r "-k ,---- 4 - O'O2ook I ,% question that bringas humiliation 1) Olle who has a watch that lies. Tt brings satisfaction to the owner of one First of ait these, the case with it lsaa thing of beauty and a joy to show. Then theres the honest face that you neyer look into without getting a true answer. ~'W13 U'aft you Io enjoy ail this. l'oui an do 80 at a rÃAdLcuUEy /0W Price. FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1894. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Saony yarns only 6ic. a skeîn at W. G. Waltert'. The CHRo-;ici- can find atlything that is los. Try an adv. and see. Hardwood dining tables, 4 lenves, only $_%, at \V. Tili's. Solid Oakc upholstered rockers. nnly $2.(x-, at E. j johnston's. New stock men's ties, collars, gloves, braces, etc., to select (roui. at W. G. Wal- t ers.- Dr. Grants' "Hairene" is guaranteed to stop) faling hair, snd cure dandrufi. Ask your druggist for It. Men's ready-made Tweed pants, regu- Jar selling prices $x.5o, $1.75 andds2, re- duced flow tb$i per pair at W. G. W..l- ters' Cali at the New Sboe Store aud g«etti great bargains offered (or one ,nonth. Ail the best grades at auction prices at M. W. Collins' New Sh- 1,e. g made to lnduce wood, to accept a f the Peace. He ia Cpressure. hove ca-n be sup- residence- orMns.. have provided ear. Ramnsif' orist, with hia -e here. g with Cotto- lady experts v and Tuesdty eAil are invited. Vrm. Bryan & Son will seil stoves by the bes? makera at reduced prices until Christrnas. Trip &round th. world. Ramnsay wii b. here on Jan . 4tb, with bis Trip Around the World. K cep your eye on the date. Third lime sud out. The malleable iron foundry -ai Oshawa ha. been twice reported here as having been burned. The third dîrne proved the clîarrn. It was burnece Tuesday morning. Dandruif. This form of diseas..i. very apt to de. velop about the age of puberty, or may b. postponed until between the ages of thirty to forty years. IL is usuaiiy accompaitied by more or less itching, and seriously impairs the lustre of the bain to remove and pre- vent it, Use Dr. Grants "'Hairene."1 Mr. Maninu'à Christmas box. Rev. Thos. Manning bas bis Chrstmas box already. It was presented by the AI- moud people, and la a very large one, ho- ing filled witb sixteen bags of oats forbis horse. He appreciates it as much as b. would gold. Messrs. Davey and Philip were the delegation to deliver the address aud present the box. Whltby's :wnter fair. Our citizeus are bound to bave agrest winter (air ou Dec. 215t, and bave pubilsh. ed a prize lst that sbould bring out a large exhibit and a great crowd of people. The date set in Friday of nez: week, sud we are authorlzed te state tlsât as number of first clas buyers from Toronto willI be on hand to purchase everythlng in tho lineofo dairy producta, or pouiîry. clubs at $1.253' C*rrd25 sd Weekly * I 25 1G b t Jn.1 .el $125 $185 $185 for Chronicle aud Fsrmer'm Sun' for 1895 for (Jhrouiole, Weekly Globe sMd Parmer'. 5à un for 1M. for C hro Wiý -*«sk.lGlobe Parmer'sSu n d Lsdie 6 Jour- nal for 169. NO'r:-Almout ail other pape" et saue raies. The Chroulcie ls <ven frne tu the end cf iii. y.sr idi ail cases. Sample. oopissent Ir 1. .~ r ni Xi col w )Mi. *STOr. Man t/es, Ww gre spïtg Maà ttras i 3 Prin le & Cto. aie-pay'lug bighet prive l'or baIey and elsike clover. PÃr .12k eiubroidered hnkebo. o ly a cli,*t W. G.,W;bltorl a not 0 of our clubiils 11.1 wauýt a ýotbeé grett weekly bosîdos >th, CHROS La. 6 plece'ýlid walnut parlor t ie, plusb, with sltk ýlus bande, for 082a, worâ4~ Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or bd4' lininga for ait kinda of stoves, ranges« furnaces, from J. McIntyre. Remember that I arn stîli sellng very best coal at 84.90 at shed, 85.2,5 dellvered. Weigbts guaranteed. H. B. Taylor. Great clearance sale of boots and shoes. Everything wlll b. sold at a great bar- gain for 30 days. The great sale mtthIe New Shoe Store from the 8th of Decemnber to the 8th of January. Corne ail and get bargains. M. W. Colline, oast side Brock Street, Wbitby. Ho, for Engiand, Ireland Scotland, amy- where, everyw.bore. Cbolco of Io beat ocean steamship lines. Tbrougb tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brook- lin or Whitby, for Liverpool, Lonidon, Londonderry , Belfast Glasgow or Oute- ston, Inclui, ng first.class railwa fare to Portlantd or Halifax $2z.6s on Allan snd Dominion linos. Via, New York about samo rate ((rom Toronto $ao.6o) Round tri p proportionately low. Spernd "Xmas. at horne." Apply to Stephenson, Whitby, for these tickets and ail information. 'rrl> Areuthiêworld. lRead muade mlthkg #0le t'.W. G. Waltens' ti» s:.et Dece E.tbardwood seusios table, ouly pa ç unthe cpunty whlcli éubs theEiipre'ehif ,Wovcôowlr.bed.sprlni1u fulli six., lth 513terdd-'*rt*4u4e badwoo4 (rmes. -aypuof boots, o,,rbes overà boos sud long foit bootÇ will b. slaugbîered for a rnth. M. W. Colline, eas: aide Brock st., Whlfby. Our writors shouid, try te send ln a day caier. About twenty letters arrived here yesterday. 0f course il brings the uews te a late date, but forces us to hold part of It over. Phoenix, of Oshawa, wbo ia charged witb attempted outrage upon a littio girl a: Thoruton'. Corners, bas beon allowed bgil until some technlcal points lu his case may be subiîted to a hlgb court judge. Oh for cheap ticket@ for <'Xsu", t Stephensoti's (opposite Hatcbs') Wbltby. He also supplies teachers and scholars speclal lmited tickets to ahl stations la Canada. 'Cali ou Stepheuson for every r.- ,quired Information Bt your lelsure. Keen competition amongs:tithe manu- facturer bas given the public another bar- gan This tîme Its Sterling Silver pons, Coftee Spoons,-a baif dozen of thcm, with gold bowls lu a beautifui satin lined box for $3 the set. Tbree weeks ago you would have had to pay $.,o for tbem. You can get thern and a hundred other silver novelties at J. S. Barnard'. Crowded ot. Port Perry news. Our Toronto colurnu. Much local and editorial matter. S. .0 -Farmera Inatituto. S peclal meetinges of this institute wilI hs a il-et -., -- _-at 25 e M.&NTLE DÂPÀRTMII~ .-This season's importations of Jackets, $8, $4 and $6, designed maii> cases st twice these prices. Mr The. entire stock must go. W1Ej arly buyers secure f »BESS GOODS.-Fail and Winter Dres Goodi &t half regular wholesale prices. A marveilous lot ~..i md ane' WolGoos e 8o. Yad.ORDERED OLOTING.-Speeial attention is given to this de partment. Suitinge 'ana ol'erooatings i n ail the newest patterns aid,best.gods that eau be ha in, Scotch, Iriah, and C)anadien makes. Don't fail-t o se. them emad compare priom n uaiis Ne'w Scarfs, Tis, Pin., OniffButtons, and ail the newest novelties iiin t. unihnatohn frIA. R. You wiIl economize both time and money and secure what you want by buying fromn The-Sono of Tomperance-bave engaged Ramaa,ýyfor Jan 4tli. Watfor bim.1 Men'ls beavy frieze suits, reguiar seiiing beas fIlows: Oshawa, Weduesday, tia 2ud; Pickering, TbursdayJan. 3rd. JNO. Men'. blue*napp overCOats, réguler sel- Sincîser, secretary, Wbi:by. ling prico #6, Sale price $3.9o, St W. G.1 Bolier piste sud stolon nova. Walters'.4 Five pages out of eigbt ln last week'a You eau gel repaira for every atove andi Gazette were pirlnted off patent boiler plate furuace mnade iu Canada from j. Mc-1 iu Tornto. 0f the, aI eged newsietters Iityre, fili:ngheohrIr.bcieswe ar The annual meeting of the Whitby brauch ly a cut (roui excbangeýs sud passed oit bible Society stands postponed until Jan- as fresb news. uary zoth, 1895. Th l aot eodu e. pbiiwhtw A bargain. Childreu's long ulaters, In aothr clumnwe ublsh wat illregular pnice 83.50 10 $6, ail reduced to probably ho the last of the atirrng odes $à , a[W. 0.. Waltera'. with wbicb this commuuity bas been (mv- Ncgiected dandruif, means balduesa. oreil (rom the peu of the late Oea. MeGil- 'rwo applications of Dr. Grants' "Hair. livray, whose great and noble mind oft eue,"t will tboroughly cleause your scalp. found vent for its thoughts lu rbyme. The - eprfMicll .A.wlcodt tae y a havdue iprecnd lnentmen divine services lu St. John's church (Bay) W. G.y Whalt hs aeprcd I.next Suuday, sud willadminlater copi- Pressure fte udv. Ok reeued u nfon at the close of the morùng ser- Presureof ime nd orkprevnte usvice. from being able th eet tic type for Mr. W. MrA.EWesr tihdbstrmo G. Walters' nov adv. tige week. He M.A .Wbtrfusidbst'uo offera wouderful sélections of, Chistuas tçAcbi bere yceterday, sud the entrance good forpresntsPriaghinost uoth. clam, [Ptthe 1modgl sehool presontéd 'hlm lug. Go iu and see. We are sory not to 1 com stdd . ueLh lmwok have the adv. resdy. Wlahoycmiue. ewMhm Heresthe place for misa (ÃndIs i..:abrsl.rulga o closi of W. H. Newberry bas secured tie ser- the tpm 'here ou,, Wednesday prosented vices of Mr', Calvert, one of tho best ean4y PrlicIpal Brwn with an address, after makters lu Canada, to manufacture bils whicb th jr eft & fiue -studeut's lamp wltb Christmnas supply o! Candie*, sud bas nl,2~t ot tg e oilndred by a régula- placed lu bis window a vaiey whlch lr u tonwlilch lnae meddlesonse way foïbida books or flavor is 'most euticlng. Thosé ekclÃlX"ooo prcain wbo pas. stop lu crowds to admire t 'ti heWhib-'oylTofiaprmeet . layont. They are made every day abf,4 - lèýf< ikrlgsdBrohao are always fresh.-î-2in. ýýA'Wg*"y e isýbt the. ain put a à daya shoot. ý4mipo.ïgn Metn. There wus hoWevor a big crovid atteuded the 2 day. pieon rge atteusnce of tuembers aid.e &Mot louruament bhe on Tuesdiay and Wed.- tujo'hbkapromamp wus gfVen, wlth vcor; nesda mr. ..rm. Foy, of the Queeon'Iqg- niak tteilë prvédpce of-troum roi_"' of Toronto, and lXirdwà ode of(Hamuilton, <ll ag t-,j c à der1,4. tied for $2,5 sweep ,'aud Briggs WMltt t s offia e, huà to > fi sud Coburu lied Tor first in theé-S bird <..t.<to re Or uiychier a "aor sweep the fiast day- od hty u Camphell, of Osbà wa, tied in, the zo bird sweep, and Gold sud Armstrong te u ~ Ud~~~~ o! 7 bird aweep tie second day. gç oa a4scôsi -où, s.zp sro,çra~ôucoa putrick..ab Sons of Englaudi.- ton off cars.. Grosa&Gransert The. regular n m~ing af Sussex Lodge - No. 3; S.O.E.B.S., Aras beld- F4iday even. 6U ý iug, Dec. 7h. It beiug ithe annual noui- i h -U nation and election of offilcers, the foilow- aspr~:5docaf*stp Mba al, sud would' gladfà trU,, lug were elected for the year 1895,,. Wortliem hy w sa 5uptuie af mu President,ý E. R. Blow ; Wortby ;V4.e mhv hm h> anib qa Preidjent,' F. J. Joues;- Chaplafu, 1Ojiilg Rpslyigmoudee day put', Whiite - Secrtary, T. Dlae Tie4W'"i 'ainoud Wm. i4oble Co e jç, t-büy - thout seeiuug Pper. gBât of ebairnuau, John 3Wei à -Wm. ;t i ~ mn Gea. Mcrrltt, Geo. Smar~Jh.tn iick ; Inid. Guard, E. 1Humphrey; Ontu', ylgu a it ~s aide Guard, Ge*. Robson; argçaeD I.'f't lCreuske* i~t. me uifold P. Warren ;,Trustees-4Geo; C. W-l& nd vid uertls'e! tii Nov Wilim.: se*ing ma- Castle Fox ;AdosWi oboiJli hê ote wuJ& teacf tii. C uansd Batemasu udGem6ý 9anders Rprsota- pu ebowy te st fwWlia.*wuf ti aÇrand Lodge, BE.. ,8*1eaduzlessuè l tî p 'au ocpaiosü John Batemaui . elihç>uilité otbe borrôff wal s*oac ~ EislesofPrug1. .le during tiiefto dfuily bt- wb» esh1s oho iv en ovet, te l svn-scetlo Cotan. Pringle i. rtà re fê14th ikno "kndsofoiefo *Xistes to the ,reps on mnýipa 14Mtf sae.~h1~ ihlm ao 1aiui '_'ws octht trjousn bns, exp - mi ?Ve*$r ey for wmr'at Ed.> Hurt's, the- tapies affoctug tow's intereats,'us he pur.- sup--'-~"-be vrfes v Mnw fot; ,by agent. Ladies wtsblugte pur yw~~.vras ù- ,Iûî;; s sewiug machinewi-.pe.ea Z=eg=-su*=yearto lreaieostgattlzeA -o j&nie* Nelo Wiliým hW îÙg he ý« tolarg auie='es i die -onBrock Street South.> te nlote thftt Coûn. Prtgle bas founid moat W . INiotes. .- of!the membors of cotncil. pe4rn' sd ,,The a9gth roguWarmneeting Ã"ftbé ie W.L seoundrels. Lunfuet ho buýl-gnoue o! thi es. l.Wcdeeda f lnms thel cani !194 t ir ili à -prgper nta- awèmbly hall. 'Mr. pied cord but hlmseIl ,"Il would, g»ear thaât chair., Afer thoe minute ofthép.1ou the chie! aemof tbo'town téuneU1, sd mee gvsr ad eofirà sd, fthe especially of the inayor, reevre end &pUty- feowiug programmee was~.rarS~ç reeve, isto do thinge "rn, sud iiot tei >yeiiairÃrÀu, vocal spo UW M. hsrkeu te the vaLluable olo S' tOlW q1.10tI<p ise L. Yt~o4. Pringe, whose ouly m"ssln tht. *orld la i t ta serve bIefeflow man a avte,Judie. r'& bJy xs .l jbr1g loua, and upriglit manuer. Thomsofo!snsolo b, ise L. HIluiz i.;>1 whos0i uy aU us te attend t1ie tmwz A. HJ on; chorus , od cornueu ,testlfy that this ApoStle 'o eib.lathé last unéetlna p( tbe ociefl'o goodues ud4purlty ha. oontfutly ftedo brtiigofies ý=l""a-g up bisvoice, sud-Ibas sedom ta 4 bisîiamr teýw '"The' liunga for a moment frouptmthise * roctM.W..X ýb1 ïi cout uti a truco cond bo e an"P T~WP$ wlt liaswhth oul o~bl ~ Up0à !fo a speech, vu-ý Enruaas ei wco uldossenabo! çosW ta ddièW aPreu wo -=oveeu taiý4 ontiiùt e dm . 'byb @è.te &IL know how c p m ~ ~ F.e S T EWÂR4.BT,.s Cow Loat op 8tolen. Spotted thlçky wlth redmnd white, 4 yemrs old and due to cmlve in a fortnight. Fair size. Was lmut een a: my promise about Dec. ust, If stolen $50 rewmrd wil ho pald upon proof heinggiven to convict the thief. If strayed a suitabioe wmrd wl» b. paid for Sending word to JAMES MÂYNARD, Whktby. D=c.13, 1894 -tf. HoreWanted. Bay Driver. z6 hande, between 5 and 8 yoaru, to welgh izo to z2S0. GROSS & G RANGER, Whitby. Dec. 6tb, 1894. Jeraey Bull Wanted. Wanted a young jersey BuIl State very lowest prIce, and apply to JAMES BURNS, Greenbank P. 0. Greenbank,5 Dec. 4th, 94-i-31fl. LOOI-0- at the rernakable low prices that 1 amn seiing Solid Oak Drawing-room Suites &tu - The. primeo are frorn $2 2.50t $25, .82U.0, $80.00, $85 and up- wards. DON.-T FORGET that these gpodé 6re my -ow»nmalte. to me hà my own super-' "1u'oet Y.Mr. Peck, Counseilor at Law, Batavia, Y.P Y.Msmt- a day or two lu town last wcck. Hia da#gb:er la. a tudent, in the Outario Ladies ' College, and accompanied hlm borne for the Xmnas holidays. Mn. Peck eirpressns hlmself as bighly pleased with the college and Its appolntments, and (cela confident that as *Its advautages be- corne more generally kuown lu bis coûn- try, a substauýial lucrease lu the. attend- suce from acrosa the lino wUl follow. Faîl wheat 5c., sprlng wbeat 55c., goose wieat 5oc., harleZy 35C. b 40e., cats 37e., smas» pea soc.. blackcye peas&5c., blue pos 5oc., munny pea s 55., huckwhcat 37c-, rYe 40C., hay #5.50 ta 86. Port Pewy. NOTE.-The figure given la lhe hlghest pald. Fall whest $c, spring 55c, goase 52c, barley 6 rowed 4oc, barîey 2 rowed 35e, r70 45c, oes t , blackcyed pes55c, munuy &c smal 50c, buckwhesî 37C peanis $i sisike claver *400 to 5.25, reA $500o to 5.50, grass seed $ÃŽ.25, sheepokins 60e, w00i1 7c bides 3r, beef $400 te 5.oo, pork 4tiso 0ta jk-o, tnrkeYs 7c ta 8e, ducks r to ,chickens pe to 6c, geese 5e ta 6e, butter z8c, eggs i6 , lard i2e. cicese 12C, potatees j appies per bush 40c, bard- wrood $4.aoa$oo, soIt *WOOd $2.00 ta 82,l- Higbest pruces patd: (aU wbest ec, spring 55e, goose 59, huclcwhcat 37c, bârley 35c te oc blue and wblte pes5ow, munuy and.b=keed s, claver seed 8O.- $oi euh.k 03.50 te oo, tlmothy ý$s.oo rye 3e iy$-8.oo, bal 'B 10o.00, pork $4e four $1.79, eggs17c, POtatoos pot okuce heeat 35k3h, bar- pegs sal1, 5oc; mammniy pei -ss to $ôe; pes aoe, ne; -blue pes, Mto 6oe - ý1.j ..25 te5-;-ed elovpr, *.sapp, È%akets ad corr ctedt4e'ily by Lyons -&,Ce; Sprlmag whea t 55c, (aU vwbeat 50to55c, ,goos wbea50 ta 504 , buck- W4cMs à $10 37cbAre 45te 40ei, black- blue es55toco,ogwleu et c s5 oý5cý-whié Oatssà 6 te ne;- mmda ts 2,5te 26icý,alslke clover$4.00 te $5;2s, ied clover,$Siaý t $6.0o, basSo timber etlot sg,6th llio.WC~ 1/ j" fI i 'v w A' a New 17,À our Bilk and Em kins, DoyIies, Tray Ciu,. Spoone, F'orks, Trays, Ruivés, Children's Qlupi ..drchiefs, In SBilverwai Mirror8, Pickie Forkt 1 t -