Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 9

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W. M. W094& Almost a Iiopeless Case. A. Terrible Oough. No Rout Night nor Day. Gis-on up by Dootors. A LUFE SAVED, BY TÂKING AcughtPECTORAL *"Several yearu ago, 1Iagh severe cold, attended wtth a terrible cough that allowed nme no rest, etther day or nlght. The dot- tors, after working over me to the best of their abiflty, pronounced mnycase hopeless, and said Lhey could do no more for me. A friend, learnlng of my trouble, sent me a bottie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlch I began to take, and very soon I was greatly relieved. Iiy the time I had used the whole Ibot tie, I was completely cured. 1 have neyer liad rnuch o! a cough since that time. and I 8irn:iy belleve that &yer's Cherry Pectoral savcd my llfe."1-W. I. WARD, 8 Quinby Ave., Lowell, Mass.1 Ayer's cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLO'S FAIR. ,yer'a hiuathe »SB0ai 0041FY A". Rheuimatism A~nd Dyspepsi. à COMBINATION 0F TROUBLES WHICH MADE LIFE* MISERABLE. Mr. Eh Joyce relates Hlis experience With These Troublee-Could Not itetain Food a.nd waa Thought 1.0 be Beyond Hope of Cure-But Re- lief Came and He is Now a Well M au. ~un~advatag1 fri ithe o~Ii rap isved by Dr. WiI. liams ,Phnk PIl.A*on dealer for Dr. Ulama' Pînk Pla for Pale Peo. ple a4d refuse'ail imitations sud eub etitu 84. ui&« Whitby CouUoil. Thse council met this day. Members al present. Reeve lu the chair. Thse mIn- utes of lait meeting were rend and adop- ted. Mr. Breut, sec. by Mr.MýcGregor rnoved that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer lu favor of L. Black aud C. Stone for these um of $1.oo encis, refund of dog tax errer lu assessinent. Carried. Mr. Grierson moved, eeconded by Mr. Stock, that tise reeve, gr'ant hie erder on the treasurer lu faver cf Rugeae Mether- sili for refuud et do gtax, beiug errer at Court of Revisien. Cears-led. Mr. Bseut. seconded by Mr. Grerson, moved that thse report of the. committee appointed 10 pur- chase cedar be accepted and that they b. pald the suv of $400 ceadi for their se. vices. Cars-led. Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Grierson, moved tisat the reeve grant bis ordtef oauthse treasurer lu favor cf Messrs. Smith, Le. and Davis for thse sum cf $9.oo' for thefr services as fence viewes-s re Meusre. Hyland and Nesbitt, and tisat thse cierk b. snstrueted to charge the saine agait lots 15sud à6 nortis haIt cf 4th concession. et East Whltby, as ap- So rtioned b y award. Cars-led. Mfr. rent, secondied by Ms-. Stocks, inoyed for leave to introduce a by-law to appropriate the intereet accruîug frein Use Munici ai Loa¶i Fuud te the Sciseole and Un on Scheolsr cf this mutsicipaihy, sud tisattise same be now rend a first sud second lime. Tise by-law was read a third time and passed.. Mr. Stocks, seconded by Mr. Brent, moved for leave to introduce a by- law to appoint deputy returulng officers and polling booths for holding thse muni- cipal elections tor 185, and tisat the same be now rend a first and second tins.. The by-law was rend a third tinie and passed. Mr. Grierson moved, seconded by Mr. Stocks, that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer for the suin of $So iu favor cf jas. O'Day, being salary as constable for z894. Carried. Mr. Brent, seconded by Mr. Grierson, moved that thse collecter be instructed net tb collect dogtax from C. Blanchard, the dog having been killed by C. P. R. train last spring. Camred. Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Brent, moved that the reeve grant his order on tise treasurer in favor of thse following ac- counts :-Wm. Hodgson, Indigent, 83.00; F. L. Fowke, relief of Wm. Hodgsou, $62,5; Mary McCasthy, ludg, $3.00; Rd. ,,ilbert, indg., $ý.oe; jas. Hobbs, indg., Mrs. Burgoyne, indg, oo.; R. Sinclihr,, R. and B., $5.75; Geo. Thomas. r aud b., $2.,5o0; P. J. O'Rieily, r.ancf., $1.25 Wesley Ellens, r, sud b, ~.o R. JeÏ' frey, r. sud b., $2.oo ; jas. lIfcKalls, r. sud b., $z2,ooe; A. W. Farewell, relief of tramps, $6.70; Tise council then adjourn- ed to meet Dec. i5th at i o'ciocIt. Wii. PURVES, Columbus, Dec. 3, '94. Clerk. MunicIpal Insuresuc and a hai*".' *e flu# îséctersere pleaied wlth g néfo evaue. WIDg t6 some doubt as W'eêhIstist was the ire bell or the twelve otcloC - bell tisat wao. rlngiug, the estnd ptpe WU àfttturned on prornp:ly. But bMr.- Oo*6 céüsidered thse ordinar>' pressure enooOli foi' os'dlnary1 purposes. It was gathert tiai' 8Wi reportI will be favorable, though ho' wlIt' probably ,recommend that Mr. WallacVs house' be connected. wlth thse ire hall braeieettric' alorm, se that thse stand-pip. cau, b. turu- ccl on lmmedlately an alarm la gNeefl andf that some further additions be fe te' thse Fire Brigade'& equipment.-Packet. Y. Oide FoUiees concert, gi-eu lu tise town hall here, on Tuesday evenlug, under tihe auspices of the Royal Templars was a grand success. Tise hall was well filled sud these present thoroughly enjor- ed thse programnme. Ail who took par thse entertainment did credit 10 subject in band, sud are worthy of spechul ,notice. Thse followlng aï~e thse paies of tise per- sons who supplied tise ps-ogramnme.,-Mr. Wasson, twc recltaticus, Mr. Lynde, two- iolin solos, Miss Williamns, two reciga- tiens. The Gîce Club gave several well rendered selections; Mise Ida Kerr- snd Ms-. R. Hugo sansg a duçt eutitled "Quak- ers' Courlship"l; W. Steveuson gave a stump speech causing great laugister, ho was also thse accompanist for the eveul'g. HgA services were Rppreciated: Miss Mor- ris, Oshawa, two vocal solos; Hartnel Cole, reading; George Holliday; Brook- lin, two vocal solos. le was weIl re- celved aud Bt tise special request of tise audience gave as au encisore Chicago Ex- hibition. Mr. Chas. Lander gave two' vocal solos ; Frank Moore two vioin sel- ections. Mr. West was chaîrman sud gave good satisfactions. Tise proceeds amount- ed to over $m0 ÂLL ]KEN Young, old or middle aged, w ho finei thens. selves, nervous, weak sud exhausted, whe are broken dowu trous excess or overwork, resuiting lu many,,of tise foliowing syin- toms; Mental depresften, premature old age, loss of vitalty Iosneofnsemory, bad dreains, dimnes et' sght, palpitation et the heart, emissions, lack of euergy,,an in tise kidneys, headaches, pimples ou tise face sud body, itchlng or pectaliar sensa- tion about Use scrotum, wasting of tise organs, dlxziness, specks before t e eyes, twitciig of tise muscles. cyclidh sud else- whe, bashfulness, deoits lu tise urine, buss of will power, teuderness of tise scalp and spine, weak sud flabby muscles, de- sire te sîeep, failure te be sested by sleep, constipation, duliness of hearing, loscf s-oice, desire fur solitude, excitabiliiy of tempes-, aunken eyes, surrounded wkth CE.&DEN CIRCLES, oiiy-looklng akin, etc., are ail symptoms cf nerveus Lebillty that lersd te insanit>' unless cured.. Tis pring or vital force h.aviug lest its tension every function waues lu con sequme. Those whc through abuse comusltted lu ignor- aece, may b. pes-manently cured. Send your address sud îoc. lu atamps for book on* disesses peculliar te mani, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, - 24 Macdonell Ave., Tes-ente, Ont., Canada. 0 m'bi ot~ (~~~<>~ wfth ph cite oULme andk is aonsmioi+efood~aa nbriseennies the blb oreteasold fas,> stqps wmtmg and giies strength. il WastingDsa s lile Qnsnupion BeotlaMomJa aamus;or for ogsad OrOThrOaS, Brooltie, Weak Lunge, Lou of Floàahad Ueterai, ±ebility. INOUvshment for Sables and Growlng Chlldren, 14y 0*1y e gennine put Up in sa/mos-colored wrapper oott M £ ouBIoIfAil Drugglos. 50o. and si. Io au wnamlble rmeyfo Bad Legu Bàd Bruot., Old Wouadso, 8r. a>nsd Uloie. in l famonU sfor Gout and henutlm FOR IItOROERB OF TU4E OIIEST, BORE THROAT8, BRONHIITI$, COURS4, 00108, GlIandular Sqlflingsand aU 9km Disease it ham no equal; for oontracte and stif jointe ht aote like a Chamn M.ui1aRý,itred only at 78, NEW OXFORD STRENT (laie 58OFRD STREunr LONDON, aud gio!x by ail Medicine Vendors thrýOUuot tii. WorkLd e.e Pumn abaouki loch to the L4bel on thse Pote and Box. If th. addreas in ne 688. Oxford Street, Loc, hey arm SpWiotitL ~RH EUmA-TISMK PM la Arg CKir@ 4r9.&lMEfIlTBOLPLAUTER OXFRDw OD FURNACES~ .FOR ALL SIZES OF SVILIN4US. (taacilfrom 410100) to 801900 Cbic %M. ,ALL PAl- -WiTH- Borders to Mail LOWEST :-: PRIc Se'e Como aarly asnd get.firsi choicé'. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Drock St., Whitby SITTING3 of the DIISION COUBT OOUNTY OF ONTÂRlO0, 1894. WmTET-D. C. maodenaell,Whftby Clet k Jan. 2; Bob. 26, M«r"2; April 8; M~ay 2 June 2; July 8; .8; Oct. 2; Nv~Dec. 8, OoRÂWÀ-D. C. &aedcaseli.Whtbf lerk Feb.8;* Âpril 4* June 4; 0Oot. 8; Dec. 4. BBaoucxuu-f. Gleeson , 'reen wood Cle r k -Jan. 8; March 8; May8; tily 9; Sept. 4 Nov. 8. PoRT PasrET-J. W. Burxiham ,Port Perry, Clark-Jan. 29: Maroh 9; May 9; july Il Sept. 7; Nov. 28. -Jan. 80; Kareh 14 ; Mayl15; July 12 ; Sept. 19; Doc. 17. OÂseuTon-Gecrge Smith, CannilngtonM Olori-Jan. 31; March 15; May 18; July '18; Sept. 20,1D",. 3& isuÀvzmxoÈ-G . 7. ruos ,Boaverton (lier h -Kro3 »; May 17; sept. 21 r Dec. 19.- LTPTEORVEy. J.GlUospie, Uptorgro ve -lerk-lbreh 17; Mfay 18; Sept. 2; Dec 20. By ordor, J . .FAREWECLL, November i5th, I OerM! h.Ps, WOODI8 PHOSPHODINE. Tho Oroat EnUglih amedy. Six Packages *uorantead toerontly al -nd o! te-oa 0kna, Emia- Worry, axCesu uMasof BEFORE J/D FTER Tbacoo, Opium or Suai- P -ulants, whloh Doon laad t<ûInV<mft#, InaaItg, Conuumptiaon and aun ariy #!qt. 11s bO.Rp #SOI41>Sdover 85 yearlu thouadz-fcm*, a ten/g yreIIabIa and Non- estMalofe nosn.Askdrggist for Wood"@ 30hode1iu f ho offerésmre worthleul paskuo~ p n. «ll piesta, alx mili nie Passislt reeteav ýaddreu. Bold l Wfby W. R feedruggist. 7 ScÇtt»13 EmuWon haà no enimi aq JUL Abi

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