Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1894, p. 6

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d. .aCles AxN D- glasses. ,NTEE .....a.- 4'ECT SATISFACTION. E. WIL LIS, Chemist & Druggist, Medical Hall, Brook Street, Whitby.1 FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1894. DeaMh of th. Premier. The most startling news ever flashed across the Alantic cable was received in Canada on Wednesdav, announcing the death at the Qucen's palace, Windsor Castie, of Rt. Hon. Sir John S. D. Thomp- son, premier of Canada, of heart failure. He has been troubled with pains in the breast for somne trne past, and had heen consulting physicians in Europe, but to no advantage. He visited the continent without any Improverrment. He was sworn Ir a member of the Queen's privy counicil on Wednesday, and was to have dined with lier Maesty, but passed away sud- denly after reviving from a fainting speli. That the deceased statesman was con- spicuouslv the fiast and greatest man of the Domninion of Canada at the time of bis death, may be given as the almost unani- mous opinion of ail Canadians. 1-e was erninently a statesman, the essential quali- tics of lawyer and politician being airong in himi. His was a fine judicial mmîd wlth the unusual acconîpaniment of administra- tive ability. His career is one of the most phenomenal in blstory. At fifty years of age Sir John Thompson had attalned to ail that any colonist can reach, J udge, M inister of Justice, Premier, ani memrber of the Queen's Privy Coun- cil. The mioat gifted writers in the coun- try have a task in eulogizing his career in whiéh they ail feel that both words and thouglhts (al ahoxt.He îowered so far above themn ail that the appalling and totally unexpected news of bis death lae e's minds for the lime unfit to ,.,awa. Upon ils only the îhousand ame direct from itb ves, but the future clepended largely on at large seale. cpoeed, blackened cd clV neysmr ýe lourL ed an in- nloge ini th Province of trnas dayth var will hundred (arn es iri Osh- .,e nu cause for jolcing in of a tew ye We do flot raw too forlor pacture, but it is leed O" ese tbe vagaries Wce b eebly volce ltl senti- the P le of Whitby when we .cw n have sustained, and in the 's resulîs which muat accrue t thie %thy and enterprislng people of Oshawa. It la the more to be deplored since w learti that the proprietors have no presecn Inducement to rebulld, having made ri. profit for years past, aud recognizlng tha a change of government lu Canada m îglh mean the inauguration of a policy w1hici would compel them to ohut the works up If the works have beenuunprofitablc undei present .-ondltions one cati easily tînder stand that ver y littie change ini ta rifi m at - bers would close them. Shkort Notea. The brains and business of Oshawa have departed-John Larke and thc mal- leable iron works. 'The recent revelations of bribery In To- ronto are being followcd. as one might expect, by a great blowout ini favor of honest governrnent, and now will be the time for demagogues to get a seat. Men who could flot get any supportjprevious- ly becanse of their personal un fitness for ti e position, will now only have to join the nioality brigade and jro round how- ling forr ut7, and they will stand a good chance orh gh poitons. The presc it situation is one i ikely to bring forward bogus puxists, flot only in Toronto but in ail adjacent municipalities. People had beiter look out for candidates who corne forward ai a j'uncture like this and parade honesty. A fer ail it is brains and ex- perience that are xnost necded and for that matter we are of opinion that if the whole truth were known some xiews- papers in Toronto have handled more -crooked money than the aldermen have. A friend calis our attention to an adver- tisement in the Toronto Globe in which the trustees of a rural achool advertise for a teacher, requesting at the same time that the application contain a statement of thc applicants politics and religion. This shows that some school boards have a lîttie of the P. P. A. in theni, and il wotild be a very stupid appli cant who would not be able to know what religion to state if lie wanîed the situation. This case re- minds us of another where a board of trus- tees wrote to an applicant to know whether lie taught that the world is round or fiat. The teacher wrote back that bis private opinion was that the world is fiai, ut he would teach it whichever way the trustees wished it donc. By an oversight, owing to the absence of the editor on business, the grand ban- quet held in Oshawa in honor of Mr. John Larke, Canadian agent to Australia, was not mentlouied in asat week's CHRONICLI. We regret the omission very much, the event being one of the mosi unanimous and iimcly expressions of goodwill we- have ever hadte pîcasure of witnesalug. Beyond doabc Mr. Larke la the best man in Canada for thc Canadian agency in the antipodes, bis schooling into our commer- cial wauts haviug bedu more extensive than that of any other Canadien, Mr. Larke will*honor the position as miuch as t will honir hlm, and, we have no doibt, will prove orthc highest service to ihose" who wish to trade wit - 'the people ln Southern climes àc7avý.»- .Mmmiolpai Notes. speculate as to the political probabilities Mes.R..MobaeeefPc- or niecessilies whichi arc involvcd in the ering, and Geo. B. Mowbray, reeve of catastrophie whliclî xobbed our beloved East Whitby, are said to contemplate re- counitrv of its First Conmmoner. Our pub- tirement froni munici el politica at the close of 1894. They Uave for tenve lic nien of ail parties are su utterly para- been prmmtnent in local affaire and willl lige, hy this s%4ddeni evenl thai the depres- be mucli missedqbeing very active, use., sion oi feeling çxisting cannot as yet be fu.ne.1ah-ftembs cv : i descibe. Nyer id xîyeven inUictownship well, and both have been dlcc- descibe. Nver id ny ventin hecd whenever they stood for seats. Oui of history ufthei- country gi ve miore marked ten clections Mr. G. B. Mowbray hae- ernphasis 10 the uncertainty of life.- been returncd eigbt tumes by acclama- tion. They sbould botb be baxqueted by -..~. .. ~their ratepayera.- aMIlslop* rire Iaauraoe. Mr. Geo. Gerow, iat deputy nf Picker- The fire . nsurance on the CHRONICLE itig, bas announced himself as a candi- date for the reevcship, and thc ath j ffice is about $6o, the sainie amount as thc deputies, Messrs. Hilt ansd Poucher t own lax. Some business plâtces psy no doubt aeek te, go Up one Teya21 de' mor, ar mre.Kig' tnney aY 7serve the advaucemcnt. e twei more fa moe. Kng' iaflcr paa 7affaire of Pickering have been we l bd~ per cent, insuirance. Isolsted bouses led, and no rural municipahity fi titis only pay h per cent. on tbhe policy eyearly. county bas as good moade. Takre il ail round in a town like ibis the There 15 a 'strong undercurrent of *talk fire insuratice muet corne pretty close to in Whitby township -in fayot ofmkg the îown tax1 thougli we bave no fig-u cagsinrcesucl u nl rewI to guide us in forming this opinion. tso tersu.Pep hry would be worth while to bave thbe assessor sha ow i r.yPql adyko gather the figures as carcfully as possible. treaucrasdef ictoa b te dUst The iniereat on the town fire engine and es h ae mc tio e lam tc e ldo ai thc annual expense of our ire depari- Jeeho m of Uithe aetc#cm l. l t ment muat be close to Si20o per annumxp banklug for thc township doe s ot apper which added to prcrniunis make abi to h ave beenpoersredatr yfi burden. e rp ok.,fe yté This town bas cxperlenced some big tfaup ors ers,=Wbutoe Sam pBa Ue fires, and bas found that on sucb oc- adoswee ail bme. ba casions the insurance was a godsend in- aud4i1g. bas been the ragel14toc mâ#y deed- but ail the game the amounts te- 1flhiiCpalities, and cit neeie a, gdo lesontob. ieared (rom thce e- ceiveà bave neyer made up baîf, nor even «.cofW tbtouiii-hs-t onethid o Ui prnulxus 11 OU O ter y; but iis more than ike 'y that i u We arc well equipped for putting out onisbdepoe ssl fires, and have been compelled by the in- aI aprnoper ss1ir, wlzn woitld have fr*juî sursuce men t10 employ a nlght.watcb- L ~sra, "ee O1 man, and Uic question of Uic town doing er j cînowl acase they were pâld tco its own insnrancc, or comblning wlrnth ' a#1ch fr t£eyjMo=rîpewould nfr6m.o some other towns te carr it ou, la worth 'h1 dnertu âd sve 'tol considcring. W. are convnced thatth1- m u btywrCoflhs tax on thc CH&oNICLU te psy fire îoses John MGegr the presnt deputy, in' sud rmn Uic tonuwould neyer antouat to -ut for =eee. Wr. MGregror ua a icf $1 20 per annum uiidet sucb. a scheme, a.' fe* word», but bas bUd sererai eM5 f tbougbh idgitiexceed that sun oc-cipe, ae55 vilca dJneuit;- casionaliy. Lookiug-back over ici yesrs '(r- LJ. Griersgiit, ome of thre ce restý we beileve that $70 oM5opr m m-«tmrpHl5$gyouug ïn W, the, would have benen tde 4gU1rcfO1W towusipwUecuilai o e tai fox Uic whole. in anUiher Scoun reeve, 5d4 it vili be siUsUnm wlll be found acllpptug (rom an Anrora Who v in ç ha *rsd of wS. pam2cr sbowaug boy «cxactlu sddl r liteVssW& *0*11connWlui bApU4 tonal thc uuderwriters bave becmeXai S>t .u I4rl if every tgx.»er had to foot las b*mu etect# Chir. ofilosses we e hcedlulvisu arscm would not liehIddden sÃ" muscla . h r1W a ypeopi* wre ou==. "4 4 * Sucir g seheur. voulutreqUire ai *usu ab id aune- commWssnu vwe bouessit would b. té estlmtjp vslý,a end l - A ,ute*s .cbrdlute scads * an coud do h bettet r uiuI, !p, tes cuide i4«w ue*ly to Put # 4W thhnkint on tte subje.* Orne Ikbu< *Map Il9M si*~uhr 1. u4w.r~ mtaMma m lm Cointy Court. The county court opencd ils December sessions on Tuesday afternoon, H is Honor Judge Burnbam presidîng. Hîs honor ln hie charge congratulated the jury upou the llght calender in baud. As to the case of Andrew Bryan, Brock he said there would be a matter prescnted to tbcm whereln ik mlght bc abowu that- thc accused should be îried for steillng $420 ftomn Phiiip Dawson, Brock. Tb.ç particulars are given fartber dcwu. 'Hila honor said he bad read the dcpositlîone taken before the magistrates and could tiot sec bow lbey bad been able to discbarge Bryan ou Ihat evidence. He had directed that the case be reconsidered- QuitEN vs. AaRNOLD.-The gran d Jur broughl lu a truc bill agalusi George -,A>I uold, wbo lately escaped jail ere ÃŽfter brainiug Turukey Bruce- The iudlctm0«t. coutalus two counits - one of wouudàag' wiîh jutent to disable and the other, 4oÀug,) grevious bodily harm to a prison officer. Hei ll a t ilarge. - QUEEN VS. BRYAN. -This W& beard before five maistrates la awock -and, dlsmùissed. PhIip Dawson,-j#yoÃ" mnanton, purchased -r l arge-.' clover seed lasi fail, and among hers bought some froml Bryan. The lattercal- led ai Dawson'e io reccive payaient, ~j Dawson counted out $x8o from a roilo $6oo. lie laid -down tbç $42o to ~a* cou nt the $r8o, but wu . called out4~h room by anc of bis boùsebold, and '11 'a, the mouey lylng on the table. WheI4J3e reiurncd ta the mrts Bryan aud a bfb( «I who was witb hlm were gone sud'ailté money was miss I)axfrson it- horse ud g ee b. Vnfr- hauled the Bryannstbey denied all knêw-- ledge of the mssaig $42o, but site, uomue ialkr one of tbcm- weakene d nd.,7u11&_out bis money, when the $z8o ,were ouad& lad.- Ing nue way sudthe$pêtoheotbeni Dàw" son made ruo attempi io proect Bryta,e but upou.thi imsttèrbelug -broùiht lt-othe. notice of the AttmyGeîxcrai-be orde*e4' thai a chare b. Inve stlgâted. lTe war-, rani wss lfiued by MatrateMcPheftoii CR riton, wih wopWas nsdt atrate CGftn;l*in tbo 1Wof tria c~m Brya stacdthe bencb threemore magiatraîes~ and byI,~s sed theC oa. oîer bb ads of McPhrson aud Curtia. This la sald ta -b" cousqon, practice la Brock, Judge Eiriah.a 'L - cd the moatteèr ta be looedlt grand Jury -aud a true bill scnyp reportcd aginsi Brysui. The only civil case-te bbe l waa vs. Hood The executrhx ofth MaeF Hill, birristr, SiouffV'iles8flor s or cstefor defend*ng an acin ~r be of promleiselawhlcbH od warsdateudût and "auanaction for defamatlol -41 Chdtà acter Au wblcb Hood figured as deféeB- dant The -defendanî's -solcitort - . Raitie,'endegvorte t tt ù o~ poned on tbe strenghf a telegrznrom ev#er,4lretedthe Jury Vregp-~d flu the-csebwlch wssa t.$ <rthé f uit, amont.H.L. bbe1sfor platiff; - N. Raines for de. Mr. John Hesstlewood r.po4s t nptô bleut business vwry 8ood. play ,O(Xma. geoil., a ics etâ to hetiL - KEEP YOUR EYE~ ON TIS SPA CE E VER Y You may depend on every WEEK, article quoted here as a genuine bargain. Tisj week we offer Me*i's Svispenders, worth 30c., for 15c. per pair, Heavy Navy Blue Serge for 25c. per yd. Heav<y Striped Trowsering for 60c. per yard. Boys' Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, 20c. each. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Under- vests only 230. eaeh. We have aise -a few stili on hand of those Heavy Wool Sooks, 2 pr. for 25e. Aise new patterns in Floor 011 Cloth, 2 yards wide, for 50c. pei, yd. Good Tapestry Carpet at 23c. per yard. ÂN MeDE1 u10w E1H9 W. ImL W :R R E 3TW. '-,Wr ,e want -before >the first Qf Janur et, One '~Dlars, frwic ear rpared togve you est bargains ever offered in-Dry Go- OUR STOCK 18 FjYEBY OMPLEITES cW E CHRIST AREl 0F iJ gsie81k Hnkerohi.sooUnped s"d embroid- o,&fr25e.eo...u......00... at 10. -ea 11o03 or callopeut and embroid- Japse iil~sukerbiescalloped sud embro'd- Se Oaant afludkerobiefa, hmat anh d dband- imseIy -embiderd,at'25o. ooi............ lspnes 81k lsnk.rhifat hematthed and hand-- iomol " Ymbro doet utQQ0.cash .. ............... ~upneu 81k Hudkehifshlmatilohout sud baud- G.ntl.meu'm 811k Handkerchidia, hemsititobed, at 25e1 h......................... maL 25c.am les knd 30c. oaci.- Ladies' Morrocc Shoi Ladie' Morroco Put White Metal Photo F Ladies, se.our Kid <G dolored, iaced, at only s Oustock ci Ladies' GlvCosets, etc., vo> t. '»4 1

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