Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 5

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.1 1- i The residence of Mr. Charles Gregory, was Tuesday evening tbe scene of Jnyous festivities iu commemoration of the 219t birtbday of bis eldeut son William. The man yus contlnued to arrive until near ly8.3o. The amusements of the even- ing were numerous, aud heartily entered ito by every one preseut. About eloyen ocoka sum ptueus repast vas prepared by the amiable hostess, to wblcb ahrple justice was donc, snd the company agalu entered heartily m tb te varions amuse- ments and games. Durlng thre oveniug elocutlouary selections 'vere given by tic Misses G. and A. Cole lu pieasiug style, sud were most blgbly appreclated by thc compauy. The prosents were nuruerous sud unique. Amoug those present voe noticed : Misses N. sud A. Colo, M. Lunsu M. McCaui, A. Marcbam ; Messrs. F. Colo, T. Reesor, G. Thomsont, R. Lunau, A., F. sud P. Ramer, H. Widemau L. Fretz, A. J. Brace sud others. After thre varlous gamos bad been exbsïusted as alto wero most of tbe party,- the littie gatirerrng dis- p ersed lu the wee small hours of the morn- ing, leaving many good wishes lu the happy homo they left.-Economuist. BEAVBRTON, Mr. A. Dobson la giving bis miliis com- plote overirauliug aud la putilg lu somne nov inacbinery, wbicb vili improvo the quality of bis tour, aud increase the out- put. Hia cuztomners wiii approciate bis euterpt'ise. The 1.O.O.F. opened tirir nov lodgo room by a public dedication on Wodnes- day evening la, Grand Master W. H. Hoyle officiating. The laite vas coatod over vltb s shoot of ice for a couple of days, but tbe strong wlud soon broke it up. John Grant, of Toronto, la visitlng friends. Rev. M. N. 8Stiune wtU Prr tire au. nivéners ~service. In thes Pýesbyterian churcb, Sunderland ou Sairbabir, Rev. Mr. McKay oxcbsngfng with hlm. Largo quantitios of grain are being mar- keted lu consequence of tho high prices -;d by the buyers. . ;o court viii bo heid ou the i9tli Ul Mi» ca Vbise spetut a weok wltb bel '15w, bMiL A. ffover of Green River. Wéamepleisd to Iern ibat Miss Olgi H.<evua lurecvsrug romber recent ili I.- COM FORT MISS hnni MoCul(,f Markbam, 15 vIsit . WhV/ite bas taken up bis resldOIlce oMpotiiy with bis sier, Mrs. Thomus Todd nboeut bill.' Mus. Pîckeu ts reued borne on Tuesday fromn Woodstcck, wbere she bas Wn fot soveral weck vWsting ber mother, vbo ba@ been mery tui.b The asebert of the A. 0. F. be.d their aunual orster supper on Tuesday evenlng at ibo reuldenmo(Mr. John Wilson, and witb a cumber of fricudi present bad a vory eujoyable truc of l.. By Invitation ou thre baud a large company ainbied on Friday evening lit at the resi- docoe of Mr. loraei Burton to bid fareweli tc Mr. A. O. Treubam, laie leader of the band, irevious to bis dope.rturc for London to taire charge Of the 7(bh Batt. there, The fair sez werO vail reproscnted. aud added Dot a litile 4t the pleasure of the occasion. The company bavlng potaken offoesters oooed and oystere MW, s ,,f b many other good thingS vîth wblch thre tables were loden. M. j. Wonch was Sal t<> tie chair, aud called unpon se veral meubers of the baud and others for tributes of of paiso for Mr. Tr. bam, the guest of tbe oenoing. Among tbose wbo tocir adrantage of tbaeppotulty were Meurs. Jas. Thoruton A. G.,1W9-1, UnHugb L. R. Cooper Fred ~~ W9so, . . agejrran. Robt. Nw leu, W. S osel D. R. Beaton, and last but Dotileaisi((orbhe mode Lthespeecb of the evening> Mr. Tbos. Warci. the new leader of the banc The speakrs voie certain lv very tlattering in tiroir refereuces ta Mr. Tresham and bis work in the band, but one thlng evident was that tbey vere given in ail slncerity, and werle more thon doserved. Mr. Tresham lu reply made t very fellcitious speech. He thanked ait pre- sent on behaif of Mrs. Tresham and himself for the very kiud wisbes oxprossed for their future welfare, and be Lbanked the members of the baud and ibeir frlends for thelr appre- ciation of bis services lu conuection witb tbeir band organisation. He bad spout many happy hours in Wbltevale, and had many Warin friends there. Ho regrettod leavlag thome and wouid always retalu a very green spot lu bis memory for tbe voie, and more partlcuiarly for the boys lu tbe baud. 0f one tbiug ho vas pleasod. and that was that he waa )oavlng the baud ln good bauds. In Mr. Tbos. Word thoy bad a tborougth sud vîll taiented musician of considerable experteuce, aud the maklng of a firsî.class couductor. go had no four for the future of t4e baud, ail, the boys bave to do le to stay witb one t2bther, aud stand by ibeir leader snd ail Would Ire veIL Mr. Tresbam's speech vas received wltb great appiause the compauy sldglug "For he's a JoUly good fellow. IlTle speeches we4e in terspersed by musical selecîlous, Mî. Chas. Lebruan belng the vocalist lu chief, sud being iu rare good voice, sud coufidentisi uiood# re- lated bis experieuce. wlth EIuchre M., tbe band reuderedi several selections lu the early part of the eveniug. As Mr. Word predlcted upon taklug the chair, ié duuies so Ufr as pre- scrviug order vas concered were but nominal, but he dlscbarged tihe duties of the position lu bis usual able manuor, snd made a capital speech ln the bargain. A vote of bhanks vas tendered Mr. sud Mns. Burton for their mmnd- ness in throwlng- open tbeir bouse for tbe occasion. The proceedings, were brotigbt 10 a clos eta a late Irour by the singlng of God Save the Qucen. Noe. FARMERS AND MEOHÂNIOS.-Pro- vide yourlélves vitir s bottie of Pans KIL. LIE. It is a prompt. sfan sud.re cure for .May 2tmyebave YeODsuany days of slokae, au4yon vili nid lt,. more valu- aie tbuod oso~ butb te gen- cie Perry DàAVMts'ÀPArn i aud ita no-othft mixture 25C. is a oéap Doctoeu Bill. a The religtous authorlite of Quebsoc Sn- demued thre 'renob Opera ftem tire pulpit on 8uaday. d F w ce Oold in the head-NssiBalm givos instant relief; speodily cures, Nover .fails. prsluiO leveiand 's ourrency proposais vote favorably reoeived lu Londou, but tire mouey maret vas not aiffeoted. VM ymsny peisons Ileaunatly from oholera sud kludred summier comiplainte, vbo miri bave boom savcd If proper remodies b.da t*essueud. if attaoked do not delay lu Setu a botte aI Dr. J. D. Keilogg'sj Dyevulub -ordiai, Lmre iusicutirat nover failto 0eo a cure. Those vire have usod it say ittat premptly, aud tirorongbty, suir. dues thrpanend disese Mr. Obarles Bouson, o vas for 46 omr Depuby Olerir o tihe Circuit Court at Mot e desd. Wby suZer from veàk. uervss, vaut of ap- petite, sud±?ueral deiR l~? leïtdrg ltirlons of ie- an ret ipov:_*1htire systera s4 thin tirsblood vire s snob a reay imeritoui- eus ronedy as kordrrop & Lma'Quin Wiue sesyýýbo iad ai ay iry4atore. Tis gestlo, ëÈerI debity, coae i t. s0 speougllybteroote ilidrenuud -deli- caLe femrles1 sd te busines sen, tudMet. aud tirotw wo bave -muohbraumm vor, W. would tay, Nover ire vitircut IL It iUf uîrenau ' wi yenu, kesp yoesysteurlu regular e#iorder, udens"leyou toeuw l I vitira re venroirmbve o e.Y15r1Z saut ir atêai ntIu R.m ber to eàk r ltô tiI1e4u r epiM & by N otbrop * au T on o suwv e Msur. you vii lsw at ditirat yen hive tuli vauefor yOUrUMyDrug Castorla laa Dr. aMuel ]Pitéher'S pecIt~" oIfat and Cbildr.n. 1* contains netber COoIUmMorphine nor other Narcotio substance. It -l1 a harnileuse ubstitute for paregoric, Dropu, Soothing Syrupo, and Castor CIL. It Is pleasant. Its guarantee la thlrty years'u»o by Millons of Mothers, Castorladestroys Worms and ailsys feverisbness. CaStorla preventO vomMtln* Bour Curd, cures Dlarrhea 'and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves teethUng troubles, cures constipationl and fiatulency. Castorla assidfiates the foodg regulaes the stomach and bowels, givlng heaithy aud *-natural sleep. Casa. torilà 18theObidren'. Panacea-the Mother's Fre"d Castria. U"&I&steiIauexcelmeutD edl Sfor chi- dieu. Kotlreslbave ropoatsdhy tolId me of îLe gooeffeupmthir ddldilL" Du. G. 0. Owsoo, cuta la &ba s~mOad47 lot cilofe whtchiauMtaeqiialted. 1hope tireday luanot tud&mut whoumotm ioevhcouiderthe ral &Iutas ptb*OVM ldISs, badi Wg5tOi lu -8"éters' i Camtri&L "Cuto ieis.diptedtoirdreidiaS Irecommendlt sasnpcrlontoanypnreumrptloa i r n o "u t o Bm e . " * I L A C M L D Ili 80. Oxford st., BrookiynX. . "Onr phystinlutirechildren's dopait- ment bave spokon bwdhy eOftiroir expert eues-in their entame pactlcê â wuC--o"-% aud aitbough o oniycar ha s/ Our médilcal suPPWh" inut lu nu 's ou Lavoi upolt"Y Umc ~ 5.fL 3 zsT Tise Qe~tur Oowsp.uq, 'TI *unq 8tvoet,-NW~, Tàv~ Oflg. SCOTT TOWNSBIP Lumbering and many other enterprises going on very extensiveiy. Mr. H. CurI has purcbased that portion of swamp west of the Blackr River, from Mr. Bagshaw, and la tmakiug havoc armong the cedar. On Friday evr.niug, 3th uit. * three loads of Zephyries wended theirwa to the manse, where tbey were hos9pitably re- ceived. After spendiug a few hours on- joyment they returued but the hind rig, which contained a farmer, butcher, thre schoolmams, a millirier sud a couple of others, had a uarrow escape of a runaway. It appears the (armer wau drlvlng, but, wishing a change, persuaded a tali school- mnam to taire the Ues, couse uent- iy, the steeds 'sornehow realize2u the change sud started off on a 'quicir Pace, the gallaut immediatoiy seizod thre driver sud commenced to pull but to uo effect, yet ho was urged by the rosi of the crowc4 t"bang ou." At this stage thiugs look- ed furlous, as the pedagogue upon ber diguity threw the line.s as if to catI h a pe ccanillo. The Unes vert quickly selzed b Rheub, who soon had the bormes under coritrol, but was not driven by school- uiams anymore. The municipal counicil of Scott-wbtcb is een smnouldering for some time-you vit neyer dies completely out-is ho- tied into a bright flame. Tbe edec- Is are blowing vigorously sud inncipal cauldron yl ho boil- its old linie vigor and enthus- wil be great there wiii trge amount of steamn i0 flot antictipatO any e engifles are ait cwell :egulated tron of reeve wo field. The one, ithusiastic, pro. ouncil board. a member of an6 bhas siuce idadvancing rese nted. What -le

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