Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 2

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. KNOWLEDQE Brings oomfort and improvement and tenda to personal enjoyment Whou rightly used. The many, who 1fr. bei. ter than otheors and enj oy life more, with leus expendîture, by more promptly adapting thse world's bout producta to the iseedis et physical being, vil stted the. value te health efthtie pure liquiti laxative principles embraoed in the remiedy, Syrup et Figit. Ite excellence ia due te Ita presentlng in the forn most acceptab'.e and pieu- an b te the taste, tise refreshing andi truly beneficial propertie. of a perfect lax- ative ; cffectually cleansing tise mysten, ,dispelling colda, headaches and foyers and perniane 'itly curing censtipation. It han given satisfaction te millions anti met witlm the approval efthtie medical profession, because it acta on the Kid- neya, Lirer andi Bowels witlsoit weak- ening thesu and it is perfectiy free from every objectio;:abie sulbstaisco. Syrup of Figa is for aï.lea by all drug- gieste ins 75,c. b uot, it is maitu- faets:red by tlo C .:fr-la F;g Syr.-p Co. e111y, whose n-ine P% 1,?'ntedl on every paokssge, alo tihe namc, Sý' r,;p o! Figa, and being ri,11 f i wll not scepi: a:sy suib.sýts'ýut2 Char&e. H. Kvo&htng SickI.. Headache CURED PERMANENTLY Ayer's PlUlls 'l wus troubled a Ion gtire wlth slck headache. It was sually aCcompar,i4ýd WtLl severe pains In the temple%, a sense of tullnes and tenderness în one eye. a bad taste lun my mouth tonirue coateil, banda and teet cold, ana sickness at the eton,ah. I trled a goor! many remedlf>s recommended for this complaint, but It was net until I Began -Takçing Ayer's PUis that 1 reeelved anythlng like prm Dent benefit. À sngle box oft tLese Pl la did the work for mad 1 arn now f re from headaches,Uan awelI ai. C. H. HuTcmmros. EBut Aubur ,Me AYER'S PILLS Awardled Mdal et Word' Fair CORRESPONDENUE A happy New Year te ail. Election matte are quiet. île S. of T. diviS Io uduubLngand the latest talent a being rapldly dewu1bped la dms way of musicl adUtem, ro ramm «Mee evening. Thure luis uterw ce for ou, yontpeoiple to spend t ger lnpeveal The S. of F. Iodge luietwlublng.M A tO Lws meeting tisemembus Md th* isr OUd ou mmc contrlbuted to tise oui ot0( *.0sOffl doen. Tbe locéal ogz Use Revu. F-rnÙ4. c Creigliton, Of o UC!g el adte IUeang, ttOlow won Beaeock &"dR. a. Pruit. et rea&Masi lof j" * ~ i tise oW» baU ieI ejism W V.P P. -%Whi ; Gooti Santa Clans bas matie bis rounti, Anti in their steckings chiltiren feunti Proof of the dear olti chap's goed will Te poor anti rich as well. But stili, As many a worldly person shares, To the rich-wheat : te the poor--tares, Se Sauta tbe Gooti witb partial banti Matches the wealtb each can commanti. Some littie ragged socks, I fear, Have been but scantly filleti this year: Some littIe banda have hati ne tey Witb which te make their Christmas jey. Dear frienti, if such a cbild yen know, Iu His dear name I charge yen go Andi make it happy frera your store. The act will bring yen joy galore. Ferget not that yeur jutige shail be A Savieur bornsun lew degree, Who makes the hungry child His care, Wbose heart is weunded by tiespair. With Tixne we strive te keep apace, Tbough oftimes falling in the race. The way of Life is rougb, dnti fra-nght With many a lesson sternly taught, Wbicb, if digesteti as we go, Would soon enable us te know That bnman weakness only tende To grow in fickleness, unless onr endis Are se directeti that we stand Witb tutoret ind anti reatiy hanti To bravely face on every aide The trials that eur life betide. 'Tis chastening makes tbe hnart more pure, Makes ns witb fertitutie endure Ail things. We love our Goti, And feel that wben affliction's roti Hatb borne the bartiest on our bearte 'Tis then He greateet love imparts. We look abeat i wthb bding fears, In fancy sec the coming ynars Ftowning anti dar.k. He eatis our hearta Andi te ail things His love imparte Anti wbere the future mosi: we feareti We finti the way serennly cleared. We shoulti have faitb un the Most High, That he wlll aid us if we try ; Anti as we senenr fears dispel We shonîti feel gratitude as well. Thus witl strong bearts, anti gooti faith, too, We May in j oyousnnss glite throngb, Where otberwise we'd find our lots Beset witb worries, stains and blota. Our geeti eldttwn frem ynar te year Moves on. Tbe hurrinti fligbt of ime Makes littîn change in its cameer, Anti as I write my annual rbyme I look aounti to note solue change, Some happenings, wortb special word That might in some way disai-range Our quiet ways. I've oftimes heard People wbo neyer feel at esse Complain that Whitby is too slow; But yen May go wbere'nr yen please Anti yen will always fint iut se, That cerne are never satiafieti. There's one thing I feel bound te, say; That these wbo onst for slowness chide Are just the ones te go away Anti buy their gootis in some strange town, For whicb they psy their gooti cash dowu, But wben tbey want smre gootis on tick Tbey marcb up tewn witb tiouble-quick, And try te get reductions matie By promises of futufe tratin Ail boier te out wotly mayor Andt t the ceundil for the ebare That each bas taken in our weal. With business ins sncb bauds ve feel TIat any changes we migît amake Would soon tin ent a big mlstake. Le;t net te temagegues wbo smer Anti whisper falseboode in your ear. For many a year the town was curseti Witb conciors whe titi their vôrst. Our board of etijcatlo#, tee, - Composeti ef men both goeti anti truc Keep educàtlen's standard higb. Our coileges anti echeolis supply Thse youth wlth fittlng cemplement Of lcamning for thse task of-life, No unatter what may be, their bent, Ant inl the world's cxdýtlng attife# Wc finti vîcu thseretunsCoMe lu That Wlltby bcys are sure te vwin, While Bd t a L' Lrds and, ômnoi sot Anti Yankiestatesmen arieam t vas-: Wbtle Gersums1batetiseirnation.rae And lIusattus (esittieN>I# 4Ol AndtI nrkcy makes a auock of U- OnrZ~n4fsI4*cs to Nor4beti Eace, ilizv îla t p ttQd nity 4 soveu If a.etùt:ý Bowelr anti Mowat, two safe men, 0f vast experience aud deep ken, 0f bonet service andi ripe years- With such men at the helne fears Neeti for out lanid be entertaineti. Stili we must tui none are erdaineti To far outlve tbree score and ten, And-, when wre see ranch younger men %%.often falling by their aide, We know wbat soon muet thera betide. Ini pollcy the year bas matie No change. Our peopil' minds seein staiti, Anti when they have good rie they know it, Anti neyer hesitate to shlow it. 0f Patrons or the P. P.A. We scarcely now know what leay tike ail things edue tbey havltheir day, Anti time will see tbem pass away. 'Tis net gooti taste, we strengly feel, Por men who about their country's weal, To plan in secret hew te act. Sncb methods will their wortb tietract In eyes cf men wbo epenly Have sought to work our destiny. Victoria! gracious, model Queen Thy like this world bath never seen Where'er thy namne and power are known, The virtues that exait thy tbrone Are heralded. Nigb sixty years 0f loving service te the state, Witb powers that oft tempt potentate To tyrant acts andi heartlese gore, Have seemedt t uake us love thee more. Tbrice dear art tbou te ns to-day, Since in thy kindly, Ioving way Thon ditist o'er him such love display For whem our country mourus to-day. Our land recîprocates that love, Anti prays that bleseinge from above May fill thy life and give thee cbeer To wear tby crewn full many a year, Andt teconfer on foreign state Ideal for kings to emulate. The greatest statesman of the age, The Grand Old Man, bas left the stage 0f active work. Unlike hie peers, Hia humble manner gives his years, Anti migbty statesmanship a gleara 0f splendid grandeur that would seera To far entsbine their tities grand, Or all. the wealth that men commandi. Net eft bas earth venchsafedti t son A chance te see bis work wben doue From sweet retirement to view The benefits that must accrue To ail the nations of the 'earth As the result ef bis own wortb. He learns mistakes that le bas matie, A..$qees Home Rule tbrown in the slmade. H4hereti it for Irish votes; Bjw ven the.tinie te psy the notes IUÙromûelý1e found-the nation'e md Te ment bis word quite tilsinclineti. Rosebery took the childti erear, Anti now he, tee, begins te fear It will not thrive on British grounti, Andiso be slyl1y casts arounti For semetbing nearer public taste, Lest: old John Bull arise in baste With fiery eye anti sturdy frown Anti asks the Premier to steptiown. Our Uncle Sain las tariff fights, Andi laya awaice in beti o' nights Studying Protection andi Free Trade; But littln progresa bas le matie. Se fickin is bis changeful mind That enel elecion leaves behinti » The wiuners of Îhe previons vote. STis anlming for Cantmcks te note DCACMCQQ An essay deorib. DEMIIILOO.ing a ral eun Cure for Deafnesa, Singing in Ear, &o., nmo matter how severe or long- standing, wil1 be sent post free-r-ifi cial Bar-drums and similar appliances sntirely superseded. Atidress THOS. KEMPE, VICToRI JERU ms, Sentis- hampton Buitding, Hoiborn, London. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Upholoter, Andi dealer ln Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoriber begi te announe La lie han again opened business ini hie elti stand, and han placed therein a choice, stylish andi complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every des*rition, which wilI be sold ataaatmargin on couit. Another bale of those celebrateti Mixed Mattrasseis $8.25, worth $5. See thosme Tapeutry or Carpet Lounges at $5, worth1 88. Hardwood Sidleboards, 14x24 glass, for $8.560, worth $12. 8ýr full stock of Coffiffl' and Oaokete, and a Furet- Class Hearse. WMm TILLO Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, 3rd Con , TOwnshlp of Whitby; 2 Miles from Wbitby; saine known as thse Lynde homesteati. Soil second to none, iu a first class state of cultivation. Good feuoes; watered by live stream across one corner zoo yards from a fine stone house ; frame stable and driving shedi; also frame house andi abundauce of fruit of -ail kiuds. For particulars apply to X. 1. LYNDE, TU OWEN Electric BELT. [rRADE MABKI DR. The Only Scentifle sud Practiesi Eleotric Bait for General use. Producing a Gennine. Ourieut et Electr-icity fOf tise Cure et -Dis- eases. Ourfllustrated Catalogue centaine fullest information, list ef duseases, eut of Botte anti'AppIiances, pruices, 1weru tetimoniW eanti Portraitset Peo#1 e who- bave beau oured, etc. Publiehetýinsu Eng- lish, German, t8#etisbanti Norwegin l". puages. This valuable. catalogue or atreat. sie on rupture cureti with Blectrie Trnsavil be sent te any atdresou 'receip t of- »k cents postage. 49 KING STREET, WST, TOUONTOS NT 201-te 1 tt tetGiô~,II The WeBd W l n ia ii, gise w r m P h o n 'te e r .QeoExtfl loto EOST- SPt TUSE - ESFI/L; Vs'. B. eT. i BÂ~ 1/ f i 'i. st George, New Brunswik. After the G(ip No Strengthy No Ambition Hoomd's Saraparila Cavepeft The onoing ettr lafro, awell-kncws maerchant tallor o! St. George, N. Bs: "C. I. Bood à Co., leweII, Mau.: 4"Gentlemn-1 arn glad to say thatHeefod'e aBsuparMà anfd Nood's I>tIahaue done me A great dçal of goud. I hat, a severe7 attack ol the pipi li "' --ýt«erpà at getoort lève r I dài ,noàseeMto0- gMahrsrngandlaW no ambition. IloodIs SRsampatlla preed te be just what I needed. Thê- resuit were Ver stsatory, aud 1 recommend the* medicine te =i woare amlicted wlth rheuma)Iam or ether smlelonse.usdbypplsmnand por bloO& . always keep Hod'eS arsaparlflain my.house s~dsIt when Ineed atonte. We aise ke Mod's PlUs on hand and tluk hgllyotem.' 9. Wi DRMu.N, St. Geoge, New Bruwwck #food'le Pille are purely vegetable, and do Mo purge, pain or gpipe. SoMdi Dy aul daggst JUIY 24th, L894,

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