE. The advertisemeat in the CHIRONtCLE le like so maay tbousand posters carrled Into, every bouse, and le worth five tisses as much as sale bille posied ia barreeme where none but driakers go. This journal goes liet every achool sc tien and Iet every hole and cornec. ln the couaty, and can advenuie a (armâ for.,Uic or a sale -of ebattels as eztenslvely a-u -,U the other countyppn together. The CRONI.L gies eitrvlel priating sale bille and advertlsing sales than any other paper, and always basi done se. Ne sale ever advertised la this journal fer ten years mas a failure. A shaklng up. Menday eveaing about 6 o'clock as two yeung meanaanied Jacobi and Urquhart, of Oshawa, were driving a livery from bere in the direction of home, the herse shled en Dadas street east, and la the upsettlng of the rig ires scratched smre- what on the hlnd legs. The animal was sîopped almostI mssediately and given la charge of Mi-. Joha Clenience. head mould. ci- of the Martia Manùfacturlng Ceompany. by the young men, while they pulled the rug eut preparatory te hltcblng. just tbep Censtable Thompeon appeared on the scene snd declared the herse te bé unfit te proceed. Afiera few wmords he allowed theni tetakre Uthe rse and buggy about a quarter ef a mile demn the road irbere Mr. Clemeace and the parties proceeded to bitch it np. Thempeon agala appeared and toek the hoee lahiebi possession, ai the saine tisse givlng Clemenoel s finger a vigoreus irreach. A veterinary, murgeon iras called, irbo siated thai the bers. ias fit te be driren home. Dr. Warren <Ires- sed Clemeeaces baud. which took several stitches, and freni which he lu suffer.inp la- tensely. He has taken proceiiîgs againsi the constable. Obltnary. We have this meek te chronicle the desth o! an old and respected reeldent of Whtby tonsi~ U r lnclustry ifon sonie yeays.ae mas n n, Dorsetshire, Englaad,- and enfgriaed'. wiib bis faiberabout 1848. 'They seéttlcd on wbat le kuoma as l'Dorset Fani," oni tbe h con. o! Whitby, irbere be llved un- til bis deaîb. 'H. married the eldest' daughier o! the late James . Bains, irbo," wltb four sens and thi-ce dànghters, n*m survives hlm. Deceased iras a man o!- the highest integrlty la ail bis business rW lations, and respecîed by ail mbo had the. pleasure o!fbis acquainiance. He mas wpU knomn la- iown, irbere bis mild, cara- est -manner and gentle naturemon hlm tie .lhit regard o! ail our ciitene.' W. 'volce the sentiment of bis mide acqUait- siun expreusiag deep, regret tb-t110 ao nd useful a man should' have te cve Us. fi mml-pzsare.. rWhlty had a fine sinaîl-pox scre on Mouday. Mr. sud Mrs. Gee. Hepburn, of- Rockford, 111 parents o! Mn.._ A. M. ROS,'. ïtartèd <roua Lme fer Whltby on PFrldar 1lut. Flnding that thbeycouidprchaeýe- tar Io~tst Cand fnoeaeg Chicago,,*- wbre onemre conipetlng 1k.. and none'at Rocgf#r, tbey..brougbi their retu n auag aithe 'gi-est ciy ~ Canada~naaptl~ oficerla statioci nt -he rmg ' ibcSdtyj#Io to r ert the Camcuflnàedtials coIgIitOCa""d <roui 1tlawbere 1 41 oui chcgo te ty43 p rt 1"Von are heby 47~ .Hm muid mita mêBb n bmr Ix ~ ~I. T Â E 'h ~.OOME ,kdminiatrator'a8 aIe -OF- Store and Stock-in-frade ai Baisam, Ont. The nnderalgned bas recelved instruc- tions from Mr. John E. Disney, adminis- irater o! tbe property of the late, Edwrin Heary Disney, deceased, te effer for sale by Public Auctileata the premises, Bal- sms, Ont., on THURSDAY, the 2oth day of Sepiciaber, z894, ai 2 o'cleck P.M., the follewiag property, aamely : z. That-pani ô! let Number 4 in the 8th Concesslin -of the Township o! Pickering, described as fellomu : Commeacing ai a point on the Noribera huait of sad lot ai the distance ef 2 chalas frem the North mest angle thereof, ibence north 74 degrees eset. 2 chaîna, thence South 16 degtees et, 2 Chalas and So links, theace South t, deresirs, m chaîne, thence North rdegrees iresi 2 chalas and So links more or lesu il>thé place o! beginning, cenisin- Iag by admeasureinent %~ acre et land mere or lees. On these premises there le a wbite brick veneered 2 story building- aearly -ism, wblich mas occupied by the- deceieId .ao*a general store. Peut Office and dmehllng. Belng the . o'ely store la Bales.i, wbich lu a geed point -for trade, a profitable. business bhm been carried on ai ibese premises for ny years. 2. At th~é sasse lime and place the stock la ttade on. nid ,promises comprlslng- a genersi toctW !drygoode, grocerles boots and ehoes, fscygonds, adwrkaea mediduine,4ueywga%=t. li , s 'daapic!eouII racoo ï rding te tuein-tventoaytberieof. The nvatoy nd thetçklutado ay 15ësony nted- lnu laserse a the prem onB eaand Ail cases le one-haii SEE OUR WINDOW»S Special drives lina&l Summer Gooaî in every department te effeot'ý a olearance of surplus stock. We wanit Money, and gooa must be elaughtered to gsi. it*. loir fnnLd!C ~and'see the Bargains that are being offered. A ND SEE -~z»R 1GRAT'8~7 Lr What 'th. P.c The fellowingamaofteny ê moulais reçeivecV froua premineift ?e eCe. r eàé,v.Av - i It -plsyý ase r o;b tac Puri 1 by a Statu es, mii bar 0 ovenant to4 iAnsurablé vi ave yesrsfiai t:at 6% por an &vý tbihe, hla uçazp, ut. S ccuuvn W. B. UL]TN t Osusu oOnt., Jan. î8, 1894. Chda'ist. poR? Hlopl3, ONT., Apnil 4th 1894-' M i.AND WGRANT & Ce., i fl. h~i Mvbi ad - b.enk fall ne:a~w~a miathoron , rthe. pbtcbaef afda urchase moneëy. la mea.d- cj1-uo be füred -. ouc1 sarê l nbis lvasobail Wseaneh De A. oi iaj IFS94. DR U. AN IDia DR.A Dear use ,of. bain c DR. Ai ~ftie -ans as e-r 0 sur8i, Î894 f- re ffeingthe grea test ",on Reord. >YRUP, >kery, MRADE. TIME S. ramnlag mil. s.soo -"7ý cotuplete stock, at very close prices. Baiýgains in Hosiery, Glov- s~, Corsets, etc., etc. TIbe big stock cf Laces ttwe have must be siol,and te do so, great reduotions are b-iti., made. Special values in Embroid.Pries, Insertions, LawsIW, Spot. Musins. ab% 1 uuZ)l uurvir. Use

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