Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 3

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HE USFUL REIEDOY OR BEAST. à and never bliters. 0f'q elow SPA VIW CURE rL. N.Y. Jan.i% lsx. i~l n l mI b a K or t e 50fo ve Rane horse, 'k*i, go 1 got $120 tor ustng ivin cure. W. IL MAKEDEa1. ;p*VIu CURE ;Lay. KmC DeC. 16, M&IS r Ke-ndall's Spavin Cuare orbot on two horses and lave erer uaed(J AUGUST FaxDKKIcL Srf Bottl, iggiata, or address ALL COMpl4NY, 1 FALLS. vT PATIO0Ne SN ES8, %DACHE, TME LU VER. TR CATI N E >OI.GE3TIOY4. DOOD MDa 0 OftFida'ofasîw.-the town ci.ýo Whitby lest lanother oW ber iooble tous 1lu Sthé deatit ot Mr. lJoua Lawder eidoag son of R. .Lawdor. F.sq DeceasCd as 90 aon d a a piirtelII gence cf good 'biItis udana eea m ,anner. Sev. oral yers residence lu Part ?.erry &.4 ,t buyer cof farn procluce bruughi him it SIntImate busness relatlOushlp. wfth a large Snumber of the farmiug community. HI& ~honorable and candid mauner cf dolng Ibusines aeCtred the respect cf ail with. 'whom ho came in contact aud those best iacqualuted with hlm eësteemed hlm nacat ShighIY, e wiù a eung uman ofgeuerous and klndly disposition, an d mach regret la oxpressed at his boing cut off ere ho reached the noon cf hf.. Ail sympathise with the àficted family lu thoir mid be- bereavemeut. A lov.4 orne pmasd awa.y, Ou Thursday, Dec. 2oth, this commu ity learned with the deepeat sarro w tha'4 Mrs. Emaney the amiable and beloved wife cf ?4r. Emaney, praprietor cf tho> oylHôtel, Whitby, had' passed w> thate ornlng. A numbor cf yearsaroesi-' douce lu ti towu and vicliiy tagsght gei e aud te toestimate arigit the gnieworth cf Mr. Emauey, Mrs. Emane andtheir handacuse -aud lutlli. g ulamily, and thongh resldIng away _fouati section cf colntry for a nuber of years past the parents and oflirprug stili hold a prominent place in thse estima- tion of this community, and wheu it was learued that the remnains et doceaseci wero being brought hore for intermont lu the Plue Grovo comotory, the people feki as if thse martal romains cf the doar departed UXDKIDGE. depositod sait ail over tho lce, thus catis. 848.3PRflas Beef. ing a host cf plousure seekors to be disap. Part cf thse Xmas display at J. J. Llailiy o Poul 5epa-apointed on the day cf ail joy. If a moanor Wheelcr's stal ut our mneat market A ratber interesîiniz case was tried aithle and more despicable trick than this could aisthe carcase cf a osîf 869 day. old, sttings of the division court held ut Canning. be imaginod, we dontî wanîte know wiat wihn 0 b.desd hr W ton on 'ruesday last before judge Dartneil itîsl. They say Phil's eloquence was e yghang re li. rush eTiartsiof and a juary. In August last a number of passioned and to the point, when he mado e tedyagetrhtegtprsc horses which were pastuning n Mr. D. Ross' thii discovery. saris nicut. The cuterpnise cf Mr. field broke into a neighboring field and were Teeprec fJh oe ilpoeWbee ildutesb elrwr piaced in p-und, Mr. Wm. Amey being the Teeprec fJh oe ilpoe Welrwl obis ewl ear Fundkeeper. While in pound a mare be a warning 10 these who think tlaey are flot ed in securing suoh meat. Jas. Parr, 01nin~ a a bound to pay their poil tax. John refused Esq., Cartwright, raisedadfdts gn o one la mes Gall was iicked so l ocml ihtiprvsooftelw ca.Snbedngjpoial. that sicha to be killed. Mr. Gall brought 1ancomply with thisrovis aioncfthatle on f uisfein poftbe an action againsi Mir. Amey te recover ihe a'LapeINdbeorSAemaitrleo vaue of his maire. The jury aller hearing the Thursday morning ln consequence. He I»SY evidence brought in a verdict 0f $40 foi the was fined s5 and $2.35 casts, tue minimum Mr.. J as. Allan, baker, was eut for a cut- plaintiff. T. W. Chapple. M.-P. P., was coun- fine the law allows. It would have been ter ride on Tuesday ûaorning, although sel for the plaintiff, and Mr. A. 1. Reid, coun. rnuch cheaper and more convenieul for tie supply of the beautiful gsnow was sel for the defendant. him 10 have paid the 92 poil tax and avoid- somewhat skimp. In making Lie lurm aut Payug urdeb. d police court publicity. lie corner of York and Kent streets, lie Payin oux ebt.This is what is tormed us lie holiday runner struck a frozen, lump and upset lie Tic financial statement cf the town treasur- scason. when everyod ss set n.ctr.M.Al bgpukiyoth or for the ecurrent year shows that we have jyte le. Budy leruposed le ncuftr.abMr. Al a unblock ly b ie c raised the auna of $1476 as a sinking fund jytesle. Bt hr r oelno o bu afa0lcwe osc This suna wîil h appiied on our debt and i amongst us who are net aile to enjoy il on ceeded lu sîopping the horse, No iarmn very shortly retire debentures to that amount, accoun t of poverty ; aud thse who have being doue ho righted thse vehîclo and reducing our yearly interesit toabout $75. enugh anad to spare siould rometnber drove ofi-Watchman.' Ever since we*aave edited the Journal we have tis. We heard lie othhr day of an lu- BROOK BLOA!>. persistently advacated a sinking fund, liai we stance wiere a party paid a visit te a peer might look forward to tie time wien our debts family. held prayor, ;ù:o lalg eta Mr. aud Mrs. C. COde are visitiug as a town would be paid. and net have the oon- illuminated card witi oaci member of lie friends in the north. stant prospect cf a constant debt. Taxes are family, wien rt plentifully supplied basket M.adMs . apne pn a little iigher in consequence of ibis amount would have been more fillig , and placed M.an Mn.R Crpne set beiug raised, but in a very few years we will th family in a botter condition for reading Xmaa at Dunbarten. sec the boneflîs, and thae rsing generation and digesting tie reading matter.-Star. Mr. Snellgrove, cf Lindsay, is car wiom tnos cf affection or the interests cf life PZOKRMNG. next year'e teacher. H. is oxpeot.ed ta uaay retain bore wilI ho glad tiat the old town To igadfmlo ea ae riehr h ek dors flot carry a heavy debt into- their time ThsKig udfmlcCeaDa rivhretswek Fortunaiely thie law nowv compels the raiïsingcf alsinking fuod, so that tie wîso work must go ou* spent lie holiday with'Mrs. Haney,-on Christina st. aeo Ed. Dale, wio bas been for lie past two years in Chicago. is home with uis parents An item in yesterday's Globe says : «'Tiin- iUr a 80w weeOW. atiy Kane. camp foroman for tic Manitou G. A. Gordon has commenced tic croc- Luuabering Company, wus murdered ai Senov, ion of a dwelling for iimself ou Churci Mich., by ImaacSteicier on acceunt of an oÎld Street opposite lie R .C. parsonago. grudge. Stetcier is under arrest. " We won- Tic scicol meeting beîd lu lie sehool der if ihis i. the Tim Kane wbo lived lu Ux- bouse on Wednesday wss short and sweet. bridge wieu a boy. Ha grew to te a big There were not mauy preseut. Isaac stout fellow and had wo*~ed lu tie Michiga Wise was re-elected for anoîher terni. lumber camps. Ho was bore a year ugo tiit. Since aur local two weeks ago suent ing, sud ai that time it was said ho was a boss tie two Guillemots iaving been captured in a lumber camp.-Jour"a. iu thii village, we heur Liat large fiecks Vur»d.of these birds have been seen aI differeut Mr. C. Aslings stable sud other outbuild- places along Lhe lakte front. Their pros- inga. at Eption, were desiroyed by fire about once bore may be altriiuîed te tise fact io o'clock Monday nught. Mr. Asling is that our culrae la rap3idly moderating, postmaster sud storekeeper ai Epsom. while along lie coasts of Eugland tie win- Mr. sud Mis. F. N. Raines celebrated their ters are becouning more aud more severe. tin wodding on Frîday evening. tial bciug the The pupils cf NO. 2 'schOOl prefeuîed tenti anuîversary of thoir marriage. A num, their teacher, W. H. Remmer, wii a ber cf friendsansd acquaiutances wêre.invited, handsome wriîing desk Tinaday afler., and the evening~ was spentinl merry-making. noon, cf hast weck, lu tie presenceocf a We extend out congratulations aud hope Mr. large number of the ratepayers of liat sud Mrs. Raines may live te celebrate tic fil- section. Mr. Remmer we anderstaud La tieth anniversary cf the happiesi avent af their giving ap îeachiig to furtier pursue bis lives by a golden weddiug. Studios. Tic gift was acceuspanied by an imhree sM ires. address expressive cf lthe happy -feeling On Saturday aigit tirees amalli fres occur- that hia. existed between heacier sud red lu town. Mr. Wood bc is windows pupils during lie past tweive mentis. ligitsd witb candies. and rame cf Ibese buruad down aud iguiied tl i aatifiags witb wbicb thc window was decorsted. hit was discovered in lime ta pievent serions damage. Mr. J. Thompscu, hardware merciant, had is win- dow carpcted wti colton battuug and igitcd wlth Chinese lanterna. Tue sparks froua onc cf tise lanierus set fire te tie battim ¶and des- froyed a quintity of oys. etc., vi veto la tise windcw. A lump lu Mr. Reeve'a boct sud sisce store exploded, but caiased very little damnage. Tise îhree fics occurred vilain au heur, No alurmu was sounded. .The anunul Christmnas msrket fuir was iselti bemsun Friday of lait week, sud alîbougla oui soutbermaalghbcrs lu Whltby laeld a sisullar falronmba da, i dld net lemmon tic attend. »ces hor--i anvtblug' tiere wu a larger cood aud a botter exhit than tisai cf furtuer yean. Thero vu nDt se maucia produceoeffer- cd for slas in l other j'eaus, but liere vas a g, tdeal more cxbubltcd, Tic boit bcad of tl4aî bas been seen- on tisearbot boe tiss yaswO a exh aby Mr'J chu Stone, cf Salin ld. Thc bcd vwas a £ire-ysar-ed baller, sud usssy wereo îhJougisag cyeasma Irc. ILThons woe svor a ds<of fine park d*pae.The dairy pmndisco wts duplsyed lin tisa=W nlt boa l»d mauytostm os sud'relisof!lovely botter vun = 0 a pjoul- Jada foodItbar toe tIb bat snmeog ine 6"dbpay.ThéPri= 04fned fo tise h"pm vu péd for m extra so<turl Î mdmosof:aithe tovs iIShmon Ioohsoe b a bg dr »4ubq ce ot1 roi-vou Do',ltre Menos, Excessive wili &end me ilat IS. 1 wll mud Wtdbed sud muu Ininf fod v"UV-joumgs nu 1 sen eueil ]ly confientA LIed froua oasvatsc. Taranto, ont. Suuday afternoon mnany from the vil- lage weut up ta examine tic Suspension. bridge over Spink's tamblîug dam, lu fact people were crassing sud îecrossng1 tie bridge ut troquent intorvals ail aftor- noon. Towards eveulng sone youths visiîed tuat locality, aud net content-witls meroly crosiug these tructûno, tlioy usun houter upen it lu-muets a manuor -sa"to cause tic cables ta part sud .lot atlfeiit eue cf tiensm i e vti ater. ,W. undor-, stand tiat Mr. Spink *1Ili bolli heim pare. cuts roqmosible for the damagé doue, s' lisera vore notices pcsted'up 1Ior-biddlng any person front dimagla.g tLoelstructure. Hîlts & Dilua liBntÈ aur entiWrdslog ftrituro doalars bave delded te .ipen eut -snunudertakiug etblismeut -lu1 Oshawa, sud are nov fittiugeaup thsepremnt- lmies luthaï tovu. iKr. o fu it. viitake, charge of tise Osawa bra"$ *cis ile tise basnhiebra vil be looked aften by, Mn. DlllingisantThse Oshawa -people Wini fiud tise firmaua honorable eue toe Ci wîtis, as botis nahmbera are thorougisy ne- 0"bleil eveny sontee>of tise fénin.Th"e boursete beW used et Oshawa té th isam ipoderd' veice 0of thse klud hin tegwMàtyý of Outarloanàd tber.,are few la -heIProv- iace te surpass. t. -W. vlitise -boisj *«Mry ucosuawit th iait mcarrangm~~ Tbey at pfflent deluf *tuka« tebuilues boe iiib A few cf aur citizen. teck in the Whitevale B. S. concert and expressed theinselves deliglited with the pro- gramome tu mdof ue hool m eepit cidpseoff quietly iner . Explit cince wa se shown tnee. G olb lcighma rs ute anmeso.u ogpol Qîthes nuatMbecr. .Tylon opl ngtanderept hn. G Tols nanan mght sud eent avnnsen n n Woyablerveng. t i . uk W. ndnstan th-la MisorM.he We, erntates, hre bve frtenisefutue te reside. A. J. Poynten, is again among ns, bsving apent tise finsti year teaoising Atha public sohool. -Mn. -Poynter speakis higisly af thse people and pupils cf Atha and is very sorry that cîrcutùý stances forced hi= te oen rhis foonnee- tien tiers, but A. J. i. neyer satafied,. he now ntends te contiue cit chool until he ga du Me. Dnicure lesving hie ichool. thltspupils preeted hlm wîh s bsndsomue albumand a silk handkercief.-News.' Mn. RailOf Soarboro, viited witÈ en. 6-eon Moday. Mim ahpmsin, cf Toroato, laM:here atprSent vitis ber many in'nde. Mr Hon ».ieo, UBrougbmn, la epmnding Ihâbliday tà a,& so~a WeaePleaaed t :t e asilizsg face '»f' W. Lawac,snd',vife in Our miidat. WhUbsbe asn o qluite 'Wouof sOe, o f Our ung peoeisaapds& bi im e, 'and do ýt Word. ;I lThe it o Keîa t. Saut Admission . >caz aud ýormaaDotos jTintfollôiwnË kà egér'h rt am puif e OfNvembet 20 ; ,L. A. smlth & C,)- 8howeëJ The.Empire yestegdav alebter froua dealer lu Wlet uoi Au" na, rd,eriug a quantîîy of Doddp ij dugy Pil, aae pil are fDot advrlued outaideof COnada and the Unaited' tatoit, tba demaud In foreigo-oountrj iesat iýbe due aolely -ta thse Meniti of the prparatic. Thi Mcomui. caton aise sitated that thse medieaiprcfeaaon lu Austia ad Gertuany wee preorlblng Dodd'e Kldney Plla-for iil kldney dlaordera, Including Brigjgs disease sud,-diates, wlî remvkable succesa. Caada bs a rigt to, feel prend cf furnlahlng a remedy t4aut mot ouly bat a reputation aver thse continent, but acta ail Europe tallng The aâdreas given for sipuasut cf the0 abve onde, was ; Joab Aid. 9 Stw rleaed othegNily a t cha auut..ws rese .ia For hoarseneu, lo"s of volce, and ail affec- tionsa Of the. vocal argans, the favorite rumedy wltb inay clergymen, sIngeraactars, abuctioneers, and Public speakers la kyers CheIrry Pectoral, As an anOdyne.cxpeotor. st, its benefiola effect are p rompty reali. hu Belleville Priday moruing the ther. mometer rnarked z6 below zero, Sleplessness is due ta nervus ecitezucu. The dehicately castitutcd, tihe ficnudes, - th business man, and thoe who occupation ncmitatca great mental @trai n or--worry, ai suifer leu, or more from kt Sleep àa the great restorer of a werried brain, and to, get eleep cleanse the stoînach frauai impurfis wlîhi a f 0w dases cf Parmelce's Vegetablo Pille, plat.ine coated, oontalning no Meroury and are guaranteed tu give satisfaction or Mi Mr. Dalton MoCarthy and Col. O'Brien addrsseci meetingét Piton Piday. No oeeued feur oholema or say sm. mer Ocemplalt if they have a battis cf Dr. J. D. ]Kellogg' Dysentery ordialnesy for usée It correts al loose«nesi afthe bowels proaptly and causes s healthy and mturai actIon, This i.s a 'nedîcine adapted for tic ycuug sud old, niais sud poor. snd ià rapidly beoomin tise moÙ popular modicine for coiera, dysenterie, etc., in tise market. ' Tii. DeleVan Rouie at Albany, N.Y., ws doatroyeli by fire. One pcraou kllled sud issu a doasu inJured. Tic Autl-Septio tonacis water for tise sicks known ai tie Microbe Killer la unique, original, sud excepnional among* aul iseaitis drinks snd among ail active sud powsurfi nemedies. Van be bcd ilu an asat1OO or large cnes 88 00 at W. R. Howic, agent. Tqsinr potiona cf Idaho fonr189 i. repotd as :-Goldý $1.879000; mail, $2,9309Oo0; leadt, $o Qo o m Mn. Toisa W.Pster bhai loft Wasisngton on. is eso inibatea apa. Pain ue$xiat. TD'tsiy ega.: yssu excllent remedy fr anssdl Jeunai C o p ain s d i ti b s u m s a i g o l e Mr. Donald Mathesen cf W'4e Zains Wus kcilled whule, tearing dowm an old4barn,u.nthé sou. quick sud 'Iuure remedY fioW audde atiacks ii C-rampe, Diaspbea, or Dy-lent .y for a pissîin fot ai ândsa , ua.n isourudsly l csesci tisia kindfou b t e \ a ~ b a u r e s i t , T h u n e f o g e ar e n t b e l où*e sabandra n e r %wtt., opel Ne, in WUFE DoHER OW WASHINC? k PAYS ta use this s'ap. IF she dos, -Me that the w-akh-is niade Easy and Clean bY getting ber ' SUNLIGHT S.OAP, which does away with th. terrors oif wash-day. Experience wilâ convince her that,- Whai and Vhfldreuw. c.3.otO other Nroosbtoe fi ea 3* t l'sate le-guaa th KilOnofxotËer&.Gsoldsr and boos'gvighealhy au3< torla la the, VbiIdrenW àuce5 'Oàsto Zr-" 4 ~Oastçfslaau~nsuenzzadlens forclii! dieu.~~~Di Kolowae estIt<in+ jg iemt .~top, f E lUNS & 1 Weu~. ,lis ofin ýti': Vil ~U 4 'ýe' Iiruiswlck. he G ri p No Ambition rilla Cave Perfect alth. r la from a e-ntn eOOrge. N Il: glati tir saV that Hlod' 's PIla; ha"t d rie ni' a Irit a stPr tA' l ind arter gettlng 11 t'r tie giler 'gil ni cil 1) ~L~Cures arsaparillt In nîy h is 1 a tic. W'e alqo ie." thilnk olrr'f tiioni. eorgL', Net Iýruis%%wk ptii'oh Vocotable. andl do 3. Soid by &iU drugglsta. î . 1 1, 1 - Ubard% I&uim«t clur« -CoUlg, eto, Ï-0el,

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