Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1894, p. 8

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fi a f( fi tf Lai re evq vau peîl glo An -SPeOW b rgalas hInah] geeda for the boll- pan1 b they should Dlot 1. strnck off tee days. Hayward & Co. voters liai. SUNDERasrnWe notice Mr. J. Johason, a former resi.. Mrs. Ph' et Uxbrîdge la vislîing Mia. H. dent ef Cedar Dale, bas arrived at the QueeuS Waddell.botel te purchase herses for the lumber weods.. Wareleae o e. hâ r.Pagnn He looks hale and hearty. W areffepl ro e rsad e er thatMs. Pamn A number cf farinera ln ibis viclaity bave as rc~vrlagfron be seere linas.had a nuimber of founi suolen froin themin l the MiSS Ada Baker returnea froin Whltby past ibre. ueeka. Our residemts unil uake up unhere she atteaded the ladies cellege last semne morning te hear of aseeutrgdc- tarin Cob fPrtPryhs . incidiag wiÈtb iai of Pickering some trne age. jewellry and tancy store la the & MemoU Bi.jLM block. . Mrs. N. Gereunaîd Lilly were ini the City Mrr. Wellington Shier is haviag a wunadmill on Saturdisy. Put up su bis barn. Mr. Alfred St. Jobn la Mi. A. E. Theratoa bas returned be contracter. after a prolonged visit wih bis broteer ut Grain îbrasbing la about finiahed, but rnucb Norval. W clover remains untbrashed. Botb are yielding *Mr' and Mrs, Levi Anais, ef Scarbero. tairly weILl Visited bis alater, Mra. W. S. Major on Sab- Mrs. Thoma Thompson et Vicemanten bath.last. bas purcbaacd Mr&. Brethour'u bouse and Our band às now under the charge ef Mr. taken pessessien, Ward. oui fermer teacher havi* beenap The Meibodauts inrend having a hot dinner poinîed to the hoaored positin'as ceaducter la the. towna hall c.a Xmas day. No doubt a of the Seveatb Regimenal- IBand, cf London. very sumptuous repaît viii b. previded by the We are sd'rry te leara that Miss Irunin lu ldeetiecngregationansd we tbink tboeeDfot te be aur assistant techer for the cemîiig unho take lu la Will find it very cujoyable. year. Sh. bas been very popular durlng ber Rcv. Mesn. Stewart and McKay. Meiho- Short stay wiîb us, and une wlab ber ccatinued disu and Presbyterian minasiers, hxbne prosperity la ber new Wd fie laber. pulPÎtsOn Sabbath morning toe beehht Master Russell Lebur basi tbe nimfrîne koth engregatilns, unho seem te appreciate hast week ef loiag bis littie black peUY Neil. the feelingsOf UniOip tifese lwo micjsters pos. She unas censldered tbhe etcf ber cl' o Se many miles areund, and i ded lara l ain fon Mr- James St. John. Ir., bas uuoved laie bis ISirtyi9u le nra ~>r~sc< flue Ov residaeS OB the ftarin. He now oc. Ds cuples ose cf the lacet, cabat complete and 1 TL. 'aptist Sablath achoci hold ebeir aid- beau equippcd bouses in this section ef the nul cnîerWanmeag on ChristOUasnight, and -COUD"r. W. wsh hlmamzy hppy da un- mueui having the besi that bas ever been given der is sbelteriag roof. His SonAlfred CiS re- la ibis neighberhoo& LIft her sualain uheir turned frons Sutuon and Oeccpies tbe bouseata former reputatios. h ashouhd b.e eough te sut. te milii.lie wil çuutUO Illn the uins mil isty the meut tastidieus. businaess.fThc Laing Bros.. gave a pbonograpb enter- Otir municiPal centest as t approaches talament ia tb. Metheiit churcb hast week 1 showis muach signa cf vigor. Tecontest for and-te urne vaS a decldod muces.M9 the. reeve's chair is expacted toib. betuneen 'Laing klndly toek su impeelU caSalecelo4n DMrs.Voman sud Gibbs ; at depuiy, by the band, a»d reptéoduScd -le dînrlng te . Messrs Umpbrey sud Thompacu;.aad dep. evenlng.much to he n' cyam ci ain, parîîcu DI, Meusrs. Bretheuir, UcCUly and Wetbar- iariy Ih, baudsmea. Shoud bMr. Laing ever (3 ail, and for conacfilors mmamues arc sue- happen ibis way aguin, ha uni! recelve » crowd.. I gasied, te .PfOmînents belng W. G. St. John, ed bouse Robert Braba, G A. Rose. John Kirtea, P. Palbowdowjnb T. Edunards and Neîl iMc- *ÇI Phadden . W. expact eue of th.eat Mlively There la tuch diuaelsaum erjbr coniesu for year.IPRN. rgads e.acin fti.a b mourasbml eaulng thaceofiothe . -, rstse« lna Mr. sud Mns. /àlbori Rawma are vitiug lu tbe Ciry. Thos. Piukey of Weiferd unas lher on huai. nesaubis wcaa. Jup. D. Foruyth ef Toronto, la wnii bis famly ibis waak. W. W. Ravis w was i h. f* Sa o5 f -Mount Albert lut yack. SRev. A. Whiteet ibisùlova la ceeduuutinc 1 toimdalsercloeson t ibmaet cf Mukbàes bisi ShesmasRnamobr, butcher, bus aoffl tac, eh. ber.ou omt dby te.lIsM ia. 0u&v. HSfMis <setm& gse laisold gmsidu'oa, MisJespa L,. if. c a hàsnc -tom u . W" a oela lüh b em bsa Imyf*14a vsW"for bemd. tie n sa mible lev* lao unuisg owr» aoi suîb ptoto buligt a 0 a Mr tçveýs prep te vlsti»tgnd logPhiplaic& &ok bave decidedjo wmakê JPoftertheir tg lear. uture , Mr. Oliver johipsto'n bas a ittlegvtm T lar Isgoàd sk4ticg Ou' Lake Scugogo tbé borne. but flot froat enough aàyet for makin9 missý May Hum výiàited wlth miss Pï-, machi headway wltl the rlnk., hli nSaa. Mr C Tathrla ra bir o orbs Don rlaymet for the hast 'time tilla year: pack e s ere las a riak sale for'nF tdynd Saturday haut. .See report. the. etrst ie ma relie bud Master D. Hlogle, eldest son of Parsoà somely. Hogle, la very là1 with astbma and con- There la talk of a cbaingeïn proprietor. gestion of the lungs, 1 shlp of thé Oriental betelj but wbetber it -M.ilonofteowsp ahr amounts ,te anytbjng more thap taik, we. *rHla u ftetwsi ahr caunot say. - loat $,3o from bis pocket and it was found 1The liàemen are busiiy engaged with by Win. Cowie, of Brougbam. the 110w icandescent 'Ilghtiug syatern, What mlgbt have been another ire ln whic wil b redy or oeramonshotlyour village the cthier evenlng had it flot afler Nll e rca fr prto sotybeen seen in time, was the bouse cf WiIÎ MfersetVeandSoevil bv teMatthews, the carpet being on ire. 9 contract for Mr. -M.- Willams' new resld-, Qulte a sûir was made ber. on Frlday1 ence on Union Avenue. It wilI be of the at by Bob. Beatty tuking a horse fromn. mostmode desgn. eo. Decker's man. Bob. dlaims the herse meutmode desgu.te be his. A number of young fellows Merry Christmas te ail. With hundreds came Up frein Pickering, and the inhabit-i of recent additions to lis lias in this cern- ants cf Brougham, flot belng used te such1 munlîy the CIIRONICLE la able te curry disturbanes were unexpressibly shock- greetings loto almost every bodse ln this ed. Sunday Geo. Decker camne and teck section of country. the herse. The model scheol examtners bave been (rm nte orsodn. bere, on aud off, fer îwo weeks, and we (Fo antrcresndt) understand that Mr. Ray's large clas cf Dr. Bateson la very busy these times.. teachers-ln-îîainîng bave made a meut The young people are pi'eparing fer the credituble shcwlng. ccming entertaînmient te b. given ln tb. lu passlug aleng the streets*one's eye la tewn bail. caugbt ut every step by art 'stc windew o AWhtrelzdbgpcsfrbs dlsplays. The quulity of good a ll i nes JWo.dA.Jhlîea sl uiz bl prices fori arpears te bee excellent, whlle the art dis- wood onI tl ulgodhre o p uyed ln showing lu la marvellous. We Oie uhl h ru ahro dcubt If Port Perry tradesmen can be lvrPg ate ru ahro beaten ln the Province lu the malter of new-beru girl, and another youing Richard- windowing gooda: son carne te Natban's last week.1 A few suivation grrny pecopie vlslted oui Mr. R. D. Robbins' sale of beusehold village one day lat week and indulged in furniture ooekp lace bere on Tuesday as some of tbeir autica. It was quite au ai- announced, an d very fair prices were re- traction, and especially fer the voung bey alized censidering the bard tîrnes. The snd girls. The army people enjoyed the îown loues in the Robbins farnily eue visît so wetl that lbey are ýceming again wblch ha long been both respected and son Lseful. Many a citizen will miss Mr. Rb.Bato ruzaadCn RobinE god-nturd caffng.stable Gec. Decker, cf Pickering, crossed Municipal ialk seems te indicate thut swerds lasi weelk, and I believe friend Mdr. joabua Curis, the present reeve, will Beatty carne oi Brsi best. Il appears thatJ be reîurned by actiamation, but thai there Beatty bought a mare from Decker last will be a fight between Messrs. Willcox spring and gave bis note for it. About a and Purdy, and possibiy Mr. Jno. Nott, month since Decker took it jute bis head for the deputyship. There will be seme ibai be would ruther have the mare back 0 definite unnouncemenla before unother ibun bold tentelbon.a we h issue cf Ibis journal, animal was sane, se eue da w hedIi fi is definiteiy knewn ibat Mr. joshua ut Pickering Decker uuharnessed ber Wright bas not yet given up municipal froim the rîg and look lber home, leaving iclitics. He appears to casi bis lot aI Beatty to face the bud wulking te Brougg-i Imes with Reacb and ut ether tinies with ham. e later bas been lnoking fer la w Port Perry. At present he la conternplaîing for Dker ever since, until one day re- tv i conîest for the reeve>. chair in Reach, cently hbe found the herse in Gerow's vE îrevided be can wresî that piece cf stables bere, go be in Iurn unbarnessed M, 'rniture from the firm grip ef our bacheler the animal and teck it home. Wben tbe R. iend Mr. James Munre. Mr. Wright is a1 nexi cn in the performance cornes ofi I ci varrior, but the general opinion la that be shah rcecord it. H niU bardly conquer the doubîy yeoman sZA AI.at om tbe nortb. The people ef Port Perry 141RDAE kea living interest in Reach affaira Mis. Frank Mallet of Cedar Cule botel 18 on ho id will watcb the battie witb dlvided1 the sick list. ai ympaîbmea, and a sbrewd intention ln Miss E. Canant la visiting friends at Port of eserve cf sbouting wiîb the vicier wbo- Union ibis week.Pa ver be may be. te Demili Ladies' Coliege closes for Xmas va- mu HAYWARD'S LOCAIS, cation te-day. (Friday>, e A merry Chrismas and happy New Year. Messrs. Stracban and Andrews lefi last week 18 ob. bappy and make others happy. Buy for Smitîbs Falls, where they bave secured 'dis ni Christmas and New Year's presents ut werk. thc ayward & Ce. Mr. Wm. Ellis. whe bas been away during bal AmU kinda ef novelties and faacy goods, îey., the summer worklag ca tbe G.T. R., bas re- T: ses, bocks, albums, games, silver notions, turaed berne. rfumes, acarfs, silk handkerchiefs, tdeS, mats Mr. Geo. M. Asbley bau made extensive al- C oves, work boxes, wrtlng desks, paaits. teraileus ln bis store and la sbewlng a very c A line cf leather bound albums and ladies'*Usect dlplay cf Xmas gooda. rit boxes and wriîng derk aut $x. worth ScieraI cf Our y _ ,m lme te ,appear b. - te *3- fore the indge afrimbùln n L..., sud befSrlbu wonl. 1 amn tà Wu H. WARNERo COAL DEALER IN OOtDWOOD, -BLABe ,ETC SOLE AGENT in Whitby for the "Celebrated PLYMOUTH COAL. Office and'Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1804. [Nthe malter of ALFRED SLEEP, of teVillage of Seagrave, in te Coun- vY Of Ontarie, General Merchant, insol- ent. Tbe insoiveut bas nmade an assigu- nent terne forth. beneftofcrediîora under ,:'S.O. 188 1, Chapter 124. A meeting of ýreditors wîll be beld ai the office of [ENRY BARBER & Co., No, 18 Wellington Ireel easi, Toronto, on FRIDAY, Ibe 4tb day of DECEMBER. 1894, ai tbe 1011r cf 3 e'cleck in the afternoon, for the ýpointment of Inspectera and tbe giving , directions, witb refereuce to the dis- Sal of tbe estale. Ail persons, clairning :runk upon the estate ef the Insoîvent, luat file their .dcaims with the. undersigu. d on or before the I4tb day cf JANUARY, 39, after wbicb date 1 will p'roceed ley istribute the estatO, baving regard te 'se dlaims enly cf whicb I shall then ve badnace. HENRY BARBER, rustee. Toronto, Dec. 8ih, 1494-2-21n' 1' au ;hristmas Christmas -AT- RAISINS> eu PEELS, SP1C: NUTS, FRUITS, Ail new, select ai Bfttings Of The Div OOUNTY OF ONT, WsmYn-D. 0. Ma.cdonE Jan. 2; Feb, 2;* Maroh 2; June 8:Ju -86.SP- 3; Dec. 8. OsJuwi-D, C. Maed Clerlr, Jun 8 ; Feb.- 4; i May 8; Juno 4; July 8. Nov. 4; Deb. 4, BflOUOI&-bL f310551 Oiénk. -45b 4; Maroh 5;1 LTPIMuY-4j. W., P"rr, Olerk-Jau. 29; M 3uly I1; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. ,Uuo-Jos. B. Go, Clek-Jsn, 80; Maroh 18; 12;OQ Oot]t;>100c 17. OANND0 oN.,Suit L5~D.o18 F Ex Clonk",Maroh 161; May 17 9J. eir 4 salée Year by year* it becomes more and- more the habit tO give Christmas presents of a tiseful oharacter. This tenrdenoy is ài"Part the outeorne of the prevailing bard times and scaroity of money. -Thoi whô wish to make Christmas Gifts whioh witl be at-once, usefwl and- beautifnj, no better advise can we give you than to visit -ZmDEPAPRTMENT,> IE Exnbroidered 811k IHandkerohiefs at ...........S cents eaeh.« flrbroidered 811k Handkerehiefs at ..............100. eaeh, or 3 for 25c. Ernbroidered Silk Handkerehiefs at... ....... 150. each, or 2 for 25c. Ernbroidered Silk Handkerehiefs at......20c. a.nd 25e. eaeh. Plain a6mstitehed Pure Silkk- Uandkerrohiefs only ........ 25e. eaeh. Colored- Border Lawn Handkerchiefs ouly ..........le. to 150. each. White Linen Lawn Hlandkerehiefs only ..........e...5. to 150. eaoh. White Pure Linon flandkerehiefs only ..........100. to 350. eaeh. TEA CLOTHS, M en's, Youths' & Children's Ready-made Clothing., TRAY CLOTH. Men 's Blue Nýpp Over- CheMen's Light Fawn Me',Rady-made Goad~ rieze Ulstersonly TweedSit Bar~ib ~75O.to 12.00. Men's G/oves iial 8ty1u, Qua/lities, Go/o0 n WIh8 [rom 2009. to $2,.OO, at We Go AT~' ES, ET6, CANIJRES. nd cheapf A ND ER SO0N'S DOUBLE ACIING ForWellsandp8s People of C170D COMMON SENSE usually vifiion ourts. ForWeiIeandCia teras, Sprayiug apeit good article that is- honestly nmade, well 'ARIO~an Powneedadrp odae This explains the-great sc 181, Whitby Clerk Hs or n il eso ope2; f 2 A soriuéd Miii A p i ; ~ a ;A u n s P ieO 2 ; N cv. 2 ; > G u aran teed tie e usW loelfMb est wrking most A'Ri loneli, W bitby, d u able an d best fI N1 1 [ach4 Àri ;Purmade, or no BR Sep 4; oci. 8; SL# ,n Geejod Live mena, pabers, May 4; July 9; ~wanted Ilu every TJ> ERLK RN Tp. teo eil these BurnhaPOrtpums For par- [arciO; .KaY q-. kutlraaddress li)Ud, iu':ibldg May 90.Ul [th, sain Oc.7; 01>le. Ra Oct 4a. of W4m Pgtentée, Ay4mer West, ont. (EOMAN IGIBSON,ý Agent ut Wbitby ,,aïfloeivÈd 'lat Old, No. 1, PURE NEW MADE MAPLE SRP bi "O&sware and Croo4ry, inn.rxid Teà, ttfhu .~uviug t musical 'lunos 119v Rre ail. i LE" IBE Raml a Xfiz 6000 ** LIL 'ML aionso and -~BtyI I. .S04 leu. Men's Heavy Tweed ,as the numoer r u oe a e. TABLE COVERS,,ý l"x, aud la auineyons If idOemet boenfit osë Tvu %29 1 Store. The newest at moderate prices in every Xn-'SýD 1 Il CLANIMonor. (DÉ i W A L T E R'Siýýý TRAY CLOTH, !me Lead

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